Newspaper Page Text
In Georgia and Adjoining Stales W | Pleasant Mention From Other Cities
Sirs. Hubert Battle and son, Wilson,
have returned after spending the sum.
mrr In the mountains of North Caro
'"mV. and Mrs. N. K. Pelzer and the
Ml««es Pelser have returned from a
visit to New York.
Miss Florence Dawson, of Blrmlng*
ham, Is the guest of Miss Annie L.
Chilton, who Is entertaining elaborately
In her honor. /
Mias Kate Davidson has returned
after a summer abroad.
Mrs. Joseph L. Hall has returned af
ter a three months’ absence visiting
Nortnem cities.
Mrs. Paul LeOrand and Miss
Grand fjmlth have returned from
Mrs. Croom Walker, formerly Miss
Patterson, of tills place, flow of Spring-
held, III.. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hal
T Walker, on South Court street.
Mrs. J'. G. Selbels and her two daugh
ters have returned after a summer In
Germany and Switzerland.
Miss Zelma Rogers Is at homo again
after a visit to Miss Elisabeth Bald*
win, In Verbena
Miss Elizabeth Baldwin leaves In a
few days to visit Miss Algle Hardwick
in Washington.
Mrs. Chappell Cory, of Birmingham,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. c. A.
Lanier last week.
Mrs. E. G. Dowry, of Washington,
formerly Miss Elizabeth Lahey, will
spend a part of the winter with her
mother, Mrs. I* W. Lahey, at her
home on Goldthwalte street.
A beautiful dinner was given Tues
day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Theo
O Lobman to the bridal party In the
pierser-Lobman wedding, which took
place the following evening at temple
Beth Orr.
Mr. Schlff, Mrs. Livingston, Mr.
Jack Pterser and Mr. and Mrs. Pler-
ser are among the out-of-town guests
at the Pierser-Lobman wedding.
The wedding of Dr. Joseph M. Tel-
den, of Selma, and Miss Jennie Lee
Walton, of Augusta, Is announced for
October JO.
Mrs. Albert Woolfolk Is visiting rela
tives In Columbus, Ga.
Miss Nell Battle has returned from
s visit to Morganton and Charlotte.
N. C.
The many friends of Mr. William A.
Gayle will regret to learn of his ex
treme Illness at his home on Felder
Miss Katherine Jelka leaves next
week for Atlanta, where she will bo
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Han
son. Miss Jelks will be one of the
attendants at the Bray-MoMey wed-
d, $fra. Jessie Beale, to tho regret of
her many friends here, will spend the
winter in New York.
The wedding of Miss Love Slade, of
Tennllle, to Mr. Samuel A. Booxcr, of
this city, took place at high noon Wed
nesday at the Baptist church of Ten-
nille. A number of Augustans attend
ed the marriage and accompanied the
young couple to the city Wednesday
evening, when they were complimented
with u dinner party by Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Bowles.
The mnrrlage of Miss' Marie Sally to
Mr. Frank M. Benson last Tuesday
evening was a pretty home event. The
young couple are now away on Jhelr
bridal trip.
Much interest Is felt by Augustans
In the marriage of Miss Laura Witbam,
1 of Atlanta, to Mr. R. T. Dorsey, which
took place at the home of the bride's
parents on Peachtree street. The bride
is a niece of Mrs. J. K. P. McLaughlin,
of this city, and has many friends here.
The Wednesday Bridge Club was en
tertained this week by.Miss Elite Haw
Mrs. Carter Burdell entertained her
card club Tuesday.
The Chautauqua Circle met Friday,
with Mrs. W. II. llarrett.
Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Davidson have
arrived from Nashville, Tenn., and are
receiving their friends at Dr. David
son's home on Oroene street. They will
be complimented next week with a din
ner party by Mrs. J. A. Bodeker..
The Thursday Bridge Club met this
week with Miss Fannie Seward.
Miss Jane Tlmberlake has returned
from a pleasant visit to friends In At
Miss Helena Heyward has returned
from Boston to resume feer studio
work with Miss Callle Baker. Their
studio teas will be pleasant features
of this season.
Mrs. Edward Pierco has returned
from Brevard, N. C., where she vis
ited Miss Bertie Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Field have re
turned from a brief visit to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hack and MIsj
Maud Hack have returned from New
Mrs. Katherine Houston Fisher and
Mies Madge Houston are guests of Mrs.
rite In Atlanta.
Miss Jenna Garrett left Thursday for
a visit to friends In Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. John Klnard and chil
dren, of Newlterry, 8. C., are guests
of Dr. and Mrs. R. II. Land.
Miss Katharine Latham, society ed
itor f The Savannah Press, was In
tnc city tills week attending the meet
ing "f the executive board ot the King’s
Daughters and Sons.
Ml‘8 S'ada Stovall Is spending sev
eral days In New York.
Mrs. Georie R. Argo entertained a
J>"\ i*arty at the “Sergeant Kitty" mat-
f Thursday afternoon In comp!i-
ntent to Miss Louise Both well, who will
be one of the season’s most popular
debutantes. Other guests of the party
5’*re Miss Dena Taliaferro, Miss Belle
barge and Miss Mary Lockhart.
Mrs. Charles Phlnlsy returned this
week from Athens, where she attended
5K Harris Carter marriage. Mrs.
- hlnlxy left Wednesday for New York,
l^r spending the summer In Washing
ton, D. C.
A very Interesting event of the week
*be wedding at Bartlesville of Mis*
(n roll lie Blood worth, of that place, to Mr.
Janies II. Chapman, of Augusta, which
tool* place Tuesday evening. The umr*
ringe was of great interest throughout
the state. Mr. Chapiuau mid his bride will
reside In Augusta.
Another marriage of the week of Interest
was that of MIhn Blanche Kdni nidsou. of
Anniston, Ain., to -Mr. Charles I), light
water, of this city, which occurred Tues
day evening, at the Grace Episcopal church,
of Anniston. Mr. and Mrs. Rainwater
wlU make their home In this city.
* VtT Wading of Miss Marie I mi Rally
to air. Frank Benson will he a social event
of next Tuesday, oceurrlug at the home of
the bride a parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. 15.
Rally, on Broad street.
Announcement of the approaching mar
riage of MUni Lena Holmes Ferris to Mr.
Jordan II. Sanford hits been made by Mr.
nud .Mrs. Sauford II. Cnheu. The mar
riage will occur on November 14. nt 8t.
Pauls church. Miss Ferris Is one of Au
gusta’s youngest society women, uml has.
during her few seasons in society, endeared
herself to n wide circle of friends. Mr.
Sanford Is one of Augusta's representative
young men. He Is prominent In educational
work, lacing principal of the Woodiawn
grammar school. The wedding is antici
pated ns one of the notable social cveuts
of the early winter season.
Much Interest Is felt by Augusta women
In the nppmnchlng chrysanthemum fair,
which will he given in Xovemlier by the
King's Daughters. Many out-of-town con
testants will enter for the lll>ernl prizes
that have been offered by the King's
dan of this city, was married Tuesday to
Miss Richardson, of Nashville. Tenn. The
news was received In Augusta by a tele
graphic message, and was quite a sur
prise to the ninny friends of tho groom.
Cards have been issued by Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dunbar Wilson,Mif Beech Island, to
the wedding of their daughter. Miss Mil-
ledge Wilson., to Mr. John Randolph Hall,
of Chester, 8, C. The wedding will tako
Mrs. v>. l. jvoimgg enieromieo me i
day Morning Bridge Club this week.
The Thursday Morning Bridge Club
entertained this week by Miss Demi Ti
ferro. . .
Miss Nannie Baker has returned to Fee-
nniidlim. Fla., after a visit to her annf,
Mrs. Sterling Kve.
Miss Mary Wilkins, after a visit to rela
tives nt Gold Hill, Ala., Is now visiting
In Columbus. Ga.
Miss Snrnh Ere Is visiting her grand
father, General Clement Evans, lu At-
Miss Nellie Crane has returned home
after a visit to her cousin, Mrs. Alfred
Burke, in Cffattnnoogn. „ , ,
Mrs. Charles Phlnlsy leaves Saturdo:
attend the wedding or her niece. Mist ««.-
He Harris, of Athens, to Mr. J. W, Carter.
Mrs. N. L. Rhelverton has returned from
Bartlesville, where she attended the nmr-
ringe of her brother. James Chapman.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright have re
turned from New York. . . ..
Miss Rosa Onninto has returned to Now
Orleans, after an extended visit to frleml*
*Lucy Evans hss returned to At-
Inntn after a visit to her sister, Mrs. i\.
* SUM*! iilda GLrrkcu Is visiting the Misses
Evers nt Inninn Park In Atlanta.
I)r. and Mrs. J. It. Littleton m>T«
turned from u oumm.r .pout at Jomei-
'"Jlrii. Prosper ncrrkmnns to visiting In
New York nud Monk-loir, N. J.
Min Steward Detffser hoi returned from
Washington, D. C., where oho spent the
" U Mr«. rr ilnrry Itobert. of Moron. wlU he
among the out-of-town guests nt tho Wot-
ton Sehlen wedding next week. .
Mira M/iry Lou rhlnlzy left Thursday
for New York, where she will opeud some
"Sin Allee Trowbridge I. the mint of
>r .liter, Mrs. It. lurks. In Atlnnln.
Min Annie Ulrd Branch boo returned
from o visit to frlendo In Maine and New
Mr7'nnd Mro. Boykin Wright hove re-
•"Mr? nZr^lcmto*. Sr.. 1. vl.ltlng In
?tev'"n r ml Mr.. Snmnel A. WroM hare
returned from n summer europlng In Molne
Miss Mary Walsh, of Mobile. Ala.. Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. cos-
in honor of Miss Sarah Peel, of Atlanta.
Mlsa Sylvester entertaliUHl In honor <.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Sylvester on Thurs
day night. Delightful refreshments wero
served. Those present wore Misses Annie
Nichols. Carrie Gregg*. Strong. Alston, Isa-
Ih*1 It nimby, George, Goodwju, Crosby, Mrs.
Sylvester and Mrs. Grnhnm. and . Messrs.
Holmes, Bayard, McIntosh. Tobias. James
Brumby, Alston. Frank George, John Good
win ami Mnlrolm Sylvester.
The Cooking Club was eh....
tcrtnliied by Miss Eileen Gober
day afternoon.
The Ladles' Afternoon Euchre Club was
entertained l»y Mrs.‘J. F. Clarke Thursday
afternoon. A salad course was served. The
{ •rises, a beautiful Japanese salad howl, it
hi roan senrf mid ornament, were wou by
Mrs. E. P. Hunt, Mrs. Balllss and Miss
Lottie Ijiwreneo.
Mrs. It. II. Welloris, of Knoxville. Toun.,
Is visiting her mother. Mrs. McCuIlock.
Mrs. J. II. Kuhlpiau Is viMtlng friends la
Indianapolis. Ind.
er ou TI
G reggs gr
Miss I.el
delightfully enter tab
the Misses Rctxe.
Mrs. IInr|>er, of Rome,
Is the gnest
Mrs. Walter ..... .
visiting her mother, Mrs. L. N. Trammell.
Miss Iteginn Ranh, who is attending Wes
leyan college, spent a few days with
parents recently.
Miss Alvn Bennett has returned to her
home nt Jefferson after a visit to Mrs. J.
M. Nix.
Dr. W. B. Hardman visited Atlanta re
Miss Emma Gober Is visiting friends In
south Georgia.
W. T. Baugh, of Wrfghtsvltle, Is with
friends here.
Miss Lillian Burns, of Lucy Cobh, speut
Hundny with Miss Genie Hhcpnnrd.
.. .. . -“"In‘Atlanta this
Homer Karfter wak I
i week.
«.* iniu relatives here.
Miss Irma Langford returned to her home
In Atlanta this week, after au extensive
visit to Miss Ida Bohannon.
Mrs. Gnssle I.owe hnd Mrs. Odell Stapler
spent «om • time In Athens recently.
Mrs. W. T. Hnrlier and children. Berner
and Thelma, ure the guests of Mrs. U.
L. Hardman In Atlanta.
Misses Gussie and Millie Carson will
l*»nve soon for Val-h»stn, where- they will
visit Miss Etnmn Griffin.
J. F. Shannon Is In Athens on s short
Miss Kettle Carson Is visiting friends In
Miss Oln Bradley Is with friends and rel
atives at Montloeilo this w*eek.
George Stanton, of Social Circle, was In
the city Tuesday.
E. II U.xnlHou and family bpve In
Atlanta for several days, the guests of rela
tives and attending the fair.
Miss Charlie Portin' haa returned from x
visit to Mrs. S. P. Owslcv. In Atlanta, for
the past two weeks
II. Milner
Colonel J. F. Holmes, of Monroe, ws* In
Covington Tuesday.
Miss ElixalH'th Atmstrong. of Gr«**linm-
i Hie. is visiting her sister, Mrs. l.uke Rob
Colonel L. F. Livingston was here Sat
Mrs. Mnmle Thompson, of Atlanta, was
here Tuesday with friends.
The Misses Lnttnlua have as their
this week Miss Kula Murray, of Louli
1>. A. Thompson Is seriously III sml has
been confined to his IhmI for some time.
their sister, Mrs. G. C. Adams.
Colonel Green Johnson, of Moutlccllo, was
hero Wednesday.
Mrs. A. H. Burney, «»f Rome. Ga., Is spend
ing this week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Henderson.
Henry Greer, bookkeeper for the Bibb
riiiufnctnriug Company, has severed his
connection with that tlrm, and, with his
-..alum • wy niB. nwuuri mi
rhey will be Joined at Charlotte
"ary Lou l-hlnlzy.
Lillian Btflb will have aa her
S"**' ''urine the fair the Mlzaea
Wttlrmey, of Wayneaboro.
.. Mr ' George Cunningham la visiting
New York.
Mias Eliza Phlnlzv haa returned from
Mm- A P. Coles In Atlanta.
Mis Rarenal Patterson, of Salt Like
■ '* the guest of her mother, Mrs.
the guest
,l '>lr« Brnilr, of New York, nail Mlsa An
nie Folk, of gnvannnli, ore curst, of Mrs.
1 Misses'ifrnnklo and Kate Uiwrence leave
HfckSlrind mm %£•
,I Sli‘« mn «pnrkT \v!" r Me'ltmi r an<i l{ttle wm.
Carroll, havo returned from a t islt or ai\
oral inontlia to relatlvea near nichmonit,
' Mra Edwin G. Weed an(l the MJjaaea
Weed' have gone to New York for a vlalt.
Much to the regret of his many
friends here. Mr. Bev Henry has ac
cepted a position w|th- tho Georgia
Midland railway and will reside In
Mias Annie Webb, who hns been the
guest for some time of Mrs. H. I. Mob-
Jey, returned last week to her home In
Mr. Allen Plttard Is now assistant
depot agent here. .
Miss Alva Bennett Is tho guest of Dr.
nnrt Mrs. J. C. Bennett.
Mrs. H. W. Hell, Jr., and little (laugh-1 _.
ter Marlon returned Inst week from ""sK'r."i:'returned from north
a visit In Monroe. ~
Miss Clifford Daniel Is the guest of
Mrs. H. N. Rainey, Jr., nt Mulberry.
Ife. will make hhi future home In At
lanta. While he*e they have endeared
themselves to all .who knew them.
Dr. and Mrs. Royal Miller entertained nt
nn Informal dinner Hnturdny in honor of
Mrs. William Mrlsendon'a 7*th birthday.
The guests were -Mrs. William Mcl^ndon,
Colonel and Mrs. R. G. Mclseudoa, Miss
Cornelia Williams. Mr. Lee McLendon and
Mrs. R. O. Mcfsendon, Jr.
Mrs. P. C. Welsh, of Now York clt
the* guest of her parents. Dr. and
nnd Miss Pa
. are guests of Mrs.
Albert flllstnnn.
Mrs. J. B. Jem I son haa returned froai an
extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Williams, of Macon.
Mr. Frank Rnilth is visiting In Montgom-
C *?Irs. Com Cnssels'nnd Miss Vs I Cnssels
have nqtimed from nn extendetl visit to
Sirs. Robert Tlinmons Is st borne after
spending several works lu Atlanta, Rome,
and .Dalton.
Mr. J. L. PhlHIps Is on a business trip to
Mrs. Clyde Ned Is visiting In Qultinsn.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert M. Dixon have re
turned from their wedding Journey, nnd
are behig cordially welcomed by their
ninny friends.
Mr. C. W. Cooper Is at Lake Immoula
Misses Ruth Barber ami Lillian Broch
have returned from Atlanta.
Mrs. K. 8. Ethridge spent last Mon
day In Winder, the guest of her broth
er, Mr. J. W. Shields.
Mrs. J. C\ Bennett and Mr. Victor
Bennett Tuesday in Athens.
Air. nnd Mrs. J. L. Williamson and
Afnster Gus and Miss Latrelle Wil
liamson returned Wednesday from At
lanta, where they attended the fair.
The friends of Mrs. Beulah VennbJ©
Hood are delighted to know that she
Is able to be out again after a long
Illness of typhoid fever.
Mr. Paul B. Mathews, Mrs. J. E.
McElhnnnon and Miss Minnie May
Randolph spent two days in Athens
last week. _ -*
Mr. Clyde Stockton Is In Catawba,
S. C., where he will reside for some
tIf Mrs. Jackson and Miss Ebble Apple-
turned last Saturday from a visit
by upturned last Saturday from a vibi
to friends and relatives In Gainesville.
The many friends of Miss Lena Turk
will be glad to know she is some bet
ter. *
Mr. Fred McGarity hns gone to Mon
roe. where he has accepted a position
with the Bank of Mhnroe.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Carter have gone
to their new home In South Carolina.
«•»» the lirldg. party
, „ ,n ." on - A rhnrnitna event ««» the I'ridgv part;
- rr*. rj. Lamb has returned home, af-1 given ou Thursday tiy Mrs. T. M. Brumby,
Residence Photo Studio,
243 Peachtree Street.
make specialty of society photos.
Bell Phone 3324. , 243 Peachtree Street.
Georgia, where she spent the summer.
Dr. T. E. Hlnckshenr Is In New Haven.
Conn., where on the 24th of Oetolier he
will he man loti to Miss Janet Atisflq.
Mrs. i|. H. Cox returned last week from
Atlautii* City and New York, where she
spent the summer.
The moms of the rlnb were decorated In
golden rod mid purple spikes, sml n dell-
lens salmi coarse, lees ami frnlt punch
“—* lira.
dnte Titus, Mrs. Martin Cooper, Mrs. Will
Britton. Mrs. Fred Dlsninke. Mrs. Otis Bell,
Mrs. Houston of Owaushoro. Ky., Mrs.
Walter Taylor. Mrs. II. A. Daniels, Mrs.
Brynn Wrlsbt, Mrs. A. II. Cooke. Miss Julia
Wright. Mir* Annie Wright. Miss Emma
McIntosh. Miss Hartley Patteu. Miss Mar
tha Merrill, Miss Emma Carmen. Miss Net
tie smith. Miss Ms-* *" *'* “
Woodson. Miss El
Miss Mae Hopkins.
Mrs. A. I. Webb nptl Miss Eva Belle Ta
tum are ntrending the fair this week.
Mrs. Wflllnui McDaniel and little son, Ru
pert, nre visiting relatives at Vldnlln.
41. C. MeWhlrter left Thursday for Car-
tcrsvllle to accept the position as cashier
In n hank nt that place.
C. L. Nelee has accepted the vacancy
■ cashier In — '* * —
position lately
iry rc
market Friday.
Mrs. T, II. Moye am> lift!** daughter,
Annlo Belle, are sinning the week In At-
lanta. v
J. C. McAullffe, of Angnsta, spent Runday
Mr. and Mrs. I. Stoune spent Mouday In
olka Sunday.
Tom Strickland la In north Georgia for a
ew days.
R. J. Velvln. of Arkansas, Is the guest of
his brother. Captain J. J. Velvln.
Mrs. W. A. Maxwell was railed to Dong-
.. svllie Tuesday l»jr the death of her niece,
Mrs. Christian, who wna Miss Lois James.
Colonel J. o. Newell, of CnrroIRon, was
visiting friends here this week.
Mis* Llsrle Mae B.tgwell has retnrn.'d
from Atlnnln.
Rev. nnd Mrs. Warwick sml t*blldren are
aj-eiidhrr tbl« week la Atlanta.
Rum can Her Is home from Colunilma.
TKc Buyihg of Blankets and Com
forts is a Ssveral-Sided Question.
“Many-sided,” or we might say, “many sizes.”
To be sure, the price is the first item you’re apt to
consider—but there’s size and weight that must be count
ed in if you treat yourself fairly—and us.
As we often told you before, the extra inches lacking
from a down quilt or a blanket shows little against it
when' spread over a counter, but if it’s lacking you ought
to know it and ought not to be paying for it.
We quote sizes as well as prices on each item set
down here—full sizes.
i Ws H Show You the Ihsids
of ThesS.
Down Quilts with Sateen Covers , in dainty
designs and colorings.
6x6 fest 4.75.
6x7 feet 6.50.
Down Quilts with Sateen Covers, plain bor
ders and figured or plain center—
6x7 feet 7.50 and 8.50.
Down Quilts, Sateen Cover, with plain
6x7 feet 10.00.
Down Quilts with Silk Cover, figured cen
ters and plain border—
6x7 f«et 12.00 and 12.50..
Down Quilts, covered both sides with plain
silk. Pink or blue—
6x7 fs«t 15.00.
Down Quilts, covered both sides in figured
patterns— _ '
6x7 feet 18.00, 20.00, 25.00.
Crib Comforters. '
Crib Down Quilts, covered one with figure
silk nnd plain border; other side plain silk,
3x4 fest 5.00.
Cotton Comforters, all large, full sizes,
filled with pure white, clean sweet cotton; . '
not one carried over.
1.50, 1.75, 2.00,2.25, 2.50, 3.00,3.50,4.00.
All-wool, checke'd Blankets, blue and white,
pink and white, red and white, black and
white, tan and white.
Full 10-quarters; pair, - •
Full 11-quarters, pair
5.00, 6.00, 7.50.
Plain, all-wool, red Blankets. Full 11-quar-
ter size. Pair
5.00, 6.00, 7.50.
White Blankets with blue, pink or red bor
der’s—two-thirds wool.
. .Fuji 11-qnarters—a pair.
;; 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00.
Twelve-quarter and 11-quarter, all plain
14-quartcrjvhitc "blankets with blue or pink
' orac
borders. Pair
Cotton Blankets in all fancy colors for bath
robes, wrappers, lounging robes, etc.
Enough in one blanket for a garment; each
ll-quartcr, all wool white blankets with blue,
pink or red bordered inds. A Pair
S.00, 6.00, 7.50, 8.00.
Twelve-quarter white blanket, with red, blue
or pink bordered ends. These have one-
eighth cotton to prevent shrinking. Pair ,
7.50,8.50, 10.00, 12.50,
15.00, 20.00.
The Finest There is In Linen Lawns.
Sheer white linen lawn, 36 inches wide,
Worth 65c at 50c.
Sheer fine linen. All pure linen—
' Guaranteed
full 36 inches wide, a quality sold every
where outside of this linen department. We
sell it
Heavy fine threaded lincc lawn, worth 35c;
A full 36 inches wide,
Sheer white, fine linen lawn,
WORTH 450,
Full 36 inches wide,
Worth 75c at 60c.
Worth 90c at 75 c.
Worth 1.25 at 1.00
Chataberlm-JoHnson-DuBos? Cq.