The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 31, 1906, Image 14

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t 14 — FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM& . FOB RENT-ONF- LAttOE. NICELY FBB J nlshed room at 267 Peachtree utreet. w FOR RENT—BED ROOM FURNITURE TO famish three rooms; $6 a mouth. ‘Phone 1086 J North. = FOR RENT—ROOMS. ONE SINGLE. THREE CONNECTING OR four tinfurnlahe*! rooms; traa end hath. 62 Wllllamo. - = VoU KENT-FURNISHED ROOM IN \A private hopie; lilccly.. furnished, large. . good nurroundlDgi, eitag walking distance; eery reasonable. Address Mrs. It., cute Georgian. FOR RENT-ONE LARGE NICELY FUR- nlshfd room for gentlemen. 267 Peachtree n street. FOR ItENT-THBEE OR FOUR FUR- nlalied or partly furnished roomn; bath and gnu. ’Call or address 156 Stonewall St, Atlanta. MONEY TO LOAN. UONRY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie and others. American lareatmsat Co.. 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1890. _ WEYMAN k CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. O. o* THE UNION SAVINGS nANK RUTS ee. purchase money notes and lends money ror on improved Atlanta property a reason- at able rates. Bell phone 769. Gould Bldg. MONET TO LOAN AT 1. < AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of- ~ IN fered; small expense and prompt attention. 03 Only on real estate In and near Atlanta. < 8. B. Turman. SPECIAL [10MB rONDS TO LEND; 1 any amount, 4‘i. 6 and 6 per cent. Writs IT or call 8. W Canon, $4 8. Broad street ti ae. “* FARM LOANS—WE ARE PLACING *- loans on Georgia farms at the lowest t rates ever offered. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building. t r* MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE 0 at very lowest rate*. No delaya. Charles g Herman, rooms 202-8 Temole Court a FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on mjntbly payment plan; no delay; :>lao money tor pinrhnao money notea. Straight loans ’made at 5 per cent and np- H * wards, according to desirability of loan. •j W. A. Foliar. 12 B. Bro,d atrMt. Y BRAMBACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1823. BECHT PIANO CO., 63 N. FORSYTH. T — w v $1,000 READY TO LEND ON ATLANTA 1$ residence property. Write particulars to ^ Robert Zahuor, city. WANTED—MONEY. $10,000 WANTED ON GOOD SECURITY; 1 11 per cent luterest. Address uood Loan, “ c»re Georgian, <■ WANTED—BOARD. J CJ . JJL L.-JUO JUC . . - - ' - - •' WANTEP-PERMANENT BOARD RT A " couple of young men, In private family, situated on. north side, and near center or town. State location and terms. Address - J. If. White, P. O. Box 770, city. a "• LOST. * E - STRAYED, FROM 91 WASHINGTON street, liver and white ticked pointer pup- rt py five months old. I will nay handsome gl ^ reward. Julian Field, 24V1i West Alabama afreet. - LOST-LADY’S GOLD WATCH; PLAIN V _ case, open face. Iwarlng Initials M. It. K. S Liberal reward for return of same to cash- 9 |er at Silverman's Lunch Room. - STRAYED FROM FULTON RAG AND Cotton Mill* Sunday about noon, n white " pointer dog, wl$h, brown haad and brown. »• spots on vtlp. An wars’ to Lame of Baynes. _ Liberal reward If returned to W. M. Math- ews, Ftijton Bag and Cotton Mills. FOR 8ALE—RCAg ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL, place ft with ua; we gtve It our epectal and personal attention. If It’s worth tha price we will sell It. C. B. Well* 4 Ca, 1104 Fourth National Bank. JN FOR QUICK SALE—BEAUTIFUL HOME ^ on Peachtree etreet. Cheap. On terms. W. S. Davis, with W. D. Boa tie, 210 Iihiulta- ble building.- k * g FOR 8ALE—FARM. B ! 80 ACRES JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMIT D at Dallas, Gs.: close to school: one four- t room bouse and orchard; two-horse crop Jj open. WUl make eighteen bales of cotton this year. This la a good farm and a bar- gain; $22 acre. . Box Dallas, Ga. -j^ PERSONAL. ,j, DAVID TV. YARBROUGH, T MASTER PLUMBER. F } Phones 1255. 20 E. Huuter St. p ■ AJ WALL PAPER. TI WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. B ••Don't 1st ’em fool you.” Jim Burnett rn (formerly of Burnett k Willie) Is not dead L nor missing, lie la contracting wall paper dl1 and painting. Office and show room U Bast Hunter etreet. Both ‘phones MU. J WANTED—REAL E8TATE. £ WANTED - THE MOST DESIRABLE p home, both ns to loontlon nml appoint- meats, to be had on north aide; Ig.oOO to A1 $6,50u. A. Hail, 920 Empire building. OR. W. J. TUCKER. T MORPHINE AND OPIUM HABIT CURED at home, without pain or detention from if business; permanent cute gu*rante4Nl; free . trial home treatment sent In plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 15fe N. Broad atieet. At- v t laata, Ga. IM OLD HATS MADE NEW. T OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned and re shaped for 36c. Bands or sweats 26c each «*xtrn. Out-of-town ordf*re given prompt nml careful attention. Beat _ work, latest styles. Acme Hatters, 6H r Whitehall atreet. uN BOARDERS WANTED. fr ? * ~ 1 • - rU ^ rLn -^ ^ ^ - - LfUlL . .t |iat THE BON AIR. 3»i rearbtre* •»., •oljrll, be Inspection, comparison and patronage. $3.1 fr BUSINE8S OPPORTUNITIES. t< £ THE ATLANTA Gi-iGkGIAN, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 190*. for conaecutlvo 'flowing insertior time .... 6 , cent* • Jlne., I time* .... 5 •'cenura lire. 6 times 26 times . 62 time* . 78 time* . Rates quoted above. be Inserted Free. WANTED HELP—MALE... catalogue. It will < Draugnon'a I* the best. will convince 70a ■WANTED—YOUNG MEN T pharmacy. Apply to Dr. Crenshaw. Lack!* street, city. IF YOU WANT A POSITION line, anywhere, place your new The business men appreciate ou rsT ART SCHOOL. WANTED—THE PUBIJC TO. VISIT Stappy's School of Art and Inspect por traits painted by bis large classes. Corner Peachtree and Auburn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECT. LET ME DRAW TOUR PLANS AND build that dwelling bouse for you. R. D. Stafford, carpenter and ballder, College BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and eundry distributors In the South. Southern agents for Pierce, Hnell and Undson bicycles. Write fu 1906 cstslogue end price list Alexi Blyea Co. CABINET WORK AND MODEL8. MONCRIEF— ‘ 1E‘S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT . Inetelle furnaces. In old bousee ss well ,« new. He prepares a cellar If yon have none. Moncrlef Furnace Co. Both ’phones. MESSENGER SERVICE. OR PROMIT AND RELIABLE MBS* •eager* 'phone 33. J. A. Davies god J. C. Brsnon. Bank Illdg. Bell phone, Main 4399. on tho market for high class bo Brand-new but thoroughly tested, or commission. Call or write. W. higher, 13 Trinity avenue. WANTED—A GOOD COLORED LOOK! COME ON! MEN AND BOYS’ hair ent 15c, shampoo 15c, alnso 15c. band nastage 15c, electric 26c. SwelTcst shop In :lty. Strictly first-class barbers. Walker’s, WANTED-FOREMAN FOR A WANTED HELP—PEMALE. BRAMBACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1121 with ^sxperl|ncs. or women willing moot WANTED - WAIST HANDS, FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS., Pack and Ship. bod; kbi. rtfil I'bon J. B. TURNER FURNITURE 41 and 43 West Mitchell St. BRAMBACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 112*. BECHT riANO tu, 62 N. F TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriters of all tna! oar specialty. Best values and low prices guaranteed. Illustrated cattloi ATLANTA TYPEWRITBE EXCIIANG 71 North Pryor etreet, Atlanta, Ga. Address C. A. D., care Georgian. FOR SALE—DOGS—TWO SEWING MACHINE8. D-TWO DOLLARS PER MOl either Singer or Wheeler A Wilton. We Whitehall etreet. eet up. Expert workman. Pattereon TALKING MACHINES, Immediate attention Alexsnder-EIyea Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. * ROUNTREE A BRO. TRUNK AN! CO. Retail and repairing. No. \ dl street. Phone 1576. WATCHMAKING. TRADE: COUPLICAT watebee are my hobby. Modern Ideas In rork and dealings. II. Walter Lott. Room 1217 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. ERS. We bare all' makes second-band Write or call for "Special it.” We maintain the beet SOUTHERN STATES 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. V. CHELENA, REAL ESTATE, !23 CENTURY HI PHONES 5560. WANTED HELP—Mai. and F.mal*. BRAMBACH JMANOS. ESTABLISHED ISM. BECHT PIANO CO., <8 N. F< WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTEP-TO BUT FLAT TOP A*rt. Mn.t h» la good condition, ilm link, car, Tb« Ooorgl.n. THE FINEST GAS LIGHT IN 1 world. The Ideal light for rendlni atudrtng. THROW# LIGHT DOWN. North Pryor atn*t, T. M. C. A. building. WANTED - TO RENT A HORSE AND MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND THE,,NEW GA* LIGHT LINDSAY INVERTED ■AYES GAN. INCREASES LIGHT. CARTER a GII.I.ERPIB ELECTRIC I « North street. 'Phone. 6000. AGENTS WANTED. P £ 1 2;RE 4 GENTS.-EBlfD" tofTR WORE *£f* r gvment* fair prices, good ""•Si “ b ’ Relllloa. and Kenery ole- iwmnSL ~"*i- THE REirr LOCATEli, LI MULTI, COAL ud. wood; yard around-Atlanta. ooWIeor- i.nillrond and 8**ab«>*td Air Line wtUjviiy. May son avenue, HdgewiMid, t#a. Improved and vacant NORTH SIDE BARGAIN. EW 9-ROOM, 2-STORY, DOUBLE FLO O R S, M-SHEATED, GAS ELECTRIC CALL 3, CHINA CLOSET, HARD PLASTER s T CLOSET AND 5T IN EVERY ON FIRST 1) NEW FURNI- iTHROUGHOUT: PIANO; LARGE, L LOT, BEAUTI- Y LOCATED ON EVA.RD, NEAR E DE LEON AVE ' BE SOLD THIS C. CAN ARRANGE :S; $7,500. BEST ATN EVER OFFE r CITY. SEE ME SANDERS, SMITH & • CONTVAY, Phones 5488. 412 Peters Building. $2,500-TERMS $250 CASH AND $25 PER MONTH. 6-ROOM, BRAND-NEW COTTAGE, NEAR GRANT PARK; LARGE ELEVAT ED LOT; ALL CONVEN IENCES, WATER, SEW ERAGE, GAS, PORCE LAIN BATH, STATIONA RY WASHSTAND; SINK IN KITCHEN. NOTHING LIKE IT TO BE HAD. $4,200-PARK ST. HOME OF 8 ROOMS, ON LOT 50x175, IN THE PRET TIEST BLOCK OF THIS LOVELY WEST END ST, IF YOU WANT SOME THING STRICTLY GOOD VALUE, SEE US. i,500~COLUMBIAN AVE 9-ROOM HOME, ON BEAUTIFUL LOT, 50x150, THIS IS WORTH MORE MONEY, BUT OWNER WANTS TO SELL, AND WILL MAKE GOOD TERMS ON IT. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. ther* is something doing very shortly, corner lot, 104x218; two old housea on t lot, with room for four more. Tbla la the •lace to make some easy money sure. Price CLOSE IN, ON OllMK ST.-WITHIN three minutes’ walk of the new postof- flee. A tlratdaaa 4-room cottage; everything down tu tin* street and paid for; this prop erty will sell for good profit In reasonable time. Some terms can be arranged. Price HAND-NEW COTTAGE 5f 8UC rooms, with all tho city conveniences, _tar Grant Park car line. A perfect little home and cheap for $2,800, ou terms of $350 cash and $25 per month. You cannot beat this If you want n home. A BARGAIN itf A LOT ts Tllfc FRET- tiest part of North Boulevard, near An ler avenue, 47x140 feot to alley. Snap fot 2,500. This la tho right place for a- home or a good place to build a house that will sell at a profit ON GRANT S’MeRT WE HAVE A GOOD t-room cottage, with all the city con veniences, large, elevr.ied lot Prlco $2,700. Easy terms. ON OAKLAND AVENUE. ALMwdT NEW 6-room cottage, all the city conveniences. Grant Purk for a front yard. Price $1,800. Easy terms. HiCtiMONO AVENUE “Z3XEW55T? Heights, on’v half block from the car iim iui. ujj rice. $1.000, WEST LINDEN STREET-NEAR 81*IUNO street; nice almost new 6-room cottage home; all city conveniences: good car service. Prlco $3,100. Terms $400 caab and $20 per month. street school; well built and aubatantlal cottage home, containing five rooms and "ialJ; all city conveniences: elevated lot, 0 by 120 feet td alley. Price $2,260; eaay terms. WRITE FOR A DESCnil-riON i-tion ok In Georgia, rice la right of the best Plantations tatlon In fine, the p „ ... description la very complete. Bell 'Phone 2027. Atlanta Phono 1881. SALES DEPARTMENT: A. R. IIOOK. . R. C. EVE. WANTED! Have customer for desirable acant lots in 8tli ward. List yours with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. 416-17 Enjpire Bldg., ONE CORN MILL. WITH 100 ACRE* OK wlv o> Thla . $;:*r - TIIUEE-ROOM Ct»TTA<Jl$, Woodward avenue: good: ten#*. .we haVe a )fkw murk biilftitiiAN ascrifie property f«»r sab* at n , n. ■ . . ■ - !>ad health. Cali or | $3,5wb—EIGHT-BOOM TWO-STORY’ HOUSE wltb .all convenlenr " a bargain. Can ms! FOR RENT. NO. 26* COURTLAND 8T.-THI8 TWO- story 7-rooni half-house, on the east side of Courtland street between Cain and Har ris street*, has gns, hot ami cold water, stationary wushstand, sink In the kitchen. The owner of this property expects to nut It lu splendid repair; la lu a good neigh- tmrhond. and comparatively clone lu. Court- land street cars pass tho door. Rent $49 per month. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. "BARGAINS.” CREW ST. NEAR GEORGIA AVE.-A brand new 2-story 7-room house, modern and up to date. Only $3,260, and on assy payments. NEAR; SOUTHERN RY. NORTH AVE. «yard.’ we have big bargain: 6-room bouse; only $850. Pay down $250, balance like rent, $16.66 per month. This house alone could not be built for less than $1,000. uume, iu every way »ucu a nuine ae out? would like;, up to date. Only $6,000. One- half cash. THE ONLY VACANT LOT THIS-SIDE of ButJer.-atrtet, on Porreat avenue. Only $2,500. Easy payments. Lot 60x150. CAPITOL AVE.—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, near Georgia avenue. Lot 100x200. $4,160. Easy payments. MARIETTA, GA.-ONB OF THE CHOIC- i est homes In that beautiful suburb; lot 100x475 ;i7*room cottage, modern and'In every way a beautiful home. Barn, hot house, sheds, fruit and flowers. A gam. $6,000. GEORGIA AVE. NEAR GRANT PARK- Slx-room cottage; lot extends back to an- other street. <3,650. Easy payments. WOODWARD AVE., NEAR PARK" - AVET Choice - S-room 2-story house; new, modern and up to date. $4,000. Eaay payments. KELLY ST--SIX-BOOM COTTAGE WITH “a. water and porcelain bath; cars pass door. Only — * desired. Easy payments OGLETHORPE AVE., WEST END-MOD- orn 2-»tory 7-room house; lot 49x190 to aJ ley. $2,600 gets it. Terms if desired. TENTH ST., BETWEEN PIEDMONT and Myrtl*. Vacant lot, 40x120. There re only a few left and thla la a choice one. Beautiful residences are going up all around It $1,260. PAYNE AVE., WESTERN HEIGHTS— good 3-room house, with hall; large lot, room for another house, 80x120; nice grove: rent* for $6. Newly painted. $650. $209 cash and $10 per month. ANGIER AVE.—TWO-STORY HOUSE, with all conveniences; modern and in per fect repair. Lot 60x150. Price $3,650. CALL FOR L. F. BOWEN. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phones. A. J. WEST & CO., Second Floor Century Bldg. . Phone 1754. riEDMONT AVENUE-SPLENDID DP- to-date new nine-room residence; beauti ful lot and fine surroundings. Eaay terms. WOODWARD AVENUE-ATTRACTIVE conve- Easy ELEVENTH STREET-ONLY AVAILABLE lot left on this magnificent wide street 13,000. I . J * Pence DcLeeb rnventvj less than $20,6o0. OR RESULTS, LIST VOLIOiHaL ES" FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) (ONAL8, HALL WOODS, IDEALS ana all other makes ut bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable (or say business, at a prlco that can not help but please you. Cash or monthly payments. Evary reg ister guaranteed for two years. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, M. A. SHELTON, DON’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical stove and rang* repairer; beet work and material guaranteed. Both phouse $276. 61 8. Pryor street. lot 40x160, which lies u-.'rt. .... .... o» u .h side of Forrest ave- nn* between Piedmont avenue and Butler street; has gas, hot and cidd water, bath, closet, stationary waahstand. sink In the kitchen and sink iu the pantry. Thla la an awful nice nine*, In n good nelghl>orboo4l ami In gom! repair, pass the 4loor. v**“ If Forrest avenue i*nrs vacant November L Itent $46 per mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. It Auburn Avenue. Both Phonee lit. DOZIER & REAMS. Real Estate. 403 Peters Bldg. PHONES—BEX!, 179#; ATLANTA 152. building:.*a reputation;. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. NEAR GRANT PARK. BRAND-NEW SIX room cottage, nil convenleuci-s; east front; with shade; $2,500; $250 cash and $25 per mouth. Why pay rent? FIVE ROOM IIOL’SE ON" noCl.EVAR1>, near Kdgewood; lot 67 by 125. Price $3, OS WEST FOURTH STREET, WE HAVE CALL AND SEE I U; WE HAVE OTHERS. G. M. M’KINNON, 5*20 Peters Building. $6^00-BETWEEX THE PEATIITRKES; A ; nine-room modern lumie lu ^miendkt condi tion. IHpod for forhaco. Ps«vtrl«* lights. .Tile eldewalka. Whud lot. jTcrina $1,750 ^fi»r $144 I«*r y«»r. U. ULA1U ARMSTRONG,‘uelCTmeST 1 No. 105 South Pryor Here is a lot with 55 feet frontage for $8,500; be tween Mitchell street and Trinity avenue. There is a good chance to make some money on this piece of property. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. Home On Peachtree Street For Less Than $10,000. New, splendidly built, 12-room house, furnace, walls tinted, three bath rooms, fly screens and all conveniences of a modem home. Apply or address, OWNER. Telephone 1270. 303 Austell Bldg. GOOD BARGAIN. AN 8-room home on the oonth aide, near E. Georgia avenue, on lot 40x192 to alley. This house la not quite completed, but will be In about ten days, and the bouse has cost more to build than the owners Intanded, and for that reason they will seir It at* a sacrifice. The house will be finished of the beet material, and when completed will coat abont $2,400. As stated above, this house, completeil, will be sold at a sacrifice, and If you want to be the one that gets It, see us about It at once. This la an east front, and the house la a beauty. Dont’ wait or you will be sorry, SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court. Bell Phone 2081. S. B. TURMAN & CO. $1,000—NINE-ROOM HOUSE (WITH SEP.V- ant’s room In basemaot); first claaa In all respects; fronting east; by all odds the finest lot on Myrtle street, tatween Eighth and Tenth streets. Built tor home *"■" present owner. If you want some- E ln this cholca locality (within two s of Tenth etreet school i X .. . blocks of Tenth strett i of Piedmont pi 8ew*r, water, i and one block $1,600 FOR THE CHOICEST LOT ON May (Ninth) street. * j- HOUSE, corker .ledmont avenue and Linden street; all Improvements, and within two blocks of Peachtree street. $4.000—EIGHT-ROOM lot; east front; ae first-class condition. HOUSE; LARGE tot; east front; sewer, water and gas, In $40,000 LAND SALE AT EAGAN PARK, ATLANTA’S NEW SUBURB. FREE BARBECUE 3RD. THREE CLOSING SALE DAYS, NOV. 1, 2 AND 3. 17 LOTS GIVEN AWAY. $1,000 GIVEN AWAY. Never In the history of Georgia hn« there been a finer proposition or a bet- ter opportunity for investment or spec ulation than the Eagan Park Land proposition. One hundred and twenty acres of beautiful land lie between the Atlanta and West Point and Central railroad,, surrounded by the three towns of East Point, College Park and Hapevllle. Tills is the llneot property in Fulton county. It Is high and level and covered with splendid shade of oak, elm and maple. The entire property ha, been sur veyed and laid off by the Eagan Park Land Company and forms one of the most beautiful suburban sites of At lanta. SIZE AND PRICE OF LOTS. Every lot fronts a street or avenue. The smallest lot, are 50 by 172 feet. Other lot, vary In size, from 50 to 50 feet wide and from 172 to 215 feet long. One hundred and eighty of these lots were put on sate a few days ago and were quickly sold. The remainder and the finest lots'ever offered for the money, are now being closed out at $135 per lot, $36 cash, $35 In 6 months. $35 In 13 montha, 325 In 18 months, and $26 In 24 months, without Interest. This price 1s open until November 3. the closing sale day. I960—SPLENDID LOT ON LUCILE AVE- nue. near Pork street. West End. All Improvements. S. B. TURMAN & CO. BETWEEN THE PEACH- TREES. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, NEXT TO WEST PEACH TREE, $4,750. ADJOINING LOT, $1,600. COLUMBIA AVE. LOT 50 FEET NORTH OF MRS. WHITESIDE, $2,250. WEST PEACHTREE LOT, 50 FEET NORTH OF MR. BURTON SMITH. $3,250. APPLY TO OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. 336 PETERS BLDG. Both Phones 3519 and Bell 2249. DO IT NOW. Don’t wait until the laet day, but let us book your order for five lots before the price Is advanced. Remember the number of lots Is limited and each day brings new buyers. Eagan Park is about a quarter of a mile from the College Park public school and Georgia Military College, and I, about half mile from Cox Col lege. Fulton county chain gang Is now grading Whipple avenue, n 40-foot street, and as soon a, this grading is completed they will begin rocking and paving Virginia avenue, a 50-foot driveway, connecting College Park and Hapevllle. This thoroughfare will be one of the Aneat drives In Fulton county. Sixty lots front Virginia. They sre 57 1-8 by 1(0 feet, and value from 1350 to 3600 per lot, and all go at the uniform price of $135 per lot. if bought before 2 p. m„ November I, 1S05. Send check for 1176 to pay for Ave lots: you may sell them on the day of dis tribution for more than twice the money you pay for them. Three ele gant lots have been reserved for church and school purposes. No lots can bs sold to negroes. FOR PLATS AND INFOR MATION SEE * Thompson, DeFoor & Co., East Point, Ga. Bell Phone 286 East Point. J. W. Norton, East Point, Ga. Bell phone 217 East Point. J. B. McConnell, East Point, Ga., Phone 286 East Point. Williams & O. E. McCon nell, East Point. Bell phone 210 East Point. College Park Real Estate Co., College Park, Ga.. Bell phone 222. J. C. Baldwin & Co., 501 Peters Building, Atlanta, Ga. Bell phone 5991, Atlan ta 3310. L C. MeCrory, 414 Peters Building, Atlanta, Ga. Both phones 5488, A. H. Alfriend, College Park, Ga. Bell phone 2259. EAGAN PARK LAND CO. C.Q.,TRIMBLE, . Secretary-Treasurer. East Fdlnt, Ga.