Newspaper Page Text
Our stock of Chil
dren ’s Clothes is second
to none in the city. We
have an entire depart
ment on the second
floor, with ladies’ recep
tion' room attached, de
voted to Children’s.
Clothing of every de
scription. Immense
windows make our store
the. lightest in the city,
so that goods bought
here look even better
when you get them
home. Everything is
guaranteed and your
money is refunded if
you are not entirely
satisfied with your pur
chases. Buy your goods
now before the Chi’ist-
, mas rush depletes the
Blouse with bloomer
pants, $5.00 to $8.50.
Russian with bloomer
pants, $2.50 to $6.50.
$3.50 to $10.
HATS, $1.00 to $2.00.
CAPS, 50c to $1.00.
and 50c garment.
Picture from the latest photo of Miss Madeline Ives Goddard, daugh
ter of Colonel Robert H. I. Goddard, of Providence, who Is to wed the
Marquis Rene d’Antlgnac, of France. The marquis is now’ in Providence.
He Objected to Having
Madison Ave. Named
For Him.
The year 1906 has been an eventful
year in Egypt Ip many ways, says
cablegram from Cairo, but it will ulso
serve to mark the disappearance of
one of the few early Christian relics
the country possesses. From time im
memorial vlsilors. impelled by curios
ity or by pious tenerntion. have made
a point of trudging out to Matarieh. a
village about 5 miles beyond Cairo, on
the northeast aide, in order to have a
look at the "Virgin's Tree," a sycamore
tree, under which the Virgin Mary is
said to have rested during her flight
Into Egypt. Now the "Virgin’s Tree"
Is ntt more, having fallen on July 14.
The curious part about the venera
tion In which the tree has been held Is
that It Is not the original tree which . ... .
afforded a shelter to our Lord, for it railway, had been the guiding
is well known that it was planted to- moving spirit that led to the erection
ward the end of the seventeenth cen- the Terminal station,
tury. Tradition says that it sprang Mr. Spencer, upon hearing that such
from the seed of the original sycamore, ! an honor was planned, notified the cont
end the course of years has caused I m ittee on streets that he strenuously
this fact to pass into oblivion and re- , objected to the changing of the name of
placed It by the story that It is the ] lho st reet; that Madison was a great
president of the United States and th<
Will council, with Suinut4 Spenc
dead, confer upon him an honor to
which he objected while living?
Aldermen Holland and H^rsch have
introduced an ordinance, changing the
name of Madison avenue, which the
Terminal s(at!on faces, to Spencer ave
nue. This brdlnanFe Is being looked
upon with great favor by council, and
there Is a strong probability that It will
be adopted.
It is remembered that In 1903 a simi
lar ordinance was drawn up anti intro
duced by Alderman LuHatte and C’oun-
rllmen Terrell and Harwell, the last-
named now an alderman. The ordi
nance, so the records show, was re
ferred to the committee on streets
March 16, 1903. and nothing else was
ever heard* of it.
The purpose of the authors was to
pay a fitting tribute to Mr. Spencer,
who. as the president of the Southern
■ - * “ *— and
By WEX .IONKS. fijxleo graph**!*.
BRIDGE—A structure designed to
obstruct the? crossing of a river.
Boas—What's ‘kept you so late?
< TTY—A place where people try to
live us much us possible like rabbits
In a hutch, and feel 4 sorry for the poor
folks condemned to live like human be
ings in the country.
-A punching bag
COUNTRY—A place full of bug* and
scenery; largely boosted by the poets
—most of whom live In a steam-heated
LITERATURE—Anything that isn't
read! . .
NKt ‘-LITERATURE—Phrases that
II the goods.
Do you love tills old chap?
Not to be dug from the bowels of Mother Earth, but
by systematic, intelligent farming in
South Georgia lands.
90S Acres of as fine South Georgia lands as
can be had. 225 Acres of a tract already under
high state of cultivation. Practically every foot
of the tract can be successfully tilled except
where branches flow. About 700 Acres lie al
most as level as a yard.
A new railroad has recently been built right through these
lands, giving a main stop in the midst of the plantation. A far
mer living not over ten miles from this tract of land on a similar
farm has cleared by book account in the last three years over
$30,000.00, a record that the world can’t beat, and a healthier
section cannot be found.
Price, $20.00 Per Acre,
Half Cash, balance on Easy Payments.
For further information, address
original tree.
Strange to relate, Moslems hav
way* evinced a great reaped for the
"Virgin’* Tree." Ismail Pasha made a
present of it to the Empress Eugenie
when she came to Egypt for the open
ing of the Suez canal, and It In owing
t«> the initiative of the present Khedive
i hat cutting* were some time back
taken from the sycamore. By these
mean* a fresh sapling can he obtained,
and so take the place of the one that
has fallen, and. If it doe* nothing else,
it will mark the spot which has been
the subject of veneration of the pious
-for nearly 2.000 years.
Dinner Favors.
Mrs. Enlrker—Whnl were the favors nt
her dinner?
Mrs. Becker—Her eook let her give It nnd
her doctor let her ent It.—New York Run.
name should be retained as Atlanta’s
memorial to him.
It is stated, however, that Mr. Spen
cer’s primary objection was thnt he
didn’t believe In the principle of nam
ing a street after a living innn.
Now that lu» has. passed away It Is
argued that It would be a fitting tribute
to have the street faced by the Atlanta
Terminal station ofnfl
cer avenue.
Hally named 8peu-
Got All But Name.
year* ago pulled
and bears large
tipples Hull have a flue fist or mid g«
keening qualities. And now lie want*
name for the apples.—Portland HUVg.i .1*
. Bracelets
IinmeiLsu popularity is the portion of these fetching
ornaments at present. See our stock and do your brace
let-buying here, now while the choice styles are in plen
ty, and you can have your engraving well done.
Engagement-bracelets are a pretty fad and many
rounded wrists are circled this season by golden bands,
declaring the “captivity of Cupid.”
Everything smart and desirable in bracelets is found
in our cases.
Bright or dull gold, pierced, chain, enameled, en
graved, chased, jeweled, link, arabesque and other beau
tiful styles.
Prices from $1.50 to $400.
We’ll he verv glad to show you these and the hun
dreds of other things appropriate for lioildhy gilts. ('nine
in today. '
OPERA—An entertainment at which
one man wing* louder 1 than the rent talk.
1 will kill yah!
He will kill tneh!
He will kill him!
I am about—
I am about—
I am about—
about —
I am about
To stab ych!!
He I* about—
He is - about—
He 1* about—
To * tab mehl
With this dag
dag- f
With this, with till*
With that, with that
Die, villain, die!
Die, die,»die.
die, die!!
1 die. I die.
Die. die, die!
I die!
I’m dead!!
He die*! He’* dead!!
—Assassination scene from Carmenclta.
Fitzgerald, Georgia.
Ex-Senator Fifteenth District, and
Ex-Representative Irwin County.
SHORT STORY-—A number of word*
unreadnbly set around jagged illustra
“I love you.” he whispered softly.
She did not apeak.
"Hark, flic Christmas chime*!"
She did not fmy a word.
"Darling!” he breathed softly In her
ea r.
She did nor move.
"My sweet love! nay you love me,"
he whispered In’ her sliejl-like ear.
She made no response.
"If you do n>»t answer 1 shall kill my
self." la* raid In a low, determined
Site made no sign of having heard.
Hastily ruidiing Into the kitchen. no
swallowed a mince pie. "She love* me
not," he cried, ami. released at Inst
from the woes of this world, fell with a
crash to the floor.
Still the girl did not move.
She was stone deaf.—Short Tale*.
A revelation to kIb»« tvanrara. doe*
away with two |ialra of glasses, both
reading nnd walking vision In one
frame, and look* like on* glnxH. It Ima
proven the most succenful of all the
advertised Invisible littorals. They are
being sold by nil the leading houses
In America and abroad. Our oculist’s
prescription department Is the most
perfect system ever Inaugurated In this
country. Not how cheap, but how well
we can serve you. Ask the oculist about
ns. Walter Dullard Optical Company, 61
j Peachtree street.
Ralph Stuart Is to play the leading
role in “The Spoilers," under the man
agement of Daniel Frohman. of I’aul Wllstach's play.
In which Charles Cartwright Is to star
under the management of the Hhuberts,
has heen changed from “Keegan's Pal"
to "The Kastman Case."
Charles Warner. Hie English actor,
who loured America several seasons
ago In "Drink," has arranged for a
lour of the vaudeville houses, making
his flrst appearance today at the Colo,
nhil. New York.
Announcement Is made that Thomas.
Jefferson Is to present “Rip Van Win- your laundry and If you find any rea
klc" In Paris next summer,
play the port In French, and will be
supported by a French company. 1
"Neptune’s Daughter" Is the title of
the mngnlflcent new spectacle Just put
on nt the New York Hippodrome..
Ellen Terry begins her farewell
American tour in New York on Janu
ary 2S. Her chief part Is tab* Lady
cicely. In Shaw's ''Captain Brass-
hound's Conversion." but she expects
to appenr ns well In some of.her old
characters like Portia in "The Met*,
hant of Venice."
With the addition of llie Lincoln
Square theater, the new popular price
house at Broadway nnd Rtxty-alxth
street; the list of New York ploy
houses now under the management of
the Shulieris numbers ,lx. not counting
the Hippodrome.
The new Belasco play. "The Rose of
the Rancho," bids fair to achieve as
much popularity as "The Darling of the
(lolls" and other record-breaking, Be
lasco pieces. After a successful run of
several weeks In Boston, the play Is
now packlrg the Belasco theater In
New York.
son at the pew Manhattan opera house
tonight. New York has the distinction
of being the only large city of the
world to support two grand opera com-
(stnJes at the same time.
•om for dluatiifactlon you should
•end your linen to ut, for we guar
antee to
Launder Your Linen
and all other articles in a way that
cannot be aurpatted.
40-42 Wall Street.
Phones, Main, 41.
The boy wit cuddled
roman In j
lie belonged ., r _ .
Press. no when lie mieoiitclMiislr time
minM.v shoes Into tli*> broadcloth skirt
hi* left-hand itel/ehhor mite leaned over niul
kii Id:
"l*ar«loii me, madam. will you kbully
OUtki* your little I my H«|iiiire himself around?
He In willing my skirt with kiit nimbly
The (roman Iti gray blushed a little aid
midged the bov
"My giMHliien
The I my squirmed uneasily. He wun Nueh
.» little fellow I hut lie could not begin 1
toiieh hi* feet to, flu* floor, no he stuck
them straight In front of him like iiegN b
hang thing* on. nml looked nt them depre
"I'm sorry*" he whispered to the woman
In gray. "I hope It will bruNli off."
Th(* ffiiiUlfty of bin voice 1«*oh n short
' ' the woman’* heart, nud she smiled
i...*■ • -
ndded, "he lan’t
he niiid, "I always go
alone. Father In dead mid mother In dead.
I live with Aunt C’lnru In Hnmklyti. hut
■he Nay* Aunt Anna ought to help do
*01111*1 long, no twice n week ahe noiiiIn me
io stay with Aunt Amui. I mu going up
there now."
"Poor dear," wild the
mill. "Yon ,-ire u very
knocked nliout In till* way."
"Mli. I don’i mind.** lie wild. ‘’But I get
ImieNonie NOUietlme*. nnd when I *ee nny-
Jmdy that J think I would like to belong to
I nerooge rr|* rUme to her mo I ran make
believe thut | nut really her little lioy,
riuit’* how I got in r dress dirty^*
The woman In gray put her nrniN around
ih»* tiny olinp mid "*eriH»gid" him no
eb#*e that s he hurt him. nml then every
other women who had overheard Id* art
le** eontidclire started to mother him.
To the Superior Ponrt of Kald County:
The peflfioii of J. A. Willingham, K. M.
Wllliugliniu nud A. II. Watson, all of aabi
atate nud county, respectfully shown:
1. Thut they desire for themselvca, their
associates. successors nnd assigns, to lie lu-
WOOUKUFF-GovoniarKhft Ifultiii
Woodruff, of Connecticut. Is now head
flu* hardware concern In New I Li
wliere In* tlrst we»if to work a* an «*fl
l*»y nl mii early nge.
Mo It AX—John B. Moran. Inaioenttie .
dblate for governor Iii Ma**nehu*eitH.
port* concerning his election expeu
any thing promised b
KIMONOS—Or. Janies I,. Mnmml*. one of
the otdcNt dentist* in the country, who Inis
just died et Oorehester, Muss., was the
first ihntist to use ether after its discov
ery. 'Il»* nl*o claimed the distinction of
Imvlitg been tin* discoverer of the |H.icclaIn
The object of their tiHsociatlun I*
buy. rent, lease, own and sell any kind
of real or personHl property, to lend nud
borrow money, taking nud giving security
therefor, whether liy mortgage, deed, trans
fer or pledge of any kind, of any of Its as
set*. whether real or perxoun! property; to
Issue and sell bond* mu! secure same by
mortgage or deed of trust; to manufacture,
buy nnd sell all elasseM of building mate
rial: to buy nml sell notes, mortgage*;
•docks, bonds, securities of all kinds, con
tracts nnd nther obligations relating . to
real e*t:ite or persona! properly; to Im
prove real eathte ms owner or contractor.
;t. Petitioners desire to lie Incorporated,f.»r
u* period of twenty <20i years, with ths
. Hvllegt* of renewul at tin* expiration of
said time.
4. The principal office of said eoriioratloii
shall In* lit Fulton <*otinty, Georgia, with
the right of estuhliahing branch offices op
places of business at siieb places within
this state or nny of the United States us
said corporation may desire.
hundred iflOOj ilollar* per share.
said capital stock way be pah! In money or
property as the corporation fg an-
thorlxed to own or sell, ami If paid In prop
erty. Mint the same shall be at a reasonable
7. Petitioner* ask that they have all the
nmary * ‘ ‘
bodies iimlcr tin* Inw* <
Wherefore, your pet. .
nftrr due isnnpllmiee with the .
Imre mi order of the court conferring upon
them the corporate rights and privileges
as iiIhivo prayed.
Petitioners' Attorney.
the tfth day of He-
. Remember that we give
you The Georgian free with
purchases of $5.00 or more.
Smith & Higgins. Both
Start, an account with a LITTLE HOME BANK and book or with tb*
book only In the
Interest allowed at the rate of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT.
PER ANNUM, compounded aeml-annually.
E. H. THORNTON. Preaidant. W. F. MANRY, Caahier.
H. C. CALDWELL, Acst. Cashier.
Filed In «»C
cember, 1906.
Ulerk Superior Court, Fulton County, Gvor-
I. Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior
court of nsIiI county, do hereby certiry
that tla - Ithln nnd foregoing U a true m l
correciw * of the application of the Mil-
ilnglimn\ *tincut Company, for charter,
un the now* up|N-nrN of tile in this office.
U’ltnesN my official mltcur.turv am! the
seal of wild court this the &th day Of lie-
Taking No Chances.
"Ah. yen, Hhe Is Indeed *e
gr-r-raml glr-r-rl!” said the French
count to the American glrlV father;
"and I nni much honor zat she pay me
ze cotnfileement to be my wife. But I
make so bold to ask you. can she -;>;*-
por*r-rt me In xc style to which I have*
been accustomed?" , •