Newspaper Page Text
Pleutnl Mention From Other Cities
reception at which Mr. and .Mr*.
. .1 Thompson entertutnert Thursday
hi honor of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Thompnon, was one of tile largest
^ most elegant social event* of the
"tm'bridal P» rt >:- wmPOMf, of Mr.
J \v. c. Thompson. Miss Pry-
3 Atlanta; Mies Johnston, of Ma-
•Jl’.jlls* Harrison, of Augusta: .Mr.
Rrvson ami Mr - Tullu ' 1 ' Bosun, of
mioam and Mr. Broohe Thompson,
n.rt grouped In the big bay window
the spacious drawing room. Ttie
“ i «a» beautiful with Its decorations
Toink and white. Graceful sprays of
■milax festooned the walls and wln-
brightened by bunches of pink
white roses. Numerous vnsea and
Jowls were filled with the same flowers,
in the sitting room the color scheme
re d and white. The punch howl
wai banked with red and white chry-
sintheinuma, and presided over by
Mlsiea .May Thomason and Sue Reid
"hi 1 ™* dining room the decorations
were of yellow and white. The rtcl|
ttiahogany table hod for Us centerpiece
, beautiful cut glass urn filled with
shaggy yellow chrysanthemums. Sliver
md cut’glass candlesticks held cundles
shaded with yellow. Sliver and cut
class compotes filled with yellow and
While mints were on the table. Misses
Mary Trotter. Carry Poster and Ritchie
Walton. Mrs. W. E. Bugg and Mra. W.
j. Shellings assisted In the dining
r<> Becelvlng with Mr. and Mrs. I.. M.
Thompson were their daughters, Mrs.
C M. Furlow, Mr*. Joseph Vason and
Miss Emmie Thompson.
Mrs. tV. C. Thompson, who Is a young
woman of charming personality and
one of the moat highly accomplished
voting ladles of Slloam, wore her wed
ding gown of white radium silk,
trimmed with quantities of real lace.
Her only ornament! were diamond! and
she carried a bouquet of bride's roses
snd maiden-hair ferns, tied with long
stresmers of white tulle.
Miss Bryson, of Atlanta, who was
maid of honor, wore a beautiful dress
of white lace over wl)lt« silk.
Mrs. C. M. Furlow, matron of honor,
wore white satin, trimmed with white
Misses Harrison, Johnston and Ben-
Ion, bridesmaids, wors white messallne
silk with lsce.
Mrs. L. M. Thompson was gowned In
> handsome toilet of gray aatln with
touches of silver and blue.
Mrs. Joseph Vason wore a pretty
dress of pale blue chiffon cloth, with
trimmings of plnlc and white.
Miss Emmie Thompson wore a be
coming toilet of pink plaited chiffon,
elaborately trimmed with hand work.
Misses Carry and Edna Pou are In
Augusts, the guests of Mrs. Duncan.
Miss Malda William* and Mrs. Lee
Trammell are attending the U. D. C.
conrentlon at Americus.
Miss Emmie Thompson came down
from Brenau Monday to attend the
Thompson-Bryson wedding. She will,
return Monday.
Mrs. Sallle High la visiting In A|-
One of the prettiest social affairs of
the season was a reception given by
Mrs. William Walter Driskell Thurs
day afternoon. 8he was assisted In
rscsiving by Mrs. W. J. Kales, Misses
Mary and Fannie Stansei, Berta and
Kile Smith, Tilley, Jonee. Hyer and
Arthur. Misses (Heaton and Tucker
•erred tea In Japanese costume* after
a delightful salad course.
The many friends of Miss Sallle
Fannie (Heaton will be Interested to
know that she sailed Wednesday for a
few months' stay In Germany.
Mr*. T. D. O'Kelley, Mr*. J. A. Guinn
and Miss Nell Melton are attending
the United Daughters of the Confeder
acy convention In Americus.
Mrs. M. A. Melton has returned from
Macon, where she was catted on ac
count of the Illness of her daughter*
Madge, nt Wesleyan.
Mra. R. E. oils has gone to Co
lumbla, 8. C., to attend the Reid'
be Vaughn wedding.
Mrs. w. V. Almand Is spending the
Week In Social Circle.
Mr*. Charles Taylor has returned
from Atlanta.
Misses Johnson, of West Point, are
•pending a few weeks with their
brother at Mllstead.
Mrs. 8. C, Brodnax entertained a
number of her friends last Saturday
afternoon In honor of her stater. Mra.
I- B. Hudson, who has Just returned
trom i'.dorado Springs.
Misses Kate Smith and Miriam Bell
are In Atlanta.
Mrs. Nell Sears has Issued invlta
tlon to a bridge party to be given
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr*. J. w. Butler and daughter,
Oeelende, of Camilla, are visiting Mrs.
‘ Roddenbury.
'hlcago and Milwaukee, where
•ho -pent several months.
„ l, r- Arthur Little has resumed Ills
studio* at Tulane after spending the
summer In Thomasvllte.
Mr. I!un*ell Watt ha* returned from
* visit lo Atlanta and Memphis.
Mr. and Hr,. L,, H- J> rg er
nom- arier a pleasant visit to New
York rity.
Mis* Alary Phillips has returned to
her home in Columr ' i
o , '„ p - Phillips.
Mr. Frank McCartney returned to
niomosvllie Wednesday after spend-
North ! ' umnler ln Virginia and the
Mis. Fitzpatrick, of Madlsou. Is the
*“*?' "f Mrs. John Lamb.
Mt*. Hansel Merrlel entertained at
WMge Saturday ffi honor of her guest,
Danl *> Hebard. of Philadelphia.
iijf 1 * "ere five table* of bridge nnd
,'refreshments were served,
wit "alter Taylor waa hostess
"edneaday afternoon at a bridge par-
' at ." h j£h thirty-six ladles were her
BS 1 *' The color scheme of pink and
" n * carried out In the decora-
a hd the delicious refreshments
\n a . f ! el ' Ihc
Maml * Merrlel invited eight
sue-.* lo an Informal bridge party
M oyster luncheon Saturday. Mr*.
*- * OX Won I Via flna* nelaa IS hdNif*
In v | h , *, r *s*>ng wedding of the week
Unist. h .\ II* "** that of Miss Mary
"®fn*r and Mr. Luke Lea.
ll,„.“ " a* solemnized with much brll-
a 1 Renraw, the home of Mr. and
Ins •V£ r, ’ y "afner, Thursday even-
lnrin,Hr, her * *■* a iaege bridal party.
frm>. number 'of j^oung people
Mbs u '“'tance. among whom were:
M-.'„ • , «nil*on. of Birmingham:
"<‘nry Dickinson, of Chicago;
k.hl.1. ’ 5< -*' " l Terre Haute: H. O.
Paul, ; " r .Birmingham, and E. A.
auhub-r, of Hi. Lottl*. Bishop Thom-
n* F. Gallor officiated. On Monday
evening the groom’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Overton Lea. gave a dinner at
Lealand for the bridal party? and they
were the honor guests of a luncheon at
the Golf und Country Club the same
day. Wednesday evening Air. and Mr*.
Warner entertained the bridal party
at dinner.
Sire. L. H. Harris, formerly of At
lanta, but now of Nashville, gave a
pretty tea Thursday afternoon to
compliment Mr*. Janies Blanton Wha-
rey, a recent bride.
Alls* Mary B. Neal returned to Nash
ville Wednesday after a visit to her
cousin. Miss Nell Phillips, in Atlanta,
during whleh she wna charmingly en
ill's. George M. Ingram gave a hand,
some tea Thursday afternoon for her
cousin, .Miss Harriet Ross, of Cincin
Mrs. George Shwab will give an aft
ernoon reception November Si for her
debutante sister, Miss Augusta Shwab.
at her home, and on the evening of
November 23 Mr. and Airs. V. E. 8hwab
will give a dance for their daughter at
the Hermitage Club.
Mrs. R. E. Davies, Mrs. Marvin Me-
Ferrln and Miss Estella Davies will
give a tea November 6 In honor of
Mrs. Fred Thompson, and Airs. Tlieo
Hamlin, of Now York.
Miss Gertrude Whitworth gave a
Halloween dinner Wednesday night for
her guest. Miss Irene Turner, of Okla
homa City. In' whose honor she will
give a dance November 8.
Miss Jane Berry will give a dance at
the University Club November 16 for
her debutante sister. Miss Sara Berry,
and two visiting girls, MIts Marjorie
Weatherly, of Birmingham, and Miss
Jessie Swann, of Dandrldge.
Sixty Nashville guests attended the
marriage of Miss Frances Graham and
Mr. Charles S. Caldwell, Jr., now of
New Orleans, but formerly of Nash
ville, which took place nt Plnewood,
the ancestral Graham home, on Octo
ber 30.
Mra. Watker Edwards gave a lunch
eon today for Miss Murlon Martin,
one of the season's debutantes.
The engagement of Miss Anne Good
win, formerly of Nashville, non- of Pas-
adona, Cal., to Mr. Julius M. Nlssen,
of Los Angeles, has been announced.
The bride is a sister of Mr. T. Buford
Goodwin, of Atlanta.
Miss Blanche Carson and Miss Mar
tha Whitman, of Atlanta, will arrive
the middle of November to visit Miss
Ellse Lipscomb, who will give a bridge
dinner In their honor on their arrival.
Miss Estelle Shook has been elected
president of the Whist Club, which for
a number of years 1ms been a leading
social factor In Nashville. In future
tt will be a bridge club.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Lyons, of St. Joe,
Mo., are the guests of Mr. und Airs. A.
J. Lacy.
Mrs. James Caskey, of Spring Hill,
Tenn., Is visiting here.
Miss Jullu Walden visited In Trinity
the past week.
Mrs. A. E. Jackson, of Hartselle, was
here the past week:
Mrs. H. B. Scott visited In Birming
ham the past week.
ill's. John S. Marks visited In Trinity
tilts week.
Mrs. B. R. Nunn has been In Trinity.
Mrs. W. A. Frasier vlsltell In Trln
Ity the past week.
Miss Lillian Baker, of Trinity, was
here this week.
Sfrs. Charles Emens, of Trinity, vis
Ited here the past week.
Miss Annie Minor Is In Florence.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nelson are In
Mias Ruth Crawford visited In Hills
boro the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Jones have
returned from Washington, D. C.
Misses Susie and Minnie King, of
Florence, visited here the past week.
ills* Lou Landers Is home from Hill*'
Mrs. Howard has returned to 1-ex-
Ington, (Is., after a visit here.
Mrs. Percy, of Hot Springs. Ark., Is
visiting relatives.
Mrs. Florence Forbs and sister. Mis*
Nina Rognon, visited In Montgomery
the past week.
Mrs. Galley was In Moulton the past
Mrs. Emma Jones and son, Frank
Jones, are In Jackson, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Boy C. Horton are
home from Birmingham.
Miss Hattie Hundley, of Mooravllle,
visited here this week.
Mrs. Beetle Pointer Is home from
Mrs. George Allen visited In Birming
ham the post week.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurle Falk, of Bir
mingham, visited here the past week.
Mrs. George Wall Is home from Bir
mingham. . , ..
Mr*. Hen Dupont and grandmother
visited in Bowling Green, K>\, the past
W Mbis Georgia Bibb Is visiting In
^*Mrs.' Mary Foster Willett, of Wash
ington, visited Mrs. C. C. Harris the
past week.
home from
Ml*s Nell Topp I* visiting tn Troy,
Mrs. C. ('. Smith and illss lam
Hughes, of Bowling Green, Ky., are
Vl Mrs.*ll. , *A.' Neill t* visiting In Flor- 1
*“&*. Baxter Crawford Is visiting her
parents at Hiawatha, Kans.
Mrs. A. M. Thomas U
Pulaski, Tenn.
Mr. ami ilrs. J. W. Wilson are home
from Birmingham.
Mrs. J. At. Jones Is visiting In Mont-
*'Airs? Hollingsworth, of Alontgomery
** Mrfand Airs. Huston Napps are In
' "ahss Annie McDonald I* in Neel.
Air. and All'S. Edward Stephenson, of
Danville, are here.
Air*. Neville, of Trinity, Is the guest
of Mrs. Eugene Roney.
Atrs. J. O. Cline I* visiting Irt Town
' 'ah*. W. 8. Aflller I* home trom Blr-
m Mr. h 8? < kolm and family have moved
ll) Ferguson, of ilemphls, I*
' * AlVs/sue ^Pointer Is In HUIsboro.
Aflsa Ruble Grayson Is home from a
*Mr*!°Bricke**Draper visited In Btr-
minchtt!)) tht past wt#k.
Mm Bciulc.v la In Blrmlnchani.
MIm May OBrUn I* home from a
V %. , °0 H T n Cl2b w„ entertain*! on
Alls* Eleanor. A number of visitors
were present and the afternoon proved
to Im» a nioxt enjoyable one. Refresh-
,n Mls*s '/mnle C L«u*Hpelgbt entertained
the Lost Heir Club. There was a large
attendance of members and others
present" Refreshment* were served at
tile close of the game..
. On Friday night Air. and Afrs. 8. O.
Forllne celebrated their silver wedding
at their residence on Jackson street.
They received a number of lovely
presents. Ices, cake und fruits were
On Wednesday Air. W. B. Lindsey
and Air*. Odella Kitchens, botti of
Hartselle, were quietly married at the
home of the bride in Hartselle. They
will make their home In Hartselle,
Where they have lived for many years.
Air. C. L. Whaley has arrived In the
city with tils bride, who was Alls*
Winston Jones, of Selma, Ala.. |>re-
vlous tn their marriage about two
weeks ago, In that city. Air. Whaley
is a railroad man and stnre coming to
Macon lias made many friends to whom
he 'will Introduce hie bride.
Miss Rosslter Collins entertained on
Wednesday afternoon In compliment to
Alls. Edward T. Holmes, who was. pre
vious to her marriage. Miss Elisabeth
Jemlson. of Birmingham, Ala. Mrs.
Holmes has joined the young ladles'
Bridge Club, and will be a pleasant
addition to social life in Alacon tills
Mr*. Walter D. Lamar, president of
the Sidney Lanier Chapter, U. D. C„
made an address at the Americus state
convention this week. Air*. Lamar wll
represent the chapter also at the nS'
tlonal convention In Gulfport, together
with several other ladles.
On Friday evening occurred a dance
at the Log Cabin Club, which was given
under the auspices of the Young La
dles' Hospital Auxiliary, of which Airs.
Leon S. Dure Is president. Miss Eulu
Felton Willingham, vice president, Allss
Fanny Harris, secretary, and illss Fan'
ny Flam, treasurer.
Alias Camille Lamar Is expected In
Alacon on the »th from New York,
where she has had a delightful stay
with Mrs. John Alton Harris, on River
side Drive. Alias Lamar is one of the
malda of Itonor for Atlas Fanny Harris,
state sponsor for the veterans, and has
hastened her return In order to attend
the Savannah reunion In that capacity.
Airs. Richard Moncure, of Fall e.
Church, Va., Is the guest of Airs. Nar
R. Winshlp. In Alacon.
Allss Julia .Huguenln attended the
Altlls-Goddard wedding In Griffin this
Mrs. Edward Artope entertained at
the third of a series of bridge parlies
on Wednesday afternoon.
Airs. John Moore Walker gave a
pretty bridge party this week.
Saturday evening Mr. and Airs. Har
ry Robert entertained at a bridge party
of several tablvs.
Afrs. L. O. Stevens left Saturday for
New York.
Mrs. Warner Hardwick has returned
from a visit to Augusta.
Airs. Eugene Harris returned this
peek from Asheville. N. C.
Judge and Atrs. Emory Speer return
this week from Alt. Airy.
Airs. Devries Davis, of Atlanta, Is the
guest of Airs. T. O. Chestney.
Airs. C. J. T. Clarke, of Hsn Antonio,
Texas. Is the guest of Mrs. Alarshall
Air*. John B. Cobh, formerly iHdy
principal at Wesleyan College, Is ox-
pected tn Alacon the lutter part of No
vember to spend a few weeks liefore
sailing for the Orient, where she w?!l
remain for two years, In China and
I Drake
of Miss Winifred Glessner, the att
IN guest of Mrs. Thomas Whit
I Dr. J. Lewis Browne, of Atlanta, gave
a recital on Tuesday evening at St.
Georges Episcopal church that was a
rare neat to music lovers. Ho was
I assisted by Mr. George Ml'Dantet, of
Atlanta, who has a magnificent barl-
| ton* vote*.
I Miss Susanne Grantlund entertained
Ion Wednesday morning at bridge ln
J honor of Alls- Settle Hamilton, of Pe
tersburg. Ya. Miss Addle Anthony
won the top score, a silver loving cdp.
and a hunch of chrysanthemums tied
with tulle wa* presented to the guest
of honor.
Airs. D. J. Hally entertained at cards
In honor of Miss Hamilton, of Virginia.
Those piesent were Atlsses Janie and
Bessie Clark Urowner, Alls* Opal
Smith, Allss Rebecca Nall nnd illss
Sutanne Grantland.
Friday afternoon Airs. Fleming Bailey
entertained In honor of Mr*. Hendley
Air. and Airs. S. F. Strickland have
Just returned from a visit to Boston
Mr. George Niles, of Atlanta, Is vis
Itlng Ids mother, Air*. Alice Niles.
Atrs. Renfroe Jackson, of Atlanta, Is
the guest of Mr*. A. J. Burr.
Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Dunbar are visit
ing in Augusta.
Allss Helen Howard Is spending the
week In Alacon.
Air. Cleve Ware Is In New York.
Airs. A. J. Crouch has returned from
Allss Stella Houser Is visiting In Au
F* 1 * 1 *' „
Mr. A. G. Howard spent Tuesday In
Mr. J. W. Overstreet Is spending the
week-end In Augusta.
Alias Jinks Edwards, of Pembroke,
has been visiting friends here for *ev-
era) day*.
Misses Parker and Caldwell have
been visiting In Stnteaboro recently,
Mr. Clarence Reynolds has returned
to Alayfield. „ ' . .
Mrs. A. J. Edwards, of Pembroke,
was visiting her* recently.
One of the most delightful social
event* of the season wa* the Halloween
party given at the home of Professor
A. F. Ware by Messrs. Ware, P»te and
McCallum. Among those present were
Atlsses Jessie Houser, Mary B. Battle,
Alary Spier, Archie Spier, Laura Hous
er. Gladys Spier. Marie Little, B#t*le
Evan*, Me**ra. Howard, Edward*. Pe
teraon, Alltnon. Overatreet. Evan*, Bed
Ingfield and Wore.
Mis* .Minnie iloffel. of Walden. Is
the guest of Atrs. G. W. Winn.
Air*. M. M. Lowry, of Americus, I*
Isltlng her aunt. Mr*. C. E. Gilbert.
Air*. F. M. King Is attending the
meeting of the Daughters of the Con
federacy at Americus.
The Houston County Chapter Daugh
ters of the Confederacy held their reg
ular monthly meeting this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. H. AI. Holtzclaw.
Alls* .Mottle Lu Wilson has gone to
Seville. Fla., to take the school there.
Airs. M. E. Paul has gone to Macon
to visit friends.
Miss Marv Woodard ha* returned
from a visit to friends In Coffee coun
i In An
i f the
Chadwick Battey la seriously III at
his home on Fifth avenue, but la better.
Colonel R. A. Denny Is at home from
a business trip to Atlanta.
W. C. Hammond, a prominent farmer
of Armuchee, spent Thursday In Rome.
County School Commissioner John C.
King visited the Seney School Thurs
E. IV. Evans, of Allantn, Is spending
« few days In Rome on business.
J. S. Crawford wa* among the. Ro
mans who spent Thursday In Cedar-
AI. J. Abbott, of Arwortli, was a vis
Itor to Rome Thursday and attended
a meeting of the Rome Oil and Fer
tlllzer Works.
E. B. LeFerve, after spending a few
days In Rome with friends and rela
tives, has returned to hi* home In
T. J. Tinsley, s capitalist of Nash
ville, Tenn., and on* of the owner* of
the Rome Oil and Fertilizer Works,
wa* In Rome Thursday.
City Attorney G. K. Maddox left
Thursday night for Austin. Tex., where
he ha* been called to attend to some
legal and private matters. Air. .Mad
dox will be absent'from the city about
two weeks.
The Hon. J. L. Hardin, of Coo**, wa*
In Rome Thursday.
Air. Cicero Harmsond. of Floyd
Spring*, wa* In the city Thursday.
Alts. Robert Battey Is much Improved
Rev. W. Hakkklharu. of Japan, wa*
the guest of Rev. Charles B. Hudgins
Wednesday night and Thursday.
Allss Mary Johnson, who has been
the guent of Mrs. II. S. Lansdell on
Toner Hill, lias relumed to Her home
In Florida.
Airs. Bob Williams and little daugh
ter liuve returned from a visit to
friends and relatives In the East.
Air. John Seay I* out again after a
few day*' lllne**.
The Hon. Judges Wright and Henry
are off for a few days' (hooting.
Alls* Sharlry Hamrick, of Cedar-
town, arrived In the city yesterday and
will lie the guest of her eleter. Air*.
Joel Pyle, for sonic time at her home In
the Fifth wai-d.
Allss Pauline Berry relumed home
last .Monday from Lucy Cobb on ac-
cmint of lllnees.
Messrs. E. J. Brynf, of New York:
Samuel Levett, of Chattanooga: J. K.
Auld, of Knoxville, Tenn.; G. H. Shep
herd, of loulavllle; W. W. Stiurr, of
New York: G. E. Laubald. of Atlanta;
A. J. King, of Thomaston. amt L. K.
itunford and wife, of Cartersvllle, were
the guests at the Cherokee last Thurs
day evening. ... .
Mrs. T. J. Bryan, of Atlanta. Is vU-
Iting her mother, ilrs. B. B. Morrison,
In North Rom*.
Air. Henry Stonaburg, who ha* beet,
visiting hi* mother for the past week,
baa retured to ht* horn* In New York.
MU* Martha Berry ha* gone to Chi
cago In the Interest of the Boy*' Indus
trial School of thU city.
Air*. W. O. Clement and little daugh
ter. Mary Franc**, have returned horn*
from an extended visit to relative* In
Atlanta and Eatonton.
Airs. J. B. Kevin left last Sunday for
Washington, D. C„ to Join her husband,
who ha* accepted a position a* para-
grapher on The Washington Herald.
Mr. and Airs. Lincoln Morrison have
moved to Atlanta, where they will make
their future home.
Tuesday afiermsm Mrs. 8-wwe! Hall
Mis* Louise Hemingway I* vDItlng'
friends at Bon Air.
Air*. J. F. Logan visited Air*. L. S,
Tounsley this week.
Fred H. Houser, of Hotel Aragon, of
Atlanta, was with friends till* week.
A very quiet marriage took place In
our city on the 31st Instant, the con-
trading parties being Mr. Oscnr P.
Maddox ami MU* Sallle Lee. Judge
M. M. Newton olficUting. The groom
Is a young limn engaged In the sewing
machine bu*lne»s. and the bride Is a
daughter of Mr. and Mr*. George E.
Lee. all of Halcyondale.
Messrs. J. H. Evan*. W. H. B alker
and J. T. Walker attanded the meet
ing of the grand lodge ln Macon this
" Mr*; H. D. L*e ha* Just returned
horn* from Blackshear. where she was
called to tho bedside of her sick
daughter, Alls* Ora Lee. *
Dr. Simmons,'of s Guyton, wna In our
town today.
The Orpheus Club resumed the semi-
monthly meetings today, a full attend,
ance of the members being present.
Plans for a very enjoyable season ivoro
discussed, and the club will give sever
al important and Interesting entertain
ments during the season. Alls* Louise
Joseph Is the secretary of the club.
The teacher* of the Primary Indus
trial school participated in a very en
joyable- Hallowoen parly Wednesday
evening, ut which the parents of the
achool children were the Invited guaata.
Rev. Ashley Jones and several mem-
tiers of the school board were present
and made aome Interesting addresses.
The following Invitation* have been
Issued: - , ,
Mr. and Mr*. George Washington
Sheridan request til* honor of your
presence at the marriage of their
daughter. Pearl, to Mr. .Murray Alex
ander Calhoun, on the evening of Wed
nesday, November 14, at 3 o clock,
3420 Hamilton avenue, Columbus. Ga.
Allss Sheridan la the daughter of
Alderman G. W. Sheridan, of this city,
and Is a very popular younr lady.
Air. and Alii. J. D. Brennan an
nounce the approaching marriage of
their daughter. Alls* Luel a L. Bren-
non, to Mr. Louis R. Aldridge, the
wedding to take place on Wednesday
evening, November 14. at 1:30 o'clock,
at their suburban home east of the
city. The event Is one of unusual In
terest, as both of the young people ore
very iMipular, the prospective groom
being a well-known young business
man. and his fiancee a most charming
und lovable young lady, who ha* a
host of friends and adultrers In the city
and county.
Atr. and Air*. W. 11. Bowe announce
the engagement of llielr daughter,
Ethel Os burn, to Mr. Alarlon Joseph
Davidson, of Birmingham. Alu., the
marriage to take place on Tuesday.
November 20. at S:30 o'clock, at the
Church or the Holy Family. No cards.
Airs. Lenora Epplng Swift announces
the engagement of her daughter. Ig
nore, to Atr. Robert Ernest Ulsmukes,
the marriage to take place on the
evening of November 30, at Trinity
Air. Henry Abercrombie, of Alisals-
etppi. la In the city stopping with his
sister, Mrs. Richard Howard. Mr.
Snapshot of Mr, and Mrs. Afax Flelsrlimann, the bride of Colonel Alax
Pielschmann, who recently returned from a honeymoon to the Arctic,
and sketches Illustrating Incidents of the trip.
of \V;
Abercrombie has not been In Colum
bus In several year*, and hi* many
friends are glad to see hint and wel-
com* him back again.
Mr. Henry- Bussey, who has been
visiting Mrs. John Biackmar and Atrs.
J. W. Singleton, ha* gone to Athens,
where she will visit, and thence go to
her home In Cliarlotte, X. C.
Major and Mra. R. W. Wright, of
Florida, are In the city, the guests of
Mr. and Mra. Richard Howard.
The commltt*** having the matter
in charge are receiving letter* every
day now from representatives of the
various chapter* that will,attend the
state conference of the D. A. R„ which
la to be held In this city November 21-
13. The Georgian ha* been kindly fa
vored wltb a Hat of thoae who have
been heard from up to today. The list
printed below doe* not contain all who
will be here. It Is hardly likely that
more than a third of the total number
of visitor* fa In this Hat. possibly not
so many as that. The Daughters have
extended an Invitation lu Mr*. J. Ator-
gnn Smith, state regent of the 1). A. R.
of Alabamu. to be present, and she has
accepted the Invitation. She will be
the guest of Airs. J. S. Harrison, while
here. ' Those who have been heard
from up to today are as follows:
Air*. R. K. Pork, of Atlantu, vice
president general for the state of
Georgia, and Airs. P. W. Godfrey, of
Covington, who -Is slate vice regent
for Georgia.
Pulaski Chapter. Griffin. Ga.—Mr*.
Roswell Deuhe, delegate: .Mr*. J. W.
AicWilllains, regent's alternate.
Kettle Creek Chapter. Washington.
Ga.—Mrs. H. C.'Kemme. regent; Mr*.
T. AI. Greene, delegute.
Lachlan McIntosh Chapter, Suvuuiiuh
—Airs. John At. Brown, regent; Air*.
Daniel Hopper, delegate-
Augusta Chapter, Augusta—Air*.
Harriet Gould Jeffrie*, delegate: Mr*.
Katherine Houston Fischer, regent’*
Mary lluintimtnl Washington Chap
ter, Alacon—Atrs, Mallory H. Taylor, re
gent; .Mrs. Lee Kills, delegate.
Nuthanlel Alacon Chapter, Atiicon—
Mrs. Edgar A. Ross, regent; Atlas
ll e WescotL delegate.
Sarah McIntosh Chapter. Atlanta—
Air*. J. A. Perdue, regent; no delegate
yet reported.
Sergeant Newton Chapter, Covington
—Mr*. James Rogers, regent; Miss Ag
nes Godfrey, delegate.
Thomas Jefferson Chapter. Allania—
Mrs. Miller B. Hutchins, regent; no
delegate yet reported.
Piedmont Continental Chapter; At
lanta—.Mrs. IJ. AI. Deun, regent; no
delegute yet reported.
Stephen Heard Chapter, Elberlon,
Ga.—Mr*. W. C. Jones, delegate.
As the meeting* xff the chapters are
usually held on tit? first of the month It
Is expected to have the list complete In
a few day*.
Mra. L. W. Dean ha* returned from
an extended visit to relative* In Birm
Mrs. Edward Moss Is visiting rela
tives In Uunlersyllle.
Airs. John B. Hammond Is visiting
relatives la Talladegn.
Misses Ethel ami Ita Stocks enter
tained u number of their friends with a
Halloween party Wednesday night at
their home, on Harralson'avenue.
Captain' James T. Brook* attended
the reunion of the Scottish Bite Ma
sons at Alontgomery this week.
The members of the Twentieth Cen
tury Club were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles P. Smith, on .Monday
Captain Will Thornton is visiting
friends In Huntsville awl Scottsboro.
Rev. J. C. Smith, pastor of the Cum
berland Presbyterian church, attended
the meeting of the presbytery ut Bust
Lake Wednesday and Thursday.
Hun, M. J. Bowie, of Anniston, was
the guest of friend* here on Alonday.
George D. .Motley has returned from
a visit to Nashville.
Alias Carrie Newman I* visiting
friend* In Birmingham.
Mux Nelson has niurned from
Greenville, Allss., and will make tills
his home again.
Lieutenant Governor and Afr*. Cun
ningham. of Enaley, were here Alon
day to attend the funeral of Mis* Car
rie Turrenllne. *
Mr*. John Stapleton, of Birmingham,
I* visiting her mother, Mr*. N. C. Leek.
The Junior league of the Afethodl»t
church gave a Halloween party at the
honie of Mr*. W*. H. Sutton on Wednea-
day evening.
Mr*. H. O. Duma* and Utile *pn have
returned from a vijlt to relatives In
Airs. Rose Thomas, of Birmingham, la
the guest of her slater. Air*. W. P.
Cooper, on Walnut etreet.
Colonel B. P. Hammond and wife
have returned to their home In Alc-
Alllster, Oklahoma, after visiting rela
tives in thl* city.
Mis* Blanche Hoy, of Birmingham,
was the guest of her parents, Air. and
Air*. C. E. Hoy, Sunday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Woodson J. Martin
have returned from a visit to relative*
In Anniston.
Mrs. J. AI. Elliots, Jr., has returned
from a visit to New York and Wash
Afr*. E. T. Schuler has returned from
Jackson, Alts*., where she witnessed
the dedication of the Illinois monument
ut that city.
Mra. W. C. Paden will entertain the
Wednesday Card Club at her home, on
Forrest avenue, next week*
Professor W. PI. Strfplln la visiting
relatives In Gpellkn.
Mr. and-Airs. E. G. Alinnemeyer have
returned from a visit to Pittsburg, Pa.
Air*. AI. E. Bradford, bf Braw'nsvllle,
Tenn., I* the gue«t of Air. nnd Afr*. D.
Major O. R. Randall attended the
Masonic reunion In Birmingham.
Atr*. John D. Dunlap ha* returned
from a visit to Birmingham.
Colonel K. A. .Mitchell lit* returned
from a visit to Alontgomery.
A. A. Towers Is visiting friends at
Spartanburg, S. ('.
Mrs. J. AI. Caldwell, of Birmingham,
visited friend* here Monday and Wed
Airs. Alfred Warren, or Atlanta, Is the
guest of Ml'S. R. Hobbs. Sr.
AIIsh Nannie Fields Is visiting relU'
live* In Georgetown.
Misses Pearl and Jewel Morton, of
Alphurettu, are the guests of their un
de, AJr. J. 11. Morton.
Mr. PM. D. Brown, of New York, and
Mr. PI. PL Strauss, of Louisville, Ky.,
are visiting at the home of Air. H. B.
Allss Sherrie Lewis has returned
home from an extended visit to points
In North Carolina.
Allss Josle Blankenship has return'
ed to her home In Columbus, after a
pleasum visit in the city.
Afrs. W. E. Gannoway, Aire,
Smith, Airs. G. C. Johnson, Afrs. \V. J.
Hall end Allss Lillie Alfriend liuve
been In Camilla attending the conven
tion of the Home and Foreign Allsston-
ury Societies of the Methodist church.
Airs. C. M. Clark has been visiting
relatives In Eufauta, Ala., for the last
Mr. uml Airs. Joseph Robert Lees, of
Philadelphia, are the guests of rehP
AH*. Henry Hlrach and Alls* Alsdelyn
lllrsch, of Atlanta, are visiting at the
home of Air*. H. B. Brown.
Airs. J. G. Dodson, of Americus,
visiting her mother, Mr*. S. B. Lewis.
ilia. L.. P. Anthony lias returned lo
her home In Philadelphia, after an ex'
tended visit to relative* In the city.
Mr. nnd Air*. W. B. Willingham, of
Atlanta, are the guest* of relatives In
the city.
Mrs. Ham Rosenberg has returned
from a visit to relative* In Alontgoin-
cry. Ala.
Mr. and Alra. J. B. Charles, of Pou-
lan. visited relatives hers thin week.
Colonel nnd Mrs. John P. P’ort, of
Atlanta, spent n few day* here this
. Allss P’lorrle Harwell, of Wesleyan
College, returned Tuesday after a
three days’ visit to her parents.
The Atlsses Carr are In Atlanta fur a
few day*.
Airs. Joseph E. Bogle nnd little
Louise are visiting In P'orsyth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thomas spent
Sunduy In Midway with Rev. and Airs.
W. E. Venable.
Mrs. It. Burton Davis snd Master
Jack Davis returned from Augustu'
Saturday. They attended the Georgia-
Carolina fair and were guests of Air.
and Airs. IV. M. Robinson.
Allss Gladys Lee Is at home from
Agnes Scott until Alonday.
.Misses Ruby Ezelle and Llszle Bal
lard, of Alontlcello, have been visiting
Rev. and Afr*. Eugene R. Pendleton
this week.
Mrs. Pielder Osborn, of Alausffeld,
was the visitor last week of Airs. Hen
ry Odum.
Air. and Air*. Henry Greer left the
first of the month for Atlanta, where
they will reside in future. Their numer
ous friends sincerely regret their de
Airs. W. D. Travis. Mra. P. W. God
frey, Airs. James AI. Pace and Airs.
James V. Rogers attended the United
JJn'.psle P'.
I end AIDS Jule Allen are c
few day* to visit Airs. .1. .1
and Aire. Farmer, who h
I Cole City for the past *l>
i remove to Atlanta about i
* November.
Afrs. It. I. Weaver has if
J Macon, where she visited
1 Bllllngsleti.
Arise Winona liberlein;
I Ala., has returned after
1 the guest for several day* ■
Air. and Air*. J. II. Spjrl
Ington. D. C.; Air. and Alls. J. A!. H
; Goode, of Conyer*. and Messrs. John
and W. II. Brlsemilne have been vis*
! Itlng In the city a* the guest.- of Air
end Air*. I. D. Brlsendlne and Air. *•:i• 1
Alra. 8. V. P'armer.
The ladles’ Afternoou Euehre Club w*l
entertained <>u Thursday by Mrs. K r.
Dobbs. Delicious refrethiueuts were - i v
ed. The prises, s phi holder and »f1ck |dn
were wou by Mrs. Bradshaw and Alb- \d
die Hetze.
One uf the moat delightful event- of Mo
season was Heard party given l>y Mr. an,I
Air*. F. L. fttsrr eotuinetuoratire of Mr-.
Ktnrr’s 70th birthday. About 100 Inviini oh
were Issued. Tbe guests showered gifts »f
rut gins*, sliver slid ehlnn on the popular
ho*t. Tbe iH-autlful home ws« decorated to
white snd yellow ehrysaulheuiuui*. A limn
punch imwi was placed lu Mu- bell, with
festoons of grapes surrounding It, from
which was serveil delicious punch. At the
close of the game sslsds. Ices nnd hotel -
were served. The heslth of the boat no-
drunk In glMMSes of spsrkllng ebanipngn,'.
The lsdles T prise, a sold and wh t<- f,u:r
tool and s gold bat pin. were won l,v Mr-
I: I*. Hunt and Mrs. Kchoilcid. of Moron.
Miss Cortelyou wou the booby, u witch.
The geuth-men's prise*, n Iniiilnini" urn
brella nnd silver shaving bru-h, wen- non
by Mr. M. II. P'lclds stul Air. It. VV. Boone.
The souvenirs were little pumpkin brown
b * and the ocore enrda sketched in septa.
deenrattoua were in white and plot
present were Air*. Alorgnn AfcVe
W. A.' Ditl’re. Air*. I.. M. Brumby. Jr.
Atr*. Bolau Brumby, Air*. Kggar l’nmrroy.
Mr*. Conner, Air*. K. It. Hunt nnd Mr-.
W yntt.
Among the ouf of-totyn sueata at Mr. end
Mr*. Mt*rr'* party were Afr. and .Mr*, ttcho.
Held and All** SWioflepI, „f Alncou, nnd Mr.
Clarke, of Charlotte.
Judge nnd Air*. Julm Candler spent Mon
day In the elt.v.
Air*. Egbert Freyer entertained a number
of friend* at bridge on Htiturday afternoon.
Alra. t V Trainmen, Jr., vvlto has I
vinltliijf rHntlvi 1 * In I>nlton, linn retnruinj
Canto are to*ued to the tenth annlTeruir?
and Jfra. Fret! Morrto, a rnCRptfuii
beln* flrau In honor of tbe occaalon.
The T. W. C). Clali held a very plea*-
tint meetlug with Mina Ulndji Tope on
Wednesday, of last week, when plan*
were made for a ‘Vllpplujc party” and ;«
hasar at the Knltfhta of Pythias ball, on
the 30th.
Un. Mary Itorto, Mra. W. F. Jordan,
Mra. Ed Hreene, Mrs. Milton Benton, Mra.
W. M. Bullard nnd Mra. Ab (Irey *pent
Wednesday In Maron*
Mrs. sJamoM Ftowuea entertained the "For
ty-Two Club” hut Wednesday at her home'
on Forsyth street.'
The entertainment ‘given l»y the T. W.
O. Club, whleh la eoniposed of the fol
lowing young ladles, cm Tuesday night, was
a success.
Misses Uuth Hill, Daw«on Bradley and
Maude Benton had c harge of the Amerletiii
booth, whleh was made of lnr«* red. white
anil blue flags. Here an elegant mjI.h!
course was served. Next to this booth were
the maidens from Kimono land. The Jap
anese' booth wss managed l*y }!tosex Kate
Tollesoii, Berthe Smith anil 3Jlnnh- lieu-
ton. Hot eboc*0lntc>. tea nn<l entree were
served here, and next to them oysters * »•
served. The Mexlcsn booth was mnna-e.!
by Misses Mabel Ballard, Olflilys Pope ;m.l
Cleo Bradley Candler, pegnuts, elgart ;u.d
dowers halng sold hare, anil thle was n
popnlar comer. The Eskimo booth \\m
very pretty aud nttraetlvr. AU In whit*,
wltb tho Icicles hanging, and lined wltb
furs within. It was a cosy home for the two
little Eskimo maidens, little Misses Josh*
Harvey and Maude Pope, who aenred # lce
cream to the crowd, and they wore well
visited. Over the stage, which wna deco
rated with ferns and vases of cot Dow*
era. the “wheel of fortune” waa suspend
ed. (lifts of all sfsea, shape* and pilcri
ltuiig from tin* wheel, and catching nue,
you clipped It. At the wheel were l!r».
W. It. Powell, who so kindly helped the
club; Mrs. f*. J. Blaaengmne. Miss Grace
Itoblnson and Ml** Arnette Kelly. On tie*
reception <*oinndtte« were Ml** Plttnrd.
Miss Turner, -Miss Ash and Miss Kelly,
' to the *o-
Della Kel-
Mrs. Aunt Wooten and Miss Mina Woot
en. of Buena Vista, Ga., are the gueita of
Mrs. Phil Lanier.
Mrs. Frauk K. Boland and son, Frank
Kells, Jr., of Atlanta, nr# visiting Hr.
J. 8. Horsley’s family this week.
Miss Epple Lee Scott expects to visit
Mra. Blgnor Strong at her homo In Opelika
next week.
Mist Jessie Lewis Johnson has returned
home from a visit to relatives in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Dixon, of Athens,
are vtoltlng Mrs. LaFayette Lamar.
Mrs. Marw McCnlloh and Mtoa Bess Smith
•pent a few days In LaGrtingo this week
Mra. J. A. Beasley, of Atlanta, to the
guest of Mr. and ilrs. Tom Lang.
Miss Bari ha lloraley has returned from
a visit to relatives In LanrAnee.
Mtoa Verna Dudley, of Columbus, to #•*- .
pvvtfil soon to be tbu gnest of Miss EMulln
Mrs. Kahn, of Birmingham. It the guest
of Mis* Fannie Hsgedom.
Mto* Isonelle Hardy pleasantly entertain-
e*l the Thursday Morning Clob this week
at bid domino. The prizes were won by
Miss Jessie L. Johnson and Mto* Kate
W. & A. R. R. TO
Effective ut Atlanta, October 37th,
and Chattanooga. October 29th. thu
\V. t A. Railroad will operate on Ita
trains. Nos. 3 and 4, Pullman sleep
ers between Atlanta and Ciintlnnoogu.
train leaving Atlanta at 8:SO p. hj
and passengers can remain- ln sarao
until 7:00 a. u. next morning in Chat-
tnnooga, returning passengers enu get
in sleeper at Chattanooga at ti:un
m. and arrive Atlanta 7:10 next
General Passenger Agent.
The Ueurgiaa does nut Intend that
It* subscribers .hall mis* an>tiifi,.,
t'oiisequetitly. it has obtained subscrip
tion* to ten prominent magazine* and
publlruttonx, an. of which will be .-*nt
to web yearly paid In advance - ut. -
setlber to The Georgian. The price of
The Georgian I. *4.60 per Band
u* that amount and we wilt send y<m
The Georgian every afternoon durinic
the year, except Sunday, together '
any one of the following magazine-
may .-elect: Judge's Quarterly, An
can Magazine. American Boy. .
Housekeeping. McCall'- 118 mi:
i’.tpular Magazine. Soot It.'
Woman'* Home Compai
Magazine, Cismopollian.