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Unparalleled Bargains in Our Great Fair Sale
lv eeK OU X e e ^^K 8 U“« t e° h f aSr ,0rt “ W '" C ° n “ i ' Ue throu ‘ h “ ut ,he
Full atxe. veil made, cotton fllled Comfort*; In thla CCt.
sale at OJfC
Full »l*e Comfort*, cotton filled, atlkollne covered; $1.75 * an
value; In thla aale JrOC
Extra large Comfort*, filled wfth aelect cotton, extra well no
made; $4.00 value .70
Extra fine, very large sateen covered, cotton fllled (t) on
Comfort*, at
Very fine down fllled Comfort*, beat aateen cover*; tf t an
$8.00 value 4>J,?0
These on First Floor
Great Sale of Dress Goods and Silks
The sensational sale of new Dress Goods and Silks will continue tomor
row. Those who have seen the offerings say that they are the grandest bar
gains ever shown in Atlanta.
The drea* good* Include finest chiffon broadcloth*, Panama*. Sicilian*, cravenettea, aergea and melton*
In black, white and every deatrable fall and winter ahade; amart English and Scotch mixture*, novelty
plalda, shadow check* and fancy weave* of various kind*—positively the greatest aggregation of fashion
able fabrics ahown In all Atlanta.
Tomorrow the entire lot will be on big center tables, divided Into three great special line*, priced
a* follows;
Value* up to 75c a yard 25c Value* up to $1.50 a yard fjQQ Va,uea U P t0 $3.00 a yard, 98c
In this great scoop we have secured high grade, yard-tvlde taffetas, peau de soles, peau de cygne*;
messallnes, etc., In black, white, blue, green, brown, red and evening shades, and a fine assortment of the
ultra-fashionable fancy plaids.
These will be on two big center tables, prices as follows;
Sllke worth up to $125, at AQfb Silks worth up to $2.00, at
per yard .-. per yard
In the great Fair Sale we are offering a line of handsome 9 by II and 9 by
12-foot Art Squares at a sensational bargain price. Some are of best 10-
wlre Brussels; others are all-wool reversible Smyrna*. Patterns are new.
colorings bright; values up to $23.50. CO Qfl
This sale price for choice la
... $3.98
and pretty patterns ,
About $00 bright, pretty, all-wool Smyrna Door Rugs
will go to early comers, one to a buyer, at, each
500 good slse Axmlnster, Velvet and Body Brussels Rugs
to go at, each
Very highest grade Wilton Velvet Art Squares, full
9‘by 12 feet; $60 values
Bleached Sheets, full double-bed
Slse, hemmed ready for AAf*
use. Special "••fig
Pillow Cases, full slse, bleached,
best value you ever saw, 4A.
at each i.... I I Uls
Table Damask, full bleached, dou
ble satin faced; 50 Inches OCf*
wide; yard CwC
Napkins, full bleached and
hemmed, 16Inches square; ' i.
very special *tU
Huek Towels, large slxe, good
heavy weight, hemmed
ends. Special
Sea Island Domsstio,
finished, yard wide, yard.. W8W
nr iiiiuuneu
Bleached Cambrio, Lonsdale fin
ish, yard wide; very spe- Can
clal, yard DC
Bed Spreads, genuine ‘Imported
quilted Marseilles; extraC~ *
slse; 14.00 values.
Table Felt, extra heavy and extra
good quality; 60 Inches Cng*
wide, yard vUC
Eureka Rubber, very best grade,
worth 76c a yard, Fair
Sale price
Elbow Gloves of finest French kid,
In black and white; $2.60|
Silk Gloves, full elbow leni
white or black; extra spe
clal at
Furs Underpriced
From a leading New York furrier we have se
cured 1,000 pieces of new fall and winter furs at
'way below real values. The line Includes stoles,
boas, scarfs, throws, collarettes, etc., of mink, sa
ble and other stylAdi furs—all new shapes and
good qualities. They'll go on sale tomorrow In
three lots, as follows;
ich kid.
$3.00 to $4.00
Furs at
$10 to $16
fii'* $5.00
Fine Millinery
Ladieu* "Peter Pan” and "Cigarette" Hat* and
Felt Sailor* in ail the stylish shades; some with
the smart, fancy bands; also Children's Hats;
worth up to $S; choice, to
morrow, at
These in the Basement
Pattern Hats of fine velvet, exquisitely trimmed
In*plumes, alrettes, etc.—every fashionable shade
Is Include 1—hats worth up to $10
$12 and $15. Fair sale price....
Floor Oilcloth, extra'quallty, good
patterns. Fair Sale price, OCa
per yard Cvv
English Linoleums, In nqw and
very handsome patterns; Clip
Mattresses, full slxe, cotton top;
weight 40 pounds, Fair ^ 1 EA
Sale price 9 I sWU
Mattresses, nil cotton, full sltej
eight $0 poun
value. Special
weight $0 pounds; $6.00 $2.98
'Ladles' Purls model Hats, In ex- £C AA
qulslte eft!cts. $12 and $15 values VWivU
You Can’t Match These Offerings
Mattresses, best cotton felt. Im
perial rolled edges; real QJ"
$10.00 mattresses, at .
Bed Springs, full slxe, all steel
spiral, fold!nr style. Spe
clal at ........
i*c, nil nicpi
il heavy; en- M
Iron Beds, full size and heavy: en
ameled In white, blue or C~
iron; $4.00 value
Babies' Cribs of enameled Iron,
with side drop and best £4 QC
‘steel springs
Center Tables of polished golden
oak. with lower shelf; QA.
worth $1.60, special .... DDC
Sewing Rockers of polished golden
oak; extra special
Babiss* High Chairs wlth_table
shelf attachment; very
special 1..
Feather Pillows, full alxe, sateen
ticking:; weight 8 pounds. OQa»
Special OvC
These are all new Blankets of worthy' quality
are less than they'd cost at wholesale today:
White and fancy Crib Blankets will g
per pair o In this sale at.
Good, heavy Blankets, full double-bed size; will go In this
sale, per pair —
Evtra large, white, gray and fancy Blankets In thla sale,
per pair
The prices we name
• 39c
Heavy gray and blue wool mixed Blankets will go at, $1.98
Ladies' Vests and Pants, Swiss
ribbed, fleece lined; silk
taped; special ...
Ladies’ Gowns of excellent qual
ity flannelette, extra well made;
worth $1.60;
Ladies’ Petticoats of extra qual
ity fast black mercer- QCa
lied sateen; $2 value.... Owl*
Infants' Caps of silk, nicely made
and prettily trimmed; AJSa
very special at Cwla
wow mixen
Boys’ Suits of good woll mixed
materials; worth upi
$3; choice ...
Boys' 8uits of all wool materials;
extra well made; all AA AA
sixes; $4 to $5 values.^CaUU
10-4 and 11-4 fine California all-wool Blankets, white,
scarlet and plaid; extra large; worth $6 to $2; at, pair
We Give
Ladies" Suits and Skirts
Ladle*' Suit* of fine Imported broadcloth, chiffon
Panama and novelty mixture* In the new semi-
box coat efTect*. handsomely lined with satin and
perfectly tailored—all the best
new shade* Included. Suit* CQ QJ1
worth $20.00 to $26.00; choice
Ladies’ Skirts of ail wool broadcloths, Panamas
and Sicilians, In black and color* and of novelty
plalda; made In newest and prettiest style* and
worth up to $76.50; QO
Fair Sale price
Children's and Misses Coat* of new all-wool fab-
rices, excellently tailored, sixes (9 Qfl
up to 1« years
Ladies’ Coate and Waists
Ladles’ Coats of smart all-wool mixtures In most
stylish effcts—45 to 60 inches long, excellently
tailored and nicely trimmed; real $15 values:
Fair Sale price £C Qrt
only $3>9U
Ladles' Waists of white linen and mercerised
fabrics, plain and embroidered AOa
effects 90C
Beautiful sllk-flntshed Tartan plaid Waists In
newest styles a P1 QO
$400 values 91 >vO
Handsome Waists of Imported guaranteed silk
taffeta an] liberty satin; in black (TO QA
and colors; $7.04 values ........ yLswU
.lust 100 pairs of full size Nottingham Lace Curtains, In very pretty pat
terns, and worth up to $2.00 a pair, will go In this CO*
sale at 0“C
$00 palm of very fine quality Irish Point, Battenberg and other Imported
Lace Curtains, actually worth $6 to $6.60 a pair, will tf n no
go In the great Fair Sale at, per pair 4>4.70
Handsome Tapestry Portlers, In bright patterns, with tfO hr
fringed ends; $6.00 values; per pair r |6iTJ
18 We«t
Troops Are Held to
Protect Life and
Washington, Oct 10.—By tomorrow
nlkht the last of the flrst expeditionary
army division for Cuban occupation
will have embarked from American
s!i"res, and by Monday It la expected
the last trooper will have set foot on
Cuban soil. This will Include all the
trteips, numbering 6,000, called for In
Secretary- Taft’s order, and, so far as la
knmin. at the war department, at the
present time, no other forces will be
it Is the feeling In army clrclee, how-
that should the flrst army ot In
cision meet with any obstacles, an or-
J't for more troops, perhaps a still
huger force, quickly will be forthcom
ing. ' j
Havana, Oct. 10.—Secretary Taft and
puny will sail for home Saturday on
the battleship Louisiana. By that time
Un- reins of government can be trana-
f"r»d to Governor Magoon and the
"ork of padflcattng and reorganizing
can be fully Inaugurated.. The battle-
New Jersey and Loulalana also
"ill sail north Saturday and other* of
the larger vessels will follow soon.
, y. 11 ' Position of the American troop*
, t» clegrly defined by an order
Just Issued by Governor Tuft to Gen
eral lunaton.
Just Protect Live*.
Will you please direct Colonel Wal-
l, ' r - It saye, "to advlee the officers of
marine* stationed In various parts of
'! • island that they are not expected
1 " la * e part' In an active way In the
suppression of disorder unless an ex-
,, emergency arises which makes
absolutely necessary for them
A damage suit for personal Injuries
brought against the Georgia Rallway
and Electric Company and tried Wed
nesday morning was dismissed on the
plea of the counsel for the defense that
the accident occurred on the Atlanta
Rapid Transit Company's system, and
that the present corporation has no
legal Identity with that system.
On May 5, 1901, Mis* Lemla Hamer,
of William* street, then a girl of 10
year*, wan thrown through a glass
window of a car on the Central ave
nue line and her face badly Injured by
broken glass. Two years later, after
waiting until the ful extent of her In
juries could be learned, the family
brought suit for $5,000 against the
In the Interval between the accident
and the suit the Atlanta Rapid Tran
sit Company had been absorbed, with
Other lines, by the Georgia Railway
and Electric Company, which now op
erates the street car system. The suit
was brought against this company.
In the first division of the city court
the case reached u hearing Wednesday
morning, after many continuances on
account of various causes. The coun
_ I for the defense filed copies of deeds
to show that the new company hud
taken over all the nsset* of the old
ompa tries and maintained that It had
also Incurred all the liabilities of the
old companies.
Counsel for the corporation entered a
plea that the new system and the old
had no legal Identity and the plea was
sustained by Judge Reid under the
The counsel retained by Miss Hamer
At the meeting of the board of police
commissioners Tuesday night. Chief
Jennings submitted a report, pursuant
to the recent Instructions of the com
mission, In which he stated he had
made an Investigation Into the con
duct of the police on the night of the
race riot and had been unable to find
any evidence of neglect of duty.
In the report the chief also took oc
casion to especially commend several
ortlcers for the good work done by
them In aiding In quelling the riot.
The officers are a* follows:
Sergeant Foster, Detectives Simp
son and Campbell, patrolmen Felder,
Special to The Georgian.
Moultrie, Ga.. Oct. 10.—The Jury In
the Jim Johnson murder case Is still
disagreed, after being nut 18 hours.
Judge Mitchell refuses to consent to
a mistrial.
Johnson Is charged with the murder
of his father, J. A. Johnson.
The assassination of the elder John
son occurred at the home In the lower
part of this county, two months ago.
Soon afterwards his son, Jim, 21 years
old, was arrested, charged with the as
In the trial Solicitor Thomas sought
to prove a conspiracy between the de-
Gib Davla, Pharr, Wylie. Peyton, the fendant and a young brother to kill
latter not then a member of the^fopce; | their father for hi* $1,000 Insurance.
The witnesses were all neighbor* anil
good friend* of the Johnson* and while
Lri,fa.<, iia. nM i .. f (lie counsel Uj •tii™ $$
The i'res?dimt" > ',’nit* l mat— I announce their Intention of filing a bill
deiins n P U".2f nt .°‘ W Lnlted States )n eq ulty, asking the superior court to
,. . . I* of the utmost Importance that Ifnpcv Atkinson and Jerome
new policemen will not be forthcom
"ny conflict with th.'cubVni.'TLt'thit' S™";?." Com^ny "'to'ap^'.TTnd'S" ‘"Twenty-eight of the forty author
t uhair* by Cuban * *“ •oppressed byi spond w ?Jlce of papers "*alnst | Iwd poHcemen^ha r?vll service examl-
thf e U ni K lm P° rlance require Harry Atkinson and Jerome
any ofSU of the Atlanta Rapid
Hollis, Starnes. Anderson, Hutchins,
Doyle and Rosser, and Roundsman
The chief slated In the report that
there Were doubtless others who de
served equal commendation, but that
the officers mentioned came under hla
special observation.
A Detailed Report.
On the suggestion of Commissioner
Morris Brandon, the commission di
rected Chief Jennings to formulate a
more detailed report covering the work
of the police during the trouble. It la
the purpose of the board to ascertain
tite name* of the captain* and ser
geants who were on duty and the names
of the men who answered the riot call,
as well as the nature of the efforts
used by them In trying to suppress the
disorder. This report will probahlv be
submitted by the chief at the next reg
ular meeting of the commission.
Chief Jennings Is confined to Ills
home with Illness and was unable to
be present at the meeting Tuesday
night. His report wu* read to the coni-
mission. , .
After hearing a statement from May
or Woodward regarding the appor
tionment sheet, the commissioner* de
cided to go slow In the matter of elect
ing the remainder of the forty new
policemen, authorised by a recent reso
lution of council. The mayor said It 1*
possible sufficient money to pay the
1 >■ ...ill ha fAPlhiiitm.
tnw# the assets of the'formerCompany
RECORDER ROASTS In°nelv auft’nmy'be fl'led” 1 "no &y In Ulv.n,
i'ete Brown, a Greek, who keeps a' TEN COTTAGES DESTROYED
1 Jit stand In Capitol avenue, was |
I money. 7 but the mayor advised the
board tb^go slow In electing any addi
tional men.
I The commission will meet again on
i Wednesday night to receive the report
***** i gnpg.ifti to Tin* (leortrlnu i *,f the civil service examining commit-
Ftt-sstnfss.'&sfssi «£* susr,flsarssrris
, " rho J' h« had ac- j grott U)e western section of the p„|| ce , n en r %V. A. Cpx. IV. 8. Haney
'■'-Kan he changed^hds'formcr'it'atement (town. The were all close to-1and Harvey TVells weret each found
’ a * woman's house.
V"u n have ^j u -re.rV;iur..,f.'' said i^n^t's^rloSc^Ij
I*.' Broyles. -You ought to get a' the effort* of the firemen. I was suspended,jor «! "*>* on ,nr
l *‘-ii In the penitentiary,'' The loss I* about $3,00J.
-liarge of sleeping on duty.
all the evidence was circumstantial.
It waa pretty clearly proved that Jim
Johnson took a gun from a neighbor
two weeka prior to the killing and thla
gun waa used In shooting the elder
Johnson. The gun waa thrown In the
bushes near by ami three days later
Jlnt Johnson was seen to go to It by
the sheriff. The track that left th»
home of the deceased on the night of
the murder waa followed to u point
near the home of the son. His wet
shoes and overalls were found In tit.
room by those who went to notify him
of his father’s death.
During hla trial young Johnson
very nervous. He sat with his wife and
mother and none of them displayed
any great emotion or anxiety, t'oun
ael for Johnson Introduced no evidence
The defendant made a atatenient In
which he made Indifferent denial of
the damaging testimony by state's wit-
Young Johnson Is a handsome man,
and had been married lea* than two
months at the time or the assassina
tion. The faintly Is one of moderate
means, but highly respected and con
nected with some prominent people of
the county.
Victoria, B. C., Oct. 10.—Another
fferfou* outbreak by Boxers I* threat
ened In China, according to advices
received here. In the district* west of
Pekin outrages have already been com
mitted by organised bands of Boxers.
The movement Is spreading and serious
troubles are feared unless the agitator*
can be suppressed Immediately.
News of the Boxer*’ movements
come* In letter* from Mt. Htephennon, a
missionary at Tsoslnpfllen. He saya
the doxers have been drilling In the
hill* for month* In preparation for an
attack on foreigner*.
He sends details of an attuck on
Tsoulncer, when Boxers, armed with
spear* and *words, rushed Into the city
crying, “Kill the foreigners.” The two
mlsslonarle* und four women *ought
safety at the home of a magistrate.
A German military officer, traveling
In the country, organised a small force
of native soldiers armed with guns and
In o fight killed seven of the Chinese,
wounded a score or more, and took
forty-two prisoners.
New Yorl^ Ort. 10.—The Southern
state* Immigration cnmml**lon, repre-
aetitltig-Southern states, has begun an
aetlve campaign to atlmulate the Im
migration of deairable workmen from
Great Britain, and today aent It* Aral
entlaaary for thla purpoae to Scotland,
in the peraon of Eleazer Neall.
Mr. Neall expects to distribute eigh
teen tons'of literature In Great Britain
showing the advantages of tha South'*
industrial condition.
Alex Tarrls. a negro, waa arreated
Tueaday. night and locked up on
charge of ahootlng A revolver under
the window of the realdemte of Mr*.
George A. Parkin*, of 443 Woodward
avenue. He will be tried Wedneeday
Mre. Parkin* waa awakened during
the night by flve ahota fired under her
bed room window. When ahe recov
ered from her fright ahe aaw a negro
running from the houae and telephoned
to the police atetlon. Call Officer*
Brannen and Norris responded and
found Harris hiding in a cabin • short
distance away. A platol was found In
hla pocket. 4
Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 10.—John D. Rockefeller may yet appear at the
Standard Oil trial at Findlay a* a witness. The attorney* for the Standard
oil thla morning announced that they may call him to testify In behalf of
the defense. •
Chicago, oct. 10.—On the same day
Samuel W. Allen, a broker, accueee Jils
former wife In the Chicago court* and
Major Lorenso Davison, U. S. A., in
the Waukegan court*, answer* hla
wife's suit for divorce by charge* that
she waa too friendly with a member
of the board of trade.
The two women are slaters, the
■laughters of .Michael Shannon. Both
have been socially prominent In Chi
cago and Washington, as well aa at
lake resorts. Allen makes hla revela
tions In answer to hla divorced wife's
petition for the cuetody ot their 12-
year-old child.
The coming production of the big
spectacle. Pain'* "Laat Day* of Pont-
iwll,'' which will he seen at the fair
grounds nightly during the Georgia
fair, la under the personal direction and
control of Henry J. Pain, the’ famous
New York and London
which should be a guarantee of th*
great merit of the exhibition, ae well
aa to decidedly eettle any Impression
that the uae of Pain's reputation and
name ha* been acquired In this In
stance by others than the original
Mr. H. J. Pain Is known on two con
tinents as the "King of Pyrotechnists''
and In all hla long career before tho
public has never allowed the use of tho
Pain name In connection with an/
amusement of pyrotechnics! enterprise
not dlrertly controlled by him. al
though moat tempting sums have be.-a
offered for thla valuable privilege. Tho
Pain spectacles have been the one t> <
inid-eumrier attraction for 27 coneecu-
tlve year* at every Important exposi
tion In Europe. Ante,Ira and Australia,
and both Mr. Pain and Mr. Thearle, hlj
general manager, assure Atlantane that
the production given In Atlanta will
equal In every way that given In the
largest cities throughout the country.
The Pain Company carrtee a portable
seating rapacity of close to 10,000, and
■luring the Atlanta engagement a acal»
of prices ranging from >6 cents for
children to 50 rent* for admission and
a good aent. and 76 cents for choice re
served seats. Theie will also be a
lomfortable array of 100 private boxes.
For the accommodation of patrons the
manager* of Pain's "Pompeii” have at •
[ranged th maintain a down-town ticket
oltice at Jacob's Pharmacy, where, be-
Itween the hours of 9 a. in. and 6 p. m .
[reservation* of sea’s and boxes may b*
made for any performance without nd.
dltlnnal cost.
A trained chorus of fifty male voices,
under the direction of Herr Alfred
Pauli, director of the choral depart
ment of the Atlanta Turn-Vereln. will
■Inf national airs next Monday—Ger
man day—at the Georfia Htate fair.
Fred Wedemeyer, director of VVede-
meyer’a concert band, lias been work-
Ing overtime preparing the special mu
sical program for this occasion. He
U arranging the vocal music for the
chorus, to be accompanied by the band,
And expects the German-Amerlcan au-
... in it-irI, th* rh.img In'
The well-known German songs will
be sung. They are: - Das Deutsche
Lied." "That German Song I: "Halden
Roaleln," (The Desert Rose), and “Die
Klage," (The Plaint!.
Augusta Federal Court Soon to Convene
Augusta. Ga.. Oct. Hi.—In one month
th* fall session of the Federal court
will convene here, and a number of
cases will be heard. Judge Emorv
Speer, on account of holding court In
Savannah at the time for the spring
term of court here, postponed the term
_ _mm* ■ that Would, hare’been disposed of In
dlence to Join In with the chorus In 1 April, had he not been engaged In the
singing the refrain*. famous Ureene-Gaynor case.
('. S. Barret, president of (he Nation
al Farmers' I'nlon. will leave for To
peka. Kuna.. October 18, where he v. M
address the Farmer*’ Co-operative Hu>-
Inesa congress, the most Important agri
cultural gathering In the West.
Thla congress Is In sympathy with
the National Farmer*’ Union, and Is
one of the moat Influential organiza
tion* In that section of the country.
The congress will be In session Octo
ber 22 and 28. President Bnrrett be
lieve* the congress will take some ac
tion toward assisting the cotton bold
ing movement.