Newspaper Page Text
Man Appeals to'Mayor Aft
er Story of Cruelty in
For the second time In the last few
weeks charges have been brought
against the city stockade authorities
for cruelty to prisoners.
It was only a short while ago that a
man who had Just come out of a hos-
pltai after live months lying between
life and death waa sent to the stockade
on the charge of being drunk.
This man was working on a steel
structure In Birmingham, when he fell
about forty feet to the hard pavement
below, his head striking an Iron beam.
His skull was fractured. His life was
saved but when he came out his health
was broken and the Injury to his head
subjected him to epileptic fits.
While In Atlanta on his way to his
home In Norfolk, Va., he took several
drinks, which precipitated a fit on the
streets, he states. He waa given a
sentence at the stqckade, and was made
to work out there in his terrible condi
tion until the stockade physician, upon,
learning that he had had a lit at the
stockade, ordered him released.
The latest charge is .brought by a
man whose ndme is withheld because
he fears that if it is learned that he had
been to the stockade for being drunk
he would lose his position.
This man's right hand is swollen to
twice its normal slse, and his left hand
Is cut. The swollen hand Is bruised
severely, and the skin Is torn in several
He was given a sentence of twenty-
one davs In the stockade for being
drunk nnd disorderly. He began his
sentence on October IS.
He charges that he was worked so
hard that his hand became bruised and
swollen. _ '
"I pleaded with the authorities." he
told the mayor Wednesday morning,
"not to make me work in my condition,
but Mr. Grogan, the head guard, Just
told me to get in line. I had to work
several days when my hand was throb
bing nnd paining me almost to death,
even more than It does now.
“Finally, I Just had to refuse to go to
work. I couldn't stand it any longer.
Two days before my sentence expired I
was turned out. Now I am In such a
llx that I have to appeal to the city to
do something for me."
t'onmilssloner of Public Works Col
lier will, no doubt, make an Investiga
Given Month’s Leave
of Absence, But Fail
ed to Return.
Case Under Investigation at
Headquarters in Atlanta.
Report Is Awaited.
The special session of council, for
the purpose of connldcrlnk the pro
posed- salary raises anil /of, the pro
posal whisky regulations, will be held
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
There will be determined opposition
to both of the measures In part. Mem
bers of council are practically unani
mous In favoring further restrictions
of the whisky traffic In the city, but
they are sadly divided as to what these
regulations % should be.
The same applies to the salary
raises. Council, as a whole, favors the
raising of the salaries of a number of
•ffielnls, but the members are almost
hopelessly divided, as to who shall get
the raises nnd how large they shall be.
There Is also opposition to the pro-
posed reduction of the salary of the
fir** chief from $4,000 to $3,000. Coun-
• ilman Terrell Is leading this oppo
"W-M-i-h, bjr gum, this bottle had s base*
njent to It. I*d never quit drinking.”
With a My quart bottle, which be had re-
" ntiy emptied of whisky. In his bauds nnd
Basing longingly down Its ne^k. one of the
residents lu the Krog street neighborhood
»it on the ground Tuesday evening near
the Southern railroad and philosophised as
• Before he emptied the bottle his
h«-:nl fell over nu his arms, blit with manly
•■Oorts he raised the bottle to his mouth un
til It xvns drained. He then longed for a
'•axiuieut to the bottle, so he could drink
Special to The Georgian.
Augusta, Ga., Dec. 5.—Colonel John
D. Twiggs, of this city, commanding
the Third Georgia regiment of Infantry,
has received an order from the head
quarters of Georgia troops In Atlanta,
transferring the military company at
Sparta from the Second regiment to the
Third regiment. The transfer will be
made before the holidays and the Spar
ta company will be under the direct
command of Colonel Twiggs. The Third
Teglment now contains seven compa
nies and the 'addition of the Sparta
company will, make the number eight.
Colonel Twiggs stated In an Inter
view that companies are being formed
at Monroe, Covington, Conyers and
Washington, Ga., and that when all
these are added to-the Third regiment
as la now planned this regiment will
contain twelve companies and will be
one of the largest in the state. The lo
cal military companies are very pros
perous at the present time and the in*
terest taken In the drills la greater than
ever before.
Captain Worcaster Disappears.
It Is thought very probable that
Company I, Third Georgia, will be
without a captain, and may be without
one at the presont time. Captain Ru
pert Worcester, who was elected to the
captaincy of the company several
months ago, has had charges preferred
against him by Colonel Twiggs and a
report on the case has been made to the
headquarters in Atlanta. Captain Wor
cester was given a leave of absence of
a month and action on the case was
postponed until he came back. More
than a month’s time has elapsed and
Worcester has not returned. His wife,
whom he left in the city, left here sev
eral days ago, so It Is said, and no one
seems to know where he or she Is.
For Ion of oervlcea of hi, wife In caring
for the homo riM Thmlljr nnd for her p»P
mnnent disability, W. II. Ray brought ault
In the superior court of Fulton county
Wednesday morning for 15,000 damages
agalmt Georgs A. Clayton, through whoso
negligence. It Is alleged, the Injury to Mrs.
Bay occurred. Mrs. Ray alio Sled suit
against Clayton for 110,000 damages for her
1 It'7s alleged that on Labor Day. Septem
ber 3, 1906. defendant left a pile of lumtier
OF $110,000 CASH
Train 1 Robbers Entered Car
While Crossing Plains
of Texas.
Special to The Georgian.
Palestine, Texas, Dec. I.—After fa
tally wounding Hie express messenger,
near Bylan aiding, Saturday night, rob-
here secured 1110,000 from the express
safe. The officials of the Pacific Ex
press Company refuse to talk about the
The messenger's books show the
amounted stated above.
About $80,000, It waa learned, was
from the local treasury department of
the Cotton Belt at Tyler, and consigned
to General Treasurer S. C. Johnson, at
St. Louis.
Says Silver Service Must Be
Presented or Indefinite
ly Postponed.
pointed plsnk projected from tno pile ana
the crowds near the plsee pushed Mrs.
Stay against the plank. Injuring her spins
and left aide so severely that her life has
been despaired of several tlmrs. It Is said
she Is permanently disabled.
New Orleans, La., Dec. 5.—The in
decision In regard to the oresentatlon
of the $10,000 sliver service to the bat
tleship Louisiana was settled by a rath
er tart telegram from Secretary Bona
New plans were wanted to fix the
date for January 8, but Governor Cox,
of Tennessee; who waa to present a
service to the cruiser Tennessee, urged
that the date be fixed on December 15.
New Orleans asked for that date and
to have a Joint presentation. Without
notifying the New Orleans people, the
Tennesseeans broke off negotiations
and fixed on Hampton Roads for their
celeb rhtlon.
New Orleana .then tried to have the
original date of January 8 reinstated,
but-In a telegram Secretary Bonaparte
said: ■■■»,,■
Regret not. to be able to comply
with your request, but must say posi
tively that visit must take place as now
arranged for, or be indefinitely post
Parker Is Appointed.
Washington. Dec. 5.—C. W. Parker
has been appointed postmaster at El-
berton, Ga.
It's hard to try end run n bluff
And have aome duffer call;
But It la worse to hare four klnga
And not get called at all.
—Houston Post.
It Is easy to spoil s lot of religious logic
with n little off color religious living.—
Chicago Tribune.
A funny thing Is the way n women ran
keep her feet warm by wearing n pearl
necklace.—New York Press.
It It maintained of Senator Bacon, of
Georgia, that he can use more language to
conceal his thought than nuy man In public
Ufe,—Omaha Bee.
X church pew la New York baa Just been
sold for 83,675, but this la still far below
the quotation* for a sent on the Stock r«*-
change.—Pittsburg Dispatch.
•Shirt waists one-thin! off." ftdvMtltM
a Buffalo dry goods house. In the bnrfftin
counter rush they are likely to come off al*
together.—Washington Post.
Special to The Georgian.
Jackson. Miss.. Dec. (.—Chairman Mc
Nair, of the railroad commission, who has
_ been making an Inspection of the Mobile,
j Jackson and Kansas City railroad, has
tiled his report. In which he criticises (he
service furnished by that road. He says
that In several places along the line all
the aaw mill* have been compelled to doee
down by reason of the fart that they can
not ret cart with which to ship their
prodneta and that the depots art bad and
Special to The Georgiao.
Jackson, Miss., Dec. (.—Professor W. II.
Hays, of Washington, connected with the
department of agriculture, Is In the state,
making a study of agricultural methods
In Mississippi. The chief object of Pro-
faaana llava' rlilf In \( ■■lialnnl la In IIPM
and scientific farming.
First lesson* In nrqulrlng the poker face
come when the ln»y can look Innocent after
having eaten one of hi* mother a Jura of
choice Jam.—Florida Ttmes-l Mon.
■npvrf arts is saws ssg 8^5*5^-ar*"* Sl at
Wiped the dust from bit face oud smiled 'he same tlme.-Housum i osi.
ren-a. them bicycles, with JSyjg" «d
iBWSi SrfttaS
gain counter to another lu the department
store.—Atraore Spectrum.
The GhfiBgo council want* to hire a press
oslnt at a salary of $10,000 a rear to boom
the population. It. would bo cheaper to
••.F®?!".- out to chloroform the people
mndlng town*’ and bring them
„ ith th«r * * • -
The Atlanta Georgian
I* On Salt Regularly at the Fol
lowing Hotele and New* Stands.
pt'FFALO. N. Y.—Iroquois Hotel.
BALTIMORE, MIX—The New Holland.
Belvldere Hotel.
..■"ISTON. MASS.—Bark.r House.
Yonng'e Hotel, Hotel.
CHICAGO, ILIA.—G rest Northern
!!»'*!. 1’. o. Newe Co.. Palmer House, K.
11 ''lark, 112 Dearborn fit.; Auditorium
‘‘"'•■I. Joe Herron, Jackson nud Deer-
'"‘in street,
< INCINNATI, OHIO.—Gibson House,
f.rsud Hotel, Palace Hotel.
DCNVBB, COLO.—J. Buck, U. H.
IN 1)1 ANAPOL1B.IKD.—English House,
'wind Hotel.
nkiv YORK. K. Y.—Hotel Aalor, Ho-
'"l Imperial.
OMAHA. NF.llR.-Meaeatb fits. Co.
ST PALI, MINN.-N. -t. Marie. M K.
Pit'll afreet.
SCA-m-K. WARM.-A. M. Kay.
ST I.OI IU. MO.—Hotel Laclede. Koulb
*•2! Hotel. Hsuteni Hotel.
TOI.F.liffl, OHIO.—Jeffereen Hotel,
ro’tovro. CAN.-Klug Kdwar.1 Hotel.
« AbIHNGTON. IX C.—Hotel Wlllsnl.
•b Ktuiiey House, Raleigh House.
thud yon beard on Tundqy.otenltig of hist
week was not a meteor striking the earth.
It waa the report thot cnnic from the offleo
of the Hermitage Democrat when the editor
lilt the celling.—Clifton Mirror.
The Nashville American thinks the ehll-
dreri of the cotton belt could corn a hand,
some sum In one month. We have always
Educated the postponement of the opening
of the pohlle school, until n« picking sn.l
cotton picking are over-Sevtarrille Vlwli*
» Connecticut man tent W cents to a
Wisconsin man for **n new and cheap way
roElsetfosts.” The Wisconsin man wrote
MC? --IM »u 'heu. on on elevator. " The
rvmnectirnt nun Isn't nearly so well pleas
ed ns If he bnd sold the Wisconsin man a
gross of wooden nutmegs.—Ravsnuab News
The trustee* of the Grsdy hospital Will
meet at 4 o’clock Wednesday afternoon for
the purpose of electing a successor to the
late Dr. Hurt, aa a member of the medical
There are five physicians In the race for
the position, and the election will lie splr*
Did you love Yeaterdgy »o well
That when at length Its twilight
You made your bed aome graaay dell.
Nor answered when you heard your
Your fellow travelera railed at day.
Departing on their newer way?
You did not chooae to hear their rail,
But lingered In your rhoaen apot.
While fainter and fainter their footfall
Returned that day—and aniwered not
But tarried still: and ntlll you atay,
A sojourner In Yesterday.
Waa Yeaterday ao fair to you,
Or did you weary of the queet—
he endlesa quest we still pursue?
O. were you weary—would you crat.
Poor pilgrim, travel worn and gray
From duaty roads of Yesterday?
—Rtrhard Kirk, In Smart Set.
If Ibe senate should nndertoke to .me.
oil the president's rieht to discharge tW
anno traps. Senator Warren, who la chair , „ ,
m-S ofihc committee cn mllllnrr affairs ■ ‘t ary better. I
?n.i father In-law of General r*v»hlng. minister's Kite.
fJfiiJcantata lb-robin*. Is gulag to have a. "lib he i-ouldn't U* v.
opportunity "tslurw that one good turn responded the^.-hlld, "l
_ Mstfl.-inri family ha* been
through a siege of rhl«'ken-i»ov The In
fant's sister, n clrl 10 years obi. being met
by the minister's wife one day. thm good
woman naturally* Inquired
, I«by was getting nlotig.
I “lie’s some belter, thank you. said the
j little girl, a xhy met umi-commilt$t! ehlbl.
- “■— ■** * I iriwt.” said th«*
Twenty Days and Christmas is With Us.
If there’s anything needed in kitchen furniture or utensils or table wares
come here and secure it. We give a few helpful suggestions herewith—but
there are many other things in our great stocks that lack'of space forbids
Quality considered, you’ll find that our prices average considerably less
than most dealers—and, remember that our guarantee of satisfaction is behind
every sale we make.
Shaving Case, $4.50.
Shaving Case, $3.50.
Shaving Case, $3.00.
Shaving Case, $2.50.
4-Piece Tea Set, $8.00 to $20.
CANDLESTICKS, 75c to *30.
. CANDELABRA8 $5 to $15.
Fern Dishes, $1.50 to $6.00.
Bread Tray, $1.50 to $6.00.
Baker, $1.75 to $4.00.
Shaving Mug and Brush, Silver Cup, this one Sugar and Cream, $4.00 to Bonbon Baskets, $1.75
$2.00 to $5.00. $1.00. $5.00 per pair. to $3.00.
This special Bread Tray only
Syrup Stand, $1.50 to:
Crumb Set, from $2 to $5.
Table Silver for Christmas
It is generally acknowledged that Community Silver lias achieved a popularity never approached by
anv other plated ware. The reasons for this remarkable success are:
First, because it has the “style” and appearance of sterling. The Community Silver designs are care
fully studied. The ornamentation is extremely rich and deep in both the effects of sterling.
Second, because it represents the truest economy. At the present price of silver, the heaviest plate is
the most economical. Triple plate will wear three times as long as single, while its additional cost 4s by no
means three times as great. J
Community Silver is made only in a plate heavier than triple and is guaranteed (both by the manu
facturers and our selves) to last twenty-five years. Any piece proving unsatisfactory will be exchanged
foi? a new one.
Turkey Roasters, Etc.
Royal Roaster and Baker, in
4 Bizen, pricejl from $1.00
to $2.25.
Turkey Roasters of best en
ameled ware, at from $2.25
to $2.50.
Universal Coffee Percolator, , jfe-j'’
“The pot that pumps,”
$3.00 to $5.50.
Universal Food Chopper,
with a hundred use*, $1.26
to $2.25.
.. .$5 and $8.50 per Set
—$1.50 per Set
$3.00 per Set
$2.75 per Set
Great Line of Chafing Dishes
A chafing Dish la a n/urce ol
emlleaa delight to a clever en
tertainer and her friends. Can
you think of a Christmas gift
that your friend would appre
ciate ao much or that you’d pre
fer for youreelf? Here’a a line
of beauties to pick,from. The
newest design*—the lateat Im-
provementa—the beat values
There are vurioua alsea and
stylos. In nopper and nickel plate,
ranging In price
From $2.50 to $15
(A epecitl lino of excellent val
ues at fiva dollars.)
Trays and other chafing dish