Newspaper Page Text
The birthday reception of the Atlanta
Woman's 1 'lub, which will be held on
Monday afternoon at the club rooms, la
1 - Ins pleasantly anticipated. This Is
most brilliant social event and this
year sains added Interest from the fact
lhat Monday la also the day of the
Hott er show at the club. It Is Intended
that the Hott er shotr shall be made an
annual event, and no more appropriate
day cuuld be chosen than that on
which the members of the club assem
ble In celebration of the club’s birth
Mrs. Albert Herrhif, chairman of tha
/lower show. Is assisted by a committee
consisting of Mrs. A. O. Woodward,
Mm. Kd Warner, Mrs, Robert Zahner,
Mrs. L. J. Amsden. Mrs.-It. K. Itambo.
These names assbre the success of the
Mrs. A. Mct>. Wilson, president of
the club, will receive Monday afternoon
assisted by Mrs. Bolling Jones, Mrs
W. M. Hcott. Miss Augusta Garrett,
Miss Mary Mitchell. Invitations have
been limited exclusively to the mem
bers of the club.
The marriage of Miss Cornelia Ayer
Shaders to the Rev. Charles Buckner
Rudglna will be solemnised on Thurs
day afternoon, November 1G, at 4: SO
o'clock. In the SL Peter* Episcopal
church at Rome. Ga., by the bishop of
Georgia, the Right Rev. C. K. Nelson,
D.D. The wedding will be ao quiet ana
, unostentatious nn affair os possible.
Thu best man and tne four ushers will
’ be chosen from the vestrymen of the
church. The bride-elect will be ac
companied to the chancel steps by her
nephew,. Mr. John A. Hume, who will
give her away. No formal Invitations
are Issued, but all friends will be wel
come, and from 6 to 6 o'clock all mem
bers of St. Peters church are expected
at an Informal reception In honor of
the bridal party at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs, John Ayer Hume, corner
Fifth avenue and Bast Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ernest Donalson
have issued handsome Invitations to
the marrlago of their daughter, Linda
Lipscomb Gordon, to Mr. Erie Meldrlm
Donalson. on the afternoon of Wednes
day, November 21, 1904, at 3 o'clock,
at the First Presbyterian church, Bain-
bridge. Ga.
Following the church ceremony will
be held a brilliant reception at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Donal
son, at 3;30 o’clock, at Balnbridgr.
The brilliant social event of the
month In Newnan, and one In which
Interest Is felt throughout the state,
will be the marriage of Miss Ludle
Thohipaan ’to Mr. , Garland Jones. • of
Kqrmim city. Mo., which will take,
place at the First Methodist church
November 14. The details of the wed
ding will be elaborate and beautiful,
the main feature of the church decorn-
tlon to bo three great arches of smilax
and chrysanthemums, and the color
motif to be white and green. In the
gowns of the bridesmaids the Idea of
the rainbow will l>e carried out, the
young women wearing costumes of
messallnc silk In the most delicate
pastel shades of the rainbow. Tho
bride's gown will be of soft white
satin, elaborately fashioned with lace
and hand-embroidery.
Miss Virginia Jones, of Laurel.
Miss., will act ns maid of honor, and
Mm. C. M. Uphain. of Falrburn, Go.,
will be matron of honor. Miss Katie
Arnall, of Newnuu. will be first brides*
, maid, and the other bridesmaids will l>e
1 Miss L’lara Coggins, of Madison. Fla.;
• Miss Fannie Longtno, of Falrburn;
Miss Elizabeth Buchanan, of Opelika;
Miss Emma Longino. of Douglasvlllc;
Miss Muriel Downey, Darien; Miss AI-
,-llgene Driver, Borden Hprtngn; Miss
; Ruth Thompson. Newnan; Mis# Aine-
' Ila Hmlth, Atlanta.
The groomsmen will be Dr. Walton
,* Hall, Messrs. Warren Groff, (\ R. Jones,
Frank Lott, Henry Nelson. William
. McCiuni, of Kansas City; Arthur
Jones, of New York; Lmke Sawyer, of
Independence, Mo.; Alvan H. Freeman,
Mr. Ison te Marry Miss Robert
Mrs. Lula McCoy Robert announces the engagement of her daughter,
Edwlnna, to Mr. William Francis Ison, of Roanoke, Va., the wedding to oc
cur December 11, at her homo on Augusta avenue. No cards will be Is--
Mr. Rogsrs to W?d Miss Wslfens
Mrs. N. (I. Wellonx, of Perry, (la., announcex the engagement of her
daughter, Hue Hcott, to Mr. Samuel Gordon Roger,, of Perry. -The marriage
will take place at home on the evening of December 18.
Robinson, MI«s Mabel Power,, Mine
Gladys Levin, Ml«x Kmma William",
Mix* Nina Gentry, Mlee Ix>oni- Lad-
eon, Mlxx Margaret Ladaon, MIX" Eu
genie Oglexby, Mix, Harry Fumade,
Mlxx Laura Payne, MIm Katharine
Gholetln, Mix, Fiancee Carter, Mix*
Florence Jackeon, Mr. and Mre. Henry
Jacknon, Mr. end Mre. Jamex L. Dick
ey. Mr. and Mr". Robert Mlfddox, Mr.
and Mre. John Goddard, Mr. and Mre.
Eugene Black, Mr. and Mre. (.'herlee
Conklin, Mr. and Mre. Harry Englleh,
Mr. and Mrs. Roby Roblneon, Mr. end
Mre. 1-rank Ellis. Mre. Clarence
Knowlee, Mre. Harbour Thompaon, Mr.
and Mre. Thomas Paine, Mr. and Mre.
James Roblneon. Mr. und Mre. Frank
Calloway. Mr. and Mre. Albert Howell,
Mr. and Mre. T. II. Felder, Mre. Harrett
Phlnley, Mre. J. C. Hunter, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Kleer, Mr. and Mre. John
Kleer, Mr. Joe Hlllaman, Mr. Will
Tanner, Mr. John Glenn, Mr. Arthur
Clarke. Mr. Gene Ottlay. Mr. Hlearna
Mr. Robert Clarke. Mr. Dave Kirkland,
Dr. ottley, Mr. Lee Jordan, Judge Wel
ter Colquitt.
The reception at which Mre, Ham
Jonee and Mre. Rolling Jonee will en
tertain next Tuesday afternoon Is the
largest social event planned fur next
week. About two hundred Invitations
have been Issued, and the occasion will
_ a beautiful compliment to Mre.
Ernest Williams, who, during her stay
here with Mre. Porter King, hue been
the recipient of many charming atten
Mrs. Jonee and Mre. Bolling Jones
will be assisted In receiving by Mrs.
Porter King, Mre. Joseph M. Torrell,
Mre. Hoke Hmlth, Mre. Warren Candler,
Mre. Orme Campbell. Mrs. Robert Al
ston, Mrs. John R. Dickey, Mrs. George
Brown. Mrs. W. P. Pattlllo, Mre. W. W.
[.andrum, Mrs. W. A. Wlmblsh and
"Mrs. George Howard.
Mlxs Florence Jackson and Mlee Ruth
Hallman are two attractive young
women who will serve coffee, and the
punch bowl will be presided over by
Mlee Lula Dean Jones and Mlee Caro
line King.
tron of honor wax Miss Harry Daniel,
of Knoxville. Folloering .an elegant
reception the happy couple left on an
Eastern tour.
—poclal to The Ueorglnu.
Decatur, Ala., Nov. ,10.—One of the
prettiest quiet home weddings of the
fall season was tlint of Mlsx Nell c.
Harris end Mr. Harold E. Hildreth,
which took place at the home u f the
bride's parents. Colonel and Mrs. C. C.
Harris, on Line street, Haturday after
noon ut 2 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. H. K.
Wasson, pastor of the First Methodist
Church, Houth, officiating.
Tho. wedding was amulet one, there
being only the relatives of the bride
end groom present. There were no nt-
temtnnts. Mlsx Theo Hildreth, of
Washington, D. C„ a sister of the
groom, wax present.
The wedding presents were most
The bride and groom left on un aft
ernoon train by way of Chleagu for a
thirty-days' trip to (,'nllfornla, after
which they will bn ut homo In New De
catur. The. bride In one of the Deca
turs* most churmlhK young women and
n leader In social circles. Hhe is a
daughter of Colonel C. c. Harris, presi
dent of the First National Bunk, and a
prominent lawyer. Captain Jack Har
ris, of Nashville, Tenn., Is her uncle.
Mr. Hildreth, the groom, Ih a son of
J. Hildreth, editor and proprietor of
The New Decatur Advertiser. The
groom Is himself a newspaper man.
being city, editor of The New Decatur
Real Quality
And What It S ignifies
Newnan; Berryman l*on«tnn, Falrburn!
Messrs. Frank Hughes, Jr., I. N. Orr,
Jr., Jack Powell and Littleton Jones, of
Newiutu, will act as ushers, aid! James
Coodrutu and Goodrum Norris will be
the little pages.
Miss Thompson, since her debut, has
been one of the most admired young
women of Newnan. Hhe has a wide
circle of friends In Atlanta, having been
the guest a number of times of her
aunt, Mrs. A. J. Smith.
Mr. Jones Is a prominent lawyer of
Kansas City, and occupies there u high
jHisitlon In the business atid social
world. After an extended wedding
tour he will take his bride to Kansas
City, where she will be given a cordial
welcome by his friends.
A largo and representative audience
witnessed the performance of “The
Squaw* Man," which William Fttver-
shum und Julie Opp presented Friday
evening at the Grand.
' Among those seen were:
Miss Josle Mtockdell, Miss Harrle
Btockdell, Miss Ada Alexander, Miss
Nannie Nlcolaon,- Miss Margaret Ax-
son, Miss Roline Clarke, Miss Kate
At high noon on Wednesday Miss
Rose Hartshorn, of Griffin, was mar
ried to Mr. Horace Coppedge, of Zctol-
lu. Rev. J. J. Bennett, of Atlanta, per
forming the ceremony. After tho weef-
ding breakfast the bridal couple left
for Zetellu, where a reception was
given them at the home of the bride's
Another quiet wedding of Wednesday
was that of Miss Anna Parmaleoyto
DiDTunAv dartv Mr. Dave Casteel, the ceremony being
BIRTHDAY PARTY. performed by Rev. J. J„ Bennetts
pretty and enloyabla occzulow was )
nmugu, Ga.. Wednesday evening, No
vember 7, at 7 o’clock, Mlxx Juddle
C, Meyers and Sir. Robert L. Davis, of
Chattanooga, Tenn., wero married, the
L-orcmony being iwrformed by Rev. W.
O. Butler. After a reception at the
home of Mr. und Mrs. L. \V. Meyers,
Mr. and Mrs. Duvlx left for a trip to
HI. Louis. They will reside at Chat
Mr. Davis lx a successful young busl.
ness man, and tho bride, ax Mlxx My
ers, wax one of the most populur young
women of Walker county.
i. Haul.
Merritt entertained a number of her
little friends FYldky afternoon. In cele
bration of her eighth birthday. Gutnex
were pluyed, and at the conclusion of a
happy two hours delirious refreshments
were served.
Miss Merritt's little guests were: I o. Butlor
Misses Katlo Weaver, Virginia Fenu-tBHia
son, Mary Joo Merritt, Louise Mer
ritt. Elizabeth Hale, , i/J^dys Fagan,
Zenlce Mason, iJna Parke, Irene Har
kins, Madge Harkins, Masters Thomas
Fagan, Ernesr Moorefleld, Allen Moore-
Iteld, Harry Fergus.ui, Wllllum Merritt.
Tlie claim of quality is now quite univer
sal. Every manufacturer, applies it to his
product regardless of its merits, until it has
become a comparative tenn. One article has
quality, another better quality and a third
the best quality.
Nunhally’s Candy can be shown to be of
the best quality iu every respect, as proof of
which we refer you to the following points:
First, of what is it made! Of only the very
highest priced and best grade of materials to
be obtained. The nuts, sugar, chocolate,
fruits, etc., used, are of a quality seldom
seen, and wjiieli even we would be unable to
bu£ if it were not for the quantities that we
Second, under what conditions is it manu
factured 1 In u factory that is a wonder in
poiut of cleanliness to those who have seen
it, and by expert candy makers of years of
experience. Insurance inspectors and others
who, make a business of inspecting factories
declare that without a doubt Nunnally’s is the
cleanest candr factory in the United States.
As to our candy maker*, we can truly sav
that their equals do not exist, but their work
can only be judged by its results.
Third, how is Nunnally’s Candy packed in
the box 1 By investigation you will find the
top layer in a tray with every piece in a sep
arate paper case. Beneath the tray it is in
layers, each layer separated from the one
above by wax paper. Every piece of candy
lias a definite position and is separated from
every other piece by partitions, wax paper,
or paper eases. As a result, the candy is not
scratched or broken, but reaches our custom
ers iu perfect condition.
Add to the above points the style of our -
box, tlie way it is wrapped and tied, and last
ly the air-tight bond paper in which it is seal
ed, and you have a fair idea of a package of
Nunnally’s candy.
All the above thiugs go to make up real
quality, and such as cannot be found in the
product of our competitors. We welcome
comparison, as the best means of proving
The general vonventlon of tho United
Daughters of the Confederacy, which
will meet nt Gulfport, Mlxx.. November
1-17 will be the moat Important gath
ering of Houthem women held In many
9Representatives will be present from
all parts of the Houth, and chapters of
the IT. D. C. North and West will aend
delegatea aa well.
Realdea the Intereatlng business ses
sions, u number of brilliant social
functions will be given In honor of the
Among other pleasant features plan
ned, Is a vlst to Beauvoir, the former
home of the late President Jefferson
New' Orleans will send n special car
to Atluntu to carry the delegutea from
this city to Gulfport.
Among the Atlanta Daughters who
were elected delegates to tho great
convention are Mrs. Helen Plane. Mrs.
8. E. Gahbett. Miss Alice Baxter. Mrs.
E. U. McCabe, Mrs. Iru Fort. Mrs. J.
K. Ottley. Mrs. J. H. Mobley, Mrs. J: (!.
Olmstead. Mrs. Wllllum Worth Mar
tin. Mrs. F. T. Hparks; alternates, Mrs.
Howard McCall. Mrs. A. J. Hmlth. Mrs.
Hnrali Malone. Mrs. John Rawson and
Mrs, Robert MrCollnugh.
The delegates will leave for Gulf|iort
Monday or^Tuesday.
One of the most prominent nuptial
events at Chatlunoogn for some time
was tha wedding or MMl Clara Carr
and Mr. Rubert L. Baylor, which took
place at the home of the brhle'a pa
rents Wednesday night. The rooms
were beautifully decorated In green
and while. Miss Alberta Newton
played the wedding march. Rev. F.
K. Matthews was the officiating clergy
man. The groom’s best nun was Mr.
O. L. Griffin, of Atlanta, and the ma-
You will have the correct
time with you if you pur
chase a Antch of us. We
have an extra tine assort
ment of gold and silver
watches at unusually in-
■BX teresting prices.
Mrs. Rose M. Colvin has Just return
ed from a trip to Rome and Codurtown,
where she has been working In the In
terest of the Maccabees. The work Is
progressing finely in both places. The
members of Nellie Hope hive. Cedar-
town, mude extensive preparations to
entertain the state commander,
the members wero present and a num
ber of friends, who arc so pleased with
the order that they will Join In the near
The iiarlors were beautifully deco
rated with chrysanthemums and de
lightful refreshments were ssrveil.
Gate City hive und Atlanta hive have
under dispensation elected the officers
for 1907:
Mrs. Emma Calhoun takes the com
mander's chair In Gnte City; Mrs. Alice
Jansen. 23 McCabe, will ftccupy re
corder's chair; Mrs. Hurah Hansen,
19 Morrison avenue, win be commander
for Atlanta hive, with Miss Jullu Prcll
as record keeper.
Mrs. Colvin left for Florida Frl
day und will muke Jacksonville her
headquarters for the winter.
The wedding ut Katonton of Miss
I.uulqe Dennis and Air. Henry .Spivey
was solmenlsed nt the home of Jhe
bride's parents, lion, and Mrs. M. B.
Dennis, on Wednesday evening at S
o'clock. The ceremony was performed
by Dr. W. C. Lovette, of Atlanta, and
the attendants were us follows:
ATttld of honor. Miss Mary Dennis;
best man, Mr. John Adams; brides
maids, Misses Bertha Thomas, Maggie
Bplvey, Mary Nlsbot, Annie Laurie
Adams, Tallulah Jenkins and Margaret
de Jamette.
The home wtis exquisitely decorated
for tlie occasion, und many handsome
gifts were received.
Tbc bridesmaids were gowned
white mull dresses, with green girdle,
and carried arches of smilax and yel
low chrysanthemums. The bride was
lovely In a messallne satin, trimmed In
real lace, and carried a shower bouquet
of bride roses.
Mias Mary Dennis, who was maid of
honor, wore u hand-made embroidered
batiste, and carried yellow chrysan
After the ceremony a buffet supper
was served.
At the cutting of the bride's cake
Miss Bertha Thomas cut the ring, Miss
Margaret de Jarnette the thimble. Miss
Tallulah Jenkins the dime and Miss
Mac de Jarnette tlie one rent.
Miss Bertha Thomas caught the
bride's bouquet.
The D. A. R. convention, which will
be held In Columbus from November
21 to 24. will he of great Interest
throughout the state.
The delegates from the Joseph Hub-, ry Tanner. Mru. Robert Toy. Mr* Wnt-
IcrshHin chanter will ln> Mm. Genres T kins. Mr* W. A. Wltnblsh. Mts. K«k
37 WHITEHALL ST. Icnshmu chapter will be Mr#. George
Dexter, regent; Mi*h. John Graham,
Mr#. J. B. 8. Holme#. The alternate#
will be Mr#. J. R. Watt#, Mr#. W. A.
Bate#, Mr#. C. J. Haden, Mr#. Howard
Calloway, Mr#. W. C. Jernlgan, Mr#.
Robert Zahner, Mr#. W. C. Runnel I, Mm.
Edmund Berkeley, Mr#. lacConte, Ml##
Nina llornuday. Ml## Margaret Cal
houn, .. ._.
From Atlanta Chapter, Mr#. Thoma#
Morgan, regent; Hr#. Howard McCall,
Mr#. I'M ward Barne#, Mr#. David
Woodward. The alternate# will be
Mrs. Charle# Rice, Mr#. 8. W. FoslPr.
Mr#. A. J. Smith, Mr#. A. J. Hmlth, Mr#.
Blackburn Dunn and Ml## Nellie
From Thoma# Jeflfer#on Chapter Mr#.
Miller B. Hutchln#, regent; Mr#. Rob
ert Toy. Alternate#, Mr#. I. 8. Mitchell
and Mr#. Druke.
From Hurnh Mclnto#h chapter, Mr#.
John Perdue, regent, and Mr#. B. B.
The presence of three talented At
lunta new#paper women wa# much ap
preciated by the federation. The pow
er of the press I# recognized by the
federation at it# true vulue. Many
club women of Georgia are eagerly
awaiting the pre## reinirt# of tho fed
eration, and the work of tlu*#i» young
women In reporting fully and ably the
proceeding# of tho federation, wa# of
much value to tho organization. Mi##
l#ma Dooly repre#ented The Coniitltu-
tion. Ml## Helene Armstrong The
Georgian and Ml## Mary Ktngnbery
The Atlanta New#. Ml## Dooly was
ulroudy well known in Macon, where she
hns many friends. Mis# Klngsbery
and Mi## Arm#trong made u decidedly
favorable Impression on uccount of
their charming porsonairty. as well as
their clever work. It wa# a great
pleasure for the federation to have
these young women ^ present at the
convention.—Macon New#.
Miss AUgate Kill# gave a pretty par-
iy Friday night at her home on North
jivenuc In honor of her guest. Mis# |
Kffle Robert#, of Falrburn.
Miss Kill# received her young gue#t»
In a pretty frock of white mull and
lace. The guest of honor wore a white
embroidered gown and plrtk ribbon#.
The game# played were "Peter Pan#
Trip to New York" und "Down the
Pike With Mr#. Wlgg#." The firm
prlxe was a* pearl pin and wa# won by
Mi## Callle Hmlth.
The guest# were: Misses Virginia
Lipscomb. Elizabeth Tuller, Theo Pri-
oieau, isoiinc Calnpbell, Gallic Hmlth,
Rosalie Davis. Aurelia Hmlth, Kathe
rine Wyly. Florence Hmlth. Bewick,
Helen Dargan, Margaret Grant. Mar
garet Noil hen. Katherine Kills, Gla
dys Paine, Belle Briscoe. Katherine and
Louise Burney and Mary Brown.
Mis# Hattie Warren, chairman of the
miscellaneous table committee of the
Sheltering Arm#, call# a meeting of
her committee for Tuesday., afternoon
The member# of tho club are young
married women. The club will meet
every Wednesday afternoon.
Ansley, Mr#, Hlmms, Mrs. W. J. Pea
body. *
heard-Irby, '
On Thur#duy evening Mis# Kate Irby
and Dr. Charles D. Heard were married
at the re#ldcnco of the bride'# #l#ter k
Mr#. J. If. Gregn, 70 Mllledge avenue.
Rev. Len G, Broughton officiating
After the ceremony Dr. and Mr#. Heard
left for u trip to New Orleans, and will
be away from tho city for about ten
Mrs. T. J. Ripley will give the third
of her series of bridge parties next
.week at her home on West Peuchtree
The Minerva Coterie has been or
ganized in West End, und the object
of the club I# the study of literature.
The topic for the study of 1906 und
1907 will be Holland.
Insteud of the regular meeting of the
Woman'# Club, there will be held Mon-
day afternoon the annual reception of
the club. The hour# of tho reception
ure from 4 to (1. All member# are cor
dially Invited.
Although thut dainty song, "If Htlll I
Have Your Love," iK>##es#eH a merit
and musical value which will win for It
recognition regardless of any iwsonal
Interest In the compoHer, und In the
author of It# stanzas, It will meet with
nn especially cordial welcome In Atlun-
The music I# by Dr. J. Lewi#
Xlrowne, present rholr master of Hacred
Heart church. Dr. Brow*ne ha# writ
ten several operas, among the best
known being his "Corbicana,” which
received high mention In the Inter
national content. A# a Composer of
sacred und seculur song#, he is also
well Known. The music of "If Htlll f
Have Your Love" Ih arranged for high
Our stock of silver is comprehensive as well as
beautiful, and offei-s thus a double incentive to the pur
chaser of wedding presents. Tlie selection is made up
of the highest art ideals in forms which are at once prac
tical and richly ornamental.
Davis & Freeman,
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg.
Forty thousand rolls to pick from. Paper to
suit your pocket book.
and !mv voice, and Its style I# broad .who f# making a bright career for lilm-
and comprehensive. self in the journalistic field, and who I*
The word# are composed by F. Ray- especially talented In short-story writ-
mund Dm.lei, a young Atlunta man, lug und poetry*.
The handsome articles to be given away free on
display in my show window. My formal opening will
take place Tuesday afternoon and evening, November
13. Music and flowers.
Mfs. 1. j. Ripley gave the wocbiul* of
a series of small bridge parties Friday
afternoon at her home on West Peach
tree street. The prize was won by
Mr#. B. D. \Vatkin>. The guests In
cluded: Mrs. W. K, Foster, Mr#. H»-n
Atlanta’s Only Popular Priced Jewelry Establishment.