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Chambsrlin-Johnson-DuBose Company.
Chamberlih-JoKnson-DuBos? Company.
Chamberlin-JoKnson-DuBose Company.
^Paquin Uses A Good Deal Of Akncon
Lace Wher? A Fine Lac? Is Demand?d
t '
As On Bodices, Bub Thsre Is No
Lace That Is Not Used By $om?9h?.
In other words Paquin, that great dictator of syle, sounds the key note that
the general trend of dress is toward much elaboration, the employment of a large
amount of this favorite and very feminine article is a foregone conclusion.
Cluny Laces.
Clunvs have been reinstated, that is an indisputable fact} but that they s will
repeat their extraordinary success of several seasons ago remains to be demon
strated. It may be as well to mention here that the return of Clunvs this season
was predicted in these columns several months ago. The influence of this move
ment is noticeable in many of the new patterns of Venices and other laces in which
the Cluny idea is represented. Black silk goods, hand-made ant} machine-made,
and the same in white are counted on for a considerable popularity.
. ' ' y ‘ •
The New Patterns. 1
Festoon effects, deep points, rounded or sharp, elaborate and wide motifs and
separable galons, all find representation in both white and the black silk laces.
The triangular pattern is a conspicuous one, and others are equally effective, but
nondescript. *
It has been a long tune since rose point has been so much in evidence as in the
fall display. Some of this machine goods is exquisitely fine, and the design is so
generally admired it is rather surprising it has ever been neglected.
Flat Venices are decidedly in the lead and all of the old, time-honored designs,
as well as many new ones in which arc suggestions of Cluny, filet, Mireeourt and
embroidered net effects have been added to the list of candidates for popular con
sideration. • (
Preparations have evidently been made for a continued run on very narrow
—L’Art De La Mode
Venice galons and edges, which were so much called for during the summer, add
which have such a broad scope of uses in covering the joinings of the various sorts
of trimmings that form a mosaic on the elaborate gown or waist of this epoch. __
Irish Crochet Lace.
Irish crochet lace has come into its own again, after being for a time elbowed
aside by the extraordinary fad for the baby variety. There is imminent danger of
a shortage in the market of the hand-made goods, even at this early stage of the
season. The yearly output of these laces is naturally limited, as only expert hands
can produce them, and the number of these is not large.
In Irish laces, as well as in the Venices, creams and ecrus^are shown, and a
strong call for them is expected by reason of the prominence given in the color pre
dictions for fall to browns and green, with which they accord more harmoniously
than the pure white laces.
Very wide bauds and edges, large motifs and medallions, separable galons and
festoon effects comprise the variety, of forms in these goods, which are frequently
most deceptive replicas of the hand-made designs of antique origin. *
Bruges Lace.
Bruges laces have been slowly advancing in favor for several seasons, and are
now a very important feature in high-class goods. They are shown in bauds and
medallion effects intended for insertion in gowns and waists of net or lace. _ j
Black LacSs.
Confidence in black laces seems to grow as the season advances. Few if any of
the varieties shown iu white, cream and ecru goods have not been developed hi
black silk laces and iu addition a greater diversity of combination effects than was
ever known before. Narrow black Chantillvs and Mechlins are as popular as ever.
All These Are H?re And Mahy Others
Princess in madallions, edges, band galons, and all- *
over to match in white or black.
Real Cluny in medallions of many sizes, Black and
Real Cluny in Edges, Bnds, all-overs and Galon?
to match.
Point de Rose Laces in all-overs, Edges and Bands
to match; Ecru, Cream, White and Black.
Real Irish Crochet Laces, all to match.
Flat Venice Laces in large medallions.
Van Dyke Points in Venice Laces.
Cluny combined with Irish Crochet.
Gross Irish Laces in imitation of the real Irish, in
edges, bands and all-overs to match in white.
Real Rose Point Berthas, all-overs and band to
Real Duchess Berthas in all-overs, edges and bands.
Net combination.
Filet combinations with
Irish Crochet.
iBese Company.