The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 23, 1906, Image 10

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10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23, WANT ADS. ONLY ONE cent a word No ad. taken for tea* than 25 cents, the price of four lines. 8ix word* of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions; 1 time . • • . . 0 cents a line. 3 times , . . , . 5 cents a line. 6 times • • • • • 4/z cents a line. 28 times 4 cents a line. 62 times 3/> cents a line, 78 times ..... 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4S27 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When ser.dlng ads. pay for at rates quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTED FREE. ^ J) .WANTED HELP—MALE. MISCELLANEOUS. NIGHT SCHOOL—B OOKREEPINO, Shorthand. Typewriting. etc.. only 54 I month Draugbon’e Practical Ruatnera Col lege, Piedmont lintel block. 121 Peachtree. Bell phone M9. Coll, phone or write for autocue. It will convince you thot Braugbon'a le the bat WANTED—YOUNG MEN TO LEABN pbnrmncy. Apply to Dr. Crenshaw, 93 Lack). «tr«t, eliy. WANTED—STRONG BOY AS HELPER and apprentice In typewriter repair jhop. State age and wage* expected. Goqp op portunity for a bor of the right aorf. R. T. C., care Georgian. IF YOU WANT A POSITION IN ANY Une. anywhere, place your name with ua. The bualneas men appreciate <mr method* of furnlahlng help. National Employment Aaaoclatlon. 1022-1023 Century building. The Pioneer*. LOOK! COME ON! MEN AND BOYS’ hair rut 16c, shampoo 16c, singe 16c, hand tnaraage 16c, electric 25c. Kw.licit ehop In city, union barber*. Welker’*, 3 Viaduct place. tf BRAMRACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1823. WE WANT TODAy"sTENO.BOOKKEEP- era, typewriters, office boys and cook*. Globe Ruiinen* Bureau, 418 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell phone, Main 4399. WANTED—THREE FIRST-CLASS JOB preaa feeder* at once. Apply Dlttler Bros., 114 Central avenue. WANTED-AT 0!#E. FIFTY LABORERS with railroad In rlty. National Employ ment Aaaoclatlon, by 8. R. Laird, manager. WANTED—A GOOD COLORED ALL* round oxperlcnrod man cook: nlao, three firat-clnsa waiters. 48 East Mitchell. WANTED-YOUTH FOR FILE CLERK IN lawyer's office, $20; young lady stenogra pher who can operate Phonograph |60; Imok- keper 280. Itrllnuiy Business Agency, 1380 Candler building. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. BRAMRACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1KI. WANTED-A BAPTIST MATRON OF Ex perience nnd executive ability for girls' college at Genrqla Baptist Orphans' home. Ilapevllle, Ga. WANTED—EX-SUIT SALESLADIES COM- Ing direct from suit department. Salary the neat. Groaatuan'a, 43 Whitehall atrast.* WANTED-A COMPETENT WHITE WOM- an, who la not afraid of work and who la dependent on her work for a living, to iturse and attend to a sickly child and make heraclf generally useful; will fur- nlah good home and salary of $30 per month to the right woman. Addreaa with refer ences C 133, care Georgian. WANTED HELP—Mai* and F,mal*. WE RELIEVE THAT THE READERS OF The Georgian are people of Intelligence and refinement, and we believe nlao that moat of them read dally the ada on this page. To teat this, we make the following offer: The regular price of our majnulne )• $1 a year, but any person who will cut tnts ad out and tend It to us with 50c will receive the magaslne a full year—six months free! Be sure to send ad. and don't watt, as this offer la limited. Address The Mocking Bird, Newnsn, Ga. BRAMRACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1823. BECHT PIANO CO„ 83 N. FORSYTH. WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN TO READ this *d. We believe The Georgian la a good advertising medium, nn4 we want Its readers to substantiate our belief. Will yon help? For the beat answer to the ques tion, “What department on thla page In terests me moat, and why?" we will give the writer, free, a year'* subscription to The Georgian. The only provision Is, that with every answer must be sent 60e for a Six months' trial subscription to our new magailoe. Address The Mocking Bird, New- m SITUATIONS WANTED. DRUG CLERK—YOUNG MAN EXPE- rlenced In drug business desires position. Good reference. Addreaa Ilox 132, Gray- mont, Ga. A POSITION IN ROME HONORABLE work by perfectly honest. Intelligent, experienced young man. Very beat refer ences furnished. Answer, giving full par ticulars, and salary. Address Iluslness, care FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ra. COLD WEATHER IR HERE. We have the Goods. HEATERS. BLANKETS' and COMFORT8. We Can 8ave You Money. CASH OR CREDIT. W# Repair, Pack and Ship. Bell Phone 1757. Bell Phone 1757. THE J. B. TURNER FURNITURE CO., 41 and 43 West Mitchell St. BRAMRACH PIANOS. ERTABLIHHED 1823. BECHT PIANO Lv., 62 N. FOR8YTIL 1 FOR RALE—BESON CORNET: BERT brand made for solo and band music. Gold plated with sliver: engraved. Can be examined by any musician. M. L. K., care Georgian. SMITH - PREMIER TYPEWRITER*; some with bl-chrome; at special low price*. Butler Typewriter Company, 717- iu Fourth National Bank building. A PAIR OP PINE BLACK CARRIAGE horses, well broke and gentle, accustom ed to city driving. Both drive well sin gle; also, good under the saddle. Call or 1 address 814 Peachtree street. BOARDERS WANTED. VJCTOB MANGANESE AND CBOM E ateel bonk ufeo ond vault doom erery, thing In eofe lino. K. W. Elm, Agent, 26 8. Broad etreet BEMINOTON TYPEWRITERS: FROM M2 up to 665: all nr write for “bargain llat" of secondhand miichlneo. Butler Type- writer Company, 717-71* Fourth National Bank building. A0ENT8 WANTED. PICTUBB AGENTS—BEND YOCR WORK to u> for enlargement; fair prlcea, good dnlah; It by 2D. Religious and aconay ole- tura ehMp. The Garner Company, UA Patera atrat, Atlanta, Oa. ART 8CHOOL. WANTED-THE PUBLIC TO VISIT Blappy'a School of Art and luepeet por- tralu painted by hit large claaaea. Corner Pcachtra and Auburn. FRANKLIN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FRL- .claoo oulU M to PH Pant. Ho. Id Whitehall St Pbonea, Ball 62(1, A. 3SM. EDUCATIONAL. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE AND Conaerratory of Music, Mncon, Go.—Old est and beat. If you wish to attend any time thlo school yenr, get ou the waiting list now. Catalogua fra. DuPont Guerur, president. CASH REGISTER-BRAND-NEW MA- chine; would like to rent or all. 717-718 Fourth National Bank building. OLD HAT8 MAPS NEW. sweats 26c each extra. Out-of-town orders glren prompt and careful attention. Heat work, latest styles. Acme Hatters. 614, Whitehall atrat. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie and others. American Inrestmrat Co.. TM Candler Bldg. Mortgage loans on ral estate. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK BUTS purchase money nota and lenda money _n Improrcd Atlanta property a; rason- able rates Bell phone 766. Gould Bldg. MONET TO LOAN AT I. 6 AND 7 PEB ant Interest, according to security of. Urad; small expanse and prompt attention. Only on real aute In and nnr Atlanta. B. Turman. SPECIAL J HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any amount, 414. 6 and 4 per ant Writ* hr all S. W. Carson. 14 8. Broad atrat FARM LOANS—WE ARE PLACING lana oo Georgia farm* at the lowest iKeretL The Southern Mortgage THE BON AIR. CM Paektra at. solicits Inspection, comparison and patronage. MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at Tory lowest rates No delays Charles □annas, rooms 202-4 Templs Court ■ .i i *- ' '• FOUR TER CENT HOME MONET TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; P.°?*F for purchaa money notes Straight tana made at 6 per cent and up- wsrds according to dealrablllty of Ian. W. A. Foatar, 12 8. Brad atrat . f,0 R WAN OfJ ATLANTA BEAL aUU; no delay; money In bank. Address Capital, cars Georgian. TOS^HeW* PIANO CO., 82 N. F( 156. Rome No. 8 William* om good nn Typewriter Company, ml Hank building. 15 Typewriters sold by little ads. on this page! BELL PHONE 1911. B. C. BUTLER, Mgr. Butler Typewriter Co. SOLE AGENTS - >-• THE FOX TYPEWRITER, W and typewriter su pplies a specialty. t Moved to Larger Quarters—>717*718 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Atlanta, Ga.; Oct. 20, 1906; . .. The Atlanta Georgian, City. Gentlemen: * ‘.vi As your business manager has asked us what results we are get ting from our Georgian advertising, we beg to advise: Our classi fied advertising in The Georgian has brought for us more business than any other newspaper advertising in the city. We have sold this week fifteen or twenty typewriters which were direct results of The Georgian advertising. We do not say this in a boasting way, but as a fact.. We are the largest advertisers in the typewriter business in the city of Atlanta, and we think our selves competent of judging which advertising pays us best. We consider The Gaorgian our strongest ally in the battle for business success. It never fails to find-purchasers for us. Yours very truly, BTJTLER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, By B. 0. Butler,' Mgr. BUSINESS DIRECTOKY. • ‘'ACCOUNTANTS AND^AUDl’roSST W, II SHELDON, FELLOW OF TUB American -and Georgia State Aaaocittlmi of Public Accountants. Sheldon Audit Co., public accountant* and auditor*, 618-619 Temple Court. Bxnnriimiloos. ARCHITECTS. LBT US DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build your bouie. We can gave you money. Addreaa P. O. Box 675. ARCHITECT. LET MB DRAW »YOUlt PLANS AND build that dwelling bouae for you. It. D. Stafford, carpenter aud builder. College Park, Oa. BICYCLE 3UNDRIE8. BICYCLES AND 8UND1UE8—LARGEST bicycle and sundry dlatrlbutors In the South. Southern agent* for Pierce. Yale, 8n®n ond Uudaon bicycle*. Write for our 1906 catalogue and price llat. Alexandar- CABINET WOBK AND NOVELTIES. Prompt aenrlce. Bell ’phone 2374. Atlanta 2yood aud Iron Noreltjr. Work*. 389 Marietta MONCRIEF— HK S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT AIR. Install* furnace* lu old bouaea a* well na uew. ile prepares a cellar If you hare uoi\o. Moncrlef Furnace Co. Both phouea. . by- glruicallf dean. (99 years aucceaa.) J. J. aStf' Q l |£ cc,,lUit *^'-'113 ‘The Grand#' . SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. ' 412 Peters Building. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MBS- ■angers, 'phono SL J. A. Davies and J. . Brauan. PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. II. W. Yarbrough, 2H Auburn •▼•one. corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ave nue. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER M °NTIL either Sluger or Wheeler A Wllaon. We rent only new machine* with complete act of attachments. Prompt delivery. Both •phone* JW. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 79 Whitehall street. WALL PAPER. MKTij oe uurnrii «c wuus) Is not dead Ua la contracting wall paper painting. Office and show room 13 t Hunter street. Both 'phone* 160. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. . * **«»Ea I'UUI BHTV TO BRI.L «»r apocUl iinr.i. nr.Ai m u, r.ur.VATKD LOTS In Analey parkitnngnlll«*ent view; 45 by 75 feet to alley; $900 each; city water, a*w. r "£ l tre *£ pavement. Exceptional op. »“*i> perfect Beauty. Will sell for $6; l.rand- wNf.5 «* #*!»:. Cnmt 6* 59 each. " 111 sell for 13. Call Bell 'phone 1911. north of Dallas; three-rooui bouae. good •arn and well, on public road. Tws< torse crop open laud ; x well watered. Muni aril » y . No ™? ho »; 1- JHm't miss this bargain. Price 1800. Box 32, Dallas, Ga. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANOE8 REPAIRED AND *et up. Expert workman. Patterson Furniture bouse, 298 Peters street, Fhonea, Atlanta 2471 Ball 794 west. We buy any thing TALKING MACHINE8. received large consignment ot machines and over 10,000 record*. Immediate attention given mall order* We want tae name* of all talking machine dealers lu the South. Write for catalogue. Alexander-Llyea Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING, II. W. ROUNTREE A BRO. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Retail and repairing. No. 77 Whitebait atreet. Phone tffl, WATCHMAKING. TO TIIE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches arc my bobby. Mnuera Idea* In SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. IK PEACHTREE ST.. OPPOSITE THE Gaudier Bldg. Bell 2335. Men a sewed half soles. 75c. M. A. SHELTON, ON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IB A practical stove ami rang, rtnalrar; brat . euaranirad. bulb pboan 6276. 61 8. Pryor imt LOST-SETTER IK1G, III.AC white ,|Hir.; nam. an«l addre. Tlioiuai II. pltt», bcli OST—GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH la.t Tbnrwlav. U-mccn Davl* k Frn-iuan and tcrinlDSl, or uu Central train; 126 re ward U raturued ta Darla A Freeman. DAVID W. YARUROUGH, MASTER l’LU.MBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. WE SELL MURK TYPEWRITERS. WE sell l*ettt*r ty|H»wrItem. we *,*11 typewriter* for lea* than any other tyiH-wrlter deal er*. Call or write for mir bargain list of typewriter*. Butler Typewriter Company, 717-718 Fourth National Bonk building. DR. W. J. TUCKER. MORPHINE AND OPIUM IIADIT CURED at home, without pain or detention from bnelncts: permanent cut# guaranteed: free trial home treatment *ent In plalu wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, life N. Broad etreet, Al- $5,500—A BEAUTIFUL-8- ROOM, 2-STORY BRAND NEW HOME, UP BE TWEEN THE PEACJH- TREES, NEAR ELEV ENTH STREET. NOW, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING UP THERE LIKE THIS, AND IF YOU WANT IT, SAY SO FIRST. $4,000—162 BY 190, GOR DON ST. LOT, LIES WELL AND IS THE BEST THING ON THE STREET. YOU CAN SUB-DIVIDE, SELL OFF AND MAKE; A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT CLEAR. $4,000—142 BY 17.5, NEAR HILLIARD ST., AND THIS SIDE JACKSON ST. THIS PROPERTY LIES ELEVATED AND LOVE-, lit FOR IMPROVING. INVESTMENT. We have lilted with ui (or a quick ■ale a corner lot facing Decatur St. 100 (eet and running back 200 feet along another atreet This lot has a ■tore and three houiei on It. This property will double In value In ■hort while. By Improving this prop erty It can be made to pay per cent on the amount- of money In vested. This can be bought now at a very low price. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Phone, Bell 2081. W. A. FOSTER, '"a. TO Real Estate and'Loans, 12 S. 'Broad.. - FOR RENT! Have several small houses around Atlanta at low ren tal. See ~V LIEBMAN, ‘ Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree, St. ■ - . k •»*:»■!! f. .* IN. THE GRANT PARK ‘SECTION A brand new 2-story. 7-room residence, with all th-j city conveniences; .on' beautiful ele vated >ot, half block from the* car line and great valne for 23.850 on tetm*'0f 3650 cash and 230 per month. > \ BRAND-NEW UUTTAUE' , OF SIX room,, with. UI the fill,.'conveniences Grant. Path car”!In*. A- perfect tilth home and cheap, for 67.800, on t.rrae of 6360 rash nnd 6S'P,r mofith. You cannot beat thla If you want a home. TTBAkoAlN 1 iy“A L6V/JN the I*uet- tleat part of North Boulevard, near An- ^t t0 p.»or 8 !'Cofn°. r or a rood plant 1 to build a boura that will •ell at a front. ON GRANT STREET WE HAVE A GOOD 6-rooni cottage, with all the cltj con- venlencei, lnrfe, clevr.ted lot. Price 62,700. Easy terms. . ON OAKLAND AVENUE!, ALM^oT NEW 6-roour cottage, all the cltv cohvenlencex Grant Pork for a front yard. Price 61,800. Easy terms. ■ 7 IpklllMOND "'-AVfc’NbU LAkfcW6oD ;iIelght«. on>v, half block from the far line; brand-new, well built cottage home, ijontalnlng four roome am!:hall; nice .ele vated. lotj60x!50. . lteati, 610, per month. Kriw.’fiSPft. ' WBST LINDEN STREET-NEAR SPRING _ atreet: nice almort-.eew’6-noom cottage homrr all city conveniences; good car •amice. Price 63.100. Term* W0 cneh aud 629 per month. • —- i.iii CONNAl,Iff STREET -JiNfeAIt FAlft •trtOt rahodl; Well hullt add Mihuantlal cOH"*e.. home, containing flvo* room, and ball; alt rfty Vconvenlencetr rolshated lot. 60 by 130 foot to alley. Price U360; eaey trrmS.i• v»rr'i * .j-1-> 480 RAWBON ST)IEET — TWO-8TORY .. „ A >I ton tenlencex. Rent 130; price 63,000.' Good home Or lnveetment prnpoaltlnn. WRITE FOR A DERtRlWl'ON OF ONE of the beet nlantatlone |n-Geofida; The r »W n !;. .feitiS 1 •-- 1 bell ’Phone 20W. Atlanta • Phono 1881. RALES DEPARTMENT: A. 8. HOOK. B. a EVE. - • *1 •; ■ FAVER & BLACK, Real Estate Agents, 315 and 316 Peters, Bldg. Both Phones 3519. —fnY'WES’P—PENrvn tree an elegant home, with every conve nience. Owner must sell nt once. Wsoo wii-l. hl'V Arrtiis oF US'li on north side. learge frontage; house and plenty of water. This Is a snap. J4.600-WE8T NORTH AVENUE, .NEAR Tech aeliool. Renta for 240- For cash, you can get a bargain. 63,.eoA-Hoe8l3 - {it’'ELfivkN‘ ItooMs IN center of good ItupnnomeritM in Went End. Charted street, water, newer and gnn. Owner wants It aokl nt once. $3.000—ULK N^NWoOl) A VENUE, HUT room cottage; $300 cuali nud $25 per month. 22.500 WlLld bt’Y SEVEN-ROOM COT- tnge on Arniatrnng atreet, nenr medical college, renting for $22.50. Good, close-fu property. fe.2fc0 WILL BUY A GOOb HIX-ROOM collage iu Weat End. Ijirge lot and fine oak shade. 6t,9»!—TIIRKE ilnt’8K8'llN ALEXANDER street, !09 feet atreet front, on pnveil streot. Rents for 217. Improvements are rapid In this location. fume—GORDON STREET: LOT M l«Y lio; nnd remains of burued house. Lot worth the money, nnd there la $500 lu value left of the house. Quick sale. »i,wo wit.l. itl'Y a nice i.tlTti: HoJn! on a cornef. Terms like rent. ll.HtO-HE.NHV STREET. NEAR FAIR. five-room cottage, good lot; one-half-euali; rents 310 per month. Knlesmej) ; W. M. NICHOLH AND II. H. GOWER. On Ivy St. Near Auburn Ave. A lot 931-2x150 on corner of alley, in fine location for manufacturing or wholesale business. This is near Nunnally’s Candy Factory, Franklin Printing Co. and Wesleyan Tabernacle. Price, $21,000. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. S. B. TURMAN & CO. 23,500—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON ONE OF tile best atreet* In West End; lot 52 by 260. East frout. Beautiful shade. Two bath room*/ * 11.009 FOR A LOT IN BONNIE BRAE; LOT 70 bv 300; nothing better In the city. Sev enty feet from arc Tight*. Level and shady. WEST END. 2726—NICE LOT, ON GRADY PLACE 2-MOO—SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH MOD- ern Improvements; In fine condition; ou the corner ot Lovejoy. Make a nice little 21,750 - M'AFEE STREET. BETWEEN Simpson and Alexander streets. Five- room cottage; 2500 cash, balance 215 per month. 2$00—WEST NORTH AVENUE. 2L800~8IMr80N STREET. BETWEEN 'lAivejoy and Fowler atreet*. Five-room cottage. WEST SIDE. 24.250 FOR SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE JJN Bailey atreet. near Stonewall street; dou* ie-floored nnd storm-sheeted; everything modern; bullt tor n home. Hat all kinds of fruit; large lot. Few places like this. See It and you will buy It. Call at office. S. B. TURMAN & CO. Cor Broad and Alabama Sts. V. CHELENA, Real Estate, 222-223 CKNTI’Uv'bI.DG. PHONE NORTH SIDE BARGAINS. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. “BARGAINS.” BUSINESS MAN'S CLOSE-IN norlhwrat corner Wrat Baker •tree! ,.! Orme; two-story seven-room. In nerfwt rtltlou (would rent for *37.601, wblriT'wmu imv 10 per rent on 14.600. We will ,ell Si? b0 8r , ,,, P*»p live, here Will ,how |ro£ertj. Leaving the .late w. LANGHOIIN STREET-WEST END Three Iota, 60 I,y MO each, to a 10-foit "l •• Ixit, are level aud revered by n hem!- . - rci.i uuu rovereu oy n ,en,i. ...‘u! grove of treen. Thera are very ,i P , r. able aud arc a pick-up; 6600 each. Tornlx Uu, NEAR STEEL HOOP AND R01.LINO mill we have Inrge lot of very deilrabS properties on enay payment,. NORTH HOT*LEVARI!—EXTREMELY HE. alrable new nine-room two-storv home- modern, up-to-date. Just aueh n home n« one would wont for a ulee home: corn miP.linlf 1 •“K-j, »’l , h g»». water lU bath; lot so'hy 200. Till, la a beautiful place and rinse in the park. Don’t miss seeing this place If you waut, a nice home. Price 13 660 BOTT.EVARD—NINEROOiT I’EACHTHEB-ElrtllfROOM Price ANGIEIt AVF..-SIX-ROOJ1 COTTAG ET street, near Angler avenue SOUTH SIDE. FORM WALT 8T.—SIX-ROOM CO clo*e-ln liargnln. Only.................23,606 Whitehall tkrrace-a five^rooM . cottage, near Whitehall atreet; all eon- ventoncf* 22.500 Cll.NTRAL AVE.-EIGHT ROOMS; tl.0815 In ; 23,75/) B. FAIR hT.—EKiTTf-ROOM COTTAOKl °, ner Ki y 8 ' En"r’~"m'" ,3 ’ 75 ° lage '. I,,,. 63.500 ailANt ST.-cOknEB; 6-ROOM—Cl iT- 8T.—NINE-ROOM 1 In; large lot; ' 63.000 Price Central stiTr V ... .66.760 m caftxoB: 62.600 AVE.-8EVEN-ROOM pot' tage 12,600 GI.EN’N’ 8T.-El(iTiTTl5f)il TOTTAffS Price .64,000 WEST END. PEEPLES' KT.—EIGHT-ROOM 2-BTORV house; built for a home. Only xi.oxi GORDON ST.-NINE ROOMS? "“ALMOST new; modern conveniences; north front. TR’e 65.250 OGLETHORPE 8T.-EIGIITIIOOSI~i'()T" _•?*« 61.000 QrF.KN ST.-NEW, 7 HOQMSXXXZ66.606 t'l’I.IlERSlI.V ST.-NEW SdtOTTSI 2 8TORY bouse; large lot; modem. 24.000 PEEPLES ST.-NINE RO'OITtWWSTOITV bouse ; 14.500 WESTERN IIEIGHTH—FOUR-ROOM COT- tage with hall; lot 80 by 120. This Is « nice place, and nt the price named is i pick up. This section 1* rapidly growlni. Price 2650. -Term*. ORME STREET-NEAR RAKER. FOUR- room cottage; lot 36 by 100. This Is n rosy place; close In and near the car line. Price $2,100. Terra*. ANGIER AVENUE—TWO-STORY HOU8E with gas, water nnd bath; In complete re pair and modem In every respect; lot 50 by 150; $3,600 take* It. : CHEROKEE AVENUE - TWO-STORV eight-room liotreo, with gni, wnler ml bath; double floor* and storm-sheathed; lot 50 by 140. Thla Is another good one. KELLY STREET SIX-ROOM HOtJSI with* ga*. water nnd hath; close to the ( car line; lot 40 by 140. Price $2,850. Terms. TENTH 8TREET - NEAR MYRTLE Street. Vacant lot 40 by 120; this la right In the Piedmont park district, nnd is sur rounded by beautiful residences. There are only a few In thla section like this one left. Price $1,250. FORREST AVENUE-ONLY VACANT LOT thla aide of Butler street, 60x60. 62,500. 4 pick-up. W M. SCOTi 4 CO., ’210-2B Gould'Building:' Both Pbonea. , R. O. MEDLOCK. HENRY H. JACKSON. B. 0. MEDLOCK CO. Cor. Peachtree and Edge- wood Avenue. Bell Phone 3794. Atlanta Phone 4794. 1475 BUYS 3-ROOM HOUSE AND UALt that reuts for $8 per month. Bargniu for thla week. 61,000 WILL BUY 5-ROOM IIOUBE 03 Sima atreet; lot 60x100; rent! Ill pet month. $1,800—FIVE-ROOM* HOURE, NICE .LOT, In three blocks Penchtiwe,'on Alexander street; $500 caah, balance $20 per month. $2,750—NICE $-R003i IIOt’&K, LOT 45xm Crew atreet; 1630 cash and balance 220 pet month. Rent sutJRcleut tor monthly pay ments.' r !2.6A>-«IX.IlOOM COTTAGE. WKl.t iitillt, .Imin lint; lot'16x170,• Mraou •ra mie; 150! caah and balance to eult. A rer, bargnln. WO-FOII 4 KOOSI HOUSE NEAR AHA g«»n hotel, K. Ellis atreet; lot 35x2W. Dent 210 per month. A chance to bay this kind of property yon don’t get every day. UU niu! see us. side Jnckaon. on Irwin street. fe.000 WILL IlL'y 160 ACRES LAND wiTB LEE ST— A "SEVI’N-UOIIM TivrTicrntfv . 5 ! ni ' •‘Worn houoes nnd outbulio- * house 1 ’ KOOM r " (, ST H\ lugs, m three miles of railway stntlou. M — — -.!!£» mften of Atlnntn; 40 acre* bottom land In INVESTMENT REALTY. THREE NEW DOI’BLB d ROOM NEGRO tenement hoimes; l»e*t Im'nted and most popular negro property In the city; rented now for 237.80 per month. Figure your per centage and ’phone me. Don’t write, for you ll miss them. Must be *old. Knsy 23.300 CA^p REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLWOOD8, IDEALS and all other makes at bargain prices. >’e can sell you a register, suitable for auy business, at a price that can not help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Krery reg ister ennranteed for two years. SECOND-HAND CASH ftFOISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, CORNER ON NORTH SIDE; NOW rented for |4o; quick anle.^. 23,800 I HAVE HOOD SlANV 6 AfftlTROOli cottages, price, ranging from 1*60 10 H600, that can Im* had with small cash payment and balance like rent. No trouble to show them. Phone u» nnd we will call. CHELENA?** ,,E, ‘ A T'm GIDDE.VH. Cobb County Farm For Sale. 176 ACRES. 32 5IILE8 PROM ATLANTA, l *»»* ^‘»n A (’Wurth, fronting Western and Atlantic rallroad-sclmAls. chnrche*. good people nnd flue surrounding*. Promi nent location at fiwks of the nwd*. Sev en-room bouse and ail necessary outbouscs too acres cleared. 30 ..f It rich belt,an land! balance In limber, rienty of water. Includ ing cracks: 2» fruit tree,, nil bearing Ready to show ll any time, aud will hear clo«e,t larratfgnrina. If you want good farm In uortb Georgia, confer with us at high state of cultivation; 21,000 cash anil immure In 5 years. D60 FOR 50 ACItKS LAND NEAH l’KACH- tree road, 18 miles from Atlanta. Owner 11,450—GOOD 2 AND MuWm four blocks Candler building. Keut III FOR RENT. VAI.rAIII.E iun;tu>Aii HigNT-FRO'Jt" lug m feet (in Wcfcrn and Atlnntlc railroad, adjoining \nn Winkle’s; 212.50 ner front foot. 1 k»HKAi{ winnLIi-Higpertv rkNtiNg A. J. WEST & CO., SECOND FLOOR CENTCBT BUILDING PHONE 1754. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WK BUY AND 8RLI HOUSES AND LOTS oa easy term*. U5 Auburn 788 PIEDMONT AVENUE. TIII8 TWO-HTORY EIGHT-ROOM FKAMC *»n lot 50 by 197. which lie* level In front, Is on the west *tde of Piedmimt avenjio. Itetween Eighth and Teulh streets; has wW alley; hns S4-rvant’s house In Iniaemsnt: h” five rooms on the first floor nnd jnr" on the second; ha* gns and water; closet, stationary washstand. alnk In tat kitchen; lu very good repair; pnu'ttran? new and very convenient; Piedmont ears pasa the door; la heated by hot nlr naee; la now occupied by the owner. "Jr will tnke, pleasure in showing you thrmiff^ nnd will vacate when rented. Rents rw per month. JOHN J; WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phone* 616. WANTED REAL ESTATt. I HAVE $4,000 CASH TO 1’A* FOR AN 8-ROOM. AIOi>KR> HOME WITH GOOD LOT. V BARGAIN, OX THE NORTH SIDE OR WEST END. AD DRESS WITH FULL PARTIO* LARS, “BOX 675,” ATLANTA GA.