The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 15, 1906, Image 10
10 T1IK ATLANTA GEOHGIAX, rill IISIM) NOVEMBER p Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word WANTED HELP—Male and Female. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. No ad. taken for (ess than 25 eente. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time 3 times 6 times 25 times 52 times 71 timos 6 cents a line. 5 cents a line. 4*/s cents a line. 4 cents a line. V/ 2 cents a line. 3 cents a line. We Will Send for Your Ad. 8ervice. Call' J 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sending Ads. Pay for at Rates quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will be Inserted,Free. BRAMBAClf Pi ASM. established isn l BECFIT PIANO CO.. C N. PORJYTH. SITUATIONS WANTED. ! WANTED—A POSITION AS SPECIAL WANTED -BY EXPERIENCED AND competent bookkeeper, work Co .do ejren logs after 6 p. m. Small set liooks j»r«* ferred. Address E. iB., 176 v East Georgia WANTED—POSITION IN A DRUG STORE . by young man who baa had some expo- rlener In drug and soda departments. Will* In* to work. Ailitmu M. C, IU Sottlli For- I Ijlb street. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—BRIGHT. IN- NEAT APPEAR AN FOR OFFICE BOY: Ml COME WELL REC ( MENDED. APPLY ONCE AT THE GE GIAN OFFICE. AGENTS WANTED. AflENTH WANTED—15 AND 110 A DAY made selling and putting op our win dow fetters. They aelI at sight. Write BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND 8UNDKI!:fi-L\RGEST Mrrrle and sundry dUtril.jtors In tbe South. Boutftsrn agent* for Pl**rce. Yale. Siii-ll and Hudson bicycle*. Write for our IWi catalogue and price lift. Alexander* Kljee Ce. CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK AND NOVELTIES. Prompt service. Bell phone 374. Atlanta Wood and Iron Novelty works, IS) Marietta MONCRIEF— HE’S TIIE MAN THAT HELLS HOT AIR. Installs furnaces In old houses as well as new. He prepares a cellar If you have none. Moncrlef Furnace Co. Both 'phones. ME88ENGER SERVICE. FOB PROMIT AND RELIABLE HER* senger*. ’phone 33. J. A. Davies and J. SEWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH, either Singer or Wheeler ft Wilson. We »pt onlr “*■ * of attacl « hones _ w Whitehall street. •bines wiih complete set 'ronmt delivery. Both er Sewing Machine Co., E. L. MORSE. mi fourth national bank bldg. AKinir ATiiKB+L’onsm stori: and three room*: lot 5# by 100. Lot In reur ou aide street 54 by 100; three-room cot taco adjoining on lot 50 by 100. IJoune* built two year*. One block of ear line. Bent’ regularly for >15 month. Price I1.G50. BRAND NEW Sl&ftOOM POTTAGE; lot 45 feet front, extending bark to an other street. Rental 915 month; 11,500. Terms. rXFITOC AVENltli—CHOICE CORNER lot, 4 feet aliove street; 100 by 260. 80 t In rear. Would cut Into* Are lots; tlSOO. GLKNNWOoh AVfcNIIE-KbAIt GRANT street: nearly new cottage: has all con veniences. Lot 45 by 140 feet; $3,000. Pay $600 down and $25 month, 9 per cent lu terest , PllWEI.l,' STREET. N'KAIl FI’I.TON 11A( and Cotton mills. Pretty lot 60 by 140. Hewer, water and ga* * walk: $T>i>: Imlf cash. NOHtfl HIDE COTTAGE: FIFTEEN mlnuln' walk from center: henutlfnl In terior llnlsh: pretty lof; $3,100. Turin., $500 null. Imlatu'i 1 monthly. NElSoSHTllfcKT. THIlKEF6UltTftft mile from center' of city and dee block, of terminal .lotion; ten-room, .tor, anil hnlf house. Ijir*c lot. Would rent for Jl?l n year. I’rlco $3,150. xinnT scnooL-ncokkebhi Il.ll ; bone "0. till, phone or writ catalogue, it will convlocs yon Dncgnoi's In' the beat. IK TOD WANT A POSITION IN line, anywhere, place your name wl. Tbe busln-sa men appreciate onr met* of fnrnl.klB, help. National Employmi Aiaoclatloo, 1033-103$ Century DWldli The I’lcneers. WF, WANT TODAY Typewriter Co., II* I'wichtree etreet. WANTED iron UNITED STATES rlne Corpe, men between .fee of U SS: no opportunity to eee the world, full Information, apply In person or bj . _ — Office, TU Ai WANTED-MAN COOK (food wugeo. Itoom bn li Charles arcuuc. Moler nerber college. corner llu, Forsyth elreela. Will open for Monday, November 1». Twenty-ll H Trade taught. Cap. , ay. No lor eollogea dally. leen lo work In onr typewriter shops, ary to start. $5 psr weak. Apply In mb Fielder k Allen Company, at I’e DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT. which prarenta all dli kind. Offlcs, t$tt -Whitehall afreet. WANTED—YOCNO MAN TO ASSIST IN office work. Addma In own handwrit ing, with reference,, C. C. C, P. O. Itox rauroaa nnn turpentine wouaa isnorers; white or colored; good ware., steady cm ployment. JacksonLumber Company, Lock port, Covtogton conaty, Alabama. WANTED—ONE FIRST-CLASS ant Job at one*. Appl Broa., III Central arena.. STENOGRAPHERS, $M. $$». I bookkeeper, $C: yming lady ' — .epraij aW\NTED STENOGRAPHER special work: salary .“fl.M per wa WANTED HELP—FEMALE. aged while woman or girl and general housework for Good home and good wage, t YOUNG LADIES, ATTENTION! A NUMBER OF BRIGHT YOUNG DIES BETWEEN THE AGES OF 15 A CAN SECURE CONGENIAL Profitable employment, with EXCELLENT OriUKTCNlTlES.C MOTION. COMMON SCHOOL I THIN REQUIRED. SALARY WHILE LEARNING. APPLY I! SON AT NO. 7$ SOUTH PBYOB » ATLANTA. OA. WANTED—TWO YOPNO INDIES THAT can arw. with a talloi atart wllh. Apply 23, COOK WANTED-WHITE OR COLORED. only two In family. Good wage*. Call at :P. Giirduii .treat Dearborn street. Chi £ FOR 8ALE—MI8CELLANEOU8. r- Z t|’ COLD WEATHER IS IIEBB. W* have tba Goods. HEATERS, BLANKET** and COMFORTS. v Wa Can Sara You Monty. OAHU OR CREDIT. > Ws It-pair, Pack sod Skip. Bell Phots 1757, . Bell l>heos 1751. THE J. B. TURNER FURNITURE CO., O. 41 tad 4$ West Mltcksll St. of - , - j! 11 BttAMBACH PIANOS. “* ESTABLISHED- I'd. BECIIT PIANO Lu, tt N. FORSYTH. !J TYPEWRITERS. Stcond-hand typewriters of all mokes onr speeUlly. Bent vtlnet and lowest £ (trices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, — 71 Nortb Pryor strest, Atlanta, Os. SOMKTHINO NOVEL AND NEW IN combination surrey; four tehlclca In — one. Cull nt U West Mitchell and let os show you. Georgia Vehlclu Mfg. Co. p. •i CALI, AND SEE OUR HEATERS, BLAN- •1 k«ts, comfort* and holiday goods. Wa re- pair furniture, park and ship. Th»* J. li. Turner Furniture Company, 41 and 43 West IfltcbfU st rift. Dell 'photic 1757. • TYPEWRITERS—WE HAVE ROME HPK* N Hal bargain* In Itcmlnstons, Htnltbs, Oil- m sers, Underwoods and William*, which were taken a* part payment for tbe now Visible Pox. Write for bargain llat No. 116. lint — ler Typewriter Co., 717-718 Fourth Nation- H al Dans building, Atlanta, Ga. t FOR SALE-OFFICE FURNITURE; OOOD || •• new. Cheap for es,b. 631 Austoll building. It, ron SALE-BEST RUBBER TIRE; T FOR HALE-TWO CAR LOADS FINE it 11 rock war suniss, runabouts and depot a wagon. Nothing better _ Georgia l wraiftr “ miscellaneous. , • VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME ! f. steel bank safes and rnnlt doors: every. P >• thing In unf, Uns. IL W. Ellis, Agent. St 6. - i llrosil .treat. , TIIE NEW OAR LIGHT . i-JKW^WJtSER LIGHT, • f CARTER A flll.LKHI'li: ELECTRIC CO., } 43 Norfb Broad street. 'Phones MOO. 1 BOARDER8 WANTED. TIIE BON AIR, $M Peachtree at, solicits $; tsspoctloa. comparison sad patronage PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARUROUGfiT~ MASTER PLUMBER. ~ Phones 1255. 20 K. Hunter St. s\ ; DR. W. J. TUCKER. \\ ittiitY-iiiViTaSo OWilM ii a?i1 t cWiko at boms, without pain or detention from — business; permanent cm# guaranteed; (no trial homo treatment sent In plalu wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, lilt N. Brand stmt. At. tints. Ga. ~ i in 1 MONEY TO LOAN. . MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pis sad others. Amsricaa Investment Co, 704 Candler Bldg. Established ISM. T WBYMAN * CONNERS. EQUITABLE, Uortgsgs loans on rani estate. ; t MONEY TO LOAN AT *. * AND 7 PER !?, rest Interest, according to nscurlty of. ,.i fared; small sipenss sad prompt susstloo. i H Only on rotl estate Is sud star Atlanta. u R 11. Turman. i, special iiohb irtrkbs to lend; any amount, 4B. ( sad f per rent Writs .or coU 8. W Csroou. $4 8.'Broad atrost ^ MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE th at vsry lowest rates No dsl.vyo. Charles t j, Herman, rooms $034 Tamale Court. n, FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO I. 1 ' lead os monthly payment plan; so deity; “ ; •Iso mousy for purrhass money notes, f. Straight loans mads at 1 per cent snd up- ward, according to deolrablllty of loon. * W. A. Footer. US. Broad si rest. RRAMRACn PIANC8. RRTABLISIIPeD 1831 BECIIT PIANO CO.. C N. FORRYTII. $5,044 TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ER* tate. Amouor* to salt. City Mfivlwnt, ••are Georgian. PALMI8TRY. TIIE NOTED EGYPTIAN* PALMIST, can Ih* cousultttl $»u all affairs of lift*, film an rouulies the soparatml. cause* a *pc**«ly tnarriagc with tbe otic of your t-bolc*. gives DM name*, date* and fact* lu everjrtbliii; tier- yo mining to life or no charges. Egyptian un Encampment, 93 Auburn avenue. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED AND aet up. Expert workman. Patterson Furniture house, |M I V-lrr, air set. 'Phonos, Atlauta 217% Bell 7M w«at. W. buy any. thing. A. J. WEST & CO., TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributor* of Vic tor Talking Machlnoa and Records. Just received large consignment of machines snd over 10.004 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. Wo want tas names of — icgjtp, j n jf, e Booth. Alexandcr-Eljea Oft TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. KOUNTRBB ft BRU. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Retail snd repairing. No. 77 WhJtsbaU streeL Pbons Iffft WATCHMAKING. TO TIIE TRADE: COMPLICATED watchs work an<_ . 107 Fourth lira tkauk: uuari-iuATnn be* are my bobby. Modem Ideas la ind den Bogs. If. Walter Lett, Room Durth National Bank Bldg.. Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. QWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 2 PEACHTREE fir., OPPOSITE Till Candler Bldg. Bell 2335. Men • sewed half eoles. 75c. FREE TO ALL! For a limited time all dental work t the Southern Dental College will o absolutely free, materials fur- Ished. Work supervised by skilful istructors. Hours, 1 to *5. 100 N. CENTURY BUILDING. 'PHONE US4. ALEXANDER STREET—GOOD LITTLE home; four-room cottage. Renting for $13 per month; $1,300. PIEDMONT AVENUB-NEW UP-TO-DATE two-story nine-room residence, best part of street Everything first class; $7,500. CRESCENT AVENUE - WELL-BUILT new eight-room two-story residence, with In 250 feet of Peachtree; only $4,600. LIST YOUR SALABLE REAL ESTATE with it a. We handle everything In real estate and purchase money notes and make resulta. too. , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AND RANGES Are the only Stoves and Ranges on earth In wldeh the heat . PAMKKH ENIRELY AROUND THE OVEN. Fully protected ly. protei lanufactured by your dealer FOR 8ALE— RLAL ESTATE. IF YOU RAVI PROPERTY TO BEtL. place It with us; ws give It our special and personal attention. If lt*e worth tbe price we will sell It. C. U. Wells ft Co.. 1104 Fourth National Bank. rilPEMINfc LUx Ai iuN IN GEORGIA for sale; 40 crops virgin tlmtier; more to l*e liad; near largo town; plenty of lalnir; well 'established; profitable going concern. Wfltn me at mice. .V, II. Graham. Box ^6, ••nlnbrldge, Ga. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. ATTENTION! For Sale—A comer in the Third Ward that can be made into a fine invest ment. ■ ' See LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. SANDERS, SMITH £ CONWAY, Phones 5488, 412 Peters Bldg. ter. gas. bath, sewerage. Lot 4'* by : shady; Ideal little home In a ff*»od nelgbtw>r- IjimmI, two rdiu'ka of school; $500 cash, bal- npoe like rent. $4.«»*>-lovi;ly SUBURBAN HOME on' chert road. Just outalde city limits. Ilousd has seven rooms, water, bath, one acre of ipound, servant's house, barn, chicken yard* feuced off, large orchard, young as sorted trees Just In their prime. Thickly settled neight»orhood, not far from car Hue. Terms easy. |2.I»-HL\-ROOM COTTAGE. TIII8 SIUK Grant |»ark. on elevated, level shady lot. 58 by 15). This place D simply Ideal. can’t help but like It If you have nu eyt t«» tlif (h 1 .mtIfni. Easy terms. io me iH.niiiiiii. Easy terms. $2AT»0—SIX-ROOM UOTtAGE. ON_ HT. Paul avenue; on terms of $360 and $2j per mouth. You know what a lovely street this I*. Good uelghliorbopd. Lot us show yoi this hnnu» * ^ . $t.6*VU-Wi:ST UEAt’IlTKEE HOME. 6r . ulne rooms on large lot. House Is Ideal In arrangement, bawutlfolly flnl»he<l InaM*; and out Can make terms to suit right party on this, or can rent to acceph*W*• party either furnished or unfurnished. Ap- ply at onee. SjSmBXI >1 Arietta .street and Joaea avenue, we have a lieawtlful fiv^- room brand-new rottage on lot 3314 by 120; has water, gas nml sewerage. Owner 1ms refused to rent this at $18 time sud agnlu. This is Bometblog you odgbt to look after at once. Wry easy terms. Two Good Lots On Edgewood Ave. Between Jackson and Boulevard, 40x100, adjoins No. 368 Edgewood avenue, has 12-foot alley on side and n 20-foot street in rear; price $1,300. Between Boulevard and Daniel, adjoining the new ' brick stores, 50x93, with alley in rear; price $1,500. FORREST &• GEORGE ADAIR (JXt-MlIHWU'PWM inaRenting. Century Bldg. j7..y.L rENTRAL AVE. UuBNEJi LOT. rloae In. 60x30. This ts simply gilt edgu dirt, good as tf It had sold In It.] Sw-knf bargain os Tin: south aide la on Celumbla •venue at thla iirlre. Coat over $7,000, and It practically brand near. We will only *tve luformndmi on tbla at tbe office. Can make aome teruia to right party. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 610 Temple Court Bell Phone 2081. 54 ACRES IN l.MILE OF I1AFEV1LLE, $2,000. STACKiiH e SFileH“aTL"anTa,"z~UiLfcs* East Lake, $1,700. II"acres and tW6 UdtekH, i s&ILe of East Point. $4,000. uAKLANti cifTToS crmxEiiiaTt fac: Ing car line: large house. $3,000. BEcATlTK-HTN-hubM TioiiHif and store; right lu town; lot 130 by ITS. $3,260. snd bath: lot 60 by 17$, $4,500. HOimi AIDE," bR AN 1 j-S’ feW," i o 11 t rooms; lot 40 by 192. Something good, $3,- <o. WHITEHALL 'rmtltACK - 8F.VEN room,; lot 4k by 1$0. Almoat new. Term,. $1S50. ioiooo ACltK8 FI^)(iit)X TIMBEIl LANDS. If this will Interest you, coroo to see us. J. il. wkUB, Manager ^alra liepartmcnt. PHONE BELL 4214. HEE U8 TODAY—MKKItITT8 AVENUE «*orner; fine, well-built cottage with oppor tunity for another building on Kami* lot. You can make 15 to 20 i**r cent on white property on north side right here, and no where else. But you must act nulckly. Make your offer and buy at your own price. We guarantee you the ln»*t bargain you ever Insight, and If you will take our advice we will make you a very handsome profit Id spring If yon do not wish to bold. $2.604—LI MTEN: NEW 8-ItOOM WEST End cottage; east frout, all conveniences. Isrge lot, front and side alleys, half block of car line; mahagony finish; gas. pnrcclalu both: 'rented for $77.50 to g«»o«l tenants. Owner obliged to leave the city at once on account of health, and mnst realise, and at this price will lose several hundred dol lars. Tills Is absolutely tbe cheapest place III Mest End today. $2,604—FOR NORTH SIDE NEGRO PROP- orty renting for $33.64 per month; In good condition; large lot; pays yon 16 per cent. $5.254-RKNTlNG FOR $58.50 ; 2 MONTHS’ old; north side; all conveniences. This Is an unusual opportunity. $2,264—Fine 5-room cottage.* tinted ,walls. cabinet mantels, complete bath: ouly $544 down and $25 per snonth: rented for $22.50. Hplendld street and nelghliorhood; <rkr line t>oth ways. MANY OTHER BARGAINS. "WE GET RESULTS.’ COAL LANDS. 7(i7 ACRLS HIGH-GRADE DOMESTIC TENN. cmr WITH VEIN 4 TO 5 FE$ OR (i,000 TONS per ACRE. WITHIN 1-2 MILE OF RAILROAD (jv GRADING TO CONNECT IS LEVEL; COSTS 50C PER TON TO .MIXE; 15Q FOR TIPPING; $1.40 FRT TO ATLANTA; CAN SELL COAL F.O.B. STATION $1.75. $17.50 ACRE. $2,600—WEST END COT- TAGE; 6 ROOMS; ALL CONVENIENCES; LOT 50 BY 127: SPLENDIDLY LOCATED; RENTED ON LEASE FOR $260 PER YEAR. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, 412 PETERS BLDG. PHONES 5488. DEPOT WAGONS, THE VERY BEST, MADE BY BROCKWAY, IIOMER, N. YORK, AND SOLD BY GEORGIA VEHICLE MFG. CO., 52 W. MITCH ELL ST. CALL AND SEE OUR UP-TO-DATE LINE. >*T AND STIFF FELT HATS 1 cleaned and re shaped for 35c. Banda or 25c each extra. Out-of-town orders i irompt and careful attention. Beat I latest style*- Acme Hatters, Cfe I Whitehall street W. M. SCOTT & CO.. 210-212 Gould Building. “BARGAINS.” FORM WALT STREET, BETWEEN GHOR- gia avenue and Linden street*, seven-room cottage; beautiful front shade; lot 240 feet tage; ... a 10-foot alley; barn and out buildings. For quick sale; $2,754.. Terms. Olit.F.TIIOlH'K AviiNLK, UtHT U.\‘Ll- ■one block from Lae street. Seven-room I two-story honse, slate roof. Where cau you do as well? Gas, hot and cold water; porcelain bath tub. Price $2,504. Terms. I'KtvI'i.KK (ITHKKT. WEST - KN'U-HKAU'- WALL PAPER. IforniMlj of Bnratlt k WHIM In not n.r mlulDn. H, I. Fonlractlni wall papw and pnlntlnc. Offlc and abow room U Eait Utmtcr atra.1. Bulb ,bou« Hi. FOR RENT 13 ST. l'AUlr AVUNI’K. HAXD NKW TWO HTOItY SBVKS- r<H>in frame, on lot 40 by 1**0. which lh>$t wMsbutaud. bath, n; in a good neigh- Grant street cur* half block away. ift aKiiikii avknik. lot 40 by U.M. which lb** level. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. W THAT NOKTHWUST SECTION OF Atlanta betwecu ‘the railroads, where there la something doing very shortly, a corner lot, 144x218; two old houses on tbe * \ with room for four more.* .This is the tee to make soma easy money sure. Price lot, wl place t Il.tOO. CI.IWK IN, ON OIlklD 1 HT.—WTfTTITJ three minutes' walk of the new postof- flee. A first-class 4-room cottage; everything In the street sud paid for; this prop- aill sell for good iiroflt lu reasonable home terms cau ‘—■ — BRAND-NEW 'ShT« through the bouse with large rear porches. Lot 50 by 177%. front and Price $2,- NOllTU BOlJLEVAlti* HOME Ju*t II*t»Hl; <5,000. Half cash. We have attractive prices. KKM.Y HTREEf CAU8 I'AHH THfc b6oit. Six-room cottage with i»orcelaln bath. Here Is-an optiortanlty for a nice home. Only $2,650. Half cash. S. B. TURMAN & CO. $M00 _ SIX-BOOM COTTAGE, WITH •late roof; built of beat material; alt- uatod on tbs north aide; right near Atlanta Stove works, Atlantic compress, DeLonch'a mill and thoao other big Indnatrles. Thr owner will sell on verj easy terqg. Say, $331 cash and balance $35 per month. Thla la a very attractive proposition and a bar- gnlu. $4,000-TWO STOUY NINE-ROOM HOUSE on Highland avenue. In line condition: near corner Jackson street. Tbla la a areal big l-argaln and we can no]I on raay te.-ras. If yon htvo $500 to $750 caab, we will trade —and balance can be paid on caay monthly lUHtallmentf. $3,000—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON BAST nvenney not far from North Boulevard. If yon can raise about $350 caab you may tab# tbla bouee and pay the rest $30 per month. Tbe place la wortb $3,500, a,d you get a big bargain If you buy It. $60 TO 400 FF.KT FRONT ON PEACn tree, In tbe heart of tba beat of that beautiful aveuue. Will aub-dlvlde to ault purchaser, and make Iota 350 feet deep. V.*e are In position lo makn prices o-i tk propt-ity that will attract buyers who want Peachtree homes. Come and aee us about It. S. B. TURMAN & CO. FOR RENT ANOTHER lIF.OKOlA'AVEfiUK BEAUTY. Hlx-room cottage, near the park; extra large lot, uniform width; all conveniences. Another place that must be aeen to l»e ap- predated. WOODWARD AVB.Nl'E. NEAR PARK aveuue. Beautiful debt-room two-story honse. For quick sale; $4,004. Terms. TAKE A uWlK AT a PEI.IIAM STREET, Western Heights. Nlx-room cottage, ou n good lot. House can not In* built for $1,004. Uwucr must have quick sale; $&n *akes It. CREW STREET - NEW TWO-STORY house; 16 f$»t front veranda; have party will lease for two year* at $32.50 per mouth; $3,250 takes It: $1,690 cash, Italance to suit. A* an Divestment, we Imve tenant who will take It for two year* at $32.60 ner month; 10 per cent on $3,944. VAt ’ A NT LOft’—Tll E l«AMT IN Tllft 1'IED- mout avenue section on Tenth street; $1.20.* ANGIEit AVENUE—TWO-STOIIY klOUSK, NEW NORTH SIDE COT TAGE AT TENTH AND WEST PEACHTREE, SIT UATED ON AN ELEVAT ED LOT; WILL RENT FOR $35. THIS COTTAGE ILVS ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, INCLUD ING ELECTRIC LIGHTS, AND IS ESPECIALLY WELL BUILT. APPLY OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD, 316 PETERS BUILDING. Both Phones, 3519 and 2249. it- ll-iulrviiril and Aru-l-l .ir-■»■!.; hn* gii». fff* 1c * nB0 * bvar ‘' .11 n»nv--nlvtut-; - ul-ln.-t uiuiitvfai good iielghl»orii<MMl. this Is JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 1} Auburn Avenue. Both Phones (1$. ERS. 9 hero all makes second-hand •ebutlt Typewriters at prices to Write or call for “Special it" We maintain the best .... _epartment In tbe South and guarantee the beat work WlfifE~pgK~ SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. j sarSgm- 4244+2* Candler Bids. tlcst part of North Boulevard, near An- i gler avenue, 47x140 fe^t to alley. Kuan for , $2,500. This Is the right plsc« for a boma ! or n gooil place to build a house that will sell at a profit ON liHAk'T HTREET we HAVE A UUOD •-room cottage, with all the dty con veniences. large, elev: .ed lot Price $3,700. Rasy terms. ON OAKLAND AVKNUk. ALiU-vr StJW 5-room cottage, all the dtv conveniences. Grant Purk for a front yard. Price $1,800. Easy terms. eights, on'.r half block from the car ; otand new, well tmU* containing four rooms an vated lot. 60x250. Beats Price. >1.004. borne; all dty conveniences: good •ervtce. I»rtce $2,100. Terms $400 cask and $a) per month. CONNAU.Y S'rllKKl' - NEAR FAIR street school; well built and substantial cottage home, containing five rooms and hall; all dty conveniences: elevated lot, $4 by 19) fait to all..v. Prico $3,3H; aaay term*. lTtjSu1ti^VioS~flTp 6** tntions In Georgia. The the pflee I* right and very complete. Atr«ntn t*hoo« Uxl' t'ACTOHY SITES: MOST DESIRABLE IN FULTON COUNTY. CALL AND GET LOCATION, ADVANTAGES, ETC. CAU. FOR I- F. HOWBN. W. M. SCOTT & CO„ 210-212 Gould Building. Both Phoues. BRIEF NEWS NOTES M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORGET M. A. KUELTOX IN A Tho board of health of Newark, X. J- after a Ions conference, decided that there was no use wasting time In trying to collect a bill of $l« from Het. ty Green for sanitary repairs on her property nt No. 11«8 Broad street, or dered by the board, and voted to send the bill to her non In Texas. It was explained by the counsel for the con tractors who did the work that all ef forts to reach Mrs. Green had been In vain. Tlie nve-masted schooner Klneo from Hawaii arrived today after a voyage of eeven months. She wax blown hun dreds of miles out of her course by terrific winds. The revenue cutter Thetla. Captain Hamlet, ho* been ordered to search for the British ahlp Ivoral, which wue last aeen off Astoria on October Id. A Chinese dally paper for women, edited by a native woman, has appeared in .Pekin. Th.i United Stales will have the moat powerful battleship fleet In tbe world BETWEEN THE PEACH- TREES. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, NEXT TO WEST PEACH TREE, $4,750. ADJOINING LOT, $1,600. COLUMBIA AVE.- LOT 50 FEET NORTH OF MRS. WHITESIDE, $2,250. WEST PEACHTREE LOT, 50 FEET NORTH OF MR. BURTON SMITH, $3,250. APPLY TC OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. . 316 PETERS BLDG. Both Phones 3519 and Bell 2249. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WB BUT AND Slf.T, HOUSEd AND LOT* on easy terms. 185 Auburn arsons. on Ha eastern coasts this winter. Six new war vessels, flvo of which are already completed, will be added to the eight fighters now In the service. Mrs. Jane Dowle has been given, by the order of Judge Landis, of Chicago, •he property at White Lake. Mich. In return for this she relinquishes all c aim to property In Zion City and as- slgna to Overseer Vollvla her stock In the lace factories. The lion sent to President Roosevelt by the King of Abyssinia, which was Injured on the ocean trip, was found to be Incurable and the keepers chloro formed It-at the soo In Washington. The suit brought by tbe receiver of the Cltlsena’ National Bank of Oberlln. Ohio, ngalnst B. Newton, of Brookline, to recover on a note for $10,000 which he made to accommodate Mrs. Cassle Chadwick, was settled by agreement. Mr. Newton, It la stated, paid $4,100. Two men were killed and two In jured when a bank of a railroad cut. being made by the New Tork Central, caved In at Watertown, N. V. Anna Ettly, 15 years old, told ihe Louisville police that her father, John A. Ettly, killed her mother, and that she hid Ihe weapon and' helped him hide his guilt for a week. Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton. In the ab sence of her husband, Ernest Thomp- yon Seton, has appealed to the public to help save the estate at Cosc-b. Conn, which Is devoted to a summer camp for boys of the Indian tribes of New York, from the new route of Ihe New Haven Railroad Company. Five terrorists, Including a girl, were tried by courtmartlal at Odessa for ; throwing a bomb Into a cafe. Injuring two persons, and two men and the girl were sentenced to death. The other men got seventeen years In prison. Thousands of dollars were scattered on the floor of the tracks when can- today an engineer miscalculated th- speed of his locomtive. and allowed tt to crash Into a pay car, injuring f°' ir men. In the Mott Haven yards of in* New York. New Haven and Hartf-r l i railroad at Onr Hundred and Thirl)- second street and Brook avenue. The appellate division at Albany r» • i versed the decision of the surrogate '« j Warren county who refused to adnnt , to probate the will of George R. KJncit- ; the wealthy lumber dealer of Gjen« • Kalla, who was about lo be operated -n for appendicitis, made his will anti died an hour later. The mailer will be tH ,J .'V jury.