The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 05, 1906, Image 10
Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word No ad. taken for less than 25 eenta. Six worde of average length make n line. The following rates are for coneecutive ineertione: 1 time 3 time* 6 time* 28 time* 62 time* 78 time* 6 cent* a line. 5 cent* a line. 4(<i cent* a line. 4 cent* a line. 3Vz cent* a line. 3 cent* a line. W« Will 8end for Your Ad. Without Charge For Maasangar Service. Call U, on Bell Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When 8*nding Ad*. Pay for at Rate* quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will be Inserted Free. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECT. LET ME DRAW YOUR PLANS AND build that dwelling bouse for you. | BICYCLE 8UNDRIE8. BICYCLES AND BVNDBICS-LARGEST bicycle end sundry distributor* In the South. Southern agent* lor Pierce. Tale. Snell and Hudson bicycle*. Write for Our ISM catalogue and price Ust. Alexander- PALMISTRY. QUEEN TAHITI. The Egyptian Woman of Palmistry, can befaonsulrrd on ell affair* of lift. If Blur doe* not tell you true and correct, there I* no charge. Pay her a visit at once. Tur ner Edgetrood avenue and Ivy stteet. Oyp- «y camp. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—BRIGHT, NEAT LAD AS OF- flee ltoy: tJ-50 per week aalnry to begin with. Apply at ,:*> o'elnek Monday morn lag to Dudley Glaaa, City Editor The lanta Georgian. CABINET WORK AND MODEL8. CABINET WORK AND NOVELTIES. Prompt aorvlce, lletl phone 1374. Atlanta Wood aud Irou Novelty Work*, 2X> Marietta street. . MADAME MKLLIE. TlfE NOTED EGVITIAN PALMIST, ean itc consult*-,! on all affairs of life. Hit* 1 reunites the separated, cause* n speedy marriage with the one of your choice, gires MONCRIEF— HF/S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT AIR. luatalla fnrnaeca in old houses as well at Dew. He prepares a cellar If you has# none. Mol crier Furnace To. Both ’phones. MESSENGER SERVICE. „ FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE ME8- aengrrs, 'phone U. J. A. Davies and J. ART 8CHOOL. Ptatbtre* and Typewriting, etc., only S4 h. uranghon’a Practical Bnatnaar Piedmont Hotel block. IS Peed phone t>1. Call, phone or writ you IF YOU WANT A l*OSITION IN line, anywhere, place your turn* wl The Imslnea* men appreciate onr at of furnishing help. National Emplot Association. 102-103 Century W The Ploueers. LOOK! COME ON! , Itc. , rity. Strictly 3 Viaduct pb Walton etreet. <3 Peachtree. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. Mire*. C. C. C.. P. O. Box ! WANTED HELP—Male and Female. BECIIT PIANO CO., <3 N. FORSYTH. SITUATIONS WANTED. perienre In office work would llko employ ment aa assistant. Address Mlaa Berry, — t’aptalu N. J. Hunt. Fort Mcrherauu. AGENTS WANTED. PICTUBE AGENTS—BEND YOUR WORK to n* for enlargement: fair price*. I flaleh; Id by 30. Religion! and acenery turns cheap. The Gamer Company. Peters street, Atlanta, 0a. BOARDERS WANTED. Inspection,’eomparlaue nod patronage. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT—THREE OR FOUR FUR niched or partly furnished rooms: bath ami gas. Tall or address M Stonewall St., -room* for light hounckeeplng igus, bath, ,-otd and hot waterl to .-ouple without i-hll dm. Address 3 Garueit atreel. FOR RENT—OFFICES. FOR RENT -THE REST OFFICE IN THE city. Want to re-rent It for four montba’ free’rent until Sovemlwr 15. Furniture for sale, or will lease with office. If be,king for a auap, call at orn-e at 4-13 reter* build ing. . PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. I "Den't let ’em fool you.” Jim BurMtl (formerly of Burnett * Wljtle) I* not dead Mr missing. II* I* contracting wall papt «*4 . °Fle«_ end show room - street Beth phoees H9. OR. W. J. TUCKER. business: perroaneut cute guaranteed: free trial home treatment seat in plain wrapper. Hr. W. J. Tocher, 151* N. Broad stmt. At- of attachments. Prompt delivery. Both 'phones ICO. Singer Scoring Machine To., 1$ Whitehall street. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court Bell Phone 2081. At- STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. — STOVE* AND KANO EH KEl'AIUED AND n set up. Expert workman. Ustteraos , Furniture bouse, 29$ Peters street. 'Phones, At * Atlanta 2472. Bell 794 west. We buy soy- lit TALKING MACHINES. — TALKING MACHINES AND HECORD8- Wbol-Ml* and r»ull dlitrlbutora ot Tic- tor Talking Machlnaa and Bworda. Ju.t racriTtd larga cona'gnm.nt of machlnM and 4; over 19.409 record, Immodlat. atlrntlon *• glr.n ma.T order*. Wt want tat mm of «• all talking marhlna drnlrr. In tfco Kontli Writ* for cat*logo*. Atoundrr-Ulgc* Cn. THUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. n, W. ROUNTREE A BRO. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Rets!! sod repairing. No. 77 Wkltriuli stmt. Phon* UTt tTO™T«SW.CAT B » S wttch** *rc m, hobby. Modern Idea* In work and dealing* H. Walter L*tt Boom U17 Fourth National Bank Bldg.. Atlanta. 8H0E REPAIRING. b* GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. d m PEACHTREE 8T„ OPPOSITE THE n Candler Bldg. s. Bell 2235. Men s sewed half solas. 71c. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. z - r. - COLD WEATHER IB HERB. We have the Goods. - HEATERS. BLANKETS' and COMFORTS. 1 We Can Save You Money. CASH OR CREDIT. We Repair, Pack and Hblp. Bell Phone 1757. Bell Phone 1757. - THE J. B. TURNER FURNITURE CO., f „ 41 and 49 Weat Mitchell 8t. t “ , BR AM BACH PIANOH. ESTABLISHED 1523. - BECHT PIANO Co., <1 N, FORSYTH. , , TYPEWRITERS. Second-bund , typewriters of all make* onr attgclalty. licit rilue, nnd Inweit prlcea guarnnteod. Illustrated catalogue ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, , 71 North Pryor street, Atlauta, Ga. b ^ S'. SOMETHING NOVEL AND NEW IN combination surrey; four vehicles In one* Call at Ml, West Mltrbcll and let us show you. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co. MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME > steel bank safes and vault doors; every- . thing In safe Une. B. W. Ellis, Agent, 2f 8. 1 Broad street j THE NEW GAB LIGHT UNDHAT INVERTED • HAVES GAS. INCREASES LIGHT. • CARTER A GILLESPIE ELECTRIC CO., Di 40 North Broad street. ’Phones 5000. a EDUCATIONAL. * WESLEYAN FEMALE. COLLEGE AND <’ Conwnr.torg of Mualr. Macon, Ga.—Old- s nt and kit. If you wl*h to attrud nnjr time this school year, gat on th* walling . II,t now. Catalogue, fra*. Dul’ont tincrig, r prealdant. ' FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE I'ROPERTT TO BELL. place It with na; wt giro It our apeclal and persons! attention. If It's worth tbs price we will aell It. C. 11. Wells A Co., 1104 Fourth Nations! Bank. OLD HATS MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned and re-abaped for S5o. Bauds or m sweats 26c ench extra. Out-of-town order* " given prompt and careful attention. Best .. work, la teat style*. Acme Hattera, t l 4 ~ Whitehall alrcet. i MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED 8ATWLRIED I'EO. „ pi* aud other*. Amarlcau Inrcatmeat Co., 794 Candler Bldg. n w Established 1190. o* WEYMAN A CONNER*. F.QITITABIE. or Mortgage loans on real estate. |u THE UNION SAVfNOS BANK ItUYS t‘ purebaee money not** and leuda money r~ on Itnprored Atlanta peonerty a reaaon- ... able rates. Ball phon* 7«(. Gould Bldg. L. MONEY TO LOAN AT 1. « AND 7 PER "* cent Interest, according to oecurity of- w fared; small expense and prompt atteutlon. Only on real eatata In aud near Atlanta. H. B. Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS “ TO LEND: any amount, 4H, t and $ per rest. Writs 31 or call H. W Carton, 24 S. Broad street. FARM LOANB-WK ABE PLACING loans on Georgia farm* at the lowest 1 at*a ever offeree!. The Baotkcrs Mortgage Company. Gonbt building. MONEY' TO LOAN ON REAL C8TATR at eery lowaat rates. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 90 S Temole Conri. FGint-PER CENT HOME MONEY TO T lend ou m mtblj payment plan; no deity; also money for pnrebase money notes. Straight loans made nt 6 per rent and up wards. according to desirability of loan.' W. A. Footer. 12 B. Broad street. FJFTY-FOUJI ACHE#. ONE MILE Ilaperllle, near Nteirart avenue....$2,000 FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES. MIX MltEH OF Atlanta. 2 inllea from Ea«t Lskc.... <1.700 THIRTY ACRE8. TWELVE MILES AT- lanta. on Roswell Ho**! $450 SOUTH SIDE. EIGHT ROOMS OX LOT 40 by 192. eaat front, new 13,150 XORTII SIDE, UP T room*, lot 47 by 4 110 HILLIARD STREET, CLOSE rooms, lot 51 by 180 IS. SIX $2,150 WEST SIDE. TWO LOTS. 40 BY 120, EASY term*, each .' $450 WEST END LOT, 200 BY 187. THI8 18 a beauty $4,000 Cl HK WOOD IaOT, 50 BY 200, BAHT front, very cheap $300 J. B. WEBB, Malestain. FOR RENT. renue, and the residence of Captnlu T. J. house lu the yard 1 and carriage f _ .... ble piece of pri been Mr. Hightower'* home «u many years; It la arranged to mlllea: Deentiir car* pass the door. Rent » l»er mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenue, Both Phones dll. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Plioues 548S. 412 Peters Building. $2,500-TERMS $250 CASH AND $25 PER MONTH. 6-ROOM. BRAND-NEW COTTAGE, NEAR .GRANT PARK; LARGE ELEVAT ED LOT; ALL CONVEN IENCES, WATER, SEW ERAGE, GAS, PORCE LAIN HATH, STATIONA RY WASHSTAND; SINK TN KITCHEN. NOTHING LIKE IT TO BE HAD. .200-PARK ST. HOME OF S ROOMS, ON LOT 50x175, IN THE PRET TIEST BLOCK OF THIS LOVELY WEST END ST. IF YOU WANT SOME THING STRICTLY GOOD VALUE, SEE US. $6,50O-COLUMBIAN AVE •9-ROOM HOME, ON BEAUTIFUL LOT, 50x150. THIS IS WORTH MORE MONEY, BUT OWNER WANTS TO SELL, AND WILL MAKE GOOD TERMS ON IT. WANTED—MONEY. $10,000 WANTED OX GOOD SECURITY; 8 l»er cent Interest. Addreaa Good Loan, care Georgian. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. “BARGAINS.” KTIIKL 8TUKET—BRAXD-NKW; A LIT tie beamy. lit for a bride? five*room mod ern cottage; 50 by 160: cabinet mantel* iu every room: closets, pantries, ete.; large verandas; $2,350; one half cash. WKAt KND-TW0.8TOBY 8BVKN-UOOM —ga* and water, porcelain tub; large lot, nly $2.500. >1,000 cash. Imlance like rent. iimV is Tiiitt’f bkaxdn'bw two- * story eight-room modern home; one block off Georgia avenue. Hnve party that will take two ycnnT lease, $32.50 j»cr month, which will pay 10 per cent on $3,900. We can sell for $3,250; say $1,500 cash, bnlnuce easy, west HAititm-Ywtt-sTdny ri'-ro- date elaht-room residence; stone's throw of the Tabernacle. ' A lovely place for Imslneaa man; large lot: $4,200; $1,600 caali. Can run for three years; $l,6u0 enab, Imi ance easy. HOW ABOUT CORNER OF WEST I1A k»r and Orme; close In; bunlueas man’s home. Owner leaving the state. Well worth $4,500. but $3,W0 buy* It. ~B an investment': bix-RooM near Konthern yards (North avenue). Can sell for $W0; $2M cash,. balance like rent. You could not build the house for $1,000, to ~iy nothing of the lot, S. B. TURMAN & CO. $8,000—XLVE-KOOM HOUSE (WITH 8EP.V- nnt’a room In basement); first etnas In II respects; fronting eaat: by nil odda the flueat lot on Myrtle street, lie tween Eighth and Tenth streets. Built tor home by present owner. If you want some thing In this choice locality hvltlilu two block* of Tenth street school and one block E. L. MORSE, 1114 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG. utes walk from center oY city. Benutlful iterlor finish. All convenlencea. Owner loving from city. Price' $3,100; $500 cash, Imilance monthly* rooms connected; treet, Itctddca vaei rice $1,560. STORK AND FOUII three rooms on able nt lot. Rented $15. ut for twenty jre*i_. . ood*. Has 1.320 feet flue frontage on incadamUeil road. Creek In rear. Spring ml branch: $5,000. Unusually easy terms of . >oo cash; balance $500 yearly,, with 5 per rent lutecest. ments; pretty lot, 60 by 140; $525; half $1,500 KOll THE CHOICEST LOT ON May (Ninth) street. HOUSE, CORNER . I Linden street: all Improvement*, nnd within two block* of Peachtree street. ioi , ph8( i run i, wjti first eln** condition. $960—SPLENDID LOT ON LUCILK AVK- nuc. near Park street, Weat End. All Improvement*. S. B. TURMAN & CO. S’oilTlI ROULKVAIC1I—AN UI'-Tlt-UATB modern home: $5,000; one-half mail. WOOIlWAItlt AVENl’E. NF.Xfi I’AltlC avenue, eight-room two-story; up to date; >4,000; easy payments. • NEAlt GRANT PARK. ON GKOltGlA avenue, running through to Second street, six-room cottage; $3,650: easy payment*; with park for playground. Is a pick up. K&ZBf iPttt/' miiiEH l v aveni k lot: near Butler; only $2,500. Ea*y payments; lot 60 by ISO. MAHlK'fTA, GA.-t.’iUlICE HOME: LOT 100 by 475; aeven-room cottage. Modern In eTery respect. This I* a bargain at $6.000.. KElJaY STHEHlT; SIX-KUOM COTTAGE. * with gns. water, porcelain bath. .Cora pass the door; only $2,650. Term*, If de sired. TENTH STREET LOT. BETWEEN PIED; raont avenue and Myrtle street. \ou had better see us about this. Only $1,250. CALL FOR L. I 4 '. BOWEK: W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phones. WANTED! Have customer for desirable vacant lots in 8tli ward. List yours with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M .. E BUY AND SELI. HOUSED AND LO\ on ensv term*. 116 Auburn avenne. HR AM BACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1\2. PIANU CO.. 62 N. FOUSYTII. PICK UP IN A NICE, NEW, SIX-ROOM COT TAGE. K HAVE JUST HAD PLACED WITH is for (hi* week only n nice new slx- Mu collage, porcelain bath, stationary south able. Ik lug part of the old Gram meat end. One of the most desirable lo tions In the city. l*lu** lot. Will sell r $4M rash and balance same ns rent; i per month. If taken this week. Will il for $25. The first payment Is all you II have to pay. aa It will pay f«*r Itself. «• me early Monday morning, ns this II not sts v on the market. G. J. DALLAS, Real Estate Agent, 7 and 31S FOURTH NATIONAL tAN’K BUILDING. THIRD FLOOR. BELL PHONE 1455. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. IN THAT NORTHWEST SECTION OF Atlanta between the railroads, where there I* something dolug very shortly, a comer lot. 104x218; two old bouses on the lot, with room for four more. This Is the place to make aouie easy money sure. Price $1.600. cLiiSE Dl on three minutes' wall BETWEEN THE PEACH- TREES. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, NEXT TO WEST PEACH TREE, $4,750. ADJOINING LOT, $1,600. COLUMBIA AVE. LOT 50 FEET NORTH OF MRS. WHITESIDE, $2,250. WEST PEACHTREE LOT, 50 FEET NORTH OF MR. BURTON SMITH, $3,250. APPLY TC OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. 316 PETERS BLDG. Both Phones 3519 and Bell 2249. No. 105 South Pryor Street Here is a lot with 55 feet frontage for $8,500; be tween Mitchell street and Trinity avenue. There is a good chance to make some money nu this piece of property. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. FUNERAL NOTICE. RAMSAY.—The friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Yow Itamsay are Invited to at tend the funeral of Mr. George Tow Itamsay from bla residence. 86 West Peachtree street, nt 10 n. in. Wednesday, November 7. The following uamed gen 9:30 a. in.: G. J. Thomas. Frank Dykes, George Donorsn. Lnhy Stovall, W. M. t'tmp, Toni Morgan aud A. O. Mnrlmt. M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET 31. A. SHELTON 18 A practical store and range repairer; best work and material guaranteed. Both phones 6275. 61 S. Pryor street. A SNAP IN A NICE NEW HOME WE HAVE JUST IIAD PLACED WITH us for this week only n nice new two- •tory eight-room house, porcelain bath, stationary washstnnd, cabinet mantels, dou ble-floored, storni-shenthcd, lu the l»e*t neighborhood on the south side, being part of the old Grant homestead, oue of the flueat localities In the city. Fine lot. Will sell for $569 rash, balance same as rent, $20 per month, $3,750, If taken this week. Will rent for $35 per mouth. The first pay ment Is. all you will have to pay, as It will pay for Itself. See me early Mon day, na this will not stay on the market. G. J. DALLAS, Real Estate and Loan Agent, 317 & 318 Fourth National Bank Building—Third Floor. Bell Phone 1455. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. EGGS—fondled, active* 2be. LIVE, POULTRY-Hens, active, .-.;i, NEW IMPLEMENT FIRM OPENS ITS BUSINESS Farmers* Supply Company Is the name of a new Inpleinent company that has started In the mercantile world. This company is composed of E. G. Windham, president; John P. Heeden, vice president and general manager; G. Riley, bookkeeper, and Charles Heeden, salesman, all of whom are well known to farmers of this section, they having been Identified with this line of trade for many years. John P. Heeden's experience in the agricultural Implement business ex* tends over a period of sixteen years, six of which were with the Southern Farm Tool Company as their manager. The other members of the Arm are well and favorably known to agriculturists of this section. A point that they will stress vigor ously is the fact that they handle no trust-made Implements. Every ipiece of machinery that is gotten through them will be independently made, and judging from the immediate success they huve made, this Is a popular pol Icy. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. UALLWOODS, IDEALS aud all other makes at bargain prlcea. We can aell you a register, suitable for y business, at a price that can not help t please you. [Task or monthly payments. Every reg ister guaranteed for two years. 8KCOND-IIAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, OKME HT.—WITHIN alk of the ucw postof erty will sell for good profit In rcasounhlc time. Some tenua can be arranged. Price $3,000. UKANDNKW COTTAGE OF BIX room*, with all the city convenience*, near Grant l»nrk ear line. A perfect little home nml cheap for $2.90<), «>u terms of $356 cash and $25 per month. You raunot beat this If you want a home. A IlAllliAlN IN A LOt IN TIIK PIIF.T tlest part of North Boulevard, neat* An al.. 4?* 1JA 4.I..4 fa* r* I t.t* lllirtn f.l* lor avenue, 47x140 feet to alley. Sun . This la the right place for u good place to build a house that will a profit. FOR SALE-TYPEWRIT ERS. We liave all nukes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriter* at prices to move them. If you (all to let u* know your wants Iii thli line you will lose _; money. Write or call for "Special Sale List." We maintain .the beat repair department In the 8outh and gua.Autee tbo best work. ACCUSED OF THEFT BEHIND PRISON BARS G. C. June*, a young white man. was fined $50.75 Monday morning by Re corder Broyles on the charge of taking a watch from Pearson Franklin, an other white man, while both were held prisoners In the police station. Franklin said Jones took the watch out of his pocket on pretense of ascer taining the time, and then unfastened it from the chain, refusing to give It back to him. He reported the matter to Call Officers Dunton and Galtnhcr, who entered a case against Jones. The original case of disorderly con duct against Jones and the case of Franklin are set for trial .Monday aft ernoon. on Chant street we have a good 6 room coitnge, with all the city coo- venlencc*. large, dev ;ed lot. Price $2,700. Easy tern:*. .. ..AKLaNiV AVENUE. AI.AI oi NEW fi rman cottage, all tin* drv convenience*. Gram Park for a front yard. Price $1,800. Easy term*. RICHMOND AVENUE ~ LAKEWOOD lb-kilt*, on'v half block from the car line; ornnd new, well built cottage home, containing four rooms and hall: nice ele vated lot. 80x366. Kent* $10 per month. Price. <1.000. IN THE GEORGIAN WEST LINDEN STREET—NEAR SPRING street: nice almost n«>n* Groom cottage home; all city converdencea: good car •ervlce. Price $2,100. Terms $406 cash nnd $3) t>er month. fONSAl.I.Y BTUKKT - Nil A It FaTH afreet ochool; well built nnd subctat^tlal cottage home, containing five room* nnd hall; all city conveniences: elevated lot. 50 by 120 feet to alley. Price $2,256; eaay terms WRITE FOR A DESURIPVION OF 11X15 of the heat plantations In Georgia. The plantation I* flue, the price i* right am) the de«rrlpl|on I* verv iftwp'ete. BVTl' Phone .Vi l.i iitn i*houw Ifej. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424*28*28 Candler Bide. A. J. WEST & CO.. CENTURY BUII.Di.NO. TlloNK IJSU NOIITII SIDE IIOMK-3M FEET FROM most faahlounlrie part of Peachtree; ntfsl- Simile and pretty lawn. Two-atory Kurrll niiik iiomk—t*S4: or the fi- nest In .%tlantn; hanlwootl flnlah. No let ter Kurrotiudfng*: large lot: barn, ferriage house. Actual coat C7.(W». Might get It for $i:>.uo?. l-EAl'IITttKK IIOME-I.IIT NKAIII.Y i'.J fiH't deep. Two-amry. ala to n*>f. *plen- did reaWeo»*e. S**rvnnt*’ Inmae. «tnbl». nnd •.irrlage liouae; $15,600: another for $16,000; m Peachtree, iwar Pwin*c* Itel^enn a yen we. i.vstaTi.jient .FfAi’E-iiAoTi Isrf: im*w alx-mom *t»rtag«»; water, ga*. Porce lain Imtli; pav»*l stix-t. electric cars; 92.SA); only $26*) cash, tmlaurc $25 p«-r muntli. hoti't ildtik »f inking any step lu real es tate till you see u*. TWO NEW STATE BANNS CHARTERED MONDAY Two bank charters were granted on Monday morning by the secretary of state, bringing the number chartered In 1906 up to 61. The Glynn County Bank will begin operation in Brunswick with capita) stock of $75,000. The Incorporators are H. W. Gale, J. J. Lott, W. H. Wood. F. Browne, T. Newman and I. .T. Vickers. A charter was also granted the Farm ers' Bank of Glenwood. Montgomery county, with a capital stock of $3o.00u. Incorporators: J. F. Cook, J. M. Cwli, J. M. Browning, W. C. Browning, Thomas Kent, J. H. Kent, B. 8. Cal houn and others. each: chickens, plentiful, 15fc27‘*4- ,. a .r. ducks. Pekin, 35c each; puddle. 25^jije each; geese, full feathered, 65c each; m r . key*, active, 16c iHiuml. DRESSED POULTRY—Geeae, undmu,, active, 1O012HC i>oiiiiU: turkey*, undrawn’ active. 19^20c pound; hens, undrawn, nr! five, 12tto iHMind; ducks, undrawn, famr 15c pound; frle*, active, 14c tMiund. PRODUCE—Hama, active, 14c poun.i- shoulder*, active, 10c pound; side*, ncthV 10c pound: butter active. 1^22V4c tmmui: beeswax^ active, 25c pound; honey, brlclif active, Sc pound; honey In 1-pounu blocks active, 12c pound; chestnut* active. $i(i>i hu*hel: dried apples. 6c i»ound; white pms. -ctive. $2.40 bushel. ' ^ GAME—Quail, active, 15e each; dove*, nc. tire 5c each; duck*, mallard, active. *?.V; etch; dneks mixed, active. 20020c ouch; wild turkey*, active, lfic pound; rabbit*. ,n. live, 12Hc each; squirrels, active. 10«r each* opoastitu. dreaae<l, active. 12V4c irnuud; 4.|m,v sum. lire, active. 10c pouud. FUUIT8— Lemons, fancy Messeua, $6.on/ 6.50. Bananas, per bunch, culls, active, $1.00eL25; straight*. $1.5002.00. linen Florida stock, per crate, $2.50©3.00. Orange*, Florida stock, owing to *!xe nnd coudlt!«>u arrival, per box. $2.00*t2.6n. Apple*, ce Ben Dnvf*. $2.25^2.50; fancy, f:.75tb 3.00. NeW York state apple*, winter vnrle. tie*, choice per barrel, I3.u0ff3.50: fancr. I3.75CM-00. Grapes, New* York *tate. in 5-lb. basket*. Concords, 20O22!4c; Niagaras, 22**f/ 25c: Catawba*. 20O32*,§c. C!ranberrle*. fam-v dark Cape Cod*, per Imnrel. $10.00eil.m; Jersey*. $9.00f#10.00. Grape fruit, FIorMt stock, owing to «lxe and color, per Imx. $2.50 R3.00. Lime*. Florida Ktock. per huudml, 40c. Nut*, fancy mixed. In lioxe*. per l>onnd, 12»£©Hc. The new-crop nut* in bniw not yet In the market for this season. Will quote later. Cocoanut*. heavy rultans. per sack of 100. active at $4.0>-i4.50. Peanuts in sacka averaging 100 pound* each, owing to active, $2 crate; cabbage, standard crates. l%c pound; cabbage, barrel*, lVic pound; egg plant, active. $1.50 note; cukes, na tive, $2.50 crate; tomatoe*. fancy, active. $3 crate; tomatoea, choice, active. $2f|ii*. crate; beans, round great. $1.75 crate; onion*, dry, active, 75c hu*bel; Irish pota toes, active No. 1. 86c bushel; celery, fan cy dull, $2.0003.00 crate; pepper* active. $i.5u crate: okra, *lx basket*, small. $2 crab*, cauliflower, active, StflOc pound; lettin-t*. headed. $2.50 drum; awcet potatoes, yellow. dull, 40c bushel; sw*eet potatoes, x. lilt*-, dull. 30c bushel; kraut, half-barrel. $3.73; rutabaga turnips, l^c. out $4.60; Mtandard patent. $4.25; half imi- cut. 13.90; spring wheat patent, $5. CORN—Choice red cob. 70c; No. 2 white. 09c; No. 2 yellow, 09c: mixed. 68c. OATH—Cflolec white clipped, 60c; No. 2 white, 43c; No. t mixed, 48c; Texas rust proof, 62c. MEAL—Plain water-ground, per bushel. 66c; bolted. 140-pound jute*, per bushel. G_v; Shorts, white. $1.60: medium, $1.40; brown, $1.35; pure bran. $1.20; mixed bran. $1.15. IIAY—Timothy, choice large bales, $1.20; do., choice small bale*. $1.15; do.. No. I clover mixed, $1.10: do.. No. 2 clover mlxcil, $1.10. Choice Bermuda. 85c. RYE—Georgia, $1.05; Tennessee, 90c. Bar- PROVISIONS—Supreme hams, ham*, 15c. California hams, $9.0 . extra ribs, 9.23; bellies, 20-5 pounds, 10.87V- fnt backs. 8.25; plates, 8.25; Snprelns lard, 10.25; Snow Drift compound, 8.26. GROCERIES. SUGAR—Standard granulated, $5.10, New Y’ork teflned. 4%c; plantation, 6c. COFFEE—Roasted Arbuckle'o. $1650; bulk In bag* or liarrels, 13c; green, 10O12c. RICE-Carolina, 4Wk. according to the grade. FI8H. Mullet, 10.00 per barrel; bream. 6R7*' pound; *napper 10c p«»r pound; trout Sc per K und; blue Osh. 8c per _poirad; pompanc. T20c pound: mackerel. 12Hc pound: mixed fish. 6c per pound; fresh water trout, 8tfl f "-' pound. 8TOCKS AND BOND8. Bid. Asked. Georgia 4>»'*. 1915 112 113 Georgia Railroad 6'*, 1910 106 l'*':, Hava nnuli 5'*. 1909 102)* Macon O'*. 1910 iftfl Atlanta 5 *. 1911 106 Atlanta 4'*. 1922 1«U* 106 10 Atlanta A West Point debts.. 107 Central Uy. of Ga. 1st Income do. 2d Income do. Sd Income Georgia 260 Augu*ta k Savannah 113 Southwestern lift Georgia Pacific 1st* 110 107 STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN HENRY COLLIER WELL AFTER SHORT ILLNESS After an Hines* of several day* Henry (’oilier, commissioner of public work*, returned to hi* office in the city hall Monday morning, and resumed 111* du ties. Mr. Collier hud been suffering from two attack* of chill* and fever, both coming last week. He I* receiving the congratulations of hi* friend* on hi* re covery. WOMAN MURDERED. OFFICERS BELIEVE commission bouse* have been atoiultaneoiiH ly testifying Imtb to the fact that there no appreciable liquidation of storks by ctiktoiucr*. am! on the other hand little fresh buying, so that It has been evident that recent advance* and declines In securities have l>ern caused only by the the market was very clearly the fact tbj Indication* of the protective defeat of tic* Democratic candidate for the governorship In this state find liecome overwhelm lug. The conviction spread that an avalanche ef repudiation like that which burled Mr. Bryan iu this slate ten years ago was about to fall upon the llearst randldn<\» and of course no result could be more grni if.ring tbiin this from the point of view of Uiisiuess Interests. While confident** ns to general future of the stock market Is still undlmlnlshod. and Is based strongly as ever on the Imiiicu*-- and substantial prosperity of the country, present and prospective. It Is perhaps fni- to say that the money sltuntlou during tic rest of the year (foes not afford such grounds for unqualified optimism concerning tlnnuclul matters In this particular period ** does the condition of political affairs. It !< Mill the belief of our leading hanker* thm although the usual temporary rise In money rates attendant upon the end of the year settlements may Is* expected, and that, al though between now and Deccmt>er 31 «" lowering In the present price of time fund- should l»e looked for, no severe nionc.' stringency will l**fnll and no severe decline In price* on this account will lie expected.- Gibcrt * flay. give her the drug with criminal Inten tions'.* That I* a question which the police are trying to solve. Miss Daugh erty appeared on the street* here In •» semi-conscious condition and was ejected from the Union depot because if was believed that she was drunk. She was put In a cab nnd ordered taken «*► the Almeria Hotel, where she had been employed, but It seem* that she never got there and being taken back to the police station she was treated by I ,r ^ „ Steele, assistant city phyxb fan. and h<- K|».;lnl I.. trr ilted In a ho«pilal. It Ih now rbarffc ' ( hattnnnoga. Tenn.. Nov. *.—Dbl that the woman did not take the dnic. rs. Minnie Daugherty commit suicide but that she was murdered. She cam * by administering a drug or did another I from Washington, D. C.