Newspaper Page Text
TVKI.XK8I.AT. octobkb a. »>v n
Thess Prices
Will at least make
you sit up and taks
notice. fliW are
Specials for Friday and
4711 Soap, - - - 10c
Witch Hazel, quart, - 25c
20 Mule Team Borax, lb. 9c
Lyon's Tooth Powder, 15c
prank Edmondson
& Bro.,
14 South Broad.
Druggists of Quality.
After a fair trial uml a hard-fought «1«*
f**u*e, Alex Walker, the flrat tried of the
negroes who were In the molt which killed
rowdy Polheinmi Heanl in South Atlanta
Septetnlier -4. wan found guilty of murder
by a superior court Jury hile Wednesday af
ternoon after comparatively short ilelfiien
tIon. The jury recommended merry, ami
Judge Uoaii, acting on this, Immediately
sentenced the negro (<> life Imprisonment
snd certified to a motion for a new trial to
he heard in about two weeks.
The entire Jive hours allowed hy the court
for argumeut were consumed and it was
nearly 3 o’clock wkfu Judge Itoun hegnu
his charge. J. 1). Kilpatrick, who spoke
for the defense, claimed that the negroes
who shot Heard were afraid—whether or
not their fear was Justified—that they were
»<-sr»H| «f a In6b which. It hail heeu report
Freights Collide Rear
End Caboose Is
Special to The Georgian.
Macon. Ga., Xov. 1.—A rear-end collision
occurred here this morning on the Central
railroad bridge over the Ormulgec river, be.
tween freight trains No. 95 and No. 37,
from Savannah. .
Train No. 95 was In charge of Engineer
Wagner. Conductor Jones had arrived lu
the yard and was standing on the bridge.
Train No. 37 was in charge of Engineer
Carr and Conductor Tmesdalc.
Engine 1074. pulling No. 37. was consid
erably damaged, while the cjiImxxh? on No.
95 was demolished and tiurued up. No one
was hurt.
The wreck occurred a* 8:45. directly on
the river bridge.
Our display of Heating Stoves is undoubtedly the latgest and most complete ever shown under one
roof in the City of Atlanta. It includes gjl of the best makes, such as Estate Oak, King Oak,
Vortex Hot Blast and Queen Oak. This great^assortment of stoves enables the purchaser to compare
the various lines .side by side. Another advantage is this, that if you have a preference for any partic
ular style of stove you will find it here. You are not confined in your selection to one or two makes
but are enabled to choose from a line of the greatest stove manufacturers.
In the accompanying illustrations we show some attractive bargains in high class stoves, any one
of which may be had at exactly the same price as advertised, and no effort will be made by our sales
people to sell you something else.
Much Feeling Continues Be
tween Cuban Liberals
and Moderates.
ivmJiJg to UmwiiMvIlk*. ami tbnt
wIiimi they saw the squad of im*u coming on
fool they did uot realize that they were
••unity jHillce.
Tin? (*u§e* will be carried first- In the state
supreme court ami if the decision of the
luw *r court la not reversed •».* modified
>m* lawyers for the negroes will take the
ratter to the supreme court of the ('tilted
Si 1 tea.
All of the witnesses In the canes con
nected with the killing of Mr. Heard
have been excused until they get fur
ther notification from tho court. Ths
evidence In the cases of some 15 or JO
«»f the other prisoners Is identical with
that introduced In the Walker case
and the defense will be along the same
lines. For this reason the trim of these
remaining ruses will be put off until
after the argument for n new trial In
file Walker case.
Havana, Xov. 1.—The American
onimanding officer at 8oledad, near
Olenfuegos, reports another assembly
of armed men at OJo de A gun, and says
be fears trouble. There is a strong
undercurrent of feeling between the
Liberals and Moderates.
A lieutenant of police has been mur
dered by a drunken man at Clenfucgos.
Mr. TerriII, formerly auditor for the
government, has arrived here to exam
ine all the government departments.
Governor Magoon hopes they will be In
fairly good order and thinks It advls-
able that their precise condition at the
beginning of the provisional govern
ment should be determined.
Demtrio Castillo, former governor of
Santiago province, has been appointed
to succeed General Rafael Montalvo as
warden of the penitentiary.
The transport Summer arrived here
today. Mrs. Bell, wife of Brigadier
General Bell, was a passenger. The
Sumner brought supplies for the quar
termaster's department and five war
With steel drum for soft coal,
hard coal or wood, with Jointless
round ash pit. Priced from
>18.00 to $45.00
0. K. ROMEO.
ining Roe
ornamented swing top, handsome 'design,
changeable to wood stove by removing one end
chunk; drop front fend door, carved feet, draft
.slide In drop feed door, end fire door for wood.
Priced >5.00 and $8.00
With perfect combustion air chamber fire bowl. Air
tight construction. Will hold fire over night. Thoroughly
modern and distinctive In construction, design and ap
pearance. Priced from $11.00 to t. $20.00
Xccordlmr t«» \f\7.
Mrs. Parker
Offers Proof
Evidence in Famous Divorce
('asc May All Be
That Herring’s
Catarrh Cure
Pittsburg, Pa., Xov. 1.—The evidence
In the Hartje divorce case and the
Hooe perjury case will all be re-heard.
If the plans of Mrs. Hartje's counsel
arc carried out.
A conspiracy charge lias been en
tered against Augustus Hartje, the mil
lionaire paper manufacturer, his broth
er-in-law, John Welsons, and the negro,
coachman. Clifford Hooe.
They will be arraigned next week.
Nothing better for the bath room or
up arc bed room—our “GEM" Oil
Heater; very economical and no
trouble to attend. Priced
$4.50 to $9.00
The Vortex Hot Blast
Coal Stove.
8oft Coal. Hard Coal, Cruahad Coke,
Wood or Lighter Fual.
The Vortex itovn are nbxotutely
air-tight and guaranteed to remain
air-tight. They have u lurgor po»t-
tlvc riuliatlnir mirfara than any
other move*, which with the alr-
tlKlit conatruction. giving imrfrct
control over the Arc, throw* all the
heat Into the room*. No need to
price until you select a *lxe.
Nickel trimmed, for coal or wood, and
a beauty for the price; >6.50 to. .$10 00'
According to size.
In the market at tb
price. We make these stoves with coll for host
ing pressure boiler for bath.
May be worth thousands to you In one winter. The little
fellows are very precious, you know. $1.50 will get a good
Are screen.
HI- dal to Tli* Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenu., Xov. 1.—Nellie Neal,
a pretty girl. Is In a serlona condition as
“ rault of being suffocated lit
So Easy a Child Can
Use It.
Te the Public: I have been a confirm**
[■ v *hd for »lx years fraru catarrh of ‘be
n»ad. natal passages and stomach,
^ghsd incessantly, could not sleep
,# lt that my «ln>K were numbered.
n '>' ilster ard troths. dfeJ from tide
'errtble disease. I spent most of m
In bed, and was only able to fcee,
" '*■ by sheer will rower. I had
_ . ... r*»
• annoying tickling tu my thro
all tb
* using me to cough
•’ *• Weak end nervous anu in a ni
; ''frlble condition. I have bean trea'ed
• v . specialta:* for years and* have
i»keu svsry thing reromniemled. *»'-t
‘"'thing ever benefited mo until I t*;g*n
1 now r radically well, after ha vine
u»ken two bottles of this great remadv.
1 eat ami steep Well stnl* nay cough ••
*• ne. My improvement Ins been re-
;' c ‘ly marvellous and I want everybody
; ’ know of tbN great Gotf-Send to *uf-
•••‘Sf humanity. Gratefully.
Poplar lltreet. Atu
At All Drug Mores,
$U)0 a Bottle.
which burned n Nurd lug lionoe In 8t.
Alter the volunteer fire depart men t had
deluged the bouse with water. It was sue-
K tiled that the girl might not hare com-
out Going to her room upstairs, she wns
rescued. •
The plain cast, from 40c to
Brass, very fine, from $7.50 to
A very large line to select from
prices arc extremely low.
. $6.00
and the *
From $5 to $12
Plain Vases hut beautifully
designed, from >1.75 to. .$6.00
Brass Vases, very beautiful,
from $10.00 to ..$15,00
There Is nothin# more con
venient or more economical,
and the cooking will equal
a gas stove any day. Many
sizes; from >4.50 to .. 59.00
•Many different «tyle* and rle-
Hlgn*; nil the way from 51.50
We have aomethlng very-
nice at- either price.
Something very tine In Bra**
Fire fteta; nonie big bargain*;
5«.r,0 to ..$12.50
Many things that are of need to you we have not illustrated above—such as spark guards—they
are very essential to all households and we sell them for only $1.00. Th^n the Coal Hod is an article
that must be had—we have them all the way from 25c to $8.00; of course after you get above 50 cents
the brass goods come in, and you know that they will last a life time—
Possibly you may need a Stove Fender—we have all 4 C/1 ^ 7 f\(\
sizes and priced from ......... 1U iff
A pien was set *»n fool Wednesday j
lilglit for the erection of a beautiful I
>75,0uu lionia by the local Knights of i
Pj t (liar.
The movement Is being le aded by I
Georgia L»»dg® Xo. 153, K. of I*. The)
following committee from 11:1* lodge J
was appointed to urge upon tl»e otherI
seven l»n1geM the neor-e«lt> and the need
*t such u homer ••grid* Kynw, chair-
“ an,
We are prepared to serve you in a nice manner on all heating propositions and your orders*will
get very prompt attention—
mint: Xci.ton R Thorn**, W". J. Guv
l',.*tri B. Vary iiml \V. \V. Durham.
Tlicic arc between 2,5'M and 3.ft»n I
Pythian* In Atlanta, and It I, felt that|
tile ral.'InB "f aufllclcnt fund* fi.r the j
con«tr*n-t!iin t-f the building ran 1— nc-
gonipllahcd eaiily iu a ahull lima.