Newspaper Page Text
Bad Streeter Otte Cause of
IucreasWrExJw'nsc of
The price nf coni *in -Alliinia f Uil»
Vinter will be found higher Hunt .that
>£ the last fetv yearn,
; Ifhla can be* <1e| tended upon. Aw a
wttter of fact, a slight Increase Is a I-
fwidy in effect. This, It la expected,
will be ldi*gcr when real winter begins
to. have her say.
.The following are Home of the teu
ton* act forth by a well-known local
dealer, who i* posted on all mutter* ap
pertaining to the coal business.
*in the flint place,” he stated Thurs
day morning, “the demand i« very
great. By reason of the establishment
^fTi'allroad* from all direction* at ami
n^gr the Tennessee coal fields, the
whole country practically Is In compe
tition with us In buying coal.
'‘‘Not only this, but tile conI miners
ire having hard limes with labor, just
as we are. Labor Is hard to get at any
price, and unable to be had at all. ex
cept at a very high price. As a consc
ience, we have to pay mote for coal.
“Blue Gem coal this winter will be
worth about I6.f»0 per ton. Jellico will
’bring about $♦* instead of $."..75. I think
•this advance will be nothing but nat
'/'The price of the hard or anthracite
mil, which Is the cheap coal, will re
main practically' the same, the domaml
for this grade having become less and
leas for years. There Is a possibility, |
though, that the raise In the price o'
the better brands will create a great t»
demand for the cheaper coal.
{"Then the cost of Storage is bound to
litbrease. It has been U» cents and it
will, no doubt, he JO cents tills winter.
There ate any number of reasons for
this. The principal reason, though, for
the raise in the price of storing coal Is
tin- horrible condition of the streets,
tVe can haul eight loads In Nashville,
where flve can be hauled here.
•in the city proper, the streets are
nil right. But about a quarter
The partial censorship established at
the police station Wed nest! ay morning
by Chief Jennings W in full effect, and
nejvspfcpet/ reporters, as H ell $* other
nesvsptpe*; reporters, ,is Well other
peaple, anfjfc-ohfbltfeu^fromi gpteylpg til#
mgtrgjt’s /.%ftrd urtff'Yrhnr, < *>pyor*lng
with female prisoii$$«, V
t'Ufpf Jennings states that the cen
sorship at present Is only temporary,
but that ha expects the police commis
sion. at Its regular meeting, to make it
permanent. The chief "Is heartily in
fitvor-of closing the matron's wur«) to
the pre»yi, :*tuting that ho op|MMU>s the
interview ing of any -female prisoner, no
matter on what eherge she may he
held. )
‘i IntemMo^ bring the matter to the j h
chief Thursday,
When questioned as'to the movement
to establish rt general censorship,
making him the official press censor,
as has t been reporter}, i 'hlef Jennlng*
Was ve^y evasive and gave, out no dell-.'
n 11 (i InfiirHiudon ? **-*'■
nlYe Information.
He Warn asked If he Intended tt> <iek.
the boaj.d to establish this, complete
censorship, and replied!
“I never state In advance what I In
tend to ask the board to do.”
Asked Jf he considered the plan a
good one. the chief answered:
"U might lg* and it might not."
Later lie declared tlie matter had not
b£en brougbjp to his attention and that
he had not considered It. Hrf sabl he
had entertained no Idea of asking the
commission for a complete censorship.
The chief and Chairman Terry,
never, have had a conference re-
unmissfon.'' said the Igaiding the press situation at the po
und expect the tem- | lice station, and the chafnuuii Is known
porary rule to he made permanent. J to have expressed himself
No one can now l>e admitted to the fall police news being riven out by the
matron's ward and iv> female prisoner [ chief.
can 1m* Interviewed. If the newspaper If the chief falls to bring the qu<s-
men desire any news from this ward lion before the commission, however,
they will have to get it through the Jit Is not believed an/ action will lie
matron.” I taken.
List pf Dead Roaches Fifty-
Avitli Five
Atlantic <JUy/>*. J., Nov. 1.—The in
quest Hi to 'the big wreck of Funda)
in which nearly three score* met their
death takes place today. The total
dead I* now »8, with five missing.
Tile third car lias ut last been faised
without finding the last of the bodies.
Divers are again to scour the bottonl
for bodies today.
Hpcclsl to Ttie Georgian.
Wilmington, N. C\, Nov. I.—In the
federal district court today Judge
Thomas R. Purnell excoriated those In
charge of the New Hanover county
Jail. He said that the United States
mile out in the upper part, and In other
sections, the streets arc horrible. In
bad weather there are many section*
nc can’t reach at all. Ju*t hav
town orders, and lot our custor
f ^”The luck of alleys Is another thing
that works hardships on us In scoring
coal What there ar
part, are In poor condlth
special to Tin* Georgian.
Veiidlau. Miss.. Soy. l.—TUe entire plant
of the Meridian planing mill, together with
four freight ears and tilwmt 60,00f> feet of
lumber, was destroyed by Are at an early
Marietta, Ohio. Nov. 1.-Declaring that
he wn* a eonpulssioitcr from President
Roosevelt. James R. (Snriteld. entumlsalon-
er of eoi)Mirathms. last night urged tlv
[•lee thin of Reputdieaii CAiigresMiiieii In
ithlo. Mr. Garfield was the chief speak-
Reptibllenn rally in the ntidJIo-
M'a.ddtigtjiii toi
ed ‘.hat national I
been begun, iiml lie outlined great iliingi Tii
thl« lltu* for tin* future. Ml*. Garfield paid
a high tribute hi Coil '*
the I**!fteenlh district.
. . J‘Jf*
I Nsnes certainly figure* in
un this topic. |,e declared
”We actually lose uwm«*y In storing
ccftl in Atlanta.”
Continued from Pas# On,.
union/ merely. but beneflte
Pie whole community.
■"The pnmperlty of the legitimate
biAhteen man depend* upon the pur-
cbHainK vo'vio fit the mn**eiv. .
am opposed-to truatf, becauee ll'-.v
Illegally and unjustly oppress the peo
ple unci Interfere with general pros-
^ would rather be defeated ten times
over than sde ,,(m Vinitb- "t this slate
practically denied their right/ hi,
American,dtliens In nominate by-pe.
. ‘.’The enemies I have made In the
trpsts are your enemies, and they are
tuv enemies because they are ytotv en
emies and because I have used iny
reoources In helping you to tight them. I
Whin He Would Stop.
-J do not Hite personalities of this
Kind, nth! -1 will make a proposition to
Mr. Hughes In .order to stop them. If
Mr, Hughes will step lying about me 1
will stop telilng the truth about him.
"I do not •tuestlon any corporation
attorney’s right to hold, any opinion on
airy stihJe.H, or to argue any side of
itiv r use for 0 fee, blit I do deny Ills
right to .tuestlon the sincerity of a
man who does hi* best to serve his fel
low outturns without a-foe. *
”1 have no selllsh desire to lead this
ftght. I am In the fight’t» the end, but
1 am willing to serve In the lead or In
the ranks, a* you desire.
.’’I have said that If Thomas Jefferson
were here he would stand with us In
this buttle for equality, opportunity,
liberty and common honesty, and any
man who calls himself it Democrat and
Is not w ith us In this struggle for pop.
u|ar rights and common honesty Is not
«■ Democrat according to the principles
of Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the
Democratic putty.’
•'If ydu see. til to elect me and my
agsoelutes, ami give us dtt honest legis
lature, 1 pledge you that we will re-
■tour the isiwer tv the people, and whip
these corrupt corporation/ out of the
temple of your government.”
Will Black to Prooido. •
The t’araeglrf.1*11 speech tonight Is
the* grew I event-of tint week, and Is to
be. ’presided over ‘by- Will II. Hindi,
onvc dfAilfihta: ’wit I IS Vice president
of the Independent. j 'itladns' Detnoera-
cy. and has aim, prude good rvltli Tum-
oralat. Tlie lass 1. esthiaile.1
; were first discovered al 1:40
due working
cause of Hit
I,r. Leonard Levy, of PittHburg. "ill
speak at the Jewish Temple next Hun-
day morning Instead of Rabbi Marx at
the regular Jl o'clock morning sendee.
He I* oip> of the most prominent men
of the Jewish ffljtjrynd hi* visit to At
lanta Is a matter of interest to local
lec tured at the Grand on
Ills subject was
nd he entertained hi*
audlsimswirii the progress of the world.
He believed that today i* the best day.
tomorrow will be bettor, and sought
to ImpreHN his hearers that the world
was growing better day by day.
Lexington. Ky., Nov. I.—Five eolie-
giuiiM who indulged too vigorously t n
Halloween pranks last night, were sent
to the workhouse today t«, await their
They are Shelby J?tt, Jr..,of Itlcli-
ninnd, Ky.: ’I’. R. Vail nnd Tlioinas
Swlgert, of Muysville, Ky,: George Bo-
gurtl, of (Joblsen Rolnt, Ky.. ami .Marion
i’heal:, of Hirhmond. JCy.
All are eadets of the state col logo
battalion ami they will stjiV in .ilia
workhouse until tomorrow, wii#n they
wlil lie put on. Blul oi) ciuuges of
breach of the |s*ace by assiitdtiiig ofll-
lu a general riot last night.
GjiiNiIhii, Als., Nov. l.-.\ w**ll drt*.««Nl and
sna*otli-tnlklax yoling aaia, giving ids umne
a* Raid .1. 11i 1 t<oi and •'Itdadag to Im* a
iwmlier of tlie tlrp, „f j'nnl J. Hilton Go.,
of Flail^ bndij by tlTo-ow
tlioriiles of I-.'towali ninl Fherofcee eoiuttle*
ii|M»a a nuiabei* of ehnrges of obtidtdiig
aaoiey under false pretenses. About two
weeks ago u«. hired a team at (Vdnr Itlutr.
saying Jluu lie wpultl Ih* ahseat in the man
try for several drtjw selling pin no* mid or
After walling ,i week for the lemn the
tacu.r titminelieed a sean-li mid fouini tlie
’ — ststde III lids eliy, U Im
i tic Ik*
was vsotlly tflieMl fr«.
city by liUdniiiKaetloi
Hug fanner* pin
*"lile|i lie required
ek ago.
I inoinlty g'oi It. \..t'i| ,, *big!
* *"*••> I mol It U
<Wnr Rlnfr
lie Hobl the unsus
rgaiiK. for
f ftS.
stilted Glut
In t’lni f tn-
No *|s*^kei outside of New York has
ojK>ned his mouth on Hearst’s side of
the^WiUWlElOW’VttUse.tb** matmger* do
noi desln* to Inject national issues or
draw strict party lines. Umar, ‘of i
Florida, was an.accidental hut ohKjuenk
cx.-epHot) in the earir days of the cam
i' jqmke last rdgiit with Senators I
Graiiy and Fltxgernld and Will Black
greet meeting of Tammany HaH.
byi I did it Incognito and had c irdlai
dithusiuNin as the mysterious stranger.
The spirit of the hour Is still a
br«ttthing prophecy f.»r Heurst.
Quinine, the world wide fold and Grip
remedy removes cause, fall for full
name. I.*»ok for sigmmtr** K. W. Gf»ve.
A. J. Ilaye*. *>f JacUsoiivllle, Flu.,
well known in Atlanta,' having been In
charge of the otTU-e ut the Bulhtrd
house. Is regliiUrred at the Piedmont
.Mr. Hayes was married In Jacksonville
on October -0 to Miss Heine Mulle-
ICm ott, who Is ulso well known to both
Atluntu mnl Jacksonville people. Mrs.
11 ayes will Jpin Mr. Hayes for a
month’s stay at the Piedmont.
Mexico «’lty, Nov. 1.—The Mexican
government is denling in summary
fu*hhm with a bund of plotters which
1ms at last assumed the size and dig
nity of u revolutionary junta.
ilAfuel y.erhuio. formerly Mexican
consul at St. IkijiIh. Is under thd ban
and bus hern sumituillly dismissed
from Ids office for shutlng In the revo
lutionary intrigues. Ten lender* of tip*
Junta ure under arrest.
11EN R vTol l IER
Henry t ’oilier, commissioner of pub
lic works, who has been ill for the past
few flays, mi* reported a* much bet
ter Thursday. It Is thought he will Im* j
out and ut work Huturday.
Itosa Kuderman, little flve-year-old
daughter of Philip H. Hudennan. of 60
Bell street, it well-known tailor, Is In
the Grady hospital in a serious condi
tion an the result of burr.* received
shortly before noon Thursday at her
homo, '
While playing about the house the
child accidentally got too close to a
fireplace and her clothing ignited. It
was then the spnee of but a few sec
onds uniII the whole of the little body
was enveloped In fiames.
The mother, who was in the kitchen
preparing dinner, heard the agonized
screams of her child and hurried to its
assistance, extinguishing the flames as
quickly as possible. It was seen that
the child was terribly Injured about
the fnce, head and body, fully three-
fourths of the surface of fhe body hav
ing been burned, ami the Grady hos
pital was notified, the little suffefer
being taken there In, an ambulance.
It was later announced at the hos
pital that the child was In a serious
condjtlon and that little hope is enter
tained of Its,recovery.
perlal In The Georgian. . V
Salisbury, N. C., Nov. 1.—Before J.
J. Stewart, master In chancery, deposi
tions are being taken in the case tif
Mr/i. iiylift Moore Mct’omhs iirid Walter
George TCewfiian, ’In which it tract of
Too aides of land and other property
about the Gobi fill! Mine is involved.
It is an interesting litigation mid
grows ouf of tha nmrnagt* of Mr. New
man and'^Mrs. Mvt’omb*. who was for
merly Mr. Newman's wife. The ease ly
to come op in the Oi tinge, Virginia,
chancery courl. The amount involved
Is great, tin* land having been in the
past valued at fio.oau when there was
tio byoin In the mining. Mrs. Mct’onibs
contends that tlie judgments secured
through the Rowan courts were obtain
ed for supplies for tin* Gold Hill Com
pany and that she has u claim tijwm
the proKity. Mr. Newman Is renicYu-
bered as tlie .pfesblent of the mining
company and Is working the best
known North Carolina property. . , I
(Hie uf tin* most important events (ii the
history of ioeul Masonic circles will Ik*, the
constitutional ceremonies of Palestine
lodge. No. |Si{, Free aiuL Aeeepttil Masons,
'riinriMiuy night* at the Masonic temple.
The eereinoflies will !«• ntteuded by grand
lodge officers from ail over the state, who
wilt participate In the installation of the
officers of the new lodge, whleh hns Ih*oii
Under dispensatio
The Installation
other ceremonies
banquet served In ...
II. Jeffries, right worshlpfnl deputy, grand
inasler. will represent the gnuid masters
in the instidlidion.
Addresses will In* made by Hoke Smith.
Clark Howell-. F. I.. Seely amt other prom
inent men of the Masonic order in At- ,
hmtn and Georgia. A number of visiting j the tragedy.
Masons will also address the meeting.
The following new officers will lie In
stalled hv Rigid Worshipful Deputy Grand
Master Jeffries:
W. I.. champion, worshipful master: J.
A. Ilynds. senior warden: J. K. Warren,
Junior uurdou; C. M. Roberts, treasurer;
“ M. Hubbard, secretary; Bernard Wolff,
lor deacon; J. Cheston King. Junior
F. Roland Alston, senior steward;
prisoners were only half fed and that
the treatment accorded them was a dis
grace to a civilized community.
Judre Purnell has reported the mat
ter to Attorney General Moody and
promises to make It uncomfortable for
some one.
— . ■ ! J
Special to The Georgian.
Charleston, S. C\, Nov. 1.—Mystery
still enshrouds the death of Lillian
Reaves, shot In the heart Tuesday
night, as the inquest found that she
came to death nt the hands of on un
known party. Corporal Woody, shot
the same night, lies in a critical con
dition at Boper Hospital, with a \v</uo.d
in his breast. He has stated that the
woman shot him. He has not said i
shot the woman. .
It Is \bought that the marine cannot
Ilvq. The lapse of the time between the
shooting and the report of the cose lo
the police guggesta a third person In
Whole of Southern Part of
Country Is Flood
Faria. Nov. 1.—Southern France I*
swept today, and report* of damage are
coming in trout many point*.
Heavy downfalls of rain' and snow were
accompanied by a tidal wave In tire vlcltj-
Ity of Toulon, nud many small vessel*
wore wrecked nt the different point*.
Nice was hi the path if the storm,
and Its streets are under foot of water.
U uter has entirely submerged the famous
I romctiiido Do* Anglais. Many stores ami
smali shops With their, contents —
K. D. Kennedy. Junior steward; J. M. Ful-
From all appearunces the div .m*
suit filed by Mrs. Marie Alien Battle
against J. Lawrence Battle will be set
tled before Friday motiilrg, the time
set for tho tiial before Judge Pendleicn
in the superior court.
It is admitted by the counsel in the
— j ca*e that negotiations for it settlement
J. .M. High, Whose illness ha* caused ■«« under way Thursday and that there
SO much anxiety among Atlantans
not believed to he any stronger than | trial.
for the past two days. During Wed- | Mrs. Allen Is asking for a total <11-
nesduy night he was sinking rapidly. | vorce and $50,000 alimony, alleging that
hut toward morning lie rallied and ap- Her husband Is on habitual drunkard
peaked stronger during Thursday ta »‘ <Mi*lpatlng Ws e«oto.
morning I The array of counsel includes a col-
At 2:3# O’cloc k it was learned that Mr. lw t ! on " r abnut “» Prominent lawyers
High's condition was about the same ,lM ever apiienied In one <II\
— • — ... case in the Georgia courts. Governor-
elect Hoke Hmifh, .Mark Tolbert and
Luther Z. Koscer represent the hus
band, while Mrs. Battle Is represented
by Hon. Thomas K. Watson, K. P. Da
vis and Reuben Arnold.
kiicH'IsI to Tiie cieorglim,
Moultrie, Oa„ Nov. t.—W.- J. Kelly,
of Hnrtslleld, In till* county, died yes
terday morning after u lingering ill
ness. He was 74 years old and one nt
the host known men In this part of the
state, having been a singing master
for forty years, teaching all over this
territory. HI* funeral occurred at
Bridge Creek today with Masonic cere
n Wednesday. There had been a
slight Improvement noticeable at noon,
but this luster! but a short time. His
physicians entertain but little hope of
his recovery. »
Bt. Petersburg. Nov. 1.—Terrorists |
and revolution'll* learned that one oft
their foremost leaders, Oerschunln, who
has been deported to Siberia, had es
caped from tho convict camp concealed
In an empty water cask.
Ho was chief of the ’’fighting orgonl- !
/atinn" which spread terror throughout! at :t; Tye stnsd.
St. Petersburg during the Von Plehve Mr*. Ihittle Mar
Special t» Tin* Yicitrglmi.
Jackson, Miss., Nov. 1.—Thud H.
Lumptoii, receiver, acting under de
cree of the Federal court, tills morning
sold tho property of the Mississippi
Mills ut Wesson, the largest cotton mill
in the state, to Igelunuu .Stem & font-
puny, of New Orleans; for S3»»n,ooo. It
Is presumed that the property was
bought for a syndicate. It Imd been
In the hands of u receiver for one year.
rhnrlle Riirtleld, r. year*, died of
tiennnmhi ut UJ WtHihvard uvoimc.
Fva May lllair dlul of straiiRitlallou at
I IltttH avenue.
Grar.. HaxJe.v died al M IHmui* street.
W. I.. I.lnw-y. aired 51 year*, dletl at 115
Diliurn aveune.
Iiifuni of Mr. and Mr*. It. M. llrowu died
The polk
He Is n Jew and his
perj»etunl banishment,
A. It. W
RrliihU* .11
Mfituii" (
it; Rook *i
J. It. Nm
tILeaso :i I
fad I It
III. ;
S|.et lal lo Tlie Gctu
Hs-atiir. A Is.. X.n
an assault t<*ik plm*
yi*»lerday niortdug. Ju»t l»«*fi»re
•MUiK daughter of Uharlie Suite
Into the ha
house -1
b» tlie d
|UIO|Mll |
lady’* fattier •*«
nl of her fa
wa* pusstux a .*.:
ics ol soiiuRhlng
» their large dog.
a» *Ue *uitp«Hw>t|, 4
i Itellllld the house
Ihiymt In «u*li it i
HCtelllpI al
early hour
daylight a
«*r stepped
the ho
Tlie you a u
stairway oi
to the r»r<
i Munetlibis
Mn». c. W. Btgphcli* and her family
^hav« written the following <md;
-We desire to exore.-s our thanks t.»
nr kind friends and t*< the West bind
,\g« of Odd Fallows for the many
kfnr! acre, noble defds ami ->»»!«*«1>>
extended*to our family during riv* m-
an U at the death of u. \\. Sk*.
Guudlajait*. Max., Nov. !.—)*|atts
were announced today by John A. Lew
is, formerly of ('h)ragn, and one of the
few Xfonlsts still faithful to Dowle, J hnr
show Ing that the ageil leader had tie- j ,nst ’
riiled on Ids Mexican plautution as a i i
place to die. Dowle will return to! *
Mexico shout the first of the yesi and *L's; Ta | f |)U i
will take up his residence at his talk** I\v> I Kt I|ir> lYIi.V I
’bepala resort, called Rthur «*.istle,
*uin estimated at $SH,ih1u h.ts I
»pent for mines and land by Lewi
• III .TfT tv
A. Ring, ill
Sutiiml! i
is:.*.I :! yei
year*, «lle<l ut
dletl of Bright'*
Irl'/dic.l of con-
Sj»e»*lnl to The Georgian.
Spattanhurg, S. C.. Nov. L—Jennie
Lee Garter, the baby girl of Mr. and j lot on'the
Mrs. J. D. Garter, died In her mother’s
arms in the waiting room at the South
ern passenger station Wednesday. Mrs.
Carter was waiting to take the
train to Asheville, her old home, and
while standing In the station awaiting
the arrival of the train, her little
daughter was taken suddenly HI and
expired in her arms before medical as
sistance could arrive. The body was
shipped to Asheville Wednesday after
noon for Interment.
(}EfconDE TO WEl)
Jo*ton, Mass.. Nov. 1.—it was an
nounced last*' night from Henry W.
Savage’* office that George Ade, the
playwright, is engaged to marry Mia*
Helen Hale, the wealthy college grad-,
uate. who lias sung In several of the
Savage operas.
Cornerstone of School Laid.-
Special to The Georgian.
t’olumbus, oa.. Nov. t.—The corner*
stone of the new Phenix city public
school was laid yesterday with Masonic
ceremonies, a> large crowd being pres
Anti-Saloon Rally Sunday.
Special to The Georgian.
Dublin, Go., Nov. 1.—Next .Sunday
Rev. Z. C. Solomon will hold feervlee*
In the churches In thla city. The morn
ing service will he held In the Baptist
church, the afternoon service in the
Presbyterian church and tiie evening
service in the Methodist church. The
object of Dr. Solomon's coming Is to
Induce the people of the city to become
active In the work mapped out by the
Antf-Saloon League, of which he Is the
head. *
V/arm Dispensary Fight On.
Rpeelal to The Georgian.
Buena Vista, Ga.. Nov. 1.—There is a.
political tight onxhere. the issue being
dispensary -or no dispensary, which will
be. decided on next Wednesday;
Clothier Buys Valuable Lot
Special to The Georgian. • . '
Babibrldge, Ga., Nov. 1.—A real es
tate deal has been closed by which I*
C. Tooic, one of tin Inbridge’s leading
lothlng* man, b« •* the owner of the
ot on the coin*, if Broughton und
West streets. The sum paid for the
lot wipi $5,500, $1bo per front Coot. .Mr.
Tm»|e will begin af once the erection
of a handsome brick building of two
stories with plate glass and nmrblo
Pale Delicate Women and Girls.
Tny f >ld Standard. Grove’s
Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and
builds up the system. Hold by all
dealers for 37 yea re. ve 50 cent*.
• Deaths ahd Funerals.
H. A. Rollestone.
The funeral service* of H. A. Ralle-
stone were conducted at Ht. Phillips
t’athediT.1 Thumlay afternoon . 3
o’clock. The interment was at W •Mi
x' lew.
Mrs. Harriat Coreoran.
Mrs. Harriet’Corcoran died Wednes
day afternoon ut the residence of her
granddnughter. Mis. K, K. Cunnlng-
j ham, 78 Cnjdtol avenue. Funeral *erv-
1.—Josle(lc«s were conducted at It o'clock
SjM*4*lul to Till* <*IMUglslll.
Alt. Veroor, Ga
Kemp. *on of Kemp, uas bille.) i Thursday mnrnliw at the C’liuuh of the
v... .iv mil... .raui Immarulate •’o>H.pttun. the Key. IV-
WHSliinut.m, Xuv. l.-Su IndiBnant j b V :l 1' cart about six miles Wos*
Imlnnan J. M. Griggs, of the Dem
ocratic congressional committee, bc-
"Jiiwl «»f iypliold j cause Secretary Taft 1* going to Idaho
’ll lie. *
• lied of bright
•«l of heart din
r. njpil 75
ut L3 South
fraw»re<I leg ut (Irmly htinpliul.
i". I.. AmleriMMi. ng***| t month, i
Wlmlwir stnvl.
Henry S. Itmuluni. aged 1st years.
parulywiN al 5T.3 WtiUeliHll *tii*ot.
J. I.. .Sumter*. ayoil'.V? year*. ilh«|
< Tut 1**1 sireoi.
8UW— Hr. G. Trlea. i» IioOiiII warta.air
furnace al i.'f • a venae,
*125 Am*l.y A. Perris, t#» r.*...v.*r hr., one-
story fn>iuc ilwelllugs at -15 Foiires* are
*2‘.w>- Jo.* F. \ t. kery. to Imihl wn^story
frame dw.-IHus: til 7*1 > Hum strew.
l.VxW -Mr^. I.. II. ItouleK, !*» IiqIM
one-atory frame ilwelltuirs at l^»»8-3ll For-
>ut the Kepuldicun ticket that
he has jienned the fidlowing caustic
*T note with slncerest regret ttiut my
good friend. Secretary Taft, of this ad-
mlnlstniUoii. Ims been ordered to Idaho
to make speeches in behalf of the ad
ministration, which means he I* going
there for the purpose of advia’Ating
something rids administration Iius pop
ularly been supposed to doteut :utd ab
of this pluce, in .Montgomery county.
It seems that Afr. Kemp was tiding
the cart tongue and passed a hanging
limb over the t*MUl. which limb ho
tried to cut off with his knife. In his
efforts to hold and cut the limb It
pulled lUm from the tlml-ii* under the
wheel anil crushed his head, causing
Instant death.
there Tor the purpose of advocating rjn / <f>i^TrrtJ IV Un \XTT t
something rids administration bus pop- itM LlL L I -v 1:1 ^\A J A
Lovlck P. Pink»ton has opened an
office In r<*om* 7l«) and -711. Austell
building, for the purpose of recruiting
men for the I’nlted Htates marine
fruitm tlut-iUiitf
*».2» -Gif *rat»
age «t 25,'* N. Ibmli
Sim*. t«* r»*|>flb- lire •bn
York. So
With concussion
ft tin* Uiitn mid a possible float arc of
BY RA( 1 E IX Mri.)! 1 ** >ku}l >v *dth In* lacelveil In a c.»l-
— ; Upton lwtween a patrol wagon and ;*
Jamaica, L. 1., Nov, 1.—As a result j street cor. Policeman John J. Weller.
of Davy Johnson’* foolhardy net in run- jetiainplon all-round athlete «»f the <le-
ing the big sprinter through deep mud | (Kirtmetit, <11*1 (attrol duty f*»t 16 hours
with 148 |if.und* on hi* hack. In the ■’Anally collapsing and t* In n critical
Richmond handicap yesterdav. Rose- | comiltlon today in Bellevue hospital. *
benV off fore hoi,c spre.ol po badly - AVefier hvj* thrown from the wagon
that when ins|s*cted in his .;4tull early j Tuesday night al Forty-seventh street
tnluy he hobbled and limped.
build oui
dwi'Uitti* ax 142 lt.*ll *tr.*.*t,
.1. S. «';iinli»*r. to build fmum
f'nltim Realty
bidhi thr.*.* .*m*
rtf 2M 7 :# fl.-iyiii*- *
Impoo 4> incut
franii* dwell*
Church Call* Rev. Wood.
. irtl toTIi'* *o*.»rglni;.
Anniston. Ala.. Nov. !.- At a eongrv.
gatlututl meeting of the tllrn Addle
Buptlst church in fiti- city lust tiigaf.
IL H. Woud. of W
Hii»b»»{» |{i»t«4>;, i«» l»nlhl ouc-storr
in* •IsrelfliJU nt Auburn avenue. ^ «,» ivp.ilr tlm*.. .me*
\r frame flirellincw
*»— A. 4. Brownie**, t.» unir nml r..pair
fnom* dweRim ni |^i INt.'Hu
"In common with my Democratic
colleagues in the h<»Use of represent-
nlives, I have voted to uphold thl* ad
ministration und the president’s hnndn
In every effort he lias made to institute: corps,
real reforms. However, when he sends-
Ids best man into Idaho to assist hi*
administration, he is doing nothing ex-
cept Itelpfag to propagate the. Mormon
faith and. advocating 'the Mormon
church because the Mormon church is
the Republican i«rty «»f I’tnh and
ho. To thl* I enter my solemn pro
tect in behalf of the Democratic party
which Is opposed f«» the Alornion faith,
the Alomum church und Its polyga
mous practices and teachings.
"It may. however, be in line
with the president’s teaching* of the
Si-rtpturc V.hl.-Ii sa>s. '.Multiply uml WOMAN HELD TO DOOR. th* Mrth.’ nn.l If there l«j AND KEPT BURGLAR OUT.
any one thing that will best serve his *
purpose of antt-rar* suicide it is the' jo*., |»i to The Georgina.
Alornion church und It* teachings. , ! Anniston. Via Nov l —Alone «**
•nn* that Senator Hnmot will 1 Anm on ’ A,a ” * >0 '* A,one
111 be here for some six weeks,
and hopes to get a Im-gr^ number * % f
recruits. The marine corpa is said to
lie the niiHit attractive of the entire
service, and for this reason recruits
are more easily obtained.
• "We are only about. men short in
the service,” said Air. Pinkston, "and
we are, therefore, very careful of the
class of men recruited. We take men
k be tween the agy* of 19 and 35 which can
stand rite physical examination.”
I railed
'that he will accept.
It. Ihdlitu l. u» build rnutn
u rrer .if 7t W. line s»r**et.
(3*i*—Jitfm 11’. (tract, to make interior ntl
Rtieii m Great building, corn r Marietta
«n*I Lexington avenue. He thought he
hail received » slight lumip «*u the head
*q*1 went tatek t<* hU poMt. Twenty-|
four hours later he went t«» the station L.,,.,.
ami while lepoitlng that he felt ill, he i 4. Brownie**.'i„ ta.»ve nml i*.-pulrl ^1-** HI «•* Tb.* lic.*rgiii
d|r*>ppeU unconscious. !*»»•• .o.iry fnita** dw.ltliig m !_'l INtcriaj Ala***»n, «Ih.. Nov. 1.—-W. H. lanve, one
Til.. /ftwreiK my i, i* the drat Iliti-1 „ „ ' <»f the mmt prumlRrat f.t.TjK'ra uf »IIi!i
i i ■ i ^ ? h *L r . -yi-Tltnre thtit a man with j fral ’ tt ,. sw'.vjii.y rfiv.” ^ j .llnl iurtr thin muroliiK «r lihi hunt-on
1/ un.l. iHii»/II/Ueh Injuriy. was able to torep up fori j;j_- .4 ,• || a |„ wu . rai-ui.-r tore! th. i llutmi raail. IU u. ;; y.-ara of
’ fijm,.- .luolUug al Ilf PwMitiW orr/vt. ’ J at" und leuvn a. family.
not J"ou n J„l from n ""‘'and ' h ' llo “" w«*h her H-yrar-old dauth-
rvldeutly la a pan with hln and the 1 Ur, Mra. CJ. E. W. Robert/on, of Fourth
dl/rlplr/ of 111/ i liuri lu otherwlao this ’ /treat, was ftiren a Itad «caro last
ndmlnl/fration would not become l«*r-1 nlslit .tvhen tom unknown man en-
S '' " !dah ° " c " n * tcred Ate home. The man entered the
t$ hours.
front door and endeavored to onter the
room in which Mrs. Robertson and her
daughter were sitting. The woman
held to the door knoi>. however, and
while the daughter screamed tor help
the man endeavored to wrench it from
her grasp. Mr. Robertson and his son
returned suddenly from town at this
time .and tfw* man run. The neighbor-
Mr*. Florida Brown.
Hpcriul to Thi? Georgian.
Spartanburg, S. L\. Soy. l.-r-Mr*.
Florlde Brown, ulfe of Dr. J. R. Brown,
a well-known physician of this city,
died at her- home on South Liberty
street, early Wednesday morning, after
an operation for appendicitis, which
was performed on Tuesday.
• Infant of P. P. Purkins.
The infant of Mi*, and Afr*. I*. V. Par
kins died at the family residence, $7
Kirkwood avenue, Thursday morning
at 2 o’clock. The body will be Rent to
White Plains. Ga.. carl..’ Friday morn
ing for burial.
John D. Kirkwood.
John D. Kirkwood, aged 50 ye^rs,
died at his residence. 48 Dillon street,
Thursday morning at it o’cl-ojk. He
was a member of the Atlmuu haige. No.
14, Independent Order of ‘bid Fel
low*. mid also of Hie riomanehe tribe
of Red Men. The funeral services v.lll
bo conducted at tiie residence S.imlsy
morning at 10 o’clock. *
Miss Susie May Bentley, V
Alb* Susie Alai: Bant ley, aged 17
years, died at the residence of her pa-,
rents. M00 East Fair street, Thursday
morning ut 8 o’clock. The body will
be sent to Gray eon, Or- Friday morn
ing at 7:3o o’clock, where the funeral
will be conducted.
L«H titan one year aco placed on tha
market the nan’ BaliarJ Bifocal, giving
reading and walking vf.loa >ln one
frame and looking like one glee,. They
have proven the moat eucceeaful of atl
the - advertised tpvl/lblc . bifocalv.
Ground In a deep tone curve. gK’tn* a
large visual Held for reading «J wxl; a.
walEinu. Ther aro the moat perfect ar.J
iK-autlful glaaa Hold. Conault ut about
hood la eonaMrrably atlrred over' the j bifocal*. We hive them all. ’Suite*
bold Invaalon of the Hubert .on liome. I room. SI Peachtree, Atlanta. Oa.