Newspaper Page Text
Detective* Investigating the myate-
rlou* Are ot Sunday morning in the
new aanltarium of Dr. Stoclcard In
Crew street, near Fair, have *o far ob
tained no Information that would throw
light on the myatery, but are working
on a theory which they think may
develop a tangible clew.
The ileuth* are satisfied the build
ing was fired by an Incendiary, but no
one has yet been suspected. The of
ficers are now trying to unearth some
thing definite that would tend to reveal
the motive for the fire.
The park board will consider today
the dhWIcatlon of the University of
Georgia Athletic Association for the
use of Piedmont park, for a football
game on Thanksgiving day, between
the University and Auburn.
The meeting will be held at S o'clock.
The application. It Is safe ti) say, will
be granted. This Is the only matter
scheduled to come up for transaction.
Combs—A Half Dozen New Designs
Photographed From the Combs in Stock
* * v" *,* vi .* * * * t
In the new modes of hair dressing combs play, an important role.
Puffs, weaves and curls have given the designers of combs a wide field for
A few especially handsome and attractive designs are here pictured. We are
showing scores of others even more elaborate or less expensive.
For the purpose of deciding what
recommendation to make to council on
the petition of the Gate City Terminal
Company for certain right! on the
streets of Atlanta the committee on
streets meets at 2:20 o'clock Wednes
day afternoon.
Upon this report probably depends
what action will be taken by council.
James L. Key Is chairman of tha com
"Th# Black Crook.”
'The Black Crook," mlnua tha ballet
of former years, but In Its stead pretty
musical numbers, la the Interesting at
traction for this week at the Bijou. The
weird scenic and light effects are there
as in tanner productions and the acro
batic antlca ot the sprites cause en
thusiastic applause, but In addition to
all these the management has seen fit
to Introduce catchy musical numbers In
which a bevy of young and pretty
girls assist. And the third act has been
mode almost a vaudeville entertaln-
Donazcllas and the dancing of the
lit English girls.
lf<rge one and contains many
known people In the musical comedy
"Raffles" Is frankly a detective styry
told in a speech and action, with abdi
dant suspense and surprise, on the
stage. It Is also the moat Interesting
detective story thnt has been told there
since the days of "Jim, the Penman.”
Better still. It has a central character,
beside whom 'The Penman" was only a
commonplace forger who affected a re
spectable life In respectable surround-
Inn. Raffles is a man of the world,
sportsman, a bit of a philosopher, even
a sentimentalist, as well as an uncom
monly clever thief. Mr. Kent blends
these three sides of the character Into
a plausible and highly Interesting hu
man figure. It la the Ingenious and ths
moat persuasive piece of acting he has
done In many a day. Beats are now on
sale at the Orand box office.
Blanche' Walsh In “Kreutzer SonzU.”
Blanche Walsh In the domestic trag
edy. the "Kreutaer Sonata," la the of
fering at the Grand next Monday
night for one performance only.
At the climax* of the fourth act,
when the long suffering wife takes her
terrific and unexpected revenge, her
audiences, night after night, have been
wrought to a pitch rarely seen In a
theater. One moment the nudltors sat
In perfect silence, straining to catch
each word; the next moment they be
came an applauding gathering, forc
ing Mias Walsh to respond to half a
dosen curtain calls. ,
Mors Good Plays.
Mias Weigh will almply begin one of
the best week's bills of the season,
being followed Tuesday afternoon at
matinee and Tuesday night by “81m
pie Simon Simple," while Dustin Far'
‘ — Virginian"
num In “The Virginian” will be pre
eented Wednesday and Thursday
ntghta and Thursday matinee. 'The
Royal Cher will hold the boards Fri
day night, Paul Gilmore In bis beau
tiful college play "At Yale," conclud
ing the week with a Saturday matinee
and performance Saturday night.
An Important announcement le to the
effect that Olga Netheraole wltl be
seen Monday and Tuesday ot tha week
Baldwin-Melville Company.
The Baldwin-Melville Stock Company
at tho El Dorado played to two Urge
houses Tuesday afternoon and night In
the melodrama, ‘The Black Hand."
This play Is from the pen ot Thomas
W. Broadhurst and ot course haa some
strong comedy scenes In It. It Js one
of the most realistic melodramas ever
shown here and Is played In a lilgh-
class, distinctive manner. The third
act especially brings the audience to
their feet with excitement The play
throughout Is filled with climaxes and
excitement and was thoroughly en
joyed. ‘The Black Hand" will be given
again Wednesday afternoon and night.
Thursday. Friday and Saturday, with
matlneea Friday and Saturday, the
English melodrama, "Man's Enemy,"
will be offered. A Urge advance sale
poinU to good houses. ,
At ths 8tar.
The bill at the Star this week gives
th$ chorus, which Is made up of a lot
of iihndrome young women dressed In
stunning costumes, a chance to show
thelt- ability and training, and Judging
by their reception they are not found
disappointing. *
“Happy Jack," which Is down on the
program as a sensational drama, U In
deed sensational In exery respect, with
the usual amount of gun play and
thrilling climaxes. The entire bill
s*‘<ms to please th* Star audiences and
"ill probably be on* of the aucceasea
ot the season.
j.uVi mu
Comb of real Tortoific Shell, shading into
amber tips. > •■■ ■>
Pricj) .. . $15.00
Rhinestone Comb with gold tracings.
Price ,
Real Shell Comb, 14k gold mounting, set
with real pearls.
Price .. .... $15.(
Hand engraved mounting in green and pol
ished gold.
Very handsome Rhinestone Comb for eve
ning wear.
Price .... .. ...... $2.50
Green-Gold Mounting with Pearls and
Real Shell Combs, upwards from . 1.50
Imitation Shell Combs, upwards from 25c
Real Shell Combs, with solid gold
mountings, upwards from
Imitation Shell Combs, with solid
geld mounting, upwards from
Combs with mountings in great
Variety, upwards from •
Amber colored combs for light hair in
all the new designs, in price from 50c
Mourning combs are shown in many at
tractive shapes both plain and mounted.
Prices 50c to . ...... $5.00
Chamberlin-Jehhson-DuBose Co.