Newspaper Page Text
LOU GEE & ZIMMER, Proprietors.
IF you expect to entertain during
the holidays, the Center of Atlanta
life and gaiety should appeal to you.
The New Kimball has attractions
peculiarly its own. Its elegant
equipment and thoroughly modem
facilities offer advantages for enter
taining along Cosmopolitan lines
never known before in the history of
Elaborate Banquets or small din
ner parties given careful attention.
Dinner of the eYar, should be an
item of careful consideration. The
New Kimball will solve the problem
for you. *
Special Dinner from 6 to 8 p. m.
$1.00; a feast fit for Lucullus.
In the Palm Garden, you may
have the best ’twixt New York and'
New Orleans; dishes prepared by a
French chef or by a Southern cook,
“as mother used to make ’em.”
Everything in environment, ser
vice and attention to please the
fancy of the most capricious.
Sachem Ed. P. Ryan entertained the
degree team of Comanche Tribe and
lad lea of Silver Cloud Council, Degree
of Pocahontaa. at hla home last Tues-
| day night.
■ The affair was enjoyed by all pres
ent and will be long remembered.
| During the evening Captain E. H.
I (Van Norden. drill master of the team,
Was presented with a handsome gold-
{(leaded cane.
! Past Sachem Batsden presented the
‘inane In behalf of the members of the
(Arc exclusive makers In Georgia of the
Xryptok double vision glasses made
Into ono aolld lens with no cement.
Moat dressy and comfortable glasses
made. <3 N. Broad at, Prudential build
ing. "*
W. and A. R. R.
Commencing 8unday, November 18,
the Western and AUanUc railroad
iwtll reestablish tho "Rome Express,”
train leaving Atlanta D: 10 p. m. dally,
arriving Rome 7:55 p. m. Returning,
leave Romo at 7:00 a. in., arriving At-
janta 9:45 a. in. This train takes tho
Blaee of the Marietta Accommodation.
The Marietta Accommodation, here-
toforo leaving Atlanta 12:10 p. m. will
M discontinued.
Bllver Cloud Council, Degree of Po-
cahntas, recently adopted the following
resolutions on tho deuth of J. D. Kirk
“Silver Cloud Council, D. of P„ to
day we are called upon to cust our eyes
to tho lonely trail that leads our un
willing footsteps to the side of the
little mound, where rest In peaceful
slumber that knows no waking, the
earthly form of our beloved llro. J. D.
Kirkwood. He breathed his lust on
the llret sun of Beuver Moon, U. 8. D.
4t5. In the deuth of Brother Kirk
wood this council has lost one of Us
most faithful and devoted members,
the community u good citizen. While
wo how In humble submission to the
will of the Great Rplrlt, we cannot but
feel keenly the loss of one so faithful
to the principles of Redmunshlp.
"The garlands tw ine, but weep no more
When flowers droop und fude uway;
Think of tho bright eternul shore,
Tho land of never-ending day.
And soon will be restored quiet.
All home and frlcndehlp's broken ties,
He soon with Joy und glad delight
Will welcome us beyond the skies,
Lift ug your eyes and weep no more,
For ho haa only gone before.
"Therefore, bo It resolved. That this
council does grieve, with unfeigned sor
row, at the loss of one whose presence
wus un Inspiration to good, whose
words tilled with cheer, and whose liv
ing so Illustrated the truths' of our
"Upon his wife (our sister) we In
voke the cheering smile und tender
care of Klshe Manltou.”
General Pasenger Agent.*
Teachers Waive Examination,
kpeclal to The Georgian.
Villen Rica. Ga., Nov. 17.—Professors
E. W. Martin and J. P. Manly, co-
prlnclpais of Villa Ricu High School,
who were arrested last week on a
charge of severely whipping a pupil,
have waived preliminaries to appear
before the grand Jury.
Cracker Shooting Stopped.
Special to The Georgian.
Covington, Ga., Nov. 17.—The mayor
and uounclt of Covington passed an
ordinnnee prohibiting the shooting of
any size cannon crackers In the city.
Notice to the Public.
The II. r. aturtevant Company baa today
diarontlnned lta office In Atlautn, mid Its
matters la tkla territory will hereafter lie
handled through lta traveling represents;
Sir. SI. K. Deane, who haa been retire*
renting the conttKiny at Atlanta, haa re-
rlKto-d. and la nu longer connected with this
The spirit of patriotism and the love
of liberty that aroused the martial
valor of oty forefathers In the curly
days of our history Is the Inspiration
that brought the Improved Order-of
Red Men Into existence, and tho same
that gave birth to, this great republic.
From that day to this the admiration
and love of military display has been
and will continue to be a prominent
element In the make-up of the average
American cltlxen, and this Is also the
spirit that sustains tjie organisation
known as the lied Men's League, which
Is the uniformed seml-mllltary aux
iliary of the Improved Order of Red
Men, nr what may be termed the "ad
vertising department of the order." and
corresponds with the Knights Templars
of the Masonic frutemtty, the Uniform
Rank of the Knights of Pythias, the
Patriarchs Militant of the Odd Fellows,
and the sword and feathers of many
other orders.—The American Indian.
of the order, but never Individually,
unless the brother la personally known
to the presiding oltlcer as a speaker.—
The Tomahawk.
Instead of calling upon n visiting
stranger to make n few remarks under
the iR,od of the order. It Is much better
to give the sti
to give the stranger u proper recog
nition and a cordial greeting by having
a ten minutes' Intermission for re
ception und Introduction, with un an
nouncement by the chulr of the Inter
mission and the object of It. This Is
an act of courtesy and fraternal wel
come appreciated by all visitors. The
Indiscriminate calling -upon strangers
for a speech, when the fewest number
of persons are able to respond accept
ably, gonly confuses and distracts u
visitor, os he Is probably called upon
to do something he never did In his
life, and it un attorney and accustomed
to public speaking, It Is the very last
thing he feels like doing, as hs wishes
to became acquainted with those pres
ent and make friends among them. The
great object Is sociability and to pay
special attention to a visitor so as lo
make his visit pleasant and enjoyable.
A few kind words of welcome and a
general introduction, with kind words
and a generous hand-shako, 1s much
bitter. The brother won't be embar
rassed und will be sure to come again.
We hear of members almost dally who
say they stay away on this account.
The presiding otlleer should extend
There are always a number of In
teresting periods In tho history of an
organisation, some more so than oth
ers, but the history of our own order
und the exciting times and conditions
under which It prospered over a cen
tury ago Is absorbingly Interesting to
the lover of historical literature, und
proves that the Improved Order of Red
Men was a mighty factor In the desti
nies of the country from a political
standpoint, for it was closely allied
with those of 8t. Tamlna of seml-po-
lltlcal principles, and Aaron Rurr,
Alexander Hamilton, Jnmcs Madison
and Thomas Jefferson, the great men
of the period, were iiatrona of our pa
rent organization. Truly, we arc the
blue-blooded descendants of a s raic of
sturdy, loyal, patriotic and aggressive
Americans, und cun proudly boast of
being the only fraternal organization of
true American origin in existence.—
The American Red Mad.
the honor and reputation of the title
of Red Men. Reek to elevate tho tone
anti worth of the order by scrutinising
carefully the reputation und character
of every candidate offered for adop
tlon. Moral worth, honor and Integrity
are the requisites for deslruble mem
bers, not wealth and soclul position
alone. Tho poor mail Is Just us wel
come us the rich and tho rich Just as
welcome ns the poor as long ns he lias
the moral worth. Ours Is a distinct
ively American organisation. We be
lieve In the American doctrine of "All
men are born free and equal.” Every
man of sterling qualities will be wel
come around our council flres.—The
Red Men.
If you see u tall fellow ahead of the
A leader of men, marching fearless and
And yuu know of a tale .whose mere
telling aloud
Would cuuse hlH proud head to In an
guish be bowed,
It’s a pfelty good plan to forget It
If you know of a skeleton hidden away
In u closet, and guarded and kept from
the day,
In the dark; and whose showing, whose
sudden display,
Would cause grief and sorrow and life
long dismay,
It's a pretty good plan to forget It.
If you know of a spot In the life of a
(We all have such spots concealed,
world without end),
Whose touching his heart-strings
would play on and rend,
TUI the shame of Its showing no griev
ing could mend,
It's a pretty good plan to forget It.
The ladles of Silver (.'loud Council
No. 1, Degree-of Pocahontas, are pre
paring. to “Indian Trail
ing Post," to bo'held some time In the
near future.;
It la purposed to run this trading
a for a few nights Just before the
ays. Indian trinkets of every de
scription will be sold or raffled, and It
Is believed that the affair will be u
great success.
Many of the Red Men have Interest
ing Indian relics and these will bo do
nated to the ladles to be raffled.
This “post" will be held at the Wig
wam and will be open to palefaces as
well as Red 'Men.
It you know of a thing that will dark
on tho Joy
Of a man or woman, a girl or a boy,
That will wipe out a smile, or the least
way annoy
A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy.
It’s a pretty good plan to forget It.
It Is true that never In the history
of the world were there such Institu
tions, so great und powerful, working
with high and unselfish purpose for the
uplifting and protection of humanity, as
ure the fraternal societies today,
millions of men these Institutions arc
much more than lodges where men ure
bunded together with unforgetable cer
emonles Into everlasting brotherhoods
—all pledged for the elevation and hap
piness of humanity. These institutions.
In their work of educating men to the
practices of all the virtues and high
principles, thereby lift humanity up-
wafd. The good und noble in man Is
Idealised and he Is brought nearer to
the realisation of the highest and best
ideals of the mind nnd soul. This great
work marks the age with ineffaceable
lines of progress.—The Western Re-
Brothers, In seeking pate faces to Join
our order, be careful whom you ask.
In your eagerness for quantity do not
lose eight of that which Is,more essen
tial—quality. Do not ask any one td
Join our order that you would not Just
as readily ask Into your home to meet
If you know of a thing, Just the least
little sin.
Whose telling would call up a laugh,
or the grin
Of a man you don't like, for Lord's
sake keep It In!
Don't, don't, be a knocker; right here
stick a pin—
It's a pretty good plan to forget tt.
b|HH'lal to The Georgina.
Tifton, Ga.. Nov. 17.—Mrs. Elisabeth
Peterson, mother of Dra. N. and J, A.
Peterson, of Tifton: Mrs. J. A. Peter
son and little son. Master John Hol
brook, were severely Injured In a run
away at Nlcholle.
They were driving from Nlcholle to
the home of Mr. R. G. Kirkland, a rel
ative, when the horae became fright
ened. The buggy etrack tbe root of
a fallen tree, and wae overturned, the
frightened animal Jerked the vehicle
across the road and struck a stump,
where the occupants were thrown out.
All were knocked unconscious, and
after they recovered, neither could
arise and help the other until passers-
by came to their relief.
Jacksonville, 111., Nov. IT.—Zeno M.
Host, Insurance commissioner of Wis
consin, has been appointed general
manager of the Insurance department
of the Knights of Pythias. The ap
pointment was announced by Charles
A. Barnes, supreme chancellor of the
order. Thy headquarters of Mr. Host
will be in Chicago.
At a recent session of the supreme
lodge the order adopted a new plan
of fraternal insurance, creating a new
fifth class, based un the American ex
perience table of mortality at 4 1-2 per
cent. This Is a new departure In fra-
ternnl Insurance, complying with what
Is being demanded of all fraternal
sycletles by legislation.
Mr# Host will shape this new work
In the Pythian order. It will afford the
members absolute Insurance protec
tion without the disturbing factor of
readjustment. The rates will be some
what higher than ordinary rates of
fraternal assessment, but considerably
less than old line rates.
Eureka Council No. 7, Junior Order
United American Mechanics, held »
splendid session last Monday night In
tho hall at Marietta and Alexander
A large number of members were
present and much' enthusiasm was
manifested. A number of business
matters of interest to the council were
During the evening several splendid
talks were made, all of which wore
greatly enjoyed. Among those wh«
spoke were O. H. Rtarnes, E. F. Chil
dress, W. S. Weir, W. F. Grubbs and
others. At tho conclusion of the sen-
slon delightful refreshments were serv
Planning Entertainment. .
Special to The Georgian.
Brunswick. Go.. Nov. IT.—The
Brunswick Riflemen and tbe Atlantic
band are planning a celebration on
Thanksgiving for the entertainment of
cordial Invitation to all under the good your wife or daughter. Be jealous for tbe people of Brunswick.
One of the best encampment meet
ings held In this city for some time
was that of John B. Gordon Encamp
ment No. 53, I. O. O. F„ on last
Wednesday night. It was the occasion
of entertaining the District Convention
of Encampments.
Despite the very Inclement weath
er, the hall was well tilled with mem
bers of the "Patriarchal Family.”
The following encampments were
John B. Gordon No. 53, Silver Link
No. $4, Atlanta No. 27, Empire No. 12,
all of Atlanta, and Decatur No. 52, of
Decatur. Ga, which compose the Fifth
congressional district; oasis No. 7, of
Griffin, Oa; Waddell No. 15, of Smyr
na Ga, and Grant, of Marlon, Ind.
The members of Dixie Canton No. 5
were present tn uniform.
Hon. Edgar A. Baughan, division
grand deputy patriarch, of this city,
presided. After the convention had
been duly opened the patriarchal de
gree was conferred upon live candi
dates by the degree team of Sliver
Link encampment No. 34. The work
was beautiful and made a lasting Im
pression not only upon the candidates,
but the entire audience. ,
Tbe secret work of alt the degrees
was then exempllfled.
. Hon. Barney C. Randall, past grand
patriarch, of Griffin, Ga., was present,
and delivered an address which was
greatly enjoyed by all present. It may
be stated here that no. greater grand
patriarch than'Mr. Randall ever lived.
During Ills term of office two years
ago he Instituted more' encampments
*U.,m ainit .,f lite* e. 1*0A.>0ow,Iew tlid fills.
with them at their hall, corner Broad
and Alabama streets, the meeting to
be held some time during the month of
January, 1907. This Invitation was
unanimously accepted.
After talks from members of each
encampment represented the meeting
was closed.
Then came the feast which John B.
Gordon encampment had prepared. The
host fully sustained its reputation as
a royal entertainer and each member
went away feeling a better patriarch
than ever before. E. H. r
than any of his'predecessors. His ad
dress certainly added much enthusi
asm to the meeting.
Empire Encampment No. 12 Invited
the convention to hold the next session
New York, Nov. 17.—Sir
Llpton sailed today In the Cunarder
Carmenlu for London. He went aboard
shortly after midnight, but was up
bright and early.
I will. In all probability, challenge
for the America's cup In 1908," he said.
"I favor tbe wholesome type of boat,
and will not come over here with a
freak craft like Shamrock JI. A boat
of that style is only good for the scrap
heap after the race, but with the Sham
rock IV, which 1 will bring over, I ex
pect to carry away the cup."
I IT.—The
O youngest Tawy’er who has ever ap- °
O peared before the supreme court -
O of the United States yesterday -
O argued In favor of the constltu- ;
* tlonallty of the North Carolina
statute prohibiting the running "■
H 0 "bucket shops" tn that state, lie ”
Sir Thomas expressed himself as I £ LV »!£" su- 0
pleased with the kindness extended to £ ,h,ef £1"*, of the «u
him by yachtsmen on this side of the £ P r « m J court of North l anding
water, and said he was perfectly satis- £ •»<* b« *“» 1““ I"* 1 ** 1 hl " o
fled to leave the whole question In; £Ji!2!5j2& lJ »e*jsru«Ar«r»iM>o00O::< :
their hands, believing he wUI get fair 1 0OOOOOO0O000OO0O0OO0Oo<5 u
treatment. I Duncan F. Nell and Henry Arthur
others on the Carmenla were Colonel Jones, the playwright
The Shrtnera of Florida are looking
forward with pleasurable anticipation
to a big meeting Wednesday, Novem
ber 21, of Morocco Temple, to be held
In the oasis of Tampa!
This will be the first session In s> v '
eral months, as no meetings were held
during the summer season, and it *
expected that large numbers of candi
dates will cross the hot desert sands
Shrlnera from all sections of Florida
will be In attendance to enjoy tin
fun and a great meeting Is anticipated
All of the oriental animals .are re
ported In Jlne condition and the cara
van Journey across tho desert promises
to furnish the candidates a warm tint
At tbe conclusion of tbe ceremonial
a splendid banquet will lie spread, aj
which eloquence and camel’s milk wm
freely flow.
O 0
0 Washington, Nov.