The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 19, 1906, Image 1
ATLANTA Bn? ^ * S2S.000.000 The Atlanta Georgian. GCOROIA Population - 2.50O.W Mll**s of steam railroads....... 0,500 Miles of electric railways.. VOL. 1. NO. 125. ATLANTTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1906. ■PT?TPTC. On Train. FIVE CENTS, ir ItiL/XJ. In quanta TWO CENTS.' OUR PLATFORM—The Georgian stands for Atlanta owning its own gas and electric light plants, as it now owns its water works. Other cities do this and get gas as low as 60c with a profit to the city. This should be done at once. The Georgian believes that if street railways can be operated successfully by European cities, as they are, there is no good reason why they cannot be so operated here, but we do not believe it can be done now, and it may be some years 'before we are ready for so big an undertaking. Still Atlanta should set its face in that direction NOW. S. ARMY TO INVADE. CUBA IF PEACE IS NOT DECLARED BY OCT. 11 SEA GIVES UP MANY DEAD CITY READY FOR BRYAN Jenerals Barry and Duvall Are Or dered Home. hlREE BATTLESHIPS SENT TO HAVANA raft Sees the Government Agent, and Then' Calls On President Palma. Washington, Sept. 19.—Active preparations for an invasion of tuba by an army of the United hates are being made by the war department. Brigadier General I'reil Kunston, the hero of the Spanish and Philippine war, has ,-en selected by the president to fommand any army which may be Sent to Cuba and Brigadier Cen tral Thomas H. Barry, assistant thief of staff, and W. P. Duvall, BUENOS A YRESDOCKS ARE BEING BURNED London, Sept. 19.—A great tire Is raging along the docks at Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, according to private messages received here. It is reported that the entire shipping of the harbor is threatened with who commands the department of the gulf, both of whom are now in Germany attending the German army maneuvers, have been cabled to come home immediately for pos sible duty in Cuba. It is understood on excellent authority that it has been deter mined hv the president that fail ure by insurgents to accept the suggestion to be made by Secre tary of War Taft and Assistant Secretary of State Bacon for a lasting peace, will cause immedi ate armed intervention by the United States. It is stated by high authority that October 11 is the limit which has been set by the president for an amicable agreement by the warring parties of Cuba. If peace is not established by then it is probable that powerful military and naval forces will be sent by this country to Cuba to force the Cubans-to return to peaceful liv ing. Genera! Barry wan formerly com mander of the department of the gulf, with headquarter. In Atlanta. General Duvall had been stationed In Atlanta for some time. THREE BIG BATTLESHIPS ARE ORDERED TO HAVANA. That the death list will reach beyond Twelve Big Ships Sent to Bottom by Hurricane. WAVE HURLS BOATS ONTO ROCKY SHORE Business in City at Stand still—Order Being Pre served by Force. Hong-Kong, Sept. 19.—The horror of yesterday's disaster grows steadily. Washington, Sept. 19.—The navy de partment this afternoon announced that the battleships Louisiana, Virginia and New Jersey, which are sailing down the coast, will go direct to Havana In stead of pulling into Key West for orders, as was originally Intended. A wireless telegram states that they were off Charleston, fl. C., last night. The department also announced that the Dixie, now at Cienfuegos, will be replaced by either the Tacoma or the Cleveland In order that she may resume her station in Santo Domingo, where trouble is threatened. Havana, Sept. 19.—At 8 o’clock Juan O'Farrell, secretary of state, with two of Continued on Pago Two. MTLMTfl GIRL IDENTIFIES T. S. COART AS MISSING HEIR TO CAROLINA ESTATE, OVERHEARING CASUAL CONVERSATION THIRTEEN CHARGES A GAINST ALEXANDER |Coart Enters Suit for Share of the Fortune. |BY FREAK OF CHANCE MISS SARA HAWKS PICKS UP THE CLEW | Open Windows and Thin Walls at Morehead City Cam- Story. If Hu walls In the old hotel at More- head city had been thicker perhaps Thomas Singleton Coart, who lives at 2 > Washington street, would not he I liuhring for his Interest in a $100,000 If Miss Sara Hnwks, who llv< | ^ the same address, had not been try- | Jng to catch a nap with the windows no suinmer.aftemoon, Mr. Coart | ' v, 'uld never have'heard that he was an h*f*ir to a fortune and might keep on •elling shoes. But the walls were thin and the bits of *'**nvernation which tioated to the next room started litigation which may I bring Thomas Singleton Court a third j Jntfrwt in an estate of 13,000 acres of j'mli.r land In North Carolina, which } v, ‘!u*d ut $100,000. The suit Is be- wv. M, I*’rlor court of Craven coun- N'wth Carolina. Li*t July William N. Hawks, the In- • iran. f. mnn who j| Veg at 258 Wash- | m 1 *r. street, took a vacation trip to M r* . ,d city, the coast resort In ‘‘arolina. With him was Ills caugt ;,. r mj„ s garil Hawks. She Is a "f Thomas Singleton Coart, who past six years has been a pop- C". v' K * salesman at Byck’s. He Is a oarh*|,, r 50 y earH Did an j u ves at the Ha "k* home. MIfs Hawks was dozing In her hotel luring the middle of the after- ,' K ' n Nie windows were open to catch u?2« p f a br ^*e which might stray In direction. DESULTORY conversation AROU8ES MISS HAWKS. Fr ° m the room next door came lcra i s of desultory conversation. Two discussing some railroad j and Miss Hawks wished they °uld g„ somewhere else to talk In- • l *ad of keeping her from her after- nap. But suddenly something *** her sit up. ve c °Uld locate this Thomas Sin- - Coart," .aid one of the voices. „f t he sentence mi lo.t but U„time, later the name was tr.en- '' by, they're talking about Cousin Charged With Obtain ing Money Under False Pretenses. Special to The Georgian. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 19.—Lieutenant Collins will not arrive from Philadel phia until 9:35 o'clock tomorrow morn ing with T. W. Alexander. Ball will be applied for and there will hardly ho any preliminaries. There have been thirteen charges of obtaining money under false pretenses made against Alexander—one case for each time he borrowed money. , .. .. He will not he put In Jail If his friends can prevent It. Collins will deliver him to Sheriff Clark. HAS A NARROW ESCAPE FROM ELEVATOR ACCIDENT. Pittsburg, Sept. 19.—It was at 9:30 clock last night that Thomas W. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 WET OR DRY QUESTIONI ' O a IN FOREGROUND AGAIN fcr th, Alexander, the cotton broker who won arrested here after being a fugitive for nearly three months, left for Augusta, Oa., In custody of Lieutenant Collins, to face his accusers on a charge of ob taining money under false pretence. Alexander was all broken up by the news of his mother's death. While here yesterday he had a narrow esenpe from being Injured In a hotel elevator. With the detectives who were guarding him, Alexander was In the elevator car when a door from an upper floor crashed down the shaft on to the car. No one was injured, although the occupants were considerably shaken up. 1,000 seems certain. At least twelve ships were sunk at their moorings, double that number were driven ashore and few craft In the harbor escaped some damage. The number of water craft which were destroyed Is past estimating. The recession of the great wave which did a great part of the damage to the ship ping undoubtedly carried many bodies to sea. The loss of life will never be ascertained with any degree of accura cy. The governor general Is bending every energy of the government to preserve order and to bring order out of chaos, and with some success. Tho troops are doing splendid service. The shipping Industry is at a complete stands.ill. Thos« vessels which escap ed serious damage cannot handle car goes as practically every lighter in the harbor has been destroyed. 8ea Qivts Up Dead, The sea today Is giving up ($8 dead by scores, the victims of yesterday’s typhoon. From the numerous build ings wrecked by the terrific wind many corpses are being removed and over the city hangs the pall of the dread ful disaster. In the harbor the water is covered with floating wreckage. Along tho sea wall, the piers and lining the beach are the beaten and broken hulks of countless craft, while smaller pieces of wreckage cover the whole shore. In the city great piles of debris show where the storm spent its fury. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O MAN GIVEN SHOCK O O BY WATER'S 8PRAY. O O a O Vineland, N. J., Sept. 19.—Hen- O O ry Wood, brakeman on the Penn- O O sylvnnla railroad's new electric O O Jlnc to Atlantic City, Is suffering O O from a shock received In nn odd O O way. He threw a bucket of water 0 O on a Journnl to cool a hot box on O O a car and the spray falling upon O O the third rail established a cur- O O rent and Wood was whirled O O around and thrown off his feet by O O the current that came through O O the mist to the bucket handle. O OOOOO0OOO0OOOOOOOO0OOO000Oi TO GET FUNDS OF Alleges His Wife’s Suit Nullifies Their Agreement. Because his wife. May Nelson Gress, has chosen to take legal steps to insure the payment to her of alimony in the event she gets the divorce which she asked August 22, her husband, George V. Gress, has filed a petition In the superior court asking that the order of. the court made on that date be so modified as to dissolve the portion ty ing up his money. When Mrs. Gress filed her petition for divorce In August she obtained a temporary order restraining her hus band from withdrawing $30,000 which he had placed In the Fourth National .Bank ns a guarantee that she would by provided for In the event of a legal separation. In the petition just filed Mr. Gress denies the jurisdiction of the superior court of Fulton county. He says that he has made no attempt to conceal property and that further the provision which he has made for alimony has been liberal and ample, the $30,000 hav ing been deposited In the Fourth Na tional Bank to that end. He contends, however, that the suit, If filed at pll, should have been brought In Berrien county, where he maintains his residence, but that since Mrs. Gress has chosen to resort to the court* Mrs. Gress Is no longer entitled to that money which he had voluntarily de posited In her favor. Mr. Gress argues that because of the legal steps his wife has taken this ac count has In equity and good con science been deprived of its character as a special deposit for her benefit, Mrs, Gress having elected to treat as a nul lity the agreement under which the de posit was made. Judge Pendleton has set September i as the date on which Mrs. Gress shall show to the court why the in junction which he has under considera tion snould not be modified. FAKE SURF OF KU-KLUX STIRS CITT Hideous Libel of At lanta in Many Papers. nut I . the rain Ttike along your O klntnsh, for no O Continued on Page Two. Don't .. O out a sunshade, O rubbers and a mackintosh, for no a 0 man can say what will come out O O of the sky In the next half hour. O 0 The rain and the sun have been O 0 claying hide and seek for two O O days and the man on the street O O has been "It" during most of the Q 0 g *The weather prophet refuses to 0 0 guarantee sunshine even for Bry- o O an day. He says. O "Showers tonight or Thursday, 0 0 with but little change In tempera- O g Wfm 71 degrees O 2 ia. ni’ 72 degrees O 2 ! n’ism degrees O 000000000000000000^^?^^®^^ A CLOUD ON THE HORIZON. In The New York American and a score of other papers In the largest cities of the United States appeared last Sunday a full page syndicated arti cle on the stalking Ku-Klux Klan that Is, in that article, declared to be pa trolling the streets of Atlanta by night, armed to the teeth and provided with hemp. The story Is headed, "Georgia's fierce Ku-Klux of Angry Men, Armed Wom en and Bloodhounds." It has a picture, five columns wide, showing a hideous band of shrouded and masked men, waving weapons and torches. On tho side are several kennels of blood hounds. This article, which has doubtless reached 6.000,odo readers, accAMlrig *to the circulation claims of the news papers that printed it, has aroused In certain leading Atlnntnns’n* much an ger as possible In a case of impersonal libel. Mayor Woodward, Secretary Walter O. Cooper, of the chamber of com merce; Judge George Hltlyer and oth er citizens have been severe In their criticism of such an extraordinarily untruthful and malicious libel of a city. The story Is said to have been sent out from Atlanta, although It bears no date line. Judge Hlllyer Hot. "It Is the fashion of the civilized world to tell lies on the South, and the young inen In Atlanta who arc egging on these lies by sending out false re ports should be retired to private life,” said Judge George Hlllyer. "The men who got up that article are worse than the negroes who committed the atrocious deeds. The negroes are led by animal Instinct and are igno rant; the others are educated and are led on by small pecuniary gain. Where as the negro injures one family, such articles injure the entire South." Mayor Woodward expressed his In dignation thus: "Such articles can not be condemned too strongly. The man who sent It out, If It was sent from this city, knew at the time it was false. The Idea of prominent citizens patrolling the streets of Atlanta would he ridiculous If the matter was not so serious in the wrong It works on Atlanta." "Law Should Handle Case." Secretary Walter G. Cooper, of the chamber of commerce, sahl: "The practice of sending such arti cles to the Northern papers Is growing worse and worse. And some day this matter will he taken up and laws en acted providing criminal punishment for the perpetrators.” The Lurid Article. The article Is prefaced with an elab orate uccount of the "periodical news of lynching which horrifies the whole country." Then comes the following "Now comes the astonishing newi that as the only apparent means of guurdlng their wives and daughters from attacks by negroes, men promt nent In public life of the city and state are actually leaders In a revival of that mysterious, but terribly potent protec tive and punitive organization of re construction days—the Ku Klux Klan. "How these masked, white-robed, ghostly avengers are already pntrollng the city und outskirts, while blood hounds are being secured to aid in the prompt capture of offenders, Is told on this page—an almost Incredible condi tion of affairs at this time and In this •ountry.” The article Is opened with the follow ing sentence: "The Ku Klux Klan—that ghostly rggnlzatlon which, by spreading ter ror among the negroes during recon struction sated the whites of the South from being mongrellzed—has revived in Atlanta, Ga." Description of the Klan. A description of the klan is given In those words: "The Atlanta Klan has followed •lonely the lines of the KMn of recon struction days. It has the same grips and passwords, and the same ghostly regalia. Such deviations as have been mode from the original Klan were made for the purpose of making the members more appalling in appearance and thus appealing to the superstitious instinct which Is so strong In the n*». *ro. Royal the Reception for Great Com moner. SPEAKERS NAMED FOR THE DINNER Hundreds of Visitors Are Expected To Be in At lanta Thursday. \ O0000O00O00000000000000000 O 0 0 8PEAKERS ARE NAMED 0 O FOR THE "DOLLAR DINNER.-0 O 0 O' The speakers at the "Dollar O 0 Dinner," to be given In honor of 0 O Hon. William Jennings Bryan 0 O Thursday evening, have been O O chosen, and are: 0 O Governor Joseph M. Terrell. O O Colonel John Temple Grave,, O O editor of The Georgian. O 0 Major John 8. Cohen, manag- 0 O Ing editor of The Journal. O 0 Hon. Seaborn Wright, of Rome. O O Hon. J. D. Roddenberry, of O O Thomasvllle. O O Hon. Hooper Alexander, of De- 0 O catur. O O Hon. W. A. Covington, of Moul- 0 O trie. O 000000000OO000000000000000 Thursday ‘will be Bryan day In At lanta, and all eUe will be forgotten In honoring the gnat Nebraskan. Krom many point, Iti Georgia the train, will bring delegation, of Democrat, to hear the choeen leader of their party In the. beginning of hi, campaign. All Atlan ta will turn out to *ee him at the morn ing reception and to Helen to hi, ora tory In the afternoon. Mr. Bryan will reach the city before breakfaat, arriving over the Oeorgla railroad from Columbia, 8. C., and Au gusta. A committee of cltlxena will meet him at the atatlon and escort him to the i’ledmont, where a aulte of apartments has been reserved for hi, occupancy. At 11 o'clock a public reception will be tendered the city', gueat In the par lors on the Aral floor of the PledmonL The line will be formed on Luckle street, ami after meeting the Nebraa kan the guest, will pas, out to the Peachtree street exit. Mr. Bryan will enjoy hla luncheon In the privacy of his apartments, and will rest until after I o'clock, when he will be driven to Ponce DeLeon park, where his address will begin at 4:16 o'clock. 8ests for 5,000. > W. D. Harwell has been appointed chief usher for the meeting In the 8L Nicholas rink, anc^ will have thirty as sistants. on the stage will be placed 1. r ,o seats for the various committees and Invited guests. At the front of the auditorium chairs will be reserved for the ludtes, and behind these will be placed seats to accommodate 6,000 per sons. The audience will be confined to the space Inside the railing and po licemen und firemen will be stationed outside the rail to look after the order and safety of the crowd. The audito rium will be decorated In honor of th# occasion. After his nddress the Great Common er will be given a drive around the city and then to the Piedmont. A “dollar dinner" will be tendered him at 8:10 o'clock In the dining room of the Pied mont. Burton 8mith Toastmaster. Burton .Smith has been chosen a, toastmaster. He has presided at a number of dinners tendered to distin guished guests and Is famous for hi, readiness in nfter-dlnner speaking and hi. Introduction, of other speaker*. The following are the committees ap pointed by the Young Men's Democrat ic League, which has the reception of Mr. Bryan In charge: Executive Committee—Hudson Moore, B. R. Arnold, C. G. Hannah, J. R. Gray, John Temple Graves. J. H Mad dox, \V. L. Peel, William Van Houten, J. J. Hastings, E. E. Dallas, M. T. La- Hatte, J. M. George, W. J. Bone, Edwin Johnson, E. E. Holcombe, J. tv. Schaaf, T. L. Bishop, E. P. Burns, B. W, Gols- by, John R. Wilkinson, 51. P. Roans, W. D. Thompson, James E. Gant, J. H. Jennings, C. W. Bernhardt, John J. Eagan, H. H. Hightower, Lawton NaUy, H. L. Culberson, Hurd Dent, James H. Andrews, John 8. Clark, Harvey Hill, tv. D. Harwell, Walter Sims, G. P. Don- alson, tV. H. Johnson, Avary Chastain, B. F. Burdette, E. T. Thomason. R. B. Sengraves, tV. E. Chamber*, Howell Cloud, N. H. Cheshire, D. F. Seymour, E. O. Ferklna, J. T. McDonald, R. E. L. Carroll, J. L. Sima, O. A. Hill, W. W. Tracy, A. P. Morgan, L. O Kimberly, L. P. Baker. W. B. Callahan. George S. Blount. Shelby 8mlth, W. H. Bur roughs, C. K. Busbee. Standing Reception Committee—Bur ton Smith. B. M. Blount, E. L. Rhodes C. H. Kelly, A. B. Steele, J. W. Eng lish, Jr.. L H. Haas, C. tV. Crymes, C. D. Hill, Arnold Broyles, C. T. Ladson, John Morris, Howard Calloway, A. A. De- Loach, J. C. Hallman, A. P. Stewart, John tV. Grant, Frank Hawkins, E. C. Hill. J. Carroll Payne, B. J. Klscman. Special Reception Committee— Reu- The KInn Is very strict as to re- ben R. Arnold. F. L. Seely, Sam Jones, J. 8. Cohen, Lauren Fbremi 1 Louis Uholstln, J. E. Maddox J. Continued on Pago Two. Hastings and Hugh L. Curdoza.