Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. George C. Ball, Editor.
osnsssO a “-
And Womans Interests
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Barbour Thompson will entertain at a
.beautiful Halloween dinner In their
^apartment on West Peachtree. The oc
casion will be Informal, their guests in.
eluding only a congenial number of
people who were together in Europe
last summer. The decorations and
place cards will be appropriate to Hal
loween, and the guests invited are Mrs.
• Clarence Knowles, Miss Constance
Knowles,'Miss Jennie English, Mr. and
Mrs. Morton Mayra, Mr. and Mrs.
Thornton’Mayre, Mr. Northrop and Mr.
W. E. Chapin.
One of the prettiest*of many pret
ty Hallowe’en parties which marked the
social calendar of Wednesday was that
at which, Mrs. Sidney Holland enter*
t&lned at her home on West Baker
Street. Every attractive detail of the
party was appropriate, to.Hallowe'en,
the decorations consisting of numerous
pumpkin ‘lanterns, autumn leaves and
red apples. The menu served was also
In keeping with the idea of Hallowe’en,
one pretty featuip being big red ap
ples stuffed with chestnuts, and tied In
yellow paper.
Euchre was played by the twenty or
snore guests present, and the first prize
was a handsome embroidered center
piece. A handsome plate wns the lone-
hand prise, and the consolation was a
pretty water color.
Mrs. Holland, who was assisted In
the entertainment of her guests by her
mother, Mrs. Scott, wore a smart gown
of white cloth.
Mrs. Scott was gowned In white voile,
trimmed with lace.
spend-theTday PARTY.
The apend-the-day party which Mrs.
Caleb Maddox gave Wednesday at her
home In Jnmnn Park was a very en
joyable occasion, and brought together
a small number of congenial women.
Those present were: Mrs. H. C. Hen
derson, Mrs. W. I. Maddox, Mrs. John
Maddox. Mrs. Cone Maddox, Mrs. Ed
ward Maddox and Mrs* Cicero Mad
H. J. Brewer on Saturday evening,-the
27th of October. The house was beau
tifully decorated with ferns in the par*
lor. and roses In the reception room.
When the guests were invited Into the
dining room It was like a fairv scene
with ferns and roses in every avallanle
place, softened by. the beautiful artifi
cial lights. An elaborate salad course
was served. Mrs. Brewer wore n beau
tlful costume of crepe de chine cf deli
cate cream color.
Among the presents received wore
many exquisite pieces of hand-pain*ed
china. i
birthday" party.
Miss Annie Andrews entertained a
number of her young friends at a
birthday party at her home, 58 Howell
street. Many interesting games were
played, after which refreshments were
Miss Andrews received a number of
handsome birthday gifts.
Among those present were: Miss Eu
genia-Hooks, Miss Della Daniel, Misses
Louise and Aline Boulds, Miss May
Patton, Misses Essie and Irene Hen
derson, Miss Minnie Miller, Misses
Lantie and Maude Andrews, Miss Ella
Harrison, Miss Emma Bradley, Miss
Eliie Stroller, Miss May Crabtree, Miss
Edith Travis. Miss Mary Burtz, Miss
Exer Ragsdale, Miss Lfnnle Scroggins,
Miss Lena Collier, Misses Belle and
Minnie Hardlgree, Miss May Andrews,
Miss Med a Ball, Miss Ruby Porter, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Williamson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mr. Barney Ha
ney, Mr. Calvin Travis, Mr. Mitchell
Boulds, Mr. John H. Lynch, Mr. John
CToiley, Mr. J. E. Mayes, Mr. A. V.
Toney, Mr. C. Roland, Mr. Parker
Burtz, Mr. J. B. Cook, Mr. Harry
Strozier, Mr. George Batton,. Mr. Ras-
tus Patton, Mr. West Cook, Mr. Charlie
Hightower, Mr. Puckett, Mr. Ed Pat
ton, Mr. Rase Cleavland, Mr. Jim Jen
kins, Mr. N. Curry, Mr. Vanderfrieft,
Mr. W. E. Dobbs, Mr. Fred Echols, Mr.
John Mills, Mr. Harrison, Mr. O. E.
Acree, Mr. Plennte Upchurch, Mr. Dave
Standford, Mr. B. Johnson, Mr. Johnnie
The board of management of the
Piedmont chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution will meet In
the parlors of the Piedmont hotel at II
o'clock Thursday morning.
The Oglethorpe and George Walton
Chapters, D. A,: R., at Columbus, are
busily engaged In the preparations nec
essary for the approaching state con
vention of the Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution, to be held at Colum-
* bus during November.
Miss A. C. Bennlng, regent of the
Oglethorpo chapter, and Mrs. W. P.-
Harrison, regent of the George Wal
ton chapter, oro very actively Inter
ested In arranging for the comfort and
entertainment of the notable women
who will attend the convention, us del
The following is a list of the com
mittees appointed at Columbus for the
On Place of Meeting—Mrs. William
Blade, Mias Annie May Bruce, Mrs. Joe
Pou, Jr., Miss Loulie Young and Mrs.
Reese Crawford.
On Homes—Mrs. Joe Pou, Jr., Miss
Mary Lewis Redd, Mrs. B. 11. Harra-
way, Mrs. F. B. Gordon, Mrs. George
Pearce, Mrs. John Black mar, Mrs. J.
T. Pearce, Mrs. Paul Dlsmukes und
Mrs. J. H. Dlmon.
On Hospitality—Mrs Walter Curtis,
Mrs. J. 8. Harrison, Mrs. O. T. Os
borne, Mrs. W. C. Bradley, Mrs.
Charles Pearce, Mrs. A. C. Llewellen,
Miss Mollie Cook, Mrs. O. C. Bullock,
Mrs. F. B. Gordon, Mrs. Elizabeth W,
Gee, Mrs. Reese Crawford, Mrs. John
Blackmar, Mrs. W. L. Bullard. Mrs. W.
A. Huer Mrs. A. O. Blackmar, Mrs.
Charles Perkins and Mrs. John Flour
House Committee—Mrs. C. J. Edge,
Mrs. L. A. Camp. Mrs. J. 8. Garrett,
Mrs. Victoria Waddell and Miss Betsey
Press Committee—Mrs. C. I. Grover,
Mrs. John Coard and Miss Mary Cook.
Transportation Committee—Mrs. F.
M. Frederick, Mrs. Hamlin Ford and
Miss Mary Philips.
Reception Committee—Mrs. R. P.
Bpenrer, Mrs. Walter Curtis Mrs. Rob
ert Famish. Mrs. O. C. Bullock, Mrs.
L. H. Chappell, Mrs. Andrew Shepherd,
Mrs. Richard Slade, Mrs. S. B. llntcher,
Mrs. Reese Crawford, Mrs. William
Blade, Miss Loulie Bell, Miss Annie
May Bruce. Mrs. B. II. Hardaway, Miss
Maud Dlsmukes, Mra. Henry Crawford,
Miss Mary Bennlng. Miss Mary Lewis
Redd, Mrs. Early Epping, Mrs. John
Coart, Mrs. M. C. Levy.
Committee on Supplies—Mrs. J. T.
Pearce. Mrs. George Pearce, Mrs. John
O. McNulty, Mrs. William Slade, Mrs.
Henry Crawford, Mrs. F. B. Gordon,
Miss Maud Dlsmukes. Mrs. J. 8. Gar
rett, Mrs. Hamlin Ford and Mrs. O. 8.
Decorations Committee—Mrs. J. H.
Harrison, Mrs. Early Epping, Mrs. A.
W. Huer, Miss Mary Lewis Redd, Mrs.
Jane Martin, Mrs. O. S. Jordan and
Mrs. Moffett Flournoy.
to judgeTpardee.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Brown will
entertain at an Informal dinner Wed
nesday evening at their home on
Peachtree street in honor of Judge Don
Pardee, who leaves Thursday for Texas.
Special to The Georgian.
Elberton, Ga., Oct. 31.—The most
brilliant entertainment which has lieen
given this season was the celebration
of the china wedding of Mr. uni'Mr*.'
W. C. T. U.
Every member of the,Atlanta Wil
lard Woman’s Christian Temperance
Union Is requested to be present at the
meeting which will be held rThursday
'afternoon at 3 o’clock In Alliance Hall,
No. 72 1-2 North Broad street.
Business of Importance must be con
sidered. MRS. M. L. M’LENDON,
Recording Secretary.
The Lndies' Altl^ Society of Asbury
church will give an Ice cream festival'
and oyster supper Thursday night, No
vember 1, at 169 Davis street. Children
will be served from 3 to 5 o'clock.
The public Is cordially Invited.
The following musical program will
be rendered by Lilly’s orchestra Wed
nesday evening, October 31, at the
Grand, previous to the lecture by Rabbi
March, "The Seventy-fourth Regi
ment," Losey. *
2. "Japonlca,” Stanford.
3. Selection, "The Mocking Bird,"
, 4. Sextet from Lucia, Danlzettl.
5. Selection, "The German Gipsy,"
6. Concert Waltz, "Mary Emerson,"
7. The Radium Dance, Schmarti.
Tho quiet marriage of Mr. George II.
Woolston, of Hibernia, Fla., to Miss
Rosemary Sartorls, daughter of Mrs.
Nellie Grant Sartorls, and granddaugh
ter of tho late General, U. 8. Grant)
took place Monday at noon at the
Calvary Episcopal church, New York.
Rev. Thornton F. Turner performed the
Mr. and Mrs. Woolston left Imme
diately for a wedding trip.
Mrs. Sartorls and her daughter re
turned from Europe only a few days
previous to the latter’s marriage to Mr.
Mr. George H. Woolston Is a member
of a prominent English family, one of
four brothers who went to Florida
twenty years .ago. He and his brother,
Reginald, have resided at Hibernia
most of tho time. Another brother,
Frank Woolston, has resided In Jack
sonville for a number of years. Still
another brother, Edward Woolston,
married Miss DeGrove, a sister of Cap
tain DeGrove, of the steamer May
Garner, and resides at Green Cove
Springs, Fla. George M. Woolston, who
was married to General Grant's grand
daughter Monday, Is an architect, and
at one time was connected with Mr.
Arthur B. Gilkes, of Jacksonville, but
for several years has lived North, and
at present Is connected with Curere &
Hastings, prominent architects*of New
York city. His father was u near
neighbor of Mr. Sartorls, who married
Nellie Grant, daughter of President
Grant. The wedding wns a very quiet
one. Mrs. Sartorls and three gentle
men, two of them friends of the bride,
groom, were the only other persons
Unique and beautiful In detail was
the Hallowe’en party given by Mrs. C.
K. Ayer on Wednesday at her pretty
home on Myrtle street In honor of her
mother, Mrs. A. W. Cawthorn, of Sel
ma, Ala. Many young women were in
vited early In the afternoon for two
attractive girls, who are also Mrs.
Ayer's guests now, Miss Estell John
son, of Rome, and Miss Urtavia Smith,
of Athens, and euchre was played.
Later In the afternoon Mrs. Ayer's
married friends called to meet her
mother. After the game, and during
the informal reception which followed,
a delicious luncheon was served buffet
style. The dining table had for Its
centerpiece brilliant autumn leaves,
which were massed about a big pump
kin, and .old fashioned candlesticks
held unshaded wax candles. Decora
tions throughout the house w'ere of au
tumn leaves and pumpkin heads, and
the souvenirs w r ere tiny black pots,
pigs, apples and other objects sugges*
live of Hallowe’en.
Mrs. Ayer received her guests In a
becoming gown of blue cloth, trimmed
with lace.
Mrs. Cawthom© wore a handsome
black spangled net, and Miss Smith
was most attractive in a gown of white
silk fashioned with Valenciennes lace.
Miss Johnson wore a handsome toilette
of red silk trimmed with lace.
The Ladles Auxiliary of the Brother
hood of Railroad Trainmen will hold
Its regular meeting on Thursday, No
vember 1, at 2 p. m., In the K. of P.
hall, Kiser building. All members are
urged to be present.
Atlanta Hive. No. 14, and Gate City
No. 4, will hold a Joint meeting Thurs
day evening, November 1, at 7:30
o’clock at the hall of Columbian Wood
men, 122 Peachtree strebL
atlantaTw. C. T. U.
The old Atlanta W. C. T. II,. will
meet at Baraca hall, Baptist Taberna
cle, Thursday at 3:30 p.*m. Important
business will be transacted and all,
members are urged to atend.
Because of Illness, Mrs.* J. E. C. Ped-
der has had to recall the Invitations
which she had Isstied for Wednesday
evening In- honor of her guest, Mrs.
A. A. Cliaby, oft Alabama.
Attractive Wedding Presents.
Our Une Is unusually complete—glowing with the most attractive
goods. This department receives Individual attention, as If It constituted
our whole business. Foresight in buying enables us to quote the lowest
possible prices for high-class goods. Judge (or yourself.
The friends In Atlanta of Mrs. Sa
rah MacDonald Sheridan wilt learn
with pleasure of a pretty tribute paid
her.recently In London, when, an an
honor guest with Sir Herbert Walpole
at a great dinner, she ■ Was asked to
respond to the toast, "America." The
London Times, publishing her graceful
speech, comments upon the enthusiasm
with which It was received.
Mra. Sheridan's singing has met with
the most cordial appreciation In Scot
land, England and France. She and
her daughter spent the summer lust
past with Sir Oeorge and Lady Hen-
schell. In Scotland, where she appeared
In concert. Sir George Henschell, him
self a great teacher, declares that hers
would rank with the oratorio voices
of the world. If she would follow a pro
fessional career.
Mra Sheridan and Miss Sheridan,
after a delightful summer In Sc<^-
land, and a stay with friends In Lon
don, havo returned to Paris, where
Mrs. Sheridan will continue her work
with Jean de Resske until her return
to America. The coterie who are her
friends there Includes many notable
names, among them being Jean and
Kdourard de Resske, Lord and Lady
Klnard, Arthur Foote, our American
composer; Mr. and Mrs. Israel Zang-
wlll, Pasteur and Mrs. Charles Wag
ner, Sir George and Lady Henschell,
Edward Carpenter and many others
who are doing worthy things In the
realms of art, music and literature,
A pleasant week-end event will be
the informal party to be given Friday
evening by Mrs. Warren White, of In-
man Park, In honor of her guest, Mra
Robert Hall, of Washington, D. C. Mrs.
White's guests will Include only the
mombert of the Inman Park Chrysan
themum Club.
The Woman's Auxiliary to the At
lanta Typographical Union will meet
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
residence of Mrs. R. L. Whites, 418
Peters street.
Corset Demonstration This Week
Showing the New Smart Set and Nemo Models
Miss Beaujeaux, expert corsetiere, from New York, is with us this
week demonstrating the many merits of Smart Set and Nemo Corsets.' So
much depends on the Corset, in style, as well as the way it is worn, the
skillful sendees now offered are helpful beyond measure to all who come
and profit by them.
The occasion is illustrative of the features .which have-helped to make-
these Corsets famous. Constantly presenting every worthy novelty, - the
new models, in the Smart Set and the Nemo, introducing many" exclusive
charms, are even better and more pleasing than they'have ever been be
fore. , • • •
Beauty of style and grace, the correct fashionable .figure without any
discomfort, modeling anew—giving lines, of such shapeliness and symme
try that the great improvement is apparent at once. This is the object;
this is what has been attained, very much'to the advantage of figures of
every type, whether stout, medium or extremely slender.. A few of the'new
styles are pictured below. They stand-for .many others representing the
highest development of skill in Corset-making. •; Come to the demonstra
tion; let the expert select the proper model and explain each part of ■ it
thoroughly. The result will surely be of lasting benefit—to health as well
as to figure.
Smart Set Special; High-
grade Corset at an ex
ceptionally low price;
genuine whalebone;.. of
imported Jeans, for slen
der and medium figures.
Smart Set Corset, style
92, of heavy woven silk,
genuine whalebone. Price
Smart Set Corset, style
80, of fine Imported Cou-
tll. genuine whalebone.
Nemo Self-Reducing Cor
set. style 615, of French
Coutll. Price $5.00.
Nemo Corset, style 510,
of fancy Brocade, gen
uine whalebone. Price
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Store of Many Departments.
Mm. Wade Harding will entertain
at cards next week, at her home, on
Park avenue.
The ladies of. tho chorus of the
Kltndworth Conservatory will meet on
Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the
Woodmen’* Hall, second Moor, ]
Peachtree street.
Dr. and Mm. J. A. McLeay will en
tertain at cards Wednesday evening:. In
honor of Mm. William Dickson, at their
apartment*, in tho Elysee, on Peach
tree street.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
Sheltering Arms will be held Thursday
morning, at the home, at 10 o’clock.
Tho Wednesday Euchre Flub met
Wednesday afternoon with Mm. U. B.
Ridley, Jr., at her home, on Juniper
The house was prettily decorated
with yellow chrysanthemums and ferns.
Mrs. Ridley received her guests In o
becoming gown of white silk and Irish
After the game a hot luncheon was
served. Tho first prize was a card case
and the consolation was a lace hand
The members of the club include:
Mrs. W. E. Foster, Mm. G. A. NI col son,
Mrs. \V. Ifftukes, Mrs. I. 31. Maler, Mm.
Charles Wilkins, Mm. Grant Witklns,
Mrs. J. O. Baird, Mrs. Murd«>ch Walk
er, Mrs. Florence Holt, Mrs. J. O,
Oglesby, Mrs. E. A. Werner, Mm. Floyd
McRae, Mrs. R. B. Ridley, Jr., Mrs. Al
bert Collier, Mrs. W. A. Wimblsh, Mm.
W. A. Speer, Mrs. Frank Boland, Mrs.
Paul Goldsmith, Mm. Hatcher, Mrs. J.
Hunnlcutt, Mrs. F. B. Meador, Mrs.
Carlton Miller. Mrs. John Fitten, Mm.
John Hill, Mrs. Fred Hodgson, Mrs.
B. F. Hnllqtt, Mrs. James Freeman,
Mrs. John M. Slaton, Mm. Bernard
Wolf, Mm. Ashby Purse.
The mo«t brilliant eoclal event of the
week waa the large buffet supper given
Tuesday evening by Mra. Charlotte
Peck for her lovely young granddaugh
ter, Ml.e Lottie Peck Wylie, who will
spend the winter In Atlanta. The oc-
caelon assembled the young society
contingent of Atlanta, and Mrs. Peck's
home presented a scene of beauty and
Mrs. Peck, who made a stately and
beautiful hostess, wore a gown of black
net, fashioned with chiffon and lace.
Standing next to her was Miss Lottie
Peck Wylie, who was a picture of girl
ish beauty In a white net gown made
over etlk and trimmed with - ruchlnge
of narrow ribbon, and with chantllly
lace. The high girdle was of white
panne .velvet, and she carried Ameri
can beauty and white rosebuds.
Mrs. Frank Meador was lovely In a
black tulle gown spangled with sequins.
The decorations throughout the
house were elaborate and artistic.
Ferns, chrysanthemums und peonies
were the flowers used, and smllax hid
tho walls and window draperies, and
concealed the banisters of the stair
way. Roses of all colors were used In
the dining room, whore an elegant sup
per was served.
Assisting In receiving and entertain
Ing the guests were a charming group
of young girls. Misses Alberta Rankin,
Margaret Ludson, Edith Russell, Ethel
Gay, Ida Hightower, Bessie Woodward,
Laura Payne and Hart Wylie.
Miss Edith Russell wore a gown of
white chiffon, elaborately fashioned
with exquisite lace. Mise Margaret
l-adson was beautiful in a
gown of white radium silk trimmed
with prlncesse lace. Miss Ethel Gay's
becoming toilet was of white chiffon
trimmed with Irish point lace, and Miss
Hart Wylie was particularly attractive
In a gown of white tulle. Its trimming
of satin bands. Miss Ida Hightower
wore white lace made prlncesse, and
Miss Bessie Woodward was charmingly
gowned In pale blue chiffon. Its trim
mings Of gold lace. Miss Laura Payne
was lovely In a prlncesse gown of lace
over taffeta, and Miss Alberta Rankin
wore pale blue chiffon, embroidered In
Pink roses.
Because of the Illness of her moth
er. Mrs. T. J. Crawford, Miss Nanelle
Crawford has postponed the Hallow
een party which she was to have given
Wednesday evening at her home on
Capitol avenue.
An event which will have a pleasant
soclul side Is the golf tournament to be
hold at the golf links of the Log Cabin
Club the first week In November.
The tournament will begin on the
2d and will lost several days, probably
a weak.
■ On Saturday afternoon the tourna
ment will open with a barbecue and In
the evening a dance at the Cabin.
There will be a number of well-
known young men, golf enthusiasts
from Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus and
Savannah. A handsome sliver cup will
be presented to the winner of the Geor
gia championship.—Macon News.
Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. W. I.
Maddox entertolnsd a tew young peo
ple at a Halloween party, which she
gave la honor of her little nieces,
Misses Leonora Maud nnd May Hen
derson. The occasion was a very merry
one, and offered to the guests nil the
weird enchantments of HollAween day.
There were present ten or twelve chil
Miss Annie Grace Mixon, whose mar
riage to Mr. John McKinley will be an
Interesting event of Thursday evening,
will entertain the members of her
bridal party at a buffet supper after
the rehearsal Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Edward Drake gave a small In.
formal euchre party Tuesday afternoon
at her home on Pryor street. After the
game a hot luncheon was served. Mrs.
Tripod won tho flrst prise, a picture,
and Mrs. Carl Brown won the conso
lation, a candlestick. The booby
won by Miss Haralson and was a gob
lin. Mrsi Drake wore a gown of cream
net over silk.
Rev. and Mrs. I. I. Perry will enter
tain at a large reception Wednesday
evening at their home In (Vest End,
the occasion being the fifteenth anni
versary of their wedding.
The home will be attractively decor-
ated with white chrysanthemums and
palms. Over two hundred Invitations
have been Issued and the occasion will
be a social event of much interest in
West End.
to mrsTgober.
Mrs. Richard Elliott Miller entertain
ed at a small bride party Wednesday
morning at her apartments on West
Peachtree street In honor of Mrs. N.
N. Oober, of Washington, D. C„ who
Is her guest.
a birthdTy DINNER.
Tuesday evening Mrs. James D. Rob
inson gave a beautiful birthday dinner
at her home, on West Peachtree street,
complimentary to her husband, Mr.
J. D. Robinson, and to her father, Cap
tain James W. English, which was In
the nature of, a complete surprise to
both gentlemen, who are fortunate In
having birthdays In common.
Mrs- Robinson's guests Included: Mr.
Your close Inspection of my artistic stock will convince you It
1* one of the handsomest and most carefully selected in tho city.
My claim of being "The Only Popular Priced Jewelry Store.”
does not mean light or cheap goods, for my stock Is replete with
the latest productions of the leading manufacturers of this and
European countries.
Come and be convinced!
Two Phases of the Bracelet Question.
One Is that the feminine fashion of short sleeves makes bracelets
an essential and that all women are wearing them.
The other is a natural sequence—that we are selling rapidly from
a beautiful collection of most artistic styles.
Davis & Freeman,
The finest in the world. 40,000 rolls to pick from,
Robinson, Captain and Mra. James W.
English, Mr. and Mra. Harry English,
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ottley, Dr. and
Mra. W. S; Elkin, Mr. and Mra. Chaa.
A. Conklin, Mr. and Mra. Hugh Rich-
ardaon, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Howell
and Mr. and Mra. Thomas B. Paine.
The decorations of Mrs. Robinson's
home were artistic and appropriate,
consisting of ferns, palma and vases
of cut flowers.
The appointments of the dining table
were In pink tints, the centerpiece be
ing formed of two silver loving cups
filled with pink roses, combined with
delicate fern fronds.
Many silver candlesticks were placed
on the table, and silver* dishes held
pink bonbons and cakes. Two birth
day cakes caused much sentimental In
terest. On one burned 69 candles, a
surprising number to the friends of
Captain English, who Is regarded at
one of the most vigorous and vital of
the prominent men of Atlanta. An
elaborate menu was served and many
witty toasts were drank, complimentary
to the guests of honor.
Mrs. Robinson wpre a beautiful tol-
Contlnued on Opposite Page.
A wedding invitation of all things demanded by social custom
should be.correct in form, and made of fine stationery. It,is
bi Utr not to issue any invitations at all than to send out sdme-
th'ng that is vidashionuble or of poor material. If you wish to
get absolutely the correct thing, consult J. P. STEVENS EN
GRAVING CO., the fashionable engravers, Whitehall street,
Atlanta, Ga.
Tills establishment produces the latest styles as fast as thev are
accepted by the elite of London or New York. Samples'sent
free of charge. Don’t delay; write this house today.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg.