The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 25, 1906, Image 10

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!0 THU ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Thursday. ormnKit s. ltvn WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for fees than 25 cents, the price of four lines. 8lx words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions! t time 6 cents a line. 8 times . .... 5 cents a fine. 8 times • • • • . 4y 2 cents a line. 26 times ..... 4 cents a line. 62 times ..... 3'/£ cents a line. 78 times ..... 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN, OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When tending ad». pay for at rates quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED WILL BE INSERTED FREE. J WANTED HELP—MALE. NIGHT SCHOOL—B OOKKBBPI Shorthand. Typewriting, etc., only month. Draagbon's Practical Business • lege. Piedmont Hotel block. 123 Petcf Bell phone $89. Call, phone or writ e tfnlofuc. It will convince yon raugnon's Is the best. MEN TO Lnckle street, city. State age and wages expect* portnnlty for a l*oy of the rl| T. C., care Georgian. IF YOU WANT A P08ITI0N line, anywhere, place your nai_ . The business men appreciate our methoda of farnlahlng help. National Employment Association. 1022-102* Century Pulldlng. • cut 15c, shampoo 15c, singe 15c. !i massage 15c, electric 25c. SwelTeet shoj cltyTunlon barbere. Walker's, 3 Vlai place. WANTED—THREE press feeders et on 114 Central avenue. FIRST-CLASS Magli and Unit* Abeol 76c; . prevei nogs. WANTED. e Food Company, Chattanooga. “THE KENT LIGHT,” Not the cheapest but the b gas ltghte: easy on the eyes; your light; reduces your WANTED HELP—FEMALE. BRAMRACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED IMS. nurse and attend to a sickly child and make herself generally - - • —*•• - nlsh good home an* “*■*; womi.-. care Georgian. YOUNG LADIES, ATTENTION! SECURE CONGENIAL ATLANTA, GA. KENT LIGHTS, Y. M. C. A. building. WANTED HELP—Male and Female. BRAMRACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1523. BECHT PIANO CO.. 62 N. F< reader* to substantiate our belief. ^ G nu help? For the beet answer to the q on, “What department on this page tercets me most, and why?” we will i KENT LIGHTS, Y. M. C. A. building. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. 0. - 2* COLD WBATiTeB 18 HERB. 2: We have the Goods. HEATERS. BLANKETS' and COMFORTS. We Can Bare You Money. CASH OR CREDIT. We Repair, Pack and Ship. Belt Phone 1757. , licit Phone 17S7. N THE 1. B. TURNER FURNITURE CO., •3 41 nnd a Went Mitchell 8L B ' BRAMBACH PIANOS, p. ESTABLISHED H23. >- BECHT PIANO Cw„ 62 N. F0B8YTH. - „ TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriters of nil makes Y our specialty. Best values and lowest s. nricea guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue * free. it ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. f. 71 North Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga. S' i KENT LIGHTS, ’* The standard of quality In gas light*. Most light, least gas and cheapest In the end. Get the best. 69 N. Pryor St.. Y. M. C. A. building. FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILE SEATING Are people; good order. Car can !m» seen at 10 East Mitchell street. Demonstration M given. FOR SALE-ONE PAIR OF POLAND CHI- na hogs about fourteen months old; - weight about 225 pounds each. Paul Rob* ^ erts. Ball Ground, On. MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME ateel bank safes and vault doors; every* J *' *• W- B,U * ■ A ** Dt ' " “' "the nf.w oas I.IOHT ; LINDSAY INVERTED . SAVES OAS, INCREASES LIOHT. , CARTER A GILLESPIE ELECTRIC CO., 1 40 North Broad street. 'Phones 6000. “KENT INVERTED,” The finest gas light In the world. The Ideal light for reading or studying. THR0W8 LIGHT DOWN. 69 N. Pryor St., Y. M. C. A. Hulldlng. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. W ANTED—8ECON D*H A N!> ROLL TOP or stand-up desk. Address, stating price. «• L., 200 Murphy avenue. 'Phono 85 west. “KENT INVERTED,” The finest gas light in tlto world. The- Ideal light for reading or studying. THROW8 LIGHT DOWN. 69 N. Pryor St., Y. M. C. A. Building. * - — ————— WANTED—SECOND-HAND ROLL TOP <» sfsBdtaff desk. Artitr.-w. mntlnx price, w. L., 200 Murphy avenue. ’Pbunc ® \yi-.t. WANTED-nASEMENT OIt STORE ROOM suitable for atnrliig cnhlucts nnri furnl- turc. Answer quick. Addresa The Smith Premier Typewriter Company, 121 Peaeb- tree street, Atlanta, On. BOARDERS WANTED. THE BON AIR, 994 Peachtree st., solicits i Inspection, comparison and patronage. PALMISTRY. MADAME MELL1E, The Noted Egyptian Pnlmlat. Can be conaultml on all affaire of life. She reunite* the *epnrnted, eauaes n apeedy marriage with the one of your choice, glvea names, dittos nnd facts In everything per- 1 tslttfng fo life or no charge*. Egyptian Encampment, 93 Auburn avenue. j AGENTS WANTED. PICTURE AGENTS.-SEND YOUR WORK to u> for enlargement; fair price., euod flntah; 16 by 90. Reltglous and acenery pic tures cheap. Tbe Garner Company. 19A Peters strsst, Atlanta, Ga. “KENT INVERTED,” The finest gaa light In the world. The - Ideal light for reading or Btudylng. THROWS LIGHT DOWN. 69 N. Pryor 8t., Y. M. C. A. Building. { l l ART 8CHOOL. WANTED—TnE PUBLIC TO VISIT ~ Slappy’i School of Art and tuapi-et por- , ■mils painted by his largo classes. Corner Ptacblreo and Auburn. n FOUND. FRANKLIN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FBI, 1 low. Cleans snlta 11 to 2150 Pants Me. IN Whitehall St. Phenea, Bell 62u. A. 3*21. * 770,168 Circulation in six big cities 23 replies THE GEORGIAN (same advertisement) 25 replies October 13, 1903. Advertising Manager The Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.: Dear Sir—Ae the Inclosed ad will show,‘I wish to test thoroughly the efficacy of the want columns of The Georgian. I have already done this In a small way, and the resulta have been very satisfactory. A small ad which I Inserted a few times In The Georgian brought me 25 replies. The same ad placed In the six leading papers In six of the largest cities of the United States—papers whose aggregate circulation Is 770,168 Copies dally —brought only thirty-three (33) replies. It Is said that comparisons are ; odioue, and no doubt they are to the other fellow. The above comparison goes to show that The Georgian can't be beat for,an advertising medium. s Please Insert the Inclosed ad as directed, and send bill for same. I shall be glad to let you know the result of this ad. If It will interest you. (Original of this letter can be seen at Georgian office.) The reason is, that good people read The Georgian. MONEY TO LOAN. ple and other*. American Investment Established 1890. WBYMAN A CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on raal estate. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECTS. LET HR DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build your house. We enn un you mou.y. Address p. o. Box 675. NION SAVINGS BANK BUIS purchsse money not., end lends money “ * >red Atlanta property reason' , cent Interest, according to seeui 7 PER irlty of- SPECIAL nOMB FUNDS TO LEND; • ount, 4)4, 6 and 6 per cent. Writ, W. Carson, 21 S. Broad street. , LOANS—WE AKB PLACING ~ 'a farms at tbs lowest The 8ontb.rn Mortgsgs at rery lowest rates. No delsys. Charles I28.000 TO LOAN ON Sums from $500 up. LOST. LORT-SETTBIt DOG. BLACK AND phone 4231 main. WANTED—SITUATIONS. WALL PAPER. •formerly of Burnett A Wllllsi I. not dead mission. He Is contracting well paper ted p*lu'fug. office .nil show room 12 E««i Hunter street. Both 'phones IW. FOUND. TIiniFTY HEALTHY COW, GIVING Increased uuantltles of rich milk, where ** ihI Is used. It stimulates the milk Tenu., for full particulars and a free >k on stock and poultry. Mention The ll*irlfin mill we will — ||.| some beautiful II. L. Singer, 63 ARCHITECT. LET ME DRAW YOUR FLANS J build that dwelling house for you. SANDERS,- SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. „„ BICYCLE SUNDRIE8. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST „ bicycle and sundry distributors In the fjouth. Southern agents for Fierce. 8aell and Hudson bicycles. Write far —- 1806 catalogue and price list Alexander* MONCRIEF— HE'S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT AIR. Installs furnaces In old houses as well as new. He prepares a cellar if yon have none. Moncrlef Furnace Co. Both ’phones. MEDICAL. KROMOPATHIC REMEDIES CURB scalp diseases and make hair grorv. Krone* Medicated Soap makes you by* alenically clean. (10 years success.) J. J. Krom, specialist. 613 "The Grand, At* lanta, Ga. ME88ENQER 8ERVICE. _ FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MES* sengers, 'phono 33. J. A. Davies and J. PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER W. Yarbrough, 2V4 Auburn avenue. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTJ1, either Singer or Wheeler Jc Wlleon. W« rent only uew machines with complete set of attachments. Prompt delivery. Both *phones 18J3. Singer Sewing Machine Co., ft Whitehall street STOVES AND RAN set up. Expert workman. Pattersoo Furniture house, 286 Peters street ’Phones, Atlanta 2472, Bell 794 west We buy any* TALKING MACHINES TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic* tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over * 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. We want tae names of all talking machine dealers in the South. Write for catalogue. Alexander*E!yea Co. FOUND. a nnro vegetable powder, which, . Haves ninny times Its and enables the owtie. issllde service frn^i their nnb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REST LOCATED LUMBER, COAL ^ •1 health. Call or “THE KENT LIGHT,” ur light; reduces your gag hill. N. Pryor St., Y. M. C. A. Building. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PDUMBER, tones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. “THE KENT LIGHT,” Not the cheapest but the best of all gas lights. Easy on the eyes. In creases your light, reduces your gas bill. 69 N. Pryor St., Y. M. C. A. building. EDUCATIONAL. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE AND ConK-rv.tory of Murk. Ms,on, Os.-Old est and la-st. If yon wl.b to attend any • this whool year, get on the uniting now. Catalogue, free. DuPont Uuerig, I OR. W. J. TUCKER. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. fourth Notional Bank. gtra It oar .pactll If It’, worth tbe I. Well. * Co.. U«4 TIIBEK BEAUTIFUL ELEVATED LOTS "THE KENT LIGHT,” Not the cheapest but the best of all gas lights, easy on the eyes; Increases your light, reduces your gas bill. 69 N. Pryor St.. Y. M. C. A. Building. M. A. SHELTON. DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A i practical stow a ml rang* repairer; oeot work and OMterlcI guaranteed. Both phvavs 1 62*5. 61 5. I’rjror suevu TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTItBB 4k BRO. TRUNK AND RAG CO. Retail and repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 1576. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches aro my hobby. Modem Ideas In 8HOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 132 PEACHTREE 8T„ OPPOSITE THE Candler Bldg. Bell 2336. Men s sewed half soles, 75c. OLD HATS MADE NEW. NEW HOME, UP TWEEN THE PE TREES, NEAR E ENTH STREET. 1 THERE IS ABSOLU) NOTHING UP TF DON ST. LOT, LOT CLEAR. $4,000—142 BY 175, NE HILLIARD ST., A THIS SIDE JACKSON THIS PROPERTY L; ELEVATED AND LO^ LY FOR IMPROVING. FOR RENT! Have several small houses around Atlanta at low ren tal. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Renting, 28 Peachtree St. cleaned and re*shaped for 35c. Bauds . sweats 2Sc each extra. Out-of-town orders given prompt nnd careful attention. Best work, latest styles. Acme Hatters, 6ft Whitehall street. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT-ONE LARGE, NICELY FUR nlahcd room at 267 Peachtree street. FOR RENT—HOU8E8. FOR RENT-SIX-ROOM COTTAGE; ALL conveniences. Good neighborhood; three ear Hue*; ten minutes' walk to renter of city. Always occupied by owuer a* home. M. I.. Bowden, care Station B poatoffice, BETWEEN THE PEACH- TREES. NEW G ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, NEXT TO WEST PEACH TREE, $4,750. ADJOINING LOT, $1,600. COLUMBIA AVE. LOT 50 FEET NORTH OF MRS. WHITESIDE, $2,250. WEST PEACHTREE LOT, 50 FEET NORTH OF MR. BURTON SMITH, 3,250. APPLY TC OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. 316 PETERS BLIXJ Both Phones 3519 and Bell 2249. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. II ALL WOODS, IDE, and all other makes at bargain prl We can sell you a register, suitable business, at a price that con aot 1 please you. sh or monthly payments. Every guaranteed for two years. — COND-HAND CA8I1 REGISTERS ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Store, INVESTMENT. sale a corner lot facing Decatur St. along another street This lot haa a store and three houses on It. This property will double In value In a cent on the amount of money in vested. This can be bought now at a very low price. SAUNDERS, PRiYTHER & COMPANY, 510 Templ'e Court. Phone, Bell 2081. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I HAVE ft,000 CASH TO PAY FOR AN 8-ROOM, MODERN HOME WITH HOOD LOT. IF BARGAIN, ON THE NORTH SIDE OR WEST END. AD DRESS WITH FULL PARTICU LARS, “BOX 675,” ATLANTA, UA. On Ivy St. Near Auburn Ave. A lot 93 1-2x150 on comer of alley, in fine location for manufacturing or wholesale business. This is near NunnaUy’s Candy Factory, Franklin Planting Co., and Wesleyan Tabernacle. Price, $21,000. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. Home On Peachtree For Less TLan Street #10,000. New, splendidly built, 12-room house, furnace, walls tinted, three bath rooms, fly screens and all conveniences of a modem home. Apply or address, OWNER. Telephone 1270. 303 Austell Bldg. S. B. TURMAN & CO. $3,506—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON ONE OF j- the best streets In West End; lot 52 by 250. East front. Beautiful shade. Two bath rooms. - 31.000 FOB A LOT IN BONNIE BRAE; LOT r 70 bv 300; nothing better In the city. 8ev- , enty feet from arc Tight. Level and shady. j WEST END. P 92,750—LOT 80 BY 300, ON A8IIBY STREET, “ near Luclle avenue. Elevated. tJ 61,200-LOT CORNER OF ASHBY AND ^ Cunningham place. 1726—NICE LOT. ON ORADY PLACE. t- 92,100—SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH MOD* cj cm Improvements; In fine condition: on o the corner of Lovejoy. Make a nice little p home. 9L750 - M'AFEE STREET, BETWEEN , Simpson and Alexander streets. Five- room cottage; |600 cash, balance 915 per month. \ $8.500—WEST NORTH AVENUE, BE- * tween Peachtree and Spring streets; two- story nine-room house. Good lot. 91.600—SIMPSON STREET, BETWEEN Lovejoy and Fowler streets. Five-room ^ cottage. ^ WEST SIDE. 34,250 FOR SEVEN-BOOM HOUSE ON . Ballsy street, near Stonewall street; dou- rj hte-floored and storm-sheeted; everything a modern; built for n home. Has all kinds or fruit; large lot. Few places like this. See - It and you will buy it. Call at office. S. B. TURMAN & CO. ■ Cor Broad and Alabama Sts. W. L FOSTER, 3 < Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. - IN THAT NORTHWEST SECTION OF Atlanta between the railroads, where there Is something doing very shortly, a 1 corner lot, 104x218; two old houses on the 1 lot, with roota for four more. This Is the place to make some easy money sure. Price 81.(100. i CLOSE fjf; ON ORMb ST.—WITHIN three minutes’ walk of tho- new p<>stof- * flee. A first-class 4-room cottage; everything <lown In the street and paid for; thla prop erty will sell for good profit In reasonable 1 time. Some terms can be arranged. Price 92.000. 1 mmw COTTAOE Op Ex ' rooms, with all the city conveniences, * near Grant Park car line. A perfect little f home and cheap for 92.800, on terms of $350 cash nud $25 per month. You cannot treat | thla If you waut a home. ^ A IlAiltJAi.Vi Jn'AToT IN 4'IIB i-llET- 1 tlest part of North Boulevard, near An- ^ fler avenue, 47x140 feet to alley. Snap for $2,500. This Is tbe right place for a home , or n good place to build a house that will 7 sell at a profit. A - ON''grant STREET WE HAVE A GOOD t 6-rooin cottage, with nil the city con- n* * venlences, large, elevr.ied lot. Price $2,700. - Easy terms. c ON OAKLAND AVENUK. ALM-jT NEW - 6-rooui cottage, nil the dtv conveniences. 0 Grant 4*urk for a front yard. Price $1,800. E..y term.. RICHMOND AVENUE - LAKEWOob 6C Heights. on*.v half block from tbe car line; brand uew, well built cottage home, containing four rooms nnd hall; nice ele vated lot, 60x250. Rents $10 per month. Price. $1,000. WEST LINDEN STREET-NEAR SPRING street; nb-e almost new 6-room cottage home; all city conveniences: goo<l car service. Price $2,100. Terms $400 cash and H $20 tier month. CONNALI.Y STREET - NEAR FAIR street school; well built *nd substantial T7 cottage home, containing five rooms nnd -U ball; all city conveniences: elevated lot, 50 by 120 feet to alley. Price $2,250; easy terms. WRITE FOR A DESCRIPTION OF ONE of the best plantations In Georgia. The „ plantation Is fine, the price Is right and ai the description Is very complete. m Dell ’Phone 2027. Atlanta Phone 1881. SALES DEPARTMENT: m *. *. HOOK. R. C. EVE. Q t re B. O. WEDLOCK. IIENRY H. JACKSON. X. R. 0. MEDLOCK CO. Cor. Peachtree and Edge- — wood Avenue. Bell Phone 3794. Atlanta . Phone 4794. k< He A. J. WEST & CO.. Second Floor Century Bldg. Phone 1754. balance per month! PbAcllTItEB . STREET - 100 BY is ehenpeit and prettlrat: 39.500. " COAL MINE—Obi it OF TIIF, Konttlnlf* I it inepMaf.,1 -at.-. .. 1 •’ Kentnekr la •ncceufal operatlon;‘unllm Ited supply. Will ,en‘«t sacrifice to wnd up «n estate. u AUBURN AVkSItifl—LXltflb thlANur lar lot; corner on three streets; two-room house and fine location for bualness: SI %t\ EVERYTHIN* IN REAL liNTATir- W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. “BARGAINS.” BUSINESS MAN'S CLOSE-IN HOME, northwest corner West Baker street au<i flat; two-story seren-room. In perfect cun. Itlon (would rent for 137.60). whlrli would M per cent on 14.500. We will sell for .WO. ttlio conies flret? Owner Urea here. Wlll^showjnjierty. Leaving the state, tv. NrillTU AVBN't-K-lUlI,n6Af) MAX. SvT. hnve slx room bouse within walking ili>- . rnn M || for >250 ,. nab |wr mouth. . Can't build ' yard: i 316 24 would want for a nice home; 15,000; iETZv b~t~r bet^s i X- h'oo )t rouse with gas. water nnd hath; close to the ENTH STREET - SEAR SfiTmE street. Vacant lot 40 by 120; this la right J the Piedmont park dlatrict, and Is .nr- rounded liy beautiful residence*. There are few In this section like this oas Price 31.250. the mills. Just fbe place These will hot last long, lares- -fore It Is too .fate. tmiibiu ci.Yun—u.iLi VAlA.ti l.iil this side of Butler street; 60 by 15*. Price Eoitfil A AVENI/K-SfjntOOM " X'UT" Term* AYNE AVtNtfc—WfcSTEBN IIEKIHTS; giKNl three-room house, with linll: large it; room for m not her house (80 by 129i; nice rove. Rents for |6; Just repainted; |650; .*00 rash nnd 910 per month. It ME H'l'llKKT. n7;aR tlAKIlft-n'lib room cottage. LoUR by 100. Close to the 000. CALL FOR BOWKK; HE SHOW'S THEM. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phones. 590-10-r. h., lot 100x240. Imunn Park. ®*-**i\ h., lot lOOxSOj. Iniunn Park. ,000—10-r. b., modern. Pie«lmont. .000—0-r. h., m<Mlern. Near Jackson. 000-S-r. h.. modern. Now lense«l |3S per month. Take |500 cash mid 140 month. 92.750—6-r. cottage; 9750 6-nsh ami $30 month. ,000-7-r. 2-story, lot 50x2)0; near 3 street ’nr lines. $500 nnd 125 month. $800—4*r. h., 78 McAfee." 91.500— 6-r. h., 36 Fitzgerald street. 91.000—Two 3-r. li.; rent $11 month. 9475—4-r. b.; rents $6-50 month. 17^00—New apartment house; leased |000 year. 97.500— 9r„ neA modern, beautiful north side home. |8,500-J)0 a in. land worth «,oao, with new Improrenwnts would ooat ts.DOO or more- M lies ef Atlnntn. •»» — ,000-17i ERS. We have all makes second hand rebuilt Typewriter* at prices to Write or call for "Soeclal it." We maintain the best SOUTHERN STATES 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. FOR RENT. 121 avenue, between Pteiluiont avenue :»ud I) 1 *** ler street; has gas, hot and cold '•.u*'- bath, clogpr, Htntlounry trash stand. ** llk the kltrhen and sink In the pantry: Ih an awful nice place; In a «•“'» u ' M f° lHirhoo4|, nnd In goo4l repair. Forrest " nue cars pass the door. Will be T an,m November L Rent 945 per month- . miles i‘f Atlanta. In nb-e f. •*.000—175 Seres gojsl land with" Imprme* meiits worth $3,000: <>in> mile of dep.»t and nlhout 30 miles out on \v. aud A K It Arbii» ! L? ttCr ** ,n,,,rovw, • I0t *r miles east of .ma-6-r. h„ near Tit-h school .«g-±r. U.. nesr ( Edgewisal aud Jstrkson. ~r. well-built house; 80x170; Rdge* n .uburt,V > ' , ‘ m '* al1 MrU ° r cU * the No, 6*2 EDOEWOOD AVE.-THIP TW'J »t«»ry T*room frame, on lot SSxll”. '' 3 lies level. In on the north side of b'l* wood avenue, l>etw«*en Krogz and streets; has gas, hot ami cold water. . lain bath ami stationary wsshstsnd •* ' lain bath nnd stationary wasbstnnd on «n seeoml diior; has cloaet, stationary «•'*“ stand nml sink In tbe kitchen "ii the Bn* tlo4)r. This Is an awful nice place- the average: has gas stove and h”t hear; Is right o ntue car line. Rent I"’ month. JOHN J. VVOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phon.a 413. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WE BUY AND SELL HOUSES AXt> t 0 ” on easy terms. 195 Auburn ateuu«*