The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 01, 1906, Image 12

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAY, OCTOBER h 1906. WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lets than 25 cents, the price of four lines. Six words ' of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions! 1 time 6 cents n line. 3 times ..... 6 cents a line. 0 times ..*... 4*/£ cents a line. 26 times 4 cents a lins. S2 time* ..... 3*/^ cents a line. 78 times ..... 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER 8ERVICE. CALL U8 ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When .ending ad*. pay for at rate, quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTEB FREE. BUSINESS DIRECTOR*. J WANTED HELP—MALE. NIGHT SCHOOL—B OOKKERPIN G, Shorthand. Typewrit I ns. etc.. only month Drnujrhon'n Prsctf * ** ' * •tlral Business Col phone 889. Call, phone or write for catalogue. It will convince you that Draturbon's Is the boat. Luckie street, rlfyf li’ A S*T EI t—TWO turo men to ass w „ electric chandeliers. J. R. IIunnlcutt A Co. WANTED-GOOD DRI’O CLERK AN!) sot In fountnln mnn. Single nmti prefer red. Don’t want drunkard nor morphin' eater. State snlnry expected. Apply now P, O. Ilo» 185. Coinnlft, Gn. WANTED—FIFTY LABORERS AT ONCR Good wages; slipping quarters free; menh at low prices; good treatment to men In our employ. Apply Swift Fertiliser Works, Mfl rlettn rood. AT WANTED—JOB PRESS FEEDERS. HIGH eat wages for steady worker*. Blossej Press, W. c. Ntmetnarher, in n linger, 40 Wnl ton street. SALESMEN. COLLECTORS. ROOKKEEI era. stenographer*. salesladies, eompnii Ions, housekeepers, meehnnleiil and teehlill cal help In nil lines placed promptly In im* aitions; our facilities l*est; semi for list. Natlonnl Employment Association. 1022 1023 Century hullulug, Atlnutn, tin. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. an kroKin^Y^muToTiT rorm di sire sltuntlon ns ove grounds nml do light rlenee. No Incumbmn ences. J. D. II., 732 Griffin, Ga. EMPLOYMENT BY A CLEAN TIGHT worthy man In any state. Address 11, rare Georg Inn. Ample expo Rest of refer Broad street, 8ITUATI0N8 WANTED-FEMALE. AGENTS WANTED.. PICTURE AGENTS—SEND YOUIt WORK to u* for enlnrgement; fnlr prices, good finish; 16 by 20. Religious nnd scenery pie- tares chenp. The Garner Company, 13A Peters street, Atlanta, Ga. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PI.LMRER. rbeset 1266. >0 E. Hunter St. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. GET PRICES ON FURNITURE ANY* where else, come to us and we will bent them. Robison A Barnes, 18 E. Hunter. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF MATTINGS IIE dneed 6c a yard. Robison A Barnes, 18 E. Hunter street. CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN Georgia. Robison A Barnes, 18 E. Hunter. REI'HIISEHATORH aTToStT HORIHON A Ilnrnos. 18 East Hunter street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-ALL KINDS OF SALABLE school, law, medlcnl books for ensb. J. C. Cavan, 71 Whitehall street. ’Phone 1821 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO* pie nnd others. American Investment Co.. 70d Candler Bldg. Mortgage loans on real estate. THE UNION HAVINGS BANK BUYS purchase money notes and lends money on Improved Atlanta property a reason, able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. ARCHITECTS. LET US DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build your house. We can save you mono/. Address Pi O. Box 675. BICYCLE 8UNDRIES. BICTC'I.ES and sundries—largest lilrrcl,. nml •■imlry <ll,trlt,'.:tora In th» Souln. Southern for !Meree. Yile. Snell nml Hmlnon Uhrrlri. Write for our IFM catalogue and price lift. Alexander. Kly^n Co. CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK AND NOVELTIES. I'rompf aervfi i-. Hell ’phone 374. Atlanta Wood nml Iron Novelty Work., 389 M.rl.ttn lit reel. MONCRIEF— JIE’H THE MAN THAT SEMJI HOT AIR. InstnllH furnnees In old house* ns well ns new. He prepares n cellar If you have * >o m». Monerlef Furnace Co. Both ’phones. messenger service. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MBS- "JIM., 'plume 33. J. A. Davie, and 1. C. Urn,inn. PICTURE FRAME8. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. Yarbrough. 2V6 Auburn avenue, —Entrauca Auburn are* MONEY TO LOAN AT 6, 6 AND 7 PER rent Interest, according to security of. frred; small expense and prompt attention. Only on real estate In and near Atlanta. H. B. Turman. MURCIAL HOME FUNDS T<T LEND; any amount, M*. 6 and 6 per cent. Writ* or call H. W. < arson, 24 H. Broad afreet. FARM LOANS WE ARE PLACING. loan* on Georgia farina at the lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould Milhllng. MONEY to* LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at* very lowest rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 2024 Teiunle Court. PRE88INO CLUB. PRE8S1NU —ALTERING—Tfll£ NEW EK- rekn J'reasing t’Jul*— Cleaning-Repairing, Atlanta ’idiom* 700. Ilell pboue 2475. 106V4 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Membership II per month. The Problem of rtadlly obtaining good help has been Solved ' most satisfactorily by those that have used the Help Wanted Columns of The Georgian, a newspaper that draws from a list of over 100,000 readers. a I mo m»n Straight It wards, n'-cordlug to desirability of loan. IV. A. Foster. 12 H. Broad street. PROFESSIONAL. t.VIKf ~ A.VIl 4 'IffHRMANTER n position; highest tcMf liiionhi)*. e t°ueh. Address .IiiIcm <». Iliigulet, EDUCATIONAL^ WESLEVAX^TEMAI^roUrKlH*: AND Mervntory of Music, Mil eon. Gn.—Old ml best. If you wish to attend an) tills school year, get on the waiting ow. < atalogues free. Dili'* WANTEO—MONEY. M <IN E Y w'ANriiTnifljSK WANT EI nee on go4s| business property worth $3. Address "Money Wanted/’ enro Tin orjrlsn. B00Kfi[A1^8T^TI0N^RY^ SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT-BOOKS specialty.! Fine stationery and of. ■applies. lleadi|iiarterH for post cards and souvenirs. We sell J|.f,o books for 50c Come ami see thenu. We buy nil klmls J 1,1 nnd medical book*. •1 Whitehall street. Southern Book Con J. V. <Javan, manager. Bell ’phone FOR 8ALE—REAL E8TATE. Slve It our *pei If ll’s worth ..... VC Will sell It. C. II. Well* 4k Co., 1104 i Nntlunal Bank. BOARDERS WANTED. I!E BON AIR. nxTTvnrhOeeTiIc11* Hij^eeHon^cnnyTr^^ OFFICE 8PACE FOR RENT, IF FITE RIB ^ IN FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING. USE OF ’PHONE FREE. J.. CARE EORGIAN. MISCELLANEOUS. MADAME MELLIE. TIIE NOTED EGYPT- IAN PALMIST, tells you everything you want to know and find out. Gives names, dates, farts In everything pertaining to life. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. ••Don’t let ’em fool you." Jim Burnett Iformerly of Burnett A Willi*) I* not de*d nor missing. He I* contracting wall naper OLD HATS MADE NEW ACME HATTERS. Ctt Whitehall SL DR. W. J. TUCKER. Dr. W. J. Tucker. 15»* N. Broad street. At- ^ ^ FORR ENT—ROOM S. BOoTurFOlTTrE NT I. F. MEN IN BE FIN ED north side home; all iiioderu eonvenlenees. Address L. F. W.. IV Q, Box 7Tt». FOR RENT—HOUSES. BENT EIGHT ROOM cottage; also, large barn; all practically new. Lot 280 by fftt. tin best Street out of Decatur. Convenient to car. Address U'Ul.T, | til!, 1,1 WANTED—HOU8E. SAUNDERS, PR ATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Phone, Dell 2081. WEST END. HERE WE HAVE A MCE fi ROOM COT- im Ini Tfixl’dl, TliU U on (Ionian » ,r vvi, anil If you mo looking for n homo In 11 V*| Bn,I li will liny you to*800 till. Iivfurv yon hoy MASS STREET; HERE WE HAVE a nice 5 HOOM COT- lot. nml right III I'millol fimt'il l33.uo per month rvnl mi want n i-.itlnRt- homo on mol In nil,Ml hulgliliorhooii """ i" " Y-'.Ool HARDEN STREET. A_ III.AI TIEI I. r. llOIIM COCTAOK ON lot 13x101. Till. Ih rlulit in iTtMirniii avo. hum, iiml If wry i-hwip «t tho ih Ii m... .$3,350 OltANT STREEt7 A < OTTAOE CONTAININ'!! KIVB ROOMS nml lullh on Ini 50x135. This voOm;c u n toioift In itn.l iimv. \\ n mu ii iiiiikn you wry oim.v Ipriiif mi ihlu. .lorn tho plnoo for !i llli’Q IlHIo holm* $3,250 ” ~ KELLY STREET. A MCE 4 ROOM COTTAIIE. NOT ONE your ol,I noil m, lot .Vi»i*i, ThU l> In tin best of neighborhoods and Is v»»r% cheap " f - ....>1,MD Snl III KIRKWtMHV. A OHt »oM 11 n I SI: t»N | a it 100x2.10 A NI Have r. Now If j Hi side nE , K . n ,„ SEWING MACHINE8. RBNTKD-TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH, either Singer or Wheeler A Wilson. We rent only new machine* with complete set of nffnchfnerif*. Prompt delivery. Both Phone* 1893. Singer Sewing Maebtue Co., 79 Whitehall street. 8JOVES ANO RANGE8 REPAIRED. KIOlFs AND RANGES REPAIRED AND set up Expert workman. Patterson Furniture house, 286 Peters street. ’Phones, Atlanta 2472. Bell 794 west. We buy any* thing. TlfI/I TALKING MACHINE3. TALKING machines and BKCORDS * ’ « nod retail dlHtrllmtors of Ylc to* Talking Machine* nml Iteeord*. Just received large consignment of machines and over jo.r/yt reconls. Immediate attention g yen mall orders. We waut tne names of "I* talking machine dealers III the South. Urlte for catalogue. Alctander-Elyen Co. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. $3.. r .IV>-OAK ST.; 6-ROOM COTTAGE; LOT uOxlSS; lies level; benutlfu) section. Olid we can make terms right to sultublo parly. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. U ROUNTREE A BRO. TRUNK AND , PAG CO. Befall and repairing. S< Whitehall street. Phone 1676. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches Hre my hobby. Modern Ideas In J york_nn4| dealings. II. Walter I^tt. Room l-L 1‘onrth National Rank Bldg.. Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. GWTNN’S SHOE SHOP. 132 PEACHTREE ST., OPPOSITE THE l nnillnr lllila. Util' 2335. Moira lentil naff to Im. 7ltf. D. T. WEST & CO., _ CONTRACTORS, nt ll.DEns AND REPAIRERS. ■U4 N. ■>anyth St. Rail (Main) 1051 and 2256. Atlanta .166 nml 2256. HOMER L. HUNT, STENOGRAPHER A COIIRE8PONDEN' 39V4 Whitehall St. 3314 s. lirond S Bell Phone No. 6047. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLWOODS. IDEALS nnd nil other inukcs at bargain prices >0 can sell you a register, suitable for . ii.v business, at n prlco that can not help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Every reg- THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, FOR RENT No. 175 Hass street, 7 rooms, all modern improvements, near Washington street. Rents $27.50 per month. LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. In half block i utter works, fruit ou can not build I’his Im of shade iml plenty the housi $4.fern Any » NOT Ml IT YOU WE will be pleased to show ale list It Willi E. L. MORSE, tlU FOURTH NATIONAL HANK. NORTH SIDE, CLOSE IN IIIv room, mill hall; all .-,11 Mti|ih‘d liv on nor: Ion minnii,. •Her huildini;; gMtsi; $Cun < Tt»RE. REN'l’INt LOMT-GOLD WATiTI FOB. ENGRAVE!) Finder will Im* rewards! by J. F. Beck. 38 North Forsyth street. i ACRE IN WESTERN IIKlGilTM. ON 4TRKRT, .11 ST OFF itlGil iK!.;;: near «",\i.ii.ji \ I. l-.f 50 by no to another LOKT-A WHITE POINTER Dog. WITH liver -colored spots on tall. Isick ami ears; lost on LuWle avenue. Return t<» <Je«»rge Knott. 25 Whitehall. t»r 279 Gordon street, oml twelve |5 reward. MX ROOM N'EGKt) rents $l"s year; price »rt street and Auburn DAIRY and i’e! FARM, M icad.'iinlzeil : i" 1 AVANTED. \ TENANT ON LONG LEASE FOR A NEW BUILDING CONTAIN ING 20 TOGO,000 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE ON CORNER LOT. WITHIN 1.350 FEET OF TERM I NAL AND FREIGHT DE POTS. ANSWER. • builiVer, ATLANTA GEORGIAN. 14.750— R ET W E R N THE PEACHTREES we have for sale n beautiful 6-room rot- tage ou nice elevated lot. This Is some*, thing strictly choice; can make terms If $5 2^-80x200, on 14TII STREET; LIES lovely; vour last chance to get on this fashionable street at anything like thl* 14,750—GORDON ST.; 8 ROOM 2 STORY splendid home, on lot 50x180; on car line. This is splendid value. You should sec It If you really wnnt something good. $2,<50-JU8T OFF GORDON ST.. HALF block on pretty street, we have nice 6- rootn cottage on lot OOxlHO. This Js an ex cellent proposition nnd we ran sell It to you even If your purse Is sadly depressed. 12,750-NEAR PRYOR ST., WE HAVE A splendid 6-room cottage on level, pretty lot, which we can sell on terms. This In In a beautiful block nml line uelgblmrliood. $4.500—S. PRYOR ST. HOME OF 10 ROOMS on large, shndy lot; lies well nnd house alone Is worth almost this price, to say nothing of the lot. 'Renting. Century Bldg. PIIONS DELL 434. thing lielgllb ),26U-$50» |IC|\VN AND la l'KH month gets nice new five-room cottage; rented for $22.50 per month. $2.750—$500 DOWN AND $a 1-I2R MONTH gets pretty six-room cottage, large, level lot; car Hue.. New nml modern; all Im proveinent*. $3,000—$1,000 DOWN AND BALANCE TO suit buys one of the prettiest cottage homes In the whole Grant park section, and there Is nothing better for the money to be had. $4,60*1 BUYS A LARGE CORNER PROP erty. House cost $4,000, and lot Is worth $2,100. Everything Is first class In every respect. See this. "WH tiKT HKHL’I.Tg." FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all makes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fnil to let us know your wants In this line you will lose money. Write or call for "Special Sale List.” We maintain the best repair department in the South and guarantee work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. W. A. JARRELL & CO., Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phone Main 424 Atlanta Phone 4570 715 Austell Bldg. $5.(W-CLOSE IN, JI’ST OKI’ WHITE. linn; 11-room nplendldly built homo, on lot 5-fLu. . no can innke torins of $1,000 cash ana balnuce easy. This Is splendid value. M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET 51. A, SHELTON 18 prnctlrnl itove nnd rnn(e repairer: b«»t work nod material guaranteed. Both phooe* 6276. 61 8. Pryor atiwer. SPECIAL. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME NEAR GRANT PARK, HERE TS YOUR CHANCE. A NICE SIX- ROOM COTTAGE, BARNS, AND SMALL ORCHARD. ON CHERT ROAD. THIS PLACE MUST BE SOLD. LOT 300x300. STOP PAYING RENT! BECOME YOUR OWN LANDLORD! STATISTICS. THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN C.O. of Wimhlnittou. D. C., will aell you from one to live contraeta entitling you to n lonn of from $1,000 to $5,000 at 5 per cent simple Interest, returnable In .mull monthly InHfnllmenta of $7.60 per month on enrh n.OM borrowed, enabling yon to become vour own landlord nnd paying for your home for lean Ilian you are now paying rent. For prospectus nnd pinna of the com* tinny, addrern J. St. Julfen Vntea, State Agent, 321 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, On. t’Ot'NTY IN GEORGIA.* W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. GI.ORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. IIAI.L. lakkwood 15«; half Mtx*k inr lint*. f**r a few day* at Sl.ifri sput cash; bargain, with good future. BII AM* NI: W . IIV Kill it >M S AND HALL; ■* J ■*' ’ " “ renting hack. Reward fo strs-ot to 62 Marietta TWO FRUIT FARMS on Southern Railway, 80 and WUNKLiN: THB^LE^N OLEAn”fRL I 40 .*•* Jr^,HSSl S?V,Ll°.. V^I & aides apart; will take $3,5(K) — - - for both places, or sell them ART SCHOOL. , 8e , )arato . WANTED—THE PLIII IC To VISIT I J >p otyirvix Blappy’* Krhool of Art urn! litsp«H t |«»r-i u. 1. I UHMl, cl “” C “ cu " Prioi-S, Ga. ntly by Hoff Sims »V mrge oak trees; one half month, Prtft $.'sX). ioDtikis 'f6WagK, HFP MODKILV. J.L’VI.’I.. mu ID t.* alley. tJrant street ettne; $2.1W; a eitsli bar L.n 1*. it\ r~rd AN r»s>in for m*vent I nior, rt; «»!»•* third cash, hnlntmt FOR SALE. A very desirable building lot . r >3xl?5 fret, corner Highland avenue and Ponce DeLeon Circle. DeLOACH MILL MFO. CO.. 40U Highland Avcuuo. ON GRANT 8TIIKET, WR HAVE A GOOD -•-•room cottage with nil the city 7 con- •ttces, large elevated lot. l’rlco $2,700 ON OAKLAND AVK.M K, ALMOST NKW Jttnge, nil the city conve- •ark for a front yard. Frlr es. Graut 11,660. Kas.v term*. AVRNFR ~ LAKF.Vl‘oOD FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M hiuiimdm Heights, only half block from the well built cottage homo, eiglt . line; hrnuiLnc c«*utaiiiliig four room* vn fed lot, 6*1 by 25 Price, $1,000. WEST I.INDKN STREET-NEAR SPRING street; nlc home. all . I’rl* • room cottnge almost new flv •Ity 4 , onven|i>ncps; gixsl .... 32,IO»i. Terms $400 cash and IN G It A.XT I’AHK SRf 1 loN-Nlt’l!: SI.V r«M*ni cottage; gas and water; har*l oil finish: elevated lot; cabinet mantels, doa ble floored; nearly new; splendid value for Sl.tioo. terms. I’ONN'ALLY ST UK FT - NR Alt FAHt strict sch.Hil; well built and substantial cottage Inane, caitnlnlag five rooms and ball; all city conveniences; lot. 50 by 120 fe**t t«* alley. Uric** $2,25*); eaiy 4*« ItAWSttN* HTTiKK'T-TWtl S’l’i PROPERTY TRANSFERS. $337—Hlle.w Haynes to Merchants nnd Me- rhaiilcs Banking nnd Loan Co., lot on Sims street near Arthur street. Morfgnge. $1,800—Susie A. Fudge to Bnlnhridge State Ilnnk, lot on West I’enchtree street near Collier street. Mortgag* $4,300—T. J. Avery to J. W. Goldsmith, lot on West Ponontree street near Tenth street. Warranty deed. $1,250—Charles V. Ita In water to C. Blzer, lot on east side of Pearl street i south.line of lot No. 9. Warranty deed. $20,000—J. L. Height nnd M. L. Thrower to II. T. I luff nnd W. P. Little, lot on cor* ner of S. Pryor nnd Garnett streets.. War ranty deed. $7,760—Atlanta Natlonnl Bank to Georgln Beslty Co., lot on Forsyth street near Gar nett street. Warranty deed. $3,500—Nannie J. Miles to C. J. Sheohnn, lot on Davis street, near lltiodes street. Wsrrnnty deed. $500—Davison, Taxon, Stokes Co., lot on Grcensferry street near Henry street. War- rnney need. $2,000— Mrs. Mnry K. Wash to Southern States Life Insurance Company, lot on l’lne atri'ct, near Butler streid. l^»nn deed. [too—T. B. West to Mrs. Mnry K. Wash, >n Jackson street, near Angler avenue. Warranty deed. $7,700— Empire State Investment Compnny * P. II. Joyner, lot on Paul avenue near Grant street. Bond for title. $210—Mrs. M. A. Brownlee to Mutual I«onn nnd Banking Company, lot on Fair street near Moreland avenue. Mortgage. $7.900—Charles A. Bowen to Blrhnrd Til- Us, lot mi North avenue near Spring street. Warranty deed. $2,300—Peters Land Company to Charles A. Bowen, lot on North avenue, near Spring street. Warranty deed. ii IkYl \f nrvlii l '.xtin-nt* Semi-Central Property. No. 105 S. Pryor St.—55x105, right on the edge of business houses; price $8,500. Nos. 156 and 160 Madison avenue—Corner lot, 122x 107, one block from freight depot; a big, close-in comer for $6,000. No. 283 Marietta St.—Comer lot, 97 1-2x116, one block beyond Sharp’s drugstore, in good business sec tion; price $13,000. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. FOR SALE—CAPITOL AVENUE BEYOND GEORGIA AVENUE, 7-ROOM HOUSE, NEW THROUGHOUT, NICE, ELEVATED LOT, FINE NEIGHBORHOOD. WILL MAKE TERMS IE DESIRED. Apply 210 English-American Building. GRAND AUTO PARADE OPENSJACON FAIR Gates of Centennial Celebra tion To Be Thrown Open Tuesday. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Oct. 1.—Macon’s mam moth fair and centennial celebration opens tomorrow and the Indications are that it will be one of the most success ful In Georgia history. Everything Is In readiness at the Central City park for the opening of the gates and by tonight all the exhibits will be in shape. Preparations have been made for the handling of record-breaking crowd* and advices from the railroads Indi cate that these crowds are coming. New features never before seen In Georgia fairs will be introduced and the live stock nml agricultural displays are declared to be the best ever gath ered together In Georgia. The big feature of the two opening days will be the automobile races. Be fore the gates are opened tomorrow there will be a grand parade through the streets and In this parade will be seen some of the finest horses in the country, besides a large array of rac ing automobiles. Cars have been en tered from all over the state nnd the meet promises to be successful, even if no world’s records are broken. MILITIA ON DUTY AT MACON STRIKE SPECIAL NOTICES. Mr. Walter B. Brown, Mr. Cephas M. Brown, Mr. William 8. Brown, Mis* Cora A. Brown. Mr. Leonard W. Brown. Mrs. W. 1L Chase nml Lieutenant Hugh S. Brown are invited . plea su pallbearers and moot at the of fice *>f II. M. Patteraon A Bon. 1*6 North Forsyth street, at 9:15 a. in.: Captain D. G. Wylie. Judge Georgs I Buyer. Mr. W. P. Wttlllo. Captain W. I». fclll*. Captain W. T. It. Wilson. Mr. II. S. Johnson, Mr. J. J. Sullivan, Mr. W. K. Mower. f4‘»*t. with t w $ $ obi houses ,. n It for $1, 54*0. Good lot to Improve or hold for fn tnre enfinmvment. Bell ’Phone 202?. Atlanta’ Phone W8L SALKS DRPABTMRNT: A. S. HOOK K. C. EVE. FOR RENT. JTrvoRTTirtioTTnJVAftK 8 SIX-ROHM COTTAIIi: 4IN i,m 150. Is on the west aide «*f North Boulevard, at the corner of Adams str •mtb. t; also, plenty of r* > $40 THIS TWO STOBY frame, on lot la by ! nted. is **n the M4Hith ten tie. Iietweeu Capitol streets; has ga*. hot and .. lain bath. ••Ios#>t, stationary wnstmtaiid. sink in the kitchen; Woodward avenue •wrs pass the dobr. Bents $»o per mouth. AVENIR. RIGHT BOOM , w lib’ll lies He- le oJ»W«HMhvanl tsar JOHN J. WOODS1DE, THE RENTING AGENT, )2 Auburn Avenue. Both Phone* lit. —' — for title. $6,00*)—W. B. Ware to Mrs. M. R. Parmer, lot on Cone street, near Walton. Warranty itebd. BUILDING PERMITS. $140—A. J. ttrine, to build addition to one- *torv frame dwelling nt 139 Irn *tr*»et. $150—Mrs. Charles F. Tyler, to re-cover one-story frntn* dwelling at 157 Wnlton street. $3,000—A. B. Bree, to luilld one-st$>ry frame dwelling at M2 Plcdimmt avenue. $1.3)0— George p. Moore, to bulbl one- story frame ilwelling at 146 South avenue. $3,500—K. W. Sullivan, to Imlbl two one- atory frame dwellings nt 53-55 Augusta nve- $126—S. A S. Drug Co., i to store house at 44.’ S. Pr $3,000—Mrs. A. B. Bree to bulbl * frame dwelling nt S12 Piedmont n IS IN ELEVATOR FALL John Sulbmton, of Central Place, un employee of the Ferro-Concrete ompany, was badly bruised nnd In jured Monday morning in nn elevator accident on the new Washington Street induct. The elevator, with Sulbmton on board, was carrying a lot of concrete the top of the viaduct, when in some manner the cable broke and the ear fell to the ground, a distance of about 50 feet, the concussion smashing the •ar. I SulIonton was given n severe jolting and was badly bruised about the bark. He was taken to the Grady hospital, where it was announced hi* injuries were nut considered nerlous. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Oct. 1.—With the ex ception of the cutting of a few morq trolley wires last night, everything passed off quietly yesterday and the street cars were operated without be Ing molested by strikers or their s.vm pathlxers. Yesterday afternoon a mass meeting of strike sympathisers was held In the auditorium and speeches were made. The meeting was presided /er by President N. D. May of the Central Labor Union, and by Ben Com mons, the National Union representa tive who is engineering the strike; Steve A. Crump and others. The re fusal of the directors of the railway company to grant the modified de mands of the strikers nt the conference on Saturday afternoon and night has thoroughly aroused the strikers and their sympathizers, and it Is believed that mob violence will Again break out nnd prevent the ffperatlon of cars out side of the city limits. Saturday night the mob cut down the wires In East Macon nnd in South Macon, hut inside the city there was no disorder except the yelling of marching crowds of strike sympathiz ers. A crowd of several hundred start ed to the pyw*r house of the company and rumors that the plant was to be dynamited necessitated the calling out of three companies of the Second regi ment and the men remained In their armories until late at night and then re turned to their homes with the excep tion of u guard. Inside the city tho mob was held thor*Highly In cheek and the property of the company was protected. At dark all ears censed running, the of ficials of the company thinking this the best course In view of the situation. The police force, aided by extra men, did excellent work and nt no time did Chief Conner feel apprehensive. Yesterday the military was In readi ness to respond, the men being In their armories. This precaution, however, was taken for any trouble that might arise outside the city limits, where there was no police protection what ever. The citizens' committee appointed by Mayor Smith held n conference with the railway directors nnd strikers’ rep resentatives all Saturday afternoon and part ot the night, but nothing could be done. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Officially correctea by Atlanta Fruit zod Produce Exchange. Lemons. $7.50. Limes. 60«75c. Pineapple*. $1.604^2.60. Bananas, straights, ner bunch, $1.6091.75. Cull*, per hiincli, $1.00*11.26. CALIFORNIA hftUIT—Fancy stock: Kiocrta peache*. per box, $1.60. Mountain Bartlett pear*, per box, $3.3, Gross plum*, per crate, $2. Columbian prunes, per crate, 12. Bose Peru gropes, per crate, $2.00. Blue Malvolse grapes, per crate, $2.00. Poultry And couNTiTypRODOCB-. Llve hrnx, 35®37V4c; frlei, 22H«»c; broil era. 15@22Vic. « Dressed fries, 18020c pound. Dressed hens, per pound, 144?lac. Live dueks, Pekin, 35c; puddle, 25027y4c. Rggs, per dozen, 23c. Butter, tahlo, ner pound, 20®22V4c; cool* lag. P«*r pound, 12H4?15c. Honey, new, 8® 10c pound; In one-pound racks *10i312o. VEGETABLES—Irish potatoes No. 1 stock, per bushel, $1.05. _ , . Cabbage (Virginia!, IV: pound; Danish 1 f.lma beans per pound, 6c; Navy, $2.10 per bushel. . ^ ^ Onions, per bushel, $1.25. New sweet potatoes. 60c buihei. Kraut, H-hnrrel, $3.76. , j FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS FLOUR—Posters patent. $6.00; Diamond patent, $6.25; Mnaeontah Star, $4.70: fancy patent. $4.60; Bed Eagle. $4.16; Blue Itlboou. $3.90; fancy, $3.90; spring wheat patent, $5.09 ©6.50. CORN—Choice red coh, 72c; No. 2 white, 70c; No. 2 yellow, 69**; mixed, 68c. OATS—Choice white “Upped, 48c; choirs white, 47c; choice mixed, 45c; Texas rust proof. 60c. . . , MEAL—Plain water-graund. per bushel 67c; bolted, 140-pound Jutes per bushel, 63c; Shorts, white, $1.50: medium. $1.40; brown, $1.30; pure bran, $1.10; mixed bran, $1.06. HAY—Timothy, choice large bales, $1.15; do., choice small hales, $1.10; do., No. 1 timothy hales, $1.06; No. 2, $1.00; do., No. L eloevr mixed. $1.00; do., No. 2 ctover mixed, $1.00. $1.00; choice Bermuda, 75c. RYB—Georgia, $1.10; Tennessee, 90c. Bar* lev. 96c. The above prices sre f. o. b. Atlanta. GROCERIES. . - ng. COFFEE—Roasted Arbuckle’s $16.60. bulk, In bogs en barrels, i$c; green, 10O BICE—Carolina Mark according •atrong PUdVisTONS-lgiipreme^ama, 16c. Dots hnins, 15Hc. California I twins. 14 a ic. *'“■** “'Ns—Supreme hams, $9.00; Red snit extra ribs, $9.15; fat hacks, 8c; platen - . - „—12H; Red Cross, 10c. 8flowWftrggounO^R^iCro»TI|f, Old. Asked. Georgia, 1910.. .112 LABOR DAY PRIZES AWARDER OCT, II On tho evening of October 1ft, which Is the regtilnr meeting night of the At lanta Federation of Trades, prizes will be awarded the unions which won dis tinction In the Labor Day parade. The exercises will be held nt Federation hall In Forsyth street. There will he plenty of lemonade and Igars for those who attend. While It will be meeting night for the fed. ration, the public will he expected to attend. The awarding of prizes was to have taken place last week, hut wns post poned owing to the troubles following the disorder In the city on the evening " * >ctober 22. Jerome Jones, president of the At lanta Federation of Trades, will be master of ceremonies. Hnvnunah 6s. lDod... Macons 6s, 1910,... Atlanta, 6s, 1911 106 Atlanta, 4V4*. 1922 107 Atlanta 4s, 1934 106 Atlanta nnd West Point. . . .166 Atlanta and West Point Debts..l07 Central Railway of Georgia lit do. Income do. 2*1 Income do. 3d Income Georgia 266 Augusta nnd Savannah. .... .116 Southwestern U| Georgia Pacific 1st* 120 C.» C. and A. 1st* 112 mangeTsDcceeded DY J, B, BAIRD, JR„ AT GRADY HRSPITAL Dr. J. D. Manget, popular house sur geon of Grady hospital for the psst sis months, closed his term of service Sun* day night and loft the Institution. Dr. Manget Is succeeded by Dr. James B. Ihilrd. Jr., who will Im* houm* surgeou for the ensuing six months. Ar Dr. J. D. Mnn get left the service of the hospital, his brother. Dr. Fred T. .Manger, entered the hospital .is ambulance surgeon. The remnliilug ineiulH-rs of the hospital stnff are Dr. frtnefl Itoeekh. Dr. II. McJI. Klluc nu«l Dr. II. B. Nmmnlly. Sherlock Holmes was rolling anoth er pill. "What *11*1 you get out of that last case?” asked the genial doctor. "Not much,” replied he great sleuth, scornfully. "Somebody swiped all tho bottles before I got there.”—Milwau kee Hentlnel. She started, recoiled, and. then bent anxiously nearer her mirror. "A wrinkle, as I’m alive!” she ex claimed. She was of a buoyant temper, how'- ever. "I suppose rn have to put a good face on it!" she said, reaching forth with for the necessary material*.—