Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs. George C. Ball, F.dltor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistanis.
Saturday afternoon MIm Ruth Hall
man will entertain at bridge for Ml**
Mabel Dwyer, the attractive KUeat of
Sir*. Don Pardee. The occasion will
be amall and Informal, only the Inti
mate friend* of Mis* Hallman being
The wedding of Mrr Slin* Dray and
.Ml** Ethel Mobley, which took place
Wednesday evening at the First Meth-
odlat church, was one of the brilliant
•octal event* of the season. The cere
mony was performed bv Rev. Dr.
Charle* Dowman, In the presence of a
large and fdshlonable assemblage. The
church decoration* consisted of palm*
and fern*. During the ceremony Mr*.
W. C. Jarnagln »ar.g several number*,
which added greatly to the impressive
ness of the occasion.
The usher* entered the church first
•nd Included Mr. Robert Alston, Mr.
J. D. Robinson, Mr. Charles McOehee,
Mr. Ooodrum. Mr. Harvey Anderson
and Mr. Prank Weldon. The brides
maid* and groomsmen entered next,
and were: Miss Kale Robinson. Miss
Rollne Clarke, Miss Emma Robinson,
Mis* Estelle Stewart, Miss Leonora
Scott of Little Rock, Ark., and Miss
Katherine Jelks of Eufaulu. Ala.: Mr.
Dowdell Brown, Mr. Joseph NH*h, Mr.
Shepard Dryan. Mr. John Welslnger,
Mr. John lister and Mr. Eugene Ott-
The groom entered from the aide
with his best man, Mr. Burt Adams,
and met the bride, who entered with
her father, Mr. J. R. Mobley. Miss
Jennie Mobley, alsler of the bride, was
her maid of honor, and Immediately
preceded her Into the church. The
bride wore a wedding gown of white
gatln. The yoke and bertha were of
rose point lace. The skirt was fash
ioned with a conventional design of
niching* of narrow satin ribbon. Her
veil was caught with HUM of the valley
and the carried a ahower bouquet of
bride .rosea and llllea of the valley.
The maid of honor wore a white chif
fon cloth gown. The low neck waa fin
ished with deep Valenciennes Isce. The
skirt was trimmed with n deep flounce
of the same lace and the whole style
was particularly becoming to Mias
The bridesmaids wore white chiffon
gowns, elaborately trimmed with laces.
The maid of honor and the bridesmaids
carried bouquets of American beuuty
After the church ceremony an ele
gant reception waa held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mobley, on Juni
per strtet. The whole lower floor of
the house waa artistically decorated
with bamboo and cut flowers. Tall
vases of chrysanthemums were placed
on th* mantels and cabinets and the
stairs and doors were draped with
bamboo. In the dlhlitg room (he table
waa covered with a lace cloth and the
centerpiece wga a. mound of white
chrysanthemums. The candle shade
and other accessories were In white
and graen. Seated with the bridal par
ty ware Miss Haralson, of Alabama,
and Mr. Hugh Robinson.
During lha'reception a musical pro
gram was rendered and an elegant sup
per served. Mr*.. Mobley wore « hand
some gown of black lace over whits
silk. Mrs. Bfsy, mother of the groom,
wore sn elegant’ toilet ’ of black lace
and chiffon.
Min Emma Rohlnson. cut the thim
ble: Miss Haralson cut the ring and
Miss Kate Robinson received the dime
•nd batchelor's button.
The bride la the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mobley and la a
great social favorite owing to her sweet
mannsr and womanly qualities.
Mr. Bray comes of an old and aris
tocratic family uf Alabama, and since
his residence here hss made a large
circle of friends In the social and bus-
inssa world.
Mr. and Mrs. Bray left at midnight
for a trip East.
Saturday afternoon at 3:10 o'clock;
at fha rooms of the Atlanta Art Asso
ciation, 1141-1 Peachtree street, the
second of the series of studio leas will
b* bald. To It every member of the
Art Association Is cordially Invited,
•nd those who are not members of the
gasorlatlon are admitted for 55 cents.
Mrs. Linton Hopkins will be the gra
cious hostess of the occasion, and Mr.
Osgood will give the flrst of a series
at Informal talks on "How to Under
stand a Picture." ’
The studio teas, which are held the
last Baturday In each month, are al
ways happy occasions, and are held for
the purposes of promoting a batter nc-
qualntsnceshlp between the inemlwr*
of the association and the student* of
the acbool. and awakening un Interest
In art matters. The member* of the
association are cordially Invited to at
tend, aa are all who are Interested In
the school, and In the work of the as
The following circular has been sent
out by Mrs. Lily McDowell, chairman
of the committee on arrangement* for
the general United Daughter* of the
Confederacy convention which will
meet In Oulfport next month:
"As an unusually large attendance la
•xpected at the general convention,
the committee on arrangement* has de
cided to issue this circular letter to the
division presidents, requesting that Its
contents be communlcnted to the va
rious chapters and published In leading
newspaper*. The committee would
urge all delegates, at an early dale, to
apply for rooms to the manager of the
Great Southern hotel, or if they desire
Many Entertainments
For N. C. B. A. Visitors
Thursday waa a day crowded with
social events for the National Associa
tion of Carriage Builders, now In con
vention In Atlanta. The trolley ride
which was given especially for the Vis
iting ladles began at 9:30 o'clock, the
guests assembling at the Piedmont ho
tel and taking the car for Brookwood.
The ride out Peachtree elicited much
enthusiast^, tha day being an Ideal one
In w hich to enjoy such a pleasure. Aft-'
er a ride to Brookwood, the gueats
were taken to Fort McPherson, where
they *p*nt a pleasant half hour upon
the campus, returning to town shortly
before <line to go to the big barbecue at
Piedmont park. The committee of la
dle* In charge of the trolley ride con-
elsted of: Mra. H. J. Kite, chairman;
Mr*. A. H. IlnldL Mr*. J. M. Van Har
lingen. Mr*. H. B. Mott. Mr*. W. M.
Edwards, Mr*. W. M. Bpratling, Mr*.
W. J. Poole, Mr*. Nusblt. Mr*. G. F.
Barbecue at Piedmont Park.
The large barbecue at Piedmont park
was a moat enjoyable event, and to
many of the gueste a most unique on*.
The ‘cue was entirely under the man
agement of Mayoraelect Joyner, and
waa a success In ever)' sense of the
i-ord. By 2 o'clock many hundred
guests hud arrived upon the grounds,
many of them going to the great pita
to sec how the bnrbecue 1* prepared.
The ladle* who acted as hostesses of
the occasion nnfl who contributed
largely to the auccosa of tha day-were:
Mr*. Marshall Kckford, who acted aa
chairman of the committee; Mrs. J. M.
iKIrkpatrlck, Mra. Clarence Houston,
Mrs. J. A. Curtis, Mr*. G. P. Lowry,
Mrs. Ed Maddox, Mrs. N. H. Booth.
Mrs. O. F. Carter, Mra. W. G. Cooper,
Mra. W. R. Joyner, Mlaa Hattie Pounds.
After the delicious.dinner had been
served, tha guests rsturned to town at
about 6 o’clock.
Brilliant Banquet.
The banquet which will be held at
the Kimball house Thursday evening
will be a brilliant event in points of
attendance and In the cleverness of the
speakers. ITesklenf A. G. Brunsman,
one of the moat popular men of the
convention. wllLpresIde as toastmaster,
and the speaker* of the occasion wilt
be: Mr. F. X. Schoonmaker, of New
York; Hon. John Temple Oravee, Gov
ernor-elect Hoke Bmlth. Mr. Jamee F.
Taylor ahd Hon. L. F. Livingston.
Theater Party at Grand.
While the gentlemen of th# conven
tion are enjoying the banquet at tho
Kimball, the live hundred or more la
dles who are visitors to the convention
will see “Zasa" at the Grand. Many
beautiful gowns will he worn, and tha
assembly will be n brilliant one. After
the play tho ladles will go to the Kim
ball, where seats will be provided In
order that they may hear the speakers
at the banquet.
The committee which has charge of
the theater party consists of: Mrs. W.
M. Kirkpatrick, chairman; Mra. B. M.
Blount, Mra. H. J. Fite, Mra. J. M.,
Bmlth, Mrs. J. M. Evans, Mra. \V. K.
Spratlln. Mra. F. A. Tleke, Mra. G. F.
Carter, Mrs. E. R. DuBose, Mr*. H. G.
la be In private house* or smaller ho
tel*, to apply to Mra. H. A. Denny.
Oulfport. Mis*. The committee has en
gaged the entire available accommoda
tion* In several smaller house* situ
ated on the beach, with a direct car
line to the hotel and pavilion, where
the meetings idII be held.
"The rates at the hotel will be ll.ft)
and tl.M per day; at the other houses
and at the Beach hotel (which Is very
near the Great Southern), rooms will
be SO cents or with breakfast TS cents a
"In a town the site of Gulfport the
accommodation* are naturally mors
limited than In the huger cities whers
our conventions have heretofore been
held; therefore, the committee can not
too strongly urge upon tha delegates
the Importance of observing the sug
gestion contained In this letter. Tbs
committee would also beg your consid
eration when Pngnglng room*, by re-
numbering these limitation* *nd that
friend* who travel together will occupy
one room. At the Information bureau
In ihe waiting room at the railway atn-
lion. Ihe exact location of room* en
gaged may be obtained.
(Signed) "LILY M'DOWELL.
"Chairman of Committee on Arrange
The marriage of Mlaa Mattie An
thony Eubank* to Mr. Werner Moore
Jeffrie* took place Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's parents, on
Washington street, and was an event of
Interest to a wide circle of friends,
witnessed by u Inrge assemblage of
friends and was followed by a brilliant
TJte bride made a charming picture
In her wedding gown of white crepe de
chine, fashioned with prt!ice**p lace.
Her bouquet W'ns of bride rose*.
The bridesmaids wore white lingerie
gown*, trimmed with lace, their yellow-
girdle* giving an effective touch of roi-
Tliey were Misses Mabel Jeffries
and Alice Jeffrles-Moore. Misses Rosa-
He and Elisabeth Eubanks were ribbon
bearers. Miss Mary Eubank*, maid of
honor, was attractive In white chiffon
iver taffeta.
Dr. ('. D. Jeffrie*, of Arixona, was
best man. and Messrs. Robert Marktey
Wa have Innumerable fancy and uaeful articles suitable for wed
ding presents. The design, the finish, Ihe weight and «the price will
surely Interest you. Come to ua. If you appreciate perfect satisfaction.
The best for less.
and Walter Moors wera groomsmen.
The Impressive ceremony was per
formed by Rev. J. H. Eakes.
.The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eubanks
wa* elaborately decorated In yellow
chrysanthemums and handsome palms,
nnd In the buffet supper served the col-
or* of while and yellow predominated.
After the serving of an elegant buffet
supper the bride donned heg traveling
gown, which was of blue cloth trimmed
with silk braid. Her becoming hat waa
a blue toque, trimmed with black coque
Mlsa Alice Monre-Jeffrles caught the
bride's bouquet, which she presented to
Mrs. Eubanks.
Mr. and Mra. Jeffries left on Ihe mid
night train for an txlended trip East.
Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
Interesting memorial services were held
by the Atlanta Chapter, U. D. C. t at
the club rooms at The Grand, com
memorative of Mra. Jefferson Davis,
whose death occurred recently In New
York. Appropriate musical Selections
were rendered, Including beautiful
quartette numbers by Mis* Grace Lee
Brown, Mrs. M. Mi O'Brien. Mr. Camp
bell and Mr. Lowry Dale.
Resolutions were adopted and brief
talks made by several members of tho
chapter, relative to the life and work
of Mrs. Davis.
The Informal bridge at which Mrs.
Ed Tompkins entertained Thursday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. Charles
Leonard, of Macon, was a very happy
event, bringing together twelve con
genial women. The decorations which
were used were quantities of cut flow
ers, rose* and chrysanthemum*, being
placed In cut glass vases on mantels
apd cabinets. The score cards made
one of Ihe many pretty details. They
were hand-painted designs, containing
the monogram of the hostess.
Mrs. Tompkins received her guests.
In a charming gown uf while crepe,
lace trimmed.
The prize* were a hand-painted
plate a handsome silk muffler and a
pretty, belt.
After tile gome a delicious salad and
Ice course was served.
Mlsa May Morrison, a beautiful nnd
popular young lady of Fori Worth,
Texas, who has been tha charming
guest for several weeks past of her
cousin, \V. F. Morrison, will return
home Thursday night. By her capti
vating personality nnd splendid acenm-
illshmenl*. Miss Morrison has won
mats of friends. During her stay In
the city she ha* been the guest of hon
or at several delightful social func
tions, and the recipient of many at
Miss Morrison was entertained at
luncheon Thursday by Miss Katie Hall
and In similar manner Wednesday by
Mrs. Robert II Woodruff. Miss Hnll
and Mr*. Woodruff also delightfully en-
- tertalned last week In honor of Mlsa
Morrison. Miss Agne* Lyon waa host
ess at another thoroughly enjoyable
reception Monday night at which Mis*
Morrison wa* the guest of honor.
A pleasant event of Thursday after
noon will be the Informal card party
at which Mra. Sidney Holland will en
tertain at her home on West Baker
street. Her guest list Includes' only •
small number of her Intimate friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. White enter-
tamed at dinner Wednesday evening at
their home. In College Park, In honor
of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Van Valkenburg,
of Kansas City. The guests of Mr. and
Sirs. White were; Mr. and Mra. Nor-
mdn Poole, Mr. and Mr*. Bherrnan
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Head,
Mlsa Llxsle Robinson, Miss Ruby Jack-
son. Miss Zella-Van Valkenburg, Miss
Margaret Brown.
The United Societies of the Secbnd
Baptist Church will hold a rummage
sale at 319 Peter* street on Friday;
Saturday and Monday, October 28, 27
and 39. All contributions can be sent
to Mrs. W. F. Mnnry, 74 East Mitchell
street, or to Mra. Porter King, 79 Mer
ritt* avenue.
The brilliant wedding of Mr. William
A. Tilt, of New York, and Miss Sarah
Peel Wednesday evening at the resi
dence of the brlde’e parents, Mr.. and
.Mrs, William Lawson Peel, on Peach
tree street, waa a beautiful event and
of widespread social Interest to friend*
South and North.
Two hundred guests were present,
Including relatives and friends from
many sections of the country.
The ceremony was performed by Rev,
Dr. Charles O. Jones, pastor of St.
Mark Methodist church, In the spacious
music room before an Improvised altar
decorated with white satin, covered
with handsome lace. Tho walls of the
apartment are In pink brocade satin,
which harmonise effectively with the
old Ivory woodwork and th* window
drapery of old Ivory brocade. An aisle
was formed down the center of the mu
sic room by white columns decorated
In smllax with white chrysanthemums
tied with white tulle surmounting each
column. Tall bronze candelabra were
on either side of the large mirror, over
which fell sprays of asparagus ferns
and reflected the njtnr and bridal party.
The bride wa* given In mnrrlage by
her father, nnd was preceded to the
nllnr by her two sisters, Mra. William
H. Kiser and Miss Marlon Peel, and
Miss Florence Jackson and Mlsa
Phoebe Wctherlll.
The ushers were Messrs. Albert Tilt,
Charle* L Frnmbach, E. B. Close, H.
Rosslter Worthington. Duncan H.
Brown and Lieutenant Wortham,
United Slate* navy.
- The elegant toilet of the fair bride
Accordion Plaiting
Sun Plaiting,
Side Plaiting
was of white satin de Lyon, made
prlncesse fashion and richly embroider
ed about the square cut coraagre and on
the »toIe-!!ke trimming on the front
pane! of the skirt. The embroidery
was also used on the empire eleeves,
which opened over eleeves of Venetian
point lace. Miss Peel's wedding veil
was of point applique lace, which wa*
caught with a wreath of orange blo*-
I soma. A peculiarly sentimental inter-
I est attaches to the bride’s veil, as It
had been worn previously by the
grandmother, mother and sister of the
bride. Mies Peel wore a beautiful
necklace of diamonds, the gift of the
groom, and a diamond brooche-pend-
ant with center stone of sapphire. H#r
bouquet was of white orchids and lille*
of the valley.
Mra. William Kiser’s gown was of
point lace, the skirt having a wide bor
der of white panne satin. The corsage
was embroidered with touches of satin
used effectively in conjunction. Her
bouquet was at lilies of*the Valley and
lilac orchids.
Miss Marlon Peel wore delicate pink
chiffon cloth .elaborately tucked and
trimmed with shirred satin ribbon.
Point de Llrrre lace was used on the
corsage, caught with a bunch of pink
roses. Miss Peel’s bouquet was of pink
orchids and lilies of the valley.
Mins Wetherlll’a and Miss Jackson’s
toilets woro of white silk dotted net,
over white satin, the skirts bordered
with Chantilly lace with lace and rib
bons elaborating the bodices. They
carried shower bouquets of pink ro*e»
An informal reception followed the
marriage ceromony, and during the
evening an elaborate buffet supper was
sorved. The bridal party was seated
at a large rlrcular tkble, the center-
piece of which wap an immense bride's
cake five feet tall; surmounted with a
miniature bride and groom and frost
ed with wreaths of Southern flowers.
On the lovely plac^ card* were paint
ed miniatures of the bride and at each
plate waa a small white satin slipper,
tied with bunches of orange blooom*.
The Ices represented wedding bells and
were ornamented with clu*ter* of or
ange blossom*. Gold candlestick* and
silver and cut gla*s dishes completed
the artistic effect. A 'canopy of *ml-
Aax fringed with lille* of the valley and
brightened with tiny electric lights was
over the pretty table. , , .
On the buffet there were candelabra
and bowls of white blossom*.
The verandahs of the Peel home were
Inclosed and made attractive with tall
palms, branches of bamboo, handsome
porch furnishings and many electric
l,S Mr! and Mr*. Tilt left at midnight for
Washington, D. C., where they will
meet Mr. Tilt’* motor car and go to
the Pacific coast for ap extended trip.
Among the delightful features of the
wedding wa* the reading of very many
congratulatory telegrams by Mr. Rob
ert Maddox, received by the bridal cou
A treat number of elegant gifts were
received by the bride and groom, con
spicuous among which waa s sliver tea
service from Mrs. Tilt, mother of the
groom; a diamond brooch from Mrs.
- mother of the bride, ond a
and Mrs.
Wholesome Candy.
Xunnally’s Candy is an unusually whole
some food.
Wholesome because it is pure, because its
quality is the best, and because it possesses
those valuable nutritive qualities of pure
sugar, rich cream and fresh fruit flavors.
The price is 60 cents per pound, while its
quality is equal to and be'tter than other
brands selling for 80 cents and over,
taie finest in the world. 40,000 rolls to piok from,
781-2 Whitehall.
Bell ’Phone 799.
“bft&AW}. 0 *
Atlanta* Qa. 501 Austell Bldg.
Offim llottr*. 9 to 12:39-1:» to S
U. Vh Main lflS.
Uvalde’u* 220 IVubtrv*. U iUlu
Phone «1T»-
K1UU 111, c* uiniiivuu vwv.i - - .
W. L. Peel, mother of the bride, and «
silver tea service from Mr.
William H. Kiser.
Atr*. Peel wore a very handsome cos
tume of white olgs crepe, with s prln-
cesse Overdress of rose point and
duchess lace.' Her bouquet was of vto-
Among the especially elegant gowns
seen was that of Mrs. James R. Gray,
In white net embroidered In gold; Mra.
T. M. Horner. In white chiffon cloth
trimmed with baby Irish lace; Mrs.
Charles A. Conklin In prlncesse of
green satin in delicate shading, the cor
sage embroidered in rhinestones trim-
med with lace and with artistic touches
of pjnk; Mr*. R. F. Maddox In silver
blue astln with bands of silver lace and
embroidered In silver sequins; Miss
Ruth Hallman In white tulle embroid
ered In silver; Mra. Hoke Smith In
cream-colored voile trimmed with baby
Irish lace, and Mrs. Preston Arkwlght
In white lace embroidered In silver.
Among the out-of-town guests at the
wedding besides the ushers werff Mr.
and Mrs. B. B. Tilt, Mr. end Mrs. Al
bert Tilt, Mr. and Sr*. E. B. Closs.
Mrs. Dickerson, all of New York, and
Mrs. Hlbba, of Washington.
Mr*. Frederick Eckfeldt. of Wash
ington, D. C„ has Issued invitations to
the marriage of her daughter, Emily
Levering, to Mr. Edgar Adams Neely,
of Atlanta, the marriage'to take place
November 7, at the Memorial Lutheran
church In Washington.
brilliant event was the reception
at which Mr. and Mrs. Bartow Dlount
entertained Wednesday evening for the
national executive committee of the
Carriage Builders’ Association.
The home of Atr. and Airs. Blount
was besutfully decorated with palms
and with roses In the reception hall
stately American beauties were *ueed
In tall vases, and In the parlor and
library white roses and ferns were the
The dining room was In pink, the
table, from which an elegant buffet
supper waa served, having for Its cen
terpiece a beautiful plateau of pink
roses and asparagus f*m. The cande
labra had pink silk shades
Airs. Blount was assisted In receiving
by her daughter. Miss Antoinette
Blount, nnd wore a charming gown of
white moire antique. Alls* Antoinette
Blount was gowned In white chiffon
over taffeta.
Over two hundred guests were In
vited, among them being many charm
ing visitor* from out of town.
Assisting Airs. Blount in the enter
tainment of her guests were; Mrs. Ed
ward Van Winkle, Mra, W.'C. Rawaon,
Airs. J. A. Bowen, Airs. Henry Richard
son, Mrs. Prlolesu, Airs. James G. Bond,
Airs. Cooledge,- Airs. Howard Bell, Mra.
Nutting, Mieses Ethel Kelly and Lucia
Atlases Anita and Lily Peeples and
Alias Nutting presided gracefully at
the punch bowl.
luncheoTTat CLUB.
A very enjoyable occasion of Thurs
day was the luncheon at which several
of the officials of the Carriage Build
in’ Association were entertained at the
Driving Club. Among the gueati were
several of Atlanta’* young society set
and the event was very delightful.
conwayTsharp. 1
The wedding of Mr. W. O. Conway
and Airs. Ella Belle Sharp took place
Wednesday evening at the residence of
Dr. White.
After the ceremony an Informal re
ception wss held.
Assisting In the entertainment uf the
guests were .Air. and Airs. W. O. Bal
lard. Airs. J. Alerrttt and Air. Bob Lang
Wednesday evening was most enjoy-
ably spent at the Kllndworth Conserv
atory of Music. Mr. and Mra. Mueller
Alls* Anns E. Hunt, Alls* Dellle Scott
and Air. Paul Donehoo favored the
guests with delightful music,
fees and rakes were served.
Those present were Miss Lillian
Sharp. Aft. Shanley. North Dakota; Mr.
l-lnnehun. New Haven, Conn.; Mr. nnd
Airs. J. M. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Keel
Charles W. Crankshau),
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg.
We are pleased to announce
to our friends and patrons
that the number of names
registered at our State Fair Contest was 4,200; the
winner in the guessing was
MISS BERTHA STEELE, of Coiambus, Ga.,
whose guess was 4,225.
32 1-2 Peachtree Street.
Bell Phone 3748. Atlanta Phone 3762.
Alueller, Air. and Airs. Frank Logan,
Air. and Mrs. Hunnewell Griffin, Allas
Caldwell, Miss Scott, Miss Hicks, Aflss
Lee, Miss Alorrtaon, Miss Turner, Miss
Allen, Miss Harris and Mr. Paul Done
Special services at Moore Memorial
church Thursday and Friday nights at
7:30 o’clock. Every member of the
church Is requested to attend. The
public Is also cordially Invited.
Allas Mary E. Rytits, of Savannah,
who has been appointed state sponsor
for the Sons of Veterans, at the reunion
In Savannah, has selected as her maids
of honor, Miss Pauline Wilson nnd Miss
Martha Bell Dullard, two charming Sa
vannah young women. ,
The Alacon girls, Miss France* Har
ris, state sponsor, with her maids, Mias
Clare Bolfeulltet and Miss Camille La
mar, will go to Savannah In a private
car, and will be chaperoned by Alra.
Frank Hazlehurst. It ha» been decided
to omit the sponaort for the different
camps this year, so these young women
will be the only official representatives
of the fair sex at the reunion on No
vember 13 shd 14.—Alacon New*.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Rail
road Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will tender a social tea and recep
tion to the ladles' auxiliaries of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers,
Order of Railway Conductors and
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, st
the old rooms, 441-2 East Alabama
street, Friday afternoon from 3 to S
o’clock. Any lady Interested, whether
a member of either of these auxiliaries
or not. Is cordially Invited. Plano se
lections will be rendered by Mesdames
J. T. Deavours and H. O. Everltt. Alls*
Lily Margaret Ford will recite. This
Continued on Opposite Page,
otr,ot# » Company.
Cut Glass.
. , “ l1 * h * ,r *™ ce of proportion, or their original design, or their
[**/!?*?• I 5° W F ut ,h:lt mttk e« the beauty of our selections In Cut Glas*.
but It is the charm of all these things combined, and an artistic enthu
siasm which shows through the combination. Wo urge their rich variety
at this time of wedding prescuts.
i Jewelers.