The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 27, 1906, Image 12

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NATURE’S WONDERLAND Orange Culture. The luxuriant soil, and peculiar climatic conditions in Cuba, especially incident to Bartle, and native to the property of the Bartle Fruit Company, which lies safely below the blighting effects of the “Frost Line,” pro duces the largest and most luscious oranges grown. They are thin skinned, extremely firm, and jn consequence are of exceptionally excellent shipping qualities. Estimates on Yields* The Orange Trees on the BARTLE Property • begin to bear during the third year, and a single tree yields from 1,000 to 10,000 oranges annually. An acre of land of the Bartle property provides fortthe planting of 90 to 95 trees, owing to the unusual richness and depth of fertility in the soil; about ten more trees per acre than are planted in Florida or Cali fornia. This increase of trees accelerates the per cent of profit per acre—and adding this gain to the fact that NO irrigation is required, or fertilizers necessary, obvi ating a combined expense to the grower of something like $140 per acre per year, as is the case in Florida and California, it is very obvious that this section of Cuba cleans up vastly more profit than similar investments in any other section of the world. An orange tree in the BARTLE Groves with an average annual bearing of 1,000 oranges, yields 5 boxes; and at $3.00 per box makes $15.00 per tree. Multiply this by 95, the number of trees to the acre in the BARTLE groves, and you have an annual income per acre of $1,425.00. And this is but a conservative estimate. The older the trees the greater the yield. Further Information. We have further interesting statistics we will be glad tovmail on request, concerning orange culture, etc. Space does not permit the printing of a “tithe” of the information we want you to have, and become in terested in, about Bartle Cuba, and its wonderful Or ange Industry, and its unquestionable future of trium phant progress. Oranges Not the Only Fruit Grape Fruit, the Wpical breakfast delicacy, luxuriates as abundantly and successfully, and finds as ever a ready market as do Oranges. Limes, Lemons and Pineapples also grow with equal ease and In as prolific abundance. A resume of the wonderful resources of CUBA, “The Queen of the Antilles,” reads more like the fabled traditions of “Aladdin” and the wonderful cavern of “Golden Fruit” than a modem Twentieth Century real ity, truly descriptive of the “bending boughs” of'Gol den Fruit that is to become a fountain head of fabu lous incomes for Americans who invest now on the plan of the Bartle Fruit Co. Aladdin’s wildest flights of fancy could not parallel the certain and munificent incomes the fertile fields of this luxuriant land will revert. • Histories cannot be written within the “space con fines” of a newspaper page—so we are going to bring the salient point of this advertisement' to your atten tion with some « ■ . . Briefs About Bartle, . That wonderful new town In CUBA-that Is already forming the nucleus of manifold fortunes "under fair skies” for investors, quick to see the un- speculative features of its unimpeded progress. Bartle Is not a "boom” town, where the products to be derived from the surrounding country tye a matter more of guess work, than ac tuality; aa is the case with towns whose existence and Impetus depend ed upon the development, at great expense, of mines or quarries; but Its destines of wealth lie In the "Golden Fruit” of Its nearby orange or chards whose wonderful productiveness has amazed horticulturists the world over. Bartle Is on the edge of a luxuriantly fertile belt of land, consist ing of One Thousand acres, owned by the Bartle Fruit Co., and Is situated' about midway between the cities of Camaquay and Santiago, on the Cu ban Co. Railway. On thli tract are located the Orange Groves of the Bartle Fruit Company. The property fronts, and Is within 150 yards of the depot, and within 300 yards of the beautiful new $50,000 Hotel and Sanitarium now being built by Dr. H. F. Preston, of Utica, X. Y„ who selected this site ou account of the supreme hcalthfulnesa of the location. No portion of the grove Is more than one mile from the station and the erection of this splendid hostelry will provide extremely pleasant headquarters for any one who might wish to spend the Winter theta. - For climatic conditions throughout all seasons of the year, and for healthfulness. Bartle W positively unsurpassed by any other locality on the lace of the globe. There are. besides Dr. Preston's new hotel,' now rapMly nearing com pletion, upwards of Fifty Winter homes of people charmed by the delicious, balmy climate and who Winter there, as well as the commodious Hotel Torcnc, built more than a year ago, and which Is equal In point of con venience and equipment, to any of the best hotels found Id the small towns throughout the state. Hunting and fishing in abundance, provides recreation the year round for tourists and settlers; such game as deer, wild ptg, guinea chickens and quails, being plentiful. We have now recapitulated location, climate, healthfulness and the unquestionable resources, and revenues to bo gained by Investments, tn a general way, and have "sandwiched" this running review between statis tics of unqualified authenticity, and references of unquestionable veracity, as well as terms on which the Orange groves are aold, CUBA Is deatlnad to be the moat prolific field for Investment ever offered Americana—and to people who will “get In on the groiftid floor,” to uee a colloquial expreaalon, through the opportunities now being offered by the “BARTLE FRUIT COMPANY,” will have the ad- , vantages that always reward tht thrifty-handed and far-seeing clast, “who get there first” Address all communications to Passenger and Shipping Facilities. Bartle is within three hours’ ride of Port Neipe, on the Cuban Co. Railway, which runs two express trains with Pullman coaches, daily, between the port and Bar- tie. Bartle has the first and finest concrete station built by the Cuban Railway Company. • Port Neipe is the shipping point for the products of the Bartle Orange Groves, and is 24 hours closer to New York than is, even Havana itself. Property Sold on Easy Monthly In stallments. An investment NOW of $10.00 a month will buy Orange or Grape Fruit Orchards which will, at the maturity o{ payments, yield an annual income of $500 and be worth $1,000 an acre. .. jj, Not Necessary to Go to Cuba. It is not necessary to go to Cuba in order to devel op land purchased from the Bartle Fruit Co. They plant the land with two-year-old budded trees; protect them and the land; and deliver them to you in bearing condition at end of fifty months. This Investment Is safer than mines or railro ad stocks—no element of doubt or speculation about certainty of crops. Better Than Life Insurance, Because it guarantees a yearly income, and a handsome realty for your heirs. Better > and Safer Than Money in Banks or Loaned at Interest, Because absolutely safe and paying many times over the returns possible from either of the other sources. It is a Monopoly* Investment. Competitive intrusions can nev er be large or aggressive, because Oranges and Grape Fruit cannot be grown in every section of the country, and under any condition. The market has never been known to be over supplied. Demand for the fruit is as certain and sure as the rising and setting of the sun. All contracts registered with the Trust Company of Georgia, who deliver a clean title to your property at the conclusion of your payments, which extend over a period of Fifty Months. Do you want any stronger evidence of the pro bity or good faith of this company. Send for prospectus, guarantees and other informa tion, and list of people who have groves. The Windsor Trust Co. of New York, the Bank of British North America of Toronto, Canada, and the Met ropolitan Bank of Toronto, Canada, arc also references for Bartle Fruit Co. BARTLE FRUIT COMPANY Offer the most attractive and profitable investments in Cuban Orange Groves, and Cuban lands in large or small tracts. Write for full information today CHARLES T. PHILLIPS, General Agent. Phone, Main, 5266. 1406-1407 Fourth National Bank Building. ATLANTA, GA.