Newspaper Page Text
AdministrationWill Be
Then in New
chkathaii corrects
Savs llis Time Is Too Mueli
Occupied in Other
With the announcement that Secrc
ury nil-hard Cheatham would not bo a
candidate for re-election at the cloeo
„( his present term, following closely
upon the heels of a similar announce
ment made by President Harvle Jor
dan. it Is evident that a change In ad
ministration of the affairs of the South.
,.- n Cotton Association, such as has
b, en ailvocated < for months by The
Georgian. Is about to take pine?.
On .Monday it was announced that
Secretary Richard Cheatham would re-
aim in a short time. On Tuesday mom-
i-m Air. Cheatham corrected this by
stating that he would not resign, but
would simply not stand for re-elec
tion. He gave os his reason for this
that Ids time would be taken up by The
Cntmn Journal.
With the retirement of President
Chairman of Board
Says Too Much
too many tacts
Jordan and Secretary Cheatham from
the Southern Cotton 'Association, ThO|
Cotton Journal, which they will publish
■m heretofore, probably will have no of
ficial connection With the assocltlon,
neither of Its heads being connected
with the association.
Cheatham’s Statement.
Tlu- headllnei In tho article lu an
afternoon paper yesterday were mis-
leading,” said Secretary Richard Client.
Iiiiiii, in speaking of an alleged author-
•**d statement that he would resign.'
"It has been a well-known fact since
Inst spring that I would not he a tSnn-
'Hdnti- for re-election at tho next cbn-
vehtlon. I have no Intention of resign
ing my position with the association,
out will continue until my successor Is
elected. I have not authorised any
statement to the effect that 1 would re
sign. My time Is taken up with my du-
tkr as general manager of The Cotton
Journal, my Mississippi plantation und
other private Interests”
.Meeting of Board Tuesday
Night To Be in
Judgments Rendered Tuesday Morn
strange v. Franklin et al„ from
" ashlngton superior court, before
liiiigi- Parker. J. C. Harman, Evans &
l.vnn». for plaintiff In error. T. W.
Hardwick and'J. E. Hyman, contra.
Saumunh Electric Company v. Mul-
!*“■», from Chatham superior court,
Judge I'unn, Osborne & Lawrence, for
| jjjhuIff In error. Twiggs ft Oliver,
Kessler v. Pearson, from Bibb supe-
Hur court. Judge Felton. Herman
Branch and Steed ft Ryals, for plaintiff
in error. Hardeman & Jones, contra.
Raymond v. Harden, from Hlbb su-
!*-r|.ji court,.Judge Felton. Herman
Hi usch, for plaintiff In error. Glaw-
‘"m & Fowler, contra.
Irvin, administrator, v. Forterfteld et
*;■- fmm Wilkes superior court. Judge
Golden. 8. H. Hardeman, F. H. Col-
B l. M llllam Wynne and I. T. Irvin, Jr.,
™ plaintiff In error. Samuel H. Sib-
wy. contra.;
Ui'jant V. Rldgway, from Franklin
'upt-nor court. Judge Russell. T. O.
Iwnuigh, for plaintiff In error. Worley
Ailoms and J. A. Neese, contra.
Muiire et al. v. Moore et ah. from
hunk-i superior court, Judge Russell.
■ V- Stark, for plaintiff In error. H.
Berry, J. Griffin ami Oscar
llr "" n, contra.
"Kb tree v. Ogletrre et al. from
vuUon superior court. Judge Pendle-
' ,n - W. H. Terrell, for plaintiff In er-
hl >. Payne, Jones ft Jones, contra.
•lelMHon v. Tanner, from Johnson su-
I—court. Judge Rawlings. Hines
* h-i'dan and William Falrrloth. for
Plaintiff in error. Daley & Bussey. V,
Ihiblnson, J. L. Kent, A. I* Hatcher,
» li. Blount, J. R. L. Allen and E. L.
•I'ephens, contra.
..--uers, guardian, v. Illghnote, from
■Mu r .gee superior court. Judge IJttlc.
’»*- v; P. Munro anil T. B. Rainey, for
Plaintiff in error. W. D. Crawford and
*- B Short, contra.
0000000 00000000 00000000
v . -- o
% Wilkesbarre, Pa. Nov. BceaeO
“ higgles, who was four Inches 0
1 fhofter than Tom Thumb, was O
“ hurled Munilay. He wa* 53 years O
? nge. O
0 0
0 - ^0900000000000000000000
’’There has been entirely too much
publicity concerning the police depart
ment of late and I think it is time to
call a halt. The police commission to
night will be urged to enforce meas
ures requiring that news of any kind
affecting the department shall not be
given out to the press except by the
chief of police. If no other member of
the board bringt up the matter, I will
advocate It myself.”
This statement was muds Tuesday
morning to a Georgian reporter by
Chairman Terry, of the police com
mission, and foretells the Impending
censorship In tho police deportment.
It Is understood that other commis
sioners feel us does Chalrmun Terry In
regard to tho matter of publicity nmt
there Is n strong belief that the much
talked of censorship will bo formally
established at the meeting of the com
mission Tuesday night.
- This same question was under.dis
cussion by the commission' a few years
ago and at that time a rule was passed
having In view the same result. How
ever, It lias never been enforced, Tb*t
rule stipulated that no one should be
allowed to enter the office of the sta
tion sergeant and Inspect the police
books and regards except by special
written permission of the chief of po-
O In discussing tlie proposed re- O
0 strictions on the press, Chair- 0
O man Terry, of the police commie- 0
O sion, waxed Jocular. With a slg- O
O lilflcant smile on his face the O
0 chairman salil:
0 "1 am In favor of the cominls- 0
0 slon building about the station a 0
0 high board fsnes, one that would 0
0 be too high for the news paper 0
0 men to climb. A gatekeeper should 0
0 then be provided, who would 0
0 be especially charged to admit 0
0 no reporter. The only way for a 0
O reporter to gain admlltanco then 0
O would be to violate some law and 0
0 get arrested.”
00 C00000000000000000000000
Visit to Cuba.
President Edwin P. Ansley, Vlcrf
President 8. 2. Ruff and Treasurer W
8. Hargrove, officers of tho recently or.
gantsod Cuban-Amerlcan Fruit Com
pany, left Saturday night for Cuba.
They go by Havuna to tlielr 3,000 acres
In Santiago province, where they will
Immediately arrange for the planting
or fruit trees.
Application for Bail.
The lawyers representing the negroes
accused of being In the crowd which
ill the Brownsville suburb fired on
squad of county )>ollcemen on tile night
of September 24, killing County Police
man Jim Heard, will on Wednesday
morning again make application
Judge Itoan for ball for some of them,
Bankruiftoy Cass.
A jietltlon In voluntary bankruptcy
was died In the office bankruptcy di
vision of the office of the United States
circuit court Saturday by B. H. Mc
Connell. Ills liabilities were scheduled
at $618 with no assets.
Church Meeting
There will be held Tuesday evening,
7:80 o'clock, at Grace church, u
. .. - meeting of all the men of the congre-
licc. It Is now the Intention of Chair- , Ilt | 0n _
man Terry to ask Tuesday night for a The |
rigid enforcement of this rule,
When asked If the pollco re|>orters
would not be able to obtuln from the
chief a written permit to Insiiect the
hooks and thus retain the present priv
ileges, Chairman Terry replied:
'•Thut will bo up to the chief. Ho
will know to whom to Issue permits. 1
think lie will have a clear understand
ing of the situation.”
The chairman was then asked If It
wa* contemplated that permits would
not lie given reporters.
"That Is the Idea, he replied.
Asked as to whether under the pro
posed restrictions the station sei-geimt*
would be allowed to give out nows or
whether the sergeant of, detectives
would be permitted to illvulgo to tho
reporters any of tho doings of the
sleuths, the chairman responded In the
negative. , ,
••The station sergeants und sergeant
of detectives have no more right to
give out news than a patrolman, lie
said. "If the rule Is enforced tho chief
will give tile news of all departments.
This Is tho only satlsfactorv plan.
And then the chairman added:
"Tills has been forcibly demonstrat
ed during the past few weeks by the
nitty and varied publications In the
newspaper* concerning the pallet de
partment. 1 have simply become
wearied with all of these stories, many
of which have no foundation All of
this folk about resignations, shake-ups
and scandHls Is growing monotonous.
It Is further learned that a policy of
secrecy Is contemplated for the meet-
mg of Tuesday night. The several
matters that have stirred the pohco
department during the past re* week*
and have aroused so much comment
** ,u * . , t,t tim iittonfliin of
purpose of the meeting U to or*
g&nlze the Church Extension Hoctety of
Grace church* which will 1*e a part of
a general movement over the entire
Atlanta dlstHct.
After the business session and or*
gunixatlon, an oyster supper will be
nerved and a good fellowship meeting
Special to The Georgian.
Dellas, Tex., Not. , 13.—Itlrhanl Fe
andltor of the Tesfns end Fertile Hallway
Company for many years, and one of tlio
host known railroad men In the state, shot
himself yesterday through the bead. Tho
shooting was done with a 38-calIher revolver
and took piece shortly after fte had arisen
to dress himself for the day.
Mr. Fenhy was n ltechelyr, ; aud servants
(n the house hastily summoned medical as
sistance. After an examination the opin
ion was iftveti that there was a slight
chance for hfs recovery. The Bullet entered
near (lie right jaw and rang*! upward. It
Is not known whether the shooting was,In-
tent ionnl or accidental, atm considerable
mystery surrounds the affair.
the comnilH.sion by Chief ■'J 0 " 1 "**’“f
Chairman Terry say* all of these mat
ter* will be aeted on In executive se*-
iES. Only the routine business will
he transacted In open session.
Several trials of policemen are sched
uled and the evidence In these
wm be heard In public. A* Is lbs usual
custom the verdicts will be arrived at out by the commission.
behind closed doors.
Station Sergeant Turner will bo ar
raigned on the charge of allowing a
negro prisoner to remain lost In the
police station for ten days after his
line had been paid. Turnkey Brannon,
Is charged with mistreating a. white
male prisoner. Turnkey Rostwlck is
charged with trying to take a prisoner
atvay front two other officers on the
night of the riot, and Patrolman A. J.
Ivey Is charged with being intoxicated
while on duty. Patrolman E. L, Mc
Williams was found Intoxicated Mon
day night while on duty on the White,
halt street viaduct anil lie will also
probably lie tried Tuesilay night. The
is-oeecutor In the Brannon cuso Is said
to be out of the state add the cusft of
the turnkey will probably be thrown
While in Bed Sick He Is
Placed Under Arrest
by. an Officer.
Special to The Georgian.
Augusta. Oa., Not. 13.—The, grand
Jury of Richmond,county lust week to-
turned nn Indictment against K. It.
Derry, ehuiglng him with the embez
zlement of 3!00,00d from the a Augusta
Real Estate and Building Association.
The case will probably cum^ up for
trial lu the superior court at the be
ginning of next week’s session, as sev
eral Indictments against Derry have
been returned by the grand Jury.
It Is probable that tlie people of this
section lmd oven mom confidence 111
Derry thnn they had In Alexander, be
cause of the fact that Derry was sup,
posed to be vely devout In his religious
Derry Is more than 60 years old. of
Influential family. He was secretary
and treasurer of the Augusta Real Es
tutc and Building Association, a cor
porato body with a capital stock of
1160,000. Last March the association
suddenly became financially embar
raised, and upon examination of the
accounts It was found to be more than
1100,000 In debt, and with nrt money
with which to pay tho overhanging ob
TJje directors then filed a petition In
voluntary bankruptcy, and the creditor*
of the association received practically
nothing. Derry admitted at the time
that he spent the money, and said that
he spent tt In fast HvlnK. Ho was not
airs,ted, which was chiefly due to the
reputation he had borne all ills life
for honesty and Integrity. A few Unys
ago the grand Jury of Richmond coun
ty indicted Derry on several charges
of embezzlement. '
The sheriff of the county tvept to the
homo of Derry’s Son-in-law, Where the
former was living, and placed him’ un
der arrest, while the alleged MDbezaler
was In lied sick with the tnfirmltles In
cident to .advanced years. Derry gave
bond nt flnee for 318,000, anti, If phys
ically able to. Ite will apjiear lu the
superior court next week and answer
the charges preferred against him.
Vice President Reichert, of Scranton,
Pit., will deliver an address on the
"Self-Made Mon” at a smoker to bo
given Tuesday night In the convention
hall of the Kimball to the agent* and
other* Interested In tho International
Correspondence Schools now celebrat
ing It* fifteenth annlversm-y.
The field men and agents were ban
queted Monday night nt the Kimball
and addresses were made by Lauren
W. Foreman, city editor of The Con
stitution; Rev. Lynn Walker, Profeseor
Branch, of the Georgia School of Tech
nology', and Shelton O, Vickers, super
intendent of tho Southeastern depart
The ’immigration” smoker of the
Chamber of Commerce will be held
probnbly the latter part of next week.
Arrangements nre non 1 on foot for
this smoker, which Is expected to be a
delightful affair. The smoker will lie
in the Interest of the Immigration
movement, Vhlch was recently InaU,
gurated In Savannah by the organ!xu
tlon of a state society,
Atnnng those who will speak on the
subject of Immigration Is linn. Hoke
Smith, governor-elect. The exact date
will be fixed tomorrow.
Athens, Ga.. and Return.
Only One Dollar for the Round
trip. Trains-leave the Union Depot
at 7:20 a. m. Cheaper to go thu£ It
Ib to stay at home. Remember just
A. G. P. A.. Atlanta, Ga.
This cut shows front elevation of the proposed reform school foe girl*, to be steeled in Atlanta, mid plans
for which have Just been completed. The plans are now In possession of Miss Sanderson, police matron, who
some tlmo ago Inaugurated the movement for the new Institution.
’ The structure. It Is estimated, will cost nbout 128,000, and Is to be built by popular subscription. It is nn-
inslderable amount of this sum lias already been sbusertbed by prominent citizens and phltan-
Hpecinl to The Georgian.
Salisbury, N. C., Sov. JS.r-Grover
Cline, 22 years old# accidentally ehbt
and killed himself yesterday eighteen
miles from here. 9
He vras running a steam shovel on
the Southern double tthek and
washing his face for supper when n
pistol fell from his belt and discharged
a bullet through his lung.
Young Cline came to North Carolina
from Kentucky, and the remains were
shipped there.
Hlielbyvllle, Ind., Xov. I*.—“John D.
Rockefeller hat at much chance to get
Into heaven os a camel line to poee
through the eye of a needle.”
This woe the opinion expressed from
the pulpit of the Presbyterian church
by Rev. Allison, of Indinnu University.
He added:
"This I* a man who has been charac
terised by Murk Hanna as ’money mad.’
He Is said to be the richest man In the
world today, worth almost a thousand
million of dollars. But he has no stom
ach. Many peoplo remark thnt he
would be willing to give all hi* money
for a stomach in good working order.
I do not bellere ho would.”
W. & A. R. R. TO
Effective ,nt Atlanta. October 27tli.
and Chattanooga. October 29th, tho
\V. A- A. Railroad will fjperati- on irs
trains. Nos. :i and I. Pullman sli-p-
ors between Atlanta and Chattanooga,
train leaving Atlanta at S: SO p. m„
ami passengers can remain In same
until 7:00 a. in. next morning In Clint-
tnnoogu. returning passengers can got
In steelier at Chattanooga at 0:00
p. nt. and arrive Atlanta 7:10 next
General Passenger Agent.
Every one must keep up with dally
events going on so ratddly all the time.
It you do not read some daily paper
you are falling behind. If you do
not read some good magazine and en
joy tho literature that It contained In
these publications every month you
ate missing much that 1* good. You
can secure The Georgian every day in
the year, except Sunday, ami one of
the most prominent magazines In
America for a little more than the price
of The Georgian alone, which Is only
34.50 per. year-. TuJce advantage of
The Georgian clubbing offer. Do It
"The sub-committee on lots for the
aud|torium-arniory has called Irt the
assistance of the tux assessors and the
city engineer to look over the offers
This wa* the statement of John Mur.
phy, chairman of the committee, Tues,
day morning. There have been forty
bid* made, and nearly all of them are
extremely high.
The tax assessors have been called In
because It Is believed thnt the valua
tion placed on the most of these lots,
ns stated on the tax books and In the
offers for the auditorium-armory, will
be found to be sadly out of proportion.
Tho committee will meet Wednesday
afternoon at 8 o’clock in the ehambeg
of commerce, and will make n personal
Investigation of every lot offered a* n
site fm the auditorium-armory.
It Is burely possible ibut the prison
commission will reach some decision
on the petition for commutation ■ of
ftte sentences of Milton and Jesse Raw
lins thl* weak, though this ha* not been
definitely, determined.
The commission ha* about the usual
number of minor coses to consider dur
ing the week. The Mims Deveraux
cose will be heard Wednesday.
Spec-ini t« The Georgian.
Rome, Go., Nov. 13.—Robert Ttp-
pen. who shot und fntally wounded
Charles Coheld, at a dance near Lin-
dale, a few days ago, came In from his
hiding this.morning and surrendered
to Sheriff Hyar*.
Colloid died from his Injuries last
Friday night.
TIppen will have a preliminary hear
ing tomorrow morning before Judge
Deaths ahd Funerals.
The committee oti street* will again
take up the, protest of citizens agulpst
the blocking of streets by tho Gate
City Terminal Company, In the con
struction of a roadbed for the Atlanta,
Birmingham and Atlantic railway.
James L. Key Is chairman of the
committee. A few days ago all the
members, with ihe cjty engineer, the
engineer of tho compuny, tho secre
tary and President . Arkwright, went
over the Whole proposed route of the
railroad In Atlanta.
It was foimd that the protest of Dr.
J. F, Greene and other citizens was
welt founded and thut a number of
streets had been blocked, a number of
homes bottled up. a number of streets
closed up entirely, and other diverted.
Mourn members of the eommjttee did
not fall to express their condemnation
of the work. A lively session is ex
pected this afternoon. Dr. Greene an<l
President Arkwright have been Invited.
Minister -Gmnmere Makes
No Mention of Troubles
Among the Moors.
Washington, Nov. 13.—A dispatch re
ceived today from United States Min
ister Gummere at Fez. Morocco, an
nounces that all of the questions which
bn had to bring to the attention of the
sultan In behalf of* the United States
have eltber been satisfactorily adjust
ed or are In process of being >o.
American missionaries are to be al-
iwed to provide suitable quarters for
themselves and to secure title to th«lr
property, something which lin* here
tofore been denied them.
Minister Gummere makes no mention
of any recent disturbances against for-
Igners In Morocco which wnuhl war
rant the reported nuval demonstration
try France and Great Britain against
the sultan, which Is roportetj from
Gibraltar us In contemplation.
H|it*i*tul to The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 13.—The
lumber plant of Snodgrass k Fields
was practically destroyed by lire early
this morning, the loss being $25,000,
It was partially covered by ln*ut>
The (Ire originated from the appara
tus which feeds the furnace.
The- plant may not be rebuilt irt
Special to Tlie Usurglan.
t’hattunoogo, Tenn., Xov. 13.—In i
■ililslon between a Cincinnati South
ra and n Belt railway train* early
thl* morning, J. F. Kdgemon. of A limns.
wllcliman on tlie Belt train, lost
his life, and two other trainmen were
more nr l*-*s Injured. The Cincinnati
Southern train from Dayton ran Into
the Beit train liecausc of a misun
derstanding of signals.
Both engines ure total wrecks.
Slieclal to The Georgian.
Madison. Ga„ Nov. 13.—Two weeks
ago Mrs. M. A. Mustln. while stepping
out of the - green house, tripped and
fell backward, Injuring her tert arm.
She had medical attention at the time
and not much was thought of It. Fri
day It was noticed to In- In a badly In-
named condition. The attending pnysl-
clan pronounced It hi,mil poison, and
she wa* taken nt once to Augusta to
the home of her daughter. Mrs. Charles
Calf, for treatment. Advices received
lii'il- cause her many friends much
Jame, Cheinut Llppett.
James Chesnut Llppett, aged 12
years, died Monday night at tho resi
dence of Ilia father, F. H. Llppett, 252
Kant Pine street.
lie was taken III Monday almtit 12
o'clock and passed awny Monday night.
The funeral services will lie conducted
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, llev.
I). Wllmer will officiate.
' Mr«, Kale R. Faver.
Sirs. Kale R. Faver, aged 57 years,
died at her residence, 47 West Cain
street, Monday mornlnr. The body
will lie (liken to Stevens, Ou., for Inter
Mrs. George Hancock.
Mr*. George Hancock died at her
residence, near Ponce DeLeon, lost
night. The funeral services were con
ducted at the residence Tuesday after
noon at 3 o’clock. The interment was
In Westvlew cemetery. * -
Miss Leslie Rice.
Mpecisl to The lleorglsn.
Madison. Ga., Nov. 18.—Miss Leslie
Rice, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Kd Rice,
died here Sunday and was buried yes
Mr. Rice ha* for soniS years been
connected with the newspaper hu*ine*a
In Atlanta, having been the publisher
of The Mudlson Advertiser before go
ing to the Gate City.
Mrs. Nsncy S. Richardson.
Special to The Georgian.
Austell, Ga., Nov. 13.—Mrs. Nancy S.
Richardson died ut tho family home
here last night. Mr*. Richardson wo*
a widow and mother of t’uptaln
Richardson, of the Southern railway,
J, E. Scott.
Hpei-iM to The Georgian.
Hartwell. Oa., Nov. 13.—J. K. Scott, j I{T(4SBYK T\ .TATI,
the oldest citizen of this plaee, died |, ‘, . i -
Sunday night and wa* buried yesterday J IA ilOXTuUjILHl
by the Masonic fraternity, of which, |,’AIJ V \ li’l,' U’l,iii|YP
he won a member. He was one*of | f”K HAt1!i IS. 1,111 [ .Nil
Hurt county's most prominent cftlsens. j , — —
■ ■— | to Til** (Jcorglsn.
Mrs. Clara T. Ezzard. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 13. 8h , UT
ill*, tiara T. Kzzurd, aged 73 years, j sheriff W. t|. Robbins, Jr., of Elmore
Special to The Georgian.
Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 13.-^ in the
Chisolm bank embezzlement case yes -
ten!ay Assistant Cashier Thomas How-
ron told of the discovery of the short
age of 9100,000 in tho reserve box ami
of meeting (Thlsotro nt the train on the
morning of his return'from Atlantic
Walker Percy, a director of the bank,
told of Chisiilm'n eoiifesvkm to the
crime on the morning of his return
from Atlantic City.
Bowtron In the course of his t»*stl-
mony sold that Chisolm had told him
at the Jail, that he took $50,000 of the
inappy and that some one whose name
the witness was not able to recollect
gave Chisolm another $50,000.
died at her residence, 23 Fast Cain \ Hheidff W. C. Ilobins, Jr,.*
street, Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock. \ v vesuwdav brought
The funeral arrangements have not j gLnrn - th« .
been unnuunwd. **■* for mCe •" w P |n B- «
—- ! fbj» ami Jiuk Hhqri, who m
Mr*. Clara P. Ezzard. i with Ihe murder «»f i* i m\ s
The funerar services of Mrs. Clara P.; nesir Tnllassce, H«>m<* t
Kzzurd, who died* Tuesday morning. t The sheriff brought m. A
will be cord ml hi l Wednesday afternoon j [*>'• B*e father. Bill IVlgsby
ut ibe residence of Thomas A. Day. j Rigsby, Ids sons, and Jack
132 Bouth Pryor street. General Clem- j son-in-law. All are white i
ent A. Evans will officiate. The Inter- j Rigsby has been convicted ai
ment will be in Oakland. Pallbemers \ life sentence. The oflmi*
will be selected from the stewards of! tried at the next term of th*
the First Methodist church and will { —
meet at Barclay «fc Brandon’*, under
taking parlors at 2 o’clock.
if Eli
the c<
Special to The f
ifrvefttl to The Georgian. Tarbutton, tht
irtenvUle, 8, C„ Nov. 13.—tfnue«| n j Ue |
Bunk Examiner Hollenmn tisJay closed 1 ,
the landing Investigation of the Work- u, » 1 *
fngman’s Havings und I*oun Coni pony. weeK * u,ei ‘ wt 1
a negro banking institution of this city, morning uhoqt
The dft|Mwltotv are all colored people. Mr. Tuibtitfn
No statement'of tho Jlnuncinl c»»ndl-> necieil with th«
tlon of the corporation hus yet been [ owned consul*.-
given out. and Johnson c