The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 20, 1906, Image 14

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GEORGIAN. Saturday. October so. WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for lets than 25 cents, the prioe of four lines. 8ix words of average length make m line. The following rates are for consecutive Insertions: t time • • • • • 0 cents a line. 5 times 8 cents a line. 6 times A/t cents a line. 26 times 4 cents a line. 52 times 2Yz cents a Una. 78 times , , 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When tending adt. pay for at rates quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE IN8ERTED FREE. J WANTED HELP—MALE. NIGHT SCHOOL-BOOKKEEPING. Shorthand. Tyfwwritlng, rtr only $4 a noath. Dranghnn’, Practical Bnalnraa Icyc, Piedmont Hold block, 123 Patch! Bell phone ML Call, phone or writ. catalone. It will c Drangnon'a la the beat convince yon 5"SB that trickle street, Annly :, city. and apprentice In typewriter reimlr shop. State age and wages expected. C— *—•- - • - 0 f the right , nortiinlty for a boy of T. C.» care Georgian. IF YOU WANT A P08ITI0N t line, anywhere, place your name The business men appreciate our methods of furnishing help. National Employment Association, lAS-lOtt Century Wldlng. The Pioneers. LOOK! COME OS! MEN AND BOYS’ Sty^S? place. e 15c, electric 25c. Rwellest shoo In Union barbers. Walker*s, 3 Vladnct Fourth National WE WANT TODAY 8TBNO-BOOKKEBP- ers. typewriter*, office boys and cooks. Globe Huslnesa Bureau, 413 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell phone, Main 4399. WANTED—MARBLE WORKMAN WHO Is qualified In monumental work; good wages, sure pay. Box 73. Quitman, Qa. WANTED—TEN TRUNK-MAKERS AT once, with from two to four years' ex perience. Time, and half-time for extra WANTED—THREE FIRST-CLASH HALES- men that can apend a few days familiar ising themaolro* with a line of samples be- • fore going out. Uood sales to right par ties. Call between 1:10 and 9:30 p. tn. and between 6 and 6 p. in., Kimball liouae; I Ml- gal Cree. WANTED—TWO FORTEBB WHO UN derstand packing grates, tile and man tels. Only experienced men In this line . need apply. J. E. Hunnlcutt A Co. roofers, sheet metal workers am men. Regular work. Good wages. J. E. Hunnlcutt A " WANTED—TWELVE ROYS TO LEARN sheet metal and tin trade. J. E. Ilunnl cult Sc Co. WANTED-YOUNG MEN TO STUDY bookkeeping or stenography and typei Ing In night school of Young Men’a Cl tlnn Aaaoclatioti. corner Pryor street and Auburn arenne. The coat la amall; the Instruction thorough. Register at once. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. COLD WEATHER IS nERE. We have the Goods. HEATERS, BLANKETS and COMFORTS. We Can Hare Yon Money. CASH OR CREDIT. We .Repair, Pack and Ship, hone 1757. Bell Pboi J. B. TURNER FURNITURL 41 and 43 West Mitchell St. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. BRAMBACII PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1828. WANTED—A bermald; a wages pakl. WELL-TRAINED CHAM md room furnished and good Ipply to 404 Peachtree atreet, HELP WANTED-WD CAN 01VE EM Cheap house rent, healthy location, good water, abandont jmoaementa. Hljtb- mills, good eft pri< Rossrlll YOUNG LADJES, ATTENTION! A NUMBER OF BRIGHT YOUNG LA DIES BETWEEN THE AGES OF 15 AND 81 CAN SECURE CONGENIAL AND PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT, WITH EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES OF PRO- MOTION. COMMON SCHOOL EDUCA TION REQUIRED. SALARY PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY IN PER- . HON AT NO. 78 SOUTH PRYOR STREET, WANTED HELP—Mate and Female. Georgian are people of Intelligence ■do refinement, and we believe also that moat of them read dally the ada on this . page. To teat this, we make the following • offer: The regular price of our maratine . rfll cu ._ 50c wll. year— alx ad. and Address BRCHT PIANO CO., 62 N. FORSYTH. COLORED HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. A.—LOOKING! LOOKING! LOOKING! FIND* TUE P08IT,0N YOU CAN NOT ! WHILE YOU ARE HUNTING WE ARE THAT’S WHY WE ARE IN BUSINESS! MONDAY’S WANTS: ’ Don't write, l»nt call, ready for work. Employers prefer you If you are willing to worlc. Largest office In Georgia. Roth 'phones. The Southern Employment Bu reau. William J. Knox. Manager. South SITUATIONS WANTED. . Ion to going out of city. Addrera It. A. M., care The Geor gian. WANTED—WORK TO DO EVENINGS AT home by competent bookkeeper. Small set of books preferred. Address E. II. It., care Georglau. YOUNG LADY OF EXCELLENT QUAI.I- flcatlons and experience wants position a* stenographer. Address P. o. Box 167. WANTED—SALESMEN. WANTED—TWO TRAVELING HALES- men lu Georgia to sell fruit elder* and grocers' sundries; $25 per week and ex penses; experience unnecessary. California Cider and Flavoring Co., 114 Market St., AQENT8 WANTED. PICTURE AOBNTS—JIEND YOUR WORK to ni for enlargement; fair prices, good finish; 1C by 30. Religious and scenery pic- S it cheap. The Garner Company, UA era atreet. Atlanta. Qa ART SCHOOL. a ( .a; a >ppj 'a School of Art ud leapact par- — kla Ir * “ uban. RRAMBACII PIANOS. EKTABLnUIRI) 1823. BEC1IT PIANO tu„ 62 N. FORSYTH. CRETE 18 AN ISLAND SOUTH OF Greece; 3,500 year* ago CRETE POWDER was winning victories. It WILL QUELL THE MOB. Jails should be supplied. Wom en need It In lonely places; 3 cents for M-lb. 1 Mixes, mailed. JAMF:S HARTMAN, P. o. Box 671. Atlanta. Ga. FOR BALE—BEHON CORNET: BERT brand made for aoto and band music. Gold plated with silver; engraved. Can he examined by any musician. M. L. K., rare Georgian. FOR BALE-BEST RUBBER TIRE; workmanablp guarantaed. Oaorgta Va hid* Mfg. Co.. A and 12 Waat Mlteball at FOR SALE-TWO CAR LOADb FINE I!rock war aurries, runabouts and depot wagons. Nothing better made. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co* $0 and 53 West Mitchell street. MORE NEW 8TYLK8—IF YOU WANT your printing done In a satisfactory man ner. send your orders to Bennett's. Spe cialties: High-grade commercial work and legal blanks. EDUCATIONAL. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE AND Conservatory of Mnalc, Macon, Gi.—Old est and best. If you wish to attend any time thla school year, get on the waiting list now. Catalogues free. DuPont Guerar* president. BOARDERS WANTED. THE BON AIR. 384 Peachtree at, solicit* Inspection, comparison and patronage. OLD HATS MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned and re-shaped for 35c. Banda or sweats 25d each extra. Out-of-town orders given prompt and careful attention. Best work, latest styles. Acmo Hatters, Whitehall street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OLD-ESTABLISHED TYPEWRITER Bus iness for sale at a bargain. Good reasons shown for selling. Typewriter, rare Geor gian. TYPEWRITERS. TYPBWRITERS--8ECOND-H AND MA- chines of all different makes la our spe cialty, and we guarantee better values and lower prices than any other house North or South. Call or write for our Illustrated catalogue. Atlanta Typewriter Exchange, 71 N. Vryor St., Atlanta, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY AIIVANOKD 'SALARIED FED- pie and others. American Inveatment Co.. 704 Candler Bldg. 4 Established 1890. WEYMAN A CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUYS purt-haa* monar not*, and lend, mon,y on Improved Atlanta pronarty a: roaaon- abla rata. Ball pbon, IN. Gould Ilklg. MONEY TO LOAN AT J. « AND 1 1*BR cant latmat, according fa aacurtty of. f»r»d| amtII -ipenao and prvoipt attention. Only on real aatata 1* tod ktar Atltslt. fi. II. Tnrtntn. SPECIAL HOME rUNDS TO LIND; tny tmoont, 4'.*. I tnd 4 wr cent Wrttt •r ctll S. w. Canon, 24 S. 11 road atraat FARM LOANS—WE ARB PLACING loans on Georgia farms at tho lowest rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at rery loweat rate. No delay, Cbarlaa Harman, room, 302-1 Tamnle Court FOUR TER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 5 per cent and-up wards, according to desirability of loan. W. A. Footer. 12 8. Broad atreet. $2,600 FOR LOAN ON ATLANTA REAL estate; no delay; money In bank. Addrera Capital, care Georgian. BRAMBACII PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1823. BECHT PIANO CO., 62 N. FORSYTH. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. ••Don't let ’em fool yon.” Jim Barnett (formerly of Burnett k Willis) la not dead nor missing. He la contracting trail paper and painting. Office and show room !i East Hunter street. Both 'pbnnea UO. FOR RENT. room; every convenience; north aide; close In: private family. Bell ’nhone 2020 M. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT-TWO ELEGANT FURNISH- ed rooms nt 49 Woodward avenue. Out* front sud one rear room. Call 4279 Atlanta phone. It. T. Brown. FOR SALE^-RCAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY 1*6 SELL. place It with ua; we give It our special and personal attention. If It's worth the price we will sell It. C. II. Wells A Co., UQ4 Fourth National Bank. $450.00 CASH Will biiy a 2-room bouse ou lot 9>xW0 feet at No. 320 Love street, now renting for $4.50 per month. Address Cash Hale, this office. A la PER CENT INVESTMENT. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF REMINGTONS at priced from $7.50 up to $55. We have any Model of the Rcfliington, and our prices arc 30 per cent lens than any other TYPEWRITER DEAL- ERS in the SOUTH. Call, ’phone or write. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Rank -Building, Atlanta, Ga. . Phone 1911. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M Architects. LET US DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build your house. We can save you moneys Address p. O. Box 675. ARCHITECT. LET ME DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build that dwelling - bouse for you. R- D. Nr Afford, carpenter and builder. College Park. Ga. | ACCOUNTANT8 AND AUDITORS. W. II. SHELDON. FELLOW OF THB AmiTlcan and Georgia State AssodaUon of Public Accountants. Sheldon Audit Co-, public accountants and auditors, 613-619 Tempi, Court Examination*. upprutMl*. audita. Local and long distance phone UK BICYCLE 8UNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNIiKICS-LAnOEST bicycle and sundry distributors Is Sooth. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale, and Hudson bicycles. Write for our Hj^caUlogoe sod pries list Alexander- CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK AND NOVEI.TlhS. Prompt service. Bell ’phone 2374. AOnM; Wood aod Iron Novelty Work,, 20 M»rl,tU •treat. HE’S THE MAN°THAT HELLS HOT AIB. Inatalla furnace. In aid houaea •* well nanaw He prepare* a cellar If you hav* nohe. Moncrier Furnace Co. Both 'phouaa „„ ME88ENGER SERVICE. ‘ FOR PROMI-T AND RELIABLE MBS- aengcri, ’phono 22. J. A. Davie* and J. C. 11 renin. MEDICAL. KROMOPATH1C REMEDIES CURB •calp dlaeaaea and make hair grort. Kronra Medicated Heap make* you hy- gleblcally clean. (W year* auccaaa > J- J- Krom, apeclallat BT "Tb, Oraai," At- Inata. Qa PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. H. W. Yarbrough. 2H Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn are- naa PRE88INQ CLUB. _ __ PRESSING—ALTERING—Til K NEW EU- r»ka l’temlng Clnlt-Cleanlng—Repaltlng- Atlanta 'phone 100. Bell 'pfanuc 2475. 1W4 Whitehall atreet Atlanta Oa. Membenhlp SI per month. „„„„„ 8EWING MACHINE8. _ RENTED-TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH. either Singer or Wheeler A Wlleon. We rent only new machines with com plate set pt attachments. Prompt delivery. Both Pbones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Co., TV Whitehall street. 8TOVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANOES REPAIRED AND Mt up. Expert workman. Patteraon Furniture houae, Oi Patera .treat 'Phone*, Atlanta 2472, Ball 7M wait. We bny any thing. ...TALKING machines. TALKING MACHINES AND UKCOROS- Wholeaala and retail illatrlhutor* of Vic tor Talking Machine* and Racorda dual received large consignment of machines and over 10.000 reenrda Immediate attention given mall ordera We want tne name* of all talking machlna dealers In the South. Write for catalogue. Alexandrr-Elyem Cm TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING, n. W. ROUNTREE A lino. TRUNK AND RAO CO. Retail and repairing. No. 27 Whitehall atreet. Plume 1571 WATCHMAKING, TO Tnio TRADE: COMPLICATED watches are my hobby. Modern Ideas In work and dealings. H. Walter Lett Room 1217 Fourth National Rank Bldg.. Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. gwtn:;’s shoe shop. U2 PEACHTREE ST.. OPPOSITE THB Candler Bldg. Ball 2335. dent sewed half aolra Tie. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. UALLWOOD8, IDEALS and all other mikea at bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for any builnem, at a price that can not help but pleara you. Caah or monthly paymanto. Every rag- later guaranteed for two year*. RfiCONIMIAND CASH RRGI8TRRS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND HOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, M Bomb Broad 8tra«L Atlanta. Ga. IjOOK AT THESE TYPEWRI TER BARGAINS. REMINGTON No. 2 $7.60 REMINGTON No. 2, “Re built” .. 12.50 DENSMOHE in good shape 15.00 WILLIAMS No. 2, rebuilt.. 17.50 MANHATTAN Rood as now 20.00 AND OTHERS AT “SPECIAL BARGAINS.” BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta, Gn. Phone 1911. INVESTMENT. WANTED-TO I>181*08E OF FAIIT IN* terast In patentetl houaehold article to party with aufflclent capital to engage In manufacture of aau>*, for Immediate ante to tne trade. Address Z. 8., care Gear- glan. DR. W. J. TUCKER. MOKPHINB AND OPIUM HABIT CURED at home, wlthont pain or detention from bnstnesa: permanent cuie guaranteed; free trial borne treatment sent In plain wrapper. Hr. W j. Tucker. 16* N. Brrad aUraTO lanta, Ga. PROFESSIONAL. A-l CtU'BCH AND MASONIC OIKJANlhT degnw,) and mmimacr. Hlghcet t«etl- moulals. Exquisite touch. lb>fi>ricto Keva. 7 7, Nrabltr of this city. Aiblreas Jules G. Iluguolet. with J. C. Melllctmmp, Jeweler. 70 WMiltehall atreet. M. A. SHELTON, DbN’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical etov* and rang, rvpalrar; beat worh and^mnicr... gujrnntmd. Ku phmm. WANTED—MI8CELLAN EOU8. VA.vFEiV-ALinilNLH OF SALABLH school, law, medical hooka far cash. 1. C. Gavan. n Whitehall atreet, 'Phone U23. MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOU MANGANESE AND CROMK steel bank aafra and vault doors; every thing In safe line. R. W. Bills, Agent, 3$ 8. Broad atreet. PERSONAL DAVID W. YARBROUOIL MASTER PLLMBF.R. Phonw 1266. 24 IL lluatee St IT . , (CRETE POWDER) WILL (WILL OI KLI.) DO ,*| IT! - (MOB.) 8ee other ada on this page. POUND. FRANKLIN. tub clean CLEAN PEL- SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. $5,500—A BEAUTIFUL 8- ROOM, 2-STORY BRAND NEW HOME, UP BE TWEEN THE PEACH- TREES, NEAR ELEV ENTH STREET. NOW, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING UP THERE LIKE THIS, AND II 1 YOU WANT IT, SAY SO FIRST. $4,000—162 BY 190, GOR DON ST. LOT, LIES WELL AND IS THE BEST THING ON Till: STREET. YOU CAN SUB-DIVIDE, SELL OFF AND MAKE A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT CLEAR. $4,000—142 BY 175, NEAR HILLIARD ST., AND THIS SIDE JACKSON ST. THIS PROPERTY LIES ELEVATED AND LOVE LY FOR IMPROVING. NO. 2 SMITH PREMIER type writers; the best double key board writing machine on the market. We have a large stock, some as good as BRAND NEW with bi-chrome movement. If you like th^ SMITH, this is your chance to get one at a BARGAIN. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. Phone 1911. 382 GORDON ST. THIS HOUSE WAS DAM AGED BY FIRE LAST WEEK, AND THE OWN ER WILL SELL THE PROPERTY AS IT IS FOR $1,800. SALVAGE IS ESTIMATED $500. LOT 60x150. THIS MAKES GORDON ST. FRONTAGE ABOUT TWENTY DOL LARS PER FOOT. OR OWNER WILL BUILD HOUSE, WITH PLANS AND TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. APPLY TO OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD, 315 Peters Building. CLIP THIS AD and send to us, and wc will send you samples of our HIGH GRADE CARBON and our “SPECIAL BARGAIN LIST” of Second Hand TYPE WRITERS. Machines of all makes taken as part payment for the NEW VISIBLE FOX TYPE WRITER. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta, Gs. Phone 1911. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. IN THE GRANT PARK SECTION A brand new 2-atory. 7-room reaUlence, with all the rlty conveniences; on beautiful ele vated 'ot, naif block from the car Hue and great value for 33,650 on terras of $653 ca*b and $30 per month. ' BRAND-NEW COTTAGE t)P 81X rooms, with all the dty convenience*, near Grant Park car Hne. A perfect little home and cheap for $2,800. on terms of $359 caah and $25 per month. Yon cannot brat this If you waut a home. A IIAItGAl'M IN A LOT IN TUE PRET- tleat part of North Boulevard, near An gler avenue, 47x140 feot to alley. Snap for $2,500. This la the right place for a home or a good place to build a house that will sell at a profit. ON' GRANT STREET WK HAVE A OftoD 4-room cottage, with all the city con venience*. large, elevr-ted lot Price $2,700. Easy terms. ON OAKLAND AVENUE. ALMOST NEW 5-room cottage, all the city convenience*. Grant Purk for a front yard* Price $1,800. Eaay term*. RICHMOND AVENUE — LAKEWOOD Heights, only half btock from the car line; nrand new, well built cottage home, containing four rooms and hall; nice ele vated lotT 60x260. Rents $10 per month. Price. $1,000. WEST UNDEN STREET-NEAR SPRING street; nice almost new 5-room cottage home; all dty * convenience*: good car service. Price $2,100. Terms ^400 cash aod $20 per month. CONN'ALLY STREET - NEAR FAIR street school; well built and substantia cottage home, containing flvt rooms and ball; all dty conveniences: elevated lot, 60 by 120 feat to alley. Price $2,250; eaay terms. 455 KAWtioN HBIIIf — TWO-STORY 7-room honw. All K.nt $90; price $$,000. Good horns or Investment proposition. WRItB frOR A DEdcklWiON 6WK of the beat plantations In Georgia. The plantation Is fine, the price la right and the description fa very complete. Bell ’Phone 3027. Atlanta Phont 1381. A. 8. H00K. E8 CASH REGISTER FOR SALE brand new machine; cost $150. Will sell on EASY TERMS for $115. This is a HALLWOOD, push-button machine; registers from lo to $2.99 at one operation larger amounts can be easily reg istered by more operations. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. Phone 1911. INMAN PARK LOTS. 5 Lots ranging from $275 to $325; level; only a few feet from two car lines; very easy terms.. ROFF SIMS & CO., 319 ancL 320 4th National Bank Building. Bell 888. Standard 2880. INVESTMENT. Wo have listed with us for a quick tie a corner lot facing Decatur St. to feet and running back 200 feet ong another street. This lot has a ore and three housea on It. This eperty will double In value In short while. !)y Improving this piop- It can he made' to pay per on the amount of money In vested. This can be bought now at a COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Phone, Bell 2081. WANTED. Man who thoroughly understands nnlng excelsior machines. South ern Spring Bed Co, Bell street and Georgia- railway, WILLIAMS typewriters No 4: We have a large stock of second-hand and rebuilt No. WILLIAMS typewriters at prices from $25 to $45, Some of these machines are as good as new. WRITE US FOR OUR BARGAIN LIST. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all makes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriter!’at prices to move them. It you tall to let us know your wants In this line you will loss money. Write or call tor "Special Sale List." We maintain the best repair department In the South and guarantee the best work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 4Z4-23-26 Candler Bldg. WILLIAMS Typewriters No. 2: Rebuilt, look like brand new machines with nice carrying case, $17.50; other typewriter dealers would want $35 each for typewriters like these. If you want a BARGAIN IN A TYPEWRITER it will pay vou to write or call. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth Nationa 1 Bank Building. 1 Edgewoocl Ave. Property. We have several hundred feet frontage on Edge- wood Ave., in vicinity of Boulevard, Howell St., Brad ley St., Randolph St. and Cornelia St. Prices range from $20 up to $35 a front foot. Call and let us show you this property. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. FOR SALE BY NORTH ATLANTA LAND COMPANY. LOTS AT NOR’WEST ATLANTA AT $100 EACH. $50,000 DIVIDEND PAY ING STOCKS. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES IN BLOCKS $500 TO $10,000. ALL HOUSES AND LOTS 3 to 10 ROOMS. APPLY TO 305-6 FOURTH NATIONAL BUILDING. ATLANTA, GA. FARM! Have 175 acres, 32 miles of ' y Atlanta, on W. & A. R. R., with good house, outhouses, plenty of fruit, bottom land and woods. Will sell cheap or exchange for Atlanta property. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. NO. 6 WILLIAMS typewri ters: We have a few No. 6 Williams “good as brand new” at prices from $45 to ‘' V If you like a WIL LIAMS this is your chance for a bargain. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building, At lanta, Ga. Phone 1911. GETS A t-llonSf HOUSE, LOT 55 DOZIER & REAMS. Real Estate. 403 Peters Bldg. 'PHONES—BELL list; ATLANTA 1252. beat bargain . lu this street. Terms. EAST FAIR HTUEET—CI.OMK ISTFIVR minutes' walk from renter of the city; •even-room house; all modern, and it nice home. Price $4,000. Terms. oraNt park hkcti?5n—SkvkN-RoOM cottage, new and modern. Term*. <VAfitti\tiTON frTftEKT - ONR-MTOItY eight-room house; all modern. Price H >0. Terms. obHonIT SOlTll' I'ltYOIt STIIKET-ONK-HTUIIY eight-room house; modern conveniences, and close In. Price $5,500. Terms. Ea5t FAIR STREET - TWOHToftV eight-room bouae: In good condition. Price $2,100. Ea*y terms. Wk—wttaTTfaTtnrTfflr AttvTihao from a four-room cottage to the finest mansion. Our prices are reasonable; nnr material used In bnlfdlnir Is the In«*i; onr carpenters none better. In other words, we guarantee satisfaction. Our houses spesk For themselves. Will be glad to show ou some of onr housea that we have built. Ve bnild for cash or on eaay terms. Men us before buying* FOR RENT. able of Ivy atreet. between Auburn ave nue and Houston atreet; la a two-story eight-room frame, on lot 40 l»y 100. and the bouse hna gas. hot and cold water; porce lain bath, closet and sink In the kitchen; la In good condition; and centrally located: will be vneaut October 20. Rents $50 per FOUUKHT AVKM K: THIS TWO-STORY EIGHT-KOuM FRAME on Ini *1 l>y 150, whirl! Ilr* Iryrl, 1, on the noulh ililr of Forrmt arrnijr. hrtwrrn Piedmont nrrnnr and Rnllrr atrrrt;.h*a gae. hot and cold wat.r: balk, rlnarl, ata- llonary waahatinri. aink In ihr kitchen and •Ink In the pantry: thla I* an awful nlw place; In n rood nrlghliorbooU. and In ao.*! rrpalr; Porrrat avenue ran paaa tbr .Gw; wflM* vacant Novrmtwr L Renta MS per JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. J2 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones 111. in me state of Florida. We bavo tracts from 300 acres up to 193,000 acres. Good fa cilities for transportation. Doth water ami railroad. ITIcea range from $2 per acre up ward. These Innds are valuable after tim ber hna been removed for truck uud farm- lug; below the frost belt. Write or call for description. IF YOi; AIIK LOOKING FOR BUSINESS opportunities of any kind, let us hear from yon—In this as well aa other state*. WeSekI, a UVf. llAX ~t6 take charge of a hotel—one that ran ataml prosperity. House furnished from cellar to garret.. Low rent. The furniture coat $2,10). R. M. FRASIER, Manager Sales Department. OLIVER TYPEWRITERS. We have some “SPECIAL BARGAINS” in sec.-hand and rebuilt OLIVERS. It’ you like the Oliver, it will pay you to write us or call at our offices. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta. Ga. v Phone 1911 J. C. BALDWIN & CO., Real Estate and Invest- 9 ments. 501 Peters Building. City and Suburban Property Farm, Timber and Min eral Lands. Phones, Bell 5191; Atl. 3310. I1.2S0-WE8TVIEW “OS THE CHERT;" foor-room n.w cottage. with hall. Lot 1» £.3» fret; 3100 raili; Iwlaaca Ilk* real- iT pRtt MoNtii. ii-aiMib fhACT to rant: 4 tallra waat of rlty, on tbr char.. Oood paaturr; two Imorhaa; five-room new rottai*. Saw barn. ITBoliftt-Ai fftucK 1-aHM. i mfK? pared road; two-room boaae and three-room log konaa. Eaay term*. fc-.w'-soi'TH Kirkwood, os par . ana; alt-room t»o-*tory rraldaore; lot l" 1 [•3 2m feet, and a corner. Dbnaat bargain In Kirkwood. Want to tall thla Monday. rpt-W-AFRE TRllfk FAbU » Mli.Es „I* city: fivr raom cottage, harn; on- Bondrad bearlar Yaataa apple treat; IW CMh; balance |U ;, r month. Big bargain. FOX TYPEWRITERS: We have a good many No. 3 and No. 4 Fox which were taken as part payment for the NEW VISIBLE FOX at special low prices. The No. 4 FOX TYPEWRITER 18 THE BEST BLIND WRI TER ON EARTH, just as the NEW VISIBLE is the best VISIBLE MACHINE. BUTLER TYPEWRITER CO., 717-718 Fourth National Bank Building. Atlanta, Ga. Phone 1911 FRASIER-SMITH CO., Real Estate Everywhere. Investment, Renting and Fire Insurance. 185 Auburn Avenue. Bell Phone 3533-M. MOO WltH tSA CASH GETS A LOT ON Elliabeth street, with n 10-room homm now rented for $4. Can be made to bring 15. WOO WITH MOO CASH <1KTH SIX-ltOOM houao^ rented nriw for $8. Thla ought to down, or for $200 additional will rear, wbleh will make this. 50x218. rvthlng «'itl lot In tear, «mm win innsc in Located In vicinity of the colleges. nr is A if K HECTiONirATITA CnSlh!NA: tlon atore and dwelling; store rents far $7.50; aplendld grocery business can be done there. Thla can lie had for $1,000. Ileasnu- able terma to right partlea. KKVK^-ItOOM IIOI'HB ON K. HARRIS atreet, only $1,300. FIVE-ROOM IIOI’HK ON HILtlAHD 8T.- Flftr feet of car line; only $1,250. Lot It well Improved. raVKftXl cottSEfta l*vj fHg yotmnt business can In* done. $20 and thla r .. .*ent. Houses In tills vacant. WTT MARK A SPECIALTY OF SOUTH Georgia farms. If you wish to buy i»r •ell let us hear. We can please you. Write or phone: we will call. mw iiANV ilAkH iiofl