The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 15, 1906, Image 2
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, Till US PA V. NOVKMUKK 1'. U« 5 CATARRH is boil) a LOCAL and a BLOOD Disease Cm# |j HERRING’S CATARRH CURE is both a LOCAL and a BLOOD medicine, —THAT IS WHY— HEBBIH6'S ttW CURE CURES CATARRH IEXP0BT COMPANIES HAVE CONSOLIDATED Properties Takeu Over by New Company with $1,- 750,000 Capital. SfeecUI to The* Georgian. flmnadi, Oa., Nov. 15.—The S. P. Shotter and Pateraon-Downlng com panies, the two largest exporters of naval stores in the country, have dis posed of their business and properties to the American Naval Stores Export Company and will retire from busi ness. and go Into liquidation on No vember 30. E. S. Nash, president of the Patter- son-r>Mwnin* company. will be presi dent of the new company, which will me fee headquarters In Savannah. ' • The new company has a capital of 31.750.000 and was recently Incorpor ated under the laws of West Virginia. animals¥1ter AT PIEDMONT PARK TAKEN FROM PULPIT, COLORED PREACHER IS PLACEDIN ARREST gpeclal to Tbe Georgian. Wilmington, N. C„ Nor. IS.—While In the Ibldst Qf an esrneit 'exhortation to his flock, gathered at Mount 7.I„n Af rican M. E. church, Pastor Shell wai Interrupted by a summons’from Deputy SherllT Smith. Hastily leaving' the pulpit, the negro divine was taken Into cuatody by the. deputy. The renlor deacon continued the oervlce. Shell I" charged with robbing a dea- coneaa of hla church of a email fortune of miscellaneous articles, which she had apent 20 years accumulating. An-hour or so after his arrest Shell eras r leased on a |100 bond. migrtIoiloaIorv IN BUSINESS BLOCK $1.00 A BOTTLE AT DRUG STORES. How Our Acme Doable Flint Coated Asphalt Roofing Excels Is usds from tn. bast Wool Fait. Saturated and coat«d under a ntw proctss with Al pha! t. la a rukbar-Uk. (danaaly compraMed) Rofllag felt, foaled on both aide* with gllleata. jla(It. the .jetton of vapor, acida and lira Mot Kffecl.d by heat or cold. The roofing that narar Uak«. Basil y afflicd. 7h* of twenty yaara provaa It to b. th. Boat Beady Boofthft on the market. Fat up tn roll. 32 tnehsa wide and 40 feet 6 Inches long, containing toa aauara fast, wrapped tn hrary easing. _______ APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS. s-Fly. so pound. psr roll, Complete. 3-Ply. 70 pounda psr roll. Complete. 1-Ply. 60 pounds per roll, Complete. ■ASCPUm AND PULL PASTX0ULAB8 FREE. AJeo 3. 2 and 1-ply Tanod Bootflng Papar. Sheathing and Inaulatlog Papar. CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT ATLANTA, OA. CO. “KEEP THE POT BOILING” FOR I HE SAL VA TION ARMY Adjutant Elmar Johnaon and Mra. .Tohnson have arrived In Atlanta from Heaver Falla, Pa, and Joined the staff of Major Perrlman of tbe Salvation Ar. in>-. The two member* of tho army .will be placed In charge of the free la- (Imr bureau and the coat bureau and -will Immediately taka up the cause of charity. Tbe Salvation Army laaalea will take their etallona on AtlantA'e atreeta about December 10 with their "Charity Pots' and little bells to catch the pennies that "-ill go toward providing Chrtstmaa dinners for t|>a thousand or twelvo lundred of Atlanta's poor people. The sign, "Keep the Pot Bolling," wilt greet the pedestrian at every corner. This Is on annual custom established years ago by the Salvation Array In Atlanta- and the amount of good done STREET LIGHTS OUT AT SEVERAL CORNERS The lights at the Junction of Peach tree and West Peachtree streets, at 'tbe comer of Spring and Baltimore nlaca, and at the comer of Ivy and Hakcr atreeta burned out about • o'clock Wednesday evening, and thee* localities Impenetrable darkneaa reigned supreme during the entire night. Tbs causa of the trouble was the fall, mg of a wire on tbe heavily charged wire of the arc light circuit. A de- , tachment of flremen guarded the Ptasa hotel for some Uttte time during the night, tt being feared the hotel would catch Are from live wires , The lights were out of commission In other section, of the city also. WHITE FOLKS' DAY AT MACON NEGRO FAIR. ; Special to Tbe Georgian. ! Macon. Ga., Nov. II.—Today was ; White Folks' Day at tbe big Colored State Fair and aa a result a large num ber of white people visited tbe fair grounds and took In tbe sights. An In terra ting feature of the fair this afternoon will be a football game between the team of tbe Atlanta Bap tist College and another negro Institu tion. On Sunday a big religious congress will be held and service, will be held every hour from 8:10 o'clock In the ^■BsjsuSaiaiumwalB^BsssLSBBswi Hard Spots Are easy when the Brain la Clear. Quit Coffee and use POSTUM '•There's a Reason.'' and the number of destitute people fed and clothed would be hard to estimate. Doing In to all the settlements of the city where other organised charities never venture, tho workers of the Sal vation Army come In contact with pov- orty In all forma The Christmas dinners will be pre pared and put Into baskets so that they can be handled easily. Over one thou sand of these baskets were given away last Christmas and many a Christmas dinner waa enjoyed Instead of a cheer less and hungry holiday. The army will soon begin Ita collection of gro eerie* for this purpose. HEADACHES AND NEURALGIA FROM COLDS LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy removes cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E. W. Grove. Me. BETH ISRAEL BAZAAR IS DRAWIN ,Two interesting features have been arranged for tho Jewish bazaar at Tur ner's hall Thursday night. The first la a delightful Dutch sup per, which will draw many to tbe ba- saar. A Hungarian dinner waa aerved at the bazaar Wednesday evening, anil wot pronounced a splendid a flair. It I* the Intention of'the fadles to'make the Dutch supper even more delightful. The other feature of the .baiaar Thursday night fa the drawing for en velopes, In three of which are valuable the third, a hundred-dollar bill. There will bo 180 envelopes and each envelope will be auctioned off. Leo Freeh and Dr. Wlldauer will be the auctioneers and no bid laea than a dol lar win be accepted. Jt le expected that the lidding will be lively. The bexasr has been .drawing large crowds, and these who have attend*! have enjoyed themselves to the fullest. STOLEN FAIR MONET RETURNED BY MAIL to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Nov. 16.—Strange to re late. the 8600 which President R. B. Wright, of the Colored Slate nur Aft sorlatlon. had. stolen from him a few nights aget hag been returned. "This statement was Issued yesterday by the head of the colored fair, and lie say* the stolen money came book through the mall without an explanation. It will be recalled that Wright charged that a negro hackmaa drove off with a grip containing the money and later this trackman Jumped town and the police are still looking for him. Although at the time of tbe robbery It waa charged by President Wright that the amount stolen waa 1600, It Is now state by the colored fair officials that sum was not that large. The po lice have not ceased their efforts to ipturn the missing trackman and be III be arrested when found. It Is possible that the Rollins wild animal show will winter at Piedmont pork, and there give exhibitions at fixed Intervals. Tho park board, at the meeting on Wednesday at noon, turned down tho proposition to let the animals winter at Oraat park, the principal reason for so doing being tbe lark of room for the cages. It la possible that Rollins will winter hts animals at Piedmont park. COTTON CROP IS 8HORT IN SOUTH CAROLINA. gpeclal to Tbe Georglao. Pickens, 8. C, Nov. IS.—The cotton crop of this county la short about 60 per cent of last year’s crop. One Arm at thla place bought last year up to this time mors than all the cotton buyers have this fall. The bulk of the crop has been picked and ginned. Tho farmers the past week have been busy sowing wheal. The corn crop la also short, and much of It la rotten. The anoer began to fait yesterday at 11 o'clock. The ground Is covered. WILL RESUME OPERATION • ON SUBURBAN LINE. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Oa., Nov. IS.—For the flrst time since Ihe street car strike was on, over a month ago, the people of Boulh Macon beyond the city line will have street car service probably tonight. During tho strike sympathizers of the strikers tore down poles, wires and brockets of the Ibis beyond the city limits for a mile or two and the com pany quit running cars out there after the strike wms settled. Yeeterday, how ever, the people out that way could stand the Inconvenience no longer and they petitioned the company to again run corf. It waa stated by company ofllclala at the time of the strike that cam would not be run to South Macon until the people asked for them. It may bo Saturday before the line Is In condition. The latest proposition made to the committee on a site for the auditorium- armory la that the structure be up town. In a business block, and above business houses. The Idea .Is that the committee pur chase a block of stores, so constructed that one or more stories can be built upon it. These upper stories arc to be for the . auditorium and the armory. Tbe stores on the bottom floor are to be conducted as before, and the rent' la to make the auditorium-armory self-sua. tattling. The committee will meet soon to taka up all the offers, nearly flfty In num ber. Little Heating Stove Talk PEACH GROWER MISSING; FAMILY FEEL ALARM. gpeclal to The Georgian. Adairsvtlle. Oa., Nov. 15.—C. M. Bo- ley, farmer and peach grower at this place, has been missing since Tuesday morning. He went to Rowe and sold two bales of cotton Monday. Tuesday he left home and went to T. It. Turner's to pay off a dsbt. He left Mr. Turner's without any money to go-home, accom panied by Rev. W. W. Adair. When the two reached tbe top At the mountain about one mile from their starting point. Mr. Bolsy remarked to Mr. Adair that he had to go to Will Taylor’s, a distance of about a mile and a half, asking Mr. Adair the way. He has not since been heard from. CAROLINA METHODIST3 HOLDING CONFERENCE. Special to Tbe Georgian. Wilmington, N. C„ Nov. 13.—The Western North Carolina Methodist Episcopal Conference convened at MtJ Airy yesterday morning with a record breaking attendance. Dally sessions will bo held until Monday next. Much business of Importance Is to be trans act ed. Hlshop A. IV. Wilson, of Baltimore, Is. presiding. Piles Seattle Gentleman Cured with Le>g Than a Box by The Pyramid Pile Cure. per am lonurro sun pm form of rectal disease. \ you would not be reading Thirty years ago doctors Anyone Can Eaaily Teat it and Prove it, for a Free Sample is Sent by Mail to All. Sevan out of ten readers of this pa per are tortured with piles or some ' ' You an?, or 1 this article, doctors carried lancet In their vest pocket uud bled ^ ple for all aorta of diseases and I them hard—sometimes a quart at a time. It was the fashion then. All that Is changed nowadays and a doctor with a lancet would be considered curiosity. . Five yaara ago doctors "cut out” Piles wherever they got the chance. All that has been changed since the marvelous soothing, healing and cura tive properties or Pyramid Pile Cure have become known. By every mall we get letters like thla: ‘-Wishing to give credit where credit la dua I feel It my duty to humanity— a* well aa youraelvea—to write you re garding your pile remedy. I have not flhlahed my Aral box and am now well. After the first treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure the soreness left, and the swellings have kept decreasing. I also used your pills and am feeling like my- celt again. Thanking you kindly. I am, yours truly. C. Crowley. 170 Ninth avenue, Seattle. Wash." It you want positive proof of the curative value of this remedy send to the Pyramid Drug Company. *1 Pyra mid Building. Marshall, Mich. You will receive a free trial package by return druggist, get a 50c box ami get ;t 4r DESPONDENT MAN TAKES OWN LIFE Special to Tbe Georgian. Cairo, Ga., Nor. 14.—1. L. Hurst; a former resident of this place, commit ted suicide here yesterday by • hoot ing hlpieelf. Mr. Hurst waa connected with some of the families of Cairo, and was at Home on-a few days' visit. Despondency la supposed to have been the cause. Pale Delicate Women and Girls. The Old Standard, Grove's Taattlesa Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and builds up the syatem. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. —-Ice 50 cents SULLIVANS STICK TO TAMMANY HALL 'New. York, Nov. 15.—Unless Mayor McClellan and his friends can show between now and the last Tuesday In December, when the annual reorganl nation of Tammany Hall will take place, that they are: strong enough to oust Charles F.. Murphy, the mayor will not have the support of tho Sulli vans. That tvua made clear today by "Lit tie Tim” Sullivan, who said the Sulll vans had always supported the organ isation In the post and would always do so. HE GOT LICENSE BEFORE “ POPPING U ' Waukegan. III.. Nov. 15.—Louis Jor gensen. a steam fitter, employed In the A M. Electric railway power house at Iltghwood, was lined 65 by Justice Shoup today for securing license to wed Marc Donovan, a popular young woman, without previously securing her consent. Mlu Donovan runs a boarding house, and Jorgensen boarded there for a long time. They were quite friendly, but ho never asked her to marry him until yesterdss- although he secured the license Saturday. His marriage license became known and the lady was so mortified she had him urrested last night. MAY LOSE AN EYE FROM A FALLING HICKORY NUT, Special to The Georgian. Greenville, C., Nov. IS.—George French, a student ot Furman Univer sity, met a peculiar as well as painful accident. He was engaged in a scrub game of football when a falling hickory nut from a nearby tree on the campus hit him In the eye. An oculist waa consulted and he sent French home till his eye gets better. NEW CARS WILL ARRIVE ABOUT NEXT SPRING. Special to The Georgian. Macon. Ga. Nov. 16.—While Macon people are shivering In summer car* and standing up In a futile effort to keep from getting soaked by the Icy ralns of the last day or two. General Manager Nyhan, of the Macon Railway and Light Company, pacifies them with the announcement that new cars have been ordered, but wilt not arrive before next spring. This delay, he soys. Is caused by all the car shops being rushed with order*. STRIKING EMPLOYEE IS HELD UNDER BOND. gpeclal to The Georgian- Macon, Ga, Nor. 15.—In addition to heavily fining Charles Lucas, a strik ing negro employee of the Central of Georgia, Recorder Cabanlee yesterday held the negro under bond to stand trlol In the city court for Interfering with employees of a railroad. This ac tion came somewhat as a surprise and will probably break up any attempt on the part ot the strikers to Interfere with the non-union car couplers and switch men. PRODUCE EXCHANGE TO OPEN DECEMBER 1. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga. Nov. 16.—At a meeting yesterday ot the newly organised Ma con Cotton and Produce Exchange, the new outfit formed to get market quo tations after the bucket shope go out of business, the following officers were elected: J. F. Heard, president; F. Wl Hastehurat, vice president, and George L. Snowden, secretary and treaauper. The new exchange will begin receiving market • quotations about Dcceiq&er I and none but members of the exchange will be allowed to be on the flAor and get the benefit of the news. Is Not Very Bad on a Cold Day Like This Did you ever stop to tliiuk for a moment' the many advantages derived by the use of a h'eating stove! If not, then—STOP;—figure it out—you will very soon find the answer, that one good stove will add twice the heat to any room- just one-half the trouble of a grate—looks better and consumes just one-thircl of the fuel. SEE—rand that is not all the advantages, but we will let the case rest here. Then comes the question, who should one buy a stove of? Would a person with corn to be ground cany it elsewhere than to a mill! Would a person carry his cotton to any place but to a gin? No, we think not. Then the question is*answered—we do not buy heating stoves by the dozen or by the hundred, but by tbe car, and we might say almost by the trainload—that suffices to say that we get the lowest price that can possibly be obtained from any stove builder. Au this saving we gladly give to the consumer, hence the beauty of buying stoves from large stove dealers. We sell many grades of heating stoves, but would like for the public to understand that when we say all grades, that it is not significant of something cheap, for quality is our first and only thought. We only desire to sell stuff that will please the people, and which will bring them back to see us when in quest of other goods. * Will be delighted to show you our stock at any time,. and no doubt you can be convinced of the many points we can point out. King Hardware Co., 53 Peachtree St. 87 Whitehall St. PAUL BURKERT Fixed over 2,000 Umbrellas last year. Let him fix yours. 1 Viaduct Place. Do You Desire The patronage of Organized Labor? If so, be con sistent and patronize them. This label: t On your printed matter will show that it. is product of Uuiou Printers and Pressmen. Expert Printers Furnished on Short Notice. Atlanta Typographical Union. 520 Candler Bldg. P.X). Box 266. the \GRAND Matins* Today—Tonight. PRIMROSE'S MINSTRELS, 8inging and Dancing Comedian, Headed by America’s Greatest GEORGE PRIMROSE. Selo now open. Friday and Saturday—Mat. Saturday. B. c. WHITNEY’S PIQUANT MUSICAL MIXTURE THE ISLE OF SPICE ORIGINAL PRODUCTION. 20 Song Hit« of tho Whittling Kind AMERICAN BEAUTY CHORUS Company and Special Orehoitra of 60 P E O P L E 60 Night, 25c to 11.50. Matinee, 25c to 81.00. Sale now open. BIJOU Tonight—Matin.. Today. "That Funny Little Fellow,” GEO. SIDNEY In the Herond Kdltlon of Busy izzy’s Vacation ELDORADO PURSE WELLS PAPER CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, PRINTING AND BINDING P Ft INTIN OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS G 16 1-2 E. Mitchell Street, ATLANTA. GA. BALOWIN-MELVILLE STOCK CO. I Tuesday and Wednesday Mxbts. Tuwl»J tod Jlotlne**. Confessions of a Wife- Thursday, Friday nud Saturday Night** Friday end Saturday Metlu**. “SAPHO” Matin** Prices. 10. 30 and 7) cent*. Night Price*. M, 20, J) and 50 cent*. THE STAR WEEK OF NOVEMBER 12. “King of the Outlaws.’’ “Hunted to Death,” “The Train Rob- boro,” "The Road Agent," "525,000 R.’ word," "The Governor's Crime, "ft Modern Judas” and "Killed by * Friend." New Moving Picture.. Matinee. Monday, W«dne*h> Thursday ami Saturday at 2:30. evtty night at 8:15.