The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 05, 1906, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5. 19'«. Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word N o ad. taken for lets than 35 eanta. Six worda of average length make a line. Th« following rate* are for eoneeeutive insertion*: 1 time 3 time* 8 timea 25 timea 52 timea 78 time* 8 cent* a lint. 5 cent* a line. 4/a cent* a line. 4 cent* a line. 3>/2 cent* a line. 3 cent* a tin*. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Meetenger Servlet. Call lie on Bell Phene 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sending Ade. Pay far at Rate* quoted above. WANTED—AGENT8. PICTURE AGKXT8-8KXD TOUR WORK to us for nDlaritemrnt; fair [irfre*. goo.I finish; K liy M. Rellaluus nml sernerjr plr- I turns cheap. The (turner Company, J3A I refers street, Atlanta, tin. DR. W. J. TUCKER FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. A HOT AIR f'CRXAl'K. CAPAIH.I? OF heatlnc a cbur,-l, or tarze s,-hool house. Will sill cheap. Apply to II. M.. 33, care Tile tteorzlaii. GRANDMOTHER’S WANTED HELP-MALE. IK TOU Ws'.NT A POSITION IN ANV line. anytrnete. place jour name nltli ua. Tb« bn!o*r | * * " WB WANT TODAY STENOROOKKEEP- fra. typewriter*, office boya and cooka. Globe Bualnr«a Bureau. 411 Fourth National Bank Bldf. Bell phone, Main 49t. W AJi T E D-COMTETENT REMINGTON operatora furntahed poaltlona. Iteralugtou Typewriter Co., IIS Peachtree afreet. WANTED Toil" PNi rilh STATES M A- rlhe Corpa. wen between ages of 19 anil IS: an opportunity to aee the world. For full Information, apply In person or by let ter to Marine Recruiting Office. «11 Austell halMfng. Atlanta. Ga. port. Covlugtou SALVE. GUARANTEED TO CURE ANY CHRONIC sore, carbuncles, botls, onta. burns, tet ter, eryalpelas. chapped bauds nud lips, piles, catarrh. Pure, clean and harmless. Has been given away for about eighty years. Recently placet! oil tho market. If druggist fall* to furnish ft. send us 23c in stamps and we will send you m bos. post age paid. National Ointment Company, Atlanta, Ga. PICTURE FRAMING. ANY SIZE Oil SHAPE. OVA!., CHICLE. ■qunre «»r special: all flnUhes. New and Ucalrtihlc patterna. Difficult or uuuaual Wf*rk solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. We use good glass. Bell 'phone 182.’. Southern Book Concern. 71 Whitehall street, J. C. Javan, manager. business: permanent cate guaranteed: fret trial home treatment sent In plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 1S'| N. Broad street. At MATRIMONIAL. MARRY—ONLY INCORPORATED MATRI- uionlal paper published: l 0 *’. aoaleU 13 fee: many wealthy. A. G 16)0, Denver, ■ Colo. Address G, Box Slo, GENTLEMAN WISHES TO MEET young ladv of refinement. Object matri mony. Address A. J>., Box 33;*, Atlauta, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE CELEBRATED BARRETT STOVES AND RANGES \f c r _ Hi which the beat PASS'S# ENIRELY AROUND THE OVE.V Fully protected by government patents, ^nianufactured by BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and sundry distributors In the South. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale. Snell and Hudson bicycles. Write for oar 1103 catalogue and price list. Alexander- Elyen Co. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK ER8. MODELS AND NOVELTIES: PROMPT sendee. Bell 'phoue 2374. Atlanta Hood and Irou Novelty works, 389 Marietta street. MONCRIEF— HE'S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT AIR. Installs furnaces In old houses ns well aa new. lie prepares n cellar If you hare none. Moncrief Furnace Co. Both phones. ME88ENGER SERVICE. FOR PROM 1*1* AND RELIABLE MES- sengcra, 'phone S3. J. A. Davies sod J. C. Uranao.. ... patents AGantn Stove Works, get you one. Make your dealer I*er week. The Garner Co., I3A Peters PERSONAL BUY YOUU FURNITURE ii the .1. B. Turner Furniture Co.. 41-43 W. Mitchell St. !b*ll Phone 1737. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. We repair, pack and ship. TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriter* of all makes our specialty.. Beat values and lowest prices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue THU WELL KNOWN MOLER SYSTEM of barber colleges wants men to learn bar- l»er trade. .Inst opeued our 22d branch mid offer special Inducements for limited time. Few weeks eotnpl our dltdown hold' toola given. tete*. Poailioti* wafting Wage* Saturday*. I*a this opportunity. TYPEWRITERS—WE HAVE FOME «PE- dal bargain* In Remington*. Smiths. Oil- era. Underwood* and William*, which were taken o* part payment for the uew Visible Fox. Write for bargain list No. 116. But ler Typewriter Co.. 717-718 Fourth Nation* *1 Bank building. Atlanta, Ga. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. Electric Repair Work a hphci alt v-prompt action and satisfaction giuirnntwil on every Job. We carry everything Iii gas and electric fixtures and supplies. Wiring contracts solicited. KRETWELLJONKH CO.. 26 8. Broad St. Phones Main 1327. Standard G09.- SEWING MACHINES. RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH. either Singer or Wheeler ft Wilson. We rent only new machines wiih complete set of attuchmeuta. Prompt delivery. Both 'phone* 1893. Singer hewing Machine Co., 79 Whitehall street. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED AND set up. Expert workman. Patterson Furniture house, 288 Peters street. 'Phones, Atlauta 2472. Bell 794 west. We buy any* thing. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES ANT) RECORDS- Wboicsaie and retail distributors of Vie* tor Talking Machines and Records. Jatt received latge cons’gninent of machines and over 10.030 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. We want tae names of all talking machine dealers iu the South. Write for catalogue. AIcxandcr-Eljea Co, .MADAME MELLIE, TIIE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST, can be eoimultcjl ou nil affair* of life. She reunites the separated, causes a speedy marriage with the one of your choice, give* FOR SALE-MANGANESE SCREW DOOR bank **fea. vntflt door* and fireproof *:ifcm. II. 4 W. Ellis. 26 South Drono street. and Forsyth afreets, Atlanta. WANTED - EXPERIKNCl-iT». HIE A D V and reliable bookkeeper. • wbo can leave town after training. Must give aurety Umd. Gootl ptospeet. Address C'nrpom- lion. - P. O. not 424. city. .... , ... clerk*. typewriter operator*. 113, |2u: nccountsnl familiar with cotlou mill work. $15o. Bel lamy Business Agency, 1833 Candler build- line*. Enclose stamp* for free list. WANTEI>-nRIGHT MAN OVER 25 FOR permnneut outside ponltlon: $2.’* or more weekly; expenses advanced. Also men for branch office* and state managers: good pay and ndvnnreinent to men who can qualify. Apply 19 to II a. in., 201 Prudential Bldf. "INGLE REMUS" BIRTHDAY." 2T» CENTS at Cable Plano Co. Published by W. IfII lery. New York. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—TEACHER FOR FIFTH AND sixth grade* .In public acbon! of Decatur. Apply to L. J. Steele, secretary. Decatur. YOUNG LADIES WANTED reaees. National Decatur street. WANTED—COLORED WOMAN TO COOK nml do*general bouse work for family of four. Apply 338 Washington street. AT ONCE-KXPKRT STENOGRAPHER to lake charge of our correspondence; ex perienced stenographer aa second stenngrn- object. Commercial. SITUATIONS WANTED. keeper for a widower, or Iii a hotel. Best references. Address Mias Etu tit a Lee. Deca tur. Ga. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WHO IK not afraid of lutrd work, a position at aojthlng honorable. Drug store work pre ferred; .not licensed, but have had eooald erable experience. References exchanged If neceaaarj. Address Z. W. Mc.N., 43 West Cain street, city. Wages retnonable to be glu with. tulllar with the atate* of Gt w . . ... batna, having traveled that section two years. Rest of references. E. J. B., care Georgian. LADY STENOGRAPHER OF TWO years' experience wants good position. References aa to •-harm-ter and ability. J. €\, care Georgian, WANTED-~F<I >am ON BY manwhii over twenty years' experience iu nil kind* hf office work, from uianugag^m *1 W„ care Georgian. A BULLION DOLLARS SAVED IN EYESIGHT ALONE. BESIDES the beauty and the pleasure obtained front the use of the best and cheapest art I Ilf 1*1 light known to man—The Itanisdell Welsbach Inverted Gas lattup (saves half the gs*. give* three times the light). Mold nud put up for 81-75. Satisfaction guaj'an deed. FRKTVV ELL. lo.NES co.. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. 26 S. Broad. Phones M. 1327’,. Standard Co9. A useful household novelty given free with every purchase. We handle everything In gaa and electric supplies. FOR HALE—AUTOMOBILE. 1906 CADIL Inc, 4 patMUger*. top. gas tamps, etc.: practically new: will sell at bargain. 617 Century bldg. Vbone 346-*. FOR SALE-NICE STOCK OF H|CY- clc*. sundries, lock nud gun material, tools, etc., at bargain. Good paying busi ness. J. G. Adair, West Point. Ga. IIALLWOOD CASH »w on d‘ ^tore REGISTER—STOCK ir sales room. South- ... 3}» West Mitclnll Encampment. 93 Auburn n\Y Egyptian MADAME MELLD3. TftS NOTED tKlYlTIAK PALMIST, can lie consulted on all affair* of life. She reunite* the separated, ratines n speedy marriage with the one of your choke, give* names, dates and facts In everything per- tninlug to life, or no charge*. Egyptian Encampment, 93 Auburn avenue. STRAYED FROM FARM NEAR VININGS, tin.. November 28, one Shetland ntnlllon, with white and brown s|M»t*. Address W. II. George, 709 Prudential building, elty. Reward to finder. ward If returned to Georgian offlei I.OST-BULL PUP. 3 MONTHS OLD: whin-, with brown on one side of head. Return to 19 Bedford place and get reward. LOST-ONE LARGE LINK GOLD CHAIN. old-fashioned bracelet, Tuesday, at the office of The Georgian. Return same to of- Uce and receive reward. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. ••Don't let ’em tool you." Jim Burnett (formerly of ilurnett ft Willis) I* not dead nor missing, ilc I* contracting wall papar and painting. Office and show room 12 East lluntei street. Both 'phones CIO. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. If. W. KOUNTIIKE ft BRO. TRU»K AND BAG CO. Retail and repairing. No n Whitehall street. Phone 1371 WATCHMAKING, * TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watches arc my hobby. Modern Idea* In work and dealings. II. Walter Lett. Room 1217 Fourth Notional Bank Bldg., Atlanta. L! SHOE REPAIRING. PARK. 83 NORTH PRYOR Fine shoe repairing; nest leather FOR ELECTRICAL CON TRACTING and repair work, or gaa and electric fixture*, ’phono Fretwell-Jones Co. Bell, 1327; Atlanta. 609. IT’S YOUR FAULT. If you Jmy a-cheaply constructed Inverted light before comparing It with tint genuine Welsbach or KamadetT Inverted, for which are agents and which sell at same FRETWELL-JONES CO., 26 Squth IJrond street. medical. K KO MOP ATH1L REMEDIES CUP.E scalp diseases and maka hair giary. Erotics Medicated Heap makes you by- eienkalty clean. (39 year* success.) J. J. Krom, specialist. 613 ’Tho Grand," At lanta. Ga. tlnntn, ENGINE REPAIR WORK. FOR AN ENGINEER. STEAM HEATING apparatus repair work, engine room work,' leva tor repair work, comniuiileate with Geo, W. Moore, 241s West Hunter street. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, organa and household good*. a. Springer, 23) Peter* street. Bell ’phone 2752 4, UM3 L. FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPBUTY TO ffELL. place It with us; we giro it our special and personal attention. If It o worth ths price we will aell It. C. II. Welle ft Co., 1194 Fourth National Bank. BOARDERS WANTED. BOARDERS WANTED AT 117 CAPITOL venue; $4.5n per week. Atlanta plume 4657. MONEY TO LOAN. MR NIGHT . _ - rho has had misfortune to lose one leg. Can give best of reference. Address R. Klugry. Ga. A FIRST-CLASH K A LEHMAN AND flee man want* n imaltton. Ability and reference* will le given. Address K. A . rare Georgian. WANTED—RY AN EXPERT DOUBLE UN try bookkeeper, n i»o*lthm In some whole, sale bou«o or manufactory. Am • npable «>! taking charge 4if office. Am Htrletly ten> Iterate In every nartb'utar. Am now em ployed, but would make a clmnge Jan nary 1 If salary Jueiifl*-*. IIlftu-M refer eneea furulshed from former employer*. I ran meet parties interested at any time for c»inference. Address Lock Box 173. La at lunch ronnter preferred. G. T. O.. 1 Chamberlin street.' k Box 4, f^ivoula. Ga. Wax. ImwIl . lull too lame for day labor, wants Job as night wflb-hniari or at slnifdy «-|erb*al work. i oilPRTENT STENOGRAPHER WANTS position: moderate salary esi»e«‘le»l. Ad it. L W.. care The Ge«»rgiau. .1" drn MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie and others. American Investment Co , 734 Candler Bldg. Mortgaga loans oa real eatat*. MONEY 70 LOAN AT 5. V aNdI pBII cent Interest, according to security of- FRASIER & SMITH, Boll Phone 3533-M WB BUY ASft SKI.T. HOUSED AND LOTS on easy terms. 1S3 Auburn avenue. BIG FURNITURE VALUES AT SNOOK’S. NOTHING LIKE IT EVER SHOWN IN Atlanta. Prices In nil kind* furniture will be (umMatimml III the extreme. Don’t throw obey nwny nt hlgh-juice at REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present Ideation, HQ&yj we are giving 2o per cent discount on all finisheiMtal- ian and Georgia marble' also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble & Granite Works, Hunter st reet, oppo site State Capitol. luveMtfvato fhl* ehnllenge. Snook's Furniture Special For Today. tnr. I IIAMltKl! SUIT - tv. j;;. Vv AII1 >Hl>llB I UT.KUASf i .T.......... .>50 iw KlktKBOAlUi. ONl.V.. ...fcvi SET I.BATIIBK UIXTSi: ttw I.KATHEIt COUCHES $40 $4i ANI) $50 LEATHER COUCIIKH $:'^ $•» DAVENPORTS. ONLY n* $I'N) MAHOGANY PARLOR SUIT N. $H5 rw MllltltlS UIIAtll O.NLV $12.50 »i0 SIIIKIIO.MII'S ONLY...' $4** $50 ROUND DINING TABLES.... ms a 8.HI ts> sbt i.katiTBR i iiATTiK isT $15 $25 leather ROCKERS only IIS $J5 CHINA <1.0SETS $i*;.3o WEATIIEIIED OAK DINING SUITS $75. $10.). $15) I T IINK TIIIIIU IN PRICE—OUlt E Idtloti rofun*. 68-88 X. Broad street, tilled Ith everything to beautify the home or of- WE ARE Mill Ki Hxrn'iiK aiX South and wiving buyer* Idg nit und ilon't place your or- iiri.(•:aj ii"Kit o >Vi ■ i f. »;r. TfllKISII miCKKII laTioinrfffT'iiAiii «v-> maiIiiuaAy i'IIINA ciamf.t iiaiiim •>:. ...IK <13. r<> SPECIAL HOME FUNDS Rlj .mount, 414. t .ml ( p*r c*.t. «r ell S. W “ ”—- - _ L ZiZi Ctrsoo. 24 8. Broad street. Harmao. rooms 2J2-3 remote Court. FOUR PER CENT BOMB MONKY TO tend od tujuthly payment plan; no detay: alao money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at i ward*, accord'— * ’* W. A. Foster. per cam and up- OLD HATS MADE NEW. sweats 25e each extra. Out-of-town orders given prompt ami careful attention. Best work, latest style*. Acme Hafter*. g£ FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. : UK TWO FERN AGE* HEATED •niH. every e«»iiveuicni-e. v.itb private fa mbs. No Ii4)u*ekerp|ug. Rcfpreuee. Ap ply 316 CiMirtliiiid alreti. TSS i'IIINA l l.osKr,* »i_ii ii Assit 1:1 ... II1 MAIliii'iANY l.flll.AllY TABLE .13 Pm M Ain Mi ANY cili III INI Kit ISO KI.KliANT AND I skKI'I. AIITHT.KS. spevlally adapted for t'lirlatmaa presetita: any suit of furniture or odd piece of furni ture <‘.*tti be iliipIb-MtiHl nt <ttir exhlbitioa rmun*. 36 nud 3s N. Broad street, nt a Hav ing of 23 |H*r 4 ent, or $25 **11 every $10) »i«le. Why? The most p4>icnt ren«4in Is oi»r tlxeil cxjh iim' In only 3 per cent of our ante#; our .•otu pell tors pay 3i jw'r «*ent: you can make your own calculation. Don't throw your money nwny at high price furniture store*. Odd dreooer*. iMNikenHe*. ehlffouler*. china *'loB4't. bras* nud Iron, bed* any nr tlele of furniture oold an)where el*e in At lanta can be duplicated at our More at u big saving t.i the buyer.. I*. II. Suook Furnl- nlture ut our hu< tbe*i' suit or •w r«Hnu* nud lg’value*. .d piece of fur- Idg $6J BRASS REDS ONLY $3) JERVIS MARTIN BEDS o.NLV. METAL BEDS $3. $4. $3; WORTH ALMOST double. KO rUINCKNK IlliKSSKIiS tlNI.Y Jlj So (Trill IlliKSSKIiS AND (TliKKllStKIts: US! I’RATfVt MAIDMtANY. I.'IMKCK suit: scry elegont. only— $39) $85 DOUBLE GLASS DOOR WARDROBES «»nly $30 STAUOHANY (1. D. WAIIDB0BE8 tSl D'l I.AI1IIK olm DIIKSsEITs ONLY V. CHELENA, Real Estate, 222-223 Century Bldg. BOTH PHONES 5560: TICKLED TO DEATH. A NICE HOME FOR A XMAS PRESENT. THINK OF IT. Phoue us. No Trouble to Show Them. NORTH SIDE. WEST PEACHTREE—Beautiful 10-rooni home, ou large, ele vated lot; owner going to Flori da ; special price for short time only: very reasonable terms. Quick notion is needed here. NORTH BOULEVARD—9-room modern corner home; big bar gain ; only $5,200. JACKSON STREET—Brand-new 10-rooni corner home; every modern convenience; $8,500. FORREST AVENUE—0-room north front home; a beauty; only $7,250. EAST HARRIS STREET—Close in 8-rooin cottage; tinted Avails throughout: $5,500. ANGIER AVENUE—6-room cot. tage, $4,000. NORTH BOULEVARD—Brand- new 10-room modern; two bath rooms; $7,000. WEST / PEACHTREE—8-room, east front home; good proposi- tion; $7,500. ANGIER AVENUE—New 10- room, two-story home; see me about this: $6,500. NEAR- WEST PEACHTREE—8- room, two-story; close in; tint ed walls throughout; $5,000. HOUSTON STREET—One of tho prettiest and most modern 6- roo mcottages; large lot: best neighborhood: carefully built for a home; $4,650. NEW 6-room cottage hear Boule vard; all conveniences; $500 cash, balance easy; $6,000. EAST AVENUE—Modern 6-room cottage on large lot; easy terms; $3,000. SOUTH SIDE. CENTRAL AVENUE—Close in, brand-new 7-room, two-story home; easy terms; $3,850. WINDSOR STREET—Close in. 6- A West End Lot An unusually fine lot in West End adjoins No. 61 Queen St., 50x150, East frbnt, gas, water, sewer, sidewalks and paving down. Price $1,000. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. REAL ESTATE SALES MAN WANTED. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE MAN CAN SE CURE A MOST FAVORA BLE CONNECTION, ,AS WE HAVE MORE BUSI NESS THAN WE CAN TAKE CARE OF. OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE GOOD MONEY BY A MAN WHO KNOWS THE BUSINESS. ONLY A MAN WHO CAN SELL PROPERTY WANT ED. JAS. L. LOGAN & CO., 214 Empire Building. FUNERAL NOTICE. KING—The frlend> find aonnalotam... of Major J. (ladaden Klnr. Mr. and jlrj Alex C. Kin* and family. Mr. nnd Mi, R. P. Kin* and family and Mr ar.i Sira. Harry IV. Youn* are rexpertfullV Invited to attend the funeral aervloo. nf Major J. Gadsden Kin* from St Philips iathed'al tomorrow, «, nt 11:30 t. ra. Interment at Dak- land. Charleaton, 8. 0., papera pleasa ropy. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank Building. NEW STORE AND THREE ROOMS, CO.N. neoted. with new alx-room houae; clou, to Marietta atreet; 13 feet front, extern!- *"* hnchto another afreet. 'Price 12.75'. Rental 1318 year. Or will aell aeparatelt. the atoro and three rooms for 81,00, arid alx-room houae for II,GOO; onehalf cash, with 7 per cent Interest monthly or annual payments. MONEY IN EQUITIES. UNENCUMBERED REAL ESTATE, GUARANTEED DIVIDEND PAYING STOCKS, OR CASH TO EXCHANGE FOR UNENCUMBERED PROPERTY. FULLY PAID, NON-ASSESSABLE, GUARANTEED STOCK FOR *SALE. NORTH ATLANTA LAND COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. SPLENDID NORTH SIDE COTTAGE IN reay walking distance: elevated, level lot. Housa In .perfect repair; $2,900. Term*, $700 catb. balance monthly. for $1,850. Rents $15 month. one-balf cash. POWELL STREET, NEAR KIRKWOOD conveniences. alon; $5,000; $1,000 oath ranged to au!; yon. balance.can be ar- 8AMPSON STREET-JUST OFF HIGH land avenue; lot 80 by 160; $450. Term*. $75 cash, balance within five years, If da- sired; 6 pep cent Interest. HIGHLAND AVENGE—BEAUTIFUL COR- uer lot, 50 by ISO to alley; $1,800; on*- fourth cash. Balance $200 year; 5 per cent. This la a few blocks of tbe Boulevard. RHODES, CLOSE TO VINE STREET Nearly new five-room cottage. Rents regularly for $90 year. Price $800. another atreet; $2,000. S. B. TURMAN & CO. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate aud Loans, 12 S. Broad. ON DUNN STREET. NEAR LEE AND Gordon street*, wc hare n live-room cot tage home; all the city conveniences: al most uew, nud good value, for $^000. Some terms can be arranged. ALASKA ZvHnufl, N'KAlO'lluilLArilb YOUR ATTENTION TO, AND INSPEO- lion of, tbe following properties la re spectfully Invited. Tbe time to buy o cheap piece of property Is when the owner ha* definitely decided to aell, and will not stand on any fixed price, but Is willing to mt least one-balf way meet your views aa to the value of tbe property. For business reason* people sometimes nave to lose n little money on a particular piece of pronartjr. hoping alwajui to make It up on some other Investment. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES WILL l»o sold. It repialna for you to decide whether yon will get one of thorn or not: EIGHT-ROOM 2-HTORY HOUSE. WITH all modern conveniences, on Capitol ave nue near Georgia nvenuo; east front, lot 50x200 feat. The lot and houae. according to snrroundlng prices, ts worth $5,750 to $6,000; can be bought for $4,880: It la a first- class Investment. Terms $1,250 cash, bal ance easy. NORTH HIDE-TWO STORIES. NICE. new 8-room houae; large lot; convenient to Piedmont avenue and Juniper street car Hues: near Eighth atreet; all modern Im provements; can be bought for very much leas than It Is really worth. Terms $1,800 cash, balance eaay. ,. i* * „ i I avenue—Cottage home containing flvo ooni cottage; nil modern con* room* nnd hall; lot 5i> by 130. Price $2,500. HKK ol'lt BIG LINK OF 11A > Christum* presents. I\ II. SNOIIK I'lRNITrilK vonience.s; terms; $3,500. GRANT PARK SECTION—o, 6. 7-room cottages; all conven iences; ranging from $2,000 to $3,- 000; very easy terms. BASK STREET—5-room cottage; terms; $1,750. DODD AVENUE—6-room, two- storv, $2,750. CENTRAL A VEN l T E—8-room, two-storv.- east front; comer, close in: $4,000. CAPITOL AVENUE—Ten-room mansion: worth $11,000: sec me quick; terms: $!t,Oflo. WASHINGTON STREET—12- room comer home, on large ele vated east front lot: bargain; easy - i terms: $6,000. Also on MW* street, nice fire-room cot* Inge on lot 60 by 140. to alley. Price tS.O’JO. UN highland son street.—Good three-room cottage; nice lot.;, nil luijiroveiuenta down In street and for. Price $1,600. Very easy terms. BH anii'-neW cottage of US' rooms, with all tbe city conveniences, near Grant Park car line. A perfect little home and cheap for $2,100, on farms of $850 cash nnd $25 per month. Yon cannot beat this If you want q, home, BARGAIN IN' .leet part of .Nv.. n fler avenne, 47x140 feet to alley. Heap toe $2,500. This le the right place for a home or a good place to build a bouie that will aell at a profit. ON GRANT HTUEET WE HAVE A GOOD f room cottage, with nil tbe city con veniences. large, elevated lot. Price $2,800. Kents $10 |ier month. SUBURBAN HOME—FIVE-ROOM COT* tage and 17 acres of land: fine running branch: land covered with nice oak grove; cast front, paved road all the way Into the dty, aud only ten minutes’ walk from car tins: only one and one*half miles from city limits. Price $2,650, and the land alone la worth this money. Terms easy. Rplendld neighbors, churches and public school. Call for our rent and sale bulletin, S. B. TURMAN & CO. W. M. SCOTT & CO., City, Mineral aud Farm Properties, Atlauta, Ga. BOULEVARD HOME.. NINE ROOMS. TWO-STORY HOUSE. with all improvements: lot $3 by Iff*. Price $5,200. Tide place la located on the most beautiful section of the avtnue, and is Juki far enough out to nisko it mo»t desirable. A. J. WEST & CO., Century Bldg. Phone 1734. MRCIIAS 11V have pill III gl*H have nn>. FOR RENT. •m lot 5 1^i*t Fine street. l*etwi Piedmont avenue*: baa 1'lcdiiiout I Thirteenth street, v ahady lot * at SI.too ACREAGE ON I'KACIITUEK Foreat. fronting 27T* feel on handsome reaidem-e of I Mpnliiing; $!>.•»»?. DWELLINGS. EAST PINE STREET. -STORY EIGHT ROOM FRAME by 19*. la on the north side of *e*» Conrtlai.d and pi*, hot and ••old ter; nildiiet bath, stationary M-n»b»tnud. •*l©aet. «ink in the kltebdi. Thi* ia n very dealruble home, la In one of onr i**wt tteiichhorhtHJtl*. and In the lH*«t <*f repair. Coortinnd avenue enra half block nwny. Will I*- vacant I>e»-cmber .1J. Iteuta. on leaae only. $5i per tnoiitli. Ijtrgc lot; f7.58h*. 24 EAST BAKER STREET. ITUS SIN-ROOM COTTAGE. ON LOT ul*»nt *•> l*y 110. uhlt li Ilea level. I* on the north *Ue «*f Raker *tr**ot. Mun-ii pe.ichttcY* and Ivy »ln-et«. The ouner of .thl» iwuperty la preparing to put tliia lioua.' In th*- very |***t of repair. It I* oh»*e in a I Hi in :» iPNkl uelgblHirtMhHl. WII 1 In. r.M.I> for occapnn«> n xmt lN»ce:nlH*r 1». Rent* $80 |h‘i- troiith. * JOHX J. WOODSIDE, THB RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue. Both lit ones 61$. EAST GEORGIA AVENUE—6- roont cottage; $2,750. GRANT STREET—Near Georgia avenue. O-rtatm modem comer cottage: tinted walls throughout; easy terms; $3,000. AUGUSTA AVENUE—Brand- new 7-room cottage; modem in every respect: $3,850. Rhone ns and we wil call. Salesmen: 1 V. (.'HELENA. T. Al. GIDDENS. CUNNA1.LV STHKKT - :«KAU t-'Allt •trrot .chant; wall hnllt amt anhatanM,) cotta*, ham,, ceatalnln* an roam, and ball; all cftjr conTant.aroa: .[.rated lot, 10 lir lrt (art ia alter. Trie* C.K0; rti, term a. WRITK KOK A — t)E8ChirrtON Ok ON* nf tba best. plantattona lb Ororcla. Tba plantation I, ila,. the price l, r!*bt a ad tbe ilwrlptlan la Terr oonip!«te. Cell ‘1’bona CT. Atlanta Pbona 1881.* SALKS DKPARTMRNT: A. S. HOOK. It. C. EVE. CAPITOL AYE. HOME. For Sale:—Gootl two-story, slate roof, eight-room house at low figure For particulars See LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Routing, 28 Peachtree St FOIE INVESTMENT—NEGRO PROPERTY. NEAR HEMPHILL AVENUE. FOUR two-room houses; all rented; ou lot 128 by 7. Price $1,500. Term*. NINK-HOO.M TWIWITUKI IfULBr.. with all Improvemeut*. Corner lot; 62 S r 1Q(). The location of this place Is de* ruble. Tho house baa two Large porches. Price $7,500. T* nu*. HEMPHILL AVENUE. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE—THIS IS A NICE little plaer that I* convenient to the ears and to the bualneaa location of the city, close In. Priee $1,350; $280 caab. and the balance like rent. CURRIER STREET, NEAR PIEDMONT. SEVEN • BOOM COTTAGE. STORM* iheattied. double fbiore; Instantaneous heater and all conveniences. Price $4,500. WEST END PROPERTY ON PEEPLES STRFFT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE WITH SLIDING doors, large verandas. Trice $2,150. Tenna. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SOUTH KIUK* WOOD. XiXE-ROOM TWO STORY HOUSE. WITH abode, fruit and flower*. Servants’ houae and stable. I«ot 100 by 213. On# block from school. Be sure aod see thla place, l'rlce $4,u». • W. M. SCOTT & CO., City, Mineral ami Farm-’ Properties, Atlanta, Ga. / fi