Newspaper Page Text
New York. Oct. 11—Death by star
vation on a lonely mountain top Is the
terrible fate thpt befell Thomas Kean,
a wealthy hotel keeper, of Emmons av
enue, Sheepshead Bay, whose body was
found today beneath a clump of bushes
by a party of hunters in the Srhuwan-
K mountain, a short dlstanco from
berty, N. Y.
Camp Walker, United Confederate
Veterans, No. 6211, has appointed the
following delegates and alternates to
attend the state reunion which <
venes In Savannah, Oa., November 13
and 14:
Delegates—Dr. M. C. Martin, Walter
T. Bowden. J. M. Spurlln. R. K. Charles.
Alternates—John A. Cherry, E.
Alley. W. F. Dennurd, W. P. Archer.
New Orleans, Oct. 1C.—Advices from
Central America by General Manager
Ellis, of the United Fruit Company
confirm the earlier reporta of devaata-
tlon of banana and rubber properties
distant Mine 30 miles from and nearer
to the coast, the damage being esti
mated at $1,000,000.
Special'to Tlie Georgian.
Fitagerald, Oa., ' Oct. 1$.—Charlie
Blystone, the 10-year-old son of Cyrus
Blystone, who three weeks ago atuck
a pine splinter in his foot, lies In a
critical condition with lock-jaw. At
the time>lt was hurt the splinter was
cut out and healed promptly, I
I land engraved mounting in green uud pol
ished gold.
Price $6.50
Very handsome Rhiucstoue Comb for eve
ning wear.
Price $2.50
Green-Gold Mounting with Pearls and
Price $5.00
Real Shell Combs, upwards from . 1.50
Imitation Shell Combs, upwards from 25c
Real Shell Combs, with solid gold
mountings, upwards from . 5.00
Imitation Shell Combs, with solid
gold mounting, upwards from'
Combs with mountings in great
Variety, upwards from
Amber colored combs for light hair in
all the new designs, in price from 50c
Mourning combs are shown in many at
tractive shapes both plain and mounted.
Prices'50c to $5.00
Chamberlin-JoKhson-DuBese Co.
•THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. nKH1,A1 ' uo,,UKlt 18 ' ^
Combs—A Half Dozeh New Designs
Photographed Frem the Combs in Stock
In the new modes of hair dressing combs play"an important role.
Puffs, weaves and curls have given the designers of combs a wide field for
A few especially handsome and attractive designs are here pictured. We are
showing scores of others even more elaborate or less expensive.
State Is Balked in Probing
By Ruling of the
Many Passengers Are Hurt
When the Accident
Chlcafo, Oct. 16.—One man wan
killed and several other person* were
Mrloualy Injured early today when a
passenger train on the C. and E. I.
■truck a defective rail and left the
track near Crete, III., >0 miles south
of Chicago.
The train consisted of an engine and
eight coaches and #■»» moving at the
rate of 40 mllee an hour when the ac
cident occurred. The couches were
filled with passengers, who were
thrown to the floor and cut and bruised.
John Wlekley, engineer, was crushed
to death under the engine.
Comb of real Tortoise Shell, shading into
amber tips.
-Price .. $15.00
Rhinestone Comb with gold tracings.
Real Shell Comb, 14k gold mounting, set
with real pearls.
Price $15.00
Findlay. Ohio, Oct. 16.—Much to the
surprise of all, and the defense In par
ticular, the attorneys for the prosecu
tion In the case of the State against
the Standard Oil Company for "con
spiracy against trade," have announced
that the state will conclude Its testi
mony today.
Although they said they would sub-
pena no witnesses, yet the fact has
leaked out that the defense will exam
ine a dosen Independent witnesses.
The state was precluded by the rul
ing of. Judge Banker from offering a I
linn of evidence Intended to show that
the Standard gave secret rebates to
retail dealers In oil.
Mr. Phelps, for the prosecution, ad-
milled the state had no means of show
ing . that the Standard CHI Company
authorised Its agents to offer to give
rebates. The court said It was a fun-'
.laments! rule of evidence that the au
thority of the agent must be, estab
It was testified to by officers of the
Buckeye Pipe Line and Ohio Oil com
panies that the Standard Oil Company
of New Jersey, owned practically all
of the stocks of these companies. This
I was the most Important development
. of tha trial. An agreement haa been
1 reached between the proaecutors and
dafendants wherein the case against
John D. Rockefeller will not be set for
trial‘until after the present case has
i been finally disposed of.
' After the examination of two wit
nesses this morning, the prosecution
rested Ite case, and the defense Imme
diately began. The arguments waxed
warn and Kline, of the Standard, told
Attorney General Ellis to go back to
: Columbus and Isarn something.
XV. L. Finlay, state oil Inspector,
. explained his duties and those of four
teen deputies. He stated that the
I Standard paid all fees at Cleveland.
Judge Banker placed no limitations on
I speeches, which will continue probably
: the balance of the week.