Newspaper Page Text
|Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidneyj
; Trouble and Never Suspect It.
flo Prove What thc Great Kidney Remedy - Swam P- Root ‘ Manufacturers’Record Calls
t Will Do for YOU. Every Reader of The Georgian May
: Have a' Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail.
Attention to Need
v of Immigrants.
* If you are sick or **fee| badly," begin taking
.tl great kidney remedy. Dr. Kilmer'*
;>• i.'imp-Root, becauae a« noon aa your kJd-
*n y* begin to get better they will help all
e other organa to health. A trial will con*
fctnce anyone. *
a Didn't Know 1 Had Kidney Trouble
P "I wu out of licnltb and run down generally:
v h no npiiet'.te, w«» dlisy nnd suffered .with
» Ik idnrhe uiowt or the time. I did not kuow thnt
.iun uir "U'MiiiiT ■III! iMTiicr III 17»«-I7 "
>nd I FliMrfuUv recoaratad It to nil sufferer*.
" "(Irnteruny your*.
r M118. A. L. WALKHR.
. ' SI tin fit I.ltulru Mt., Atlnntn, tin.
f f Weak and unhealthy kidneys are renpon-
.eiiile for many kind, of disease*, and If per-
tied to continue much suffering and many
■4 Ml result, are sure to follow. Kidney trou-
0 ■ Irritate* the nerve*,'lnake* you dizzy, mt- -
3‘ s, sleepless anil Irritable. Make, you pass
water.often during the day and obligee you
A" gel.up many time, during the night. L’u-
' 3u ilthy Kidney, cause rheumatism, gravel,
s ai.urft'Of.the bladder, pain or dull ache In
m ;.. 'k. joint* and muaclea; niak..your
3 id'uene gtra uask ache, cause Indigestion,
y imach tuid.liver trouble, you get a '*al-
A r, yeltow complexion, make you feel a*
3 >ugh you had Heart trouble; you may have .
yi'my of ambltlon.but no strength; get weak
sind waste away.
S To overcome these troubles take Dr. Kil-
dner's Swamp-Root, the world-famous kld-
» v remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you af-
.f d natural help to Nature, for Swamp-
3; ot Is the most perfect healer and gantle
;nld to the kidneys that has yet been discov
How to Find Out
• If there Is any doubt In your mind u, to
> fwr condition, take from your urine on rla-
3 ng about four ounces, place It In a glass or
Kittle and let It stand twenty-four hours. If
i examination It Is milky or cloudy, ir
3here IS a hrlek-dust settling, or If small
_ _ (Mwauip-Uoot Is pleasant to take.)
i need of Immediate attention.
■ B
J EDITORIAL NOTICE.—So aucceaaful la JSwainp-Hoot In promptly over-
yoniTag eytjn I jie most dlstresalng cuaea, that to Prove Ita wonderful merlta you
. ray have' a sample bottle and a book of valuable Information, both aent ab
solutely free by mall. The book contains many of the thouaanda upon thou
sands of testimonial letters received from men and women who found Swamp-
si Just thc remedy they needed. The value and auoceai of Swamp-
1: mt are ao well known that our reader, are advlaed to sand for a aample
• In writing to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, X. T„ be sure to say that
5 si read this generous offer In The Atlanta Georgian.
r J Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take nnd you can purchase the regular fifty -
• ent and nne-dollar sloe bottles at the drug atnrea everywhere. Don't make
- ny mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Rnot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
• I loot, and the address, Blnghatnton. N. Y„ on every bottle.
According to the Atlanta correspond*
At f the Manufacturers' Record of
Baltimore the varied Industrie, of the
South are being materially retarded
by the great scarcity of labor. Espe
cially, according to the correspondent,
la this true In the cotton field,. In
this state and Alabama, where hun
dreda should be engaged In picking
the staple, but a tew hand, are to be
seen In the field,.
Much needed Improvement, by the
railroads have been postponed on ac
count of the lock of help. While the
bualnesa Is piling up the roads are un
able to carry out their plaits owing to
lack of cars and the need of many
thousands of miles of double track.
The development of the coal Indus
try In Tennessee, Virginia and Ken
tucky. while rapid In thc post few
years. Is now confronted with the seri
ous problem of scarcity of labor. While
many miles ot railroad have been con
structed to the nqwly developed fields
and several thousand foreigners have
been brought to the mine. In the past
year, the force Is still Inadequate.
If the cotton and mining Industries
are given a fair supply of labor they
will steadily expand, according to the
Record. The same la true of the rail
roads. They, however, must expend
millions before they can catch up with
the Increase of traffic and travel In the
While the price of labor has In
creased at least one-half In the past
five years, there has been a corre
sponding decrease In Its efficiency. As
a result of this condition the heads of
commercial life In the South are turn
ing to the Immigrant for the solution
of the labor question. One Iron Indus
try, by the employment of a number
of Greeks and Italians, haa apparently
solved the queetlon.
The work of Immigration, according
to the Record, Is a work for the Indi
vidual states and must be carried on
by liberal expenditures.
Special to Tho Georglau,
Charleston, 8. C’., Nov.. 6.—Charles
ton'* annual festival opened yesterday.
The entertainment' Is of an attract
ive nature this year.
Governor D. C. Heyward, Judge Hud
son, of Bennettavllle; Hon: W. D. Mor
gan, or Georgetown; Judge Purdy, of
Sumter; Mr. Rhett, of Charleston, are
Judges of the floral parade for Wed
nesday. There will be fireworks off
thc battery Wednesday night. A big
(antaatlo- parade will be held Thursday
night- and a. military parade Friday.
Thousands are expected for the circus.
The. poultry show will last all the
But Three Issued Out
Twenty-Eight Ap
Asheville, N. C., Nov. S.—George W.
Y0ferf.Hl. of BUtmore house, linn a
K( Htrtkit ©a hin handn. All his coachmen
E. and tfrlvefn have quit work, demanding
| higher wage*. Aff the Asheville drlv-
L era and teamsters are on the side of
■i (be strikers and have refused to aid
Mr. Vanderbilt In his dilemma.
Ej * >*or two days the Vanderbilts have
ft r been cooped (if» at BUtmore house, live
| miles from BUtmore village. Mr. and
Mrs. Vanderbilt were unable to get to
church Sunday. Mr. Vunderblli takes
■ tup the collection ut All Souls ot Bllt-
I# more, endowed by Mr. Vanderbilt. The
I strikers did not Inform Mr. Vanderbilt
I of their intention to strike until Just
II before church time,* but they sent a
■* committee Saturday night to see Mr.
I Vanderbilt to urge nn Increase In wages
land, shorter hours. Their demands
re denied.
Ir. Vanderbilt has been cutting
to expenses for the past year, doing
pur with hundreds of men on tho
— itatc. and virtually looking after
things hlmfelf. Where there were
mtjr men ut the BUtmore house hut
^ i remains. Mr. Vanderbilt decided
| he would charge an admission to the
; BUtmore estate, whereus formerly all
had been free. Tin? revenues from this
source amount a to about IS,000 a year.
In order to further curtail expenses, It
Is said, Mr. Vanderbilt did away with
thc heads of a number of departments
of the BUtmore estate, and salcf lie
would manage things himself. He
formerly sent carriages every Sunday
for the members of his Blletnore choir,
but decided to cut this out. They now
go to church In a street car. Mr. Van
derbilt has been supplying Asheville
with milk and butter an<y wobd for
The strikers have come Into Ashe*
vlllc t«> await results.
H|M*eltil to The Georgian,
<'hut-lesion, 8. O., Nov. 6.—Mr. Wat
son. stnte Immigrant commissioner, was
before Commissioner Sargent yesterday
to testify ns to the methods used to
induce Immigrants to come to South
Carolina and as to how their passage
was paid, Sonic Immigrants swore that
they had' been deceived In the matter
of wages. A department attorney at
Washington will examine Into the situ
ation. Only- three Immigrants have
been excluded of 475 on the Wltteklnd.
Complaint was made that no oppor
tunity was given to hire Immigrants
at the lundlng. ae they were hustled olt
to other parts of the state.
• has been selected with the ut
most cijre to secure the beat, and we
fo-1 confident that our drugs are pure
and entirely reliably
Our preacrlptlon department Is In
Ho bands of thoroughly experienced
proscrlptlonlsts. who execute all or-
il-ir* accurately and promptly.
If you are particular as to the qual-
ll> »f your drugs, medicines and toilet
s nicies, you will do well to try us. Our
priocs are
Brannen & Anthony
Mpcvial to The Georgian.
Macon, Ga.. Nov. 6.—For the ninth
time Captain R. H. Brown, one of Ma
con's best-known bankers, was elected
yesterday as president of the city bond
commission. This was done at the an
nual meeting and besides the annual
report made, by President Brown ehow-
ed the city's bonded Indebtedness in be
In excellent shape with considerably
more money In the sinking fund than
| will be necessary to wipe out the
bonds when they fall due In 1*10.
Special to The Georgian.
Macon, Ga., Nov, A revival ser
vice le now on ot tho Mulberry Street
Methodist church and both on Sunday
and last night there were big congrega
tions. Charles Crlttonton, the million
aire evangelist, arrived In Macon to
day and he la now In charge of the re
Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
The saloonlsta whoae licenses have
been revoked by the special commit
tee, made another deeperate effort to
be allowed to open their places ot busi
ness Monday afternoon, but again
After being turned down by the
committee, the aaloonlets and their at
torneys were on hand at council meet
ing, when the report of the special
committee was made. The report was
favorable on tfyree applications only
nnd adverse on twonty-flve.
Chairman, Oldknow, of the special
committee, made a motion that the
rules be suspended and the disgruntled
ones be heard from, five minutes only
being allowed each applicant. The
motion was carried. All but three or
four'were heard-from.-and not In one
Instance did council refuse to abide by
the committee'* action.
It Is probable, that had not the mem-
bets of council felt that they were
honor bound to abide by tho report of
thc committee a few of the applicants
would have been, granted franchises.
As 11 stood, "there was nothin' dollf
for nobody.”
The three applicant*-i-eported upon
favorably were C: D. Cheatham, for
negro saloon at 49 Decatur street;
Newton Wheeler, for a negro saloon at
149 Peters street, nnd W. B. Archer,
for a white saloon at 202 Marietta
Ip the case of S.'S. Moore, a yea and
ay vote was oalled for. Following
was the result: For license—Holland,
Curtis, Chosewond. Taylor and Ter
rell. Against—Sims, Hlrsch, McEach-
ern, Peters, Qullllan, Key, Martin, Old-
know, Foster, Pomeroy, Glass, Ellis,
Hancock and Roberts.
It was well In the evening when
council adjotn-ned, to meet again Tues
day afternoon to finish the work.
Malaria Cautea Lots of Appetlta.
The Old Standard. Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and
builds up the sj-stem. Sold by oil
dealers for 27 year,. Price GO cents.
Instant Raliaf, Parmanant Cure—Trial
Packags Mailed Frst to All
in Plain Wrapper.
Piles la a fearful dlseaie, but easy to
cure It you go at It right.
An operation with the knife la dan
gerous, cruel, humiliating and unneces
A home for women, a refuge for the
friendless,. .will be founded In Atlanta
and on application for a charter boa
already been prepared.
Miss Sanderson, matron at the police
station, has Inaugurated the movement,
and Mayor Woodward, Judge Nash
Broyles, E. H. Thornton, president ut
the Neal Bank, and other prominent
men are behind the project. •
The new Institution will probably bo
known as the Industrial Home for
Olrts, and will be conducted In a way
to provide employment for Innrnn A
stock company will be organized and
subscriptions asked from citizens.
An amendment to tho city charter
will be asked, providing that the re
corder may send women convicted be
fore him of smnll offenses to this Insti
tution Instead ot to the stockade. It Is
believed thRt the reform school will be
Indorsed by many of the best citizens.
Commissioner Predicts It
Will Be Only Pave
ment in Future.
The first of the wood block pavement
to be laid on a street In Atlanta Is now
being put down on that part ot North
Pryor street that bounds the Candler
building. 1 .
"This Is the first," said Henry Col-
Her, commissioner of public works to
a representative of The Georgian Mon
day morning, “but in three years It
will be the only pavement to be laid In
the business section of the city.”
The pavement Is being put down by
a force of men employed In the public
works department of the city, but will
be paid for by the Candler Investment
Company. The Magnolia street bridge
Is paved with wood block and the Nel
son street bridge will be.
"There are any number of reason*,' 1
said Mr. Collier, discussing wood block
pavement, "why It is preferable to any
ether kind. In a short while, when It
has worn a little, It will be Just as
pretty as any other kind; In fact, It
will look like asphalt.
"I don't expect that one lick of re
pairs will have to be made on this
pavement In twenty yeora. In thirty
years. It will probably still be In good
condition. It's the best pavement, all
things considered. In the world.
"My men began work this morning.
By tomorrow night, I expect them to be
through. Street* paved with wood
blocks are not nearly so dusty as those
with other kinds of pavement. Vehi
cles passing over wood block make no
such noise ns when passing over vitri
fied brick or asphalt. It can be put
down faster than any other kind. It
needs less repairing and can be re-
paired faster than other pavement."
Special to Tho Georgian.
Columbus, On,. Nov. S.—Bishop Ben
jamin F. Kelley, of the dloceae of Geor
gia. assisted by Rev. Dr. Gunn, of At
lanta, and Rev. Father O'Hara, of Ma
con, Is conducting the forty hours'
adoration at the Church of the Holy'
FarfMly, In this city, this week. .The
services began Sunday morning ut
early moss and will be concluded to
night. Large congregations have at
tended the services, which have been
of unusual interest.
Wednesday morning at G:30 o'clock
the bishop will celebrate the nuptials
■if Clarence C. Bush and Miss Emmie
Burrus at the church.
102 Whitehall St.
30 Marietta St.,
2 East Mitchell St.
Liquors for Medicinal Use.
Camp Walkar ta Meet.
Camp Walker, United Confederate
Veterans, will meet Friday night ai 0
o'clock at IDS South Forsyth street,
to arrange for the reunion at Savan
nah. As business of Importance will la-
transacted. a full attendance Is re
Tablet,, Druggists refund money If It
rails to cure. K, W. GROVE'S signa
ture on each la>x. 2.1c,
There Is just one other sure way to
be cured—painless, safe and In the
privacy of your own home—It Is Pyra.
mhl Pile Cure.
Wo mall a trial package free to all
who wrlle. ' ,
It will give you Instant relief, show
you the harmless, painless nature of
this great remedy nnd start you well
on the way toward a perfect cure.
Then you cun get n full-slsed box
from any druggist for Go cents, and
often one box cures.
If the druggist tries to sell you some
thing just as good, It Is because he
makes more money on the substitute.
Insist on having what you call for.
The cure begins at once and contin
ues rapidly until It Is complete and per-
You can go right ahead with your
work nnd be easy nnd comfortable all
the time. /
It Is well worth trying. ^
Just send your name and address to
Pyramid Krug Company, 03 Pyramid
Building. Marshall. Mich., and receive
free by return mall the trial packagc
In a plain wrapper
Thousands have been edred In tills
easy, painless and Inexiierulve way. in
the privacy of the home.
No knife anti Its torture.
No doctor and his bills.
All druggists. SO cents. Write today
tui » turn package.
Alt ordinance providing that the
mayor, the chairman of the park com-
rtilttfee of council and a representative
from each ward In the city appointed
liy the mayor simll constitute the park
board was adopted by council Monday
: The ordinance was reported favor
ably by the ordinance committee. The
ordinance providing for regulations for
elevators was reported adversely and
was defeated.
Applicants for the police force will
have to stand an examination of Go In
stead of 70, us heretofore, to be eligible
for the police force, an ordinance to
this effect having been adopted by
Among the matters of Interest that
will come up before council at Its next
meeting will be an ordinance making
It obligatory for all persons asked to
give their correct names and addresses
to representatives of the Atlanta City
Directory Company. ,
Th* directory company so peiiuonyd
council, and the petition was Monday
referred to the ordinance committee.
The company says that the directory Is
the means of the city getting thousands
of dollars in taxes each year, and that
with this ordinance llte amount would
be doubted. •
Muskegon, MldL, Nov. 6.—Mrs. Jane
Dowle, wife of the deposed head of
Zion City, Is now living like a hermit
and outcast at the beautiful summer
home, Ben Mnedhul. on the shores of
White lake, Muskegon county. Her
only companion Is her son. Gladstone.
An army of servants, gardeners and
landscape artists, even Mrs. Dowle's
private maids and, cook, have been
discharged. It Is said, to save ex
The reason for Mrs. Dowts and her
son living like exiles, awray from for
mer scenes of splendor and plenty, le
that Mrs. Dowle, eome time ego, com
menced eult to recover the White lake
property, valued at S2GO.OOO, and she
Intends to stay on the properly and see
that no ope gets the better of her.
CO OOOOCH3DO 300000710 <W000CH3C
O o
O Special to The Georgian. O
O Jackson, Miss, Nov. One of O
O the most peculiar Injunctions ever O
O granted In this state has been O
O signed by a local judge. He re- O
O strains Mrs. Byrd., of Crystal O
O Springs, from walking on a car- O
O tain street. It Is alleged that Mrs. O
O Byrd has been In the habit of O
O walking past In front of her for- O
O mer husband's store-and advising O
O all passers-by not to purchase O
O goods from the store. Mrs. JJyrd 0
O was divorced from her husband at O
O the last term of the chancery court 0
O In Copiah cuunty. Tho suit was 0
O brought by her husband on the O
u ground that It was linpoeelble for 0
O him to live with her; that she was 0
O of most violent disposition, and 0
O had even threatened to do hint O
0 bodily harm. The woman le fine O
0 looking. She le restrained from 0
O walking In front of his placo of 0
O business for tho purpose of annoy- O
0 Ing, nnd must. In the future, make 0
0 no remarks about him. O
0 O
Special to The Ueorglan.
Macon, Ga., Nov. A large num
ber of gun enthusiasts witnessed some
crack shooting yesterday afternoon at
the grounds of the Log Cabin Club,
whetTthe crack team of the Winchester
people did remarkable stunts with shot
guns. Those who participated were;
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ad Topperweln, W. R.
Crosby, John S. Bon, J. M. Hawkins
and J. B. Taylor.
Taken By Any One at Small Expenze.
A bright young lady was telling
friend recently of her trip along the
moat delightful road she ever traveled,
the food" route. She said:
"For a number of yjars I have been a
sufferer from Indigestion with Its at
tendant ailments, but my cate waz not
sufficiently serious to cause alarm un
til two years ugo.
"In the early part of this summer my
stomach was In such a state I could
take very little food owing to the In
tense suffering It'caused, consequently
I was losing flesh rapidly, and growing
weaker every day. I had read about
Grape-Nuts In the papers and maga
zines. and two months ago persuaded
myself to try a package. I read thc
little booklet it oontalncd ao'd resolved
to follow Instructions as closely as pos
‘.The result iiiay be understood when
I say that 1 met e friend whom 1 bail
not seen for- three months. Her first
inquiry was, 'Where have you been all
summer?' I said, 'for the post two
month* I've been traveling along the
rond to -Wellvllle.’
" 'What are you doing?* she asked
"I've been feasting on Grape-Nuts
and drinking Postum Coffee. I replied.
" 'Oh.' she said, ■you are looking so
well I did not know you at first sight.'
"Whereupon I told her all about It—
advising her to purs'ue the same course
and aonttnue It indefinitely, as I shall
“I am now using Grape-Nuts In some
form three- times dally, and Postum
Coffee twice a day, and I shall Improve
every opportunity by advising others
to do likewise." Name given by Postum
Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. 'There',
~ — " -
(The Standard of Quality)
Its purity, quality and uniformity guaranteed by
The Southern Cotton Oil Co.
How Our Acme, Double Flint
Coated Asphalt Roofing Excels
Is mad* from the beat Wool Felt.
Saturated and coated under a new process with As
Iz a rubber-tike (densely compressed) Rofflng Felt,
yozted on both rides with Silicate.
Hexists the /.-tion of vapor, acldz and fir*.
Not affected by heat or cold. i
The roofing that never leak*.
Eaelly affixed.
Th* experience ot twenty yeert proves It to te the Rest
Ready Roofing on the market.
Put up In rolle 32 Inches wide and 40 feet 0 Inches long,
containing 108 square feet, wrapped In heavy
cozing. ■ .
S-Ply. 80 pounds per roll. Complete.
2-Ply. 70 pound.-; per roll. Complete.
1-Ply. 60 pounds per roll, Comnlote.
Alao 3. £ and l-ply Tarred Roofflng Paper. Sheathing
and Insulating Paper.
16 1-2 E. Mitchell Street,
And Cheap One-way Rates
Round trip Summe.- Excursions from all points East to Pacific
Coast and Northwest until September 15th, with special stopover
privileges, good returning to Oetober 31st, 1906.
Use the splendid through service of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC from
New Orleans, or UNION PACIFIC from St. Louis or Chicago to
destination with Steamship Lines to Japan, China, etei
Round trip tickets account Baptist Convention,
San Francisco and Los Angeles, on sale from
Sept. 2d to 14th, final limit October 31st.
J. F. VAN RENSSE1.AER, General Agt„
124 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga.
R. 0. BEAN, T. P. A.