Newspaper Page Text
T l,r Vounr Ladles’ Auxiliary of the
Pff.byirrlan hospital will hold an Im-
oortant meeting Wednesday afternoon
•Jt 3:30 o’clock 111 the parlors of the
fJLpItnl. The meeting is called by the
president. Mrs. Stephen Barnett. All
members ere requested to be present,
j, the resignation of the president will
y acted upon.
The Atlanta Chapter. D. A. It., will
m ect at the residence of Mrs. Thomas
jj )|,,rgan, "83 Peachtree, Thursday,
November 13, at 3:.?0 p. m. A large
Attendance Is earnestly desired.
Corresponding Secretary.
The Cordon Circle of King’s Daugh-
.2, and Sons will meet In regulur ses
sion on Wednesday at :i p. ill. at the
Home for Old Women. 13 Hast Mitch
ell sheet.
Personal Mention
Mrs H. O. Hollenberg. of Little
Bock. Ark., spent Tuesday In Atlanta
en route from Washington, D. C„ to
Gulfport. Miss., to attend the United
Punchier* of the Confederacy conven
tion Mrs. .Hollenberg lias been promi
nent for many years In the work of
pttrlotlc organizations of the South,
and served aa commissioner on the
women's boards of management at sev
eral recent national expositions.
Mrs. S. K. Oabbett. custodian
the cross of honor, left Monday for
Gulfport, Miss., where she goes to at
tend the general convention of the
United Daughters of the Confederacy.
»s one of the prominent officers of the
national organisation.
Captain Jefferson Thomas, of At
lanta. who has been the guest of his
min. Colonel Turner Thomas, loft tills
afternoon with the Augusta veterans
tin Savannah, where he will spend sev
eral da.vlt.—Augusta Herald.
Mrs. Starr Kculhofer has gone to
Montgomery to Join Sir. Kealhofer.
and together they will make that city
ihch future home. Mr. Kealhofer
hold- an Important business position
at Montgomery.
Mis. c. P. Wlllcox, of Charlotte, N.
c„ who has been the guest of Sirs. J.
Glascock Slays for some time, has gone
to Montgomery to visit her son, Sir.
James WUlcoX.
Mr. and Airs. Sims Bray have return
ed from their honeymoon trip and are
non with Sir. and Mrs. J, R. Mobltpr
at their home on Juniper street.
sir. Walter M. Jackson. Jr., has re
lumed to Augusta, after a short visit
to Atlanta.
Mrs. Emma Blodgett Glllett 1s critic,
ally III at her home. 89 Culberson
Mrs. C. H. Stewart lias returned to
her home at Carrollton, after a brief
visit to AtlAnta.
Purposes To Keep Only
Enough Money to
# Live On.
New York. Nov. IS.—That Mrs. Rus
sell Sage will give away the bulk of
the fortune of about $80,000,000 be
queathed to hen by her lute husband
to individuals whom she eons id ere
worthy Is certain from u statement
made by her.
“I shall keep only sufficient of the
fortune left me by my husband to live
quietly and comfortably.” Mr*. Sag-
B. Idiiwrence Battle bus made answer
to the allegation* of Ills wife, Marie Al
ien Battle, In her suit for divorce, ab
solutely denying nearly everything she
claimed against Ills character. He says
that, while It may be true that he has
not been a “model husband;" he has not
been, as she alleged, “n habitual, con
firmed and hopeless drunkard."
He says that he has. always taken a
drink when he wanted It, but ne%*er
passed the bounds of moderation and
has never on account of drink failed to
be kind to his wife.
Mrs. Battle is asking for divorce and
$50,000 alimony.
“V - A V.»V V
• Mr*. H. L. Pegram and Alt™ Kath
erine pegram, of Charlotte, K. t'., nve'
the guests of friend* In the city.
Judge and Air:,. \V. R. Hammond are
ai home at the Marlborough for tlie
ulnter. ...
.Mr#, Drake leave* till* afternoon for
»v, nan to attend the Thomp»on-Jonea
Mr. and Mr». Charle* C. Willi* an
nounce the birth of n eon, Charles C„
Senator A. C. Latimer, of Mouth Car.
dlnu. I* the gue»t of Air. and Mr*,
jrmgc M. Rrown.
Mr*, Arthur Maockcr, of Tuntpa. Is
he guest of her sinter, Alra. LouU
Mr. and Mr*. Edward Chamberlin
tr. m Sew York for a ihort vlelt. .
Jits. Bernice Hhulseiv of Columbus,
l« In the city at the Bon Air.
Michael Hoke I* visiting Alem-
•Ws* Margaret Hemphill will leave
text week to visit t'rlend* In Indiana.
I". !•’, ll, Boland Ita* returned from
nlumlilu, B. C.
Isabel Thomas, of Athens, Is
•st of Alls* Minnie Van Epps.
Ims returned
Mbs Grace Norcrozz has returned
i .Michigan.
Hulls agnlnst four subsidiary com
panies. said to be controlled by the
Standard Oil trust, have been tiled In
the circuit court ut Lima, Ohio. l>y
Attomcy C.enkral AVadc Ellis, with the
view of ousting them from tile state.
A new comet Is reported by Profes
sor Kreuts. of Kiel, Oermany, to the
Harvard College observatory, fo have
been discovered by Holgr Thelle, at
The Mutual Life Insurance Company
has Ignored the action of H. R. Prew
itt, the commissioner of Insurance, who
revoked Its license in Kentucky, for
word has been sent to all Its agents to
continue soliciting business.
Troops from Camp Columbia, with
full rations and tents, are to be sent
for three days over Cuban roads fpr
a practice march and to study strate
gic positions.
Crown Prince Olaf, who, with his
parents, King Haakon • and Queen
Maud. has come "home" on a visit,
received a royal greeting from King
Edward and Queen Alexandra and a
hearty welcome from the people.
Sleighing Is good In the Adirondack
region, as the result of a heavy *tqfm
which left the ground covered with
snow from a depth of 8 to 11 Inches.
The allies of Emile Zola, by a 5 . to
3 vote of the senate committee in
Paris, are to be transferred to the
Thomas B. Clement, •<> years old, waa
convicted tof wrecking the First Na
tional Bank of Faribault,* Minn., and
sentenced by Judgo Adams, In the
United Htatea court of apiieals at St.
Paul, to eight years In the Stillwell
Dynamite destroyed the warehouse of
the American Snuff Company, at Kd-
dyvtlle and Fredoniu, Ky. Bloodhounds
followed the wrenters ten miles.
severe coal famine threatens To
ledo Ohio, unless mild weather sets In.
The' coal roads say there Is no relief
In sight.
' i Congressman Longwortb and Airs.
Longworth left Cincinnati today for
Farmington, Conn., to visit Airs.
Cowles, sister of President Roosevelt
and aunt of Mrs. Longworth. They ex
pect to arrive In Washington about No
vember 36.
, Camille Clifford, the actress whose
marriage lost month to the Hon. Henry
Bruce, eldest son and heir of Lord
Aberdnre, led to that gentleman's prac
tical disinheritance; has signed a con
tract in London to play a star part In a
now musical play by George Dancry.
She will visit America.
The Georgian does not Intend that
Its subscribers shall miss anything.
Consequently, it has obtained subscrip
tions to ten prominent magaxlnes and
publications, one of which will be sent
to each yearly paid in advance sub
scriber to The Georgian. The price of
The Georgian is 18.60 per year. Bend
u* that amount and we will send you
The Georgian every afternoon during
the year, except Htufday, together with
any one of the following magaxlnes you
may select: Judge's Quarterly, Ameri
can Magazine, American .Boy, Good
Housekeeping, -M'S'all's Mkgazlne.
Popular Magazine, Southern Cultivator.
Woman’s Home Companion, Carden
Magazine, Cosmopolitan.
’Washington, Nov, 13.—Will raring ut
Dennings he n thing/of the past If the
court decides In the Dnvls case, which
comes up today, that bookmaking, as
It Is carried on there now, Is Illegal?
The officials of the Washington
Jockey Club emphatically deny that
there Is any danger of the coining cue
ing not being held, and ray that the
Jockey Club, which refuses to take
official cognizance of booknmklng, will
order the program to be run off each
day Irrespective of what may happen
to those.who are dating enough to lay
odds. 1
Paul Morton's Daughter
To Marry New Yorker
A Christmas Gift
That will delight the whole family.
A Victor Talking Machine
An Edison Phonograph
now. We’ll hold it till Xmas.
Prices f 10.00 to J500.00.
Sold on sazy payments.
Picture of Miss Pauline Morton,
daughter of Mr, and ijr*. Paul
Morton, whose engagement to J.
Hopkins Smith, #»\? of New York,
is announced.
Phillips & Creu) Co.,
37-39 Peacblree
• Street.
Atentfon this paper.
Los Angeles. Cal,, Nov. 13.—By the
close vote of 8 In Its favor, the pVin
to annex a large territory lying be
tween this city nnd Snn Pedro was ap
proved at a special election In this
The annexed territory includes Ascot
park, and the racing plant of the Los
Angeles Jockey Club. By the election
the park Is brought under the jurisdic
tion of the city ordinances, which pro
hibit pooKseellng.
"Lucky” Baldwin’s new track at Ar
cadln will be ready by the time Ascot
receives Its quietus, so racing In Houth-
em California will not be Interrupted.
Mrs. J. C. Johnson, of Llthonla, Is
visiting her parents. Air. and Mrs. R.
H. Cannon, on Candler street,
Airs. Albertus’ Harrison, Df Bethle
hem, attended the llower show on
Airs. L. W. Nowell und little daugh
ter. • Ethel,, left Haturday for Conlele
and Fitzgerald, where they will spend
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Toole announce
the birth of a son.
Miss Bertha Hoseh. of Hoschton, Is
the guest of Allis Jurelle Smith. •
Airs. Alary Thurman has returned to
her home In Btuthum after sending a
week with relatives here.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Almond
have Issued Invitations to a reception
at tlicir home Monday evening, No
vember 19, celebrating their crystal
wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Edwards have
us their guests this week Mrs. Harris,
of Watktnsvlllu; Mbs Durham, of At
lanta, and Alra. Mitchell, or Athens.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Quartermun gave
a lovely phantom party last Wednesday
evening at thelf home on Candle.r
street In honor of their guests, Misses
Adams and Brumby. The home was
artistically decorated with ferns und
Jack-O’.lnnterns. The costumes were
very gliost-like nnd unique. A feature
of the evening waa recitations by Miss
Tomlinson and music by Miss Tttman.
The usual games of love and chance
were enjoyed, after which fruits ami
nutB were served. Those present were:
MIsAes Wilhite, Stroud, Loyd, Bush,
Jackson. Smith, -Mathews, CarUhsrs,
Arnold, Whitehead, Handcock. AlcCles-
ky. Rqssell, Watts, Tomlinson, Tltman,
Haslett, Dayes, Mr. and Mrs. McCurry.
Mr. nnd Airs. Causey, Alessrs. Vonder-
lerth, Wlllsnps, Jackson, DeLnporrlerc,
Turner. Kilgore. Downing, Afayne, Her
rin. Holsenbeck, Cofleld. Norman, Nib-
lack, Pentecost, Whitaker, Julian, Klm-
bell und Russell.
Alls* Kathleen Rhudy and Air. J. F.
"ct’l'o-e. of I-atavette, Oa„ were quiet
ly married at the .home of her piv-
r»nu. mi’, and Mrs. J. A. Rhudy, on
Romo street, last Sunday ut noon.
Rev. George D. Harris officiating. Only
a.few friends and relatives were pres
ent. They left on the noon train for
Anniston, Ain, and from there in their
home In Lafayette, Ga.
Airs. C. H. Stewart siiem Thursday,
Friday and Saturday In Atlanta, re
turning Saturday night.
Mrs. Frank Bnss entertained the Lit
erary Musical Club In a most delight
ful maimer Thursday afternoon at her
"home on Newnan street.
Alra. Hale, of Griffin, is the guest
of Mrs. Will Griffin.
Mrs. Slunk, of Hogansville. Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. AI. Camp,
on Romo street.
Cards have been Issued by Mr. and
Airs. J. W. Iluline* announcing the
marriage of their daughter. Miss Marl
in, to Mr. Hugh T. Stephens, of New
nan, to occur at the First Baptist
church In this city, November 30.
Joseph L. Cobb, of A'lanta, Is In the
Every one of the items quoted below is seasonable and
desiralde—and every one is a real .bargain. Come and get
your share of them tomorrow and Thursday. .
These Specials on First Floor
j Nail Brushes—Kxtm heavy atul
! bent valuo you'll find at... 10c
Back uombs
pretty mtmntingi
stones ......
Brooches—jircat variety
new and nttractive designs;
choice ....10c
Dressing Combs of aluminum,
lilflil. imlirenknide; very cheap
Pearl Buttons,
bullet shape; yoi
dogen .. .'.......
ciita: per
Ladies' Hose
Stiinihird at vie
value; only
regular 25t*
Hair Brushes — solid
hack*, select bristles;
size: only
Hose Darners of black enamel
ed wood with handle; special
at 10c
Ladies’ Collars in new and
beautiful embroidered effects,
at 10c
Great Values in Main Basement
Jardiniere and Pedestal, good
size, real $2.00 value; tomorrow
only .§1.00
Bowls and Pitchers of plain
white or blue decorated stone
ware 50c
Special Table of odds and ends
—slightly imperfect Vases.
Milk Pitchers, Sugar Dishes,
-Mixing Howls, Salad Howls,
ete.: 10 to 25-eent values;
choice 6c
All sizes Flower Pots now in
stock. •
Cups and Saucers, chocolate or
after-dinner coffee size; 10c
values 5c
Punch Cups of plain clear gloss.
Very, special 3c
Iii Balcony and Second Floor
Ladies’ Trimmed Hats that
would he elioap at 52.00: to
morrow $1.00
Untrimmed Hats in various
stylish shapes; worth up to 75o,
at .* 25c
Grapes for hut trimmings; large
bunches with foliage; 51.00 J
values ,60c
Framed Pictures in very attrac
tive designs; great values
at $1.00
Boys' Caps of good wool mate
rials; best stvlcs; bargains
at ...,10c
Children’s Table Set, including
knife, fork and spoon; special
at 10c
Toy Kitchen Set, including 26
pieces; very great bargain
at 10c
Picture Blocks in nests of as
sorted sizes: specials at 25c
and 10c
Buster Brown at the Circus A
new and interesting children's
game 25c
Ssss Basement Annex Bargains
Double Roasters of best she;t
iron in several sizes; 25 cents
to $1.00
Carving Set of two pieces: good
steel, good hnudles; set....25c
Dishpans of best grnv enameled
ware; 14-qiinrt size; tomorrow
at ,, 18c
Children’s Waiter!—Full nick
el-plated and very cheap nt 25c
Feather Dusters—Extra qual
ity; 16-inch, 25c; 10-inch, ,10c
Preserving Kettles of all-whJtc
enameled ware; 6-quart size
at 50c
Seven Stores in Six Cities.
| For veranda floors, for kitchen $1
i *" ,>r T f ? r :in >: ki '! a tlt Mri!! ll Gibb*Wrhtht, of Forayth, spent
hard, durable; -both Lucas and
i Scnoun<\
Georgia Paint & Glass Co,
40 Peachtree. "^"Somhigwi-
part of thi-; week In the elty,
Dr. and Mr*. George L. Alexander
-pent this week In the city.
Alls* Lee Ridley, of Ridley, Ga., I*
visiting Mr, ami Alra. Bob Almun. ut
Special to The Georgian.
New Orleans, Ln„ Nov. 13.—An aw
ful condition of affair* I* depleted by
Clau* Spreckle*, capitalist and sugar
magnate, of Han Francisco, nmv visit
ing till* city with 111* wife and eon.
Calus August Spreckles, In telling of
the effort* being made to rebuild Ihe
Pacific slope metropolis. Air. Spreckles
says 'Frisco Is In the hands of the
worst set of cut-throat* and grafters
on the continent, who Includo many
city officials and Political Bos* Rueff,
and obstructionists are working to pre
vent the city from securing an nde-
the property-hold
era cannot build, as Insurance Is with
held until -these necessaries arc ob
tained. Air. Spreckles predicts that
numerous city officials will go to pris
on a* a result, as a determined fight Is
S tunned by . the citizen*, who have
anded together for that purpose.
He believes the city will be rebuilt
and even surpuss Its former greatness.
Large property-holders are awaiting u
restoration law and order, he anys.
nnd have built fences around their
wrecked bulldlnks until such time us
they can proceed with reconstruction
with safety.
The past week has been a veritable
week of marriages. The wedding of
Dr. Alfred tVnlker and Miss Dora
Northlngton was solemnized nt the
home of the bride In Prattville at 7
o'clock p. m. Wednesday. There wub a
large bridal party ami the ceremony
Bessie Brown was marked Tuesday
evening by a favor cotillion given for
her by Mr. and All's. Henry Fowlkes.
ut the Country Club. The receiving
line Included all the other debutantes
of the season. The club was appro
priately decorated and the affair was
quite elaborate.
. _ Air*. Richard W. Alussey was at home
was followed by a reception. j Thursday afternoon un«l evening In
Mr. Robley Charles Atunger, son of I
Alr. and Airs. It. N. Munger. and Miss | compliment to her house guest*. Alra.
Etolle Virginia Ashford were quietly Lawrence Lee, of Montgomery; Mr*, J.
married Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 T. Harrell, of Columbus, Ga.; Alra. A.
o’clock, nt tlie home of the bride’s pa- | l. Camp, of Chicago; Mr*. AI. E. @pen-
renls. All** Alaty A' n,e was Ml** |cer, of Columbus, Ga.; Alls* Catherine
ford h maid of honor, und Mr. buginc i • * FnfitHin • \ihpv i »u■»!•»»
Hunger warn the best man. # f "“J; ” f Mlw Mary Dnakc,
Th<» marriage of Mr. Jackson C. Hal. «»f Richmond, \a„ und Ml** Elisabeth
Rtead and Mis* Gertrude Wheelock took Alston, of Clayton, Ala. This was one
place ut the home of the bride’s mother of the handsomest affairs given during:
on Highland avenue, Wednesday even- the present season.
Ing at 7 o’clock. i Miss Edna Moore entertained the
Quite a pretty home wedding was! Bid Euchre Club Thursday morning at
that of Miss Maybelle Shackleford and’ 10:20 o'clock.
Mr. Leon Robinson, which took place j The members of the Highland Bridge
Thursday evening at o’clock ut the! Club were guests of Mrs. Rivers Carte*
homo of the bride’s grandfather, Mr. I Thursday afternoon.
C. F. KnuN r,, on Highland avenue. Ml** j Mis* Grace 'Hurdle and Miss Ala-
Rb»* ?vi?ford wore a handsome whlteibamn King are the guests of friends in
wedding gown und veil and was ut- ! Anniston.
tended by a large bridal party. The i Mrs. Rlolmrd Randolph 1* the guest. -
ceremony was followed by a reception of Mm. Phare* Coleman. In Montgotp- group t w
A large number of complimentary j ery. j Magazine ;in-i
functions were given for Miss Hhackl**-: Mrs, Florence Jordan, with her two tgather with Tlv
ford previous to toe wedding. Mr.(little granddaughters, will leave Mon-(year in ndv.iiD
Robinson and Ids. bride will live In I day for New Orleans, where she will j nmgailnes n!on
Wctumpktt after nn extensive wedding) visit her daughter. Mrs. J. A. LeVert. $!.' ■ Rut ;
Journuy. . Miss Eva lit liners U the guest of * tallied for u j
The formal entry into society of Miss friends in Chicago. Georgian n
(Copyright, 1903, by American-.Liui
All that I craved belonged to me.
God held the gift* and I the key.
He held them watting my command.
And yet I would not understand.
In petulance nnd discontent.
Full many a wasted year was spent.
I cried, "Hotr cruel Is the fate
That make* me work, and wet, an
For thing* which make life worth llv
Nor rob the Giver In the giving!
Which holds the things I hung
The key was LOVE; pure gold, a-
Wlth glittering gem* of faith and ti
lt tit* all door*. It turn* alt locks.
It lead* the way thro’ walls and roc
It lift* Jhe bolt, unbars the gate.
Ahd shows us where life’- treast
llh, are there heights thy feet ivi
Try LOVE, the key to all auct-c*^.
World’s Woi k. to-