Newspaper Page Text
Mens General Wear Shoes.
Nothing more practical for
all around wear is on the
market today than our
. men.
No. ~;jl; This model is a
(inn Metal Leather—very
popular and of*splendid
wearing quality. It is a
conservative style on tine
lines. Swing last, medium
toe. Price,
A score of other styles, all
new and good, are hjre.
We’re sure to have just
what you want.
If Out of Town Write for
WITH HER $500,000 JE WELS\
Beth Telephones.
25 Whitehall St.
A Splendid Company.
nr In the American theatrical
Ifirmament always has a better sup-
mrtlnir company than Miss Amelia
|Bingham. “Her own company" is
iomethlng more than an empty phrase
■with this superb actress. She rerojy-
|nlxe* more clearly thaA anyone else
value of surrounding herself with
|mpah!e people.
e who went to the Grand Thtirs-
pnlng saw n talented actress, a
■magnificent supporting company and
[adequate stage settings, byt a very
vehicle for such a company In
Ulftc Room." Even In the hands
Kiar of first magnitude and a com-
splendidly balanced. “The Lilac
i" left n feeling of dissatisfaction.
Inconceivable what it would be
with an Inferior cast.
role of the American girl In an
[English home does not fit the robust
land tragic power of the woman who
■made "A Modern Magdalen" live,' in
■the memory of theatergoers. Miss Ring*
■ham Is not p^JIte. She Is a big,'strong,
[virile woman, made for big, strong,
I'lrile parts. Emily Painter In “The
Room" Is an Ingenue roja, ^and
Bingham has none of the quail-
■ihuti-.ns for such a part.
<»ne loses sight of the Inade-
vehlcte In the splendid work of
umpany. One Incongruous note
■thrusts itself Into the work of the au-
■ilnm it i* Inconceivable that a dainty
■lovable youpg maiden as portrayed by
.Jessl$. Glendepning could flud
[aught to admire In a milk and water
reatlun such as the young English cu-
.loseph Mann made the best of
»le ntf Rev. Aubrey Wasshe, but
I it the best It la a buffoon’s part as cre-
■iited. Better far had she cast her heart
lit the feet of the villain, at least a flesh
|.<nd blood tnan.
To purticularige the support would
Pk* to mention each Individual member.
|Rut the work of Frederick Tyler as
■''aptJtjn Austin Philipaon-Wlngate;
|Kred Powell as Sir Kthelrod. the Ir-
grandfather; Gertrude Au*
■tuarde ns Blokaom, the maid In terror
It the ghost of the lilac room, ami
|flnal!y w. E. Bonney In the thankless
r"le of flip villain, could not be better.
The scenic effects were admirable,
h* old English home with Its leaky
■of in the first act presents opportuni
stic for some splendid comedy work.
ITlit* story Is simple. Emily Painter, an
■American girl, goes to England to visit.
|Thev«' she makes dramatic entrance
■through a window, hurled from a dog
■<'*rt in mud career.
Riie foils the villain In his attempt to
"n. the sweet young English girl to
|*Td him, ensnares Captain Wingate In
1 ui'M’* net, and “everybody lives happy
it* Lilac Room” will be produced
■rriday and Saturday evening and Sat-
I unlay matinee. J. C. R.
"Dorothy Vernon.”
The emphatic triumph which slg-
Personal Mention
■ftaiizri the tv»- Arance of Miss Laura
|Run vnd U Stanford in Ernest
tdimV tlful production of
"thy V. ( of Huddon Hall,” has
fully ined In the subsequent
»i mum t-«» and bids fair to b« re-
■leaieij in tiii« city when they appear at
Grand on Monday and Tuesday
with a Tuesday matinee. - Give
’"ar stage, we carry everything."
_ order given local Manager De-
l l,, ve. Scenery, costumes, armor, fur-
. swords, quaint old chests, can-
■u^iabt r, ami coach—eyerything requir-
■* * hi the production has been provided
a <-*t bf 920,000.
Annie Russell ae “Puc.”
\nnio Russell and a company of
i-T Mayers, direct from the A*** 01 ’ The-
New York, where the favorite
ml the honor to be the Inaugural
8hrucri«»fi, comes to the Grand Wed-
end Thursday nights, with a
matin^iv on Thursday, appearing as
in a noteworthy production of
• nak< scare's most exquisite comedy,
.Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
Rum Men's appearance In the
_ Wer of “Puck,” uo entirely dlffer-
from the usual conception of an
Annin Russell part," caused an unusu-
unt of comment along Broud-
it is the first time In this coun-
/> that «n established star has ap-
"Puck,” but the loving mock-
T) ; m«l flush tricks of this household
present unique possibilities and
Mrs. Edward Brown entertained the
Art Study Club Friday morning at her
Ir. and Mrs. H. T. Huff and Miss
Jessie Little, of Rattle Hflf, left Friday
for n visit to relatives in Alabama.
The many friends of Mrs. Mitchell
Horner will be grieved to know that
she Is ill at her home, on Peachtree
Mrs. Joseph Thompson Is expected to
return Haturday from New York,
where she has been the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick Calhoun. Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson will be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Horror during No
Mrs. J. If. Monerief has returned to
her home at Greensboro, Go., after a
visit of several weeks In Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Uttle have re
turtled from a visit to relatives at
Heflin, ' Ala.
Miss Mary B. Neal will return to
night from a visit to her cousin. Miss
Phillips, in Atlanta, during which she
has been charmingly entertained. Miss
Isabelle Thomas gave a bridge lunch
eon for her yesterday.—Nashville Ban
The friends of Mrs. W. E. Wtimer-
ding will regret to learn that she
quite indisposed.
Mrs. M. L. Freeman and Mrs. David,
son are the guests of Mrs. George Tim
merman, at Augusta.
The Name That Guarantees Highest Shoe Quality
-Vrs. J. Henry Smith, formerly lire. A. Steivart, wearing the J50h,0it»
Jewel# she received ns it wedding gift from her husband. "Silent
Smith." She will be Keen In a box at the Metropolitan opera house this
winter and will outshine all the other society w omen In the famous dia
mond horseshoe.
Miss Bessie Waddey. of Nashville, Is
the guest of Miss Nannie Lee Trigg.
Mrs. D. M. HoUenback Is the guest
of friends In Augusta.
Mrs. Paul Dobbins lias returned from
a visit to Miss Estelle Stevens, at
Mra. Royal Daniel, Mrs. Robert Bllsa,
Mrs. Thomas C. Garrett and Sir*. Stone
are among the Atlanta guest* at the
Genesta.—Augusta Chronicle.
rs. E. L. Hlggii). Mrs. George Boyn
ton, of Atlanta, and little Miss Martha
Allan Boynton, ore the guests of Mrs.
B. S. Dunbar.—Augusta Chronicle.
Sirs. Barrett Phlnlsy, of Athens, will
be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C,
Hunter until the latter part of next
i i
•tress Is scoring heavily.
"The Squaw Man.”
. the arrival of "The Squaw
| J titu [f (hr Grand Friday and Satur-
hlgfctK, Messrs. Llebler Ak’ompa-
'*-*• manager* of the enterprise, will
rthllih t„ the patron* of the theater
■ no-, city just what they can do In
11 he of an artistic production of
..ins'll and value when they dellber-
EE>. tslve their minds to It. The title
1,,'r 1 in the hands of William Faver-
|5* ro who has departed from his usual
a ne ,,f worlc end | a portraying an Eng-
in Wyoming with altogether
Miss Floy Alnutnd Is 111 with typhoid-
malaria at her home. In Oakland City.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Bray are at tlto
Waldorf-Astoria, New York, for a short
Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell Thcbaut are
with Mr, ami Mrs. Edwin Payne, on
Courtlond street, until their return to
the Philippines In May.
Mrs. Harry English will entertain
her Card Club Saturday morning.
Miss Jena Garrett has returned to
Augusta, after ti visit to Mrs. Clarence
Hev. Father Shadevvell has returned
rroin Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Johnson are at
the Aragon for the winter.
Mrs. Edward Inman, who has been
very III. Is Improving rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steiner are In New
York city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kauffman are at
home, at 371 South Pryor street.
Mr. Janies R. McKetdln Is recovering
from his recent Illness.
Mrs. William B. Lamar, who has
been so delightfully entertained during
her visit to Atlanta, leaves Saturday
for Florida.
Mr. and Mr*. Jacques Futrell, of New
York, are In the city.
For more than 30 years we’ve been selling
Keely-Ziegler Shoes, and in all that time they
have never lost their position of leadership.
They are better this season than ever.
In style, in workmanship, in fit, Keely
Ziegler Shoes are all that the most particular
buyer can ask. They are modeled along most
graceful lines, made of select leathers by .most
skillful shoemakers, and are as comfortable as
they are fashionable.
Some of the new models are shown in one
of our windows today. Take a look at them.
You’ve never seen handsomer shoes.
Ail leathers, many styles, all sizes and
$2.00 to $5.00
An adequate corps of competent men and
Women fitters at your service.
Keely Company
rwldenre or Mm. tjinrlw A. Moore,
Morrison srsnne. The juenihem of the
chapter were charmingly entertained by
Mm. fjithrope. regent of the New York
ehapter, which In the oldest in the order,
nod wn» erftnblixhed by Mm. Roger Pryor,
• native of Virginia, but now of New
York. Mm. l*nthrop«» ha* been In the elty
for Homo week*, th«*:jrueat of her rotndii,
Mr*. Nekon Perry, in Victoria.
The endeta of Bingham achool enter
tained nt tin Informal dunce at their Hub
room* oil Bingham Height* Saturday night.
The affair era* a racist enjoyable one.
The Woman’* Fluli met Monday after
noon nt the home of Mr*. Leroy Pitrlultoll,
on Montford gf venue. After the regular
builne**, a *dfiolnrly paper by Mr*. Ber
nard Whitlock on the.subject of “Lory
Poetry," wok rend. Mr*. Annie D. Martin
entertained with n reading from “The Be
tun nee of the Hone." , , ,
MU* Lodoti Pen land, of Georgia. I* vis
iting friend* nt BlUmore. „ ,
Mr*. John Bradley ami MU* Edith Brad
ley have left for Atlanta, where they will
spend the winter.
John t’alvert. of Atlanta, assistant su
perintendent of the Western 1 nlon Tel-
c^rnpli Company, spent a few days In tao
' Mi*. Edmml Ilrlgimiu Im* left for At
lanta. where she Will Is- the BUMt of her
mother. Mr*. Frank Cannon. , ,
Mr*. A. II. M. Ulhbc*. of Savannah, has
left for her home. Mm. Harwood «"■} Miss
Harwood, of Atlanta, shave also .left lor
Savannah. The party spent the samroer in
ne of the Albeinnrlp Park <*»»tt«ge*.
William Balfour Troy left thin week for
^Mr*. fn w. A. MeOrstr, »f Atlanta. 1* in the
ty and will remain tlurlng the whiter.
relatives at Macon, returned to Waycross
Haturday night.
Mr. J. Walter Bennett Is III at hU home
on •Gilmore afreet.
Mra. A. I*. I’erham. Hr., left Sunday for
n abort visit to relatives und friends in
south Florida.
T. Bowden, who spent last
Mr., and Mrs. B. M. York and children
have arrived in Wnycrosa from Memphis.
They will make this city their home.
Mlm Julia Tuttvller, principal of the
Normal School for Girls, In Livingston,
has had the distinction of being the
first woman upon whom tbe University
of Alabama hus conferred the honorary
degree of LL.D. .Miss Tutwller la well
known over our country nnd richly
deserves this honor.
The managers of the free kindergar
ten will hold a flower show on Novem
ber 8, !* nnd 10. These annual shows
ure always successful financially nnd
socially. This one Is under the super
vision of Mrs. Philippa B. Stratford.
Miss Lucia Van I loose, of Tusca
loosa, Is the guest of Miss Annie
Mrs. Lucy Gartrell, of Atlanta. Is
visiting Mrs. W. H. Moore at her home
on Sayre street.
Miss Elounn Caldwell, who has been
visiting Miss Mary Marshall Vass, left
Friday for New York, via Savannah.
Mrs, Ward week Ruth hus returned
home after visiting New York und
other Northern cities for two months.
Mrs. Ware, of Knoxville, who has
been the admired guest of Mr. and Mrs.
“Lovers and Lunatics.”
and Lunatics" will hold the
"f the Bijou for the remainder
lU w eek. The show 1ms pleased
I w ”*d the moat sanguine expectation*
I h ■ •
of the management, and many have
gone to see the performance several
times'. Joe Morris Is a comedian of
decidedly original methods and his
work Is far ahead of most dialect come
dians In that he d«»es not stodp to the
vulgar or horse-play to get a laugh.
Few comedians can boast of as good a
singing voice.
The three remaining presentations
should draw capacity houses to the
••Tom, Dick and Harry.”
Iflckel. Watson and Wrotfto wilt prc.
nent their mjisica! comedy farce, "Tom,
nick and Harry." next week at the
Bijou. This clever trio Is surrounded
by a big company. Including a
of girl* that have been the talk of
every city visited this season.
Mrs- O M Conn was the charming host- j Baffold for two weeks, left Friday
i’ii at home In honor l*f the Misses t fine-on f or Birmingham, to visit Air. and Mrs.
Tuesday afternoon at a large , T‘T!’Lr n i Harry H. Mathews.
The house was most effectively dw orated Miss Bunnic Brown, of Uelfalr, Texas,
'TX'Z “mK™ h. r^IrffiS I* to visit Mias Louise Marks early In
’* Annie nnit I.ouI«e Cnse, Mrs.
t'lsrke ease, amt Mr*. Timms* roan. About
seventy-live guests called durtug ibe nrter-
“rt Ml**e* IS*' were ossla TOtertatnsd
on ThuriMlny afternoon by Miss t ullb* < ix»k
™ a trull party- *—
will is- eutertalued at_
•SSfUtiTi- Grluer. <if Dnltlln. Is tits*
guest of ber parent*, t.'aptaiu and .Mr*. «.
1 Sir "w'llllaoi M. TJitmia*. of Grlfflii.a'mtil
several day* here this week with Mr. nud
'IrH. 4. H. Vinson.
Mrs. Ahlliic round, of WaycroM. will ar
rive Saturday to be the guest of her sister,
Mr*. Jere M. Pound. . ,
Mr and Mr*. Clarke * as**, of Atlanta,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George I>.
1 yjf*. J. A. Callaway ha* returned from
^MUs* «iu»«le Finney, of Haddock*,
hn* lHH*n the uttrsetlve guest of Mr*. .
- •turned home.
.... lud Mr*. John E. Wsdley have a*
tlselr guest* Mr*. Ilomr l% MeFnrtden. of
Atlanta, and Miss Anita Wad ley. of Bollug-
* ,r Mrs! fliarle* A. Sheldon «J»d Mr*. E. A.
Pound left Wednesday morning for Ainerl-
mts to attend the state convention of the
1 Mrs. nifferd Johnson, of St. Mary*. *|»ei»t
Sundny^IfU ( .f xitomiisvlfle. I« her*-
nt a month with her m»us at tin
horn** .if Misses B!*ck*b«tr on GJhngn*
Methodist ehnrrb for the i«n*t tlire*- weeks,
left Monday morning for Atainta t«* spend
few day* with tils family.
Mr*. Amelin Iteldt. who let* lieeu quite
III nt her borne on Teliesu street. I* Im-
P Mrl* nZ W. IV. Bestefc ha* rvtartu-1 from
Huvaunah. w l*«re shf was ‘t»ll«l on nr-
eot'.nt iif the Illness *>f Iter daughter. Mr*,
f. «f. IMwanl*. Th«* friend* **f ilr*. K*l-
wants an* glnd to know she U ttinelt Ini*
j, B. Thorp** nu-l Master tJ'mrge
-jte, who imte Wn umkitig a tbit to
Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. R. Bethea, of Fauns-
dale, have returned home after a week
of the fair.
Miss Florence Dawson, of Birming
ham, Is visiting Miss Mary Setbels Ball
on Adam* avenue.
A delightful “Up Jinks" party was
given nt the Country Club this week.
The following young people played:
Misses Jean Lahey, Lpulae Thornton,
Luc la Richardson, Irma Malbry, Susie
McKensie, Louise Marks, Hinntt Dent,
Lucia Richardson, Mes*.r*. Foster Jones,
Parker, Watts, Cntrevns Martin and
Mr*. M. L. Wood Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. R. J-\ Monet te, In
One of the smart functions compli
mentary to .Miss Annie Lowe, will be
a linen shower on November 5, given
by Miss Hallle Grace Beale.
The Ionian Club met on Thursday
with Mrs. \V. L. Durr, president, at
her home on Perry street, it being one
of the most delightful meetings of the
season. The study- of Florence and Its
personnel was continued In the reading
of a paper on “Artist* In Marble
Metals" by .Mrs. Law. and r^ithtr by
Mi*. William Ht rat ford, on “»>onntella
and Michael Angelo." Much unfinished
business of the club was discussed,
and a motion carried to Invite £>t\
Hartwell Tuscaloosa to lecture on
"Browning" at an early date.
Mr*. Willie Winn, of DemopoMs, is
with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Gayle,
for the winter.
Mrs. J. D. Matlock, of Birmingham,
Is expected this week to lecture In the
Interests of school Improvement.
Mr. C. W. Davis, of Decatur. Who has
been here for the pant week, leaven
tonight for home.
Mr. W. 8. Gil lam. of Rome, Is stop
ping at the He well Hotel,
Professor R. W. Edenflcld spent yes
terday In Rome.
Mrs. N. 8. Miller and Mrs. Hhcldon
were the guests of Mrs. R. B. Hi in ms
ut Melson on Tuesday.
Misses Luelle and Tottle Montgomery
entertained a few friends Informally
Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ayres have re
turned from Homer, Ga., where they
attended the funeral yesterday of the
former’s mother.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dodson, of Texas,
are the guests of their sister, Mrs. 8. B.
Miss Cora Neal, of Rome, was the
guest Sunday of Miss M. L. Sheldon.
Mrs. Mary Stroud and grandson,
Stroud McKinney', were the guests of
friends Sunday.
Mr. R. B. Tilly spent Saturday and
Sunday here wfth his family.
Miss Georgia Trout entertained Wed
nesday evening at progressive dominoes
In honor of Misses Warren nnd Adams,
of the G. S. D. Following the game
dainty and UellghtfuP refreshments
were'served. Those present were Misses
Warren, Adams, Fallon, Camp, Mc
Clelland, Evans, Smith, Blaxer, Ward,
Spars. Harper, Sheldon, Wright, Sharpe
and Mrs. Claud Miller, Messrs. Davis,
Edenfield, Craft, Moore, Asbury, Blaster
and Mr. Claud Miller.
Mrs. M. Benton, of Monttcetlo, Oa.,
Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. i. J3. Sewell.
Miss Kathleen Wright has returned
from Rome.
Mr. Ralph Mlnhlnnette arrived today
to be the guest of relatives and friends
for several days.
Miss Llxxle Lou Swann left last
week for Columbia, 8. C., to visit her
sister, Miss Sam Swann.
* The Juvenile Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian church held a very
pleasant meeting Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs. J. L. Pinson.
Mrs. Graham Lewis returned Satur
day from a visit to Mrs. Sophie Hill
In Washington.
Mrs. Will Prior, of Apalachee, is the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Miss Fainls Wheeler entertained a
large number of her little friends Sat- »
urdny afternoon at a birthday party. 1
The merry party left the city In a largo
wagon and thoroughly enjoyed the ride
to the Wheeler home. From 3 until 5
o'clock the lawns were thronged with
merry little people, who enjoyed num
erous games nnd the large swings built
for the occasion. During the afternoon
delightful refreshments were served.
Miss Iaella Graham delightfully en
tertained the Aid Society of the Pres
byterian church Inst Friday afternoon.
A large number of ladles were present,
nnd after the business session a de
licious salad course was served.
Little Mis* Josephine Reid was the
charming little hostess at a party given
In honor of her second birthday Mon
day afternoon. About l'5 happy little
boys and girls were present, and many
merry games were enjoyed. About 4
o'clock fruits, candles and cakes were
served, after which the little folks left
for their homes, wishing little Jose
phine many happy returns of the day.
hefunT ALA.
Mr. Leonard Brown, of Atkins, Me-
Kitden & Brown, spent Sunday In Hef
lin. Mr. Brown won visiting hi* friend
and business pardner, Mr. Jep Perry
man, who U recuperating at his home
in Heflin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Littler and Dr.
Hoy ‘Harris *i>ent Sunday with rela
tives and friends In Heflin.
The fairs nr* all over, and up and
down the line und the Heflin boys and
girls are getting down to study right
these Indian summer days.
Halloween passed without a ghost
of an effort to celebrate same among
the little folks—a pumpkin “gho*t
• Master Gra-Jy Morgan will attend the
ball game In Atlanta Saturday between
the Tech and Auburn. He wants to
stand by his friend, Cadet Jep Morgan
will be met on the ball team, but as r
number of the Auburn bunch.
Mrs. Yelena Ayres, of Milner. In vis
iting her sister, Mias Elle Ayres, who
Is a student at Ross College. Miss
Ayre will graduate In June.
Miss Bene Morgan, director of mu
sic at Temple, will spend Saturday and
Sunday In Atlanta, the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. L. B. Little.
Mr. T. it. Bay will remove Id* fuuilly to
Athens at an early date.
Nlw Daisy Tlekuor entertained th** chil
dren of the Episcopal Hominy school nt a
pretty Halloween party Wednesday after
noon from 4 to S o'clock. Ghost*, hol*goh-
11 ti m. black eats, and witches msde It Inter
esting for the young people. Those present
were: .Ml***** h'onlifii Myers, Hoyle Hklnnor,
Mary Hkiunsr, Mary Myers, Pickett Myers,
Ha die MJnipson, Lida Miiupson, Ethel Simp-
sou, Kars Webster, Faerie Lott Bora. Fsrrl*
Reynolds, Fella Heiwnti. Masters Edward
Webster. William Hobby, George Reynolds.
Frank Hklnner, Ollle Hlmimon. Frank Hkln-
»er, llnssell Reneau. Fhnrlle lleneau. Frank
Simpson. Richard Myers.
Mis* Harriet Webster entertained at a
Halloween party In honor of tbe Walking
shadows ..
rend the palms, and nil kind
telling gnuies were Indulged In.
Mix# Eva Clark,, of Oakland, who
haa barn vIMtln* Mia. Alva Cnlahan,
returned home Humlay.
Jim. William Caldwell la In Senola.
Ml.a Katie Thompaon, who haa been
III for aome time, la reported na being
much better.
Dr, J. H. Wood haa bought a lot from
Mra. Eatea and will build a home In the
near future.
Mlaa Pearl IlRtch«tt, of Raleigh, la
with Mlaa Mamie Foater,
Mlaa Alva Calahan made a brief vlalt
to Oakland ta.t week.
The Baptist church haa called aa pas
tor for the ensuing year Rev. W. A.
Davis, of Henoln. Mr. Davis has fllleil
the pulpit at Haralson moat accepta
bly by sevral years.
Mr. Frank Hatchett has come to tako
charge of the achool and is with Mrs.
A. W. Rawls.
Mr.. George Roberts, Hr., Is.quite l!J
with la grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hineaman, of Ht.
t'harlaa, have been visiting the Misses
Mr. Edgar Scott, of Hollonvllte, at
tended service here Sunday.
An event of unuwual Interest was the
Halloween party given by the young
men of Marshallvlllo in compliment to
the ypung Indies and the "live" mar
ried contingent. About 11 guests were
present In mask and the old academy
ball never looked more picturesque—
converted into ft forest scene wltt,
dozens of Japanese lanterns to lend it
weird light. The merriment began with
the grand march of the witches and
maskers alt so successfully disguised
as to make It a most fantastic and
laughable parade. Following this came
various contests, to decide the matri
monial fate of each, with apples and
candles and a wheel of fortune pre
sided over by Mnphlsto In person. Anil
what, v.lth soft music and subdued
light* and woodland bower*, romantic
encouragement enough was given to
have sealed many fortunes on this
evening. A graceful little sprite dis
tributed favqr* of Jlny pumpkins and
towunl the end of the evening delicious
refreshments were served.
Something to look forward
to: Friday nights at the New
Kimball Palm Garden. Souve
Tickets on sale November 13th. 15th,
20th. 22nd aud 27th. Ji/O'i, limited 15 days
from date of sale.
Passenger and Ticket Office, 1 Peachtree St.
Phones 142 and 2199.
Ticket Office, Terminal Station; Phone 4900
J. G. LUSK, District Passenger Agent.