Newspaper Page Text
Vii.AAlA VjlLUK4.ii.AiN'
s.rnday afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr.
runic Slgnian. of Hotlal Circle, and
i.niian Curtia were united In mar-
„ t the lovely country home of
tlic lirlde’a parenta, Mr. and Mr*. J. W.
rurltr, near Rutledge.
T|, n parlors were effectively decorat-
„l In bamboo, pot planU and chrysan
themums. •
Mendelssohns wedding march was
rendered by Miss Alllne Adair, of Bo-
the bridal party entered the
parlor. The ceremony was performed
In Rev. B. L. Cook,' of Social Circle.
The bridal party, with a number of
friends and relative*, left immediately
Mr the groom's home, where an cle-
reception was.tendered them.
" The bride Is the third daughter of
Ml- and Mrs. J. \V. Curtis, and ia one
'} th > county's prettlest,and most cul-
inred young ladles.
Mr Hlginan Is the third son of Mrs.
N'aniile Slgmnn nnd Is one of Wa'ton
county'" energetic and prosperous
young farinera.
The Ladles' Auxiliary to the Broth
erhood of Hnllroad Trainmen will hold
Its regular meeting oty Thursday, De
cember 6. at 2 o’clock. p. -m. In the
Knights of Pythias hall, Kiser build-
tn members are earnestly re-
miested .0 attend. Election of officers.
Special to The Georgian.
Huntsville, Ala., Die. 5.—Mr. Alex
McAllister and bride, nee Miss Eliza
beth Lane, are pleasantly domiciled at
i he home of Editor Charles P. Lane,
Adams avenue.
The voung couple eloped to Tennes-
«ee and were married on a train be-
twen Fayetteville and Winchester.
Ur. George Heyman nnd bride, nee
Miss Etta LowenthaL have gone to
New Yurk to enjoy their honeymoon.
The bride Is the daughter of Mr. H.
j. Lowenthal, one of the leading mer
chants of this place.
can beauty roses were placed on tables
near tho entrance.
Receiving with Mrs. Comer and Miss
Comer were Mr. and Mrs. Mills B. Lane,
m'!” Mary Lou Phlnlzy, of Augusta,
and Miss Ophelia Dent.
Miss Comer wore a white lace gown
exquisitely fashioned, showing a deli
cate trimming of paatel tinted rose
buds In wreath deslgh on the corsage
and Inset between broad pieces of'lace
on the skirt. The waist was built of
white, chiffon across which a bertha
of the lace fell almost entirely veiling
this and the short sleeves, and the high
girdle of white satin was finished at
the back beneath an empire eftect of
the lace. The skirt was finished at the
bottom with a deep fiounce of the lace,
above which the wreaths of exquisite
rosebud design In pale, yellow, pink
and green was seen. Miss Comer’n
flowers, harmonising with the pale tints
Introduced on her gown, were orchids.
Mrs. Lane's gown of yellow net was
built over foundations of chiffon In
several shades of yellow, deepening
from pale to almost an orange shade,
giving an Indescribable gold-tinted
opalescent effect to tho gown. About
fhe corsage a bolero of applique In pale
tones was laid, and the same embroid
ered trimming was shown on the skirt,
whloh had panels of yellow velvet rib
bon and was finished at the bottom
with a band of the velvet. Mrs. Lane
carried American beauties.
Mr*. Comer wore a handsome gown
of black silk and duchesse lace.
After tho formal reception dancing
was enjoyed, the dance cards being
done In white nnd gold nnd bearing
Miss Comer's monogram In gold.
Personal Mention ^
J ~
One of the most Important meetings
of Ihe City B. Y. P. U. this winter will
be hold with the First Baptist church
of this city on Thursday evening, Dei
comber 20. at 7:4B o'clock sharp.
This meeting wilt be Important from
several reasons, first,"because the pro
gram that Is being prepared for this
occasion by the Union of the First
church, which Is one of the most wide
awake Unions In the city, nnd secondly,
a most excellent speaker that has been
selected for this occasion, and lastly,
but not least, the report from the nom
inating committee on officers for Union
Mr the noxt six months will be read
uml voted upon.
Every Union In the city and suburbs
is urged to have a full representation at
this meeting. A cordial Invitation Is
always extended to the public gener
Wednesday evenlpe.- at ».:30 o’clock,
at the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herman Lien-
kauf. 245 West Peachtree street, Miss
Meta I.cinkauf will be married to Mr.
Dswald L. Cohen. The ceremony will
lie performed by Dr. Alary, and Mrs.
Alvin Wellhouse, sister of the bride,
will be matron of honor. Mis* Alva
Bauni, of Dublin, Go., and Miss Etta
Black, of Mobile, Ala., wilt be the
Miss Pauline Lampkln and Mr. H. M.
Tuung were quietly married Wednos
day at 12:30 o’clock at the residence of
Rev. A. C. Ward, 124 Mangum street.
The ceremony was performed by Dr.
Ward, In the presence of a few friends.
Let there be many windows to your
Thnt all the glory of tho universe
Slav beautify It, That the narrow pone
"f one poor creed can catch the ra
diant rays,
That shine from countless sources. Tear
The blinds of superstition; 1st tho
Pour through fair windows broad as
truth Itself,
As high ns God.
Sllss Kate Waldo, of Atlanta, tho
guest of Alisa 'Mary Powell, was the
homlree at a theater party Monday
night nt the* Grand. After the show
eupiier was enjoyed at the Lanier cafe.
The guests of the party were: Allss
Waldo. Miss Alary Powell. Allss Ella
Mae Wlllianfs, Mr. Hlllyer Rudlslll, Mr.
Justin Powell nnd Mr. Henry Nlsbet.
—.Macon News.
Youngar Set Ware Entertained With a
Danes Last Evsning.
Special to The Georgian.
Savannah, Ga„ Dec. B.—Of the many
beautiful entertainments that hove been
given at the Guards Armory, the danc
ing party last evening with which Airs.
11 Al. Comer Introduced her daughter,
MNs Lilia Comre, was characterised by
• strem* beauty and elegance In every
detail of decoration*.
The stairway leading up to the ball
' emt tvns edged with palmetto, and the
banister twined In bamboo, and the en
hance into the ball room wa* ncreened
"" either *ide by graceful draperies of
bamboo, while the dancing hall Itself
brilliant with many lights anil
beautified by artistic and elaborate dec
The long ball room was lined with
an palms, which rose gracefully to the
balconies overhead, along which a dec
oration of enillax was looped. Be-
’■'"en the window hangings the walls
' 1 re covered with a delicate tracery of
'■••hax. Overhead graceful garlnnds of
~ S' boghlun green were looped from
1 'enter to the ends of the room,
u lug nnd recrosalng nnd forming a
of green, among which pink
'•bile cartmtlons were studded. At
" ; ■ sr.ler, whore tho garlands raine to
ne-her. a great cluster of electric lights
’.‘'•'.an added brilliance to the exqul-
In the supper rooms downstair* pink
'ti'j white carnations were u»ed In pro
, The receiving party stood beneath
long balcony on the right of the en-
before a screen of bamboo
,, " •’ extended from the balcony to tho
■oe.c Vtue* of Im Franc* und Amerl-
Afrs. Bnrnh Frances u'Keefe Is visit
Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Drury
Powers. Air. and Mrs. Powers are In
Macon to attend the marriage of their
niece, Miss Jennie Malone, to Mr.
Hltnpson, which will be an event of so
cial prominence.
Mr*. T. B. Neal will be the guest aft
er Friday of Mrs. J. G. Oglesby, Sr.
Colonel and Mrs. B. F. Abbott are
spending the winter at the Piedmont.
Allss Christie Romare left Tuesday
night for Savannah. Later Allss Ro-
mnre will go abroad, making her head
quarters at Paris.
Allss Able Joseph, of Columbus, is
visiting Mrs. Harry English.
Miss Caroline Sheehan left Tuesday
for Canada, where she will spend the
Mrs. Emmett Cooper has returned to
Winchester, Tenn.-
Mrs. G. W. Blanton has returned to
her home at Brunswick, after visiting
friends In Atlanta.
lira. D. G. Owens has returned from
a visit to Brunswick.
Airs. Pauline Ottarson, of Nashville,
Tenn., Is the guest of Airs. Snrah
Lamed, at the Aragon.
' Air. and Mrs. George B. Allen will
attend the Christmas holiday* In St.
Alls* Marie Whitaker, of Mllledge-
vllle, Is the guest of relatives In At
Allss Edwards, of Macon, 1s the guest
of Airs. Frank Inman for a stay of sev
eral weeks. Miss Edwards Is the at
tractive daughter of Hon. nnd Mrs.
Harry Stillwell Edwards and Is always
the recipient of many social courtesies
during her visits to Atlanta.
Air*. Mary Gordon Roper and Alias
Loulle Roper are at All'S. Burton
Smith's during the latter's absence in
Netv York.
On Thursday morning Air. and Airs.
Latnur and Allss Shorter go up to At
lanta to be present at the debut recep
tion of Allss Alberta Rankin on Thurs
day evening, when Air. und Alra. Charles
Oateley entertain at a buffet supper. A
■urge receiving party of hequtlful girls
have been asked to receive with Allss
Rankin on this occasion.—Macon News.
Mrs. Mary Phelan Watt left yester
day for Atlanta, xvhere *he goes to Join
her sisters. Airs. Priscilla Phelan Wil
liamson, of Nashville; Airs. Anna Phe
lan Dorbv, of Birmingham, and Airs.
Carrie Phelan Beale, of New York.
From there they will go to the planta
tion of their brother, Mr. Sidney H.
Phelan, at Roberts. Go., to attend a
family reunion. These are the only sur
viving members of a family of twelve
children of the lattf Judge and Airs. J.
D. Phelan, of Alontgomory. They will
he entertained by Air. Phelan for u
week.—Montgomery Aavevttser.
Allss Mary X. Moore, president of the
Athens Female College. Is the guest of Mr.
and Mra. J. II. Lovejoy.
Mra. F. It. Abererotnhle It rlsltlug rela-
tires and friend* In Birmingham.
The Gadsden chapter Daughters of the
Confederacy will give a piano recital for
tha benefit of the Emma Sanaom monument
fnnd on December 4.
W. T. Murphree haa returned from a trip
to Atontomery. -
The marriage of Mist Ola Sterenaon. a
former popular teacher In the city schools,
nnd Mr. R. II. I’atteraon. Is announced to
tnke place at Albertville on December B.
Mra. Joaepb Balfour entertained n num
ber of little folks at ber home on Thursday
Mr. XV. A. Moseley, of St. Stephens, vis
ited friends here during the past week.
Bishop E. It. Hendrix, of Kansas City, ia
oiiuop ii*. it. nniiiiiJi di iuiuwiii liiji •
the guest of Mrs. W. C. Poden and family
on Forrest ■ syenue during the Methodist
lion. Nathan Rowe, of Huntsville. Is the
guest of friends during the North Alabama
Mrs. It. W. Marshall nnd son. Clnreuce.
hove returned from n visit to relatives at
Tauipn, Fla.
Miss Marjorie DuBose Is visiting rela
tives In Anniston.
R. R. Todd, of Anniston, was the guest
of friends last Monday.
Mr. J. D. Cnlxmry hat returned from a
visit to relatives at Jacksonville.
The Gadsden chapter Daughters of the
Confederacy will hold their annual bassor
Maurice willows, former secretary of t
Y. M. C. A. here, was up from Birmingham
to spend Thanksgiving with friends.
Miss Bessie Murphree, of Birmingham. Is
the guest of her uucle. Mr. W. T. Mur
phree. on Haralson avenue.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Presbyte
rian church gave a Thanksgiving market
on Wednesday and feallsed quite a ueat
Mra. Mattie Strlugfellow has relumed to
her home In Anniston after visiting ber
parents. Mr. aud Mrs. Cooley.
Rev. S'. B. McOlohon has returned from
a visit to Guntersvllle.
Marcus 11. GrliTIn, of Rome. (hi., who
has been the guest of A. B. Griffin, has
returned home.
M. K. Clements, of Athens. Is the guest
of friends during the North Alabama con
Mra. J. II. Holcombe nnd Mrs. R. I*. Dun-
can have gone to Atlanta to visit relatives
and friends.
II. V. I*ee, of Kufsuln, was the guest of
bis parents. Colonel end Mrp. Alto V. Lee,
ou South Fifth streot. Tuesday.
Miss Kmy Rawls has returnod home after
a pleasant visit to friends In Zebulon and
Mrs. I*. Gray has licen visiting in Griffin.
Mr. Otto Hntchlnson was In Henoln yes
Mrs. A. C. Pritchard, of Atlanta, Is ex
pected soon to visit her mother, Mrs. **
A. Ilodnett.
Miss Emy Rawls and Miss Mary Wtlaon,
while out riding a few dnvs ago. were ran
over by u wagon. Miss Rawls' cheek was
badly cut und both the young ladles were
painfully hurt.
Rev. Mr. Andrews of Atlanta, who was to
have l4»ctured to the Hundny school at the
Baptist church lost Monday, could not All
his appolntmeut ou account of the serious
Illness of his brother,. The meeting was
turncil into an Impromptu temperance
meeting and an anti-saloon league was
formed. The movement was almost spon
taneous. Nearly every man In the chnrch
signified his willingness to Join the league..
A meeting will be held In the Methodist
church next Hundny afternoon / to psrfect
the organisation.
Mrs. W. M. McC'nfferty entertained the
Young Matrons' Club at Its last meeting
In honor of her sister, Mrs. McLain,
Oreenfhurr, Iud.
Mrs. I*. O. Brumby was the hostess at the
last meeting of the Friday Afternoon Card
two Club this week at their home ou
Mr. and Mrs. McCnffcrtr are spendlug
Jirp. .Mt'ltr j liviu". vi i ninmur, j
the guest of her sister. Mrs. J. M. Neel.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peeples are the guests
of Mrs. J. II. Pound In Chattanooga.
Mrs. I*. J. Bradley has returned front a
visit to New York Hty.
The meeting of the Cherokee Club last
Tuesday was library day nnd was one of
the best and most enthusiastic meetings
tha club has held In years.
Mrs. Munford, tho chairman of the library
section, had charge of ths meeting end had
arranged a fine program. Papers on dif
ferent plans of library work were read by
Mrs. Carson, Miss Ford, Mrs. Attaway
nml others, nnd good A musical number*
given by Misses Keel, Crouch, Mrs. Young
and Mrs. Jones.
In connection with Its library work,
the children. This Is an hour every Hatur-
day afternoon devoted to the telling of
and 10. !*ater another class ....
formed for older children. ■ In this way
the I lest In literature will lie brought to
the club nml n taste for good reading In
stilled nnd cultivated In them. The fob
lowing persons will have charge of the stor
lowing persona will have charge of the sttiry
hour during the winter: Rev. J. E. Barnard,
Rev. W. A. Cleveland. Mrs. W. W. Daves,
Mrs. W. II. Felton, Misses Viola Stanford,
Marion Wlkle.
One of the host works the club has taken
up lately Is the cleaning up of the town.
A day was set, s committee appointed to
see the storekeepers, circulars were printed
nnd distributed falling on the people to
clean up ami burn trash, and the response
was so prompt nml cordial that n clcnu
and neat town was the result. This will
be kept up nt regular Intervals, and this
town will l»o kept in a cleanly sml sanitary
MU* Vsllue Hanford Is visiting In Huintor,
H. C„ for a mouth.
Miss Mary Marshall Voss, who has been
visiting lu Mobile, has returned home.
Mr*. B. F. Noble has returned from
Mr. ami Mrs. Byron Bower have re
turned to Balnbrkige.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Nicola are In Flor
ida •
Dr. nml Mrs. George L Meant are
spending a short time at Jacksonville,
Mr. and Mrs. John Browder have re
turned to Montgomery, after visiting
friends In Atlanta.
The Georgian, one of the
South’s best afternoon dai
lies, is given free with pur
chases of $5.00 or more at
Smith & Higgins. Both
goggle*. We have the mo«t complete
Automobile, engineer* and motorman
line ever ehown In Atlanta- Recogniz
ing how hard It'* been for ypu to get
something to please you, we have made
snecial efforts to secure the beat makes.
Walter Ballard Optical Company, (I
IYaclitre* streeL
terson, —
Mrs. J. C. Ht rut ford has returned from
visit to Mr*. J. J. Abercrombie, la
Thnnksglvlug da* >*■ mmdi enjoyed by
incmlters of the Country Club lu a golf
tournament in the afternoon sml a (lanes
tu the evening.
Mr. and
Hellg GusMcuhflnifr an-
In Dresden China and Ivory Finished China we have repro
ductions of the famous statues of all Europe. The works ol the
great Canova, Gallier, Thorwaldsen, Allegrain, Winder, Brenner,
Dannecker, Cifariello, Michaelangelo and others. Below we set
down the names of part of these exquisite pieces of statuary, done
most exquisitely in Dresden china with a texture that rivals mar
ble itself. In line and details these miniature reproductions are
It is indeed a veritable lesson in art to study these beautiful bits of statuary.
Dannecker’s Beautiful Ariadne.
We picture here Dannecker’s famous statue* of Ariadne; 'a most minute and
truthful reproduction of the original work of Dannecker as it stands today in • the
Bethmann Museum at Frankfort-on-the-Maiu, Germany.
Reproduced in Dresden china at the Royal Saxony Works. A statue that is
perhaps the most famous in all Europe. Two sizes .... $4.89 and $3.98
m>um‘c tin- engagement of their daughter.
Florence, to Mr. Moog. The young couple
received congratulation* on Monday eveu-
Ml** Jennie tiewtrunk I* vlaliing her sla
ter. Mrs. Daniel Buhl, lu New York.
Mr*. Me Duff Culp was the gracious host-
en* of the Tueaday Card Club this week.
The elegant home was thronged with euchre
players fi»r two iioors. when It was de
— priseP Mr*. Cain served ..
lunch of severs! course*.
The nnnual ImII of the Htsmlsrd Club
as given Wednesday evening. It lieing
of the nuftt brilliant affairs of their
many balls. The grand march was led a^
usual by Alex Rice, aud h«» whs assisted
by Mrs. Eugene Fees, of Birmingham.
Judge Thomas G. Jones tvas given a stag
birthday dtnnerto Birmingham on Monday
Colonel Bush, Judge Hhfcrpc, Judge
Trimble. Major Allison. Mr. Weatherly aud
Mr. Tomlinson.
Mrs. May Hteluer Crotnmelio Is visiting
relatives In Greenville, Ala.
Mrs. Gerald Wore Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Dexter, In Birmingham.
Miss Rebecca Rutledge has returned from
a visit to friends In Atlanta.
Mr*. Richard Randolph has returned to
her home lu Birmingham, after a visit
liens to Mrs. l’han*s Coleman, where she
lias U*en the recipient of many beautiful
Miss Adelaide Everbard. of Atlanta*
•hi»» rturranir i.ifiimmi, *>i AlUiUlS, II
visiting Miss Hunter, on Msdlsou avenue.
MUs Itotierta Adams, of Itirmlngbuiu, Is
visiting her comdn. Miss Kate Blue.
One of the licautiful parties for next
week will In- (bat to le given by Mrs.
Hnrouid F. Rice, when she will Intro
duce to society her daughter. Miss Mar
guerite. Their home Is one of the lieautl
ful old places of Montgomery, and will
dunbtless be brilliant for the occasion.
The Venlis of Milo. 1 he original in the The Three Graces, also by Thorwaldsen.
Louvre at Paris. The famous statue ot The original, at Rome, now owned by the
the Goddess without arms, the scuhrtor Italian Government 3*78 and 4*39
not being known 0.3/ £ ~
, , T -x . . * Also, by Cifariello, are two hgures ot
Diana with the Fawn. le origina “Law” and “Justice” 7.89
ble in the Louvre at Pans 1o*7 i
Boy With Thorn in Foot. From the orig- The Dying GUdiator. From the original
inal in the Capitol at Rome.. 5.63 and m the Ca P lto1 at Rome ' ItaI - v 3 89
2.83 The Discus TJirower., Now at the Vati-
Laokoon Group. Father aud sons strug- can at R° me 3*9o
gling with the serpents. The most famous The Fighting Gladiator. From the origi-
of all the rare marbles in the Vatican at nal in the Louvre at Paris 5.39
Romo 4
r " 1 Night and Morning, two allegorical figures,
Venus and Adonis, by Canova. Now in by Cifariello 5.59
the Louvre at Paris 14.27 ' . . :—„ ■
. Venus in Bath, bv Allegrain. Now
Four hgures by Hess. Modern statues ol shown in the Louvre at Paris 3.98
Theology, Medicine, Philosophy, and Jus- _
tice 7.98 and S.37 ^ ie V enus of Dolphin, by Faustina. The
T . _ ’ . ' . . original at the National Museum at
Love and Psyche, by Canova. 1 he origi- XT ® „ -a
nal in the Louvre at Paris .. .. 7.63 lNaples - ;;; 4 W
The Rape of the Sabine Women, by Venus with the Urn. 1 he original at the
Bologne. From the famous original in Capitol, Rome, Italy 3*89
the Loggiadel Lauzi at Florence \ 3.87 Psyche, by Canova. Now at the Louvre,
The Apollo Belvedere of the Vatican at Paris ,.4.98
^ omc 6.78 The separate statues, so beautifully exe-
Hebe, by the great Thorwaldsen, who cuted by Cifariello, of Spring, Summer,
sculptured the famous Lion of Lucerne7.83 Autumn, and Winter 7.69