Newspaper Page Text
Man’s Brother
Die 08 Result
of Wound.
kevrlwnd, Ohio, Nov. 2(l.---One man
i. Killed, one fatally Injured anil an-
R„. hurt by being kicked by a mule
loose In a Huron road black
mith .-I mo. Joe Finn cane was kicked
? n ,|. e forehead and died a few
Ulea later. His brother, Daniel, was
“,. k „l in the forehead and fatally In-
j um i John Byers was Injured In the
h and may die.
t Prat tiially all arrangements have
k*n competed for the big “Immigra-
linn dinner,’* which will be given by
til** < Ironber of Commerce Friday
evening at * o’clock at the Piedmont
Mel. /
Th» original plan to have theAlInner
un th" night of November 27. when the
annual election la held, has been
changed. It la now definitely deter
mined i" hold the dinner Friday of till*
week. Imitation* have already been
On Friday morning the director* of
the Georgia Immigration . Society will
meet here. All the director* have been
invited to attend the dinner.
ii.»n. Hoke Smith, governor-elect,
will be the speaker of the occasion.
His address will be on immigra
tion. Joseph A. McCord, of Atlanta, a
number of the national currency com
mission. will make a short talk on the
currency agitation.
I*. M. Oliver, of Savannah, presi
dent the Georgia immigration So*
iiety, and Gunby Jordan, of Colum
bus. a director, and Jacob Phlnlsy, of
Auftusta, another director, will also
S|*«inl to 'Hit* tJeorfflftn. ■ *
Newberry. ,K. £\. Nov. rO.-.Mnrk l)*vl*. a
i**aro, under nrreat, wn* brought to the
Xwvlierry Jail Saturday. when he wn* taken
hum the officer l»y ii mob of masked men.
«H'I it Ik thought lie lui* liccli lynched,
binl« got Into nn nlterentlou with Mill
mi'l Air iHirrolk, white*, over some com.
iiiul flred nt them with it single-barreled
•Mgtin. Neither of the liorroh* wit* lilt.
They ifturucd the tire nml the negro mil
Liter t'oiiHtnlde Yancey Klovd. N with it
|HWk,.. went In Kcnrcli of Davla nml arrest-
him. (dneed him in n buggy nml start
of mn«ked men spmiig from the
i on the roMilshlc. overpowered the
•de and took the negro away with
The. work wn* done rapidly and in
Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 20.—For the rea-tauch time a* he shall satisfy the ec-
son that he. In hi* sermon* and writ* I eleslattlcal authority of the diocese that
Ings, questioned the virgin birth of I h,B be,, * f nnd teaching conform to the
Christ th* u m**.. tdoctrine of the apostles' creed and the
“ r ; Ag *' lno " a f - ra »-i nleena creed a. the church hath re-
ay, teitor of St. Andrew* Protestant reived the same. However, we express
Episcopal church, at Rochester, has the earnest hope* and desire that the
been condemned to suspension from the {respondent may see hi* way clear dur-
church by a decision reached yester- ,ng the thirty days which, under the
,,a ™, y , ISHKS sentence 0 can'lie ”pro“ oLnceT'to
the lower court, which the m"hra'»l» u i hor,ty
clarcyroan be suspended for "heretlcrtl | ot ,uch contornl t> on hl * pnrt ’
teachings.” The final decision la to b-
given to Mr. Urapseyfitt Rochester. The
decision covers forty. typewritten
Decision of Court.
Following Is the decision made by
the trial court and which was sustained
by the higher court:
“That the respondent. Dr. Crapeey, be
suspended from exercising the func
tions of a minister of the church until
Tulsa. I. T.. ?f&v. 20.—The confer*
ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South has rejected the recommenda
tion of the committee on books and
periodicals that a charge of heresy be
Hied against G. B. Wtngf editor of The
Nashville (Tenn.) Christian Advocate,
the official organ of the church.
Edcnton, X. C„ Nov. 20.—With elab
orate ceremonial today the body of
Janie* Wilson, one of tbs signers of the
Declaration of Independence, a notable
figure In the constitutional convention,
and n Justice of the Federal supreme
court, was disinterred from Its long
resting place hej-e today and started,
under escort, to Philadelphia for re
A centotaph was dedicated here. In
nnd a company of North i.'arollnan*.
The body was then taken to Norfolk,
where the gunboat Dubuque Is waiting
to convey It to Philadelphia, where It
will lie In state In the hlatorlr old hall
which, In 1776, was the scene of his
labors for Independence. A program
has been arranged. In which the mem
bers of the Federal supreme court,
Senator Knox. Attorney General Moody
and Andrew Carnegie. Hon. Alton B.
Parker nnd others will participate.
Herkimer, X. Y.. Nov. 20.—Chester
E. Gillette will tuke the witness stand
to free himself of the charge of mur
dering his sweetheart. Grace Brown,
and throwing her body Into Big Moose
lake. He will tell the jury that the girl
leaped Into the waters nnd took her
own life because of his Anal refusal to
marry her. ■
He has told his counsel that he has
every confidence In hi* ability to con
vince the Jury of his Innocenre. Gil
lette will tell every detail of his rela
tionship wlfh Grace Brown from the
time of their first meeting until he fled
In termr on that fateful night on the
lake, when she plunged with n cry Into
the water because he told her that they
had reached a parting of the lovers’
The testimony indicated that Orace
Brown believed that Cheater Gillette
might marry her up to the last day
on the lake and that she was prepar
ing for the wedding. Mr*. Brown, moth
er of the drowned girl, sobbed piteous
ly as .alio saw place after piece of the
clothing picked up and identified ns
belonging to her child.
Tired of 8wcetheart.
The rorreapjndence of Grace Brown
and Gillette. Introduced In evidence in
the trial today, disclosed the fact that
Gillette had tired of Ills sweetheart and
wanted to got rid of her.
The girl clung to him to the end
and begged him to save her from the
shame of her life. Gillette listened to
the reading with tears in Ills eyes. His
head rested In his hands and he dis
played his first emotion In the trial.
These letters were found In Olllette's
room In a trunk.
' Pitiful Latter* of Girl.
In one of-them she said:
"Vnt Just about crasy. I have done
nothing but cry. 1 do try to brave, but
I can’t help thinking you won’t come.
I'm so frightened. Chester,' do you
miss me? in every one of your letters
please tell me that you will come be
fore papa nnd the family find out the
whole affair. Arc you happy that you
have succeeded In making me leave
In another she said:
"If 1 could only die you could then
be happy, for 1 know how you feel. 1
know how you hate me. My whole life
Is ruined. Oh, dear, come and take me
The district uttorney laid the letters
on rhe table after he had read them In
evidence and the trial proceeded with
taking of testimony.
L. & N. Tracks Not Yet Dr. White's Article Calls Gampnigtf Expense Schedule
Ready for Fast
Washington. Nov. W.—Advlce* re
ceived from Manila state Hint George
Pfeifer. «n examiner In the appraiser’s
office of the custom house, has been
stricken with leprosy.
Mr. Pfeifer went to the Philippines
with the 18th Infantry several years
ago, and upon Ills discharge In 1801,
was appointed to the place In the cus
tom house.
The through train service as contem
plated between Atlanta and Chicago,
which was expected to be put Into ef
fect next Saturday, will hardly be In
augurated before January l.
It was understood at the conference
of railroads^ Interested at the Piedmont
hotel some days ago that the through
train from Cincinnati and the train
from Chicago would consolidate at At
lanta for other Southern points.
The new road-bed of the Louisville
and Nashville In North Georgia Is not
cpntldered sufficiently settled to put
on through fast service at tills time.
The recent weather ha* not been at
all favorable for recently established
road-beds nnd the mountainous dis
trict* of East Tennessee and North
Georgia through which the new divi
sion of the Louisville nnd Nashville
runs made considerable grading neces
sary. and while trains are running over
this road at present It Is not thought
to be sufficiently substantial to permit
a fast schedule for heavy passenger
Important Addition.
This through service, when inaugu
rated. will be maintained In addition to
the regular winter tour let train, the
"Dixie Flyer.” to be inaugurated as
usual on January 8. This train will
connect Chicago, St. Louts, Atlanta, St.
Augustine and Jacksonville. The sched
ules for the ‘‘Dixie Flyer” have al
ready been arranged and are praetl-
ally the same as those of former
The new train between Atlanta and
Chicago will be as finely appointed as
any In the country, providing luxury
and speed, and It Is expected that the
up-to-date equipment will prove a
drawing card to the wealthy tourists
who consider comfort while traveling
above everything else. This service
has been In effect before, but Its estab
lishment for alt the year round will
prove of great benefit to Atlanta and
the South and It Is expected to prove
successful from the beginning.
Railroad men Interested In this
through service say that the schedules
will be so arranged that the Chicago
train will probably depart from At
lanta at 7 a. in. so that passenge"* mSy
arrive In the Windy City the next
morning In time to transact business.
The business Intercourse between* At
lanta and Chicago has grown material
ly in recent years and It Is believed
that the fast schedule drawing the
cities closer will accentuate trade rela
tions until the South and Weat are
more securely cemented.
Telegram From Well-
Known Man.
George Foster I'enhody, millionaire. phi
tanthroptm nml frlt*ml of the tSotnh. hn*
Juat mid something in Tim Georgian. nml
to allow how well he liked It, he sent *
telegram from Lake George, N. Y., ajtd nak*
ml for more copies of the pajier.
That whteh particularly atrurk M9. Pen*
IhhI.v was n sermon by Itev. Hr. John K.
White, pastor of the Refund Baptist ehnreli.
nnd Monday morning Dr. White received
this telegram from the well-kumvn pbllnu-
‘•Dike George. X. Y„ November 19.—Itev.
l»r. John K. White. Atlanta. tla.—‘Hold
Your I tog* I* splendid, four* own mes
sage. Would like more $*ople*.
The sermon referred to by .Mr. Peabody
was published In Tie* floor#tun Hntnrdnv
liefore Inat. and as Indicated, wns entitled,
“Hold Your Doff."
Hr. White took Ills test from Neheinlnh,
nnd h!s sermon was one pnrtleulnrly adapt
_ .... conn try happier nnd mu
like the tlrent Tetteher. whose nnying* nml
exam plea nre prenehed by the eloquent
pastor of the Heeond I!nptl*t church.
Not only front Mr. Ponlrndy, In far-an-ny
I.tike George. have nralae* for till* sermon
iu The Georgian been beard, but from
ppople nil over Georgia.
gpeclul tn The llcorglnn.
Mobile, Ala., Nov. 2U.—Veterans and
Visitors from all parts of Alabama be
gan arriving here today to attend the
sixth annual reunion of the Alabama
division United Confederate Veterans,
which begins- tonight and lasts three
days. Enborate business and enter
tainment programs have been arranged.
Prominent Confederate veterans
from all parts of the United States
are to be present. The Immense parade
haa b*;n arranged for Thursday morn
ing. The dccoratlomi of tho city are
Filed by Repub
Albany, N. Y„ Nov. 20.—Among the
contributors to the atate campaign fund
of the New York Republican county
committee, which expended a total of
1103,712.70, were:
J. Pierpont Morgan. 81.000: George
W. Perkins. 11.000: John D. Rocke
feller. $200: E. H. Gary. 81,000: James
B. Ford. 12,500: Otto Bannard, treas
urer of the county committee, 82,500;
Anson Phelps Stokes, $10: unknown
contributor. $2,500.
The county committee received a to
tal of $110,113.74,and have a balance of
$6,318.40. The report, with Itemised
expenditures, was filed with the secre
tary of state today.
Frightened by Fire iu
Banie Block at
Chicago. Nov. 20.—Four person* 'v* -
Injured and score* navrowiy e*caw
Injury In a panic amonj? the ISO kuc«
at the Hotel Barne*, Randolph «r
Canal aireetn, when Are early todr
destroyed tho *lx-story building nt N-j
12-14 North Canal *treet* causing
lor* of ft 10,000.
The fin- waa a apertai ular on
dame* spreading to adjacent propen
and thieutenlng to sweep the bio-
f-ne hundred nnd flfty guest* of tl
Hotel Barne* were driven to the stn-.
In their night clothe*. Heveral tun
clre.l Inmate* In the *mall frame hous<
with buckets tried to save their home
*l“" LI I" The tlrorghin.
Valdosta, Qa., Nov. 10.—Today’s ses-
“i"" of the state convention of the
Christian churches which convened
h*™’ last night In the fifty-eighth an.
nu.ii r,inference were of an unusually
tm-rr-HtlnB nature. Addresses were
rnml,. by Dr*. A. McLean, of Clncln-
nail, and K. 1. Osgood, missionary to
China. ■ .’J, -V
The Woman’s Society for Georgia
Mi'sions held a session today from
I" In to 12:30 o'clock nnd the session
•his afternoon was tinder the auspices
" f 'he Christian Woman’s Board
5 li-*ii ns. u national association -whoae
tentative, Miss Mottle Pounds, of
n mi polls, I* attending the conven-
Vi.nij- prominent men and women
finhi miter states are present, a* well
nt unusually fine representation
frm.i the churches In this state,
Ammtg the prominent arrivals were
,,r .1 H. Garrison, of 8t. Louis, editor
" f The Christian Evangelist, nnd
'"’■ntt IV. Mucklcy, of Knnsas City,
imnry of the Church Extension So-
\v. X.
Mitchell,- chairman of the
■L 'lcttown commission for Georgia,
{’*• J u *t returned from a trip to Al-
where he presented the proposl-
" m fur contributions to build a model
" f l!| Hloch Hall as the Georgia Building
in Jamestown.
The council will not meet there un
til, m>,t Monday evening, but Mr.
■'"'• hell received assurances that Al-
imu would contribute front $800 to
’“IQ for this purpose,
r. Mitchell Is. delighted with the
2 1 !™* for raising the funds for this
•til'llng. He has assurances that Ha-
'""tinh will give $2,000, Augusta $1.-
and other cities proportionately,
o Mitchell feels confident now that
>m necessary $15,000 will be ccntrlbut-
■ ‘ itiivui any trouble.
Becuuse the 8eaboard Air Line Is al
leged to have kept live stock on the
road thirty-six horn* without food or
drink or exercise In coming from
Winder to Atlanta. J. W. Lyle Tuesday
filed suit against the road for $300.
The plalptlff claims to have sent eleven
work steers and nineteen beef cattle
to mntket tin August 28 and say* that
by reason of their bad treatment at tho
hands of the railroad their value, was
materially affected.
IJtlle Max Drseelton. 11-ycnr »mi «f Pit
llieumn Itols'rt if SI Crew slrcet,
has nl»ut recmerctl (runt Ills strange at
tack nt Illness uf Sundny iimniing. nit,I It
Is Iimmtmcml at tlrmly hnnpltsl that hi; will
i.ritlMiltly Is* Hltle to return to Ills home
Tsvoday afternoon.
L. Albert Cowley, a member of No.
4 engine company, died Tuesday morn
ing at 8 o’clock at the home of his
father at Battle Hill.
Mr. Cowley had been III some time
of paralysis. He was 23 years of age
and had been a member of the fire de
partment about two years. He wasa
capable fireman and popular with hla
fellow worker*.
HI* pallbearers will be selected from
the department and the funeral serv
ices will be held at the rea dance
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o clock,
conducted by Rev. R. M. Motley. The
Interment will be at Weetvlew ceme
Henry M. Bhepartl, of $73 Chero
kee avenue, shot himself [utbe fight
arm Tuesday nfternoon while hunting
near East I’otm. He was brought to
the Grade hospital and operated upon.
He mat lose his arm as a result of
the accident.
A conference and supper wl'l be held
at the Masonic Temple, corner West
Mitchell and South Forsyth streets,
at ‘:30 o’clock Wednesday evening.
An elaborate menu will he served.
Among the distinguished Masons who
will speak Is Hon. links Smith, gov
ernor-elect. The meeting will partake
of the nature of a rejoicing over the
assurance of a handsome new tempie
for the Masons. The plans committee
and the building committee will sub
mit reports.
Hpccfnl to Tho Goorglao.
Social Circle. Ga„ Nov. 20.—Olln
Crosaley, of Monroe, one of the best
blacksmith* In this section, met a hor
rible death here this morning at 9:30
o'clock. He was walking up the rail
road track and the Monroe train, which
had Just arrived was barking a number
of car*, the rear one striking hint. Ills
right leg was torn off nnd his body hor
ribly mangled. He was drinking quite
heavily, It la said, hence failed to notice
the moving train.
The remain* were carried to Monroe
for Interment, tie was about 35 years
old and leaves a wife and several chil
William Lowe, of Melbourne, Aus
tralia, la In the South making a study
of the negro and the labor queatlon.
Mr. Lowe Is a most Interesting talker
and he gave Assistant Commissioner
of Agriculture Wright a splendid In
sight Into the conditions prevailing In
Australia and the wonderrul progress
of that country In the past 25 years.
Mr. Lowe, who Is. a gentleman of
wealth, came to this country on a
visit, und the negro question In the
South aroused his Interest so that he
determined to come here to make a
personal study of Jt. lie .will spend
la Get
several weeks
J co rg la.
A special session of the board of
education probably will be called, for
the purpose of considering the dona
tion of the present site of the Walker
street school to the auditorium-armory
promoters, 'for the construction of the
building there.
Alderman Harwell- and Councilman
funis and Terrell, of the ,flrat ward,
held a conference Monday night, nt
which they decided to push the sugges
tion ns far as possible.
This. It Is argued, would leave the
city with 875,000, which would have
been spent, to be Spent on two school
houses, one could be built to take
the place of the Walker street school,
which would be torn down, and tne
other In some other section.
Captain Winfield Jones has been re
quested by Captain Charles W. Parker,
of Elberton, Oa„ state commander of
the United 8panlsh War Veterans, to
Interest the veterans of Atlanta In the
formation of a camp here.
The organisation known as the
United Spanish War Veteran* 1* the
outcome of the amalgamation of four
societies; the Spanish War Veterans,
the Spanlsh-Amerlcan War Veterans,
the Society of the Service of Men of
the Spanish War and the Society of
Hespano-American War. This amal
gamation was completed early In 1*04,
nnd the first national encampment was
held In St. Louis In 1964.
The purposes and objects of this or
ganization are to promote the best
Interests and general welfare of those
and llic dependents of those who en
tered the service of the United States
and took part In either the Spanlsh-
Amerlcan war. the Philippine Insurrec
tion or the Chinese expedition.
On September t, 1904. the organiza
tion had ttS camps, with a member
ship of 8.000. one year later the
camp* had Increased to 202, with a
membership of 20.000. There are 250,-
000 veterans In the United States eligi
ble to membership. Camps are now
organized In 39 nates.
A ramp may be organized on Ihc
application of ten ur more perzons who
are eligible.
Those veterans of these wars now
resident In Atlanta are requested to
communicate this week with Captain
Jones at hla offices, 222-223 Century
o o
O Chicago, Noe. 20.—Angered by O
O the discussion that ensued as a O
O result of F. L. Barnett's cam* O
o italgn and other Indications of an O
O t<Wakening of . race prejudice In 0
0 Chicago, negro leaders are plan- 0
0 nlng nn attempt to prevent the 0
O 'appearance of United States Sen- O
0 slur Benjamin R. Tillman nt Or- 0
0 chestra Hull, u week from to- 0
0 morrow. O
Grand Rapids. Mich.. Nov. 20.—A*
the result of tho coroner's Inquest In
the case of Mike Ward, the lightweight
pugilist of Sarplo.. Ont., who died fol
lowing a knockout blow administered
by Harry Lewis, of Philadelphia, In u
battle here lost Thursday night, a war
rant was Issued this afternoon charg
ing Lewis with murder In the first de
The suit brought by A. A. Lytgt sev
eral weeks ago against X. G. Long In
an attempt to compel Imng to trade
back some houses and lots and cash
and notes for a livery business, which
the complainant claimed was over
ruled fraudulently, has been compli
cated some more.
Lynn asked In an amendment to his
petition filed Tuesday that a receiver
be appointed for the business and Eu
gene" Dodd was given the property In
charge by Judge Pendleton.
Long has filed an answer and cross
bill, In which he demsnds Judgment
for $9,000 hgalnat Lynn In the event
the contracts by which the trade was
made arc annulled.
The court ha* ordered the llvery bu*.
Inese, which Is located at 17 Ivy street,
put on the blpck for sals December "
Evidently service In Uncle Sam'
marine toips Is all rite nice things
t h:'mill for It by the recruiting officer*.
If it I* not. Harry M. Buckey Is inak-
lor a martyr of himself and he says he
Isn't Ills term of enlistment of four
• ear* bar juat expired and to show
how well he likes the service he ha* re-
er.llsteil tor another four years.
lie I* enc of the detail at the re
cruiting office In the Austell building
and his enlistment expired Monday. He
Immediately re.enlisted and If all ap
plicants for Information anil enlistment
take his advice a big bunch of recruits
will be secured In Atlanta. He praises
the service and say* it Is just the
thing for a young man who wants to
see the world and get Uncle Sam to
take care of him while he la doing the
Special to The Georgian.
Fort Worth. Texas. Nov. 20.—Thir
teen evidently Is not a hoodoo for tha
Southwestern Ice Manufacturers' As
sociation. for the thirteenth annual
meeting begun here today Is the largest
In point of attendance and promises to
be th* most profitable meeting ever
held by the association. Members from
Arkansas, Texas. Louisiana, Oklahoma
and Indian Territory filled Imperial
hall at the opening of the convention.
The visitors, many of whom are accom
panied by their wives, were cordially
welcomed to the city by Mayor Harris.
The association will be in session two
That the planters of Texas, the
largest cotton producing stale In the
world, are holding their cotton for 11
cents wns substantiated by ‘a com
inunlcatlon received Tuesday by Har-
vle Jordan, president of the Southern
Cotton Association, from E. A. Calvin,
president of the Texaa Farmers’ Union.
Last year Texas planter* raised about
2,100,000 bales of cotton, while this sea
son they are expected to market over
3,000,000 bales. It Is one of the strong
hold* of the Farmers’ Union, and the
minimum price of 11 cent*, agreed
upon, will govern the cotton raisers of
the Lone Star State, and It Is under?
stood that they will stand firm for this
"Almost all the farmers In Texas
have sold enough of their cotton to
meet their obligations,” said President
Calvin In hla letter, ‘‘nnd they are
holding the rest for 11 cents."
"The farmers ijf th# old states,” said
President Jordan In commenting upon
the letter of President Calvin, "should
stand by the action of the Texas farm
ers and through co-operntlon all along
the line advance the price of cotton to
higher levels. .
Worth 12 Csnts.
“The unusual weather conditions that
have prevailed over the cotton belt
throughout the season warrant at least
12 cent* for the staple. As soon as the
volume of cotton now In ths Interior
has moved out, the price will go hlg
If the planters will only stand by e
other and wait.
"The present pries of 101-2 cents for
cotton Is caused by the demand, and
It Is not a speculative price. A great
many of the farmers are content with
this price, but If ih*y.*wou!d only hold
back they would get 11 cents easy and
they should do It."
President Jordan I* engaged, after
his return from epeech-maklng In
Gainesville and othrfr points, with pre
paring for the county meetings of the
Souther,n Cotton Aseoclatlon the flret
Saturday In December, at which coun
ty otneern and representatives to the
state meeting will be elected.
State Meetings Soon.
The state meetings of the association
will take place the first Wednesday In
January. Officer* for the ensuing year
will be elected, together with a new
executive committee and member* of
the national executive committee.
The national executive committee
will meet In Birmingham January 16
and 18, to select officers'for th* aseo
clatlon for next year. This will be fol
lowed by the annuel convention of the
Southern Cotton Aseoclatlon In Bir
mingham January 17, 18 end 18.
Richard Cheatham, secretary of the
Southern Cotton Association. left At
lanta Monday for a visit to his planta
tion near Alpaca. Ml*a„ a few mile*
south of Memphis. After a day or *o
with his family. Secretary Cheatham
will return to Atlanta, arriving here
Thursday or Friday.
in spiritedIontest ,
The city detective department has in
stituted a thorough investigation into
the fire of Sunday morning that badly
damaged the netv sanitarium of )>r.
Stoi'katd in Crew street, near Fair, and
which I* believed to have been of in
cendiary origin.
The suspicious circumstances of t)u*
fire were reported to,Chief Jenning*
and he at once had detectives detailed
to probe, the matter and ascertain all
of the facts possible.
The sanitarium ho* been in course of
construction for somo time and was al
most ready for occupancy at the timi*
of the Are.
Sunday morning about 7 o'clock th»>
building wn* discovered in flames and
before they were extinguished by th»>
firemen the structure had been dam
aged to the extent of several thousand
When the firemen arrived on the scene
they made the discovery that several
place* about the building had been
saturated with oil and this nt once
led to the Incendiary theory. It H
stated that the fire broke out juat after
the night watchman had left the build
ing and till* I* also regarded a* a sus
picious circumstance, it being supposed
the flrc-bug watched for tho departure
of the watchman nnd then applied the
torch before anyone in the neighbor-
l:<"»d bad ‘-till **d.
The blaze wn* discovered by a negro
man, who sent In il telephone alarm.
This negro knew there was a telephone
In the tool house. Just In the rear <«f
the sanitarium, nnd. bursting in the
door, he called up Arc department head
quarters and gave the Information
about the Are. The blaze started In
the rear of the building and had gulntol
considerable headway before discov
The sanitarium f* a three-story
si i'ii«"t ii I** mid had lie* n len^rd by I>r.
Stocks rd.
Th* smoksr for the business mm
of Atlanta and others.Interested in an
annual Georgia state fair for Atlantu,
tendered by the Atlanta Fair Associa
tion, will tako place In the assembly
room of the Piedmont hotel Tuesday
night at 7:30 o'clock.
Secretary Frank Weldon sent out
several hundred Invitation*. From the
number of favorable replies received a
1,1tt crowd will bo present to discus*
the proposition. The secretary will have
communications from different cities of
III'- W|-I nod N'irtliHest In read before
the meeting, telling of the encourage
ment and good result* from ennual
fair*. A light luncheon will also lie
tendered the guest* of the association
Hpeclul tn The Georgia".
Albany. Ua„ Nov. 20.—The agricul
tural college for the Second congres
sional district goes to Tift county, to bo
located ot Tlfton. This was the deci
sion reached by the trustees yesterday
afternoon after considering the bid* of
three other counties for some length of
At noon yesterday the trustee* re
ceived the scaled bid* of four counties
—Tift, Turner. Dougherty. Mitchell (the
latter county submitted two tydt, Ca
milla and Pelham both making an ef
fort to Hecure the college).
The bid* o* finally submitted were as
Tift County—160.000 cash. 3i>Q acre*
of land, partly timbered, free light*,
water, sewerage and telephone* for ten
year*: total value. $85,000.
Turner County—$60,000 cash, 230
acre* of land, and other advantages
that were deemed of leas value than
Dougherty County—$40,000 cash, free
light* for ten year* und an artesian
well, also 800 acre* of land: total value
estimated :it 880.000.
Camilla bid $58,000 cash. 300 acre* ot
land, free lights and water.
Pelham offered $32,000 cash, about
400 acres of land, free light* and water.
When it ballot wa* taken Tift count;
at cured eleven votes, ten being the
nu'nfw necessary to secure the college.
G>v"rrur Terrell presided over the
men lux.
.Sjmh'InI to Tl*r GcoiRifiii.
Columbu*. Ga., Xor. 20,—Delegate*
to the *tate convention of th** Daugh
ters of the American revolution began
to arrive today. They were met at the
depot ami escorted to the homes a*-
signed to them. Local chapters. Ogle
thorpe and George WmJton. have all
arrangement* complete fot the meet
ing tomorrow.
At the court houae th* committee ha*
arranged n special. musical feature t >
be given by the following ivuil-know n
*i.iger* and musician*: Mr*. Jam- - it.
Key. \V, L. Dowd, Mrs. B. Andrew*,
Ml** Kate Sheridan. Mr*. Maggie liar,
risen. Mm. Hugene Holll*. .Miss .Min
nie Battle. Mrs. J. K. Booth and other*.
The HiH iol feature* include luncheon
by the Woman’* Riding <*lub at the
residence of Mr. F. R. Gordon tomoi r \
nfternoon, reception of the local chap
ters at Muscogee riub tomorrow night,
and other* during the progress of the
A meeting of the »tat<* ofhcei« <n.l
chapter regent* will be held at H*uei
Racine tonight.
Insulted a Lady.
P. B. Herndon, a Mvltchman >>f t’i*
Western and Atlantic, wan brought t«»
the nollce station Tu»- daj afternoon
by Policemen Florence nnd Tayl
Herndon wag charged with Insulting .1
lady on Peachtree street. He Is hi-I.l
on .1 < a*h bond.
i 4*r
th” Atlitlit* Teletdtoo# nikI Telegraph t*»n»*
|Mliy. fell from tile top of n telephone |»ole
*t the Roulevaril nnd Ul«*e street. Tuesday
sInmii uiNSi. OU'I*receive*I nerhai* Injuries.
Jarvis was taken to (ir*riy hospital, where
It la announced that two of Ids rile* nod
liU rollnr lame wen* 1*roke». und that he
filso hurt lit tenia It. The n art
know *
This Is Not For Ladies To
■asu pioq-ssnon joi ssaiux jaqooj
pun S3AIUJI uoqoitx ‘SJCSS’-Og
JO OUll |[UJ TJ ifjJM 133J1S 3Ja$9J
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