The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 12, 1906, Image 2
fridat, October i:. iv*. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY A Few Words Upon How We’ve Built this Department and some Items to guide you in your Saturday Shopping • „ . ' . . <•••; . ‘ • ' . ' ; " . '• Thera’s something in the very name of “French Millinery” that is electric. But Paris—what atrocities are committed in the name. But waving aside the whole class of hats that but assume the name, “French Millinery,” there is another point to be guarded in choosing Paris Hats. All that Paris sends forth, as we’ve said before, isn’t to be considered as above suspicion. Paris produces some poor, some passably good, some good and a few masterpieces of Millinery. To go still further—Paris, even with her masterpieces, is fickle. She may rave over a stunning creation today and desert it tomorrow. So, summing it down to the last degree, to follow Paris at all one must observe at close range. And pray, what is Paris style, if it isn’t absolute and to-the-minute? We follow Paris at very dose range. With our own eyes—the eyes of Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Go.—our own representative right in the leading shops of Paris sending almost daily the newest direct to us to be carried out in our own work rooms for Atlanta. j . V,'V V.’-V;’ •*»•” *•"*♦* LEGGINGS. Ladies' black Jersey Leggings, buttoned all the way up to knee. Price, * , $1.00 and $1.26. SPECIAL—Black Jersey Leggings, but toned to knee: all sizes. Price. 50c. KNIT SKIRTS. • Ladies’ pure white fieeced-lined Skirts and . Drawers. Garment, 25c. Ladies’ knit Skirts, in solid color blue, red, black and gray; also Roman stripes, $1.60 and $1.76. ' Men's white split sole real Maco'cotton Half • Hose, at 25c. Men’s Socks—the famous Shawknit, with out scams, but fit the foot perfectly; service * and comfort combined; all black or with white split sole, : 25c. 1. ... Mcu ; g full-fashion Wayne knit Sodtsrwith double heel, sole aud too Fast black cotton. Pair, 25c. f r~3 ; JJ3 ;• ■ if ' ■: Also, iu fleece-lined and •‘'bite, with "split soles, E.. •; 25c. . i ■ i * - I)r, Jaeger’s wool Socks; prices according to quality. V 'M - |i ' -v-ofV Men's Seeks in fancy embroidered patterns; black with colored figures, at Gi#ot Suspenders, the best 50c suspenders and the name assures that the world over, 60c Pair. Boston Garters, 26c and 60c. Men’s Outing Night Shirts, in neat outing patterns. These have military collars. Plain front at 60c. Fanev braid trimming, 76c and $1.00. Muslin Night Shirts, with military collars, trimmed aud plain, 60c, 76c, $1.00. Extra sizes, wide and liberal in making, for stout men, ' $1.00. Men’s Pajamas in white or colored madras, with military collars, $1.00 and $1.60. Men’8 Pajamas, in outing, military collars and fancy or plain fronts, 4 • $1.00 and $1.50. Men’s medium light weight and medium heavy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, at, garment, 76c. Men’s medium light weight wool Union Suits. Extra fine, both in quality and fit. Suit, $3.00. Men’s light weight wool Shirts and Draw ers; a garment, at $1.00. NEW FALL NECKWEAR. The new fall colorings, new red and blue, slate, rich colorings interwoven with figures of blaek or self-colorings, spir-spau new patterns. French "Four-in-Hands, •} 26c, 50c and $1.00. LAIES’ HOSIERY. Ladies’ medium fall weight fast black (Hennsdorf) cotton Stoekings, with double, heel, tossnd sole, 26c. ladies’ medium weight Hose, same a3 above, but with white split foot, 25c. Judies’ two-thread real Maco cotton “crow foot” Hose, with high spliced heel and dou ble sole, - 36c. 3 for $1.00. Indies’ lisle Stockings, with white tipped heel and toe; extra double sole; medium weight; black, Pair 36c. 3 for $1.00. Ladies’ light weight lisle Stockings, spliced seam all the way up the back; double sole, ■- heel aud toe; Hennsdorf dye, Pair 36c. 3 for $1.00. “Our Leader” Ladies’ Hose, in extra fine lisle; sea island; crow foot. Hennsdorf dye, *... i 6®®* <fi* b . l, • . Ladies’ Stockings iu medium 4-thread lisle, with high spliced heel, double sole and toe, -n 60c. “Our Leader,” in cotton; Ladies’ 4-thread • real Maco cotton Hose, with double heel, too and sole; spliced seam, * 60c. Excellent Values in CHILDREN’S HOSIERY. Children’s 1 and 1-ribbed fast black Stock ings, with double heel, toe and sole; superior value, at 15c. Children’s fall weight flue rib fast black cot ton Hose; 25c grade, at 18c: Men’s fine-combed Egyptian cotton-ribbed Shirts aud Drawers for winter wear. Gar ment, at , $1.00. 'Men’s Union Suits, in fine-combed Egyptian cotton, at ' . $1.50. Extra sizes, $1.75. UNION SUITS., Ladies’ Oneida style Union Suits; all cotton. A suit, ■ i : ; $1.00. Oneida style Union Suits, iu part wool, gray or White, ' $i.$o. Oneida style Union Suits, in gray or white; very soft and elastic, $2.25. Ladies’ heavy white wool Union Suits, open in front. Each, $3.00. • ; Ladies’ bleached fleece-lined cotton Shirts and Drawers; all sizes. Garment, , - 60c. Ladies’ “Bedo” wool Shirts and Drawers; guaranteed not to shrink. Garment, $1.50 and $2.00. Ladies’ mediuin weight cotton Union Suita at $1.60. Ladies’ fleece-lined pure bleached white Union Suits. Open down the front, $1.00. Ladies’ wool Union Suits; open down tho front; weight for fall or winter. Suit, $2.00. Extra Sins, $2.25. Ladies’ light weight wool Shirts and Draw ers. Garment,’ $1.00. Ladies’.medium heavy weight wool Shirts and Drawers; silk crocheted around neck and down front. Garment, $1.60. Ladies’ light weight bleached white cotton Shirts and Drawers; at, per garment, Ji ' 25c. Ladies’ hand-finished Shirts and Drawers and Corset Covers, “The Merode,” in all styles, high neck, with long or short sleeves, low’ neck and short sleeves. Knee length Pants, f. 60c and $1.00. Ladies’ light weight, full bleached white Corset Covers, at 25c. Ladies’ medium weight bleached white cot ton Corset Covers, at 60c. Ladies’ pure bleached white medium cotton Shirts, with Drawers to match, knee length, ankle length with French bands, or knee and ankle lengths with equestrian top. All sizes, including extra sizes. Hand-crocheted trimming around the neck and down the front, with silk tape. Garment, 50c. Ladies’ bleached, white medium full weight Vests, high ueck and long sleeves, regular 50c values, at 35c. Dr. Jaeger’s Normal Sanitary Underclothing NO BETTER GOODS EVER OFFERED TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. They EXCEL in ever}* textile quality; in fineness of wool; in softness and delicacy of texture in various weights, from the lighest summer to the heaviest winter wear; while the PECULIAR MODE OF WEAVING the “Stockinet,” of which they are all constructed, imparts an elasticity and fresh ness not to be found iu any other brand. In the manufacture of this Uudenvcar only the natural gray or white wool is used. This being undyed, and of the FINEST QUALITY, it makes a gar ment so soft and pliable as to be not only NON-IRRITATING, but positively pleasurable to the most delicate skin. THE STRUCTURE AND INFLUENCE of the fabric arc such as to produce a GLOW OF HEALTH on the body’s surface, w’hile the anatomical and physiological adaption of the gar ments practically averts the dauger of taking cold from the sudden changes so peculiar to our climate. ; 1 ■ Dr. Jaeger’s Sanitary Wool Uuderwear in a complete Hue. ' W Chamberlin-Jokhson DuBgse Company