Newspaper Page Text
The I urgent Modal event of the week
\\itn the afternoon tea at which .Mr#*.
DnvUI Woodwunl nml Mien Marion
Woodward entertained Thursday after
noon. Over two hundred Invitation*
were Inmted, and between the hour* of 5
and 7 the Woodward home prevented a
brilliant scene, with It* beautiful dec
orations forming an appropriate back
ground for tiie many smartly gowned
women who called.
In the spnclotiH room* palms and yel
low chrysanthemum* were used, the
(minis being massed at the bu*e of!
window* and mantel*, and great vu>e* I
of the chrysanthemum* ornamenting I position,
table* and cabinets. I xatliin of her
many a day. Tiie bride wu* gowned In
a gray colored cloth dress.
Tim bride is a daughter of Mr. and
.Mrs. il. iJ. Graves nml is u most pop*
ular young liuty. Tim groom is a son
of Mr. \V: A. Petty und is one of the
Decatur** most popular young business
Air. and Air*. Petty left on an after
noon train for a ten days* visit to St.
Louis and Kuimi* City.
All*, t'ox, national president of tiie
Colonial Dames, has Just appointed
Wilder, president of the Georgia
Society of Colonial Danas, chairman
of the Georgia committee to collect
denial relic* for tiie Jamestown Kx-
Wllder ha* the organi-
immlttee under i-onsld-
Receiving with Mr. amt Mrs. Wood- Ieratlort and will appoint member
ward were Mr*. George M. Brown, Mr*, the Dame* In various cities «*f the stute
\V. D. Kills, Afi>. Robert H. Mrmvn, ! to assist her.
Air*. Charle* S. Xorthen, Airs. T. H. I •
Lewi*. Mr*. R. 1). Hpnldlng. Mr*. Jlry- MI88 LYON ENTERTAINS
nn Oran*, MI»b (irare c'BHuwav. ill«H AT HALLOWEEN PARTY.
Kiln Mae Thornton. Miss Louise Hnw- ,i,>|i..htfni
kins, Mips Lull Cnllmvuy, Mis* Mlunrhe I 14K “'‘“ " p|l * ,,,rul
Canon nml Miss Ethel Kully. , Hullmreen 1'Uily ttcilnesiluy night
Ml**. Woodward was a ( harming htT home, in Simper
hostess In a gown of w hite embroider- Jimmtur.v to her sisi
ed mull, and Miss .Marlon Woodward, . ..... | h .. iu.ier>
who l« looking puit Icularly wall this n |r ,"j " """" n,e l “ Uel “
autumn, wore n becoming gown of pink
niessaline silk trimmed with lace.
Mrs. George Brown’s gown was u
handsome one of white chiffon trim
med with Clun.v luce.
Air*. W. D. Kills wore a beautiful
costume of white crepe de chine trim
med with lace.
Mis. Robt. II. Brown was gowned In
a smart milt of blue voile.
Airs, Charles Northeu
.Missionary Conference. There were
seven exquisitely decorated tables, pre
sided over by ladle* on the entertain
merit committee which was under the
direction of Airs. .Minor and Mrs. Pat
ton. Among those who acted a* hostess
es at the beautifully decorated table*
were Alia. Tench Coke, Air*. Thomas
Mettle, Mrs. Bourne, All** Jennie Jones,
Alls* Lucy Minor, Miss Maria Brown,
Mr*. George l^unbert. Air*. Charle*
Jordan, Ml** Langhorne, Mis* Purcell,
Mitchell. Mrs. Field, Air*. Fore
man. Alias Aciieson, Mrs. Lyman, Mis*
Anne William-, the .Misses Kee*. Tea.
coffee, sandwiches, cakes and bonbon*
were served at each table.
Mrs. H. M. Dunwody entertained her
card clul» Wednesday morning lit her
home on Coiirtinnd street. The
were won by Mrs. Luxton, Mrs. Hoke
and Mr*. Manry.
Tliose present were Mrs. Jesse Man
ly. .Mr*. J| K. Dunwody, Mr*. Al. F.
Dunwody, Mrs. I). A. Small, Mr*.
Gresham. Mr*. A. M. Eaton, Air*. Roh-
rt Hurry, Mm, Robert Sims. Mr*. Ar-
otnpii- I ininiiH Wright. Mrs. Alike Hoke, Air*.
.Mi** Esther' Pollanl, Mis. J. F. irtekln*on and Airs,
Mi-s. II. D. Spalding’* becoming toilet (guest
was of blue flowered silk trimmed with
Mrs. Bryan Grant was attractive In
lavender silk cIuImii utely fashioned
with Irish |*»lnt lace.
Miss Grace Callaway was smartly
gowned In a blue sill; with trimming*
of lace and velvet.
Miss Lula Callaway wore an especial
ly becoming yellow silk trimmed with
lace. '
Mis* Ella Mae Thornton was attract
ively gowned in white lace, the gown
trimmed with flounce* of the lace.
Ml** Louise Hawkins, who Is receiv
ing a corUittl welcome from her
A lurge number of young i»enplc were
piesciil and the affulr was greatly en
joyed. Fun reigned supreme through
out the evening, the guests participat
ing in various forms of umusement,
mainly of the .weird character peculiar
to Halloween. A feu lure of the even
ing was a grand march. In which
“witches,” ’’ghosts" and mortal* took
black | P*rt. It wifs after the midnight‘hour
when U»e fun dually ceased mid the
their departure
friends here, was jartlculaily pretty In
light blue silk with trimmings of lace.
Miss Blanche Carson was one of the
prettiest young women present, and
wore n blue prlncesse gown trimmed
with lace and velvet. 4 , „
Miss Ethel Kelly’s gown was of shell
pitik chiffon, especially well suited to
her pretty coloring. The gown Is fu*n-|
loned empire style nml hu
of white luce.’
cello. Fla., to Mr. Daniel Harvey Hill
Arnold, of Elkins. W. Va. The bride U i
the oldest daughter of Hon. James H..J
Denham nml Air*. Hansel! Denham. I
Blip Is n native of Month **||o and an-j
other lovely exemplification of the pos
sibilities of our little town to produce j
the highest type of her sex. The list j
of her friends and loved oil*!
the catalogue of tier persona
antes. Thv bridegroom Is a leal dent
of Elkins, \V. Va., a prominent member
of the legal fruternltv. He Is doubly
welcome to this Intensely Southern
eonimunity because of Hie illustrious
trimming I blood Hint flow* in his veins. A ueph-
j «‘\v of General Stonewall Jackson and
I a grandson of General D. H. lllll llnd*
THE NEEDLEWORK GUILO. often door i.i southern •Moiulcctio
,7 , success- »n.l »*rlnip* » welcome lineage to claim
One of Hie meet »-*«*! ami OicCew j , t b| ., (U . tSf um . m,,in>»*HAmh1«nd.
fdl feminine organUatlous nf .Ultima, Among the visitors attracted bv the
Is the Ne«tlleudrU Guild, a lucid branch wedding were: Mrs. NV. B. Derilmui.
of the national order, which Is doing, Miss Bessie Denham and Mi*s Ague*
„- rl% ii,. n , tvoi k in maiiv t itles of j Hopkins, of llulnbrldgc. Ga.; Airs. F. G.
*uch excellent Wo»k in .Bnrlleld. Cuthbcri, Go.: Air*. A*or Alar- vlu, Jacksonville. Flu.; Mr. ami Mrs.
John Denham, Tnllaltr
A pleasant event of Saturday even
ing \\ III be bird supper at w hich Mr.
and .Mrs. Julian Field will entertain
ut the Driving Club. Their guests
Include only'the women who comprise
the Order of Old Fashioned Women
and their husbands. •
Those win will he present are: Air
and .Mrs. Wiimer Moore, Mr. and Mrs
William II. Kiser. Mr. und Mrs. NV. D
ARNfil n nPNMAu ' Ellis. Jr., .Mr. and Air*. Robert i , oit*-
AHNOLD-DENHAM. 1 man. Mr. an«l Mrs. IMeston Arkwright.
. MontIcello added to the luster of her Ah . am , Henry Inman, Air. and
well-established fame fur brilliant wed-| Mih. .Moiri* Brandon. .Mr. and M
dings on Wednesday ♦ veiling, October j Robert F. Maddox and Airs. T. R.
24, In celebrating the manlus*‘ at Miss, Cobb.
Mary Ann.Hanseli Denham, of Monti- ; ANOTHER STATE CONVENTION
topax colored silk, will
trimmed with face.
Mrs. Pardee'* gown was of white
silk, embroidered und lace trimmed
' Miss Frances Carter and Afr. Lee
Jordan, whose wedding takes place on
the J4th of XovemlW, will be the
guests of honor at a dinner Friday
evening, to be given by some of Mr.
Jordan 7 * bachelor friends.
The board of managers of the Atlan
ta Chapter of the D. A. R. are re
quested to meet Huturday afternoon nt
3 o'clock at the residence of the chair
man, Airs. David Woodward, 1137*
Peachtree street.
Mr. anti Mrs, Harry English enter
tained at a small Halloween party on
Wednesday night ut their ,borne, oil
Peachtree. The house wan artistically
decorated for the occasion and much
merriment was caused b(' the typical
Halloween ceremonies. The affair w«»
small, but very enjoyable.
A pretty Halloween party wn* that
ut which Miss Elolse McLean enter-
tuined Thursday evening the members
of the H. A. H. ('lab. Miss McLean's
home was prettily decorated with au
tumn haves, pumpkin lantern*, and
quantities of chrysanthemums. The
dining table, from which a delicious
buffet supper was served, bad for Its
centerpiece a mound of fruit In the
autumn tints of red, yellow and brown.
In the drawing room punch was served
by All** Ruth Blair.
Those present were: Misses Edna
Blackman. Evelyn Warde. Kulu Han-1
cock. Pearl Jansen, Ruby Luwton, Ruth
iVlulr. Husle Walker. Messr*. Dan Huge. I
ver whiu
of Irish and
Mrs. Dickson's handsome costume
was of white chiffon cloth, trimmed
with point lace and taffeta.
Dr. and Mr*. McLeay's guests In
cluded: Air*. Alary Grant Dixon, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Elliott Miller. Mrs.
X. X. Gabor, Mr. and Mrs. Van Land-
Ingham. Air. and Mr*. John Hill, Afr.
and Mrs. Samuel Ilnwlett. Air. and Mrs.
W. R, JeimJson, Mr. and Airs. Charles
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgson, Mr. and
Airs. Edward Hayne*. Aft. and Airs.
Frank Hallett, Air. anil Mr*. Thomas
Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. <\ Dyetiey, Mr.
and Afr*. R, Y. Rage, Miss Louise Doo
ly, Mr. Hhepherd Bryan. Afr. L. Dalo,
Afr. Herbert Bilge and Mr. Eugene
Afr. R. O. Walters and Alls* Madeline
Hargrove were married Wednesday
evening ut the Methodist church at
Smyrna, Oa. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. O. L. Kelley, of Ac-
General and Mrs. Robert D. John
ston, of Birmingham, have Issued In
vitations to the marriage of their
daughter, Elisabeth Evans, to Mr. Max
well Rufus Berry, Jr., of Atlanta, on
the evening of Wednesday, November
14, at their home, 1721 Twelfth ave
nue, South, Birmingham, Ala.
Miss Johnston Is one of the most
attractive and charming young women
In Alabama society, and belongs to
one of the most prominent families In
the social anil political history of the.
South. Mr. Kerry Is a member of one
of Georgia’s well-known families, and
is himself ancceseful anti popular. Mr.
Berry and his bride will make tlielr
home at West End after their return
an extended trip.
Nashville society Is to have a new
The Atlnnta Guild lm* Just Issued a
catalogue which Includes the name* of
nearly a thousand members, with tbei
following officers:
Honorablo president. Mrs. W. R.
Hammond; president. Mrs. KtlWuril T.
Brown; secretary. Alls* M. A.|
Smith; treasurer. Mrs. John A. Mil-1
ler; section president*. Mr*. Julius
Alexander. Mrs. A. E. A. Allen. Mrs.
George L. Bell, Mr*, flyde Brooks, Mrs.
1). I. Carson. Miss Bessie Chandler.
Afr*. G. B. Denmun. Alls* Georgiu Dun
can’, Mrs. M. It. Emmons. All** Jennie
English. Ml** Lucy Harrison. Mrs. E.
G. McCabe. Mrs. Augustus AfcHun,
Mrs. John I.. Moore, Mrs. It. E. I’urk.
Mi*s. Hmltli Pickett, Mr*. Milton Binlth.
Airs. R. F. Watson. Miss Husle Weils,
Mrs. C. P. Wilson.
Among those entertaining for Mi**
Frances Carter, whose marriage to Mr.
Lee Jordon takes place the middle of
November, will be Miss Itollne Clarke,
Alls* M. A. Phelan and Mrs. Evelyn
Mrs. El more Harrison Goodhurt en
tertained her Bridge Club Thursday
afternoon. In honor of Mrs. Charles
Lennart), her guest. After the game,
which was a most enjoyable one, a but
luncheon was served.
The flint prlxo was a long silk scarf,
and the consolation wu* a pack of
cards. The club members Include: Mrs.
Edward Tompkln*. Mrs. Afark Tolbert.
Mrs. Will Rushton. Mrs. John Barry.
Mrs. Albert Collier, Mrs. Fred Patter
son, Alts. Edward Malone and Mrs.
Good hart.
Mr*. Charles !#e«»nurd, of Macon, win*
Is the guest of Mrs. E. 14. iSoiKliiart.
will be the guest of honor ut u theater
l»arty Thursday evening nt the Grand.
Mr. and Mr*. Daniel Ruden will be
the hosts and the guests will Incluth*
Airs. Leonard and Mr. and Mr*. E. II.
Tims and wife. Moultrie. Oa.; Air. Sam
I’jivo, Jr., Fansacolu; .Miss Muntlu
Hanstil. Mis* Sara llunsell, Miss Ma
rianne Watt. Miss Carrlo Jones, Can-
tain C. 1\ Hansell. Messrs. Will, John
and Charles Watt and J. B. Baker, alt
of Thomasville; All** Annie Payne, of
Way crus*. Ga.: Dr. James Pasco, of
Norfolk, Va.; Mr. It. H. Denham, of
Pensacola;' Mr. John Pasco, of Bain-
bridge. 1 tla.: Air. Thomas Arnold, of
Elkin*. W. Va. -MontIcello (Fin.I News
"n Friday evening. November 2. ut
x o’clock, the chorus of the Wesley Me
morial church will give a concert at
the church, corner of Auburn avenue
and Ivy street.
Besides the chorus of 30 voices, as
sisted by an orchestra of 12 pieces,
there will lu» male and brass quartets,
cornet solo, piano solo and humorous
The program follows:
Rich, Kilenberg—The Mill in the For
est. Idyll, tip. 52—Orchestra.
Fanning—The Bong of the Vikings—
Selected -Reading — Miss Margaret
Lily Ford.
T. II. Rollliison- llcurt ami Hund,
polka—Airs. A. W. Jones.
Selected —Brass quartet—Orchestra.
Rhclnberger—Night Hong—Chot us.
R. Wagner—(from Tannlmuscii—
Pilgrims Chorus—orchestra.
L. von lleethovtn—(from Mt. of ol-
Selected—Reading -v All** .Margaret
Lily Ford.
tt. Edward Bchult. Canoxonettu. |*.
SN; b, Benjamin Goddard—Valse Chro-
matique—Mrs. A.
iie stale convention or the-Daugl
s of the King will meet In Macon
November 1*» for a session of one
• only. The business sessions
held in the morning at 7:80 at
o'clock at St. Pauls church. In the
'he list j afternoon at I o'clock there will be a
ibraces i reception at the rectory of Christ
lUaint- j church, to which the ladles of both
churches are Invited, and ut evening
there will be a meeting for the public
at St. Pauls church.—Alucon News.
Mrs. J. T. Pope entertained at an
Informal dinner party Wednesday
evening at her home on Peachtree road
la honor of the Misses Payne, of An-
ders.’n. H. C„ the guests of ill.-* Annh*
Lott (Vtlller.
The table was prettily decorated with
white loses. The attests Included the
.Misses Payne. Mist? Collier, .Miss Ber
tha Donaldson. AIJss Alma Moore, Mr,
Carl Westdey, Mr. West. Mr. Hoyt. Mr.
Donaldson. Air. and Mrs. A. J. Collier.
Dr. and Mr*. T. J. Collier, Mrs. Collier
and Mrs. Evan*.
A violin recital by Edward R. Barn
hart will he given at the Georgia Mil-
Itai.v Academy Thursday night. Mr.
Hnrnhurt Is a recent addition to tlm
musical colony of Atlanta, having come
from one of tlu* large conservatories.
Among the number* on his program
for the recital ate Wlenlawskl's well-
known “Legend" and the “Houveitlr de
Haydn" of Leonunl.
The regular meeting of the board of
management of the Hurah McIntosh
chapter. Daughters of the American
Revolution, will be held Friday, No
vember 2, nt 11 a. in., in the parlors of
the Aragon hotel.
< 'orresponding Heereary.
Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Collier will enter
tain at an old-fashioned tacky party
Thursday evening at their home on
Peachtree road In honor of the Misses
Payne, the guests of Miss Annie I
I »!H 11 • OUnl" >\ «l I l\C I. .ill Hjfin. I '*111 | t f ,,,, i
W. R. MuHsenttolr. haw, LouIh | a n'< p,;Wu "'' , e »»clal dab. »a}-«<Thc
Chase, Norman Giles, Clifford Beales, j Nashville American, which will proba
bly be one of the chief factors In the
gayetles of the Inner circle. It ’
organised*' Haturday morning, and Is
named the “Dinner Bridge Club.**
Twelve young women constitute Its
membership. They will entertain the
club on Haturday evenings at their
homes, each hostess being privileged to
Invite as many gentlemen us she likes.
The first meeting will take place
about the middle of November 'with
Miss Ells** Lipscomb, who will enter
tain complimentary to Miss Blanche
Carson and Miss Martha Whitman, At
lanta belle*, whose presence will add
greatly to the November gayetles. They
will be Alisa Lipscomb's guests for sev
eral weeks.
Miss Lipscomb was elected unani
mously tlu* president of the club, and
Miss Ellxnbelh Dallas was made vice
president. The following are the addi
tional members: Miss Marina V/, Bell.
Misses Jam* and Mary Tillman. Alls*
Bessie Duke, Miss Hhirley Cummins,
Miss Mary Cheatham, Miss Anne Rich
ardson. Miss Gertrude Whitworth, Mis*.
Minnie Fall and Alls* Bessie Dunbar.
The new* club promises to lead the
gayetles of the winter much In the
essful way that belonged to
Special to The Georgia*.
Mtlledgcvlllo. Ga., Nov. L—A double
man luge of imA'h Interest that will
occur here on next Wednesday evening,
November 7, ut the Presbyterian
church. Is that of All** Louise Ilen-
. Boatman j rietta Case to Mr. Linton Fowler ami
A. pnrk—Po* Little Lamb—W. H. J Miss Annie nteba Cato to Mr. Lewis
Lowe, tenor; D. K. Hbumaker, tenor; J.! Flcmlster. The Misses Cu«e arc the
A. Kellogg, baritone; A. A. Alon-rtl. i only daughter* of Airs. (Bella Case and
basso. are young women of (harming person-
Uounotl - (fmtu “Faust")-—The Sol- ; alittr* and are highly accomplished.
diet** Ciiotu*—(by reuest)—Chorus. ,
SOUTHERN BISH0P8. j A j r atl( | Airs. David Kauffman and
A number of delightful social cour- [ A | r ani j A j,.
Xtended the bi*ho|*t tint! j j M . at home to
X|H*<-lAl to Til** Georgian.
Decatur. Ala.. Nov. I.—Ml** Alice
Graves and Mr. Graves Petty, both *»f
this city, were married tit 1:3»» o'clock
yesterduy ■afternoon at the home of tlu*
bride’s iwrent*. on Cnne street. The
wedding ceremony wu« |»erformed I»”IH
the Rev. Dr. George E. Boyd, presiding [ and Mr
elder of the Decatuc dlstlict of '
Alethodlfct Eplpcoiml Church H mth.
The relatives of tic* hi Me und gl
and only a few- invited n lends \
present. The wedding match
played by All** Edna l.«*e. The xi
tllng was one of the prettiest In
wedding* ult»e*M»d l:i tlu- Dtn.iturs
(siting ti»*rg>* at Asheville, N. C„ dur
ing the recent Kpi*copal Missionary
Conference held In that city.
The Rev. Dr. Hwope entertulned tlu*
bishop* and visiting delegate* ut a
luncheon on Friday at the rectory In
Biltmore. Later in the afternoon the
guest* were driven over the Biltmor*
estate and were entertained by .Mr,
Vanderbilt nt n 5
i dinner to tlu* hDhops in
November (.
Tlu* Young Women’s Christian Asso
ciation offers to all teachers of the In
ternational HttnUav school lessons, the
advantage of a class every Friday ut 4
p. in., at the Y. W. c. a. room In
I Htelner-Emery building,
j The class will be taught by Dr. flow*
I.1111I. of Bit* Atlanta Theological Semi
Guy Brush and Roy Cnrleton.
Mr.’ and Mrs, Kurt .Mueller enter
tained Wednesday evening in honor of
Misses Scott, Caldwell, Allen, Harris
and Mr. Paul Donehoo, upon the oc
casion of Halloween flight. The affair
was delightfully informal and was en
joyed to the fullest by everyone prev
ent. • A nunfber of Interesting games
were played, and delicious refreshment*
were served. Much enjoyment wu*
added to the occasion by the playing
of Mr. Mueller, \vlu» rendered several
piano selections most artistically.
The friends of Miss Annie Hal! and
Allss Edwina Bel)re will be Interested
t<4 learn that they have opened a most
attractive studio In the I^iwndes build
ing. and have entered with a line equip
ment of enthusiasm und efficiency upon
professional careers. These talented
young women are an acquisition to
musical circles here, nml their real-
deuce abroad has given them u most | same
Intelestlng insight into the student life
of such titles as Berlin and Vienna.
In Vienna they studied under I he world
renowned Lcsehetixky. of whose per
sonality and methods they tell many
Interesting anecdotes. When asked
the privilege of studying under the
master Is obtained. Allss Halt said: “It
Is, of course, necessary to take lesson*
for a long time from one of bis assist
ant*, of whom there are 10 or 12, all
living Hnd teaching nt their private
homes there In Vienna instead of In a
school, us you would suppose. After
the student 1ms attained what the ug-
sistant considers sufficient excellence,
Ids name Is given to The
agony of preparation for one’s lirst
lesson with the master then begin*.
The student prepares to play for him
several compositions, which must bo
perfectly rendered, with respect
I in l« i ii«*. expression, etc. And one of
: eccentricities Is that he required
any pupil whom he Interrupts In the
midst of n rendition, for reproval or for
a little chat, to be able to resume play
ing exactly where the Interruption oc
curred, even to the vary next note."
•Yet. despite the dreadful Image of
him which the frightened student con
jures up during those dreadful weeks
of nntlcipatlbn," said Miss Retire,
iie is, after all, a genial and lovable
man. He I*, of course, entirely arbl-
when It comes to the length of
the lesson. This occupies un hour, two
hours or three, or perhaps It does not
last thirty minutes. It till depends on
hethcr lie Is bored or Interested."
Alls* Hull and Alls* Hehre will In
stitute a series of studio teas, which
will be given every threo or four weeks.
The first of the series will be given
Haturday afternoon, and their guests
at this tea will be: Airs. Robert Zalmer,
Mrs. Hamilton Douglas, Mrs. Hugh
McKee, Mr*. Ralph Van I^indinglinm,
Airs. George Noble. Alias Mildred No
ble, All** Mary Glide, Alls* Estelle
Htewurt, Mrs. Amm Edmunds. #
When you buy :i watch you certainly expect accurate time; hut
that i* not all. You also wish the latest style, most modern liniMh
ami artistic dosiirn. Ihiy a watch trout us and you are sure of all
these qualities at the most reasonable price.
Turner guv*
i he evening.
An elaborate and iMMUtiful reteptl-
was held at th*» Alamo last Thurxdu. ,
nftern.s.n In I - nt the blsh..|is, \ Is- i Invitation* have been Issued to the
itinar etciavnien and ollieisMvho utie I \mirilatti* of Ale, William K. Dudley, o.
lit the ilty atletidlna the Ki.isi.ipul Sandeisvllle. Oa.. to Mis* Edna Dick-
f Wnjnesboro, which will tak<
[ I .lore November It at Waynesboro
j Mr. and All*. Edward T. Brown eq-
; let-talced Wednesday evening at u tle-
i Ilghtruliy Informal dinner, compliment
ary to Judge und Mrs. fkm Pardee, who
leave in a few days for a prolonged
stay ut New Orleans. Yellow chrysan
themum* ami autumn fruit* formed the
i.« autifal laid.* decoration*. In conjunc
tion with candelabra with umber-col-
ored *hades and bonbon* in yellow*
Air*. Brown wm« u Imndaoine toilet
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. AlcLcny gave onr
of the most artistic und picturesque
of the inuny attractive Halloween card
parties Wednesday evening at their
apartment at the Ely*ee, compliment
ary to Air*. William Dickson. The
apartment, which Is finished In green
and mahogany, was prettily decorated
with yellow chrysanthemums and lux
uriant palms and ferns. Throughout
the handsome rooms the weird devices
sacred to the Halloween season were
In evidence, liobgobbllns und Jaek-o'-
Lamerns occupying every point of van
tage in the elaborate decorations.
A large yellow aputi candy banket,
with handle lied with green tulle and
tilled with yellow spun candy Iwill*.
formed the centerpiece on the table In
the dining room, while the bonbon* and
other table accessories were in rich
yellow tint*, ♦’andelabta. wltti yel
low shaded candles, were placed In
many imrts of the room. A hot sup-
per, followed by Ices in the form of
pumpkin*, and cake* in crescent slinpe,
was served after the game of cards, a
large pumpkin, filled with appropriate
souvenirs, was one of the pretty fea
ture* of the evening, each guest draw.
! ing a gift therefrom amid much plea*.
' limbi'* excitement.
The -idle** prize, a gold-framed opera
bag. was won by Mrs. Frank Pearson;
the gentlemen* prise, a silver card
case, became Air. Ralph Van Lamllng-
i hum’*, and the consolation prlxe, a
grotesque gohhlin. was won by Air.
Tom Weaver.
Alia. Alcluttv won* a beautiful toilet
the old Dinner Club, which went out
of existence several years ago with the
marriage of most of Its members.
(Richard Le Galllenne In November
Smart Hot.)
The whole world is proverbially mild
to love a lover. Like most proverbial
statements, this one Is exceedingly
open to question. In fact, all the evi
dence seems flatly the other w
what data, one wonders, did the old
proverb-maker base his dictum ? Sure
ly not on the great love stories. The
world, with Its appetite for vicarious
excitement, likes well enough to watch
the tingle spectacle of a great passion.
Incapable of great feeling Itself,
thrills to the drama of them In other*.
It even applauds their lawlessness, nnd
canonizes their audacity. All the same.
It will not raise a linger to help while
the story Is in the making: but, on
the contrary, does everything in its
power to persecute and Impede, The
moment Romeo and Juliet are safely
dead in each other’s arms, the world
Is voluble with its sympathy—but not
till It Is quite sure thut Its sympathy
can bo of no possible service to the
lovers. While sympathy would lm of
some use. the world—which Is the em
bodied cowardice and cant of humanity
—stands Arm with Afontague nnd Cap-
ulct, seniors. If the lovers win. well
and good. No has ever denied that the
world loves success—though It has al
ways Consistently done Its worst to
prevent it. Ye*, the world love* suc
cessful love, ns It fawns on anything
tlmt has conquered it. It loves also
pity that costs It nothing. But that It
loves u lover, for love of love, Is simply
not true. If It worn true, there would
probably have been no love stories, for
the drama_of love has mostly come of
the conflicts between the lover* nnd
the world. They had to count the
world well lost to win each other. It
was so In the day* of Tileetan and
Iseult. and so It still Is In the days of
Rudolph of Bavaria.
are three distinct qualities of
Nunnally s Candy.
Every piece embodies them
all to a really remarkable
Your close Inspection of my artistic stock will convince you It
is one of the handsomest and most carefully selected In the city.
My claim of lielng “The Only Popular Priced Jewelry Store."
doc* not mean light or cheap goods. f, lr m y gtock is replete with
the latest productions of the leading manufacturers of this and
European countries.
Come and he convinced!
Two Phases of the Bracelet Question.
One is that the feminine fashion of short sleeres makes bracelets
an essential and that all women arc wearing them.
The other Is a natural sequence—that we arc selling rapidly from
a beautiful collection of most artistic styles.
Davis & Freeman,
Personal Mention
Blanche Far*on will leave In u few
day* for Xaxhville. where they will b<»
the guest* of Mltu* Kl'se Lipscomb.
and Mrs. Fred M. Kaufman arc
home from their bridal trip and will
be with Mr. and Mr*. David Kaufman,
at 371 Mouth Pryor *treet.
Airs. J. K. Ottley will be the gpest of
Mrs. Walter D. istmur during the
meeting of the State Federation of Wo
men'* tiuhrt at Macon.
Miss Luellu Aliilsby leaves Friday for
New Turk. wiiet« she will spend the
Winter as the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Joseph Johnson.
Air. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson, after
nn absence of several month* from the
city, have returned nnd are now* ut the
Aragon *hotel.
Mrs. John Bradley and Miss Edith
Bradley are spending the winter In At
lanta. They returned from Asheville a
few days ago.
Miss (’(instance Knowles ha* return
ed from New York. Mrs. Knmvio* and
Ml** Knowles are ut home at 27 Hunt
Third street.
Alls* Irene Beaumont w ill return next
week from New York, where she has
been visiting friends for the past
Air. and Mrs. Richard Fox, nt Knox
ville, who were the guests of Air*.
James Dickey, have returned to their
Mis* Jessie McGregor has returned
to her home at Athens, after spending*
two week* with Allss Roberta Zach
Alls* Marian Woodward will leave
next Wednesday for New York, where
she will spend two weeks with friends.
Charles Leonard, who I* the
guest of Air*. K. II. Ooodhart. will re
turn to her home In Alucon Saturday.
Atlanta, On. 501 Austell Bldg.
Office Hour*, 9 to 11:10-1:30 to 6 •
It. Phone Main 1948.
Residence 220 Peachtree. B Main
Phono *179.
Ain Jar nipl Mrs. James Dawes have
returned from Milwaukee, where they
n|«ni the month of October. They
have taken possession of their attract
ive upnrtment at the Savoy.
Alls* Hnllie Ellis Is spending the
month of November In New York. She
Is with Air. and Mrs. Vassal* Woolley,
who are Miwndlng the winter with Mr.
nnd Alls. Webster Davis.
Air. and Airs. \V. J. Blalock are s|>end-
lug this week In Chicago. Upon their
return to Atlanta they will take pos
session of their pretty new home on
Piedmont avenue.
All** Afinnle Futral nnd Mrs. W. If.
Bolton, of Griffin, arrived Thursday to
he the guests for several days of Miss
Daisy Oxford, at her bynie on Pulliam
All** Xevab Straughn entertained
Alls* Viola Boyer, of Savannah, lost
night with a Halloween party at her
residence. No. 338 West Peachtree
Mrs. Robert Leo Cooney, who Is visit
ing her father nnd mother. Colonel and
Airs. M. II. Alecks, will return to At
lanta In a few days.—Nashville Ameri-
Alurilia Whitman
The tinest in the world. -10,000 rolls to pick from.
WHITE WALL PAPER CO., 69 N. Pryor Street.
turn to h,r horn.
Mir. Kr.thorlnr Jrlkr liar returned to
h.r bom. al RufnuUh Ala., after a «hort
visit to her aunt. Mr». C. tY Hanson.
and Mrs. Clarke Cose are the
guest, of Mr. and Str.. Oeorge D. Cose
at Mllledgsville.
Mrs. \V. A. McOratv ha. gone to
Asheville, N. C.. where site will .pend
the winter.
The friends of Mr. T. 8. Lewi, will
regret to learn that ills condition Is
not Improved.
Ml.s Lucy Gartrell I. visiting her
sunt, Mrs. W. H. Moore, at Montgom
ery, Ala.
Ml.* Hattie OiT, who 1. Ill at her
home, on Peachtree street. I* much
Ml.s Carp Hutchins spent a few day*
during the week with friend* In Ath
Miss Lottie Peck Wylie leave* Sat
urday for Montgomery, to visit rela
Sir*. Harry c. McPadilen Is the guest
of Sirs. John E. Wadlev at Waycros*.
Sir*. K. Y. Clarke, who has been
quite III. Is very much Improved.
Mrs. Hulidi Van Landlngham has re-
■overed from her recent Illness.
Mr*. Uevrle* Davis Is visiting Sir*.
T. o. Chentney at Macon.
H. Jackson are In
Mr*. L. Heard Is visiting In Mobile.
Sir. Ivan Allen Is In New York.
t#*r, Mr*. II. A. Cnrlrher*.
Mm. (IIIhmmi, widow of the late Dr. J. O.
ftifton, %
, Hterci
Iwvler, — . , -
gileved *t the announcement of Ilia death
taut HiiuiUy morning.
recovered to All bin appointment here Him-
'NVl** IVIlie Nteren* wan visiting In Carl
ton FUlitli) J.
MIhh Allnule Collin*, of Athene. I* tli«
gitcet of her grandparents, Mr. and Mr*.
A. F. Brown.
Mr*. Iiln Howard rUttcd friend* here re-
AlHwn. F. D. Ptnith. Obe Stereos. C. W.
Etierhnrd?. Toonth* Power, und lllll werp
visitor* to Athene h»*t week.
Mover*. B. L. nnd r. P. GnoUhy were vis
iting relative* here Hunday.
Air. Worrlck. of Pavnnnah. m*de a brief
visit here recently.
At the meeting of the Woman'* Mission-
nr.v Society Sunday afternoon the princi
pal feature wn* * ~
VER. ,
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg.
The Mi**e* Mendenhall, who have lieen
vlnltlug their jdster, Alt*. II. A. Cnritheni,
have returned to tlielr home iu Atlanta.
Mis* Jurell Smith Is attending the in
to Winder Haturday. after a two weeka'
•tar In Atlanta and Norcrn**.
K. D. Wiley, of Monroe, spent Holiday lu
Ml** Annie Ilord ha* returned home, after
a \ tolt to relative* *ln Atlanta.
Mr*. H. T. Ho** I* vhitlng relative* In
1,. W. Amtell left Friday for Pltcgcrald.
He will Im* gone unlit Christina*.
MU* Ilttth Furl then*, who la lit wlnnd
nt l.ucy Cobb, *|H'iit the week-end with
her parent*.