The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 06, 1906, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word N'o ad. taken for lets than 25 cents. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: 1 time .... 6 cents a line, 3 times .... 5 cents a line. 6 times .... i/ 2 cents a line. 26 times .... 4 cents a line. 52 times .... V/+ cents a line. 7S times .... 3 cents a line. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Messenger Service. Call Us on Bell Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sending Ads. Pay for at Rates quoted above. Ads. for Situations Wanted Will be Inserted Free. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED—BY A LADY OF REFINE, inent and experience. n |>osltion an lions*- | keeper for n widower, or In n hotel. Rest ' references. Address Miss Eiuma l*e, Dees* tnr. Os. WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN WHO JH not afraid of hard work, a position at anything: honorable. Drug store work pre ferred; not licensed. but have had consid erable experience. References exchanged If necessary. Address 7. W. MeN.. 43 West Cain street, city. Wages reasonable to l>«. gin with. WANTED—AGENTS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. finish; 16 by 20. Religious and aeenery pic tures cheap. The Garner Company. *“* Fetors street, Atlanta, Gs. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. mlllor with the states of Georgia and Ala l>ama. having traveled that section two years. Rest of reference*. E. J. B., cire Georgian. _ __ I positb References aa to character mid ability. Georgian. WANTED HELP—MALE. waNted-position by man with over twenty years’ experience in all kinds of office work, from manager down. C. II. W.. rare Georgian. WANTED—PDA*'E A8 DAY OR NIGHT watchman by young man who has had misfortune to lose one leg. Can give best of reference. Address R, Klngry. Ga. wr, WANT TODAY™*8TnX<i-BOOKKEKP- era. typewriters, office poya and cooka. Globe Bualncs* Bureau. 419 Fourth National Bask Bldg. Dell phone, Main 4399. WANT E I>—COMPETENT REMINGTON! operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co., Ill Peachtree street. wantedTor"unttedTstateh MA-I nne Corps, men between nges of 19 and an uppurt unity to see the world. 1 “*• : Information, apply In person or by WANTED—PLANING MIL!.. SAW MILL. railroad nnd turpeutine woods Inliorers white or colored: good wages, steady eiuL ployment. Jackson Lumber Compauy. Lock- I tort. Covington Vonutj, Alabama. # her trade. Juat opened our 22d branch offer special luducenients for limited time l>w weeks completes. Positions waiting our diploma Intlders. Wages Saturdays, tools given. Don’t mlsa this opportunity. and Forsyth street*. Atlanta. Hunter NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT ASM’N. 1022- 23 Century Bldg.. Atlanta. Go., secure* positions for competent people in all com- ntercUi. mechanical. technical mid special -lilies. Enclose stamps for free list. WANTED—COMPETE NT REM ISOTOS operators furnished ttosltlons. Remington Typewriter Co., 116 Penchfree street. BBBBSbTikst^i.Xss WANTED-A 1IR8T.C1.AHM COUNTRY printer. 15 years’ experience, wants job; ••sn take charge If necessary; sol»er auil re liable. Address Box 15. Newuau. Gu. WANTKD-DIUGGIHT. w>: OKKIIE AM slstnnts and tile clerks. 115. 930: feninh Agen WANTED-GOOD MAN. WHO CAN FURl • nlah $5<W surety bond, for position: $70 salary and commission. Ten days out of city. Apply 8. O. Vickers, 212 Peters build- lug- A FIRST CLASS SALESMAN AND OH- ftce mnii wants a position. Ability and references will be given. Address E. A., care Georgian. « WANTED—BY AN EXPERT DOUBLE KN try iKNikkeeper. a position In some whole, snle house or manufactory. Am capable of taking /'barge «f office. Ant alrlcily fern pornte in every particular. Am now em ployed, but would make n change Jan nary I If salary justifies. Highest refer ences furnished from former employers. I can meet parties interested nt any time for conference. Address Look Box 175, Ln GRANDMOTHER’S SALVE. GUARANTEED TO CURE ANY CHRONIC gore, carbuncles, boll*, cuts, burnt, tet ter, erysipelas, chapped hands and Ups, piles, catarrh. Pure, clean nnd harmless, lias been given away for about eighty years. Recently placed on the market. If drngglat falls to furnish It, send us 2Sc lu stamps and we will send you n box, post age paid. National Ointment Company, Atlanta,’ Ga. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND 8UNDKICS—LARGEST bicycle and aundry distributors In the South. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale. Snell and Hudson bicycle*. Write for our 1904 catalogue and price list. Alexander* Elyca Co. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- MODKLS AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT serrice. Bell 'phone 3374. Atlanta Wood and Irou Novelty works, 2S9 Marietta street. MONCRIEF— HE’S THE MAN THAT SELLS MOT AIR. Installs furnaces In old houses as well as uew. He prepares a cellar If you have *. Moncrlef Furnace Co. Both 'pboues. PICTURE FRAMING. YOUNG MAN 21 YEAHH OK AGE WISHES position of sonic kind. Soda water dis penser or at Inncli counter preferred.' Good reference*. Address G. XV. 93 Yongc street. YOUNG LADY WIHHKH POSITION A8 saleslady during the liolhhtys Address G. T. O., I Chamberlin street. tesdy p cr. Loci k Box 4. Lnvoula. Gn MAN. 50 YEARH OLD. AND HAVING business course and best „f references, but too lame for day labor, wauls Job as night watchman or st simply clerical work. dress B. L. W., care The Georgian. AN A-l SALESMAN WILL BE OPEN for proposition .fniumry 1; thoroughly fa miliar with Southern territory; best of ref erence from firm now employed with; spe- laity preferred. T. W., care Georgian. position li E. i’u BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—TEACHER FOR FIFTH AND sixth grades in public school of Decatur. Apply to L. J. Steele, secretary, Decatur, YOUNG LADIES WANTED TO FEED cylinder presses. National Paper i't pauy, 2I7-2& Decatur street. WANTED—COLORED WOMAN TO COOK and do general house work for family of four. Apply 25* Washington street. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED CHAM- berm a Id. No other need apply. S30 South Pryor street. to TSB* marge or our cone*|Mmueuvr; i perieneed stenographer as second aleuog j»her; aalarlea no object. Commercial, ci this paper. VOUN^ LADIES, ATTENTION! A NUMBER OF BRIGHT YOUNG LA DIES BETWEEN THE AGES OF 15 AND 2» CAN SECURE CONGENIAL AND PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. WITH EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES OF PRO MOTION. COMMON SCHOOL EDI’CA ANY SIZE OR SHAPE. OVAL. CIRCLE. square or special; all finishes. New and desirable patterns. Difficult or unusui work solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. W use good glass. Bell ’phone IS?.’. Southern Book Concern, 71 Whitehall street, J. C. Gavnn, manage;;. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE ME8- setigera, 'phono 33. J. A. Varies and J. SEWING MACHINES. of attachments. Prompt delivery. Both * houet M Singer “ Whitehall street. - , STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. Difficult or unusual »TOVE8 AND RANGES REPAIRED AND set up. Expert workman. I’m t ter son Furniture house, 233 Peters street. ’Phones, Atlanta 2472. Bell 794 west. We buy any thing. HUY YOUR FURNITURE Front the -1. I*. Turner Furniture Co., 41-43 W. Mitchell M. Bell I'houe 1757. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. We repair, pack aud ship. TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriters of all makes onr specialty. Beat values nud loweat prices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail distributor! of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large coustgnnieut b? taachlues nnd over 10,0W records, i turned!* re attention given mall order* We want tae names of all talking machine dealers fu the &mth. Write for catalogue. Alexandcr-Elysm Ca TYPEWRITERS-WE HAVE SOME 8PE FOR SAI.E—MANGANESE SCREW DOOR bank safe*. vault doors nnd Areproof safes. It. W. Ellis, 36 South Broad street. UNCLE REMUS- BIRTHDAY.” 25 CENTS at Cable Plano Co. Published by W. 1111 lory. New York. DR. W. J. TUCKER. pr. W. J. Tucker, 15*4 N. Broad street, At- FOR EXCHANGE. A MILLION DOLLARS SAVED IN EYESIGHT ALONE. BESIDES the beauty and the pleasure obtained from flu- use of the beat and ehcaneat nrtl flrlal light known to man—The Itamsdel) Welahnch Inverted Gna 141 nip faaves half the gna. give* three limes the light). Sold and put up for $1.75. Satisfaction guaran teed. FRBTWELL JONES CO.. ELECTRIC' CONTRACTORS, 24 S. Broad. Phones 51. 1327. Standard 609. A useful household novelty given free with every purchase. We handle everything In ga* nud electric supplies. . .'4| k , practically now? will sen at bargain. >ntury bldg. Pboiie.3460. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. IP YOU HAVE PROPBUTY TO SELL. place It with us; wo giro It oar apsclal •nd personal attention. If It’s worth ths prleo wo will toll It. C, 11. Walls it Co., U94 earth National Bank. MATRIMONIAL. MARRY—ONLY INCORPORATED MATItl menial paper published: 10c, aealed; nr $5 fee: many wealthy. A. G. Imre, Box 16». Denver. Colo. WASTE D—RECON Dll AND FI'HNITU RE. organa and household goods. A. Springer, ,230 Peters street. Bell 'phone 2762 J, 1363 L. STRAYED FROM FARM NEAR VISING* Ga., November 26,'one Shetland stallion, with whit* and brown spots. Address W. II. Goritge. 7uu Prudcutlal building, city. Reward to Under. UMIT—ONE LARGE LINK GOLD CHAIN. •dd-fashloncd bracelet, Tuesday, 'it the offlco of The Georgian. Return auinc to of Itre and receive lenard. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. Electric Repair Work A SPECIALTY—PROMPT ACTION AND satisfaction guaranteed on every Job. H| carry everything In gn* and-electric flxtnrea and supplies. Wiring contracts solicited. FRETWEI.L-JoNES CO.. 24 «. Broad St Phonea Main 1327, Standard 6X*. WALL PAPER. ffAU PAPER AND PAINTS. ••Don’t lot ’em fool you.” Jim Burnett (formerly of Burnett le Wllllsl Is not demi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE CELEBRATED BARRETT STOVES AND RANGES Are the only Stoves and Ranges on earth la which the beat PASSES EXIRKLY AROUND THE OVEN. Fully protected by government pa touts, manufactured by Atlante Stove Works. Make your dealer get you one. COOK STOVES—SEE OCR LINE. pat them In jour bone*, $1 cash at !«er week. The Gamer Co., 13A I WE WJ Ms 4 WEALTHY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN “ efliiemeot. anxloua to marry. Many Address G. Box *!•>, GENTLEMAN WISHES TO MEET MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PRO. pie and others. American Investoieot Co.. 104 Candler Bldg. Established 1190. 1YEYMAN k CON.VEHS. KQPITADI*. Horten* lotti un rnl not,. frndi mill -tp.ii.. ..A prompt ott.ntloo. Only on ml v,t*t, lu and unt Atlanta. 8. II. Turniaa. Carson. 24 s. Broad ntrset. Rerraan. rooms 202 $ Teninle Court. also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 5 per cent aud up wards. according to deairmbtlity of loan. W. A. Foster. 12 8. Broad streot. MADAME MELi.lE. YhP noted Egyptian palmist. ti !h» consulted on all affairs of life. She reunite* tb»- wpanated.^ causes^ a speedy MADAME MELIilE. THE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST, ji be consulted on all affair* of life. She reunite* the separated, cause* a speedy marriage with the one «f your choice, gives names, date* and fact* In Everything per taining to life, or no charge*. Egyptlaff Eucampmeut. 93 Auburn avenue. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR MALE-NICE STOCK OF BICY- cles, aundrlcH, bn-k and gun material, tool*, etc., nt bargain. Good paying bind liens. .1. G. Adair, West Point, Ga. FOR HALE-OFFICE FIXTURES, TYPE writer. Remington; llall Iron safe; chair*, office desk, lounge, «<■•; 2M0 yanl* lino- leuoi, etc. Apply i»» 9 Vladiicp place. , TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W, ROUNTREE A URU. THU It K AND BAG CO. Hotall and repalrlog. No. 71 Whltsball atroet. Phono 1576. WATCHMAKINa TO TUB TRADE: C O 31 PL ICATBD watches arc ruy bobby. Moden ideas la work nnd dealings. H. Walter I«ett. Room 1217 Fourth National Uauk Bldg., Atlanta. SHOE REPAIRING. MORRIS PARK. 83 NORTH PRYOR street. Fine shoo repairing; t»c*t leather FOR ELECTRICAL CON TRACTING nnd repair work, or gas and electric flxtusea. ’phone Fretwell-Jones* Co. Beil. 1327; Atlanta. 609. Mill IT’S YOUR*FAULT. buy a cheaply constructed Inverted • W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. .. 1 ten- .. - actually i»ayln«$26 per mouth, which hr M |M-r cent on f3.W0. It I* only n i|iicstlon of .a abort while when the htialnesir of Peter* street wjll have tw reach out ou tbe-goodUIfne cross street*. If taken at once. $2,196 e|uih r bifys'H/- *? •***'• ON DUNN STREET. ~NF.AR J.KK ANIV Gordon, atre^ta,’ we nave a 5-roon» «>ttnge home; nil the j city conveniences*.» almost aew5- nt8hg6od Value for $2,000. Some terms can Im* arranged. ai.^aka avk. nkab hiohlaxd ave! Cottage Ihmu? containing five yqoms and hall: lot 50x130. I*r|ee $2.5o0. «Also on'time street, nlee 6-rooni cottage ou. lot 50x140 to alley. Price. $2,<*$6. ■ , 1 • A West End Lot An unusually fine lot in West End adjoins No. 61 Queen St., 50x150, East front, gas, water, sewer, sidewalks and paving down. Price $1,000. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. ON HIGHLAND AVE. NEAR• SAMPffON street, good s-mom cottage; nice Jot; all Improvement* down In street and paid for. Pricy $1,600./ Very easy terms. BRAND NKVV t’OTTAGK OF 6 ROOMS. with nil the city conveniences, near Grant park car. line. . A perfect Httlo home and cheap for $2,806, on terms of $350 cosh and $25 per month. You cniinot l>eat this If you t a home. i BARGAIN IN A LOT IN THE FRET tleat part of North Boulevard, near An gier avenue. 47x141 feet to alley. Mhap for $2,600. jhls Is the right place for n home n good place to build n house that “* •II* at. a profit. i . li m o x i> avkxi;k-i.akkVood Heights; only half block front r'he car Hue; brand new, well-built eottage home, containing four rooms-and -hall; nlee ele- virtcil lot. 60x250. Relit* $10 per tfibotb. Price $1,000. * WEST LINDk'n'"STREET. NEAR SPRING street; ii!«•«• almost new 5-room cbttage home; all city conveniences; good cne serv ice. I'rlca. $2.103., Term* $4<w cash and $20 |*er month. school r well 'MRIt and snlistantlul cottage home, containing five rooms and' halt; all city conveniences; elevated lot, 50x120 feet to alley*. Price $2,250. Easy terms. W1IITK A DEHcntlTION .11' ^ of the Imst pi nutation* in Georgia. The {daiitntion is tine, the price is right nud (lie description in very complete. Bell Phone 2027. Atlanta Phone HA LEM DEPARTMENT: A. S. HOOK. R. EVE. LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU. tage; „„ . ami rents will nearly pay balance. $1,600. i want the money. Coat owner $3,000. i small lot, bence Welahnch <*r lUuiadelT inverted, /or which we are agents and which sell • nt tame price as the cheaper makes; Remember, we guarantee perfect satisfaction. FRETWELL-JONES CO., 26 South Broad street. MEDICAL. OPIUM, MORPHINE ~ GUARANTEED Imine cure; $8 and tcstlnfouinL' $15 with out It. Free trial to physiehms. Dr. J. Houghton A Co., Atlanta. Gn. INSTALLING AND REPAIRING EN GINES. ROOM APPLIANCES, ELEVATORS. pumping machinery and steam heating dauts. Plans mid sped Meat Ions for Acety lene uas plnnts furnished. Geo. W. Moore, 24!i SVest 11 tw tot street. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTBD-TO BUY 50 FEATHER BEDS; highest cash price paid. Address Beds, care Georgian. Franklin Cleans Clean. THAT'8 MY BUSINESS. BELL 520. TAILOR 166 WHITEHALL STREET. ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. •* SHELDON AUDIT CO. PUBJ.IC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT ORS. 518-519 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. •Phone 1106. Accounts In litigation audited and report ed on. Investigation for lawyers, mr- chnnt* nnd corporations u speclaltv. Hit eat testimonials. Corrcspondcneo Invited $4.650—FOU A 2 PTORY 4-FLAT HOUSE. on north side; new; extra, and rents $53; easy, or $12.60 per fiat. Close In. Tli|g la WILL home nnd . cant lota to. build Uonse. See me. -T. A. BROOKS, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. PHONE 13M, BELL. E. L. 3IORSE. 1114 Fourth National Rank Building. REAL ESTATE SALES MAN WANTED. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE MAN CAN SE CURE A MOST FAVORA BLE CONNECTION, AS WE HAVE MORE BUSI NESS THAN WE CAN TAKE CARE OF. OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE GOOD MONEY BY A MAN WHO KNOWS THE BUSINESS. ONLY A MAN WHO CAN SELL PROPERTY WANT ED. .TAS. L. LOGAN & CO., 214 Empire Building. FUNERAL NOTICES. RENFROE.—The friends of Mrs. J w Renfroe. Mr. and Mr*. Renfroe J;i. u. ii are Invited to attend the funeral «.f yi r , J. \V. Renfroe Friday. December 7 3 p. ui.. from the Patterson ehansi s* North Forsyth street. The follmvliij named gentlemen will please |ialbt>enrers and meet at the chapel 2:50 n. "• • »*-»— “--■-* •- S. Elklr Hon. Hoke Smith, in-. \v. S. Elkin. Jr., ilr. It. F. Bowler. Mr i* M. Easlg. Mr. A. J. urine, Mr. Er»tui Rivera, Sir. Wllmer Moore. KAHN.—Friends of Mrs. Rebecca Kahn Mlsa Myrtle Kahn. Sira. Llxxle l,teht„*a and family. Mr. and Mra. SIver Frank Sir. and Mra. Louis Regenstein nn<l fa ml IIv and Mr. nud Mra. .loo Knhn arc in. vlted to attend the funeral of Sirs, be- licecfl Kahn Friday. December 7. 19-v; n t 16:30 a. m„ from residence, 215 Whitehall afreet. The following gentlemen will pl.-at# set a* pnll-lKMirera and meet nt the „f. flee of II. M. Patterson. 96 North For. arth street, nt 10 n. m.: Mr. M. f* lllrsch. Sir. .1. R. Steiner. Sir. I.nnlg A_, “ ** “ '* flltlrcrmnii. wtmd lllrsch. hi FOR SALE. NEW HOMES AT COPEN HI l.l*. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ONE BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM RE8IDENCR; ••Ity water, bath nnd toilet. $35 per month. ONE ELEGANT COTTAGE. PKU mouth. ONE COZY HOME, $23.03 PER MONTH. PAY SI ENTS SAME AS RENT NOW ready. First come first served. ' COPENHILL LAND CO.. No. 15 Edge wood Ave., near Peachtree St Bell PhonA 603. Atlanta Phone nt.». FRASIER-SMITH CO., Real Estate. 185 AC BURN AVENUE. BELL PHONE 3633 SI. ATLANTA ’PHONE 2m. $2.85J—EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ON BOUI.E _ _ L . L varil; lot 50 by 200 to alley; no city taxes, i .* . . BOULEVARD IIOSIE. $2,506 FOR FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON IR-1 NINE ROOMS. TWO-STORY ItOUkK, win street. . i with nil Improvement*: lot 53 by 1*:». Price $5.2X). Thl4 place is located W. M. SCOTT & C0.,‘ City, Mineral aiul Farm Properties, Atlanta, Ga. ONE1IALF BLOCK OF EDGEWOOD avenue; close In: store, vacant lot, dwell ing. This Is 2 per cent Investment; $8,000. Term*. .. . MILE FROSI DECATUIt-A room bouse on 4 acres of land, for fifteen additional lots; $3,500. COLORED PROPERTY. 6 AND 9 GRACE STREET; 31,000. Rents FOR INVESTMENT—NEGRO PROPERTY. NEAR HEMPHILL AVENUE. FOUR two-room bouses; all rented; on lot 123 by 127. Price $1,306. Terms. ANGIEIt street—i house; piped tor furna lenec: $6,650. AVENUE. NEAR JACKSON well-constructed ten-room Every eotiren- EAST PINE. NEAR SUMSIlT AVENUE— Choice eight room: built two years; all conveniences; large, level lot: $5,000; $1,000 cash; bnlniice can lie arranged to suit you. OLD HAT* MADE NEW. •west! 26c each extra. Out-of-town order* given prompt nnd careful attention. * work, latest style*. Whitehall street. BIQ FURNITURE 'VALUES AT SNOOK’S. NOTHIN!! 1.1 KK IT KVKIt SHOWN IN Atlanta. Prices lu all kinds furniture will be aeiisationul lit the extreme. Don’t tb* your money away nt high jdlee stores. \ guarantee to save buyer 2a per cent, or ! In every $106 Mile. It s worth your thue Investigate this challenge Snook's Furniture Special For Today. $115 CHAMBER Mi IT * $75 WAKlflUilU: .ELEGANT) ...$83 •..$66 $») SID^RDAltiK ONI.Y ...$•& *KT l.l:AT' 11 KK DINING l llAlRs 161 ...113 jSn.'KATUKIl I-oTl'II ...M5 fTl*TTTlKISII I!I)i'KV:1! S3 MGIlUiS'l'il.Ult itilo >.‘i MAHOGANY I'lllNA I'l.GSKT... •. -$5^ Bi i'III.Va 'f-l.iWft r $16.59 gw UltAHS HKD ...w IM MAHOGANY I.IHIIAIIY TAHI.K fcf ST, MAIIllGANY A'llIKITiNlKI! ...S3 specially adapted for ChrlMina* present*; Why? The most potent reason |« < away at hlgh-prlce furniture »t«*rea. dressers, bookcases, chiffoniers, china t. brass nnd Iran bed*-any *r- llele of furniture sold nu>where else In At lanta ran !w» duplicated at onr store at a big aavlug to the buyer., p. II. Mimok Furni ture Co. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WE BUY AND SKU. HOUSE8 AND LOTS oa easy terms. 185 Auburn avenue. $69 LEATHER t’OL’CJIBA $40 $4) AND $50 LEATHER I’OmiBS %$35 $60 DAVENPORTS. ONIA' $39 Ilou MAIIllGANY l-Altl.lllt Si'll K $63 151 MttlEltfH ellAIK G.Vf.Y 112.50 $0Q Ml DtStlOAUDa ONLY ^40 Ci' UOI'SD DINING TAHI.KN — .13 k 130 13 KKT I.KATltKIt I'llAlinnS). $15 is. I.K.CfTlKII IIOV'KKIIS uniA $15 »2S ITiiNA t'l.OHKTS $15.50 WEATHERED OAK DINING SUITS $75, $100. $150 WE ARE KHIPPftiG^PrUMtrllK Al.l. over I!»•* S.»uth and snviug buyers Idg money. Don’t wait and don’t place your or der lief ore you ms* these Idg values. You •an duplicate ihjr atilt or ood piece of fur niture nt our nioi room* and save Idg iii>) lilt ASS HKDS IIXI.Y, JKIIVIS MAII1TN UK I IS iTxi.V. SIKTAI. HKDS K. )4. A: W'ollTII A!..MOST 5r771>D DKKSSKUS AND I'lllKKONIKHS i'iidtiti STaIdHiaSy. 1:pik( k suit; very elegant, only $30J |SS IM.TIH.K l.'I.AsS-bonlt WAltDIIlIRKS MAll!!!!ANY II. D. WAUDIlnllKS JJ5 MO I.AIIliK ODD IiUKSHKHH IIXI.Y >rf. SKK Hill llllt I.INK III' IIANDKOME 'lirlstmns presents. ' r. ii. snooK iT UN'itllttl I'AI'ITOT. AVENUE. XKAK I’RI'MI.EY street—Pretty lot. 50 by 1W), to tiuother street. Gmsl value for $2,000. WHITEHALL STREET—TI I IM SIDE OF IIihmI; ten-room ami two-room servant's house, fait 60 by 100; $5,500. and I ■nit streets. Is>t 60 by 100; $1,400. rash and $209 year; 5 fn-r cent Interest. NEW STORE AND THREE ROOMH- trlniigular b»t, near Marietta street. Rental $156 year. A splendid Investment nt $1,250; one-lmlf cash. NEW SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. IN TWO blocks of Ms riot tn street; leased for $168 rear; $1,560. Lot 43 feet from, extending back to nnotlwr street. 50-ACRE FARM. 7 MILKS SOUTH OF center of Atlanta; $2,000. Terms $SoO cash, balance wit bln five years. brick house, water niid gn». numerous nub- Hinntlul outbuilding*: 22 miles from At lanta. Railroad station and fide track on Aii _ exceptionally rile for full particulars A. J. WEST & CO.. Century Bldg. Phone 1754. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES WANTED— We have about $20,600 cash In hand to mt fu good purchase money note*. If you have any, please submit them. BETWEEN PEACHTREE STREET AND Piedmont avenue, on Piedmont place, old Thirteenth street, we have some beautiful shady lot* at $1,400 each. acreage”on pi:a( \ituee-uriginTl •st. fronting 275 feet on Peachtree, near Immlsoine realdenee of lion. Jack Spalding: $10.0)0. PIEDMONT AVENI B - SPECIAL IN- due,•mnt in brand-lieu ful eight-room resblehei ONE OR TWO FURNACE HEATED rooms, every convenience with private family. No housekeeping. Reference. Ap ply 314 Court laud street. FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOB RENT. CHEAP. FOR THE WINTER. i> iH-autlful rut tage*. luralsbed. Utldo Springs, Ga. Mr*. W. It. II. Burkett. REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present location, we arc giving 25 per cent discount on all linishciMfal- ian and Georgia marble', also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble & Granite Works. Hunter street, oppo- * 1 site State Capitol. CAPITOL AVE. HOME. For Sale:—Good two-storv, slate roof, eight-room house at low figure For particulars Sec LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, j 28 Peachtree St. ' FORRENT. DWKI.UXGS. ELEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 233 PEACHTREE ST.—THIS gSTORY if rctiin brick, on lot 50x109. which Ilea lie- low the street. I* on the en*t side of Peach- tret*Mivi>t lietweett Cain and Harris streets; ha* gas. hot ami cold water, bath and closet mi mtoiuI floor: bn* ga*. alnk In the kitchen, bath nnd stationary washstaiMl on the first floor: in very goml ccudltlou; Is close In, Rent $luO |>er mouth. DOZIER & REAMS. Real Estate and Builders, 403 Peters Bldg. THONK8: BEI.I, 1T89: ATLANTA 125- YE FOLKS ( show you this store rooms an. ranting $100 per mouth. WEALTH. LET roperty nt once: Three eight resident rnotn|. ^-z--w —- ,- If bought ... $8.U»: one-half cash: bain nee. term*. Own er’* Jicnlth *nch Hint he wishes to sell out. Art quickly if yon want this bargain. M'DANIEL STREET. NINE-ROOM TWO-8TORY HOUSE, with ail Improvements. Corner lot; hi y 109. The location of thla place I* de- ruble. The house liaa two large porch**. - ofto Term*. X Price $8,500. HEMPHILL AVENUE. FOUR-ROOM CuTTA<IK— THIS IS A NU B little place that la convenient tb ths car* and to the business location of th* dty. Close In. Price $1,3&); $250 cash, nud the Ini lance like rent. CURRIER HTRKET. NEAR PIEDMONT^ SEVEN - ROOM COTTAGE. STORM' sheathed, double fl«H>ra: Instautaneoua heater nnd all conveniences. Price $4.90>). WEST END PROPERTY ON PEEPLES STREET. FJVE-llOOM COTTAGE WITH SLIDING doors, large verandas. Price 92.4X Terms. BEAUTIFUL NINE ROOM TWO STO'RY HOUSE. WITH shade, fruit nnd flower*. Servant *’ house and Stable. Lot 109 by 213. One Be sure and see this W. M. SCOTT & CO., City, Mineral and Farm Properties, Atlanta, Ga. S. B. TURMAN & CO. YOI'B ATTENTION TO. AND IXSPE!'- lion of, the following properties is re- weetfnlly invited. The lime to Imy n cheap piece of property Is when the owner hat nine of the property. For business reasons people sometimes have to |o*e a little money on a particular piece of property, hoping always to make It up on some other Will Davalop Powar. Special to The Georgian. Perry, Oa., Dec. H. Davis has bought the old Houston factory prop erty for Dumard & Hughs, price $15 - 000, for a piece of property once worth $100,000. Mr. Davis Is a practical busi ness man and proposes to utilise tbs valuable water power. The steam gin and mill are now In operation. Will Erect Warchcuse. Special to The Georgian. Perry, Ga., Dec. 6.—-R. L. Marchman and C. C. Duncan. Jr., will soon build a brick warehouse here. They are now putting up a barn where they propose to sell horses and mules to the farmers. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES Wlt.„ !*> sold. It remains for you to decide bet her yon will get one of them or not: W> E. PINK MT.—THIS 2-HTORY 8-llOiiM frame, on lot 50x196. Is on the north able of E. Pine street In-tWeeti Court In ml Phfliiiout avenues; has gn*. hot nud odd water, nt bluet bath, stationary washntand, eliHtet. eluk III the kit<dteii: thla U a very desirable home; Is In one of our liest iieichl’orliooil*. mid In llie !h*s| of rapnlr. CourtInnd nvenue cars half block away; will In* tnranl Iletwulter 31. Rent, on lease only. SSo |>cr mouth. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTIN'!! AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue. Doth Phones 619. \ EIGHT-ROOM 2-MTORY HOUSE. WITH all modern conveniences, on Capitol nne nrar Georgia avenue: east front. 50x260 feet. The lot and house, according to surrounding prices. Is worth $3,750 to $b,030; can l»e bought for $4,330: It la a Brat elaaa Investment. Terms $1,250 oath, bal ance easy. NORTH SIDE-TWO STORIES. NICE, uew* * room house; large lot; conveulant to Piedmont avenue and Juniper itreet car lines; near Eighth street; all modern Im* imwements; ran lie bought for very mucJi less than It I* really worth. Terms $|,S0J cash, balance easy. SURUBBAN HOME—FIVE-ROOM COT- tage and 17 acre* of land: flue running branch; land covered with nice oak grove; east front, paved road all the way Into the •dty, and only ten mlnntea* walk from rar line; only one ami oue-hair mile* from elfj limits. Price $2,654, nnd the land alone* Is worth this money. Terms easy. Splendid neighbor*, churches and pntriic school, (.’all for oar reng and sale bulletin. Dias From Appsndieitia. Gadsden, Ala., Dec. 6.—Douglas* Weller, non of Uaptain and,Mrs..W. II. Weller, died at noon yesterday at the home of hfa parents, on Ninth atreec. The young man had recently undergone an operation for appendicitis and he never rallied from the effects. S. B. TURMAN & CO. Sch.dul. lo’atei Perry, 8pectat to The Georgian! Perry, Oa., Dec. Perry is allll practically cut off from Hie bualneea world owing to the very uneatlafactory schedule on the Perry branch road. Nothing but a mid-day train can give ,atlifacilo» tn the buaine,* men. Moves to Atlanta. Special to The Georgian. Baundem llle. Oa, Dec. Dr. C. U Stock,, who haa been practicing den- tlatry here for the poet two yearn, haa moved to Mlinta, where he will con tinue in the practice. VIVA