The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 03, 1906, Image 8
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WEIGHTED DOWN BY CROP ESTIMATES Times-Democrat and Miss Giles Make About the Same Estimates. NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. Private Wire to GIbert k Clay, New York, Dec. 23.—Liverpool at 12:30 p. in. waa 8 to V) lower. Was doe about 3 lower. On till* basis we should open 10 to 14 lower. Liverpool cables: “Market lower because of selling by Egypt, eoutlueiif uud dlsap* fiulls * T&e disposition to follow the drift of the market Is general, but the situation re mains unchanged and cotton should lie pur chased on all declines. We hear abbot 20,000 notices are out. Our Liverpool friends say decline.Is dui BEARS ARE JUBILANT Loners Diss’^ointed and Li quidated—Bears Were Confident. 0000300 OOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOO O TIME8-DEMOCRAT O o estimates CROP. O O 1 O O New Orleans Dec. 3.—The O O Tlmes-Democrat estimate of the O 0 cotton crop for the year 1906-'07 0 O is 12,450,000 bales. 0 The estimated crop by states is: 0 0 Alabama, 1,125.000. 0 0, Arkansas. 950,000. 0 Florida, 50.000. 0 0 Georgia, 1,600,000. O 0 Louisiana. 900,000. 0 0 Mississippi, 1,500,000. 0 0 North Carolina, 600,000. O 0 South Carolina, 900,000. 0 0 Tennessee and Oklahoma, 700,- 0 0 000. 5 0 Texas and Indian Territory, O 0 4,000,000. O 0 These figures are obtained from O 0 special correspondents and are 0 0 an estimate of the actual growth. O O000000000000000000000000O lower, nnd think market bought on nil declines. W. I*. Brow'ti estimates cotton erop at 12,340,000 bales, based on replies from corre spondents distributed over the entire cotton belt. Careful investigation, he says, show; a comparatively light yield In the Atlantic states and fair to good yield balance of the Miss Giles’ estimate of the crop is 12,500,- ooo. opei Dlfftfl 'ested Price brokers are selling. Journal of Commerce: The month with an air of steady confidence nia by sellers nnd general resignation part of buyers. The latter are not finding fault with conditions save In those cases where Immediate needs nre uncovered. They believe they will be able to tupve the great volume of goods now under .order Just as fast ns it comes forward, nnd their chief fear is the one of delayed deliveries at the opening of the season, wheu jobbers must begin sending out their goods. New Orleans, Dee. 3.—Liverpool at 9 down Is disnp|M)lnflng. Was due 2 points jlowu. New York. Dec. 3.—Heavy pressure mark the < jfer the eafl January touched MU" nhd arch 10.35. followed by rallies of 3 or 4 isiluts on covering. Notices on alxiut .54,000 points on covering. Notices on aimui ih.w bales were reported around the openlug. Tlic New' Orleans Times Democrat esti mates the cotton crop for the season of 1906-1907 at 12.450,000 bales actual growth. These figures were known to the cotton world early this moriilg. having been put on the wires out of New Orleans as 6 o’clock. In order that Liverpool I use them| ‘ H - early could ,. TO ... .. — itt« opening, and thereby set the pace for the American mar kets. ..... A private wire to one of the local ex changes says: •*Tne Times Democrat rstltnnte does not- Include (Inters, re packs oc other additions of the sort, and considering that lu re cent years they ha * * “ linn! crop figures, wm. »<• •■••••>«. *«- »-««- strned ns licarlsli. principally on the theory that the crop will be sufficiently^ large to meet eonsuinptlon requirements." The const ruction put upon this bit of In formation in Liverpool was bearish, and the trade acted qnlrklyr ‘ ‘ la stated In the al*ov m consumption of the world could be fully met, and a scramble for cotton by the si.Inners was useless at present prices. — -■—*- “*•- — respousi- The estimate consequent!’ lde for n sharp opening decline id inui c u ter. at 12:30 being 8010 points below Kntur- dsy’s finals for futures. The close was barely steady, near the low polut of thi - onreiy su-nuj, iinu day. 6011 points low, ns compared with Saturday. Following Is the range In the active months In Liverpool today. • Open. High. Low. December.. 4. .. .... 5.76 5.67 Jannary-Febrtmry -.67 5.6. March-Aprll o.® |.*0 5.G1 Mny-Juiie t».*3 6.,3 5.67 . In the spot market middling .declined 10 points to sales of 8,000 bales. than due *.«»*-* i.'"" " »»«"•«■* five mouths starting the session 13019 ixdnt* down, whereas 8010 points lower nolnti show I tig. is lor ('aides attribute the decline to Times* Denmcrnt estimate, lower figures having been anticipated. Liverpool cables: “Decline due to disap pointing Indies of bulls, the estimate being expected 12.0n0.0U0.’’ - New York wires: “Think liquidation Is over: expect an Improvement.’’ It Is said that next,to nothing is being done In spots owing to the unsettled con dition of the contract market. The eastern forecast Indicates pnrtlv cloudy weather tonight nnd tomororw with colder weather to follow. The western forecast Indicates generally fair weather tonight nnd tomorrow’ for Louisiana. and partly clotidr for Arkansas. For balance cloudy neat her with showers probable to morrow'. .1 ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUIT8 AND PRODUCE. Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr. Lively's twenty-fire years* experience of ed iting markets tn Atlanta nnd (be South has made him a recognised au thority In bla specialty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS NAME OF STOCK. Amalgamated Cop Atlantl.' Coast ::: American Sugar Ref. .... AnaroudA. Am. SmtHing Hof. do. preferred. . Atchlscn. ...... do. preferred. (jo. preierrni. ... .- American Cotton Oil. . Am. Car Foundry. sir. i-«u*. Chicago k Northw’D. Chesapeake k Ohio. . Jolorsdo Fnel k Iron. Central Leather. . . . do. preferred. g - uirniju, m. « ni. , elswsre k Hudson. . Istlller’s BecurltUs. . . Erie do. preferred. . . . General Electric. Illinois Central. . . Am. Ice Securities. Loutvlllo k Nashville. Mexican Central. . • . Missouri Fadflc. . . . NAME OF STOCK. Jonal Lead. . . . Northern Pacific. . . New York Central. . Norfolk k Western. Pennsylvania People’s Gas. rressed Steel Car. do. Heading . Republic Steel. .. • . . ... Hock Island. ....... do. prefsrred United States Rubber. . . do. preferred. ..... do. preferred. . . Sloss-Sneffleld. . • • Tcnn. Coal k Iron. . Texas k Pacific. Union Pacific United States Steel, do. preferred. Western Union. Webasb. . . . . . do. preferred. TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street. Private Wire to GIbert A Clay. , , New York, Dec. 3.-Maraha!I. Spader A Co.: While activity in our market today Is not to be logically expected, most things point to steadiness, and In somejllrectlons strength. Dow-Jonea* summary: Americans In Lon don strong. Vi to s i above parity.. Congress meets today. President’s mes sage comes at mid-day tomorrow. Ijtke ore shipment* this year will break nil records. Southern Pacific annual report expected In early future. General trade never so active, nnd manu facturers driven to the limit to make good their sales. Northwest officials complain of car short age. but say that it Is educating railroads to make the most of their facilities. Guggenhetms refuse to exercise Nlplasing WEEK OPENED In cash In statement nnd First Notional shows largest Increase In loans and cash. Heavy loss of currency to luterlor caused by business activity In the West. Twenty-nine roads for the third week In average grpss Increase cent. Total stock sales today 721,100 shares. NEW YORK. tures In New York today: EGGfb-Candled, active, 29c. LIVE POULTRY—Hens, active, 32*40350 each: chickens plentiful, 15026c each; ducks. Pekin, 35c each; puddle, 2f each; geese, full, feathered, 65c each; ■ ..«lull,_14c go nnd. keys. DRESSED p6uLTRY—Geese, undrawn, active, lO012*4c pound; turkeys, undrawn, active, 15018c pound; hens, undrawn, ac tive, 12*4c pound; ducks, undrawn, fancy, 15c pound;' fries, active, 14c pound. PRODUCE—Lard, 10c ib : hams active. 14e lb., shoulders active, 10c lb.; sides active, lot pound:-butter;active. 15022HC pound; beeswax, active. 26c pound; honey, bright, active. 8c pound; honey In 1-pound blocks, active. 12c pound; chestnuts active, 34.00 bushel; dried apples, 6c pound; white peas active, $2.50 bushel; lady peas. $3.00; stock, $1 25. . GAME—Qnall, active, 16c each; doves, ac tive, 5c each; ducks, mallard. — . « ... octlve,'40c each; ducks mixed, active, 20023c each; wild turkeys, active. 16e pound; rabbits, ac tlve, 10c each: squirrels, active, *10e each; opossum, dressed, active. 12*4c pound; opos sum, live, active. 8c pound., MM<lt FRUITS—Lemons, fancy Messena. $5,000 6.50. Br.nanas. per bunch, culls, active, nop0tl.oo; straights, $1.5002.00. PlneapplW. Florida stock, per crate. $2.00. Oranges Florida stock, owing to mIz* and condltlos en arrival, per box. $1.5002.25. choice, Ben Davis, $2.7503.00; fancy, New York state apples. Cods. $11.00. Grape stock, owing to six* and c™, -v. ©3.00. Limes. Florida stock, per hundred. 40c. Nuts, faucy mixed, In boxes, pel nounds. 12#014c. Cocoanuts, heave rattans, sack of 100, active..-et $4.50 sack. Peanuts in sacks averaging 100 pound! each, owing to •tthf&RXtWE* cabbage ■ era..* lSo’twSi?: ‘sauss&ff’w saa pin lit. n-llve. «2.M crate: curiim- price, were ilue. In the Brat few mliinlee •.. .. »>.W wife: trttnntoe., fancy, aeure, there was a slight hesitancy, but the trutlu to crate; tomatoes, choice, active. $2,000 X?- MTCR rs.llm.nt amiMljr lu ^3 orate: ronfxnn, Dee. . . Jan. . . Feb. . . March. . April. . May.. . June,, . July.. . August.. n 9.921 9.971 9.97 H0.J4.ft 10.07 10.20 10.25 10.0647(10.3344 10.14-1610.41-43 10.24-25110.5142 10.32-34 10.56-58 10.38-3910.64-65 ...» 10.414310.67-69 * 10.46-47110.70-71 10.25 | Iftn LIVERPOOL. December. Dec.-Jan.. Jan.-Feb. Feb.-Mar. Mar.-Apr. Aprll-May. 5.73^ 5.71 The following gives the opening range nnd close, compared with yesterday. Futures opened easier. Opening Previous Rauge. 2 Close. Close. .5.67* .5.67 -5.65# .6.68 *5.66 ..5.69 -5.66% ..5.70 -5.67# .5.73 -5.70 .5,72 -6.71 .5.75*4-5.72 .5.64 Anrll-May. Mny-June. Juue-July. July-Aug. Aug.-Sept. Cloned barely steady. 6.71*4 5.62 6.76 NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointers on Provisions. Private Wire to Glbert & Clay. Chicago, Dec..3.—Believe wheat Is a food purchase now ahd a better oue on any de cline. Believe corn, under auy condition, Is low enough. d One of the features of the wheat market this moral tiff Is the selling of July by local nnd northwestern elevator Interests at He below May price. Packers bought ribs and sold lard. Stocks of ribs ntnrmlugly low and shorts coverlug freely. Considerable pressure on lard. Chicago Evening Post: C. E. Lewis, of Minneapolis, wires: “A canvass of twenty of the largest country elevator lines In the Northwest shows nine have 5®15 per cent less wheat lu their country houses than nt this time last year. Five have more, but will not state how much. 8lx have about the same. The Increase* are all In northwestern North Dakota.’’ ‘ III WHEAT LIGHT IN VOLUME NEW ORLEANS. Tli, following la Hi, rang, lu cotton fu- tur,« In Sew Oilcan, today: . 8 © i i’ Il 1 | Dee Jan Feb. March. . . . April. . . . May June.. . . July 10.60 10.64 10*55 10. ill 10:89 10.60 10.56 josi lb! 96 10.41110.41 10.57 10.38 10.46 iolds liniiib!?? 10.41-42! 10.80-81 10.38-39 10.76-77 10.44-46 10.83-S5 10.47-49 10.86-87 10.64-5610.93-95 lf>. 63-01121.01-02 10.70-72j 11.09-11 10.74-76 11.14-16 Closed steady. GIBERT & CLAY'S DAILY MARKET LETTER X,w Orlnma. !),<•. :t.—In Mr,rpool; [lonii und,r the Influruce of Ions liquidation broke rath,r ahnrply until cloalnit prl„» wen- lower liy u polnta thnn Hnturdny'a Opened a Fraction Lower— Later Rallied With the Fluctuations Narrow. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. —Fair t. uesdny. dined to the side of lower prices, due at the time chiefly to rumors tbnt several thousand notice* were to be circulated. At about this time, a crop estimate by Miss Giles was announced nt 12,490,000. re- suiting In n rapid decline, prices declining te 13032 r 1 * I Hfl close on Hat- . heodore Price a free seller. Hbortly after the noon hour, the market steadied on stopping of notices by Weld and Rich, nnd a reaction of some 305 polut* occurred. Sentiment was still bearish, how* f Tb'r Times Democrat, In Its summary of the situation on Hundiiy mornlug lw sny ••rtospeetlvo heavy tender# nt New York and the rather general belief that price opponents are prepared to put up | - morrow *morulng, maired some otherwl vorsblo cotton niurket conditions, and the week eamn to .. lose with ‘future* fur ther than ever out of line with the trad ing value of actual cotton. NovciiiIh 1 I torts from New Orleans w- 297,221 bale anil from Galveston'*518,715. n totnl 815,936, the record for that month. .The ports exported 594,000 bales In Deeembe last year. December exports this year will probably exceed thut figure by 200,000 bales. , , ••On the week. New Orles points on the March optlo sixteenths of a .cent on middling spots. “Tomorrow morning. Th«‘ Times Demo crat will publish Its cstlmnte of growth from the 1906 cotton crop. The fig ures should not lie confused with commer cial crop*,, At about midnight tonight. the esthiiaVe^^llMte^bul^thSMt^ronff? The Times Democrat’i The sevete detdlnc today Is uttr!hiit«»d I some entlreh- to The Time* Democrat's v tlmate. In that It was a dlsappolntineut bca 'csM.ltlou lu the the bolls nnd gnv fldence, nnd enured a - maml for the spot nrtb Tl*e close was stead lower limn Saturday': Comparative receipt Ref receipts today 84,364 8amc day last year 45.251 finals. i at all United State Increase Total receipts for two day Home day* last year Increase 39.113 143,sut 103.236 40.565 40,565 Sept. 1 4.421.745 4.12%8'W Increase 297.919 game time last y« Esltmatnl tomorrow: 297JCW New Orleans...,.,. t Galveston 2*,<KW t Houston 24,eoo t Movement at Atlanta: Receipts today.. eidou* dry. active, 75c bushel; Irish puts- lira, .etlv. No. t, Wc bu.hel; dory, fun- cy, ilu'.l. $2.00«3.00 crate; p,pp,r. ectlre n.n crate: nkra, six baskets, small, *J.50 crate, cauliflower, active. 8010c pound; lettuce, headed, $1.0001.50 drum; sweet potatoes, yel- low dull. 50e bushel; sweet potatoes, white, dull, 40c bushel; kraut, half-barrel, &75; rutabaga turnips^ l*4c. flour, grain and provisions. FLOUR—Highest patent, $8.50; best pat- lot 84.WI suMard patent. 34.36: half pat- t, ®90| %prlpg wheat patent, ’OUN-Choice COltN—ChoKNt red cob, 69e; No. 3 white. ■ 4 V* !<«»■ - vdllow, 67c; mixed, 67c; old crop choice, 68c; old crop No. 2, 67c; old croji mixed. 67c; new Tennessee white, 65c; crack C °OAT^—<'hoire 1 ’white clipped, 50c; No. 1 white. 48c; b’°. 2 mixed, 47c; Texas rust- PI MEAlXplaln water-ground, per busheL S5c- bolted, 140-pnund jutes, per bushel 60c; Shorts, white, $1.60; medium, 31.40; brown. "'HATimothy,’ choice large bales', 31.25; do. choice small bales, $1.25; do.. No. 1 clover, mixed. $1.20; do., No. 2 clover mixed 31.15. Bar- Rhine day last year.... Increase Shipments i• slay Same day last year.... Same day last year.., . 1.3-V* .PUftS .10.377 SPOT COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, barely steady: middling up lands nt 6.06d. Atlanta, quiet; middling 10He. New York, quiet: middling lie, New Orleans, easy: middling lie. Savannah, steady: middling 10V- Houston, steady: middling ll**e. Baltimore, nominal: middling UV- Memphis, steady; middling 1015-1G**. Wilmington, firm: middling lOHc. (lalvestoti. steady: middling llH*'- Augnstn, quiet; middling lie. .... Choice Bermuda. 90c. RYE—Georgia, $1.00; Tenues *^’he niHive prices are f. o. b. Atlanta. I’ROVIBIONB—Suprsms hams, 15c. Dots btms, 15c. Cnllfornlu hams, $9.00. Dry salt extra ribs 9: bellies. 20.5 pounds, 10.25; fat I,neks h; plates 8; Supreme lard, 10.25; Kuow Drift compound 8.60. FISH. Mullet, $9.00 per barrel: • id. 607c pound; snapper 10c per poun out 8c per pound; blue fish. 8c per poui . jiompsno. 18020c pound; mackerel l2Hc pound: mixed fish. 6c per pound; fresh water trout. 8010c pound. GROCERIES. BUGAR—Standard granulated, $5.10. New York teflned. plantation, 8c. COFFEE—Roasted Arhuckte's. $16 50; bulk In lings or barrels. I3%e; green 11012c. RICE—Carolina, 4*407*4c t according to tbs **011*8!ERE— Fancy full cream dairy, ll*4e; twins, 15«*. Klu(Mbled biscuit. $5 case: No. 2 rolled outs. $3 cast*. Hack grits, 92-pound bags, $1.65. Oysters, Jull weight. 01.75 case; light weight, $1.10 case. Evaporated apples 7\c pound. I’epper, 18o. Baking powders. $5 case. Red salmon, $5 case. Ulnk salmon $4.35 cate*, t.’oooa, 39c; chocolate 3.V: siiuf, 1 pound Jars, 48c. Roast beef. $1.3d case. Cornell beef. $1.30 case. Catsup. $1.80 case. Sirup: New Orlenn*. 35e gallon; corn 2sc gallon; ' * ~ ** * ' Halt. 1 Hodn cr. . . , .. . % ter 7e. Barrel candy, i*er pound. Be: mix- cd. P'»r iMiuud. 6W Tomiitoes. 2-tiound. $!.:»■) can**; 3 pound. $2.25. Nmy In-ans, $2; I.lnia beaUM. a4o. Ibst matches, per gross, *1.65. Macaroni, 6407c per pound. 8nr- dines, mustard, $3.25 ease. Potash. $3.25t? 8.W cas«‘. Pen lints. Stye. Rope. 4-ply cot ton 13‘ic, Heap, $1.5004 case. Culm 36c sesr 1 * galio Georgia COTTON SEED OIL. 364037 36\fi.T74 THE SUGAR MARKET. Lmdoti beets WEATHER CONDITIONS- A low barometric area is centered ov the eastern lake region, causing snow In New England, western Now York and Pennsylvania nnd rain at New York city. socomf area of low pressure la central near Havre, Mont. An area of high barometer In centered over Wyoming and Colorado. Wyoming Cloudy weather prevails over the major portion of the country and precipitation has occurred at most stations east of the Mis slsslppl except on the south Atlantic coast. There lias neon n general rise In tempera ture except In the southwest, where but little chance has occurred. The conditions favor fair weather In this section tonight aud Tuesday; somewhat colder toulght nnd Tuesday. Minimum and Maximum Temperatures and Rainfall. Observations taken at 8 a. ul, TSttx meri dian time. Abilene. . . . Amarillo. . , Asheville. . . Atlanta. . . . Augnstn. . . . Blriulughniu. Boston. Murrain. Charleston. Charlotte. . Chicago. Cincinnati. . . . Corpus Christ I. Davenport. . . . Dodg dge t ort Smith. Havre. Jncksoi Jupiter. . Mac: West. . xvllle. . Angeles. Memphis. tMiiphl wldln Mobile. . . . , Montgomery. . Nashville. . . . New Orleans. New York. . . Norfolk North Platte. . Omaha. . . . Palestine. . . Portland. Ore. Portland. Me. San Franelseo. Savannah. . . . Spokane. . . . Tampa. .... Vicksburg. . Washington. Wilmington. T Indicates trace of rain TODAY'S PORT RECEIPTS. The following table show* receipt* nt the interior towns today, compared with the e day last year: port Arthur alonzo mmummu & co., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS INTERIOR RECEIPTS. The following table shows receipts at the today, compared with the Angmdn. Empire Building. ATLANTA. GEOIIGIA. Bell Phone, Mun 8t3. 111. , SI. I-'tut, I t'lurfimiltt Chicago, Dec. S.—The Sidney Love hou.e was a bin trader In tvheat in the way of undoing a spread between the Chicago and Minneapolis markets. The movement was In the way of taking profits by nmking the purchases here" 1 and selling fn the northwestern market. The market closed l-8@l-(c higher. The market looked as If the selling had been overdone. Corn closed ta/ne at advance of 1- 1-2. Oats l-8c better and provision Irregular. There was n light business In cash grain, the seaboard reporting 8 toads wheat, 4 of corn and 30,000 bushels oats. Local houses reported 30,000 wheat, 25,000 corn and 8,000 bushels oats. There were decreases In the visible supply of the week of 88,000 wheat, 88,- 000 corn and 207,000 bushels oats. Primary receipts of wheat 1,384,000 bushels and corn 498,000 bushels, com pared with 017,000 and 773,000 bushels, respectively, a year ago. . Clearances for the day: Wheat 1,- 176,000 bushels, corn 1,710,000 bushels and oats 5,000. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Open, WHBAT- I>ec 724. May 7T». cfeitN- 71 Dor 42’* May 43# July 44 OATH- Dco 3274 May 347, *ily 3274 I*ORK— Jan.... 14.65 14 May... 14.95 15 LAUD- I»ec... 8.60 8 Jan... 8.45 8 8.47*4 * ay.. 8.1 BIDES- Jan.... 7.* May... " 8.62*4 8.45 8.47*4 8.02*4 7.95 8.00 7.92*4 cash wheat- . . v . „ . _ No. 2 rod 74074*4 nominal: No. 3 do 720 :*4: No. 2 hard winter 74*4075*4; No. 3 do SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Ofriee South. COTTON—STOCKS—BONOS—GRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Dally market letter and market manual malted on application. final levels, ifpot quotations likewise lost 10 poiuts. 8.000 bales having been sold. Tin- Issuance of an unofficial but Influential es- The Times S6dOJBy-*4:- (p etnoln rdlu tlmate through the publication of The Times Democrat’s figures of 12.450.000 bales — tho actual growth, less (Inter*, etc.. of this season’s erop, tends to couflrm In a measure the large crop ideas that pre viously existed, and which of late have j>e«n subjected to material curtailment, ow ing to the persistency with which recent estimates of ginning* by the government have fallen short of expectations. The w;elght of the Influence finds much strength also In the fact that previous Idea* emanat ing from this same source for a year or so Iwick have eventually proven very eouserr/i- tlve. These figure* for the time being have completely changed the aspect* of tho trade, for the spot cotton situation has not only los* It* aggressiveness today, but has also recorded a cessation of <h»- mand. Nevertheless, despite these factors. It Is not confidently expected that much change lu prices will be enacted either wav until, nt least, the government mokes known its quantitative estimate of the crop MondAy, next, unless the census re port. which Is expected Saturday, should contain unlooked for developments. New York, Dec. 3.—Tho market strong today, and the leadership and ttvlty appeared In directions likely to courage outside support. New York Cen tral was strongly supported, ns also were the Copper shares, and a recovery in Smelt ers from a recent depression was a fea Now York Financial Bureau: A iu< nient upward seems Imminent In Cop Ik Extension of Atchison's betterment Is tiullkely. but on bulges now reasonable profits should not lie Ignored. Chesapeake and displaying stronger upward trend, nail Is bought for a turn T»y professionals. I’aclflc Mall is tipped fur further Improve- nient: also Tressed Steely Car. _. JVL..’lllc and Reading, ow ing to certain information, and to their re spectlve line When the Steel move will start not kuow, but would not be without of It. New York Central Is still favorably re gnrded In Vanderbilt houses. Smelting should be bought on liny further weak. We would hold Louisville uud Nashville, Bull tips circulate still In some house* Colorado Fuel and Iron. We continue bullish on Rock Island, and think It should do better. Pennsylvania displays lietter support now. WEEK REVIEWED IN NAVAL STORES Savauuah. Ga.. pen tine market showed n net decline for the week ending Friday of %p a gallon, having some picking up year, though there _ _ _ noticed the oast week. This was du«i| * the factors claim, to the opeu season, wllch the factors claim, to the ot>eu season. w%icli permits the gathering of the scrape lar- Her than usual, nud that the Increased re ceipts only Indicate that the supply wilt be exhausted sooner thnn usual. The rosin market closed the week marked decline for the two top grades. _ . grades. with K 10c higher nnd CB 5c higher. 5c — u qi,,! jngifi,. f or i' am i up Inside for 5c off Inside for F. In the late trading Friday, a tendency was shown to advance the two top grades nnd also K and below. any time last week. Utnli 63. North Butte 1 LONDON STOCK MARKET. STOCKS— Amalgamated Copper.. Aiinconda Atchison do. prefer ml Baltimore and Ohio Canadian Pacific....- .. - Chesapeake nnd Ohio. [OpnlCloslClos ture ot the trading. Heading was also made strong nnd Brooklyn Rapid Transit con tinued Its upward trend, based on reports of tho elimination of the convertible clause from futnre bond Issues. Special news of the day included favorable reports from London on the. monetary situation nnd the securing of [665.000 by the Bank of England Wjth lower money rates on the outside market. Our own hank* appear to have lost nearly $2,000,000 through the sub- treasury operations since Friday, and call money rate# touched 17 per cent, without, however, proving an adverse stock market Influence. The discussion of the expected message of the president wss on still more ge ^ favorable Hues than prevailed Inst week. The very light pressure of stocks on the market appears to us significant of a fur ther advance. NEW YORK COFFEE. New York coffee market for January.. .. February... Mnrch April May June July August.. . . September... October November... December. . Opening Range. .5.90 ’lined . ....5.95 6.00 6.06 6.05-6.13 6.20 .. . .6.25-6.35 6.04 6.50 6.56 6.55-6.60 6.60-6.65 5.806.90 5.90-3.95 5.93-6.00 6.66-6.10 6.30-6.36 6.35-6.40 6.50-6.60 L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, GGTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's. Capital $25(1,000 RCFERCNCC, THE NEAL BANK PHONE 1417. PRUDENTIAL BLOC Frank Hawkins, President. J L II. Atkinson, V. P. Tnomss C. ~ - 7 - lt - oseph A. McCord, Co abler. R. W. llyera, Asst, cashier. Third National Bank $200,000.00. $300,000.00. Capital Surplus Dr. A. W. Calhoun. Milton Dargnn. John W. Grant. Y. McCord. DIRECTORS: J. fl. Nunnnlly. Frank Hawkins. J- Carroll 1‘aynt. H. M. Atkinson. B. B. Rosser. Joseph A. McCord. David Woodward. _ .. ig time there was a clog In sales of water white and window glass, nnd nt Tuesday's Opening these two grade* were posted ns nominal. On the same day. In an effort to feel the market and force a quotation, nil exporter (Misted an offer of these grades at a reduction on the last quotations, with out takers. The following day another ex porter posted M ntid above at reductions, also without takers. The market became more normal nt the close of the week, nnd the two top ffrades were more In demand, though at some reductions from the earlier figures. WEATHER FORECAST. Georgia—Fair Monday and Tuesday: light west winds. Virginia—Partly ... - , cloudy Monday, with snow flurries In mountain districts; Tues day fnlr nnd colder, fresh west to sonth* west winds. North Carolina, South Carolina. Eastern Florida, Western Florida. Mississippi nnd Alabama— Fair Monday and Tuesday; light day and Tuesday; light variable wlud*. Western Texas—Showers Monday In north nnd west portions; fair lu southeast: Turn- Arkansas—Fnlr Monday and Tuesday Tennessee and Kentucky—Fair Mondriy nnd Tuesday. West Virginia—Rain Monday; Tuesday fnlr and colder.. CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Below Is given receipts today and eatb mated receipts for tomorrow: Today. Tomor. M heat 68 68 Corn 142 i«9 Oats Ifog* Louisville and Nnfcbvillc.. .. Mexican Central New York Central Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific Ontario nnd Western.. Pennsylvania .... Philadelphia and Reading.... Rock Island .. Southern Pacific -.. Southern Railway do. preferred.. 147*4 NORTHWEST CARS. le following figures give the northwest of today, lost week and Inst year: % PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Tb, followlnff fl.urc. tflvr the primary mov.meut of whom nnd rorn: Wh,nt-ltrc,lnts todnr 1,384,000 buihel.; la.t 1,152,000 hunnrln, n,nlnat *17,m w” umueia: inm wn-i J.WI.WJ against 921,000 bushels Inst year. Corn-Receipt# today 498,000 bushels; last week 391.000 bushels, against 77.1.000 bushels last year. Shipments today 283.000 bush els; Inst week 333.000 bushels, against 479,. 000 bushels last year. THE LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. M heat—Opened *4^ lower: nt 1:30 p. in., *4 lower; dosed »* lower. Europe will take nlHiut 9,200,000 The actual shipments Inst week were II. *10,001) bushels and those of a year ago 340*) 936.000 bushels. Arrlvnls of breudstnfl ie Fulled Kingdom .during the last week* III In* about 3,600,000 bushels. He predicts that there will lie a moderate change in the quantity or breadstuff* on passage. The shipment* from India this week will be about 488.000 bushels, against 382.QO0 bushels Inst week nnd 393,000 bushels Inst year. WM. L. PEEL. President ROBERT F. MADDOX. Vice rresldest THOMAS J. PEEPLES. Cashier. JAMES G. LESTER, Assistant Cashier. JAS. P. WINDSOR. Assistant Cashier. MADDOX-RUCKER BANKING COMPANY. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00 Accounts, small as well asJarge, invited. 3 1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi- annually in our Savings Department. CENTRAL BANK AND TRUST CORPORATION. Individuals, firms or corporations contemplating opening i _ . S changing their preseut one. are Invited to call or write us. nnd we will lie plea* ; to extend them every courtesy and consideration consistent with sotfud banking. 5 3*4 Per Cent C’omponnd Interest Paid In Oar SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. , Capital $500,000.00. OFFICERS: Asa G. Candler, President. • Wm. H. Patterson, Vice President A. P. Colee, Cashier. * Johit 8. Owens, Vica President. Wm. Q. Owens, Asst. Cashier. TRUSTEES: =^--- • I. Y. Sage. George E. King, Charles G. Goodrich, .John N. Goddard, Bam D. Jonas, F. B. Dancy, Norman C.' Miller, Isaac H. Hirsch, Wiiliam M. Nixon, Eugene R. Black, J. P Williams. Dr. J. Scott Todd, Asa G. Candler, William H. Patterson, John S. Owens. LOWRY NATIONAL BANK Designated Depository of the United States. CAPITAL : $500,000.00 SURPLUS ; 400,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 140,000.00 A general banking business transacted. Foreign exchange, Letters of Credit. Corresponds direct with the National Bank of Cuba. THE AMERICAN AUDIT COMPANY Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. F. W. LAFERENTZ, C. P. A., President. C. E. Manwarlng, Vic# Preildent, Theo. Cocheu, Jr., C. P. A., See. and Trej*. BRANCHES: NEW YORK—Waldorf-Astoria. ATLANTA—Fourth Nat l Bank Bide BOSTON—Exchange Building. CHICAOO-sSarquStte Bulldlnr * WASHINGTON—Colorado Building. PHILADELPHIA—Bellovue-Slartford NEW ORLEANS—Ho.iuen Bulldln,. SAN FRANCISCO-heldenBSIldlni' LONDON', ENGLAND—4 King Street, Cheapalde. ATLANTA BF.ANCH 1015-18 Fourth National Bank Building. C. B. BIDWELL, Resident Manager. Telephone, Main 872. cable Addreee. Admit. N. y. 4 Advances Were Fractional and Some Declines Shown At the Staid. MONEY WAS HIGHER Southern Pacific Advanced on Higher Prices in the London Market. Money op call ranged between 10 and 23 per cent, the latter latent. New York. Dec. 3.—Today’s market was again strong, 'with generally ad vancing prices, under conditions which ordinarily would be a severe test or the speculative situation. Call money loaned as high as 13 per cent following the unfavorable Saturday bank state ment and the continued outgo ns re ported again today at the sub-treasury. Vlnluelnt, ut/u>lr 'nn titn . n) Its 1A itPP Xiplsslng stock, 'on top of Its 10 per cent drop last week, opened down an other 21-2 today, but at th« lower levelx It quickly became-apparent that the stock had pretty thoroughly dis counted the unfavorable developments in regard to the property. The-price of the curb leader thereupon rallied ab ruptly. Canadian Pacific, the coal shares, the Southern stocks, the Cop per and various minor specialties, ab sorbed attention, but the buying never- tholes* covered a wider range thgn at ,4, AIIUUCI A Heard Inn 12*4. Franklin sb#. Mohawk 76, 112. Winona 11*4. -—i 1