The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 14, 1906, Image 8
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER H, 1S06. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, wSMSJo*?*,. 1 Awlsunt,. And Woman s Interests MRS. HUNTER TO ENTERTAIN FOR MISS RUTH GLOVER. A charming visitor In. Atlanta at pi i Kent Ik MIk« Ruth plover, of Noah vllle, who will be the guest for some time ef her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Hunter. Onn of the prettiest parties planned for' .next week will be that at which Mrs. Hunter will: entertsin for Mips Glovtr. LEAD TWO •AFTERNOON RECEPTION FOR MI8S MARGARET LADSON, The afternoon reception nt which Air. and Mrs. C. T. Ladion Introduced their lovely young daughter. Miss Mar. gnret Ladson, Wednesday afternoon, was one of th,e most brilliant social events of the week. The handsome home of Mr. and Mrs, Ladson, Peachtree, presented a brilliant scene wlyffi' between the hours of 4 and ( over a hundred friends called. The decorations of the house were most artistic. Southern smllax being used In quantities, and splendid chrysanthe. mums and roses giving a vivid touch of color. In the parlor where the re ceiving party stood pink and while chrysanthemums were used, great bowls of them decorating mantels and cabinets. A pretty background was made- for the receiving party by the palms and ferns which were massed at one>nd of the parlor. In the hall and library the walls were festooned with srnllax and white and yellow chrysanthemums were used In l>rofaelon. The-dining room was made beautiful with pink roses. The table hnd for Its centerpiece a silver basket tilled with these llowrrx, and placed upon n large mirror. Silver candelabra with pink silk shades were used, and the smllax which was festooned on the table was caught with pink chrysanthemums and roses. Receiving with Mrs. Ladson and her daughter was Miss Sarah Tinsley, of Macon, and assisting In the entertain ment of the guests were: Miss Agnss Ladson. Miss Loulso Hawkins, Miss Kamuella Whitman. Miss Dorn An derson, Miss Katharine Gholstln, Miss KloHne Richardson und Mrs. R. T. Dorsey, Jr. . Mrs. Ladson, the charming hostess, was gowned In white brocaded satin, faahlonsd with real lace und silver trimmings. Miss Margaret Ladson was a picture nt girlish beauty In white tulle mode over white aatln and embroidered In silver chrysanthemums. Hho carried an -armful of American beauty roses. Miss Tinsley's pretty gown was of white radium silk, lace trimmed, nnd her flowers were also American beau ties. Miss Agnes Ladson was charming In a pink rhllfon velvet, made prlnresse. Misses Leone Ladson and Hattie Fannin Gray presided over the punch bowl. Miss Ladson wearing white' silk, fashioned with lore, and Miss Gray-, was In yellow chiffon. 7 >wmmg M)mp This handsome wrap Is of brocaded satin embroidered In pink roses. The trimmings are gulmpre lace and a stole of ermlno. Miss Dora Anderson whs most at tractive In white radium. Miss Katharine Gholstln wore a par ticularly becoming gown of blue me*, sallne silk, trimmed with lace and em broidered with thread of gold. Miss Florins Richardson was lovely In white chiffon made over white satin. Mrs. R. T. Dorsey was charmingly t illumed gowned In bluo messallne, with silver. Miss Louise Hawkins wore n beauti ful gown of blue chiffon. Its trimmings of satin bands and tiny buckles. Miss Samuella Whitman was most attractive In pale pink chiffon cloth made prtneesae. She carried American Beauties. MRS. WYLIE ENTERTAINS THE LITERARY CLUB. A pleasant pccaalon was that on which Mrs. Ilun Wylie entertained her Literary Club at her home, en West Feachtree. Ruskln was the subject of discussion, and several most Interesting tallm were made by various members of the club. At the conclusion of the meeting a delicious bird luncheon was served. Those present were: Mrs. Montgomery Francis, Mrs. Thompson French. Mrs. Ed Jervey, Mrs. Albert Spalding, Mrs. Louise Spalding Foster, Mrs. T. J. Ripley, Mrs. Virgil Ferry man, Mrs. Oonaales and Mrs. A. E. Wheeler. MR. LOWRY DALE HONORED. The friends of Mr. Lowry Dale will be gratlffcd (o learn of the great en couragement given him as to the qual- tty of his splendid voice during his ec cent visit to New York. Mr.’Dato's voice Is a pure tenor of remarkable dramatic power, which has aroused the most genuine admiration among musicians and muslc-lovera of Atlanta. While In New York Mr. Dale secured, through the Influence nt a friend, a hearing from Signor Vlgna, director of Italian grand opera nt the Mrtroplltnn. Signor Vlgna gave Mr. Dole's rendi tion of "Splrlto Gentll" from LaFavnrl- tn the closest attention, even request ing him to repeat certain parts of tho aria, und later urged Mr. Dalo to begin preparations for an operatic ca reer, so pleased was ho with the won- GEORGIA STUDENTS’ MISSIONARY LEAGUE. The program for the convention of the Georgia Students' Missionary, League, which" meets at Wesleyan Col-' lege December 7, K and 9. Is upproucli- ing completion und contains the names of some very distinguished speakers. Dr. J. H. Gaines, president of Agnes Scott College, will deliver an oddress on "The Reflex Influence of Missions.” Rev. E. F. Cook, missionary secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Church Boutli. Nashville, -Tcnn, will give n sterenptlron lecture on Jnpun. He will be aided by Frofessor Ilonnell, of Wes leyan College, In the use of the Here- optlcon, and will present many excel lent views of life In Japan. Kev. Joel T. Daves, missionary secretary of the North Georgia conference, will speak m “The College as a Prorogating Cen- Issi* of A ffvrasilva Phrlsllunlf v " I'll- ter of Aggressive Christianity.' S. Y. Jameson, of Mercer University: Miss Evlc Campbell, of Monroe Col lege; Miss Daisy Hemphill, of La- Orange College, and ' others occupy prominent places on the-program. The music will be an Interesting feature. Monroe College, LaGrange College and Agnes Scott College will send solo sing ers. and the Wesleyan Choral Society and the Mercer quartet will take part in the chorus work—Macon News. [so received from Dr. War ren, the well-known composer, simi lar encouragement. The Indorsement und advice from two such critical sources may Induce Mr. Dale to begin his studies, looking to Ills undertaking a musical career In the near future. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OF MR. AND MR8. GRAY. On Friday evening at 8 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gray will entertain a large number of friends at their home, on Howard street, commemora tive of their wedding anniversary. Captain and Mrs. Earle D'Arcy Pearce, of Fort Barnacus, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brumby, of Marietta, will assist Mr. and Mrs. Gray In the enter tainment of thetr guests,.as will also Mr. Inman Gray, who will come over from the State University at Athens for the Interesting occasion. Nellie Belle Cntlott, Miss Louise Sisson and Miss Nell O'Donnelly. RUMMAGE SALE. The Ladles' Mission Circle of , the Unlversallst church will hold a rum mage sale nt the corner of Piedmont avenue and Houaton street Friday and Saturday of this week. All friends of the church who have articles to donate for this sale are requested to send same to this location on Thursday aft ernoon. DUTCH SUPPER IN-HONOR OF HUNTINO PARTY. Misses Grace and Lula Calloway en tertained at a Dutch supper Tuesday- evening at their home, on Piedmont avenue, in honor of the hunting party that went to Rabun Oup last week. The party spent several days enjoying the sport and returned to the city the last of the week. The Misses Calloway's guests Includ ed Tuesday evening: Mr. und Mrs. Jul ian Field. Mr. and Mrs. George Boyn ton, Miss Marian Woodward, Mr. How- urd Mathews at.ij Mr. Dick Ailalr. TO MRS. 8MATHER8. A pretty went of Wednesday after noon was the tea given by Mrs. Estelle Garrett Baker for her guest. Mrs. Marlon Bmather*. About forty of Mrs. Baker’s friends called during the after noon, and assisting her In entertaining them were: Mist Augusta Garrett, Mrs. Francis Wtills. Miss Ret Durgan, Miss BEAUTIFUL DIAMONDS A BRILLIANT DINNER. Mr. John Skelton Williams enter tained at a brilliant dinner ■Tuesday night at the Capital City Club, which perbups wus ono of the most Interna tional affairs of the kind ever given in Atlanta. Mr. Williams' guests Included Hon. Clarke Howell, Jr, Hon. John Temple Oraves, Mr. James R Gray, Mr. Wil liam L. Pell, Mr. Frank Hawklna,and Mr. Joseph T. Orme. of Atlanta, and Messrs James B. Taylor, of London and South Africa: Oeorge Berthoud, of Swttserland: Hennen Jennings, of Washington, D. C.; F. R. Pemberton, of New York city; C. Morton Stewart, of Baltimore; Francis H. Weston, Columbia, 8. C.; Alfred D. Williams, of Ulchmond, Vo., and C. T. Williams, of Richmond, Ya. Tho floral decorations of the hand somely appointed table were profuse und artistic, consisting chiefly of splen did white and yellow chrysanthemums. An elaborate menu was served. Mr. Williams occupied one end of the tuble, with Colonel Graves opposite him, with distinguished men from va rious parts of the world on either-eide of tho table. Mr. Joseph Or'nie was the first speak er, who, after expressing the pleasure uf Atlanta In having such.notable visitors, called upon Colonel Graves to orotce the congratulations and good wishes of the Atlunta contingent. Other eloquent speeches were made by Mr. James R. Gray, Hon. Clarke Howell, Mr. William L. Peel nnd by several of the guests from u distance, one'of the most effective being that of Mr. F. H. Weston, of South Cumllnu. Mr. williams and his party left Wed nesday morning for Birmingham. 8CRUTCHINS-STAFFORD. Mr. Thomas Scrutchlns. formerly of Atlanta, but now residing at Jackson ville, Flo., and Miss Murle Stafford, of Chattanooga, will be quietly married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. at chattunoogm Rev. Dr. Jonathan W. Bachman performing the ceremony. MRS. EDWARD CAY’8 TEA. Mrs. Edward Gay will give a ten on Thursday afternoon at her home, on Currier sired, for the Woman's Guild of St. Lukes chulch. • r , - A NOTABLE WEDDING. The marriage of Mlse Kathleen day- ton. youngeet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, the for mer late ambassador to Mexico, to Mr. Arthur Orant-Duff, of the Brltleh diplo matic service, took place Monday after noon at the home of the bride’s sis ter, the Baroness Moncheur, wife of the minister from Belgium, at Wash ington, D. C. Owing to the fact that the bride groom's family la In deep mourning, no cards were issued for the ceremony, which took place at 4- o’clock. It' was witnessed by only the British ambas sador and staff, the' members of Baron Moncheur's official family and the most Intimate friends of th, bride In diplo matic and resident circles.- The drawing room of the legation was undecorated, save for a bank of palms and white chrysanthemums at its north end, where the bridal party stood for the short service, which was read by the Ilev. C. Ernest Smith, D.D., rector of St. Thomas Episcopal church. Miss Clayton entered tbs drawing room with her father and Miss Grace Thomp son, of Sl Louis, the latter being the only attendant.. She was Joined at the improvised altar by the bridegroom end the Hon. Roland C. Lindsay, of the British embassy, who was best man. Ths group Immediately surrounding the bridal party and the first to offer congratulations Included, In ndditlon to the bride’s tatrein . tin ib icium min ister and Barone-- Moncheur, Mrs. Samuel O. Jones, also a sister, and her slster-ln-law-, Mrs. Powell Clayton, Jr., formerly Miss Nannie Langhorne, of Washington city, and ths British am bassador and Lady Durand, who rep resented the bridegroom's family. Dur. Ing the Informal reception following the ceremony tea waa served. Mr. and Mrs. Grant-Duff left early In the evening for -Baltimore, where they will remain a few daya and later make a abort visit to Richmond. They will return to Washington before sail ing for England November 27. THOMPSON.MERIDETH. Tbe wedding of Mr. Clinton Peyton Thompson and Mlaa Martha Irene Mer- Ideth will take place Wednesday even ing at 7 o’clock at the Central Presby terian church. The ceremony will be performed by Dr. Theron Rice. Miss Theresa Knapp will be meld of honor and Mr. Troupe Cox will be best men. The ushers will Include Mr. Harmon Cox, Mr. Henderson Hallman, Mr. Hugh Dorsey. The bride will wear a gown of white altk, trimmed with lard medallions. Her well of tulle will be .caught with a diamond pin and she will carry a bou quet pf white roses. The ' maid of honor will lie gowned In plnl; inoussellpe do sole and carry a bouquet of pink carnations. After the ceremony Mr. Thompson and his bride will leave for n trip North. Upon their return they will be at home to their friends at 20 East Ellis street. JORDAN-CARTER. The marriage of Mr. Lee Jordan and Miss Frances Carter will take place on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Orr, on Peachtree street. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Orme Fllnn In the presence of a large circle of friends and relatives. TO MR8. W. T. GENTRY. Mr. Hunt Chlpley gave a delightful dinner Tuesday evening at his home, on West Peachtree street. In honor of Mr. W. T. Gentry. The table was Very, attractive with its decorations and cut glass, silver and of yellow and while chrysanthe mums. The guests Included: Mr. Gen try, Captain Preston Brown, Judge H. E. W, Palmer. Mr. Bonders Mc Daniel, Mr. Thornton Maryc, Mr. J. W. Crews and Mr. Addison Maupin. Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co, ; Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Blanket Buying Time Brings Exceptional Opportunities Here Now Are Many Remarkably Good Values Whcu you buy Blankets lierc you can be sure of the quality—all wool, part wool or cotton. Exact statements are always given as to sizes. We are very careful about this; buying only good Blankets from reliable sources, kinds we know and can recommend. With these new Blankets some unusually fine values have come - aud are ready. Take - this splendid assortment, for example;. Heavy All-Wool Blankets At $5,00 Pair • Of a fine grade of soft, pure white, wool with delicate pink and blue bor ders. Heavy and warm and a good, large size—11-4. They are new and ab solutely perfect in every way. The best Blankets we have ever shown for $5.00. White Wool Mixed Blankets 10-4 Size, at $3.85 Pair Extra Large Cotton Blankets 12-4 Size, $1.25 Pair North Carolina wool mixed Blankets, warm and serviceable, white with pink and blue borders. $3.85 pair. - Another grade, white wool mixed, JO-4 size, at $3.75 pair. Finer, 11-4 size, at $4.00. All-Wool Plaid Blankets lu pink, blue, red, tan, black and white, etc., very attractive combination. 11-4 size, $5 pair. Tartan Plaids, all-wool, 11-4 size, $7.50 pair. Extra large anil an extra fine grade of cot ton, In white, gray and tan. Heavy, service able quality, $1.25 pair. Comforts—-Cotton and Eiderdown Filled Pure white carded cotton; genuine odorless down; best coverings. Cotton filled Comforts, size 81 by 90 Inches, $2.35 each. Eiderdown Comforts, $5.00, $0.50 and $7.50. Those at $7.50 are extra large size—7x7 feet. New Outings at 8c Yard The Usual 10c Quality Over 2,000 yards of these; soft dainty Outings in delicate stripes and checks—the most desirable styles and cold's for warm sleeping garments of all kinds. / . The makers have taken even'more pains with them than usual. Yet here they are: new and unbroken in variety—best 10c quality, at 8c yard. Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co., Store of Many Departments. EUCHRE FOR ORPHAN8' HOME. Wednesday afternoon tho young la dles of the Orphans' Aid Society on tertalncd at an elaborate euchre party for the benefit of the Hebrew Or. phans' home.' Five-handed euchre was played, and after the game refresh ments were served. A small admission fee wus charged at the door and a largo number of ladles was present. A PRETTY 'BIRTHDAY PARTY, At tho home of his parents, Judge and Mrs. B. 8. Evans, Master George Reese Evans gave a pretty party Mon day afternoon commemorative of his seventh birthday. Mrs. Evans was assisted In enter taining the little folks by Misses Laura Cowles, Helen Dyke* and Masters Bev erly Evans and Marshall Thomason. Many games were played and a de lightful luncheon was served during the afternoon. The young gdests present wore: Har alson and Moreland Smith, Thornton and Elisabeth Konts. Margaret Wilkin son. Ernestine Campbell, Dorothy Hav- erty, William McKonsIc, L. M. Harri son, Richard und Thomas Hull, Clifford Hatcher, Annie Stewart odd Prleleau Ellis, Georgia Rice, Clara and Fred Cole, Agnes Malloy, Clarion Tye, Ed ward Van Winkle, Mareno Beek, Mar garet Maddox, Sherman and Ellis San ders, Helen and Bonnie Nesblt and Jack Hulbert. We now have tbe most diversified stock of Diamonds. we have ever had the pleasure of showing. It will be to your interest to buy from us for many reasons. Let us explain today. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO., CHURCH BAZAAR. Tho young Yadio* of the Ffrvt Chris tian church will give a bnsanr *\n next Saturday at 133 Peachtree atreet, op posite the t'anther building, which has been kindly donated fpr the occasion by Mr. rtwln. An excellent hot oyater lunch will he Reived and cake, candy, doll*, apron* nnd a variety of fancy article* will be. on autle. Lt-aann* in head work will be given. MBS. CHARLES GOODMAN*. President. COMPLIMENTARY TO MISS GREENE AND MISS IRVING. Mlaa Flora Orr and Mias Dorothy Orr entertuined at a delightful lunch eon In honor of Mlaa Anne Greene, of Atlanta, nnd of Mlaa Adelaide Irving, of North Carolina, who are the guest* of Mia* Elisabeth Johnston. The decorations, which were In chry santhemum* and autumn leaves, were especially appropriate to the season. The young women Invited to meet the two charming young guests of hon or were: Miss Elisabeth Johnston ami her guest, Mra.-C. B. Van Dusen, of Atlanta: Miss Eva Comer and her guest. Miss Cuddy: Miss Rlson, of Danville, Va.; Mlaa Huff, of Atlanta; Miss Morris, of Dayton, Ohio; Miss Rengie Brown, of Cleburne, Texas; Miss'George Weatherly. Miss Louise Walker, M.i#s Gregg. Mlaa Nellie Gregg, Miss Huale McLester. Miss Bessie Brown, Miss Marie PInckard; -Miss Florence McCrossln, Miss Mary Gil lespy and Mis* Alice Graham.—Birm ingham Ledger. f ANNOUNCEMENTS The' Atlanta Willard Woman's Chris, tlan Temperance Union will hold i business meeting at' 139 Washington street Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The members are urged to attend. MRS. MARY M'LENDON, MRS. JANE ADKINS, President. Secretary. MEETING OF 80CIAL UNION. A meeting of the Social Union of the First Baptist church will be held nt the church Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. MRS. W. W. LANDRUM, President. MR8. SCOTT'8 CARD PARTY. Mrs. U. F. Scott will entertain nl cards Friday morning at her home on Ponchtree. CLARA REBEKAH DEGREE STAFF. Members of Clara Rebekah degree staff are requested to bn at the hall, 80S 1-2 Marietta street, Thursday night to confer the degree. LADIES’ AUXILIARY. The Ladles' Auxiliary to the Brother- hood of Railway Trainmen will hold Its regular meeting on Thursdny. Novem ber 15, at 2 o'clock In the Knlghtaof Pythias hall, Kiser building. All mem bers are requested to attend. MRS. LENA BRIDGES. Secretary. FINE ART GIFTS We like to vary our sales for wedding presents with an occasional suggestion of Tiffany Favl'ile Glass, because this fine art material, beautiful and unusual at first glance, grows, we know, with acquaintance more pleas ing, more exquisite to the lover of the beautiful. Our collection is a superb one, and we have the only genuine specimens in Atlanta. * DAVIS & FREEMAN, Jewelers. 40,000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The largest stock in the South. WHITE WALL PAPER CO., 69 N. Pryor St. the parlor* of the Aragon hotel. MRS. 08CAR RAGLAND, Corresponding Secretary. ATLANTA CHAPTER. The Atlanta chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet at tho residence of Mr*. Thomas H. Mor gan, 783 Peachtree street, Thursday afternoon, November 15, at 3:30 o’clock: A large attendance is eurnestly desired. MRS. H. W. FOSTER, Corresponding Secretary. JOSEPH HABERSHAM CHAPTER. The Jokeph Habersham chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet Thursday afternoon, Novem ber 15, at 3:30 o’clock at the residence of the regent, Mrs. Oeorge J. Dexter, Juniper street. CARRIE L. STANTON. Corresponding Secretary. THOMA8 JEFFER80N CHAPTER. The Thomas Jefferson chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, meet Thursday afternoon ut 3 o'clock at tlic residence of Ihe regent, Mrs. Miller R. Hutchins, on West Peachtree street. The executive board will meet at 2:15 o’clock. ATLANTA HIVE. The Atlanta hire of the Maccabees will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Carnegie library. . SARAH M'INT08H CHAPTER. - ■ The. regular, meeting of. the . Sarah McIntosh chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, Will lie held Thursday, November IS. at 3 p. m. In J. C. MELLICHAMP m JEWELRY LEADING JEWELERS. it Whitehall st. BRIDGE CLUB. Mrs. Montgomery Dent Francis will* ••mertuin tin' Friday-Morning Bii.lgej ciuii at her hum* en Juniper streeu THE BEST OF ANYTHING THAT'S NEW Atlanta's Only Popular Priced Jpwelry Establishment 70 Whitehall THE PIEDMONT CONTINENTAL CHAPTER, D. A. R. The Piedmont Continental Chapter, D. A. R., will hold Its regular monthly meeting at Piedmont hotel Thursday afternoon, November 15, at 3 o'clock. MIBB HATTIE SMITH, Corresponding Secretary. MADISON. The Young Ioldies' Auxiliary of the Baptist church gave a delightful tea In the Sunday school room on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Adamson, Mr. und Mrs. Will Trawlck. of Cedartown. and Dr. Arnold Btovull, of High Shoals, N. spent last week with their mother, Mrs. Laura A. Stovall. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. T. Shaw entertained on Wednesday evening, in honor of the tenchers of the public school. Misses Cut-rye and Edna Pou re turned from Augusta Thursday. Misses Fuller, of Montgomery, Ala, are the guests of Miss Katie Pou. Mrs. J. T. Davis, of Anderson, S. C, Is visiting her sister, Jj™. W. A. Per kins. Misses Bue Held Walton and May Thomason are In Entonton visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Walton. Mrs. M. A. Mustln Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. O. D. Carr, In Au gusta. Mrs. Bessie Avery and son, Sam, vis ited Monroe last week. 51rs. W. H. Williams is visiting rela tives In Montgomery, Ala. Mr. J. E. Baynes, of Greensboro. Is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. M. F. Atkinson. Miss Daisy Butler Is spending some time In Atlanta. Remember that we give you The Georgian free with purchases of $5.00 or more. Smith & Higgins. Both stores. .Monogramracd Stationery makes a dainty Christum* Present for A GENTLEMAN TO A LADY Visiting Cards arc also ait acceptable*present. Send ns your orders now go that they can be executed in ample time. Samples and prices . furnished upon application. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., manufacturers of Society Stationery; 47 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia. SUPERB COLLECTION OP STERLING SILVER SUITABLE POR WEDDING GIFTS. LARGE HANDLER OF GORHAM STERLING SIL VER. MY FALL STOCK IS COMPLETE. Charles W, Cranks haw, Diamond Merchant and Jeweller. 16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg- I I ■ |