The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 13, 1906, Image 12
SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13. 19'>. DORSEY* WITH AM. The wedding of Dr. Rufus T. Dorsey and Miss Laura Wltham, which will take place next Thursday evening at the hdme of Mr', and Mrs. W. S.WIth- &m, on Peachtree street, will be of In terest to. a large circle of friends. The ceremony will be performed In the drawing room, before an inprovlsed al tar of palms and ferns, by Jtev. Walker Lewis, fcsslsted by Dr. C. O. Jones, pas tor of St. Mark church. Miss Effle Beale Phelan will be maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will in- . elude Miss Emily Lowndes, Miss Mar tha Whitman, Miss Agnes Ladson. Mr. Hugh Dorsey, brother of Dr. Dor sey, will be best man. and the grooms men will Include Mr. Toly Williams, Mr. John Glenn, Mr. Sims Bray. Mr. Stuart Wltham and Mr. John Keene will act as ushers. MISS ROBINSON’TbRIDGE PARTY. Miss Emma Robinson will entertain at a small bridge party next Friday afternoon at her home on Ponce De 1-eon, In honor of Mrs. Robert L. Cooney and Miss Ethel Mobley. The invitations are confined to the young married friends of Miss Robinson. CLUB WOMEN ARE TO BE ENTERTAINED. The State Federation of Women's Clubs will be entertained by the Ma con Federation on November 7, 8 and 9. Extensive preparations are being made for the social pleasures of the hundred ladles expected in Macon at that time. A brilliant reception will be given by the Mary Hammond Wash ington chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Current Topics Club, the Macon History Club and the Sidney Lanier chapter. Daugh ters of the Confederacy, wl'J each en tertain for the visitors. The officers of the city federation are: Mrs. Mallory Taylor, president: Miss Florence Bernd. vice president: Mrs. C. H. Peete, sec retary, and Mrs. Duncan Brown, treas urer. ferns. Several Interesting games were played and one of the enjoyable fea tures of the evening was a song by Miss Jeanie Paris. Mr. William D. Upshaw gave a very pleasapt talk, after which refreshments were served. Among those invited were: Miss Clara Llndorberg, Miss Maureen Felts, Miss Stansell, Miss Jeanie Paris, Miss Nora Bradley, Miss Bannic Hood, Miss Lillian Eskridge, Miss Myitis Haines, Miss Lou Oulda Felts, Miss Mell Ramsey, Missy^nna Belle Hansen. STATUE TO J. L. M. CURRY. The people of Alabama unveiled, Oc tober 10, the statue of Dr. J. L. M. Curry In Statuary Hall In the capitol nt Washington. D. C\, In which the whole South will share with Alabama In Its pride at such an achievement. It Is of white marble nnd If one of the most striking In Statuary Hall, being a little different in style from any other there. Perhaps the most Interesting feature of this unveiling Is the fact that ft Is the second statue of a Confederate sol dier ever placed In the national capitol. D. A. R. ARCH AT~ CAMBRIDGE, MA88. Invitations have been received to the dedication of the memorial arch pre sented to Cambridge. Mass., by the jlGenertil Society of the Daughters of the Revolution, which will take place *ion the anniversary of thd surrender at * Yorktown, October 19. The arch Is situated at the head of Cambridge Common, near the spot where Washington took command of the Continental Army. The exercises, which will take place In the old historic Olylst Church, in- 1 elude an address by Curtis Guild, Jr., governor of Massachusetts, music by the Boston Cadet Band and speeches by several prominent cltlxens. After the t-Vacation a reception to visiting members will be given by the MasHSehusetts State Society at the .parish house of ChrlsJ Church. A largo attendance of the Daughters from the vnHouk atateiv Is expected. The Cambridge arch was designed by the same architects who planned the granite shaft erected by the society nt Valley Forge. The plans for the arch were accepted by the city of Cam bridge and the Municipal Art Commis sion and passed upon by many prom inent art critics. BARACA AND PHILATHEA CLA8SES ENTERTAINED. On Thursday evening the Philathea and Baraca classes of Central Baptist Sunday school were delightfully enter tained by Mr. Roy Y. Sanders, at the home of his mother, Mrs. D. J. Snn*- ders, 299 Woodward avenue. The house was beautifully decorated In light hluo and white, and dark blue and white, being the Philathea and Buraca class Miss Bessie Haines, Miss Laura Beilen berg. Miss Selma Bel Jen berg, Miss Maebeth Todd, Miss Meta B. Vincent, Miss f’lnra B. Rives, Miss Alice John son, Mrs. D.' J. Sanders, Mrs. E. R. Mays, Mrs. Gena Reynolds, Mr. E. M. Gordon, Mr. Otis Herrin, Mr. William D. Upshaw, Mi*. Howell Jackson, Mr. R. W. Dowdy, Mr. A. H. Ramsey, Mr. Fred A. Hansen, Mr. Roy Y. Sanders, Mr. R. R. Moran, Mr. A. B. Babb, Mr. L. D. Jones, Mr. George B. Elliott, Mr. L. M. Jones, Mr. Roy Threlkeld, Mr. Tye Sanders, Mr. L. T. L. Carter. Mr. Theo. Halyburton, Mr. J. R. Jackson, Mr. Howard Kokleckle, Mr. E. R. Beg gars, Mr. Frank Todd. INMAN PARK 8TUDENT8 f CLUB. The members of the Inman Park Students’ Club were charmingly enter tained Friday morning by Mrs. Dan Cabanlss, at nor homo at Copenhlll. The club is studying early French his tory this winter, and the literary pro grams arranged for the regular meet ings of the club are of very especial Interest. During the morning Mrs. Cabanlss served a delightful buffet luncheon. FRATERNITY DANCE. An event of much pleasure and Inter est at the University of Georgia, Ath ens, during the week, was the dance at their lodge on Thursday night, with which the Chi Psl Fraternity compli mented their girl friends. Several of the local alumni went over to the dunce, returning to the city on Friday. burn, Miss Mattie Nelson, Miss Nettle Lee Grace, Miss Nell Smiley. Miss Grace Porch. Miss Helen Wilkinson, Miss Alta Peacock, Mrs. J. A. McCrary, Mrs. Gainer Turner, Miss Nettle Mat thews, Mrs. Mary. Bowden Smith, Mr., SARAH M’INT08H CHAPTER, D. A. R. The regular monthly meeting of the Sarah McIntosh Chapter, D. A. R., will be held In the parlors of the Ara gon hotel Monday, October 15, at 3 p. m. A full attendance is urged. Mrs. Oscar Ragland, is corresponding secre tary. • ATLANTA CHAPTER, D. A. R. The regular monthly meeting of the Atlanta Chapter, D. A. R., will tako place Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock nt the home of the regent, Mrs. Thomas H. Morgan, 783 Peachtree street. All members are urged to be present, as quite an Important business session will bo hold before the literary meet ing, and the regent Is especially anx ious for a large number to be present. Mrs? Howard McCall, as chairman, has arranged a delightful musical and llt- citory program, and Mrs- L. J. Arnsden, chairman of the house committee, will serve delicious refreshments. Tho musical program will be rendered b> Miss Lanvin Hardman, Miss Alineh Hardman, who will be the accompanist, and Mrs. Algood Holmes, violinist. • Dr. Junius W. Millard, the chaplain _ !- BRUN30N.DICKEN80N. give a charming r.ddrex* on "Women of I he Rcvolu I loth” All member, who attend are a.aur of u most Interesting afierwon. ALUMNI OF GORDON INSTITUTE , ENTERTAINS, Special to The Georgian. Barnenvllle, Ga., Oct. 13.—The alumni of Gordon Institute gave a splendid entertainment In the nudltorlifm Fri day night for the benefit of the school library. Quito a number of the most prominent young men bnd young ladles of the community took part in the per formance, which naturally increased the Interest and attendance. The school library consists of several hundred val uable books, and from time to time other desirable books are being added. The funds from the entertainment be used In the purchase of other books needed no\V for the use of the stu dents. Among those taking part In the pro. gram were: Miss Dove March man, Miss Annie Howard, Miss Priscilla _ Stroud, MIhh Luctle Mitchell, Miss colors, and also In golden rod and Itosa Hammond, Miss Lucllo Black- ^-CRYSTAL CUT GLASS—^ A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OE8IGNS AND’SHAPES INCLUO- 1 INC VASES, COMPORTS, NAPPIES, SUGAR AND CREAM SETS, CAVIAR SET8, ETC. VISIT MY UNIQUE GLASS ROOM—A FEAST FOR THE EYE. No. 70 Whitehall Street. J. Next Door Chamberlin- Johnaon-DuBo.a Company. ATLANTA’S ONLY POPULAR-PRICED JEWELRY 8TORE. Atlanta’s Attitude Toward Diamonds The class of Diamonds we specialize Is a good commercial recommen dation for Atlanta. That our patrons support as they do our steady adher ence to the best In precloui stones Is proof of their appreciation of values. DAVIS & FREEMAN, JEWELERS. FELKER-COTTINGHAM Ml.. Florence Cottingham and Mr. William P. Felker were married Thurs day afternoon at ,4 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. N. A. Cot- tlngham, 317 Capitol avenue, Rev. E. Dean Ellemvood, of the Untversallst church, officiating. GATE CITY LODGE. The members of Gate City lodge. No. 8, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, are requested to meet Saturday night In Odd Fellows’ hall, corner of Ala bama and Broad streets, at S o’clock. There will he Initiation ceremonies, which the Clara Bebekah lodge has kindly consented to arrange for ue. We earnestly request all sisters and broth ers to be present. Yours In F. L. & T, D. K. SEDJ1ERRY, Treasurer. GODDARD-MILLS. Miss Harriet Cope Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R, Mills, of Grif fin, will be married Tuesday evening, October 16, at 6 o'clock to Mr. Hunter Goddard, at Grlffln, Ga. MR. AND MR8. DURANT ENTERTAIN AT DINNER The dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Durant gave Friday night at their home on Ponce DeLeon avenue, tn honor of Miss Ethel Mobley and. Mr. Him. Bray and Miss Luura Wltham and Dr. R. T. Dorsey, was one of tHe prettiest afTalrs given In honor of these young people. The table was In the form of a -T” and had for a centerpiece a loving cup filled with pink roses. Long pink rib bons were drawn from the roses by a couphl .which was at one end of ■ the table. At the other there were double hearts of pink roses to which the rib bons were attached. Mrs. Durant wore a dinner gown of white chiffon and luce. Miss Wltham wore a pale pink chiffon toilette and Miss Mobley was gowned In pink mes- sallno trimmed with lace. Sirs. Du rant’s guests were Miss Ethel Mobley, Bliss’l.aura Wtfhum, Stlss Kate Rob inson. MISs Emily Lowndes, Miss Mar tha Whitman, Miss Agnes Ladson, Miss Elite Beale Phelan, Miss Jennie Mob ley. Miss Emma Robinson, Miss Rollne Clarke; Miss Estelle Stewart, Miss Leonora Scott, of Little Rock; Miss Katherine Jelks, of Eufuula, Ala.; Mr. Sims Bray, Dr. R. T. Dorsey, Mr. Hugh Dorsey. Mr. Samuel Sheer, Mr. Toly Williams, Mr. John Glenn, Mr. Shep ard Bryan, Mr. Brutus Clay, Mr. Richard Palmer, Mr. Burt Adams, Mr, Dowdell Brown, Mr. John Lester, Mr, John AVelssengcr, Mr. Preston Hill, Mr. Wnlton Hurper, Mr. Fred Paxon, Mr. Will Tanner, Mr. Hugh Robinson, Mr. Joseph Nash. ttendant* of Mr. and Mr i.-p present were: Mr. and Mrs.! Cawthorn, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley [ Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fleming of Augusta. Mr. and Mm. W. H. Harris of Gedartown, Mies Lite’ Ayer,, Miss, Ar cadia Smith, Messrs. Alex Bonneyman, Mr. Fielding Smith and Mr.’ Pitchener. 8INGLET0N-KING. The marriage of Miss .Carol King, of Rome, afid Mi;. Henry W. Singleton, of Macon, will take place next Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. .John Butler King. Rome. The ‘best man will lie Mr. Charles Hall Smith, of Macon;’ and the maid of honor will be Miss Grace Troutman, of Atlanta. The wedding will be quietly observed, but wilt be at tended by a number of out-of-town people. Among the Macon people who expect to go to Rome for the wedding are: Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ogden, Miss May Singleton. Miss Louise Singleton, Miss Lily Converse and Mr. W. C. Singleton. The young couple will re side In Macon at the residence of Mr. W. C. Singleton on Mulberry street D. A. R. MEETING. - The regular monthly meeting of the Thomas Jefferson Chapter. D. A. H„ will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, nt the home of the regent, Mrs. Miller Hutchins, HO West Peach tree street. MISS LADSO/FS LUNCHEON. . One of the prettiest luncheons of the season was that given by Miss Agnes Ladson at her, home,-on Peachtreo street Saturday,' In honor of Miss Laura Wltham. The’dining table was covered with lace mats and had as a centerpiece a basket filled with nink roses and tied with pink tulle. The pink candles were placed in silver candlesticks and cov ered with pink shades. Miss Ladson wore a becoming gown of pale blue messallne silk, trimmed with lace and chiffon. Mlsa Margaret Ladson was attractively gowned In white silk, hand-embtroldered, and trimmed with lace. Miss Wltham woro a handsome toil ette of green and whlte-strlped stlk, fashioned with Irish lace. Her hat was of black velvet, trimmed with black plumes. The guests at luncheon Included: Miss Effle Beale Phelan, Miss Emma Belle Lowndes, Miss Martha Whitman. Miss Ella May Thornton, Miss Kath arine Gholsttn, Miss Susie Slay Pope, Miss Janie Speer, Miss Samuelda Whit man, Miss Mary Deas Tupper, Miss Margaret Ladson. TO BRIDAL PARTY. Miss Mable Powers will give a din ner Saturday night at the Driving Club to Stlss Cay and Sir. Soldon Jones. Mr. J. W. Brunson and Sllss Hattie Dickenson, both of Donalsonvllle, were married Wednesday evening under very romantic but sad circumstances, sir.' Brurisdn being aeflously III and confined -to his bed. Alls* Dickenson wanted to be near, him mid tn assist' In nursing him back to health, and as they were to be mar ried November J, they decided to have the ceremony performed earlier by Rev. Jones, of Jnkln. Go. Sir. Brunson Is the popular proprle tor of the Slodel Drug Company, and Silas Dickenson Is tho niece of one of the leading citizens of the county, und both are very popular socially. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE WOMEN. An Important meeting of the South ern Association of College Women will be held at the home of Mrs, Warren Boyd, 194 Washington street, Monday. October 15, at 3:15 o’clock. The busi ness meeting will be the election of of ficers and of delegates to the state convention of women’s clubs, the sub ject for discussion to be the “Relation of the Negro Problem to Compulsory Education." All those eligible to mem bership are cordially invited to attend. TO MISS MOBLEY. Miss Rollne Clarke's bridge- Monday afternoon will be n pretty compliment to Miss Mobley and her bridesmaids. The guests will be: Miss Jennie Mob ley. .Miss Katherine Jelks, of Ala bama; Miss I-eonora Scott, Miss Emma Robinson, Miss Kate Robinson and Miss Estelle Stewart. MR. AND MRS."AYER CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY. Friday evening at their pretty new home on Myrtle street Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Ayer entertained a number of their friends at a buffet supper In honor of the anniversary of their mar riage. The lower floor of the house was thrown open and was decorated with fAns and cut flowers. The dining room, where a delicious buffet supper served, wus lighted by nmny can delabra, amt the elegantly appointed table had for Its centerpiece a cut glass vase filled with roses. Besides Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Caw thorn, the parents of Mrs. Ayer, there were present only the friends who were RECEPTION TO MR. ANO MRS. OSGOOD AT ART ROOM8. A very happy occasion was the ln- fortnal'receptlon it which the art com mittee entertained Saturday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haviland Os good, who are now conducting the At lanta School of Art under the auspices of the Art Association. The attractive rooms at 180 1-2 Peachtree street were decorated with golden rod and autumn leaves, and presented a pretty scene, when between 4 and 5 o'clock seventy- five or a hundred people called. Mrs. Samuel Nesbitt Evlns, Mrs. Roby Robinson, Mrs. Thornton Mayre, Mrs. Haralson Bleckley, Mrs. Alex Smith, nnd Miss. Raoul, who are on the art corntplttep, received the guests. The studio tcaB which will be held the last Satir/Iay ot each month, will be Inaugurated Saturday, Oc tober 27, • nnd will be a very charming feature of the social life of the association. These teas are*for the promotion of acquaintance between the members of the association and the students of the school, and It Is ex cted that they will be most popu- Wedding Bouquets Rose, Carnation, Lily of the Valley, Chrysanthemum. The very -best of everything at .reasonable prices. Orders for Bouquets, Decorations, or for other wedding purposes will always receive our prompt and most careful attention. Flowers shipped to any part of the South. PROPRIETORS WOODLAWN GREENHOUSES pact Iar. CALKINS-YERGER. Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, In the Presbyterian church at Barnes- vllle, Sllss Lucy Yergcr, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Yerger, of Barnes- vllle. was married to Mr. James E. Calkins, a prominent lawyer and legis lator of Fernandlna, Fla.. The cere mony was performed by ',Dr, Yerger, the bride’s fath'sr. There Was St large crowd of friends present to witness the marriage of these .young people. The church was decorated In green.nnd white, great masses of green fems v and trailing vines endlrcllng the altar, while the chancel rail and organ loft were en-4 twined with delicate imititen-halr and asparagus ferns and a profusion of white roses. Mrs. J. M. Reeves presided at the organ, while Messrs. Ben Turner, C. J. Currey, Warren Woodward and Roy Blount acted as ushers. The bride's Accordion Plaiting Sun Plaiting, Side Plaiting and Pinking DONE FROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. PRICES REASONABLE. SOUTHERN ACCOR DION PLAITING- CO., 781-2 Whitehall. Bell ’Phone 799. DB bS J tE E 6p B A4S. QE ' Atlanta, Ga. 501 Austell Bldg. Office Hours. 9 to 12:30—1:30 to 6 It. Phone Main 19U. Residence 220 Peachtree, B Male • Phone 4179. sister. Miss Kathleen Yerger, was maid of honor, and Mr. Joseph M. Whltsitt, of Fernandlna, was best man. A pretty feature of the occasion was that the members of the Girl’s Club, of which Miss Yerger was a popular member, sat in a body on the three front pews of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Catkins left on the aft ernoon train for a short trip East, after which they will be located In their home In Fernandlna. TO MISS MABEL DWYER Saturday evening Mrs. Don Pardee will entertain Informally a number of young people at bridge. The occasion 111 be In honor of her attractive guest, Miss .Mabel Dwyer, of New Orleans, who during her visit to Mrs. Pardee will be the guest of honor at several pretty Informal parties. Mrs. Pardee's home will be decorated Saturday evening with pink roses and ferns, vases of these flowers being placed on mantels and cabinets throughout the spacious house. Mrs. Pardee will receive her guests In a beautiful toilet of white lace made princcsse, and Miss Dwyer will wear pink chiffon over taffeta. FENTERB-COLLINS. The marriage of Miss Annie Collins, of Gordon, Ga.. to Mr. J. C. Fenters, of Atlanta, will take place Monday, ( October 15, at Gordon. DR. HARROLD To” MARRY MISS SHAW. Invitations have been Issued to the marriage of Miss Helen Shaw and Dr. Charles C. Harrold, tvhlch will be one of the most Interesting weddings of the autumn In Macon, and will occur on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 23, at 5 o’clock. Miss Show will be at tended by her sister. Miss Annie Shaw, os maid of honor, and Dr. Harrold has choseiv 5) flt« , man* Dr. Lawrence Lee. of Savannah. Although the wedding guests will be Ifhifted r to" the Relatives of the bride and groom-to-be, and closest friends of the tvyo families, there will be a number. present, several relatives and friends from other cities and' states being among these. The weddhl; will be beautiful In all details, though simply and quietly cele brated, nnd will be full of Interest to the many frlenas of the families. Miss Shaw Is related to the Stewarts and Rldgeleys, of Baltimore, prominent families of’that city, where Mr and Mrs. William Cheekley Shaw resided before coming to Macon, and where the news of Miss Shaw’s approaching mar- rlnge Is received with almost equal In terest to that felt by Macon friends. - Dr. Harrold's family Is one of the wealthiest and most prominent In the state, and he has hosts of friends who nrc equally Interested In Ills marriage to Miss Shaw.—.Macon News. MRS. ARNOLD e"nTERTAIN8 CLUB. Friday Mrs. Howard Arnold enter tained the O. M. Club of West End, at her attractive home, which was lavishly decorated with salvia and other autumn blossoms. After the game refreshments were served. Miss Lillian Harris won the visitor's prize, and the first and second prizes were won rezpectlvely by Mrs. J. Myrlek Beasley and Miss Edith Co- field. All of the prizes were handsome pieces of hand-painted china. The’guests present: Mrs. Frank Ba ker, Mrs. Funkhausett, of Rome; Mrs. Beasley, Mrs. J. J. Simpson, Miss Edith Cofleld, Mrs. St. Elmo Massengate, the Misses Brandon, the Misses Harris, Mrs. Law,’ bliss Margaret Behre, Mrs. Tree, Mrs. Walter Stacey, of Nash ville. PARTIES FOR”MISS PECL. Among those entertaining for Miss Sarah Peel, whose marriage to Mr. William Tilt will be a prominent social event of the 24th of this month will be Mrs. Thomas Brumby, who will give a large party on the afternoon ot the 17th at her home In Marietta. On Thursday, the 18th, Mr. and Mr*. E. S. Gay will entertain at a buffet luncheon In honor of bliss Peel. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gray's buffet sup per will take place on the evening of SUPERB COLLECTION OF STERLING SILVER SUITABLE FOR WEDDING GIFTS. LARGE HANDLER OF GORHAM STERLING SIL- VER.' MY FALL STOCK IS COMPLETE. s| Charles W. Crankshaw, Diamond Merchant and Jeweller. 16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg. ENGLISH WALL PAPER. The finest in the world. 40,000 rolls to pick from, WHITE WALL PAPER CO., 69 N. Pryor St. the 19th, at their home, on Howard street. On the afternoon of the 20tb Miss I'lorence Jackson will give a bridge party, and on Tuesday, the 23d, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maddox will enter tain at a buffet luncheon. The night before the wedding Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kiser will glvo a buf fet supper at their home, on Peach tree. Among those who will also en tertain for Miss Peel and who have not decided on a date at present are: blrs. Henry S. Jackson, Mrs. Henry John son, Jr., and Miss Eugenia Oglesby plowdeTTelliott. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Elliott announce the engagement of their daughter, Mae Allen, to blr. David Wallace Plowdcn, of Valdosta. The wedding will take place at the bride's home, on North Jackson street, the latter part of No vember. BLACKF0RD- > R0BERT80N. ■ blr. A. P. Blackford, of Birmingham, and Miss Able M. Robertson, of At lanta, wero married Thursday at o’clock at the • Cumberland church manse at Birmingham by Rev. I. D. Steele. There were no attendants, but several friends were witnesses to the marriage. The bride went over from Atlanta Wednesday, on a visit to rela tives In Woodlawn and the marriage was decided upon suddenly. Mr. and Mrs. Blnekford will make their home In Birmingham. c r Personal Mention b Next Thursday evening, October 18. there will be a Joint meeting ot all the hives In Atlanta at the Columbian Woodmen Hall, 122 Peachtree street. All Lady Maccabees In the city and throughout the state are cordially In vited to attend. Expressions of pleasure and delight are heard from every one who steps before the little tent prepared by the Ladles of the Maccabees for the rest and comfort of all ladies and children visiting the state fair. Lady Calvin assisted by Lady Jansen anil others, DAFFODIL BULBS! PLANT NOW. Any quantity 50c per hundred. Send to MRS. KATE ROBSON. South Kirkwood, Qa. never tire In their effort* to make tho time passed there restful and bene* ficlal. Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Langston have j purchased a residence on Moreland avenue, Inman Park, and with thpJi*'] family ore now occupying their nevr I home. Dr. Langston Is rector to ( charge of the Church of the Epiphany, I at Inman Park. 1 Miss Helen Cay won the first prize, 1 a pair of silk hose, at Miss Lowndes’f party Friday, nnd Miss Florence Wer- J ner won the consolation, a Jeweled hair I comb. Miss Wltham was presented I with a lace handkerchief. Miss Margaret Hughes, of Marvin,! Ohio, was the guest this week of Mini Getz and Mrs. Johnson. Miss Hughes J Is teacher of physical culture and ex pression In Marvin, and Is a younfl woman of much culture. Miss Harriet Snook left for New York, where she will upenlf the winter. Later Mrs. Snook anil Miss Gladys Hnook will Join her for I an extended stay In the metropolis. Miss Florlne Richardson, who hail *een the recipient of many chartninff mentions during her stay In Romf. I Ga., returned to her home in AtlantiJ Saturday afternoon. Mr*. C. D. Cheshire, of Aiken, 8. and Mrs. D. M. Easton, of OHdaden, j Ala., are visiting their parents, Mr. an I Mrs. Ezra Andrews, 289 South Pryor| street. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Waldo and family j are now occupying the'Morrison honii I at Copenhlll. which Mr. Waldo recent* r ly purchased. Mrs. Sarah Marcy and Mrs. Wllllanu I Continued on Opposite Page. as an investment, arc absolutely I 1™ 1^ w the most reliable of all securities | in the world today. You will obtain the best results by buy ing from us, as our diamonds are highly graded and mod I reasonably priced. Then you have the beuefit of our long J experience and good judgment, too, EUGENE V. HAYNES CO.,. THE DIAMOND PALACE. 37 WHITEHALL »T- Orchid, Lily of the Valley, Rose, Carnation, and Chrysanthemum Shipped to any point in the South. Write, wire or phone. Orders given prompt attention. Atlanta* 123 Peachtree Street, Candler Building.