Newspaper Page Text
Suh*Treasury Shortage
Found by Ac
Secret Son-ice Chief aud
M.iiir Witnesses Sub
poenaed for Grand
PoliceCaptain Wound
ed and Two Officers
into! biltmore.
General Alarm Turned in
and Southern Traill Hur
ried Away After Pack
of Bloodhounds. .
Si. L»ul*. Mo.* Nov. 14.—A govern
mi ■ iftielal at the federal building,
iirlro I* In » position to know, told to
■Jar h""'. by the merest iiccident, the
discovery of the |tl,D00 shortage In the
fub-ireusury was made.
Heretofore no explanation of the
lie manner In which the shortage was
■iiscuvtrcd has been given by any of
the la-noma concerned or by thb gov-
■mimrnl officials, who have delved Into
(hr matter. ,
Her is the story:
Accounts Checked "0. K."
■On the morning of October 0. the
u the shortage was brought to light.
•• I no- I.f Receiving Teller Dyer was
checked up by (.'ashler and Thief Clerk
Kaleli P. Johnson. It was Cashier
Johns,m’s custom to check lip the re
ceiving teller's cage every two weeks
i. and Johnson was doing the rou-
iomethlng was wrong. Johnson waited
until Dyer had gone out to his lunch
^^^^■hecked up Dyer's accounts.
Then. It Is said, a shortage of 441,500
i found.
H im: fo Fcrgusori’s cage, Johnson
uiU to Imve to later found a pack-
i scmbllng the package ho had
«*» Dyer throw ijito -Fergusons cage
:in! ntulnlng exactly $6l ( 500.”
Witness®* Are 6ubpenaod,
t-’fii t Service Chief Wilkie aud As*
jbtani (Tilted Btate* Treasurer Bants t
irrlvt fi In St. IajuU< from Washington l
Special to The Georgian.
Asheville, N. O., Nov. 14.—Will Har
ris, the negro desperado and o^-eonvlct
who last night shot up this city Ih true
Western stylo with a heavy rifle, kill
ing Police Officers BInckstock and Bai
ley and twi^ colored niea, and shooting
Police Captain Page in the arm and
seriously wounding a negro. Is still at
large and the large and heavliy-arnjed
posses who are scouring the city and
surrounding country are completely
baffled. Bloodhounds were put on the
scent early this morning and after run
ning some distance out the BUtmnre
road In the direction of the Vanderbilt
estate, apparently lost the scent. This
Is the direction In which Harris Is
known to have gone. Chief of Police
Bernard received a 'phone message at
12:30 o'clock from Alexanders, a small
station on the Southern railway ten
miles west of Asheville, Informing him
that a negro answering the description
of Harris and carrying a rifle, had been
seen half a mile from thut place, head
ing In the direction of Blackwell’s
A mounted posse Is being rushed *o
that locality with all speed.
In addition to the two police officers
and one Colored known to have been
killed last night, the body of another
colored man shot through the chest
was found soon after daylight this
morning jn a small alleyway close to
the house from which Harris started
his bloody trip through the center of
the city. ,
The authorities have offered a reward
of 11,000 for the capture of Harris.
There Is little doubt that should the
desperado be captured a lynching will
follow. *
The two officers killed were, among
Uprising Now Feared Until
Foreign Warships
Port ofSuaiii. Nov. 14.-—There
is u persistent rumor that Presi
dent. (.'iiHtro of Venezuela, is dead,
end that his death is beinp con
cealed b.v government officials un
til the arrival of foreign warships,
for fear of an uprising. Several
Dutch and French cruisers are on
their way to La (Jnvarc.
Commission Takes Up Matty
Matters in Secret
P.. Morgan Hurries
to Chicago For
TmmIu.v to testify -before the f e d. ru i l‘bo inoet popular on the force, .Kxcltv-
n-n.1 I,.,.,. WurlnMilvv nhniil »hn I ment ot high tension. A public sub-
"crlptlcm for the families of the tle-
Hct ween thirty and forty subpe?
nwM'imv*' been'Issued. - Among these
.ftHnfwea arc Mark /Humberts, propri
etor of :ho lAmltriana (Tub. formerly
the Del put r j House proprietor: J. R.
HiKirinK former proprietor of the Moi- Hub. amtothers well known In the
* farting world.
Money Thrown Into Cage.
? As Ik* glanced momentarily In the
dimtinn of Dyer's cage, the informant
*»>'**. Johnson saw. #Dyer hurriedly
throw n bundle of paper money Into
Firg'.i ion’s cage. Suspecting that
tin*- checking «»n the morning of »Oc-
i"bcr Dyer’s accounts checked all
rWti. h is said, and the books and cash
billHIlCCli. *
"Johnson went back to his desk, In
>n"ili»r part of the office. In the
i *aiitiinc Marshall B. Ferguson, pay
ing teller, whose cage was next to
bver's. had left'the office'to go dbwti
t*nvn on pt 1-noiUil buslneAt or for some
otlifi reason. Johnson had been back
liU desk about 10 or 15 minutes,
w hen Ills attention was attracted
toward Dyer’s cage by the ringing of a
to>l* , i« ne bell or some similar noise.
••tijuu. Uni.. Xov. 14.—A special ro-
tfiu,| here 8a y, t)mt two K |^ ( .| u | train*
™ r *> log marine* collided at Hamloop*.
•*'m* ifrat reported that seven were
dead. inter dispatch *uy* one man la
and nix probably fatally Injured.
H-ihii, Xov. 14.—It I* believed that
, '"ik Turkish warty I* responsible
" r 1 " attempt on the life of Rear Ad-
Uucknam, of the Turkish navy, at
ki': -t evening. Tile admiral was at-
H' ."i i,v tour men while returning to
H 'lUarter* from a banquet, where he
", / ".•» the guest of honor. Admiral
," J ' ' ' Is u native <>f Malno and was
" yean trial captain of the
1,1 1 ■' ship yard nt Philadelphia,
1 he commanded many of the ves-
J* * lhe I’nlted States navy on their
blil1 "' ■ - trial trip*.
demand good reading
pm the
ceased men has been started and ha*
•already reached goodly liroportlon*.
Special. to Tb,' (leu'rzlnn.
Asheville, X. Xov. 14.—Patrolmen
Churles BInckstock and William Bailey,
twt* of the most efficient members of
Asheville's police force, were shot to
death on Bouth Main street at 11:30
o’clock last nlgh't by u negro, who said
that Ills name was Will Hurrls, of
Charlotte, a desperado, for whom a
large reward has been standing fur
some time.
Prior to the killing of the two officer*
u negro restaurant keeiier, lien Allison,
fell dead at the hands of Hurrls, who,
with a rllle. killed him without provo
cation. Another negro, Tom Nell, was
mortally wounded, he. too, being shot
before tho officer* took n blind In the
Find Into Houses.
Harris started out on Ills dentil-deal
ing toue from a negro house on Valley
street. He tired Into two houses as lie
made his way to Bouth Main street. As
he reached Eagle street ho fired nt am!
wounded Allison. On Bouth Main street
ho encountered Tom Nell and Bred at
The noise of the shooting caused Po
lice Captain Page and Officers Ballrv
and BInckstock to start from pollee
headquarters, blowing their whistles as
they went, llalley took his stand ut the
head of Bouth Muln street, leaving Ills
captain und Rlackstock to go ou ahead.
Police Captain Woundad.
Captain Page met the negro In the
center nf Main street, the filmin' re
ceiving a bullet In tho urin frnyithe ne
gro's rllle. The wounded captain culled
upon BInckstock to lire, but liefore the
officer could do so, he fell dead with a
bullet In the chest. Harris then started
on n run for the square, where Patrol
man Ballsy was waiting for him. Bailey
fired twice, but missed his man, the
negro, turning Ills rifle on the officer,
sent n bullet crashing through the lat
ter'* brain. The jtllccr lived but a few
minutes after lie It'll.
General Alarm Turned In.
The greatest excitement followed the
killing of the officer*. A general lire
alarm was, turned In by Chief of Po
lice Bernard, for the purpose of calling
out the militia companies, and several
posses quickly fihmed t<r take up the
pursuit of the murderer. The store of
the Asheville Hardware Company urn
broken into by police officers, nnd the
posses were armed with Winchester ri
fles and shotguns.
The negro then ran down South Main
street toward Ulltinore. At 2:30 o'clock
this morning the Southern railway dis
patched a special train to Try-on, 2o
miles away, to secure bloodhounds to
aid In running down the negro, who,
at last report*. Imd taken refugp In the
Biltmore estatd.
Officer Hluckatoek. who comes from
one of the oldest families In the state,
leaves a wife and a child, and officer
Halley leaves a wife and three chil
It Is learned Hint during the execu
tive session of the police commission
Tuesday night the Vickery Prlvnto De-
tectlvc Agency 'whs under discussion.
It was reported to tho commission
that complaints In regard to the work
Ing of the agency had been registered
and this provoked ccnslderablo com
ment. It Is understood, however, that
no action has yet been taken by the
The nature of the complaints has not
been divulged, but It is understood to
affect In a measure the policy of the
agency. It Is probable thut further In
vestigations Into the matter will be
made Uj- the commission at another
meeting to be held Wednesday night,
• The commission was In session until
midnight Tuesduy. but even then nil of
tho business on hund was not consld
cred, and adjournment was taken until
Wednesday night. The proposed re
strictions on tho press, os affects the
police deiatrtmcnt, was one nf tho mut
ters thin went over.. The report of
chief Jennings concerning the recent
disagreement between the police re
porters of The Journal and Tho News
with Miss Bunrterson. police matron,
will nlso be- considered ut that time.
Police Sergeant Turner, accused of
neglect of duty In that he allowed a
negro prisoner to remain 111 tho police
station nfter his line was paid, wo* or.
detad reprimanded liy the chief.
Puti’oliiiuii A. J. Ivey was found gull,
ty of being intoxicated while on duty
and was suspended for sixty days.
The cusea ngninst Turnkey Bostwlck
nml Turnkey Hrannon were matponed
until the next regular meeting.
Resignation of President Is
Being Considered by
the Directors.
Chicago, Nov. 14.—Discovery of the
Pullman Company’s secret “pass list'
with the names of more than B00 pi
Inetit holders of passes on It. and the
announcement of Jf&xwell Edgar, spe
clal attorney for the city, that he would
be present at the nnnunl meeting this
nfter noon when the 128,000,000 surplus
Is divided, caused n secret meeting of
directors to be held before noon today
and brought J. P. Morgan here froip
New York. .
Mr. Morgan arrived on tho Twenti
eth Century Limited nnd went nt once
to the Chicago Club, arriving there at
9 o’clock. He had breakfast nnd then
went over to the Pullnmn Company
1 Morgan Surprises Directors.
He walked in Ufxm the directors who
hud guthcred In President Robert T.
Lincoln’s wfllce in the Pullman build
ing. His urrlvnl-created a stir, as he
came unannounced. ,
The secretary to Secretary W’ein-
shelmer mude this stutement when he
found that the meeting was no longer
a^ecret to everybody except the di
rectors :
“This meeting, on advance one, is
of the directors and is chiefly for the
purpose of acting upon Mr. Lincoln's
resignation, 'which. It Is known, of
course, has been tendered.”
Houston, Texas, Xov. 14.—Thut the
Western Union Telegraph t'ompany, by
whom they were omployed, had the
right to oukrethem to accept employ
ment with another corporation never
entered the heads of two telegraph
operator* employed In the Incut office
here, ami when they were ordered to
report to the Associated Press for duty
at Beaumont, Texas, they refused and
were discharged.
The matter was token up by tho
Commercial Telegraphers' Union, nnd
on refusal of Huperlntendent J. B. ('.
Smith, of the Western Union, to rein
state tho men, the rest of the force
walked out.
The Associated Press has lieen placed
on the "unfair list” by the union, and
Western Union men nre frequently or
dered to report at their offices. The
telegraphers have opened headquarters
and a campaign against both compa
nies will be organized.
It Is not unlikely that trouble will
occur In other cities of the Bouth.
t.oeal telegraph operators and mem
bers of tile Telegrapher*’ Union say
that only four operators remain In the
Houston office of the Western Union,
und that the manager, auditor nnd wire
chief* are working »n keys.
It Is understood that the Western
Union offered to raise the salaries of
the 44a men to $70, but all refused to
accept. The check boy was offered
470 and he quit. The atrlklng operators
are confident nnd say they are bound
New York. Nov. 14.—Following 1s pe
tition which will lie presented nt the
annual meeting of the Pullman Compa
ny today .at Chicago by ICdward W,
I It nek, A. R. Kellogg nnd Senator Da
vis,! executive member* of the minor
ity etockholdera of the. Pullman Com
pany: . "
"Wo recogntie that iinder the present
management our business has been so
exceedingly prosperous that uii enor
mous surplus has been accumulated.
In view of such fact, we cannot but feel
that larger dividends than have pro.
vailed In the past should be apportion
od to your stockholders.
Went • Larger Portion.
Second. For a like reason wo feel
Hint the shareholder* nre equitably en
titled to n dlstrlbutlmf of it large por
tion of the accumulated cash surplus.
We canont conceive how 'the usual
business operation of our company
Should .make necessary the holding of
so groat an accumulation of surplus.
•Think If such accumulation I* e»-
sentiul to the regular business trails,
actions of our company or to safeguard
any of Its particular Interest*, we feel
that It Is our due to have this demon-
strated to us, and to the satisfaction of
"Fourth. We respectfully request"
that Immediate action be taken by you
In looking to the making of nmple ar
rangement* whereby we can obtain full
and accurate Information regarding the
business operation*, of the eomimuy,
which Information Is not now ubtnln-
nlde from your Issued reports; und we
further request that you fu:n(*h this
committee access to and full opportunl.
ty for t'ac Inspection of all books, doc-
ument* and record* whereby this In-
formation may t»* obtained.”
This should interest you. We give
you subscriptions to Georgia's best
edited, newsiest, most reliable and
cleanest afternoon daily~The Atlanta
Georgian, John Temple Graves, Ed-
itor-in-Chief, on the following basis:
Amount. Regular Sub. Price.
On purchase of $ 5.00— 1 month $ .45
On purchase of 12.50— II months 1.25
On purchase of 25.00—(> months 2.50
On purchase of 40.00—12 months .’ 1 4.50
The East Side. BOTH STORES. The West Side.
fc>*jM*L'|jil to Tli" (iforxlnii.
Charlotte. N. C„ Nov. 14.—W. B. Og
den, of the Philip Carey Manufacturing
Company, wan found last night at the
office* of the company with a tube
around hl« neck nnd his body covered
with a blanket, while a stream of gaa
poured under the blanket from a Jet In
the office.
The dead man whm GO years old and
married. He left several notee Intimat
ing that he waa forced to the deed by
adverse circumstance* and poeMlbly a
Mtrnng mania toward eclf-deatructlon.
Herkimer, X. Y„ Nov. 14.—Charles
13, Gillette, up trlul here for the mur
der nf hlq beautiful sweetheart, Grace
Brown, whose body was found In Big
Mouse lake In tho Adirondack*, was
greatly cheered today by the presence
of Mis* Nellie Benedict, daughter, of a
rich Cortland lawyer, who. It Is al
leged, supplanted Miss Brown In Ida
(Gillette's) affection, aud supplied the
forgotti n the love lie professed for
It Was said by the district uttorney
that Miss Brown'* condition nmdo It
necessary that she tie ''eliminated from
the hortxon of this love iiffslr" nnd that
there followed "tlie unexjilnlncd trip
to Big Moose luke In the Adlrontlacks;
the iMiat rllle, the overturned bout, the
girl reiHirted missing and the subse
quent milling of her body."
So fur the district attorney lias
motive for tlie crime, uctordiug to the! thrown no light on the facts In cornice-
Cofumbu* Maddox ftua filed «ult for
$3,u0<) ugainHt Yattcey & <’«>., alleging
that the Arm mistreated him while he
was a prisoner at tho camp'of the Arm
in Cobb county. The prosecutor Is from
Dalton. He was sent up for stealing a
ride on a train.
Miss Benedict believes In Gillette’s
Innocence absolutely and Is expected
to bo tho chief witness for tho de
fense. Gillette’s nervousness disap
peared when Miss Benedict entered
the court room.
Women Fight for Scate.
There was a tremendous crush at
the court house today and women
fought with men to obtain seats. Farm
era drove Into town from ten to fifteen
Unites, hut many of them were unable
to gain admittance to tho trial room.
Although twelve jurors were obtain
ed yesterday und taking of testimony
was expected to begin today, astonish
ment was caused by counsel discharg
ing nine jurors, leaving only throe In
the box. This means tho tedious ex
amination of talesmen, which will take
I up a great part of today.
(Trent Interest was manifested In
I Miss Benedict, but thin young girt, w ho
Is very pretty, sat calmly In her sent
Indifferent to the stares or the women.
The theory of the prosecution Is that
Gillette killed Miss Brown so that ho
might lay siege to the heart of Miss
Fascinated His Fickle*Heart.
in outlining ids case, the prosecutor
suid that when “Nellie Benedict came
along her beauty fascinated Gillette’s
fickle heart, hut he did not forget
Grace Hrmvn, although he fnay have
tlou with Gillette’s wanderings ill tho
woods after the death of tho girl.
Romance To Be Told.
It is believed that the strongest part
of tho prosecution’s case will be drawn
from this. Two men nra here, It Is
said, to testify that they mot Gillette
in the depths of the woods and that
although he appeared to be lost, he did
not ask for assistance. Gillette told no
one of having been with the young
woman until after his arrest. It Is the
Intention of the district attorney to
have the whole story nf Grace Brown’s
romance with Gillette brought out In
testimony. To this end 100 witnesses
have been summoned.
Tho first meeting of the couple will
ho described, und it will be traced how
their Interest ripened Into affection,
and how, for ninny months, they were
almost Inseparable. There are many
witnesses from Cortland, where the
love-making began, nnd from many
scattered places In central New York,
where the two traveled and also from
the Adirondack#, where the Inst tragic
icene took place.
Mother of Girl Weeps.
The father of Grace Brown was In
ourt when tho session began. He took
a seat 111 the rear and was joined by
Ills wife and young daughter. The
three enguged In whispered, conversa
tion about each developptcnt and Mrs.
Brown frequently gave wuy to tears.
The utmost bitterness Is, m*mlfeslejl
towuril Gillette by the towntolk.
^ .^..,ige , m
Huns over the essterii lullf of th**
licit Is due to the presence of :in nnn of
low barometer centered over
The high that was orer that set-Hon Tu<—
day morning has dlsjitimured entirely, nnd
there Iinn Imhmi a det-M. d fall In pr»*B*«iro
III lhe Missouri and Mississippi rnllejs. sml
orer most of the booth since resterday
morning, und, us n result, cloudiness pre
vails nt nearly all stations, with ntlu full*
lug at Vicksburg, llirmluglmui. In Mon-
Una. Yellowstone Park and Oregon- sb-t
at Atluutu und Mneon ami snow at Nn*v
rllle, HI. Louis aud HL Paul.
There Iiiim been n general rise In teaniera.
lure over lhe Hou111.
The conditions favor cloudy weather wlfli
rain in this section tonight and prulishly
Thursday; warmer tonight.
and Rainfall.
Atlanta. .. .. .. ,
Boston. .. ... . ,
<inc!ua«tl.. .. .
Corpus Christ!. . .
iHxJjjc City..
Port MniLth’..
Galveston. .. ,
Havre .. .
Huron.. .. .. ..
Jupiter ,
Kansas 4-Tty. . .
Key West
Knoxville .
lot inter
I .oh Angeles,. .,
.Mu con
Merit! la it
Mlh s City
Middle.. .. .. ..
Montgomery. . .
New Orleans
New York
Norfolk ....
North Platte.. ..
l , orHami, Maine..
Port la ml. Oreg...
Itapid City,
Ht. Ismls
Ht. Paul
Hun Pranelseo.. ..
Hrtvitunali .,
Tayha. .
M j .5
' liv not get the “whole family
The Delineator. Meeting's
■’ und The World's Work, to-
1 The Georgian (or 4#.50 per :
' •I'tvance. Tlie price of these
1, ?U in “» alone I* 40. The Georgian
UiU ; _ But all ut them can bo oU-
" ,r n year by sending The
" non- 44.60.
Telephone 897
for your Rubbers.
6 Peachtrej Street.
Will V. Zimmer, lhe popular and
well-known manager of the Kimball,
has returned from a short vacation In
Wisconsin, hi# f -rmer home. While
awny Manager Zimmer spent some
time in Fhlragn, where he Is welt
known among the ' out peoffie of that
city. •
Washington. Nov, 14,—Just what
shiill lie the amount of tlie'tax which
bank* desiring to IncreiiHO their cm
rency should pay 4nt<> the guarantee
government funds. Is tlie most Impor
tant of the questions to bo settled by
the currency commission of the Ameri
can Banker*’ Association, which begun
Its third days’ session Gils morning.
It ha* been suggested to tile commis
sion that all national banks In the
forty reserve cities, which meet tlie
necessary requirement* be permitted to
issue emergency note* In nn amount
equal to .0 per wait of their capitaliza
tion, provided their government bom!
secured circulation Is equivalent to Ht
leust one-half of tiiclr capital. The
liasis of this guarantee tax would he
about 3 per cent of the Issue.
John, l.lly. an uged Confederate vet
eran. while seated In front of tile tire
int his home,.243 Oakland arnue, drop-
| |H*d dend about I: So o'clock Wednesday
Bali Francisco. Xov. 14.—The graft urtern<*>ii.
Investigation In this city lin* been given, Hunt failure I* sold to have caused
. , ...... ... .... ! dentil. He hud been coinphilnlng of III
a rational rhimu h b> the Infill ilia- , f,,|. tWl , w eek*. Mr, l.lly und
tlon that limit of the Investigation Imd j Police Chief Jei-ning* JourhL side by
»" "> «•-».»*,„„ nnd wife, one
President Roosevelti* said to |m» behind ; daughter and live sons.
Georgia—Fair Wrdu«>*dAy. wo run
north and west imrtinu*; TbanuLiy
uartner in east iHiriion; variable nl
t.iHihlriaa ami Mississippi Bain
warmer Wednesday; Thursday cold*-
proimbly fair.
West Florida—Thuntjr and V’. ri.i.-r
neiidsty; Thursday rain.
A Inhmuii-Cloudy ami warm or W
ilayt rain In north f*»rtb*«; Tlm.-t. .
and t-ohlnr in w**st purl hut.
Kant Ti’Xttn—Hbownr* w. I . ..I.»>.
In Dortbwrat portion: Tbarnday pn
fair; «i»lder In east nnd smith
West Tex**—Ftalr at*l ...'b r \\. ii.
Thursday rain.
The charge upon whiidi a number ofjjrg [ } RI (HIT
ufllciabr and c itizens will he coiled upon ‘
to defend themeselves Is the alleged
theft of funds sent to the city for the i A |. jauy , x Nov 14- _ An | ra por-
rellef of the earthquake sufferers. These turn decision, declaring the right of
barge* do not contain the (lightest i the stockholder* of a corporation
| uesilAy; Tliursilsy fair
TO NE W8T0CKi'£c«k*r-l’».ly "I
F Wednesdny; rsiu in 1
day fair fu west, rnir
suggestion of niisnpproprlailon of man- ! participate In all subscriptions to In- 1100,
ey by those having Immediate chaise craswal capltal stock of *ucb corpora- prlc
. % #»,« n-nrij ....xw t 1 ,on » " *** handed down by the court of Utoc
of the relief work, hut hwSYe* the appeals lojlay In the action of William I prlc
"middlemen. 1 he amount Is said to j |. ; . i, stokes agalnsi the Continental! viilti
be $1,000,000. Trust Company, of Now York city, by Bfal
to Blair .v