The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 15, 1906, Image 3
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Tin RSD.U', NOVEMBER 13, ' Grand Oltl Party Said To Have Offer - Made to Leaders.' m Oilcans in the South need a intMfspaper organ and it is said that itlu"' are gofn* t0 have one in Atlanta. f According to popular rumor the Re- ' publican party has not been dishearten- cl by the recent results in the nation al election in the Southern states and Intends to prepare for war by issuing a daily paper in Atlanta which will (ypotise the cause of the G. 0. P. It was stated Thursday morning that the party was contemplating the ( purchase of a daily paper in Atlanta j and that overtures had already been ■ made to leaders of the party by the management of the dally. It was stated that the paper under considera tion had turned from one financial .'•angel'' to another several times wlth- f|n the past few months and was ready to take up the battle for Republican ism provided a sufficient Inducement Were offered. oooaocHjoaaowoooothtHjcKioooo- 0 VISITED 800 FAMILIES O 0 ON TRIP THROUGH STATE. O 0 0 0 Special to The Georgian. 0 0 Jackson, Miss., Nov. 15.—Hon. O 0 I'harles Scott, candidate for gov- 0 0 ernor, hns Just finished his horse- 0 0 back ride from one end of the 0 0 ,-tatc to the other. Mr. r 0 says that he met with the g 0 est of courtesy and hospltallt • 0 his trip. He says that durln 0 his trip and was In twenty-five 0 0 i‘nunties. He made the entire trip 0 0 without so much as a knife. 0 OOOOO000000000000000000000 TAFT NOT TO STOP IN NEW ORLEANS BOURKE COCKRAN 70 GIVE HIS BRIDE-ELECT $500,000 IN GOTHAM REAL EST A TE Congressman andMiss Annie Ide To Be Mar ried Thursday. AFTER BEING SHOT New York, Nov. 15.—When Miss An nie H. Ide, daughter of former Gov ernor General Henry Clay Ide, of the Philippines, becomes the bride of Con gressman Bourke Cockran at the Hotel St. Regis this afternoon, the bride, groom, according to his friends, will ■settle upon his wife half a million dol lars In real estate, representing prac tically aif the holdings In his own tight In New York city. Mr. Cockran. It is said, will also give his young and charming bride a magnificent neck lace of pearls, valued at *25,000. Speculation has been rife for several days as to the character of the wed ding ceremony. Miss Ide is an Episco palian, and it has been intimated that she might not change her creed to that of Mr. Cockran, who Is a Catholic. There have been hints In consequence that the ceremony might be a civil one, but an intimate friend and the rep resentative declared today the ceremo ny would be performed by a Catholic priest. MISS ANNIE H. IDE. She becomes the bride of Congress* man Bourke Cockran Thursday afternoon. LITTLEFIELD’S SON MAY DIE FOR AIDING CHAS. HUGHES New York, Nov. 15.—Charles E. Littlefield, son of Congressman Little field, and private secretary to Governor-elect Hughes, of New York, Is dying froom blood poisoning contrac ted from handling carbon copy In mak ing typewritten copies of Mr. Hughes' campaign speeches. He Will Only Remain in City Fifteen Minutes * ) for Transfer. NO SIMPLIFIED SPELLING FOR NE W YORK SCHOOLS New Yoi-k, Nov. 15.—Simplified spell ing has received another solar plexus blow at tbe hand* ot a committee of the boaid of education. After an In- vestigatlon extending over several months, the committee has recom mended that the list of 800 words, ap proved by President Roosevelt, shall not be adopted by the public schools. GEORGIAN ISAPPOINTED ASSISTANT ATT Y-GENL. Sjwelul to The Georglau. Macon, Ga., Nov. 15.—R. E. Storrs, clerk to United States District Attor ney Alexander Akerman. In Macon, today received an appointment from Attorney General Moody to the office of assistaht United States attorney for the southern district of Georgia. This office Is a new one nnd was given to Btorrs for his efficient work for the government during the laet five year*. He is to begin hla new duties at once in office of United Htates At torney Akerman. a # spei fai tu The Georgian. New Orleans, Nov. 15.—Secretary Taft will not atop In.thle city, accord ing to hla plana, but arriving on the •Southern Pacific at"8:45 . o'clock, will take the Queen, and Crescent nt o'clock direct for Cincinnati. Citizen* Imve telegraphed him oaklng him to change 111* plana, but no reaponae liaa I teen received aa yet. President Huruhan, of the llllnola I'entral, arrived at noon and la on a tour to meat the local officials of the mad and talk over tbe detail* of the business. ' He * refuse* yet to dlseuss'any per sonal matter* growing out of hi* ro om e[ectlon. OENNEY ON TRIAL ON MORDER CHARGE tyMal to The Georgian. I .aG range, Ga., Nov. 15.—The case of T. s. Denney, charged with the killing •>! Lee Wood, near Hogansvllle, was 1 Ailed in the court here today. The tiiNe was set for yesterday, but was H>*tpone«I till today because of thfe ill- new of one of the witnesses. The two »n« n met in the- road, both being in buggies. It Is stated Wood called Den ney a liar for circulating reports about Wtn. Then the killing followed. Ai the bottom of the whole story there is a woman in the case. Out of this grew all the trouble, os it is re hurtful in the community that previous to this Wood and Denney had been "uim friends. A jury was secured shortly before noon. The first witness placed on the stand W; ih the negro who was tiding in the huggy with Mr. Wood at the time of the shooting. He was on the stand "'h<*n an adjournment was tuken for STRIKERS STILL OUT AT HOUSTON OFFICE Special to The Georgian; Houston. Texas. Nov. 15.—The teleg rapher* atrlkc, situation I* unchanged. All the men who walked out of the Western Union office are attll on strike, while the company ha* aecured but two men to take their place*. Telegrapher* in Galveston anti Dal ian Western Union office*, It I* report ed, have threatened to strike if the company attempt* to send any of the force* of those place* to Houaton. Tlte strikers say they are confident of winning. ■ _ , . The Western Union officials will make no statement. The Associated Press, which is the primary cause of the trouble, refuses to cover the matter in Its reports. LUNCHEON PLANNED FOR GOV. CUMMINS MAY FIGHT ORDER Washington, Nov. 15.—Members of Companies B, C and D, of the Twenty, fifth Infantry, who were recently dla. charged from the army by President Roosevelt, will take steps to secure their reinstatement In the service and tile restoration of .their civil rights. This Is the opinion returned by James B. Green,.a Washington lawyer. Green maintains the president had no right to discharge the soldiers with out a trial by court-martial. He says the discharge was unconstitutional and without precedsnt In the war depart ment. NEW MEN'S CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED At the Unlversallst church Friday evening at 8 o’clock there wtll be a meeting held for the purpose of organ, i'ing a Men’s Club, the object of which “'ll lie entirely non-sectarian. All are Invited to attend this meeting ' ■ spective of church affiliations. A ebon musical program will be render 'll and Colonel John Temple Graves "til speak on the race problem, the *»• usslon of which will be opened by R, v M.L. Troutman. Road’s Profits Large. Il.i limond, Va., Nov. IB.—The profit* ' the Richmond, Fredericksburg and railroad during the year Just ,V luncheon will be tendered Govern or Cummins, of Iowa, and his staff by the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce at the Piedmont hotel upon the ar rival of the party In this city at 1 o’clock next Saturday afternoon. committee from the Chamber of Commerce has completed arrangements working together with a committee appointed on behalf of the state of Georgia by Governor Terrell to assist In entertaining the distinguished guests. Governor Cummins and Ids star are en route to Andersonvtlle Ga where elaborate ceremonies will b, observed In the unveiling of a monu ment dedicated to the unknown dead of Iowa's soldiers burlgd near the An- dersonvllle prison. MRS. JOE THIBEDEAU •IS SERIOUSLY ILL Mrs. Joseph F. Thlltadeau, wife of the popular superintendent of the postotflce, is seriously III st her home tu Defotnr. Mr* Tblbadenu lias te" 11 III for several week* aud recently underwent u surgical operation. She Improve, for a time,. but fitter grew wow*, Both 3Jri*. Tluiwiegii unit her linslwuil have hosts of friends who wish for her n speedy recovery. TRIES TO KILL GIRLS WHO ACCUSED HIM Roanoke. Va„ Nov, 16.—Sunday last Moses Ferguson was arrested charged with attempted criminal assault on his two daughters aged, respectively, It! and 13 years. , , He was set at liberty under bond and last night a second warrant was sworn out charging Ferguson with at tempting to tpurder hlB daughters im account ot the charge.. He has left the city- M RS. AVI IITNER'S W ILL filed for probate C.W.HUNTER GETS$250 FOR BRANHAM CAPTURE The'reward of $250 offered by the cover* nor for the urrent of tbe ftRMtlaut of Misses Mattel and Btbel Lawrence here In Heptem* Iter watt paid Thursday morning to V. W. Hunter, n Fulton county dalryntan, who ruptured tbe n^ffro, Robert Hranhatn, at I.uxotuui, In Gwinnett county. Payment wn* made on presentation of properly at* tented nil pern showing that Mr. Hunter was entitled to the toward. Branham was eon*' rieted in two count* and given twenty year* in each. FRAUD IS CHARGED BY CONTRACTOR Special to The Georgian. Jackson, Miss., Nov.. 15.—\V. J. Mo- Gee. a local contractor, has given out a red-hot signed statement In which he makes serious charges against the board of supervleors of Covington county and the contracting firm of Carr & Co., of Atlanta, Ga. He charges that he was the lowest bidder for the erection of the court house of Coving ton county: that a representative of the firm was taken Into a secret conference and the Atlanta firm allowed to change Its bid. Air. McGee says In hie signed statement: “To my mind It Is perfectly clear that there was collusion and fraud between the board and the coatraator who was awarded the work.” TO SHERIFF'S POSSE Emerging From House Mur derer Gave Battle with Pitchfork. R Friday and Saturday Special to Tbe Georgian. Conyers, Ga., Nov. 15.—Jeff Lundy, the negro who killed Eddie Blnlon, near Devcreaux, Hancock county, ten day, ago, was captured this morning by Deputy Sheriff DeLoach and others aad was carried to Sparta to Jail. Lundy was found In n negro house six miles from Conyers and surrounded by officers. Ho tilthw a: pitchfork at one of the posse and then emerged, fighting fiercely. He tvns shot by ono of the officers before he could be taken, the bullet inflicting a flesh wound. Blnlon was a clerk In a store on the place where the negro worked and the killing was caused by a quarrel over rents. The negro escaped. Feeling Is high In this section and the negro was rushed to Jail as soon as possible. 00000000000000000000000000 0 WARNINGS DISPLAYED 0 ON ATLANTIC COAST. O 0 0 Washington. Nov. 15,—There has 0 0 been a considerable Intensifies- 0 0 tlon of the conditions over the 0 0 country and a severe storm, with 0 0 abnormally low barometer, pre- ~ 0 vails this morning over the north 0 Pacific states. 0 Tho southwest Is the only por- ■ 0 tlon of tho country favored with 0 O fair weather. Along the north 0 0 Pacific. coast rains were excep 0 tlonally heavy. Stormy warnings' are displayed 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO TERRORISTS ATTACK Sum of Money Secured . Warsaw, NoV. 15.—Terrorists today and securing a large eum of money. Uprising le Feared. Helsingfors, Finland. Nov. 16.—Tho authorities are alarmed over the dls covrry of a large amount of arms and ammunition, and the fact that the peas ants are drilling secretly load them to the belief that a general uprising In Finland Is Imminent. d exceed the earnings of the Pre- Api-lb-ntl-s. was filed with «k* ""““['J year by 20 per cent. Thin I* j TUurMlay probate the will uf Mr*. *h»rsu ,.n„«r„d ntti- [ WhUiier. Her Hire,, son*. J. A.. C. F. Whtiner,. arc Burned- as executor*. of the Pennsylvania road to ob tain control 0 f the smaller roe«L 00000000000000000000000000 O O O FIVE INCHES OF SNOW O 0 FALLS AT CHICKAMAUGA. O 0 — O 0 3|-eclul to The Georgian. O 0 Chickoniauga, Ga., Nov. 15.—It 0 0 began snowing here at daylight 0 0 yesterday and continued to 12 O O o’clock. The snow Is five' Inches 0 0 deep. It Is the first November 0 0 snow in this section for twenty 0 0 years. ! O 0 0 00000000000000000000000000 Shoot* Wrecker of Home. Charlotte."N. C„ Nov. IS.—After fore- 1 Ing from hi* wife a confession that James Hoglan had had Improper rela tions with her. George Martin, colored, who lives a few iplle* south of Char lotte, today pursued Hoglan, overtook him and shot him .with a load of buck shot, mortally wounding him. HELD IN SLAVERY FOR EIGHT YEARS, IS CHARGE MADE Special to The Georgian. New Orleans, La., Nov. 15.—A ape clal from Jackson, Miss, say* the Fed eral grand Jury Indicted Green Wo mack, a prosperous farmer of Simpson county, on a peonage charge. It la alleged that Womack has for eight years held several negroes In slavery and subjected them to cruel treatment continually. WILLIAMS CASE WAS POSTPONED A TMONTGOMERY Special to'The Georgian. Montgomery, Ala, Nov. 16.—Because the papers In the John Williams case, who Is charged with the murder of Senator H. L. Hlpp, of Cullman, were not made out on transcript, the case went over till the call of the sixth di vision, which Is week after next. WIVISION LODGES FAVOR A STRIKE New York, Nov. 16.—The vote of the different locals of the firemen on the Mahoning division of the Erie Is practically unanimous In favor of au thorizing Grand Master Hanrahan to declare a strike If. In his judgment, it should be deemed advisable. There is a strong feeling that a strike will be averted by an amicable settlement. U. S. COURT GOES TO ROME FOR TERM Jiidsc Newman end the fcb-rk. end officials of the United states district and circuit court will. x„ to Home, Ga, November It. for the purpose of bolding court In that circuit. • . The ,-ourt off!rift Is expect to be buay In Rome nlsiut four days In disposing of the Federal docket. No Important eases are on tbe docket and tbe sessions will 1st tbe regular grind. . Walter II. Johnson. United Stales mar shal. bts returned front Uolnmbns, .t|a, where he opened ami Hose, the circuit court at that place Wednesday. Ho ad journed that court until the regular term beginning the first Monday In December. New Line of Christmas Ribbons in Beautiful Holly Designs, Sc to 25c a Yard. Try Our Delicious Candies--Abso lutely Pure; Always Fresh; 10c and 20c a Pound. A Half Dozen First Floor Specials Underwear—-Ladies' Vests anil Pants, Misses 'tuid Children’s Union Suits; only., .. ...25c, ues at 25c and Ladies’ Belts in new lenther styles nnd beaded effects, preat values at 25c Ladies' Hose Supporters most popular styles; extra vnl- ,60c Hose for ladies, men and chil dren: the best values you ever saw at 10c Men’s Vests, all wool, worth 50c to $1.00, on sale Saturday only, at 10c Brooches in a Rreat variety of new and pretty designs ;ti. choice* 10c Week-End Bargains in Main Basement Cups and Saucers of plain white ware; very special val ues at 5c Toilet Sets of 10 pieces; white nnd gold or tinted designs; sold in sets only at, per pieee '. ,- ,.25c Bowls and Pitchers of blue de corated ware; children’s size; very special at 25c Kitchen Lamp complete' with Xo. 1 burner, chimney nnd wick; only 16c Punch Cups of plain clear gloss as shown in above cut each 3c Side Saucers or Cereal Dishes, of plain white wnre; special at 6 for '. ... ,10c Fern Dishes in green and rod designs; complete with lin ings 10c Extra Values in the Basement Annex Floor Mops of good cotton twine; 24-ouuce, 50c; 10-ouncp, only 25c Muffin Pans of best heavy tin; 8-holc style; special ut only 10c Coat Hangers of bright wire or polished wood; special, per dozen .. 60c Fire Pokers—good strong ones, best values you’ll And at 5c and o, ..' . .10c Seamless Saucepans of best gray enameled ware; 4-<piart size; only 25c Covered Slop Pails of best all- white enameled ware; very ' special .. .. . .. .. . $1,00 In the Balcony and Second Floor Shades for incandescent elec tric lights; just a few to close out at, choice 10c Door Rugs and Hearth Rugs in bright, new patterns, real $2 values; only $1.00 Photograph Frames of plain or painted wood with glass froiit; special -,25c Denslow’s Children’s Books—a grent line, including “One-ring Ciryus,” “Humpty Dumpty,” “Little Red Riding Hood” and others; illustrated in colors; very popular and quite cheap at . ,10c Buster Brown Stamps, Games, Books, etc.—n complete line; prices range from 10c to..50c Crepe Paper in beautiful Moral designs; 31-3 yards to a pieee; special 10c Hassocks—extra well mndc niul covered with pretty carpet ings; special 50c Wings and Feathers for hat trimmings; all the U6w styles; 10c to 50c NEXT WEEK-Our Annual Toy Opening. Watch Papers for Date. See the Beautiful Art Wares at McClure's Bazaar, 97 Peachtree. McClure Ten Cent Co. Seven Stores in Six Cities. HIS HAIR TURNED WHITE A TBUTCHER YOF COSSACKS DR. HARRISON , LODGED IN JAIL - AT MONTGOMERY, RAILWAY CLUB IS WELL ATTENDED About foity members at the South ern and Southwestern Railway Club held a meeting of that organization Thursday morning at the Piedmont ho tel. The meeting adjourned Thursday afternoon. This organization Is composed of rep resentatives from the mechanical and operative departments of the big sys tems. The territory covered Is from Richmond south and west to the Mis sissippi river. Matters pertaining to Ihe operation of railroads were dis cussed Thursday morning. Special to The Ceorjfinu. Montgomery, Ain., Nov. 13.—Ur. I,, j. Harrison, tbe young tnun mbs claims bis borne Is In Montlcello, Fin., trail who was nrresled In Illrmlnglum nt tin- request of the Montgomery nntlioritlea, nrrlve-1 in the elty yesterday afternoon, nreompanled by, Chief of Pollen W. II. t’oTlor, who , v , t,r t.> Dlrmlnghum after him. lie was locked In the county Jell. There ere four ebnrgps nsnlnst Pr. Harri son. Ho Is charged with obtaining trio from Alex Wee on two worthless checks trad of st,-sling M4 from Alex litre trail ob taining 150 from J. C. Unit-, secretary t-» the attorney-general. When searched at the county Jail yi-ster. tlay afternoon he had only 5 eentx In United State, money, while Ue bud many foreign coins. While bore Pr. Hurrls-m want with some of the best people In tho city., nint was well liked. , i GIRL IS DROWNED; j FALLS INTO CAN AH | Paterson, N, J„ Nov. 15.—Margaret Walls, aged 13, who lived at No. ISA Jersey street, was drowned In tho - Morris canal, giear the Clay street bridge. She was walking with other- girls along Mill street, when a gust of wind blew some sand In her eyes. Tho sand blinded her, and before she reals Ized it she walked Into tho canal. VOTE IN 4 COUNTIES ! IS STILL MISSING 1 Full toturns for tho congressioiml elation and appellate Judgeships are Mill missing* Rome four counties having neglected so far to tend Id the vote. Hpahllng and Irwin mode no returns of any kind, while tbe congressional vote of Lumpkin, Murray nnd Milton Governor Terrell will wait a longer on the miming counties nfc tbe returns oomwUdntcd. Home of tbe eountle* nre v*-i about inch matters, and this frequently occasion* much «n state officials In compiling th< in missing. COL. VITTUR'S MOTHER IN CRITICAL CONDITION i Pictures of Marcus Klelnerman and wife, Russian refugees. The hua- band’s hair turned white over-night, as he thought of the butchery by the Cossacks. For five duys they were concealed In a cellar without food un til they were well nigh dead. They came to this country thinking they •could live In great wealth, hut Klelnerman cannot get any work, and lie rb>k he and his wife are almost an bad off os they were during those awful days In Odessa. Mrs. Vlttur, m«th« Vfttur, commander o regiment. Uniform Pythias, la critically Colonel Vlttur In Ora Mrs. Vlttur has L«* tlon for several days tor tallied for h«*r i friends of Colonel hum eff tbe IUbcm o of Colonel Charles the Soeond Georgia f Hauk, Kuights of i.l little hope In .