Newspaper Page Text
ose Company.
CbamLerlih-Johnson-DuBos? Company.
Chamberlin-Johhson-DuBose Company.
Fruit or Flower Basket
Ic? Tsa TumblsrsJ .20 dez.
.. \ ■
Foeted Ice Cream,
Violtt Vases, 10c.
$1.20 Dozsn. Swsst Psa Vases, 40c.
Regular Tumblers, 90c doz.
Colonial Glassware :s not*an imitation of cut glass. It is
a beautifully clear glass of plain colonial design, neat enough for
the nicest table and inexpensive enough to be readily replaced in
case of breakage. The shapes are graceful and pretty. Open
stock always on hand.
Goblets, per dozen $1.20
Ice Tea Tumblers, per dozen $1.20
Tumblers, per dozen ; 90c
Cocktails, or frozen punch Glasses,
per dozen 90c
Claret Glasses, per dozen 90c
Wine Glasses, per dozen 75c
Ice Cream Cups, footed, per dozen , .$1.20
Ice Cream Nappies, per dozen $1.00
Berry or Fruit Nappies, per dozen . .$1.20
7- inch Bowls, each 15c
8- iricli Bowls, each 25c
9- incli Bowls, each 35c
5-inch Compote, Jelly Stand, each ... 15c
7-inch Compote, Fruit Stand, each .. 25c
Water Bottles, each 48c
Qnc-half gallon Tankards, each 59c
Cream Pitchers, each ■. 15c
Sugar and Cream Sets, set 38c
Sweet Pea Vases, each 40c
Violet Vases, each 10c
Flowor or Fruit Baskets, each 95c
9-inch Vases, each 25c
12-inch Vases, each 75c
Oil Bottles, cut stopper, each 25c
Salts and Peppers, German silver
tops, each >15c
Punch Bowls, each $3.00
Punch or Custard Cups, dozen 90c
Finger Bowls, with plates, each 25c
Mail orders promptly filled. Shipments by express or freight.
While we give the most careful attention to packing goods to be
shipped, we are not responsible for breakage by express com
panies or railroads.