The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 14, 1906, Image 8
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MAS. CiOKCe C BALL, SOCIETY CHAtLOTTt STlWiKT. Slum SRUSTKOHd, Aulttanlt. JARS. HERRING TO ENTERTAIN FOR MI8S MARQUESS RITCH. A pretty event of next week will be the party which Mrs. Albert Herrins will give Tuesday afternoon In honor of her atractlve young niece, Mira Mar quera Rltch. "Up Jinks" will be played and Mrs. Herring's guests will number about twenty-six young people. MISS BAIRD'S BRIDGE. Friday morning Miss Louise Baird entertained at a charmingly Informal card party at her home on Capitol Square, twelve or fourteen young wom en being her guests at bridge. After several . games a delicious course luncheon was served at the card tables. Miss Baird received her guests In a smart white lingerie suit. The first prlxe was a sliver hat pin anti the consolation a lace handker chief. Miss Baird's guests were Miss Luetla Malsby, Miss Genevieve Morris, Miss Ella B. Rushton, Miss Mary Bostrom, Miss Marlon Nutting, Miss Nanette Crawford, Misses Lucia and Lamar Je ter, Miss Mary Crew Cundell, Miss Alberta Rankin, Mrs. Ben Noble, of Montgomery; Miss Margaret Yancey,of Albany; Misses Antoinette and Ida May Blount, Misses Lily and Lula Radcllff and Miss Nannie Fitspatrfck, of Mobile. littletoTTmarland. A marriage of general Interest, which will occur on September 23, Is that of Dr. J. R. Littleton, of this city, and MISS Mary Marland, of Orlflln, Ga. The nuptials will bs performed In Orlflln. Dr. Littleton Is one of Augusta's best known young physicians and an Im portant factor In the political life of the city. He Is highly esteemed by all who know him, and the announcement of his engagement will be followed by hundreds of- congratulations and sin cere well wishes. fdr future conjugal biles. Miss Marland Is-the. daughter of one of Grlflln’s oldest and most prominent families, and Is extremely popular among a large circle of acquaintances. —Augusta Tribune. FOR MISS TRIGG. Miss Mary Webb entertained a small and congenial party Informally at cards nt the'Golf and Country Club Tuesday morning, to compliment Miss Katherine Trigg, of-Chattanooga. Miss Mary B. Neal kept the,scores, and the pretty prize was- won by. Mrs. Verner Moore Lewifr who presented It to the honoree. After the whist game a tempting three-course luncheon was served. The guest list-included: Mesdames Kendrick Hnrdcast|e, Humphrey Hardison and Verner Moore Lewis, Misses Sara and Mary Gaul. Mibel Murray, Mary B. Neat' Frank- Hollow'd! and Martha Webb. • . Miss Trigg.will be In Nashville for ten .days: longer as :the guest of Miss Mary ague at Alamo.—Nashville Ban ner. ' * MR8. GOODHARTS TEA. A pleasant'event -of the week-end will be' the tea at which' Mrs. Elmo Harrison Goodhart will entertain Sat urday evening, In honor of Miss Thom- bm-y-nnd Mrs. Stovall, who wlllieavo shortly to make their home In Paris, France. No formal Invitations have been Is sued, but the termer pupils of Miss Thornbury's school and the friends of Miss Thornbury and Mrs. Stovall are cordially Invited. TO MI8S WARE. Friday morning Silas Dorothy Brell- enbucher entertnlned at a beautiful party for Miss Helen Ware, who will leave next week for Vassar. Cards and progressive games were played, and Miss Breltenbucher's guests, Included only about a doxen and a half of the Intimate friends of Miss Ware. Miss Breltenbucher's home was dec orated with numerous potted plants, and with pink roses, and the young hostoas was assisted In the entertain ment of her guests by her sister, Mrs. Emils Breltenbucher. The first prlxe was a large and beau tlful sword fern In a pretty Jardenlere, and the consolation a gauxe fan. The guest of honor was presented with pretty lace handkerchief. The prlxe for those who preferred progressive games was a potted plant. Miss Breltenbucher received her friends In a pretty morning frock of pink linen, and Mrs. Emile Brelten bucher wore a smart white linen suit. Ml's Ware wore a dainty white lingerie gown. Miss Breltenbucher's guests were: Misses Helen Ware, Mabel C'arlyon, Charlotte Middleton, Marguerite Lane, Margaret Latimer, Ethleen Dobbs, Bes sie Bailey, Sarah Williams, Jennie Hue Bell, Cecils Montsalvage, Edith Dun can and Mrs. Emile Breltenbucher. BARRY-HALLONQUI8T. The Atlanta friends of the bridal couple will be Interested In the follow. Ing account, from the Montgomery Ad vertiser, of Thursday, of the marriage of Miss Josephine Hallonqulat and Mr. William 8. Barry, which took place Wednesday evening at Montgomery, Ala.: The home wedding last evening nt 7:10 o'clock of Miss Josephine Halion- qulst and Mr. William Bhtlby Barry' was characterised In every detail by a distinctive tone of elegance, beauty and dainty refinement. The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hallonqulat wax, for the occasion of the marriage of their daughter, adorned with a wealth of ;holce cut rosea, potted palms and ferns and a profusion of plumosa, which hung In delicate tracing about the chandeliers and draperies. The apartment where the ceremony was to take place had been arranged In a most elaborate and artistic manner, In a seml-clrclfe of tall palms and masses of ferns with a center Impro vised altar of white. On either side was a tall bronxe candelabra with In numerable branches holding lighted ta pers. Owing to recent bereavement In the family of the bride, the marriage was a quiet one, witnessed by only rela tives and a few close friends. Rev. E. E. Cobbs officiating. The bride’s wedding gown was ex quisitely fashioned of white radium silk with bodice of mallne and Duch- es lace with which she wore a veil caught with- lilies of the valley. She held an arm shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and her jewels were dia monds, the wedding gift of the groom. She was accompanied to the altar by her sister, Mrs. James Potter, attired In an elegant toilet of white rolls and Irish lace made princess with which she carried an arm cluster of white roses. The groom was attended by his friend Mr. Oscar Lee Putnam. Mrs. Hallonqulat, mother of the bride, was gowned In black crepe de chine and lace. An Informal reception followed the ceremony, and refreshments were serv ed from tables placed In an adjoining apartment, - and adorned In a lavish placing of vases of white roses and tracings of plumosa. In the dining room the large number of handsome presents, sent by loving and admiring friends, attested devoted esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Barry left at 9:20 o'clock for New Orleans, and will make their home at Greenwood, Miss. IN HONOR BRIDE8-ELECT. Mrs. Edward Durant will entertain the. latter pari of the month. In honor of Miss Laura Wltham, whose wedding to Dr. R} T. Dorsey takes place on the evening of-October 18,-at -the home of Mr. ana' Mrs,, W. 8. Wltham, and In honor of Miss Etjiel. Mobley, whose marriage-to Mr. 81ms-Bray .will'be. an event of the'21th of,October, taking place In the evening at the , First Methodist Church. PARTIE8 TO BE GIVEN ■ IN HONOR M188.WITHAM A number of delightful.pard; parties and luncheons will bo given .In honor of Miss.Laura Wltham, who will be one of' the early fall brides. Among those who will entertain In'her honor will be Miss Agnes Ladson, Miss- Ef- nesaw, and Is unusually atractlve and very popular. Mr. Kenny Is a young man of good business ability and holds the esteem of all who know him. The bride and groom received a great many handsome presents from relatives and friends. An elaborate buffet luncheon was served during the afternoon, after which the young couple left on the 8:30 train for their home In Clarluton. MI88 JONES ENTERTAIN8. The largest and certainly one of the most enjoyable events of the week among the younger set was the party at* which Miss Lula Dean Jones, the lovely young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, entertained sixty of her friends Friday afternoon at up jinks. Miss Jones was assisted In the en tertainment of her guests by her moth er, her brothers, Messrs. Harrison and Saunders Jones, and by Mrs. Bolllni Jones. Misses Cara Hutchins an Mildred Woolley presided at the punch bowl. Miss Jones wore a dainty lingerie frock of mull and lace, and Misses Hutchins and Woolley also wore white lingerie gowns. Mira Jones' guests were Misses Irene Austin, Nora Belle Rosser, Nell Waldo, Helen Jones, Har riet Calhoun, Frances Hightower, Al- lle Candler, Louise Ripley, Ruth King, Elisabeth Morgan, Isotine Campbell, Gladys McConnell,'Ida Brown Brown, Wlnshlp, Carolina Muse, Mary Brown, Mary Hines, Marlon Foster, Margaret Bradley, Sara Skinner, Ruth Wing, Lillian Lupo, Lina Andrews, Mary Amorous, Marlon Perdue, Mamie HU! Hopkins, Julia Howell, Agnes Gray, Mary King, Mlgnon McCarty, Helen Print, Farnell Humphries, Sarah Beuhle, Gladys-Glover, Sophia McCleay, Martha Francis, Nell Prince, Aurelia Speer, Charmte Thomas, Jennie Hutch ins, Jennie Knox, Daisy Leland, Clif ford West, Rosalie Davis, Grace Le- Craw, Ida King,-Margaret Moore, Mary Traylor, Corrle Brown, Eva Hurt, Lucy Stockard, Adnle-Sykes Rice; Hildreth Smith, Marquess.Rltch, Leonora Mad dox, Dorothy Stevens, / Carolyn King, Jennie Patttllh, .Ida Landrum, Lucy Smith, Ethel Noble, Esther Smith, Hthelyn Emmons, Helen Prior, Cather ine Clarke, gillie Williford, Mildred Harmon, Wales L'Engle, May Caverly, fle Beale Phelan, Miss Susie 'May Pope, Mrs. T. C. Longlno, Mrs..' Herman Hlrsch, Mrs. John Ralne, Mrs.' will lain Owen, Mrs; Joseph Ralne, hjlas Emily Lowndes and Miss' Martha Whitman. RECITAL OF MI88 WALKER. At the recital to 'be given by Miss Janet Keith-Wnlkor, at MIss'Hanna’s School, Friday, September 14, at 8 p. the following delightful' program will be given: Trio, "Oberau," Verdi—Missel Smith, Hans, Mrs. Munger. Reading In costume,' "Zlngarella"— 1 L. McDowell, Miss Janet Keith Walker. Vocal solo, “Without Thee," D'Har- lon—Miss Mabel D. Smith. Plano solo, "A la Bien Almee,” Schutt—Miss Margaret A. Haas. Comic monologue, "When the Honey moon Wanes," Gertrude. White—Miss Janet Keith Walker. Vocal solo, "Slave Song,'.' Teresa del Rlego—Mias Henrietta A. Kennan. Pantomime, "The Power of Prayer.” Violin solo, "Serenade," Franx Dldla -Professor Erwin Mueller. lawnTarty. The members of'Ht. Agnes Guild, of Rt. Luke's Church will have a peanut hunt, grab bag, sand pile and donkey contest Saturday afternoon on the lawn of Mr. Champ DeSausaure's residence. Ice cream will be served and an ad mission of 10 cents will be charged. PARTY AT EA8T LAKE. Mrs. E. G. Ballinger entertained at nn Informal picnic Thursday evening nt East Lake In honor of Mrs. Frank Boland's guests, Miss Horsley and Miss Scott. In the party were Dr. and Mrs. Bal linger, Miss Horsley, Miss Scott, Dr. and Mrs. Boland, Mr. WilUam Arnaud and Mr. Brooks Berkeley, PICNIC AT EA8T LAKE. Thursday afternoon a congenial par ty of friends enjoyed a charming out Ing nt East Luke, which Included an elaborate luncheon. In the imrty were Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Gorman, Mrs. Miller B. Hutchins, Miss Lula Hutchins, Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mrs. Frank Logan, Mrs. Cay McCall, Mrs. Katharine C. Abbott, Miss Lillian Lo gan, Mr. Chnrles- Godfrey, Dr. Cromer, Mr. Duncan. Mr, Henry Kennedy and Mr. Ivan Allen. KENNY-COX. very , pretty home wedding was solemnised Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember 12, at 5 o'clock, when Miss Nel- la Estelle Cox and Mr. Frank Marlon Kenny, Jr., of Clorkston, were united in marriage at the home of the bride' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Cox. In Kennesaw, Ga., Rev. Mr. Kelly be Ing the officiating clergyman. The lovely old colonial home wa: profusely decorated for the occasion. The bride and groom entered the drawing room to the strains of Men delssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Annie Lee Kennedy, of Toceoa. The bride wore a traveling toilet, a handsome tailor suit of blue voile with blue hat to match. Mrs. Kenny Is the eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Albert J. Cox, of Ken- Do You Want a Diamond? Come In then, and seo us about our partial payment plan of telling dlamonda. We have the most beautiful gems In all sites at most tempt ing prices. Every atone must para the most rigid examination by our skilled expert before It will find a place in our reliable stock. That'* the right way to do. We have no other way. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO. The Diamond Palace. ' 37 Whitehall St, MR. AND MR8. BLOSSER WILL ENTERTAIN Saturday,evening-Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Blower .will entertain In their apartments^at the .Victoria In celebra tion of. the-second anniversary of their marriage. The'occasion will be small and Informal,-eniy the- Intimate friends of -Mr. ahd Mrs. Blosser being Invited, and music will be the feature of the evening. -■-■■■ The pretty apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Blosser wlll 'be decorated with pink and while, roses, and these colors, which were those used In decorating on the occasion of their marriage, will be carried out In every detail. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blosser •will be Mr. and Mrs. Albert Merbut, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Will Perkerson, Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Todd, Miss Louise - Dooly, Miss Stelnhagen, Mrs. Allle Blosser Loveman, Miss Lln- nle Blosser, Mr. Toni'Jones, ColofflH James W. Austin, Mrs. Ivan Allen, Dr. WIHIam Owen, Mr. Lowry Dale, Mr. William Bennett, Mr. Charlie Hoke, Captain W. E. Nunnemacher. MEETING. The Thomas Jefferson Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will Yneet Saturday afternoon at 4:15 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Miller Hutchins, at 140 West Peachtree, The boafd will meet at 4 o’clock. YOUNG MATRON8’ CLUB. The Young Matrons' Club met Fri day morning with Miss Ruth Hallman at her home on West Peachtree street. The members Include: Mrs. R. F. Shcdden, Mrs. Thomas B. Paine, Mrs. J. G. Oglesby, Jr.. Mrs. Vaughn Nixon. Mrs. Harry English and Mrs. Albert Thornton. MRS. WALLIS TOYODRESS THE B. Y. P. U, The Baptist Young People's Union of the Second Baptist church will be addreseed Friday night by Mrs. Wallis, of Mlllen, Ga.. leader of Baptist young women's work for the state of Geor gia. All Interested In the work are cor dially Invited to be preaent at 8 o'clock Friday evening. tantrfactor which parks have become In the civic advancement of such great cities as New York, Parle and London, and dwelt specifically upon the physi cal, psychic and educational value of the park to the cltlxen. Dr. Toepel'e able paper stressed the value of the park In raising the health standard of the community, and Mr. C. E. Folsom told of the success of ex periments which have been made In St. Paul with public baths and parks. AUTOMOBILE TRIP TO MACON. Miss Louise Todd, Mr. James Todd and Mr. Young Smith have enjoyed i charming trip to Macon In their auto mobile. They were absent several days. HOU8E PARTY AT MEDIA. Mrs. Joe Boone Is entertaining quite a number of young people at her home at Media, Go. Among her guests are Miss Little, of Atlanta: Miss Maddox, of Cordels, and MIxx Boone, of Flor ida. elliottTkiddee. A marriage of Interest to a wide cir cle of friends throughout the state was that of Miss Lily Clair Klddee. of Morrow, Ga/, to Mr. Hiram C, Elliott, of Stockbridge, which took place In Atlanta Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Perry, and the bride and groom left Atlanta to make their home at White- house, Ga. The bride, as Miss Lillie Clair- Klddee, was greatly beloved In Macon, where she formerly resided, and In Morrow, where she has made her home recently. The groom Is highly esteemed In so cial and buaMera circles, and Is fol lowed by the good wishes of a host of friends. Personal Mention J ) WOODEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Wednesday evening at their new home on College street, Amerlcus, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Niles' celebrated their fifth anniversary. The home was artistically decorated In golden rod, ferns and palms. Mrs. Niles received her guests In a white embroidered mull. Punch was served In the yard from i “old oaken bucket that hung In the well" by Misses Florence and Nel lie Niles. Mr. Hollis Fort and Mr. Cliff Williams. The gifts, Including everything from load of wood to rare pllecea of wedgewood, nttested the esteem ' which Mr. and Mrs. Niles are held. UNIVER8ALI8T~~LADIES' 80CIETY The Ladles' Mission Circle of the Unlversatlst church will meet at the home of Mrs. B. C. West, 30* East North avenue, Friday afternoon at o'clock. A full attendance of all the ladles Interested In the work of the church Is earnestly urged. MEETING OF ThTATLANTA SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY The meeting of this society which was held at Carnegie Library Thursday evening was of unusual Interest, both as to the speakers anil the subject un der discussion. The Sociological Socie ty Is now turning Its attention to At lanta's need for parks, a subject which has for some time been agitated In the press, anil which has, for a number of years, been regarded by large East era cities as one of Important bearing upon civic IlM. The flrst talk made at the meeting of the society Thursday evening was by Hon. Walter Brown, president of the park commission, who spoke most Interestingly, showing how the city Is really the beneficiary of the park, and how, from u commercial standpoint, narks are excellent Invest ments. In the absence of Mr. Don Carey. Mrs. Warren Boyd came next on the program. Mrs. Boyd told. In her usual charming manner, of the Impor ter. L. G. Hardman, Mr. Walton Har per, Mr. Eugene V. Haynes and Mr. Frank Orme will leave Saturday to at tend the house party to be given In honor of Miss Flortne Richardson, by her aunt, Mr*. Juliua Hardwick, at Cerjartown. Mist Agnes Ladson and Mira Thornton, of LaGrange, are now with Mias Richardson, at Cedartown. Mrs. Stanley Crittenden and her daughter, Miss Cornelia Crittenden, are spending teveral days In Atlanta with Mrs. Crittenden's sister, Mrs. Sydney H. Phelan, at her home on Peachtree street. Mrs. and Miss Crittenden are en route to Montgomery, where they will spend the winter. After a pleasant vacation, partly spent In the Sapphire country and various points of Interest In North and Bouth Carolina, Mr. Max H. Wllensky will leave next week with his mother for Baltimore, where he will remain a few days before going to the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, formerly of Atlanta, but now residing at' Montgomery, are spending a short time In the city at 38 Capitol avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are en route to Montgomery, after an extended visit to'North Carolina. Mr. Walton Harper, Mr. Eugene Haynes, Mr. Frank Orme and Dr. L. G. Hardeman left Friday for Cedartown to join the house party Mrs. Julius Hardwick Is giving In honor of Miss Florene Richardson. Messrs. John and Hubert Lewis, of Texas, will be among the out-of-town guests to attend the marriage of Miss Adeline Lewis to Dr. Howard Shlilts. Mrs. Glover, of Marietta, passed through the city Thursday, en route to New York, called there by the Ill ness of her daughter, Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Cay McCall, of Jacksonville, Fla., Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Frank Logan. She will spend the re mainder of September In Atlanta. Miss Nellie Stewart, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Stewart, left Friday for Athens, where she will attend Lucy Cobb. Mrs. Benjamin Noble, of Montgom ery, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Patterson, on West Peach tree street. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dixon announce the birth of a son on Wednasday, Sep tember 12, at heir home, 1* Willow street. Mrs. Robert Lee Avary has bought the Gray cottage on Howard street and, with hts family, will move In at once. Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. I Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Fashionable New Gloves The new Gloves are ready; correct style* in long and short Gloves, fabric' and kid, every fashionable color. From the best makers and every pair can be relied on for wear. You will find many nov elties here, Gloves not generally shown, for the stock is great and thor oughly complete. Values such as these are being offered: 8-button glace kid Gloves, In brown, tan, blue, black, and white, to wear with long or three-quarter sleeves; $2.00 pair. 12-button black glace kid Gloves, 22.75 pair. 16-button, $3.60 and $4. A new street Glove, of suede lisle, to be worn with long sleeves In the early fall. Reds, bluet, browns, tans, greens, white and black; 60c pair. Long suede lisle Glovej, 16-button length, resembling undressed kid; In brown, navy, tan, red, gray, white and black; $2.00 pair. Long black Silk Groves, double-tipped Ungers, ' 16 button length; $2.00 pair. Long white silk Gloves, $1.60 and $2.00. pair.* Embroidered Hose , For Women, 25c a Pair Black Hose of medium weight, for early fall wear. Neat ly embroidered in silk. Dainty little figures and dots, in pretty colors. Quite a variety of these; a special purchase. They are new and exceptional 35c Hose, for 25c pair. Pure Silk, Hose, $1.50 Pair Pure silk, every thread—soft, brilliant and _ beautiful. Soles are of linen, fot service; heels and toes will not rub through. Reinforced garter tops. Just a few dozen_ pairs in all sizes. They are very remarkable values at $1.50 pair. Linen Handkerchiefs Two Interesting Items ^Embroidered Handkerchiefs, for women; 25c kinds at 15c each. Every thread linen, very soft and sheer, embroid ered in dainty little vines and other pleasing designs. A big collection of them. For men—soft-finished Handkerchiefs, of pure linen with popular hems. Saturday at lOq each. Stationery 19c box Sea-Island Fibre Writ ing Paper; a fine, smooth grade -of linen Paper in the new-tints of blue and gray, also white. Put up iii pound boxes, and'of fered now at 19c box. Envelopes to match, 2 packages for 15c. This Collection of Taffeta Ribbons, 19c Yard Just a-large general assortment, of beautiful Taffeta - Ribbons. All-Silk and nenrly all oolors—red, blue, Nile, pink,-white, -black, ,etc.—as wide as 3 l-2 .and;4 inches. - 9cyard 'is an extremolyi'low.price to paylor as nicei Ribbons as-these. The sale-is for Saturday.;only. Novelty Ribbons at 50c • Yard Gharming'new designs-in warp-‘prints, .plaids and-Ro-. man/strip'es, the.styles most-in fAvor.- -Wide enough for sashes-and.girdles narrower widths for bows and neck pieces. Excellent variety,of noVelty Ribbons at 50o-yard. Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Store of Many Departments. Mr. and Mrs. \V, 8. Walker left on Thursday for Savannah. They sail this week for New York city. Miss Margaret Haas, of Jacksonville, Fla., Is the guext of Mrs. George C. Munger, on West Peachtree. Mr*. Louis Gholntln and Mira Kath arine Gholatln leave toon to spend 75 PEACHTREE ST. Nathan’s Home Bakery and Vienna Cafe Bread, Cakes, Piss, ate., fresh daily, Atlanta Phon* 18*6. Bell Phone 1486 Wedding Announcement Fresh from the eastern markets and manufactories, and Individual with the newest art Ideas, our materials for wedding presents are ready for the fall events. N- Davis & Freeman, Jewelers. BEAUTIFUL LINE OF —NEW BRACELETS— Just Received. Look at Them. Charles W. Crankshaw, Diamond Merchant and Jeweler. Century Building. Whitehall 8L month In New York city. Mra. Martha W. Thomaa hat return ed from a delightful visit to relatives In Meriwether county. Mira Mary Robertson, of Opelika, le the guest of Mrs. Harvey Smith, on West Peachtree street. Miss Aline Ruse, after a visit to friends and relatives In Tennessee, has returned to the city. Mrs. Robert Davis and little daugh ter are guests of Mrs. McLane Tilton, of Llthla Springs. Mira Julia Turner has returned to her home at Media, Ga., after a visit to Atlanta friends. Mr*. AUle Blosser Loveman, of Phil adelphia, la the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Blosser. Miss Emily Wooten Is the guest of Miss Jennie Sue Bell at her home In Inman Park. Dr. and Mr*. Cyrus Strickler an nounce the birth of a son, Cyrus Strickler, Jr. Mrs. Sarah Kiser Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dora Kiser Webster, at Norcross. Mr. and Mrs. Boykin Wright have returned to Augusta after a visit to Atlanta. Mrs. Frank Y. Anderson, of Birming ham, Is the guest of friends In At lanta. Mr*. Arnold Broyles has returned from a stay of several weeka at Toe- co*. Mlsa Carrie Jeter left Thursday for Gainesville, to enter school at Brenau. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stearns leave soon for a visit to New York city. Mrs. T. B. French has returned from a visit to Minneapolis and Toronto. Mr. A J. Smith Is spending a few days with hts family in Atlanta. Miss Cobble Hood, of Cuthbert, Is the guest of Mira Claire Ridley. Mrs. Raby Crider has returned from k visit to relatives at Carrollton. Mrs. Divine, of Carter. Ga. Is spend ing a few days at the Bon Air, Mr*. Robert Webb Is the guest of Miss Lola Key at Norcrou. Mr. Inman Sanders Is In the city. SOCIETY WITH OUR NEIGHBORS Miss Florene Watts Is the guest of Miss Sallle Hull In Athens. Mrs. R. B. Ridley, Jr., Is spending a few days In LaGrange. Miss Blanche Carson will leave soon for a visit to New York. - r. A. L. Konts has gone to Toronto for a fortnight's stay. Mrs. Adair and Mr. A. D. Adair, Jr., are at Cloudland, N. C. Miss Mary Ellis Is visiting friends at Haralson, Ga. ACWORTH. Mrs. H. M. Williams has returned from visit to felatlrra at Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abbott, of Cnrteravllle, spent s few days here the flrst of tbe week. Misses Hule and Eratt are vlsltlof Mias Resile Ilarnei. Mr. Mercer I ... .... _ ... ..... _ for Hopkinsville, Ky„ to enter aehool. Mr. and Mra. Joe Abbott, of Marietta, spent s few days this week with tbe for mer’s parents. Misses Ethel and Ruby Eratt are spending this week In Baltimore. Mrs. SIsory Connelly, of Dallas, spent few days of last week here. A few of the young people went to Island Mills last Wednesday on a picnic expedl- Messrs: George and Charlie Runyan, of Marietta, spent a few hnure here Sunday. J. N. Johnson spent Monday In Carter* vllle. Miss Grace Baxter Is visiting relatives here. Coionet J. J. Nortbcutt Is spending this -eek In Dsllsr hire. J. H. I 1 St Woodstock. Messrs. It. L. McMillan, Charlie M. Lor- Ingood, L. A. Rainey ami Mira Cook have gone to tbe eaetern market* MA*RTIN. The Misses Farmer entertained delight fully *t a porch party one evening recently at their borne on Central nvenue. compli mentary to Mira Watt, of Camilla. Many sanies were enjoyed during the evening, and at a late hoar, delicious refreshmsuts were served Among those present were Misses Minnie Mitchell, Blanche Young, Dels Brown, Bffle Garner, Ullle sml On Farmer, Volins Mitchell sml I,ela Watt, sod Messrs, a H. Mitchell. 8. W. Crew ford, C. II. \ernle. D. Landrum, Dr. Craw ford and Dr. Cason. . Mlsa Clyde Jones hts returned to her home In Wblghnm. Miss Lannle Mitchell Is In Bowman. Mr. Cruise, of Commerce, Is In the city. Mlsa Ethel Cooper has returned from Anderson, S. C. . J. T. Cason has returned from Ah- Iinti. Mr*. W. P. Palmer, of Clayton, Is visit- iff relatives In town. W. A. Mitchell has returned from Wssh e on. Iss Jessie Cobb tuts returned to her home In Cartersvllle. Mrs. J. T. Davis, of Clayton, It visiting datlres In towu. Messrs. Dsn Fsrtr ire In Von hr Harris. Hubert Yaw has returned from 8eneca, RISING FAWN. Mira Vtctorlne Lynn, of Dalton, Go, who hat been visiting In Birmingham, Is the guest of Mrs. James R. Allison. Charles Blckerstaff will leave in a few days for Atlanta, where he expecU to reside permanently. Mr. Blckerstaff haa many friends here and throughout the county who will regret to hear of hi* departure. Mr*. Virginia Frick*, accompanied by her Miter, Mr*. Powell, of Hickman. Ky.; Mlsa Geraldine McCutcheon, of Dalton, and little Mlsa Virginia Moor man, will leave In a short time for New Mexico, where they will Join Dr. Lunsford D. Frick*, of the Marine Hoa- pttal 8ervlce, and apend the autumn. Mr*. William Alllaon, accompanied by her eDter*. Mre. Cunningham, of Fort Payne, and Mrs. Humphrey, of Fort Worth, Texas, la vialtlng In Huntsville. Mr*. Humphrey will return to Fort Worth from Huntsville. M*. and Mr*. J. C. Looney have gone Mr. J. K. Ottley ha* returned tfoa L^aY inches ter, Tenn, lor a few weeks. Mr. George Jacoway.' of Cole City, ha* come to Rising Fawn to reside Mrs.^ Tom D. Johnson, of Birming ham, formerly Miss Kate Pittman. Is visiting relatives here. Miss Mary Webb, of Chattanooga, has returned to her home, after a Ha?e Bnt vWt ,0 h * r aunt > Mr »- Graham Miss Fannie Carmichael, of Valiev Head, ha* been the guest of Mlsa Ethel Rlordon. Judge M. M. Allison, of Chattanooga, was In Rising Fawn Thursday. Mira Frankie Dugen will leave In a lege dSy * t0r Mnrth “ Washington Co! ' Mis* Henrietta Hale haa returned from Chattanooga. WAYCR088. -C. E. Schofield, Jr., at Atlanta, Is spend- “f, the week In the city. Mrs. 4. L. Stanton ana Mira Mary Stan ton arrived Saturday sfter a delightful •<W« r trip to Brooklyn, Baltimore sad Washington. v. ”• S' Gsrier and Mailers Paul and Harley, left today for Thomravllle. Mlsa Don Underwood has returned from horsummtr outlay In middle sod north Sir. and Mra. J. E. T. Bowden and chll- drtn have returned from the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Ilurnett and children left Monday night for Saluda, N. C. „ Mlsa Eddie l'arnell returned Frldsy night from Baltimore. Mrs. Walter P. Utile and little son, accompanied by her slater, Miss Johneon, arrived In Waycross last week from Mary- Messrs. Lester Sweat, Arthur Knlfht and Harry Wilson will leave next Sunday t for the Unlrerslty of Georgia. . delightful meeting of tbs Frances Bar- tow chapter. United Daughters of the Con federacy, Was held Wednesday afternoon st the home of Mre. J. H. Redding. The subject WSS "A. P. Hill." An interest lag patter was rend by Mrs. J. II. Redding and one by Mrs. Charles Sheldon. Mre. Betiding served refreshments and enter- tnlnod her guests Ity an exhibition of her fine collection of war relict. „ Rev. nnd Mrs. W. H. Scruggs and Will Scruggs have returned from Washington, Miss Ids Xtcholla has returned from a visit to Bltckshesr. $1)000 FOR 10 Cents Spsnd Etch 10 CENTS We will give 31,000 to ths 1910 EXPOSITION, ' or One Cent for every official but ton or pin sold. BUY ONE WEAR ONE - 8HOW YOUR C0L0R8. Solid Metal Gold Plate Button. For 8a!e by Dealers. UNITED SUES AGENCY, 717 Fourth IiiioMl Bank Bgildini liluli Phone 1910.