The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 15, 1906, Image 8

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mmm ■■■ THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, TiirnnoAT, koteuber is FOR m STUFF Futures Reluctantly Follow the Advance in Spot . Cotton. BEARS ARE NERVOUS ».« Covering Movement and Good General Buying Advanced Prices. New York. Nor. 15.—The cotton market at the opening showed unloading. Induced by weak cable* from the Liverpool market. The profeailonal element waa a free aell- er. believing that the market had gone high enough. Actual cotton and cotton for future de livery are playing see-saw lu Liverpool, though, ao long ft* the apot article holda the blah end of the plank, holders should l*e Mitlaflcd. First cables this morning reported spot cotton steady 8 points higher at 5.75d for middling. Spinners were again buying on a liberal scale, their takings today aggregat ing 12,000 Imle# at the advance. Futures were due to come unchanged higher ou New York’s closing, but the tone was called easier at SWft P° n J» lower. The cloao waa ateady 2ff4% polntr down. Following is the range lu the active months in Liverpool today. Open. High. November...... 5-6® Jnnuary-Februnry 5.39 a.\. March April 5.44 5.4*1 May-June 5.48 5.52 New York’s response to the decline lu futures in Liverpool was some 3B4 points greater than due. firm prices Ix-lng At 11 points below the doting of yestenlny. the ■lump being attributed t<> profit-taklug and sales by professionals, who say the price has gone high enough. The spot situation Is still strong, nnd l»a«l weather lu the ensteru lw»lt Is a factor making' for strength, which gives the bulls the advantage. The trend of*prices during the first hour was downward, during which time the low point was touched, an additional de cline of 24*# points being added to the opening slump. . ... A general buying movement developed around the l*»w point. and It wn* easy Killing from that time to the closing for file bulls Hhorts were quick to see they had been mistaken as to the high, point. there,if** a scramble to rover, early sell- «fs ttrinsl* bayrrs. the result Indug a sharp mid rapid advance, all the months erosslng tlie 10c mark again. ..... .. The key to tut* situation Is held by the holders of the actual article. They are nenrtng ft point at which they can name the price: that Is. a mice much higher than quoted a» present, the demand Is urgent a>»i* p"wr <,1 R| ,e ?hfi ln«t hour Ilir-rc wn tinmomlotiK pressure brought to bear on the mnrket, which, combined with realising Hides, broke the market a few points from the highest. Trade wn* very active, with the close steady, the near positions being 14 to 22 liolnts higher, while the distant mouths were 8 to 0 point* higher. Exporters, unable to procure eottou, are steady buyers of contracts. NEWS AND GOSSIP Of tho Fleecy Staple. Private Wire to Olbert k Clay. New York, Nov. 15.—Liverpool at 13:30 p. ra., 2%4M lower. Waa due about un changed to 1 higher. On this basis, we should open 3 lower on near and about 8 lower on distant. The market la find, reflating aggressive attacks of the bears. Tht Journal of Commerce: ‘‘The out ward movement of goods In unusually hetTy, due In part to the announcement that lake navigation will close November 17 In so far na the acceptance Invoices from Eastern points ore concerned. Buyers in the West and Northwest are urging earlier shipments on gonna bought for de livery next mouth, while the secondary shipments of heavy goods of all kinds on duplicate orders are very large.’fcn New Orleans, Nov. 15.—Liverpool 3<M down Is disappointing. Waa due 1#2 up. The most favorable feature of the market la the large spot sales—12,000 bales. Weld, of New York, wires: ’'Market baa n very steady tone. Looks higher os long as’ South continues firm.” dertone to exist, and the mai though would work grr " day's tnap Is very __ , Mississippi river, where general and heavy rains have occurred and tempera tures are much lower. In Texas and the west, the weather Is clear, dry and cold. The western forecast Indicates fair and warmer weather generally tonight. Tomor row Increasing cloudiness and colder In the northwest portion. . . . .. The eastern forecast Indicates fajr weath- p throughout with lower temperature* He eastern portion and warmer In gulf. A . _ The spot market Is reported Arm, w offerings poor, but an active demand. Ill or prices are being naked, but wbutl quotation* will bo ehang«*d Is a question. New York Commercial: Mike Thon esme to the front yesterday: of course. ever, ♦aterday. In response to i sell nt 12*4 rents by Mnrrli. Think Texa> will make 3.3 with continued good weather. More than 80 per eent crop has been picked and sold. Everyone has Texas overesti mated. 1 can’t make total cron over 11.*. ’ ,l\ 11. Toliln, with Atwood Violet t k Co., Issued n crop estimate yesterday of 11.6G6.- 71 bales, lucludlng Hnters; without llnters. ifr. T«blu makes the crop 11,491.871 bale*. A New Orleans wire said: “Market ad nndtig on report of big demand for spot*, uml fear next census will be construed bullish.” Almost every day there Is a central Idea thrown out that Influences the market; they are perhaps more often wrong than right, but for tlie day nnd the hour they have their off«*et. The Idea that governed yen- . rday’s market was that big spot people cotfld not get the cotton teey wre under contract for, that they hnd concluded that New York wns to make a radical revision of grades, and that therefore they had de bits! to Jump lu and bull the market. One story that Is being told Is that for nlmost the first time “In tin- memory of muu** the customers of the Houthern bucket shops are short, if this Is *<», there nre nil I - .is of might be taken to lows down Mouth i... ■ JHi. l»e taken to mean that the bucket shop are being forced to sell in order to hedge themselves, and It might be taken to menu that they are hulling the market to run out their customers. New Orlenns got the tip that there was to lie a revision that could not fall to send York prices above those of New Or- ’ it very suspicious that u New Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr. Lively’s twenty-five years' experience of ed iting markets In Atlanta and the South has made him a recognized au thority In b!s specialty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS NAME OF STOCK. Amatfc*unnted Copper. Anaconda. ...... American Locomotive, do. preferred. Canadian Pacific. Chicago k Northw’o. . Chesapeake k Ohio. , Colorado Fuel k Iron. Central Leather. . . . do. preferred. . . . Chicago k Great W. . Chicago, M. k ML P. . Delaware it Hudson. . Distiller's Securities. . Erie do. preferred. . . . General Electric. ... Illinois Central Am. Ice Securities. . . Louisville * Nashville. Mexican Central. . . . Missouri Tactile. . . . NAME OF STOCK. N. Y„ Ont. A Western. . National Lead Northern Pacific. . . . New York Central. . . Norfolk 4k Western. . Pennsylvania. ..... People’s Gaa Pressed Steel Car. . . do. preferred. • . • Pacific Mall Beading Republic Steel Bock Island. ...... do. preferred. . . . United States Rubber. da preferred. . . . Southern Pacific. . . . Southern Railway. . . do. preferred. . . . Sloss-Sheffleld; .... Tenn. Cool x Iron. . • Texas k Pacific Union Pacific United States Steel. . do. preferred Western Union. Wabash . do. preferred. . 5 * »r 148** and York crow ndvantai cf was playing this to Its own the natural result wa* that MMinV* nt lTniteil statu* advantage; the natural result wa* that Comperatho receipt* at Luitcu | ^ew Ofumns ppt alarmed, and sent buying Set receipts today rj sg orders-here. , * Marne day last year I (Increase Ht*I receipt* for five days .. time day* last year 3 U , 5J-* t Increase..-, • ••* ***.J>-» Total tecelpta since September L...3.424,078 Same time last year 3,209,410 Increase Estimated for tomorrow: 1906. 1905. New Orleans 11.000 to 14,000 15,208 Galveston?. .. .. ..M.00O to 19.000 20.971 lloualqn. . . 14,000 to 17,000 17,262 Movement at Atlanta: Receipts today J*!*® Same day Inst year ,i ‘ l - fvM Shipments today *••• Same time last year -.819 Decrease L®** Stork on band today JVjJJ Same day lost year , Increase.... 8P0T COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. .potI rotton -Irmly; inhMIliif niil.nd. D.;r-l; sales 12,00a; Anicrlrtiu 10.* 7.1); -prrulni Inn nn.I ..port 1,500; riTClpt, 24.300. ,11 Anicrlcnn. fete! deliver* on rtmtract 1.800. . New orleaii*. firm nt 103-lw\ lb»*ton. steady at 10.70c. Wilmington, steady nt &%«-. Norfolk, firm «t 10%c. Mavannab, ateady at 915-hV. Ht. Lout*. steady at WHe. Mobile, firm at 911-lfle. Augusta, flm «t Sac. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. The follow!tig table show* receipts at the ports today, compared with the same day last year: New Orleans. . Galveston. . . Mobile Savanunh. . . Charleston. . . Wilmington. . Norfolk. . . - Boston Pacific Coast. 24396 12»rj NU2 2021 fiM2 1506 Total. .1 SUK) ) 49157 INTERIOR RECEIPT8. The following table shows receipts at the Interior town* today, compared with the same day lust year: '"I 19* | 1W, 1 !<H*7 6291 Angu*tn Mt-mphls Nt t*>ui*. ...... t'fnHnnatl. ■ Tutsi ! ! S994 1 15771 CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Below Is given receipts today aud esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Todnv. Tomor. DEMAND FOR SPOT CARDINAL FEATURE New York, Nov. 15.—The Sun says: “The dtunand for the uetual staple coincident with reduced offerluga by the Mouth Is the cardinal feature of the situation. Indi cating plainly enough that the legitimate trade I* In's sound condition. This Is the ease not only here, hut across the water, aw wltues* the Increasing activity lu the •not bti*itie** of Into nt Liverpool. Man chester was buying freely thefe, nnd so were shorts. Moreover, large spot Inter est* were buying In New York, owing to the fact that It la so difficult to buy at the Month. In fact, the planter nnd the splutter nre making the market, uml the speculator I* obliged to nequleucc. • Koine leading local operator* are working on the bull side, blit It I* the spot situation which dominates everything, nnd which by main force has latterly raised prices here and In other big speculative markets. After such sudden and sharp upturns, some re action would not be surprising. For nil that, turnover, the underlying conditions of the cotton business lu tills coiiutry and In Europe are undoubtedly sound, and It look* to many as though prices must ulti mately reach a higher level, unless the crop should prove decidedly In excess of the requirement* of the world. Two event* will occur next Wednesday which may have much to do with the future of tile market. They are the meeting of tin* revision committee of the New York cot ton exchange and the publication of tin* quantity of rotton ginned up to November 14. Meantime, the sentiment Is more bull ish than It has been for n good while.” New Orleans, Nov. 15.—The Times Dem ocrat says: “A preponderance of evidence favored the staple, and bear attacks uYall«*d but little, most of the day * in-*’ mu gain being held. Bulls had the . ,t trade demand, the weather mop, the -t move ment, bullish views concerning iUe coming gluuers' report, nnd the co-oiiemtlou of hedged actual cotton short*, wuo are wor ried over the ndvanciug tendency of the f. o. U. bast*. Hear* hud tin* fear of a fun her advance today In the Bank of England's discount rate, the yet unshaken lielief In a monster yield, aud the possi bility that low grade tenders will be used NEW YORK. Tht following Is tb* rango In cot to* fu ture* In New York tofiMj! i * 5 n § a VJor. . , . . Doe Jnn Feb March. . . . April. . . . M*»y June. . . . July lo.&V 9.89 9.90 ib!o6 jo.ii 10.24 10.30 10.20 10.19 i’oii ibiio io!44 10.K 'IS io.66 io!io *10.20 10.26 10.14 10.13 10.26 i6!r ia44 W.40-4S 10.14-ir 10.11-14 10.22- 24 10.23- 24 10.29-31 10.32-33 10.37-39 10.40m ib.i^-19 9.96-10 9.99-10 10.06-10 10.14-15 10.20-22 10.23-24 10.28-30 10.82-34 t'(oat'il ateady. LIVERPOOL. The following figures give the opening range end close, comparer with yesterday s close. Future* opened firm. Opening Previous Range. 2 l>. m. Close. Close. November,. .5.50 -6.49 5.49 Nov.-Dec. .. .5.44 -5.44% 5.43 Dec.-Jan. . . .5.18 -6.41 Jan.-Feb. . .5.39 -5.40» Feb.-March.. .5.41%-6.43> Mnrch-Aprll. .5.44 -6.45 Aprll-May. . .5.45%-5.49 May-June. . .5.48 -6.60 .Tune-July. . .5.61 -6.63 July-August...5.52 -5.53% 5.53 Closed steady. NEW 0RLEAN& The following la tb* rang* In cotton fa- tures to New Orleans today: i M 3 s- 51 J || Nov Dee Jnn. . . . . Feb March. . . . April. . . . May Jnue. . . . July 10.28'10.28 9.94 10.24 lO.OO!10.29 iaiejiikifl iolse io!56 10.28 9.26 9.91 io!oo io’.26 10.28)10.19-21 10.19 10.16-19 10.24 10.23-24 10.30-32 lOJOtiojHO 10.45-47 10.50 10.53-54 ! 10.69-61 ......110.67-69 10.00-01 10.00-01 10.06-06 10.11- 13 10.21-22 10.27-29 10.36-A! 10.11- 43 10.48-50 Closed barely steady^ NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. Private Wire to Glbcrt k Clay. Chicago, Nov. 15.—Do not believe It will pay to l»c swayed by pit conditions, which often Indicate weakness. Would disregard them utterly and buy May wheat on every dip. Corn should do better. Chicago Chronicle: “A prominent elevator concern with 180 house* through Minnesota, South Dakota nnd northern Iowa report* only 150.0UQ bushel* In nil of Us houses. ugoliiNt over 2,200,000 bushels at this time last year. Another elevator concern of the northwest says houses through centrnl and southern Minnesota and North Dakota aro practically empty. In the new sections of North Dakota, however, at points where there are uo competing railroads and ele vator facilities aro scanty, wheat Is being piled on the ground. “In hla weekly review, Broontball, the well-known English stntlstMan. asserts that the preliminary estimate of an ex portable wheat surplus for the Uulted state* made by him July 3 last of 135,- (jmu.OOO bushels promise* to I*.* far nearer the truth than the one of 200,000,000 bushels made August 21 after receipt of tho opt!- itlmates —*— —-- * mlstle made by Messrs. Jone* plu* <>1 iM),W|VW mwiicia IIAMU IHW tvilil- try and Canada are classed aa ridiculous. Ilo now claims a total of 160,000,ono bushels n* nn outside estimate, a* against - — cent estimate of 180,000,000 bushels.” Record Herald: “The great bulk of the nearly 9,000,000 bushels of contract wheat here is held by the few nnd Is enrulng good wages In a storage way. so they ore not anxious to part with It—the new croi Is months away, and a lot of wheat wll. I»e needed In commercial channels In the lu- terlm.” THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. For Atlanta and Vldnlty-rPsrtly t tonight and Friday; not so cold. WEATHER~C0NDITI0N8. reports from the storm swept sectlo.. Mississippi to the effect that gin* hnd be gun to run on half time, aud from Texas iliat carnival* were Iwdng held, ‘* Charlotte. Chicago. . . . Cincinnati. . . Corpus Christ,!. GIBERT & CLAY State had _____ . _ _ make the people, therein prosperous, and even hiviHli. While friends of the staple are In uo mood to admit the approach of ••veil n temporary cluck In tin* advancing tendency, analytical bean* uiqiear to b«* finding some guarantees for tpe very wear future In the limited speculation follow ing the substantial price gain. Liverpool's , , , lend, however, will probably prove the Corpus ChrlsU. guiding light, nnd Europe I* short of actual i Drt'onpori. . . cotton.*’—Glbcrt k Cl*y. j {•» • • * Fort Multh. . - - - - I Galveston. . j Havre. . . . THE LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET.: Kansas City. Key West. . Knoxville. . . !'• ***** | Los Angeles. Macon. .... , i Memphis. . . M. rldia The storm nren that wa* centered near Meridian yesterday mnrntug has moved northeastward and is now central near Nor folk, and la causlug unsettled weather from Ohio valley southeastward. Know - ng at Pittsburg. Cincinnati, and Kn vllle, and rain at Jacksonville, Washington nnd New York. Moving In over the ex treme northwest Is a second «ren t of low pressure, centered near Mpoknnc. where the uarometer read 29.16 Inches this morning. A slight high U over New England, but the presNure I* nowhere much In excess of the normal. Over the Interior of the coun try the pressure I* rather flat with mostly cloudy weather. In the ls*t twenty-four hours ruin or snow ha* fallen at most sta tion* east of the Ml*sls*lppl and along the northwest border of the United Slate*. The temperature has risen on the Mouth \thintle coast and over Florida, whin* at iiost other atatlous the changes nre smnll. The conditions nre favorable for partly ■loudy weather In this vicinity toulght and Friday not so cold. Minimum and Maximum Tamparaturaa and Rainfall. observations taken at 8 a. in., <5tb meri dian time. Abilene. . . , Amarillo. . . , Asheville. . , . Atlanta. . . . . Augusta. . . . Birmingham. . Bismarck. . . . Boston. .... ’Iiarlcston. . . WHEAT MARKET WASJERT STEADY ^Declined Slightly *at the Opening, Recovered and Closed at Highest. Chicago, Nov. IB.—Wheat Hold 3-80) 1-2C8 higher for the day. The action of the market woe a nurprlse to more than one mail In the trade. It waa lower during the morning, but with ehorts anxloue buyers, here and at Minneapo lis the entire situation changed from a bearish to n bullish market. The carh markets were alow because of the advance. Argentine uhlpmenta are eatimated for the week at 800,000 buehele wheat and 2,800,060 buehele cam. Primary receipts of wheat 913,000 and corn 443,000 buehele, compared with 1.259.000 buehele and 681,000 buehele, reepectlvely, a year ago, Clearancee for the day were 619,000 buehele wheat, 170,000 buehele corn and 6.000 buehele oate. Com cloeed l-8@6-8c better; oate were up l-8c and provlelons gained nil the way from 7 2-2©4Bc. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Clileugo grain nuil pravlalou, quotalloue for today follow: Open, WHEAT- rtec.... 74',i Mar.... 79 July.. “' i4u 84* ;b«,3 33S 14.42*4 43*. 44>a 3444 :ss U!>4 STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN Private Wire to Glbcrt k Clay. unchanged. John D. Rockefeller iudictcil In Ohio. Foreign money outlook steadily Iiaprov I'resldent Roosevelt reaches Pamyun. Talk of complete merger of Iliit roads made greatest gain In coal tonnage of all Xovemi _ of 30.11 per rent. Twelve Industrial* advanced .95 or cent Twelve ludustrinis advanced .95 per c Twenty active railroads advanced 1.8b cent. # Financial Rurenu: 8t. Paul took opposlug •took easily yesterday with uo check of luiiNirtance, and unothcr advance seem* likely. Information is still bullish on a deal gossip. We strongly advocate the purchase again of Steel. St. Paul and Union Pacific for a pull. They should be taken on nit reces sion*. Louisville nnd Nashville I* a favorite. Its Immense earning power will Insure u higher dividend rate soon. Copper can 1*» raised still higher, and we continue bullish otf It. while t»ellevlng tho best results to be attained by pur chases on soft spots. The same tuny be said of Atchison, If Smelting takes the 156 stock entirel 7i& It should be raised In neconl with tip. shove 163. Heading may meet a little stock around 17. A MveelftUftt la UulllsU on It still. Philadelphia Is bullish ou Pennsylvania and New York Central. We would not overlook the bullish features of Baltimore Urgent Short Covering !m j Heavy London Purcha-ies Forced Gains. SHARP DECLINE i.A'I »-; R St Paul Was Erratic, While Reading Was in Press ing Demand. New York, Nov. 15.—Tho heavy lunin- Northern Pacific stock during the pa«t p-w days Is leased on forthcoming rights whl.-k will amount to about $40 per share and possibly $45, or more. The plan f,* r ihit distribution, which Is understood to !*• <]#. elded upon, -nnd awaits the arranging minor details and propitious time r no tin cement, calls. In the first pin, the authorisation nnd Issue of a of •apltfli stock to the extent of about 130, 000,009. This stock will bo offer«*d to tin stockholders at part, tl Is underetiMHi t h* proceeds will go for the pnrehas** of equipment and Improvement and f4. r ,- a pi- tallxlng construction. On Jnue so. | n Ft. the accrued surplus revenue of the Northern Pacific amounted to nearly $20,0-10 om n wa* more than balanced by nearly S22.!m '•ash on hand. The treasury of the N’nrl •rn Pacific as of that date wn* rlVh i"« ••■--“lit asset*, showing nearly $54,O0O.»Oo of as almve. wn* i n * the baud, niul $12,980,ijOO la DAILY COTTON LETTER New York. Nor. 15.—The Bun says: “The main considerations affecting the market In the earlier part of the day’s dealing* were. In the first place, Indication* that the re cent money squeeze wns over, or. at least, that no such high rate* for funds on call were likely to be asked In the near future ns xvere on Monday last, and. In the' second place, that threatens! labor trouble* on various railway line* were nil In the way of clearing up nntlNfncto- rlly. No doubt, however, the greatest In fluence exercised for a rise In stocks yes terday wns that afforded by the sens:itlminl upward movement In Ml. Paul common stock which began Tuesday. Yesterday the urgency of the buying of the stock scciued to Indicate that on outstanding short In terest In the security was being rapidly driven to cover, or that some deni affect ing the property wns impending.”—filbert & Clay. COTTON SEED OIL. Novemlver. . . . December. .’ . . January. . . • • February. . . . March. . • . . • May Closed strong. Nett- Orleans. Nov. 15.—Liverpool was 1111* •sponsive to the American advance of yes terday, despite the fact that the foreign dcniund for s|Hit cotton has considerably im proved, sale* today aggregating 12.000 bales nt nn advance In quotation* «»f 3 points. Options closed 44*5 point* lower than the previous day’* level*. The present advance ha* resiilteil from natural 4*nuse*. No out' side support to speak of liu* been notleca- ble, and the strength of the undertime h/ls been derived from the Insatiable demand for *IK>t cotton, and, uo doubt, contracts have been largely resorted to by exporters lu their Inability to *c*curu the uetual stuff. Frequently attempt* ft re mnde to force price levels lower, and a* often do they succeed lu so far a* 11 few point* are i‘Oiiccrued, but the old-titue l»enr activity I* slowly becoming Icmm Influential, and in Its stead ii growing disposition Is manifest to aid the Inclination to Improve. However, while the weather lit the eastern l»elt ha* for the past day or so been cold and wet, there has lieeii no curtailment of the large es timates of the flnul yield heretofore exist ing. nml the new phase that the trade has assumed in supplying arguments favorable t« high price* I* that present Indications point to the ability of the mills to consume au Increased amount of cotton over previous year*. 1bl*. nearly form of rash ie form of free securities. Now York. Nov. 15.-The stock market opened nt general advances, which extras e«l to 1% in Anaconda. Loulsvilh) -mil Nashville up L’ltnnrilnu Pacific Sump, lug fa Atchison and Uolorado Fuel Southern Itnlhviiy *4, New York ivotnl and Mteel St. Paul opened up ’« arid ted Union Paetfle started a ; higher ‘ n<l irl witii Tho stock market was feverl*h regular n|l through the first Imu urgent covering of shorts and hen 1 don purchases forcing gain*, while r sales on a large scale filled the det times nnd caused some sharp re frVmi highest price levels. St. Paul ‘ " nlti ‘ * “ ‘ __ „ 34 4*341 33 $3£tf 34 4134V 33U4f33*i 24 UM{ &33*4 34«4«*M( THE COFFEE MARKET. • New York, Nov. 15.—The mnrket opened steady nt unchanged prices nml ruled quiet during the early session. Male* around 5 point* above the closing bids of yester day, but there seemed to he quite a good deni of liquidation of December, and price lu the early afternoon were about net un changed. Heceolpt* were uot quite *0 heavy a* the previous day, reaching 82.000 bags ebux- .)ee 42% May 434, July 44% OATS— Dec 34% May.... 35% July 33% PUHK- Jan... 14.50 May... UJS Nov... 9.50 9.87% 9.50 9.85 8.42% Dec... 8.85 8.95 8.82% 8.95 8.80 Jan.... 8.60 8.70 8.55 8.,9 8-'** M1DKM— * „ __ Jan.... 7.80 7.85' 7.i2% «-S2% 7.m» Stay...- 7.W44 7.** .Mi.. <•*•!» CASH WIllUT— . 2 r,-6 75*76 „omlu,il; Xo„3 ,lo 73*im nominal; Nu. 2 Imnl. wIiuit 7,417c: ,No. 3 -I— WEATHER FORECA8T. Wheat—Opened uueh*iigc*l: at 1 UP> p. s higher; cliwt-tl micbanccil. u«»ru —Gpenwl unchanged', nt 1 |V\ higher: c|o«*l lower. Mile nt\ ATLANTA. GA STOCKS. BONOS. COTTON, GRAIN. corrcc. provisions MEMBERS .Norfolk. New viirk r.ittn'a Ewt hmnSm't Si Nx» hange. ’ chU'Sgo Board of Trade. North Platt v“S ass? Bfe; s; 8sis •, “ks- •—«»• • • . i ^ . _.'■«!VAT* WIBBS TO AU- FACHAMJ^ 1 ^ 0 " C ° ,tOU El ‘ L««I and Lons O.iUnc. T.Uphon. 5298. C. E. KEPLINGER. Man.ner, ISC ALABAMA ST. New York Mtock Excliange. Mobile. Montgomery. NaehrHie.. New Orleans New York. . Norfolk. ALONZO RICHAROSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bel! Phone, Main V1LANTA. GEORGIA. Palestine, Pittsburg. . . Portland. Me. . Portlaud. On*. ■ St. lo>ul*. . . I St. Paul. . . . , : San Frnneireo. ! Savtuiuali. . . . Georgia—i’loudy Thursday; ralu lu south east portion; Friday fair. Louisiana, West Florida. Alabama, Mis sissippi and East Texas—Fair Thursday and Friday. Tennessee—Fair In west: rain or snow In •ast portion Thursday; Friday fair. Illinois, Indiana, Michigan. Missouri. Min nesota—Fair tonight nnd Friday; warmer. Wisconsin and Iowa—Fair tonight; Friday Increasing - cloudiness, with snows nnd armor. North Dakota and Month Dakota—Kain nml warmer tonight, probably turning to v; colder Friday. Miuuoapoli* wired; “This talk about house* !m*Iuk full of wheat I* rot. The average capacity of country houses is about 3,900 bushels. They have got to set apart 1 certain portion of each "house for spring \heat, ontif flax and Isisiey, am! a* all »f these grain* are raised lu all sections *f the northwest, you eau draw your •wn conclusions a* to bow much wheat •ach bouse contain*.” ns (he previous day, reaching 82.000 bag* nt the two ports, against 104,000 reported yesterday. A holiday wns reported last year.—Glbcrt k Clay. Following table gives o|**nltig range and close of the ” “ — ^ * today: New York coffee market for Jauuary February March April. .. May June July August September October... , November December Closed steady. Opening Unttce. .. . ,6.10-6.15 .. ..6.15-6.20 .. ..6.30 .. ..6.30-6.40 .. . .6.40-6.50 . ,6.50-6.60 . ..6.66-6.65 . ..6.65-6.75 . ...6,75-6.80 .,8.80-6.9*) ... .5.90 6.05 .. .6.05 Close. fl.10-fl.lli fl.15-6.25 fl.26-fl.30 fl.35-fl.40 fi.40-fl.45 fl. 50-6.55 fi. 60-6.65 6.65-6.75 6.75-6.80 fl. 80-6.85 NORTHWEST CARS. i give the northwest week nnd la*t year: List Last Today. Wi*i>k. Year. .. ..324 355 476 . ..254 609 391 SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COnOK STOCKS BONDS—GRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market letter and market manual mailed on application. L. J. ANDERSON & CO.’S DAILY COTTON LETTER New York, Nov. 13.—The market this morning wns lu a Ie** sensational humor, but after it somewhat weak opening, n steady tone developed ou good buying and price* gradually worked upward to yes terday’s level. Liverpool opened about i% off, Instend of 1% up a* expected, nnd In creased this decline to 4 (mints nt the close. Sp«ds, however, were In demand III that mnrket nnd sales run up to 12,000 bales. Price Interests appear to be buying steadily on nil reactions, and short* are getting out ou nil favorable recession*. The trade lu general Is still very much nt sen as to the probable yield, the guesses con- tinning between 11,500.000 and 14,000,000 bale*. One thing, however, which seem* to bo unanimous I* the expectancy of a large consumption, and the estimates In thi* respect seem to la* on the rim* rather than otherwise. Ports continue heavy, but show n tendency to fall off. Wo continue to be- llevo the yield will luirdty be a* large Irregular, opening at 183, declined to isi^, then advanced to 3S3K. reach*! to 1S2M nnd rallied to 183. Union Pacific 1%. Reading wns In pressing deni nml. wns one or the strongest stocks of list. Government bonds «<iuckauged. n bond* irregular. SEABOARD AIRLINE. Following were the closing quotations s! 8caboard Air Line, common.- do, first preferred do, second preferred. ... do, ten-year 5s do, three-year 5* do, 4*.. ■ LONDON 8TOCK MARKET. 8TOCK8— Amalgamated Copper. , Anaconda Atchison Baltimore aud Ohio... Canadian Pacific.... .. *. Chesapeake and Ohio.. Uric.. do, t(referred.. .. .. .. Great Western Illinois Centra! Kansas nnd Texns do, preferred Louisville trad Nashville.. .. New York Centrnl Mexican Central Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific Ontario and Western Pennsylvania Philadelphia aud Reading. Rock Island Houthern Pacific Mont hern Hallway do. preferred ,, Mt. Paul Union Pacific United State* Mteel do, preferred m § 43% 17% u 69% 41*4 128 %: 93% ; 223% . 457* 139% 139%; Kb 1441141117* *: 145' i 29^ ; 128%! 127’ 183% 185%|I«% 47% 4'i% THE SUGAR MARKET. Now York, Nov. 15.—Local refined i raw sugar markets nre steady ami hanged. • London beet market easier. CENTRAL BANK AND TRUST CORPORATION. Indieidiiu! firm* or coriHmitlon* i elutnglng their present one. are Invited to __ ti» extend them every courtesy and consideration consistent with sound hanking. 3% Per Cent Compound interest Paid lu Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. ntctnplatlng opening n bank account. - all o? wrrlte us, uml we will l>e idea*. king. Capital $500,000.00. OFFICERS: . A„ G. Candler, President. «"»• H- Vice Praiident. Wm. D. Owen*, Aaat. Ca»hier. John 8. Owens, Vice President. A. P. Coles, Cashier. TRUSTEES: I. Y. Sage, John M. Goddard, 8am D. Jonaa, F. B. Dancy, Norman C. Miller, George E. King, Isaac H. Hirsch, William N. Nixon. Etigeno R. Black, J. P. Williams, Charles G. Goodrich, Dr. J. Scott Todd, Ata G. Candler, William H. Patterson, John S. Owens. >•••••••••••••( L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Capital $250,000 Safe Deposit Boxes For rent in our uaufts in the basement of the Empire {Building for only $5.00 each per annum. Absolute Security and all Modern Conveniences You should not be without one. We invite you to call and inspect them. , Title Guarantee and Trust Co. _ MOnlt i ... B. MABBURV. Section Director# ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. C. e. CURRIER. President. A. E. THORNTON. Vice-President. H. T. INMAN, V,'C*-Presldtnt. GEO. R. DONOVAN, Cashier. JAMES 8. FLOYD, Asa't Cashier. Capital - $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. HIBBARD BROS & CO., Km Atlanta Offices, 219*221 Century Building. Members New York Cotton Exchange, New Or leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Aj»o- ciation, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange- Business solicited for the above exchanges. Direct wire service. Correspondence invited. Phones 451. Long Distance 39. A.S. Hustace. Mirr.