The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 25, 1906, Image 10

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nRHJHgfV 'xiijii Axi-ni-' j. lii/tutuitu*. WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for last than 25 centa f tho price of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive Insertions: 1 time . 8 times , 6 times , 20 times . 52 times . 78 times . • 6 cents a line. . . 5 cents a line. . . 4Vt cents a line. , . 4 cents a line. . . V/z eents a line. . . 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER 8ERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When sending ade. pay for at ratea quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTED FREE. J BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WANTED HELP—MALE. phone 889. Toll, phone catalogue. It will convince itnnghan’* Ia the best. Co., Mnbleton. Os. Apply at 65 In ton n Bldg. STENO-BOOKKEEPKK, 175. HTKNfV bookkeeper. $60. Stenographer. pin. II you wish n good position ns atctiogrnphor, we can place you. Bellamy Business Agency. 1830 Candler Bldg. WANTED—YOUNG MEN pharmacy. Apply to I»r. • — r |ty. office man a* assistant to shipping clerk; enclose reference and state salary desired. Red Cross, care fhis paper. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. Wanted—female, competent rem Incton operators furnished position*. Remington Typewriter Co., 118 Peachtree AT ONCE—THOROUGHLY I P TO DATE business woman as assistant to shipping Clerk; prefer one who Is typewriter; good •alary. Hustler, care this pn|s>r. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. BOOKKEEPER—TWO YEARS' BXPE- rlriM**'. VomiK mnn wl.h,. [h>.ItInn with ..tnhll.hPtl lino,, n. lKxikl«<»p«r or nfflot. .Mlitnnt. Aildro.. Ilookkoopor, ent fl.ti. WANTED—A POSITION OP SOME KIND .hjr ii hoy Ik yen old. II. <» , At* l.n’to Oeorglun. HITfATION WANTED IIY A YOUNG mnn of experience: would like to securel position nt once; not afraid of work. Ad dress A. J. Huff. Monroe. On. POSITION AH GROCERY SALESMAN OR |HMikkce|»cr; have had live years’ expe rience. J. C. K.. care Georgian. YOUNG MAN. 19 YEARS OF AGE, I»E sires position In Atlanta; will nceept any thing flint offers promotion; salary no ob ject; can furnish very best references as to ability, character, etc. Address P. O. Box 52, Grnntvllle, Ga. young man employed ah book- keeper with large manufacturing concern desires work »t night; references, present employers. Address Bookkeeper, 512 Capitol avenue, city. HALKHM AN-FIVE Y EARS’ ; traveling grocery salesman, GROCERY oxperlenc . — , . . now traveling for one of the largest ycents In the business, would like a change for satisfactory reasons; can bring highest recommeiuliitlons from present employers. Address Box S2. can* Georgian. AGENTS WANTED. WANTE!»—AGENTS-HOYS AND In everv town in Georgia and Alabama for midget 'ards. Write for free samples and terms. Autry Greer, Atlanta, us. 1312 Empire building. PICTURE AGENTH—HEND YOUR WORK to ns for enlargement; fair prices, good finish; 18 by 20. Religions and scenery pic tures cheap. The Garner Cornpuny, 13A Peters street, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—SALESMEN. YOUNG MAN TO HELL TOILET AND foundry «•.!>» >" srociT.v trrnlc; good on- norlunlty fnr Apply lo W. F. tninn. 6 N. Pnr.ytli PERSONAL. david xv. TAnnnopon. MASTER l-LLMOBR, Pboses 1355. *0 E. Hunter fit. LOST—W111TK POINTER DOO; I.IVBB colored head. Reward If returned to Dr. Weaver, 75 Jones nventie, or 411 Marietta "Ure t. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PKO- pie and others. American Investment Co.. 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1890. WEYMAN ft CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. THE UNION HAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money note# and lends money on Improved Atlanta property s reason able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6. 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt attention. Onlv on real estate In and Dear Atlanta. R. B. Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUND8 TO LEND; any amount, 4ft, 5 and 6 per cent. Writ* or call 8. W. Carson. 24 8. Ilroad atreet. FARM LOANS—WE ARE PLACING loans on Georgia farms at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL KXTATH at very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-3 Toronto Court. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 5 per eeut nnd up wards. according to desirability of loan. W. A. Foster, 12 8. Broad street. —PS WANTED—MONEY. MONEY WANTED—$1,600 WANTED AT once on good busfnessnroperty worth $3,- 600. Address "Money Wanted, ’ cure The Georgian. FOUND. FRANKLIN, THE CLEAN CLEAN FBL- low, cleans suits $1 to $1.50. Pants 10c. 168 Whitehall 8t. Phones, Bell 620, A. 3881. FOR RENT—ROOM8. FOR RENT—DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms for young gentlemen. Good bath. Walking distance. 387 Piedmont avenue. M. A. SHELTON, DON’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical store nnd range repairer; best work and material guaranteed. Both phones 6276, 61 8. Pryor street. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. "Don’t let ’em fool yon." Jim Burnett (formerly of Unrnett ft Willis) Is not dead nor uilsslng. He Is contracting wall paper nnd painting. Office nnd show room 12 East Hunter street. Both ’pboues 550. BOARDERS WANTED. THE BON A lit, 384 Peachtree sf., solicits Inspection, comparison nnd patronage. good board, elegant room, for gentleman with permanent position. 641 W. Cain street. Bell phone 4M»2-J. Main. ART 8CHOOL. WANTED—TIIB PUBLIC TO VISIT Slnppy’s School of Art and inspect por traits painted by his lurge classes. Corner Peachtree nnd Auburn. , FOR RENT—HOU8E8. FOR RENT OR HALE—MODERN 8 HOOM cottage; convenient to car; on best street out of Decatur, Ga. Lot 280x500. Shade and fruit trees. Address Owner, Decatur, tin. PROFESSIONAL. ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER DE- sires position; highest testimonials; ex quisite touch. Address Jules G. lluguelet, (0 Whitehall street. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. T?CLAS8 BUSIN ESC HOUSES uld have bleb grade si ins Call op Keot Slip Co., W North Vryor street Phone 2928. IF YOU HAVE . ANY FURNITURE OR office fixtures to sell, eee the Southern ^ notion and Salvage Company. 20 South rjror. ’Phone Bell 2306. Robison A Rnrnes, 18 E. Hunter. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF MATTINGS Re duced 6c a yard. Robison A Barnes, 18 E. Hunter street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-ALL KINDS OF SALABLE school, law, medical honks for cash. J. C. Gavttn. H Whitehall street. Thane 1821 WANTED—TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE TO buy Money Flour. There le money In every suck. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED! Have several customers with cash for 4th ward rent ing property. Tf you want to sell yours list it with L1EBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. STOP PAYING RENT! BECOME YOUR OWN LANDLORD! VICTOR MANGANESE AND CltOMK steel bank safes and vault doors; every thing in safe line. it. W. Ellis, Agent, 26 8. Broad street. FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL. place it with us; we give It our special and personal attention. If It’s worth the price we will sell It. C. II. Wells A Co.. 1104 l-'ourth National Bank. ^ WANTED—REAL ESTATE. _ ACREAGE PROPERTY FOR SIbThVL sbois lii nml around Atlanta; If Interested, give description and price. Address X. care from one to live eontrarta entitling you to a Joan of from 11.000 to $5,000 nt 6 per eeut simple Interest, returnable In small monthly Installments of $7.50 per mouth on each $1,W0 borrowed, enabling you to become your own landlord and paying for your home for less than you are now paying rent. For prospectus and plans of the com pany. address .1. St. Julfen Yates, State Agent. 321 Austell Rldg., Atlanta, Ga. HONEST, TRUTHFUL, HUSTLING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Salvage Company, 20 South Pryor. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, HELL OIl KX- change property of any kind it will pay you to see us. C. II. Wells A Co., 1104 Fourth National Bank Wanted—To buy a 6 or 7 room house, north side preferred; will pay .$1,000 down, balance $10 per i month. Prefer to deal with i owner. Address at once, “House,” care Georgian. ACC0UNTANT8 AND AUDITOR8. W. I). HHELIlON, FELLOW OF .THE American nnd Georgia Htate Association of Public Accountants. Sheldon Audit Co., public accountants and auditors, Temple Court. Exiuulnations, nppro'^JAa audits. lioesl and loug distance pnone 1196. ARCHITECTS. . vn LET VS DJIA W YOUR PLANS AND build your house. We can save you mouej. Address I*. O. Box 675. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. _ BICYCLES AND 8UNDRIE8-LAROBBT bicycle nnd sundry distributors In tne South. Southern agents tor Pierce. YAie. Snell nml Hudson bicycles. Write tot our 1906 catalogue sud price list. Alexander Elyea Co. CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK AND NOVELTIES. Prompt servlee. Bell ’phone 2374. Atlanta Wood nnd Iron Novelty Works, 389 Marietta street. MEDICAL. PILES—PROTRUDING, ITCHING. AND Weeding piles cured without the knife, pain or detention from business; cure guar anteed. Write nr call today If you are sui- ferJiiir. Advice free. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 1&7* N. Broad street, Atlanta, *Oa. MONCRIEF— HE'S TUB MAN THAT SELLS HOT A HI- Installs furnaces In old houses ns well ns new. He prepares a cellar If you nave none. Moucrlef Furnace Co. Both phones. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOB ritOMI’T AND IIBLIABLE MBS- sengers. ‘phone 33. J. A. Davies ana j. C. Brnnun. PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. It. W. Yarbrough. 2% Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave- PRESSING CLUB. __ __ PRESSINO—ALTKIMNO—THH NEW EL- reka Pressing Clnl»—(.'leaning—Repairing. Atlanta ‘phone 700, Bell 'phone 2475. 106H Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Membership $1 per month. SEWING MACHINE8. HENTED-TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH. either Hlnger or Wheeler ft Wilson. We rent only new machines with complete set of attachments. Prompt delivery. K? 111 ’phones 1893. Singer Hewing Machine Co., 71# Whitehall street. STOVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED AND .set up. Expert workman. Patterson Furniture house, 286 Peters street. ’Phones, Atlnntn 2472, Bell 794 west. Wo buy any thing. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributors of \ lc* tor Talking Machines nnd Records. Junt received Inrge consignment of machines and over J0.000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. We want. tne. names of all talking machine dealers In the South. Write for catalogue. Alexnnder-Klyea Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE ft BRO. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Retail nnd repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 1676. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches are my hobby. Modern Ideas In work and dealings. H. Walter I^tt. Room 1217 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlnntn. 8HOE REPAIRING. a WINN’S SHOE SHOP. 4 LUCKIE. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT. Bell 2335. Men s sewed half soles. 75c. D. T. WEST & CO., CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS AN!) REPAIRERS. 31V4 N. Forsyth St. Bell (Main) 1051 nnd 2256. Atlnntn 306 and 22C<*. HOMER L. HUNT, STENOGRAPHER ft CORRESPONDENT. Whitehall St. 32«4 8. Broad St. Bell Phone No. 5047. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. II ALL WOODS, IDEALS nnd all other makes at bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for nny business, nt a prlco that cuu not help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every reg ister guaranteed for two years. SECOND HAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, 24 South Broad Street, Atlanta. <*n. OLD HATS MADE NEW PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW U ATS cleaned and reshaped, 60c. Soft and atlff felt hats cleaned sad rs- •hnped. 86c. Bands or sweats. 25c each •xtra. ACME HATTERS. C>* Whitehall SL PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. It. W. Yarbrough. 1V4 Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn avenue. SEEDS. GET OUR PRICES ON ONION SETH. alfalfa. Crimson. Red. Burr. Alsyke and White clover, grassea and grain seeds. McMillan Seed Co., 23 South Broad street. DR. W. J. TUCKER. MORPHINE AND OPIUM HABIT CURED nt home, without pain or iletentlon from business; permanent cure gunrnntced: free trial home treatment sent In plain wrapper. Dr. W. .1. Tucker, 154 N. Broad street, At lnntn, Go. GT.ORE & JUSTIN. 215 Peters Building. FOLK ROOMS AN'f> HALL. LAKBWOOD Height*; bit 12o by 150; half block car line; for n few days at $1,060 spot cash; bargain, with g«>o«l future. WE HAVE ABOUT 2 ACRES IN WEST End. o benutlful grove and corner lot; July $3,000. SIX ROOMS, MODERN HOUSE. REST part Jones avenue: $1,000 cash, balance easy; see ua about this. 204 ACRES ABOUT THREE-FOURTHS of a inlb- from Howell Station. If you want to double \ our money In u abort time, buy this; only $100 per acre. BRAND NEW: FIVE ROOMS AND HALL; sidewalks and sewer connections; renting nt $14 per month. Kennedy atreet. EIGHT ROOMS; MODERN; CLOSE IN. on East Fair street If yon want a nice mme, close Id. see us about this; only $3,- IF YOU WANT SOME NICE LOTS TO build bonne* on to roof. #»*e us; wo have them from $15*) up. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, .Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. ,2,600—OAK ST.; 6-ROOM COTTAOK: LOT 50x188; Ilea level; beautiful section, and we can make terma right to suitable party. $4,75f>—BETWEEN THE PKACIITREEH we have for sale a benutlful 8-room cot tage on nice elevated lot. This Is some thing strictly choice; can make terms If $5,200—80x200, on 14TII STREET; LIES lovely; your last chance to get on this fnshlonnble street at anything like this price. $4,750—GORDON ox.. «-»*.», splendid home, on lot 50x180; on nir iiur. This Is splendid value. You should sec It If you really want something good. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phono 3533-M WK ROY AND (SKI.I. IIOIKEK AND LOTS 1S5 Auburn avenue. LOT NO. in INMAN PARK. THE PRET- tlest lot sold recently by Ruff 81ms \- »’«».; with eight large oak trees; one-half cash ami $10 per month. Price $500. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN $2.750—JU8T OFF GORDON KT.. HALF block on pretty street, we have nice 6- room cottage on lot 80x180. This Is aa ex client proposition and w< you i_ $4,500-8. PRYOR 8T. HOME OF 10 ROOMS on large, shady lot; lies well and house alone Is worth almost this price, to say nothing of the lot. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. NO. 416 RAWSON 8T.-TWO-8TORT 7- room house. All conveniences. Rent $30, price $3,uuo. Good home or Investment prop osition. EAST POINT-GOOD 6-ItOOM COTTAGE, new and well built; no second-class mate rial used; large lot; location good. This Is a good proposition for home or Investment. Price $1,450. Also 6-room cottage adjoiulug above $1,600, NEAR GRANT PARK-FOUR ROOMS and hall, on good slxe corner lot; close to three car lines and where several other new houses are being built—$1,500. Terms. McDonough ht.-near new south Pryor street school; new 5-room cottage, good lot; rents $17.50. Prlco $1,600. Good home or Investment. WEST LINDEN 8T.—NEAR SPRING ST.; nice almost new 5-rooin cottage home; atl city conveniences; good car service. Price $2,100. Terms $400 cash and $20 per month. IN GRANT PARK SECTION—NICE SIX v; splendid value for $1,- Bell Phone 2027. Atlanta Phone 1381. SALEH DEPARTMENT: A. 8. HOOK. It. C. EVE. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Phone, Bell 2081. NORTH HIDE, NEAR NORTH BOULEVARD. A SIS- room cottage. Jus! completed, on good Jot ami In fine uclgfiliorhood. This Is a beauty nnd cheap nt $3,000 WfcST END- A SIX ROOM COTTAGE ON GORDON street, lot 76 bv 200. Can you get more for We can nrrnnge terms..$3,000 SOUTH' 'fool LKVAIlD, NEAR GRANT PARK. A BEAUTIFUL, six-room cottage, on jot 65 by 150, Can make attractive terms «u this $3,400 FORM WALT STREET— A SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH ALL modern improvements, nnd elose In; lot 5o by 130. Just the place for a nice home.$2.750 STI:\VaRT AVESUE, NEAR WHITEHALL STREET* FIVE- room cottage, on lot 50 by )5o. This b verr cheap at $1.800 HASH STREET. NEAR CAPITOL AVENUE. A NICE FIVE- room cottage, on good lot. This Is worth Investigating $2.000 KELLY STREET- A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FOUR ROOM imago on lot 6t» by 150. This Is very t»e Georgia HONnTRT BRAE. ..$1,600 an good lot that will make a nice little home; near car line, nnd can make easy terms $1,750 M'DANIKL HTltKfeT- A STORE AND FIVE ROOMS ON COR. ner lot. This Is a good plnce for n busi ness. Now rented to good tenant.. ..$1,760 LET US RENT THAT VACANT HOUSE FOR YOU. WE can get you a tenant with ease. If you * buy or sell real estate, It will bo to ye Interest to set* us. FOR RENT. NO. 38 PIEDMONT AVR.-TIIIR 2-STORY 7-rootn frame, on lot 35x100. lies slightly elevated, on the west side of Piedmont ave nue. between Decatur and Gilmer streets; lms gas ami water, bath, closet, sink In the kitchen; is close in. nml In fair repair; will be vacant Oetolier 1. Rent $30 per month. Nirw ukai'HtrkTT ht^tIuhTSIRhiH cottage, on lot 100x250, Is on the enst side of Peachtree street, nt the junction of Ivy; tin* building Is a itfrutory 10-room frame; lms eight rooms on the first floor ami one room nml trunk room on the second floor; lms four servants' rooms and stable; lms fust been put In splendid repair: • known as the T. D. Meador property. Rent $83.35 per month. Partly furnished. JOHN J.. WOODSTDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue. Both, Phone. (II. TRY A WANT AD IN THE GEORGIAN MATHEWS & HILL. 611-12-13 Empire Building, Bell Phone M. 1748., Atlanta 172. WE HAVE A CLIENT WITH $3,000 TO invest iu good rent paying proposition. If you have anything that will pa terest on this amount call and — <IN THE XV. Sc A. HAIUIOAD. 12 MII.KH from Atlanta, and only Vi of mile from railroad station, we have a farm of 80 acres, 30 acres cleared nnd nlanted In Elbertn peaches which paid $1,000 this year; 50 acres of wood, and we consider this a bargain nt $3.600. $1.250—Splendid 6-room house on the west side, all improvements, rents regularly at $12.60 per month. Has city water nnd gas, nml Is a genuine little bargain for the money. 12.40!)—TWO DODD (-ROOM IIOt'HKH IN* best of condition occupied by white ten ants, rented the year around nt $24 per month. It yon hare got any Idle money you want to Invest this Is the spot. 16,250—THIS 18 THE FBIcE WK HAVK • a thoroughly modern 9-room house on of the l*est North side streets. Ix>t Is nicely elevated. This section Is unsurpassed for nretty homes In Atlanta. Now occupied by the owrner nnd a splendid bargain. We can arrange this sale so that you will not have to pay more than $2,500 cush. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all makes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fall to let us know your wants in this line you will lose money. Write or call for "Special Sale List." We maintain the best repair department In the South and guarantee the beat work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. STATISTICS. PROPERTY TRAN8FERS. #2,009— Mrs. 8. C. Stevens to Fret! Koch, lot on South Boulevard near Glenwood ave nue. $8,500— Mrs. Rhrah A. Ilnlrston to A. L. Slaton, lot on Whitehall near Stewart ave nue. Conveyance aubject to loan deed. $1,500—8. 8. Moore to Atlanta Brewing nnd Ice Co., lot on Pulliam atreet near Love street Loan deed. $1.700—Benjamin Roller to Mrs. Lula C. Bridewell, lot on Mills street uenr Williams street. Warranty deed. $789—Trustees of Hemphill Avenue Metho dist church to II. II. Robb, lot on Hemp hill avenue near Curran street. Mortgage. $3,000—Peters Land Co. to It. C. Condon, lot on Myrtle street near Fifth street. War ranty deed. $8,000, Penal Sum—X. M. Daniel to Joseph Gross. lot on South Pryor street near Alice street. Bond for title $225—Mrs. Maude Cobbs to W. H. Cheat- hniu, lot on Oak Util avenue uenr Lillian avenue. Warranty deed. $250— W. II. (’Iwnthnm to Mrs. Anna E. G. Plus, same lot. Warranty deed. $1.100—Mrs. Einmn It. Johnson to N. M. Daniel, lot on South Pryor street near Alice street. Warranty deed. $2,800—Mrs. Marlon T. Briggs, executrix of estate of Henry M. Law, to Mrs. C. M. Splller, lot on Capitol avenue near Hay- good street. Administrator's deed. $1.425—Mrs. C. M. Splller to Mrs. J. E. Briggs, same lot. Mortgage. $1,650— Mrs. Sarah Solomon to Victoria Green Chiles, lot on Pulliam street near Ormond afreet. Warranty deed. $475—F. S. Treadwell to Thomas J. Wes ley. lot on Auburn avenue near Bamlolph street. Warranty deed. $3,000—Thomas J. Wesley to James Math ews, same lot. Bond for title. $1,060—J. M. Simmons to Forrest Adair, lot on West Fair street near Chapel street. Warranty deed. $4,000-11. A. Gtilinarlu to Erick Manley, Jot on Tennllle street near Short street. Warranty deed. $3.500—W. W. Ashburn to T. C. Lauren, lot on Capitol avenue near ltawson street. Warranty deed. $1,500—It. 11. llatnmett to J. S. Donaldson, lot on Roswell road near Ibices Ferry road. Warranty deed. #7,500— Mrs. Surah R. Taylor nml Miss Nettle Taylor to William It. Heston, lot on Gcorlga avenue near Grant street. Bond for title. $4,500—W. 8. Ttlllnghnst to Enoch It. Barns, lot on Ashby street near Oak street. Warranty deed. $8,000—Dr. Arch Avnry to Mrs. Sarah II. Ripley, lot on Capitol avenue near Fuifoti atreet. Bond for title. $1,000—Mrs. Lucy J. Sewell to J. It. Brown, lot on Georgia avenue near Con- nally street. Lmn. $1.000—Mrs. Mary 11. Howell to W. II. Foster, lot on Park street near Hammond street. Warranty deed, $400—W. L. Stanton Co. to Henry A. Godby, lot on Mnlden Lane near Columbia street. Warranty deed. $900—J. W. ('nft to II. A. Godby, lot In College Park. Warranty deed. $1,760— L. Rosser nnd Morris Brandon » Mrs. Carrie K. Renton, lot on Jackson street near East avenue. Warranty deed. $1.225—Fidelity Investment Co. to Mrs. Nettle II. Scott, lot on Ininnn avenue near Myrtle street. Warranty deed. |460—Gordon F. Mitchell to Win. Thomas, lot on Linton street near Lindsey street. Warranty deed. $900—L. It. Sanders to J. V. Welllmrn, lot a East PIue street near Summit avenue. Bond for title. $1,000—W. T. Hill to Aaron White, lot on Marcus street near South Delta place. War ranty deed. $1,6*10—Mrs. Sarah A. Hone to Merchants nml Mechanics Bank and I.onn Co., lot on Gordon street near Wellington street. Mort- nge. $8,200—John S. Gwens to Marcus W. Beck, it on Columbia street near Tenth street. Warranty deed. $2,000—Mrs. Etta May Nix to Hlrsch Bros., »t on North avenue near Jackson atreet. Loan deed. buildingTpermits. $300—8. M. Inman, to build bridge between two brick buildings at Mitchell and Mudl- m avenue. $4,600—1 foxier ft Beatnes, to build two- story frame dwelling at 110 Peeples street. $75—Samuel Melere, to build one-story frame dwelling nt 336 Ormond street. $40—J. N. Sheffield, to build coal house at 171 Oak street. $260—George B. Msxnrenns, to add to a frame dwelling at 97 Rondeau street. $500— K. Mason Roberts, to add to brick building nt 192 Cnurtlnnd street. $440— Ansley A Ferris, to re-cover three frame dwellings at 24-28-34 Putlinm street. $4.000—Dr. J. B. Daniel, to Imlbl one-story brlek store at 88-90 Edge wood avenue. $900—Wiu'hendorf Bros., to hutbl two green houses nt 602 Simpson street. $2,600— K. A. Carroll, to build one-story brick store nt 518 Marietta atreet. 52.250—Mrs. Nellie Kane. to build one-story brick store nt 144-46 W. Mitchell str«*et. KK10—G. G. Williams, to build one-story frame dwelling nt 43 I«oveJny street. $350—.11 in Collins, to build one-story frame dwelling at 161 Parsons street. $1.500—T. L. Ambrose, to build one story frnme dwelling nt 14 Killian street. $900—G. G. Williams, te b til Id one-story frame dwelling nt 43 Isnejoy street. $350—Jim Collins, to Imlbl one-story frame dwelling at 161 Parsons street. $1,500—T. L. Ambrose. t.» build one-story frame dwelling nt 14 Kllllnn street. $3L>—Gate City Guards, to move two-story frame dwelling at 62 Houston street. $108— G. Constargy. to raise two-story frame dwelling nt Courtlaud avenue. The natives in British Boat Africa are growing and ginning cotton in In creasing quantities for sale to traders, the seed being supplied by the govern ment. Ansley Park Sale. Next Monday Afternoon at 2;30 o'clock auction sale of 83 LOTS IN ANSLEY PARK. Plats at our office. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER CONDITIONS. An area of high pressure is centered to day over the Great Lakes, while nil area of low pressure Is to the south of Florida. The advance of the southern low Is caus ing rain in portlous of southern Florida to day. A second area of low pressure covers the Rocky Mountain region from uortbern Montana to Mexico. Cloudy weather prevails over the greater portion of the country nnd rain has fallen Iu the last 24 hours In portions Of nearly all districts of the cotton lielt and at scat tered stations Iu the northeast and north west. Raleigh, N. C., reports 2.02 iuches of rain. The temperature has changed but little since Baturdny. The conditions favor unsettled weather and showers Iu this section tonight and to morrow. J. B. MARBITRY, Section Director. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. •Atlanta, cloudy. . . TT •Chattanooga, p. cloudy.. Columbus, clear Gainesville, clenr. . . . . Greenville, clear Griffin, cloudy •Macon, p. cloudy Moiitleello, clear Xewnon, cloudy Rome, clear Spartanburg, cloudy. . . . Tallapoosa, p. cloudy III ‘35*3 2.02 CENTRAL STATION. Js oi hi Charleston. , . , Galveston. , , , Little Book. . . , Memphis M oldie. Monti Montgomery. . New Orleans. . Oklahoma. . . Savannah. . . Vicksburg. . . . Wilmington. . T Indicates Inappreciable rainfall. 10 Diet. Averages. ll| -a! 5-SS Temp’t ure. Max. Min. 81 In Wilmington district and Iu the north west portion of the belt; elsewhere the (‘linages were unimportant. Precipitation occurred in all sections with the exception of Little Bock nnd Oklahoma districts; the nmounts were light to moderate as a rule, but heavy iu parts of North Carolina. INSURANCE PERSONALS RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Showing the Arrival and Departure of p«« senger Trains of the Following Roads- VVK.STKUN AND ATLANTIC iUiuioil7 No.—Arrive From*-- I No.—Depart t,-_ u * •3 Nashville.. 7:10 amf* 2 Nashville. S:35 ara 73 Marietta... 8:35 am] 74 Marietta..12 10 •93 Naslivllle..ll:45 nmj* 92 Nnshvll!e.4:59 pS 75 Marietta... 2:S9 pm] 72 Marietta,. 0-39 nm • 1 Nashville.. 7:35 pn>[* 4 Nashville. 8:50 |»m CENTRAL OF OKOUGI^ RAILWAY;— Arrive From— \ mm Depart To— Savannah 7:10 am Jacksonville.. 7:50 am Mneon 11:40 am SavunnaU .... 4:15 put w 8:00 pm 3Iitcoa Macon 4^00 t Savannah..... 9:i5 pm :30 pin ATLANTA AND WEST POINT lUlL ItO AD. Arrive From— I Depart To- •Selnm 11:40 ain(*Moiitgoinery 5:30 nm •Montgomery. 7:40 pin]*Montg’m’ry. 12:45 nm •Selma 11:35 pm|»8elma 4:2) pm La Grange 8:20 nmJLnGrnnge.... 5:30 nm •Montgomery. 8:40 pml*Montg in’ pm •Daily. All other trains daily except Sun day. All trains of Atlnnta and West Tolnt Railroad Company arrive at and depart from Atlanta Terminal station, corner of Mitchell street nnd Madison avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Depart To- • Augusta 7:45 am Lithonia 10:05 am •Augusta 3:30 pm Conyers 5:00 pm Covington.... 6:10 pm •Augusta 11:46 pm Arrive From— •Augusta 6:00 ..... Conyers 6:45 am Covington 7:46 am •Augusta.. . .12:30 pm Lithonia 3:25 pm •AugustA 8:15 pm _ _ •Dally. All other trains dally except Sun day. SEABOARD AIK LINE itAlLWAY. Arrive From— I Depart To- Wnshlngtou... 6:30 nm Birmingham.. 6:60 am Abbeville 9:46 nmjMonroe 7:20 ara Memphis 11:45 am New York....12:00 m New York...— 3:3*) pm)Abbeville.... 4;0> pm Monroe 7:40 pmfMempbls 5:00 pm Birmingham.. 7:45 pm Washington... 8:00 pm Shown In Central time. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Trains Leave Atlanta* New Terminal 8tation, corner Mitohell and Madison Avsnus. N. B.—Following schedule figures pub* IlsheU only as information aud art not guaranteed: 4:00 A. M.-No. 23, DAILY. Local to Bir mingham, making all stops; arriving in Blrmlngnaiu 10:1b s. m. 6:30 A. M.-No. 13. DAILY. "CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI LIMITED." A solid vestlbuled train Atlanta to Cincinnati with out change, composed of vestlbuled day coaches and Pullman drawing room sleep ing cars. Arrives Rome 7:10 a. m.; Chat tanooga 9:45 a. m.; Cincinnati 7:3u p. m.; Louisville 8:15 p. m.; Chicago 7:23 s. m. Cafe car service. Atl meals between At lanta and Cincinnati. 6:30 A. M.-No. 30 DAILY, to Griffin sod Columbus. Arrives Griffin 7:11 a. m.; Co lumbus 10 a. m. .... .... 6:j5 A. M.—- o. 12. DAILY, local to Macon. Brunswick aud Jacksonvllls. Makes all it ops . arriving Macon 9:15 a. m.; Bruns wick 4 p. ro.: Jacksonville 7:40 p. m. 7:00 A. M.—No. 35. DAILY.—Pullman to Colorudo 8 . in.; Ki prlngs e:16 a. in. 7-. r * ** *' ~ 9:46 a. m., and Colorado .-.60 A. M.-No. 12. DAILY.—Local to Charlotte. Danville, Richmond and Asbe- Tl 7;56 A. M.—N 7. DAILY. Chattanooga. 12 NOON, No. fe, DAILY.—Washington 1:00 P. M.-No. 40, DAILY. \-lxpress. Day coaches between Atlanta end Washington. Sleeper* between Atlanta. Charlotte nnd Washington. Arrives Wash ington 11:06 a. m.; New York 6p. a W. R. Hoyt & Co., of Atlanta, have been appointed general agents for At lanta of the Standard Life nnd Acci dent Insurance Company of Detroit, Mich., succeeding Carleton Smith, who resigned recently to become special agent for the Virginia State Insurance Company. Charles H. Lynch, formerly with tho office of Manager \V. E. Cha pin, nnd who has recently been con nected with the McCandless & llayneH local agency, Is associated with Mr. Hoyt and handles the accident busl- The offices of the Underwriters’ Sal vage Company of New York, of which George H. Campbell Is general agent, have been removed to the second floor of the Empire building in the suite recently vacated by Black & Draper. Special Agent Robert Mcl. Friend, of the Niagara Fire Insurance Company. Is spending a week at his Atlanta head quarters after a trip through Alahaniu. Ity Manager William I. Walker, of the Travelers Insurance Company, has left, accompanied by Mrs. Walker, for a month’s vacation, part of which will be spent at the home office of the com pany at Hartford. Mr. Walker has en tirely recovered from a severe attack of malarial fever. An Important addi tion to the forc^ of the Travelers at Atlanta was made this week In the ap pointment of L. K. Bushnell as ad juster for the liability department In the states of Georgia and South Car olina. Mr. Hushnell has been for some years In the service of the company Jn the West and will make Atlanta his home. Special Agent George Mills, of the Aetna, who has been seriously III at St. Joseph Infirmary, has recovered and Is at his desk again. Special Agent George N. Hurt, of the Engle Fire Insurance Company, Is In New York this week In conference Ith the home office officials of his company. Vice President and General Mana ger A. L. Brooks, of the Athens Mutual Fire Insurance Company, was In At lanta this week adjusting losses for his company. Cashier Dorsey K. Moorefleld, of the Fidelity Mutual Life, Is spending his first vacation In four years at Colum bus, Ga. During the recent Illness of Manager Nat Jackson he had entire charge of the Held force In Georgia, H. Gould Barrett, proprietor of one f the largest fire Insurance agencies at Augusta, was a visiter to Atlanta on Friday. All the local fire Insurance offices of Atlanta entered Into an agreement this week to continue the 1 o'clock closing hour on Saturdays all the year round. This movement, of course, meets with great favor from the employees of such agencies and their friends. Chief W. R. Joyner, mavor-elect of Atlanta. Is serimislv considering plans to »*nter the local fire Insurance busi ness about the first of the year. He will have associated with him his son. Rlcnard Joyner, who for n number of cears has been one of Manager S. Y. Tmmer’a moat efficient men In the 4:10 P. M.-No. 10, DAILY.-Macoo nnd IbiwKliMvIlle. Mu.mnn ouservntlon chair car Atlnnti. to Mneon. 4:26 P. M.-N- 17. DAILY.-Pullnno sleeping car nufl my coaches to Birming ham. Arrives Birmingham 9:16 p. m.; Memphis 7:16 a. m. 4:30 P. M.-No- 13 DAILY, except 8uo- dny. "Air Lb»e ••Pile” to Toccoa. 4:30 P. M.-No. 22. DAILY.—Griffin sod Columbus. Pullman palnca siteplug car itini u.ty conches. 4:33 I*. M.-No. 23. DAILY.-l/lcul lo Faj- ettevllle and Fort valley. 4:60 P. M.-No. 15. DAILY.-Through drawing room and sleeping cars Jo Cin cinnati nnd Memphtn nnd Cbattnnoopa to Louisville. Arrives Rome 7:20 p. tn.; Dnltos 8:36 p. iu.: Chattanooga 9:56 p. m.; Mctupbli 8:20 a. ra.j I^mlsvlllo 8:50 n. m.; St. I.ouli 6 n. tn.: Cincinnati 8:10 k. m. 6:15 l 1 . M.-No. ». DAILY.-Makra all •topi. Local to Heflin: arrlrea Uefllu 10:5* P nfl5 P. M.-No. 14. DAILY.—Florida Lino- Ited A solid vestlbuled train to Jackson ville, Fla. Through sleeping cart and uaf roaches to Jacksonville nnd Brunswick; ar rives Jacksonville 3:30 a. m.: Brunswlcl 8 a. m.: St. Augustine 10 a. m. 11:30 P. M.-No. 97. DAILY.—Through Pullman drnwlng room steeping car. At lanta to Shreveport. Local sleeper Atlnnti to Birmingham, Birmingham 5:3) s. m.: Meridian 11 a. m.: Jackson 2:25 p- m.; Vicksburg. 4:06 p. tn.; Shreveport 10:* P . m. Sleepers open to receive passenger* :00 n in. 12 NIGHT—No. 36. DAILY.—United State* Fast Mali. Solid vestlbme.# train. Sleeping cars to New ’ ork, Richmond. Charlotte nufl Asheville. Coaches to Washington. Inulnf cars serve all meals on route. Arrives Washington 9:30 p. m.; New York 6:23 a. tu^ Local Atlnntn-Cnnrln»te sleeper open to receive passengers nt 9:00 p. m. i-octi Atlnntn Ashevllle sleeper open 10:10 p. »“• Tick-* Office No. 1 Peachtree, on Petera nntbllng. nnd new Terminal Station. Both ’Phones. City office. 142 main; depot, No. 2. on Termlunl exchange. Southern department office of tha Queen. He Is conaequently well ex perienced In the underwriting lino If the present plans mature, the new flee will have the representation of sev eral strong companies, which are t*» enter the state about that time, and the new firm will have the best "lan es of the Insurance men of the cltj. whose Interests "The Chief has serv ed so long and well. Among out of town visitors to At lanta Insurance offices this week James B. Ross, state agent of the R"> * nt New Orleans; R. B. Clower, iana special agent of the Royal; L jj Warren, general agent of the of London at Richmond; N. J- » 4 *-* ward, of Charlotte, special agent of lf1 Aetna of Hartford, In North Carolin - General Agent Clarence Hatch. ’I the firm of Hatch, Harden & ey, spent the week In a trip thnUK south Georgia visiting the agencie. the Ocean, which he represents. Special A (tent Prentlxs R Manager Nichols’ office, Is «>ut fJJJ* J after a seven weeks' Illness of t>! • fever. His marriage to Miss Lie. t Frey fochrnn. of Anderson. ► * which was to have taken place \n *' gust, will occur at that city during first week In October. Miss i»* ' is visiting Mr. Reed’s parents n - lanta and has been a devoted a ant during his Illness. Special Agent George H. Collins. the Scottish Union nnd National- turned to his Atlanta hcadquartet- ■ week, after a trip through neighbor Ir.g cltica of the state.