Newspaper Page Text
Special News of Blankets
Heavy All- "Wool Blankets at $5,00 Pair
' These Blankets we are offering now at $5.00 are a fine, soft grade of
,vool-pure wool—heavy and warm, full 11-4 size. Choice of two kinds;
White Blankets, with pink and blue borders, or Plaids of all colors. The
values are extraordinary at this price.
And here s another very unusunl Blanket offering. Extra large, pure
■ white Lamb s Wool Blankets, 12-4 size, at $8.50 pair. Ordinarily these .would
sell for $10.00. They are a very fine grade of wool, with delicate pink and
blue borders.
We have wool-mixed white Blankets at
$2.75, $3.85 and $4.00 pair. They are liberal
in size, soft, warm and serviceable. Those at
$3.85 are exceptionally good values.
Extra large Cotton Blankets, 1‘24 size,
in white, gray and tan with fancy colored
borders, $1.25 paif.
Eiderdown Comforts, best Sateen cov
ers through which the.soft, fluffy down will
not creep; very large size.
Six by seven feet, $5.00 and $6.50; 7x7
feet, $7.50. •
Cotton Filled Comforts, pure white cot
ton in most desirable coverings: an'excel
lent, assortment .of kinds. $1.00 to $4:00
Dressing Little Boys
We look carefully to the needs of all children—boys, as well as girls.
No one could be more particular and exacting about each little detail of
making and style. The stocks here now clearly show it.
Among the many beautiful garments, including everything for chil
dren, there is an uncommon amount of goodness and value. Particular
mention today about Headwear and Suits for boys.
Boys’ Headwear
Serge Hats with visor, brown, red and
navy blue, 25c each.
Small roll brim Serge Hats in golf red,
navy blue and brown, 50c each.
Serge Tams in brown, red and navy
blue, 75c each.
Tams of white Bearskin Cloth, $1.25,
$1.50 and $1.75 each.
Little boys’ Automobile Caps, in brown,
black and red Leather, also of Serge, with
patent leather visor, 75c each.
White Rob-Roy Hats of Bearskin Cloth,
Boys 9 Suits
Attractive and very stylish little Suits
with Knickerbockers.
In heavy washable materials, white and
colors, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and upward.
Serge Suits, blue and brown, $4.00.
Suits in black-and-white Shepherd
checks and fancy mixtures, also of Serge,
blue, brown and red. $5.00.
White Serge Suits with Peter Pan
collar and tie, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7AO.
,Little Boys’ Overcoats, tan, blue and
fancy mixtures; new and very attractively
made; warm and serviceable: large variety
of styles; ages 3 to 6 years, $5.00, $7.50 and
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Store of Many Departments.
In Georgia and Adjoining States
Pleasant Mention From Other Cities
Ahout two hundred Invitations have
**en I»,ued to a reception to be given
by Mr. and Mrs. Young Gray at their
hom<\ near Griflln, Tuesday afternoon
from 4 to 7 o'clock, to celebrate the
fifteenth anniversary of their wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, of Stephens'
Pottery, are vlsltlns Mr. and Mrs.
I- <'. Manley.
Master Kdwln Bailey Dean enter
tained his little friends Tuesday after-
JMon from 4 to ( o'clock, In honor of
Ills fifth birthday.
Ml«« Hertnlone Nall has gone to
Washington City to visit her sister,
Mias t.'orlnne Nall.
B. Murray and Master John
Hall Murray are vlsltlnc Mr.-and Mrs.
“•worth Hall, of Macon.
Mrs. and Miss Huguenln. of Macon,
are the gue,t, of Mrg- Mattie Watt.
..'"Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. W.
1 Mr\\ il'iains entertained the Mystic Clr-
. ' ie from 3 to B o'clock. Those present
ware: Mr,, w. J, Kincaid. Mrs. B.
Htakely, Mrs. T. J. Collier, Mrs. N.
Itrewry, Mrs. T . q, mm,, Mrs. J. M.
Hruyner, Mrs. Charles Mills. Mrs. R. J.
[tedding, Mrs. j. m. Kimbrough. Mrs.
Hugh Starnes. The Invited guests be-
I elde the circle were: Mrs. D. T. John-
aon, ef fort Smith, Ark., and Mrs. Ooo.
‘ "P», of Savannah. A full-course lunch-
™ was served.
the [). n«. were entertained on
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Tom
it w R. H. Drake and Mrs. J.
' Hllams were elected delegates
s?, , l " nve ntlon to be held In Colum-
" ln November. Later on the same
..ternoon -'I™. Mills entertained the
urrent Topics. At this meeting Mrs.
' o| lter wss elected president and
T. J. While, vice president.
I*. Walker. Jr., of Griffin, has
™' , .t' c “ ,a, «d at Wesleyan as a vlol/n
!a U u ' M , r ' Welker not only has marked
..* n this line, but Is taking a
t'»d in his classes at Mercer.
d 'V. Huddleston, of West End.
t t’ ,* ll ’- guest of her mother, Mrs.
S Davis.
-Mr. James F. Pendergrass, of Com-
... arr,v# d this morning to accepts
th,,, w lt h the bank. .. .
8- Olbbons. of Vans Valley,
wss the ot Mr R. A. Anbury
TuesdaV night.
day °bllam, of Rome, Is,here to-
...i* 1 " Janie Cherry, of Rome, was the
«u*»t of Bliss l.ela Montgomery Hun-
[/»car Bird left for home Tues-
uei.*. next week for Ardmore,
in' *2,*Pe»d the winter.' ,
wtss Georgia Trout Is In Rome with
„ sister, Mrs. LeRoy Porter.
• 1,1, . ? n<l . Mrs. H. R. Wstts and little
IIM. r t-owry, spent several days
i|,« with the formers mother.
2' M. Watts, on Btethodhit Hill.
Mamie Lou gulnn, of Rome,
Was the guest Sunday of Miss Stella
Smith nt Georgia School for Deaf.
Mrs. M. G. McDonald spent Sunday
here with her mother, Mrs. A. T. Har
.Mr, C. B. Webster, of Atlanta, was at
Sewell hotel for several days this wsek.
, Bliss Blanche Rakestraw has so-
turned to Birmingham to resume her
work at the Davis Infirmary.
Miss Julian Wynn, of Rome. Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Paul Mont
E. R. Minhlnnett went up to Rome
Bliss Fannie Culbertson Is In Rome,
the guest of Mrs. Annie Burney Bmlth.
Mr. D. c. Stroud spent Sunday with
his home folks.
Mr. Charlie Hlght returns to At
lanta tomorrow, after a pleasant visit
to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Hlght, at ''Sunshine Firm."
Blr. and Blra. J. C. Blanslt, Bfra. Mid
dleton and Miss Luclle Middleton have
returned from Chattanooga.
Rev. Pippin, J. Bf. Cantrell and W.
C. Cureton are attending the Methodist
conference at Cleveland, Tenn.
The friends of Dr. J. U Austin will
be gratlfled to learn that he haa accept
ed a demonstratorship In the dental de
partment of the Vanderbilt University.
.Mrs. George Cureton Is visiting In
Nashville. Tenn.
Blrs. Blat Harris and children have
returned to Ringgold, Go.
Mias Myra Parker and Bliss Msud
Willis, who has been visiting In Rising
Fawn, went to Birmingham for a short
stay this week.
. James Blevins has been at home on
account of the Illness of his father.
Blrs. Burton has .been spending a
while with her mother, Blna James
O’Neill. '
Dr. Cantrell Hale has been home for
a brief visit.
Intelligence of interest to numerous
..lends of the young couple In Gee
Tennessee and Alabama Is conveyi
the announcement of the marriage of
Miss Verda Martina Allison to Blr.
Thomas BIcNeill Wright, on October
18, In Birmingham. Ala. Bliss Allison
spent her. young girlhood, here, and Is
one ot Georgia's fairest daughters, pos
sessing personal charma which made
her always a favorite. Mr. Wright Is
cashier of the Huntingdon bank, and
prominently connected In West Ten-
After a visit to the gulf coast Blr.
and Mrs. Wright will be at home In
Huntingdon. •
Blr. Charlie Ellington was here this
W Edltof J. T. Willis, of ThomaatOB,
wns in lown Monday.
Mr. W. S. Flllyaw spent Sunday In
Mi's. Douglas Murdock is visiting
her parents at Thnmaston this week.
Mr. ' •“*“
terday from a trip through Bllssls-
Messrs. W. Hi and Allen Adams spent
Sunday with relatives near here.
Blrs. A. D. Williams was the guest
of her mother. Mrs. Howell, at Zebu-
Ion, a day or two this week.
.Messrs. C. C. and Bl. A. Crawford,
of Paso, were here a couple of days
this week.
Mr. C. T. Eberhart. of Fort Valley,
was here this week.
•Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Hamrick complimented the young
people with a party In honor of their
guest, Bliss Mattie Fowler.
One of the most delightful events of
the season was the reception given on
Thursday afternoon by Mies Bailie
Blanket In honor of her sisters, Bfrs.
Davis and Blrs. John Btsnget. A great
many ladles called and were received
by Bliss Alston, Mrs. Manget, Blrs. Da.
vis and Miss Manget. Dainty refresh-
ments, consisting of sand, sandwiches
and bonbons, were served.
The Young Matrons' Bridge Club
met with Blrs. T. M. Brunby, Jr., on
Monday morning and were charmingly
Mrs. Morgan McNeil entertained In
formally at bridge on Thursday after
Blrs. E. R. Hunt entertained the La
dles' Afternoon Euchre Club on Thurs.
day. The prises, a hand-painted plate
and pair «f Japanese (Uppers, were
«\m by Mrs. Lovell and Mrs. E. E.
Pomeroy, of Atlania. Delightful re
freshments were served.
Blrs. Fred Blorrls entertained a few
frlenda very Informally at bridge on
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Robert Leach fs spending a few
days In Nelson. Ga.
Miss Shipp, of Oklahoma, la the guest
of .Mrs. W. A. DuPree.
A charming reception was given by
Blrs. Roberts on Friday afternoon at
her home, on Kenesaw avenue.
Blr. Henry Revilt, of Greenville.
In the city.
Miss Clara Meadows spent last Sat,
urdny In Atlanta.
•Mr. Blandevllle Long, who has been
In the Philippines two or three years,
Is visiting his rather. .Mayor N. W,
Long, of this city.
•Mrs. James Beall entertained the La.
dies' Aid Society .Monday afternoon.
A pleasant reception was Riven a*
the library rooms .Monday afternoon,
Refreshments were served. The pro,
ceeds a S’ to be used for the benefit of
the llhirry. At the -.erne time an ,■<'
fort was made to Increase the member
chip of the library.
Bliss Mary Cablness is vlslllng rein
lives in Blacon, after spending some
week here, anti from thero will return
to her heme In Savannahi
Mr. and Sirs. George Fuller have
taken possession of their new home
on Dixie street.
Miss sada Thomasson Is visiting In
Miss Nell Sharp has returned to At
lanta after spending Sunday and Mon
day In tho city visiting relatives.
Blr. Jim Cheney has returned from
a week's stay at Borden Wheeler
Mrs. T. D. Bfeador, of Atlanta. Is ex
pected to visit Blrs. Sarah Meador
Miss 'Lucie Harr's Is visiting Bfrs.
W. J. Go van In Atlanta.
Lieut. W. D. Anderson, of Fort
Leavenworth, Kan., Is visiting In the
city. ...
Mrs: Walter Blatthews, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. K. W. Wells, will
return to Atlanta Saturday.
Mrs. L. B. Blandevllle spent Thurs
day and Friday In Atlanta.
Miss Frances has returned from
visit to Atlanta, where she was the
guest of BIlsS Emily Cossin.
Blrs. J. E. McConnell, of Vernon,
Texas, hits been the guest </t friends
here this week.
Miss Birdie Scott, of Stone Bfnun-
taln, was the guest of Miss Adele Tur
ner this week.
Mrs. J. F. Rogers has returned from
a visit to relatives In Birmingham,
where she hsa been all summer.
Mias Ella Murray, of Lewlsburg,
Tenn., will arrive next week to be the
guest of Mrs. J. S. Launlus.
.Miss Agnes Godfrey, of Madison, Is
spending this week with Mrs. P. W.
Bfr. and Blrs. Attlcus a. Worsham,
of Macon, have been visiting Mr. and
Blrs. J. G. Worsham.
Mr. A. C. Potter, a prominent real
estate dealer, or Mulberry. Fla., was
In the city this week with friends and
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lassiter, Jr., of
Atlanta, wers here this week, the guests
ot the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Worsham.
One of the pretty weddings of this
month was that of Miss Bessie Carroll,
of this city, and Mr. James Gatlirr, of
Williamsburg, Ky. They were married
at the home of the bride's parents, Ml',
and Mrs. J. H. Carroll. The presents
Were numerous and elaborate. The
father of the groom presented the cou
ple with live • thousand dollars In gold.
The bride has a host of friends In this
city who congratulate her. Blr. Gatllff
Is a prominent young business man of
his home town. They will go on an
extensive tour of the North.
Miss Sarah Letford, of Waycross, Is
the popular guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. B.
Mr. G. R. Black has returned to
Newnan, after a few days' visit to his
daughter. Mrs. Frank Blurph.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker spent
several days with Mrs. Marshall Hatch-
•r, of Blacon. this week.
Sirs. Walter Frederick Is visiting At
lanta, the guest of her son, Mr. Holmes
The Stevena-Hopklns Chapter ol
Daughters of the Revolution was en
tertained on Tuesday' morning by Mrs.
J. W. Slappey at her handsome old
colonial home.
Blr. Guy V. O'Rear -has gone to St
Louis, where he will meet Mrs. O'Rear
and son on their way home from Colo
rado Springs, where they have spent
the summer.
Mrs. B. Spain has gone to Nashville
to visit her daughter, Blanche, who Is
attending Belmont College.
Mrs. Palmer, of Birmingham, who
has been tbe guest of Mrs. Edward
Janney, has returned to her home.
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Ha>'es, of Birm
ingham, were guests of the formor’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hayes, this
Mr. Perrin P. Hunter, of Cincinnati,
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Blrs. Cole, of Birmingham, has re.
turned home, after a visit to her
daughter. Mrs. R. W. Woods.
Mrs. Samuel H. Sprott, of Living
ston. has returned home, after a visit
to her daughters, Mesdaines T. L. and
O. Long.
Bliss Mary McGuire has returned
from Bessemer, where she visited her
sister, Miss Kyarett McGuire.
Great Special Sale
Mantels at Factory Cost
We are the manufacturers and sell you Mantels direct,
saving you at least 25 per cent
We will offer this Special Mantel for 30 days at
By Mistake tills Mantel Was Advertised Last Saturday (or 19,50.
A large stock of artistic Oak Grills at one-half the price
they have formerly been sold.
Woodward Mantel Co.,
85 Whitehall Street. *
with Mrs. John M. Nowell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J.'Lunceford, of At
lanta, are spending a few days In the
city the guests of Blr. I.unceford'a
Bliss Bllnnle Barrett, of Jersey, Is the
guest of Mr. and Blrs. B. R. Barrett.
Misses Lillian and Lnla Burbage, of
Johnson City, Tenn.. epent last week
with Blrs. G. A. Lewis.
Blr. John Norris, of Cartersvllle,
spent Saturday and Sunday In Mon
roe the gueats of friends.
Misses Nelle, Lena and Pauline No
well left today for a visit to friends
In Atlanta.
Mlssss Floy and Linda F*lker will — -— _..
leave Friday for Agnes Scott, where ] tho university,
they will spend a-few days wl**» their Sunday here,
sister. Miss Allle Felker, who i now Mrs. John T. Newton spent several
In college there. days In Atlanta last week with her
Miss Mary Lou Arnold left Thursday sister,
for a visit to friends nnd relatives In J
Is ths guest of Bfrs. Roy Marable.
Bliss V. V.> Hatch Is spending a few
■lays In. Atlanta.
Dr. W. H. Bowdoln has returned from
Blacon, where he spent several days.
Blrs. W. R. Fagan and children, of
Atlanta, are the guests of Blrs. M. P.
Blrs. Sue Ashford Is the guest of
friends In Asheville, N. C. ■
Mrs. Porter Hogue, after an absence
of several months, Is again at home.
Blrs. Carl; ~ ' ‘ '
several weal
Messrs. Floyd Newton. Mason Wil
liams. Paul and Grady Atkinson, of
spent Saturday and
.Messrs. Stokes and Carswell made a
flying visit to Covington this week.
Mr. C. C. Johnson, of Twiggs coun
ty, has workmen busily engaged on
his dwelling house and expects to move
to Gordon the Itrat of November.
Blessrs. Foster and Hlnaey visited
our town Thursday.
Mr. Clarence Carswell visited Blacon
one day this week. '
Blr. I'lnclnnatla Whitehurst was the
guest recently of hie sitter, Bfrs. D. G.
Mr. John W. Hooks, an official of the
'entral railroad. Is at home on a vara-
Cards are nut announcing the mar-
rlagc of Miss Annie Collins to Mr. J. C.
Luke Adams returned yes- Fenters, of Atlanta, October 18.
Miss Clare Felker Is visiting In At
lanta, the guest of Blrs. Ella Carter on
West Peachtree street.
Misses Annette and Irene Walker
are the guests bf their sister, Mrs. J.
B. McCrary, of Atlanta.
Mrs. David Burson, of Mount Ver
non. Is the guest this week of her sis
ter, Mrs. Whit Phillips.
Mr. Albert Blobley, of Jefferson,
spent Saturday and Sunday In Mon
roe with his parents, Blr. and Blrs. C.
I. Blobley.,
The friends of Mr. S. H. Adams re
gret to learn of his continued Illness.
Sunday Blr. and Mrs. G. C. Adams
were called to the bedside of their
brother. They returned to their home
In Covington Sunday afternoon.
The meeting of the Young Matrons'
Club last week with Mrs. John Nowell
was quite .an unique affair. The Idea
of a typical "old-tlmey” party was
carried out.
Miss Mattye Michael entertained In
honor of the lady teachers of the Bfon-
roe High School last Friday evening.
The game played was progressive dom
ino. At a late hour refreshments were
Supt. O. H. Farr, of the Monroe Cot
ton mills, left Slonroe Friday for Win
der, Atlanta and other points.
Blisses Carrie Pou and Mattye Bias
Baldwin, of Madison, returned to their
home Friday, after a vlalt to Miss
Besele Breedlove.
Mr. Fred McGarlty. of Jefferson, has
accepted a place with the Bank
Mlea Mary Cato Timmons enter
tained charmingly a bow of her friends
at her home on North Broad etreet In
thle city Thursday evening. The en
tertainment was conversational Inter
spersed with musical selections.
Mr. W. II. Nunnally and wife spent
a few days In Jefferson Ihls week the
guest of relatives and friends.
Blrs. R. (. Nowell left Friday for a
visit to her sister, Mrs. C. A. Jamison,
of Decatur.
Mrs. Orrfn Roberts has returned to
Monroe after an estended visit to her
parents nt Hartwell.
Dr. Horace Walker, of Gainesville.
In in Monroe tho guest of his father.
Rev. W. 8. Walker.
The Irving Club met Wednesday
Colonel and Mrs. Hal Lawaon en
tertained the Epworth league on Mon
day evening from 8 to 11 o'clock. They
were assisted bv Meadamea W. A.
Cherry and H. B. Vlascher. An ex
cellent program, consisting of vocal
and Instrumental music, readings and
recitations, was followed by various
games. Those present were: Dr. and
Blrs. W. A. Cherry. Rev. and Blrs.
Thomas Stewart, Sir. and Bliss Beck-
atn. Mr. R. C. Iverson and Miss Agnes
Deane, Professor Shannon and Miss
Glenn Adams, Misses Harpe, Lamar,
Irene McLeod and Cortes Oreens,
Mesdantes Allison and H. B. Vlsscher,
Messrs. W. C. BIcWhorter and N. Bf.
^Mr.'and Mrs.. J. A. Paxson and little
eon are vlslllng their mother, Mre. A.
i. Paxeon.
Mre. Nettle Lott wee In the city a
few days this week on her way from
Mrs. O. L Webb Is visiting relatives
In Albany. . . ..
Blrs. L. P. Woivln entertained the
United Daughters of the Confederacy
Wednesday afternoon. . . _
Miss Nlta Allison left Friday for Sa-
vannnh, where she will teach music.
Mrs. A. O ~ * —
relatives In Atlania.
A number of the younger set en
joyed a straw ride Tuesday evening.
Bliss Maude Adams, who has Just
returned from LaGIrange, where she
was a delegate to the annuel conven
tion of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union, entertained a number
of her friende Tuesday evening.
Bflsa Leila Story has returned from
a visit to Fltxgerald.
, Blr. Bl. E. Carnes and family and
Mrs. W. B. Carswell and children are
among those who have been taking In
the Mate fair at Macon the past week.
Blrs I. A. Webb end niece, Eva Belle
Tatum, left Thursday for Atlanta to
attend .'he fair.
Mr. end Mrs. John Holder, of Jef
ferson, spent Tuesday here.
Bliss Moblsy. of Athens, wee the
guest of Miss Green Sunday.
Bliss Ella Dixon visited JefTeraon last
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hardman are
In Atlanta.
Mrs. Annie Hawkins Stark la the
guest of Mrs. Charles Mlse this week.
Bliss Hattie Ward, of Arp. visited
Mrs. John W. Williams this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lowe have re
turned to their home In Washington,
Os., after a visit to relatives here.
Miss Einma Stapler epent Saturday
In Atlanta.
Mr. Llntern Rhodes, of Fitsgerald.
Is at Dr. Hardman’s sanitarium.
Mrs. Jennie Truitt Is visiting In At
lanta. *
Miss Alva Bennett Is visiting her sls-
•loiSumssAI uo 'XIM 'K T "k
Bliss Agnes Godfrey la In Covington,
the guest of Mrs. P. W. Godfrey.
Misses Bonner Simms, of Covington,
and Fay Webb, of Shelby, N. ('., will
be the guests of Blisses Edna and
Carry Pou next week.
Miss Ollie Munnerlyn. of Jackson
ville, Fla., Is visiting Miss Hallle Brob-
ston. ' s
Blrs. H. T. Shaw is visiting friends
at Shady Dale.
Mian Stella Holden, of Crawford,
ville. who has been visiting Miss Wan-
nle Guest, has returned home.
Miss Btaud VArsble, of Farmington,
Tbs many friends of Mias Louise Dennis
snd Blr. Henry Spivey sre very much In
terested In tbelr approaching marriage,
which will lake placo on the evening of
.November 7, st 8 o'clock, at ths brldt'a
Blisses Itittb snd Genie Park spent Tues
day In Blacon.
Misses Margery snd Hannah Leonard,
icrnmnanled by tbelr mother, Mrs. C. D.
spent sereral days In Blacon Ibis
M as Loutes Dennis la la AtleaU.
Blisses Blay and Margaret DrJarnetts
bare returned from Blacon.
Blra. F. K. Hudson and Miss KatHeen
nodson have returned from Macon. . '
Bliss Mamie Lynn Hutchinson leaves soon
to visit her slater. Bliss Georgia, who Is
attemllns school lu Deeater.
Miss Lillie Williams wss entertalasd st
s surprise party on Friday sight last.
Dancing ntt.l music were enjoyed bv tbs
guests anil s delightful evening was spent.
Bliss LI site King spent Wednesday In
Mrs. W. T. Dennis Is visiting friends In
on Thursday e
W. Bl. Park.
Miss Addle Dawson snd Miss BUM strlb-
nr are In Brecon.
The J. P. F. chib met on Friday even,
Ing with BIIm Lints Untefalnson to reor-
anise for tbe winter. Those
sod Blessrs. l’snl Usllanl. MeKIhlien. Frank
liolt, Kdwln Nelson unil Joseph Williams.
Don Blclstsr, of Chattanooga, Tenn., vis
ited his snnt, Mrs. J. if. Loucb, re
Mrs. H. C. Blather Is visiting relatives at
Mledea. Tax.
Mr. aud .Mrs. Will Austell, who have been
spending some time at tb* l.lthln Springs
Continued from Opposite Pago.
Mr*. E. 8. .Vickery Is the guest ot
Mr*. W. E. Lunsford, at Mansfleld.
Mrs. Lyman Amsden will leave Sat
urday for a vlalt to Cincinnati.
Mr*. Joseph Ralne 1* ill at her
home on Juniper street.
Mr. E. Lunford Is visiting relatives
at Mansfleld, Ga.
Mlse Nina Gentry has returned from
hotel, hire returned to Atlanta.
S. Lehman, of Anniston, Ala., spent
several days here last week.
Dr. H. It Clond • visited Chattanooga,
Tenn., recently.
C. J. Hhelrerton, of Lynchburg. Vn., la
spending a few days here with hU family.
Mrs. Mary Ksmnlers has returned home
from a vlalt to her brother. Dr. T. TT. Col-
vard, of Cohutta. Ga.
Mlta Maud Noland, who hsa been visit*
Ing Mias Wlllye Preston, la now visit*
Ing friends In Atlanta.
V. H. Clark la visiting relatives Jn La*
Grange, Ga.
Miss Llxzle Mae Bagwell spent tbe pact
week la Atlanta.
Miss Ruby Embry spent Thursday In At
Mrs. E. R. Ayers and children went up
to Atlanta this week.
Hardy Fuller ts home from California.
Carl Embry has returned from raritno.
Sira. J. F. Marrhman, of Bremen, Is tbe
guest of her sisters.
C. A. I’psbaw, of Piedmont, Ala., was
the gpest of his sou. .VI Upshnw. Sunday.
.Mi.-s Mt.nii- Slnuglii#*!-. <»f Tnllnpoosn. was
the guest of relatives here this week.
MI*h i:«inn Teal, of Atlanta, spent the
week-end here with her parents.
Mr*. J. II. Pope ami Miss Norn Green
spent a few days ln Atlanta this week.
321-323 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Patients tlo not suffer os
they du at many Institutions. Comfort of patients carefully looked af
ter. Sanitarium Is home-like and pleasant, and not a priion. as aomt
Imagine. Treatment entirely free from any harmful results. For full
particulars call or address Ths Victor Sanitarium, or Dr. B. M. Woolley,
Lock Bex 387.