The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 13, 1906, Image 10
< 10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. SATDBt^LY, OCTOBER 13, 1900. WHAT $10.00 PER MONTH WILL DO GROVES ORANGE OR GRAPE FRUIT. EA8Y TERMS $10.00 PER MONTH FOR 50 MONTHS, THEN Income $500.00 or MORE PER YEAR AND PROPERTY WORTH AT LEAST $1,000.00. In ten year* you pay out (500.00 and get back $2,500.00 or more, and own property worth at leaat $1,000.00, and an In come of at leaat $500.00 per year for you and your heira' llvea. GROVES Orange or Grape Fruit THIS INVESTMENT IS BETTER THAN SAVINGS BANK8, which pay only 4 per cent or less. BETTER THAN LIFE INSURANCE, because It pays while you live and continues after death. BETTER THAN MONEY AT INTEREST, because your re turns are much greater, and your security Is the most product ive agricultural lands In the world, where such a thing as fail ure of crop la unknown. - No' frost, no fertilizer, no Irriga tion needed. BETTER THAN MINING GOLD, SILVER, LEAD OR IRON, because there. Is no guess work as to the quantity or certain- • ty as to the output, and the demand for oranges and grape fruit Is Just as steady as for the minerals mentioned, and be cause while all the minerals enumerated are found In vari ous places, grape fruit and oranges, unlike any other product, of this country, cannot be profitably raised anywhere except in Southern countries. BETTER THAN DOING IT YOURSELF,. because you can retain your present position, while the development work is being done, and whefi It Is fully developed you will receive large profits during your lifetime, or during the lifetimo'of your children or heirs. EASY TERMS Orange and Grape Fruit Groves 1406-7 Fourth Na tional Bank Bldg., ATLANTA, GA. Telephone Main 5266. BARTLE CHAS. T. PHILLIPS, GENERAL AGENTS CALL OR WRITE FOR PATICULARS 149 Broadway, NEW YORK. Toronto, Canada, Bartlc, Cuba. METHODIST. ST. LUKE METHODIST—At the Junc tion of l’owell .treet .nil Borenn nvenuc. Sunriny school nt *:*> n. m.; ipreachlng nt 11 *. m. nod 7:30 n. n>., by Hie pa.tor. George W. Grincr. The subject of the aenaaa In Ctie evening tvll l>o tbo "Pa**- over," by request. WE8LBY MEMORIAL—Corner Auburn •venae and Ivy atreet, Kw. Frank Eakea, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 n. nt.; Busy J'eonlea' tin**, Young Mena Barnca Bible rlsai. Young Ladle#* Phllathea clna*. Preaching at 11 a. in., by pastor; song •enrlre 7:30; preaching nt 7:4r» by paator; Ktfworth league derotloual service, 6:30 p. in.; Wednesday, 6:30 p. in., .Bible School teachers' meeting; 7:30 n. m., prayer serv ice; 8:30 p. in., church social. Noonday prayer meeting every day 13 to 1 o'clock. PARK STREET MKTIIODIST-Corner of Park nml Lee streets. Rev. M. L. Trout man, pastor. Monday services, Hundny school at 8:30 a. m.; preaching nt.ll n. ni„ by the pastor. There will bo no service on account of the union Hundny school rally at the West End Baptist church. Wed nesday evening prayer meeting at 7:3D o'clock. - GRACE 'METHODIST—Rev. C. C. Jar rell, paator; 9:80 a. in., Hunday school; na mes class; rhllathem class; 11 .a. in., preaching by pastor; 7 p. m., Knworth League; 8 p. m., preaching by pastor. COLLEGE PARK^IETHODIST—Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. Htrangers cordially In vited to attend Colonel I*. II. Brewster's lecture class. Revival services Hundny at 21 a. m. and 7:30 p. tu. and every dny through the week nt 3:30 nml 7:30 p. in. Rev. WJIlntn II. JmPrade, Jr., pastor. HEMPHILL AVENUE—Hemphill avenue, north of Emmett street. Hundny school nt 9:80 a. ni. Preaching morning and even ing by the pastor, ltev. It. 11. Ruble. FIRST METHODIST—Junction of roach tree and Ivy street*. Rev. Charles K. Dow man. D. D.. pastor. Stindsy school ut 9:80 a. in.; public worship nt 10:55 n. m. nml 7:45 p. m. The pastor will preach nt the morning service. Subject, "Mutual Bur den Bearing." The evening service will be conducted by the Woman's Home Mission Society ns the closing of the week of pray er. Addresses will be made by Mrs. Al«i Richardson, district secretary. Miss Han™, nod Miss Dickinson, of the Wesley House. Junior League at 4 p. ra.; Senior Longue at 8:45 p. in.; Juvenile Missionary Hoelety nt **P- m.; midweek service Wednesday at 8 TRINITY METnODI8T—Corner White- hall and Trinity avenue. Dr. J. W. law. pastor, will preach nt both the 11 a. m. nml Major R. J. Guinn will address Young Men's Workers' class Sunday morn ing at 8:30 a. in., at First Methodist Hun day schiMd. All member* ore urged to be present and bring a friend. , ENGLISH LUTHERAN—Church of the IWdtonter. corner Trinity and Capitol (dace. Morning service with sermon at It o'clock; Sunday school nt 9:30 a. m.; even ing service at 7:10 o'clock. ST. MARK METHODIST - Corner reachtree and Fifth streets. The pastor. Rev. Charles O. Jones, D.D., will preach at 11 a. ra. and 7:45 p. m. Hundny school nt 9:39 a. ra. Deaf mute class taught by W. F. Crusselle. Worn- '•» prayer meet ing Tuesday, st 3:39 p. ioiiernt prayer meeting Wednesday uigb 7:45. ui. by the pastor. Hunday school p. ra., the rental sendees coutlnne. BAPTI8T. THE BAPTIST TABERNACLE—Rev. W. L Waker will fill the pulpit of the Baptist Tabernacle Sunday morning utid night. Ills subject for Holiday night will be “The Second Coming of Christ." FIR8T BAPTIST—Corner Peachtree and WESTERN HEIGHTS BAPTIST-All-day saerrd singing. Preachlug l»y pastor. V. c\ Norcross. nt i:S0 p. in. Hunday school nt 909 o. ui. TEMPLE B A PT 1ST— I 'reach! ng In the moruing by the pastor. Dr. A. f\ Ward. Al night by J. A. Crumley. Sunday school nt 19 a. m. Prayer meeting at 7 A) Wednesday C1OOOO<K3OO<HJOOOOC2OCK1<HKKKK1<1 O , 0 O Ministers are requested to send O O their notioee to The Georgian by O O noon each Friday. The insertion O O of notices received after that hour O O cannot be guaranteed. O O O OOO<KKKKK1O<KK1O<K1<HJOO<KKKK1O ry, of South Carolina, will preach at 11 n. m. and 1:39 p. in. Kitbhath school at 11 a. m. Ladles' Missionary and Aid Society Thursday, 3:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wed nesday, 7:30 p. ra. Ib>v. Junius W. Millard, pastor; iu n. tu., second anniversary of the church, with n joint meeting of the church and Sunday school. Sermon by the pastor. At 7:30 p. in., even I sc worship, with sermon by the pastor.. Subject, "uonteiitaientj or How nu Aged Christina had Learned to bo Satis fied." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. of Deacon R. H. Hick*, who died In August, will be preached nt 11 n. iu. Services nt 7:30 p. ra. by the pastor. Hunday school 9:30 a. in. SOUTH SIDE nAPT 1ST—Capitol avenue, near Wcyninn. Preaching at 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. in., by the pnstnr. Rev. J. K Dun lap. Hundny school nt 9:30 n. m. B. Y. P. U. at 3:30 p. ni. Ladles' Hoelety at 3 p. in.. Tuesday. Prayer service nt 7:33 p. m., Wednesday. WOODWARD AVENUE RAPTIST-Cof- ner Woodward nml Cherokee avenues. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. II. C. Hur- ey, at II n. in. nml 7:45 p. ui. At night there will he n special sermon, the third In the night series. Subject, "Tile Church am! the State." Bible school at 9:30 a. in.; Sun day nftcrnoou nt 3 o'clock Junior B. V. P. U.; at 6:46 p. in., Hnrncn and Phllethea prayer services In their class rooms. Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock Woman's Mis sionary meeting; Wednesday evenlug at 7:45 p. m. midweek prayer service. , IMMANUEL BAPTIST—8. A. Cowan, { astor. Hunday school nt 9:15 a. m. Preach- ng at 11 a. m. by the pastor. Sacred literature class nt 4:30 p. m. Preaching by the pastor nt 7:30 n. m. Lord's supper at close of the morning service. EAST ATLANTA BAPT!BT-On Sol diers' home ear line, nour Handers crossing. Preaching at 11 a. m, by Rev. Frank Jack- son. At 7:30 p. ra. by the pastor. Hundny school nt 9:45 n. tu. PRESBYTERIAN. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN—Washing ton street, npposlle eupltot. Rev. Theron II. Uloe, P.U., pastor. Sunday school nt 9:30 ii. ict. Bible clues for young men con ducted by the Presbyterian Brotherhood. Regular hours for Hundny worship, 11 ii. nt. and 7:30 p. iu. The pastor will preach both iiioruliig and evening. inman Park presbyteriax- Presehlug Sunday nt 1! it. nr. and 7:30 p. Ui., by the pas to** — ** 8am* — *" ' ’ pie's se° F‘ M League 10 a. m; Teachers' Training cine* nt the same hour conducted by Dr. Marion Moll. Hull; Young Men's League 9:30; Covenanters' Band meets 4 p. tn.; Chris* tlon Endeavor 7 p. m.; Ladles prayer circle Thursday, 4 p. m.; Wednesday evening prayer service 8 p. m.; teachers' training class, conducted by Dr. Hull one hour CONGREGATIONAL.. CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL-Rev. D. J. EIIImou, Ii.D., will preach nt 11 n. ni. Dr. F. W. Troy, D.I)., of the Christian nml Missionary Alliance, will preach at 7:45 n. in. Hundny school at 9:20 a. in. Chrlstlau Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. MARIETTA STREET CONGREGATION. AI/—Rev. W. II. Tlllmnn, pastor. Preach- ng nt 11 n. ui. and 7:45 p. ui. Sunday chr"' "* - — p. in. Sunday school .lames B. Ficklen. sfdj; edholiday uight. MOORE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN— Corner Ltickle and Latimer strict*. Dr. A. It. llolderby, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. in. nml 7:39 p. nt. Chris iiau Endeavor nt C:30 p. ui. Z. M. McGee, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, of Chattanooga. Tenn., will preach nt II n. m. aud 7:20 p. ut. n lit also participate In the Sabbath school serv ice. Sabbath school nt 9:30 a. tu. WALLACE PRESBYTERIAN—Corner of Walker and Stonewall. Rev. T. P. Cleve land, pastor. Services at 11.a. ut. aud. 7:45 FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN—Corner of Cham tier! In and Jm'kwtn streets. Her. T. II. Kendrick, pastor. Preachlug at 11 a. ut. and 7:30 p. to. Regular Wednesday evening praver meeting at 7;3>). Sunday school at 9:2) a. in. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTE RIAN—Rev. D. U. Phillips, of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, who bos accepted a rail to Newberry. H. C., will ■ *ach bU farewell sermon Sunday at ll in. In the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation hnll. comer Auburn avenue and Pryor street. Sabbath .school at 19 a. m. WEST END PRESBYTERIAN—Corner Gordon nml Ashby streets. Rev. Lynn It. Walker, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. Morning service nt It n. ni.. sermon the pastor. Young People’s Society Christian Endeavor at 600 p. m. Even- service nt 7:39 p. m. Prayer meeting .. tluesdu)* evening iM 7:39 p. m.. followed hr tin* teachers' training and normal class. NORTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN— Corner Peachtree street and North avenue. Rev. Rlchsnl Ortne Flinn.' pnstor. Morn- school at 3:30 p. BEIIBAN-Rev. Preaching nt 11 n. dny school at 3 p. after the 11 o'clock service, a congregational meeting will be held. Sunday school nt 9:30 n. m, MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (Sclent 1st)—17 West linker street. "Doctrine of Atonement" Is the subject of the lesson- Normou Hundny, Oct. 14. nt 11 n. m. nml 8 YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN A88OCIA TION—Corner Pryor street nud Auburn ave nue. At 2 o'clock, building opened. At 3 o'clock, music by the association orchestra; 3 o'clock, Bible class, Rev. C, J. Oliver, teacher: 3:30 .o'clock, evangelical talk by Rev. If. II. Mays; C o'clock, building closed. All men ure Invited to attend these services. Reading room opcu to the public. THE ATLANTA PSYCHOLOGICAL SO- CIBTY, Robert I!r)'nu Harrison, president, will meet Hundny afternoon at 3 o'clock at 122 Peachtree street. Ail atmlent* In Atlanta are Invited to hoar "Psychic taw In Htudeut Work" discussed by advanced thinkers. From 3 to 3:30, musical selections by Professor Wnlter F. Grace. From 3:30 to 4 o'clock, two addresses of fifteen minutes each. From 4 until 4:30, beautiful musical program. Including numbers by Will T. Barnwell and Johu Prlus, violinists; vocal solo by 31 Isa Jones; piano accompanist, Mrs. W. E. Lenny and Mr. Hampton. nit)—Corner Forsyth and Garnett street*, llev. W. Vollbrecht, pastor. Hundny school nt 9:30 a. ui. Worship with sermon at 11 o'clock. CHURCH OF OUR FATHER (Units rlnn)—Corner Cain and Spring streets. Rev. Rush It. Shlppen, D.D.. minister In charge. Regular morning service nt 11. Subject: "The Church: Will the Comiug Man Go to It7” Sunday school at 9:45 a. nt. MISSION OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS— Woods avenue, near West Peachtree. Sun day school every Sunday nt 8:30 p. m. HOLY COMFORTER—Corner Atlanta avenue and Pulliam, street. Rev. Gilbert Higgs, D.D., In • charge. ITdiy. communion ami sermon r.t 11: evening- prayer and ser- ST. ANDREWS-Corner Glenn and Kent streets. Iter. Gilbert Higgs, D.D., !u charge. Evening praver and sermon nt-7:30. Hundny .school at 4:30 p. in. Wednesday, lit- nyu nml choir work at 7:80 p. ra. Kermon at 4. Kb y: Litany nt 4. lug worship at li a. m.; eveultig worship, Utauy st 4. and communion services nt 11 a. m. Pray er meeting Thursday uight at 7:45. ^ EPISCOPAL. (Eightsonth Sunday Aftsr Trinity.) CATHEDRAL—Corner Washington and Hunter. Very Rev. C. T. A. Mse, D.D., donu. At 7:30 a. tu., holy communion; ’ll a. tn.. morning prayer and sermon; 4 p. tn., evening prayer and sermon. Hunday school at 9:45 a. m. All other days: At 7:30 s. nt., holy cemtuunlou; 9 a. in., morning proper; at 4:30 p. m., evening prayer. Wednesday and Friday, litany at 10:30 a. m. ST. LUKES—395 Peachtree, next to Peachtree Inn. Rev. C. B. Wilmer, D.D., rector. At 7:30 n. m., holy communion; 11 u. ui.. morning prayer and sermon; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. Sunday school at 9:45. Friday: Litany at 11., near Gordon, West Km!, ltev. J. J. 1\ Perry, rector. At 7:39 a. ul. holy communion; It s. ut., moriTing prayer aud sermon; 3 p. tu., evenlug S rnjer nml sermon. Hunday school at :45 it. tn. Wednesday: Evening prayer at 8. Friday: Litany nt 4:3J p. ra. ALL SAINTRMTomer West Peachtree and North avenue. Rev. z. H. Fariand. rector. At 8 a. ut., holy communion: ll u. m., morning prayer and Bertram; 4 n. nu, evening prayer. Hunday school at 9:45. Wednesday: Litany at 10;2X EPIPHANY—Corner Moreland and EurUd avenues, Inman Park Rev. C. A. Langston Iu charge. Morning prayer nml sermon at 11. Sunday school at 9:45, Wednesday; ST. MAIlKS-taUrauge. Rev. It. F. .Do- nolle In charge. Moralitg prayer putl -Ser mon at 11. ST. PAULS—Ncwnan. Rev. W, J. Moody In charge. Evening prayer aud sermon at 4 by Rev. It. F. Deuelfe. sermon at 11. prayer trad * sermon at 11. chrTStian. FIRST CHRISTIAN—44 East Hunter street. Rev. II. K. Pendleton, pastor. Preaching at U. a. id. and 7:30 p. in. Bible school nt 9:30 a. m. Chrlstlau En deavor nt G:30 p. in. WEST END CHrTstI AN—Corner Gordon and Duun streets. ltev. Bernard P. Smith, pastor. Preachlug at 11 n. ui. and 7:80 COLLEGE PARK CHRISTIAN—Rev. G. II. lilnnant, pastor. Bible school every Lord's day at 10 a. tn. Preaching first Lord’s dny at 11 a. m. nml 7:30 p. m. CATHOLIC. SACRED HEART—Masses at 7. 9:33 tnd 11 a. m. ltev. Father Petit, H.M., will sing high mass. Rev. Father Raider, S.M., will preach'. At 8 p. in.. Rev. Father Gunn, MI8CELLANE0U8. UNIVER8ALI8T—Corner Peachtree aud East Harris. ltev. E. D. Ellen wood, pas tor. Preaching by the pnstor nt 41 o'clock. Hubject, “The Consolations of Christ." Sunday school At 9:45, with Bible class taught by the pastor. Young People's Christian union at 7 p. nt. Miss Martha Smith will sing at the morning service. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY AL- Seventeen Times More Labor Is required to climb up stairs than to walk equally as tar on the level, physi cians say. Does your wife walk up and down atairs to answer the telephone? An extension wall set on the other floor saves 'her this additional labor. It Increas es your telephone bill but a trifle a day. Call Contract Dept., M. 1300 BELL SERVICE DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. CO. Manufacturers of „ Fire-Proof Windows, Doors, Cornices, Skylights, Crestings, Fiuials, Dixie Ventilators. Contractors for All Kinds of Sheet Metal Work. 20-22 Trinity Ave. Both Phones 525. B. L.WILLINGHAM, H. H. TIFT, President. - Vice-Pres. W. B. WILLINGHAM, Sce’y and Treas. WILUN GHAM-TIFT LUMBER COMPANY Rough sad Drtaeed Lumber, Sash, Doora, Dllntla, Builders* ^ Hardware. M0 Morphy Avenue. Take East Point or College Park C. A. GOUGE. 83 N. Pryor St. - Tin and Sheet Metal Worker, made of N metal, see me. BELL PHONE 1443. If it’s MONCRIEF FURNACE CO. 103 S. Forsyth St. Heating Plans and Estimates Free. The place to get your furnace. They install the best for any kind of fuel in residences, schools and churches. Both Phones. All Kinds of Building Material. Get Prices From ALEXANDER LUMBER AND MANUPAC- turino company. Factory and Tards, corner South Pryor and South ern Railway. Phone 2S64. City office, 6,. North For syth, Austell Building. Atlanta phono 400. Bell 333. WOODWARD LUMBER CO. Hardwood Interior Finish & Mantels, Doors, Sash & Blinds Send Your Plans for Estimates. Atlanta, . Georgia. WM. WILSON. Paint and Decorative Contractor. Large Contracts a Specialty. Contracts executed anywhere. Surety 69 8. Foreyth St. bond. Atlanta, Ga. Both Phone,. HAHR-DAVIS LUMBER CO. PLANING MILLS, OFFICE AND YARDS: 333 TO 339 DECATUR STREET. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Shingles, Laths, Sash, Doors, Blinds and Builders' Hardware. Our saw mill interests in Tift County, Ga, af ford us facilities to give prompt service and at the lowest prices. Dimension timbers a specialty. Both Phones 3725. WOOD FIBER WALL PLASTER. The original product, and the only plaster manufactured in Atlanta. Can be Dut on at as low cost as the lower grade substitutes that have come into the market. We can readily show this, so do not be misled. GEOr.GIA WOOD FIBER PLASTER COMPANY. Whitehall St. & Cent. R. R. Phone 1152. 'Dixie 'Tile an d ’ Cement Works YES, WE ARE UNDER POND TO THE CITY TO DO STREET SIDEWALKS. LET US BID ON YOUR WORK. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. PHO^E W-445. LIANCE—The Sunday afternoon service of the alliance held at 72% North Broad atreet at 3 p. m. will be a vary apeolal■ meeting thla week on account of the annual con vention now going on there. Rev. Mr. Walker, who has been filling the pulpit of Lin! ringing by aome of the delegates to*the ration. TT “— “ * ' “ Congregational church Sunday night. Music at St. Nicholas Rink. IOWA MONUMENT PARTY WILL VISIT ATLANTA. SprHal to Tho Gporetou. Chattanooga, Trtin, Oct. 13.—Tlic three Iowa monument, erected on the battle flcldo near thla city, will be ded icated by Governor C'tmnUn,, of Iowa, and party. November 19. General R A. Carman, president of the Chtcka- manga National Park commission, will deliver the address of acceptance. Monuments will also be dedicated at Vicksburg on the same trip, the ex ercises taking place there November 15. The party will also remain In At lanta on November It. 7 WARE MAKES EFFORT TO SECURE SCHOOL Special to The Georgian. Waycross, Ga., Oct. 13.—A mass meeting of citizens was held In the parlors of the Phoenix hotel Thursday night for the purpose of beginning an organized effort to secure the 8tate Agricultural College of the Eleventh district at W aycross. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, and there Is every assurance that nothing will he left un done to secure the college for Ware county. An executive committee was appointed to take the matter In charge. 229 Woodward An. A ulUtHH IWlls"' 1 w mutt,. ph!tt. Coctht, G 1 *™ Tobtcco ««4 ,«l» elenliM* j The Only Keeler lute In Georfia- ATLANTA, Si "JAP-A-LAC.” "Liquid Veneer,” “Wax- ene” at the _ GEORGIA PAINT AND GLASS CO., 40 Peachtree.