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The Atlanta Georgian.
VOL. 1. NO. 200.
Barricaded and Armed
They Are Holding
the Fort.
Government Disa
vows Desire Humili
ate the Vatican.
Chief Executive' Leaves
State Capitol for Con
vict Farm, Where
Trouble Is.
8pecUl to Tile Georgian.
Jackson, Miss., Dec. 15.—Short
ly after the noon hour today the
convicts at the stnte prison farm,
at Oakley, mutinied and cut the
throat of Guard J. M. Buckley,
killing him almost instantly, and
broke the arm of Sergeant Dodds,
in charge of the farm, and then
barricaded themselves in the
building, defying the other
Governor Vardanian and a local
military company left for the
scene of the mutiny this afternoon
to put it down.
Japan Is Trying To
Get Possession
of Island.
Fully 2,000 Fighting Japs
Reported To Be in Haw
aiian Isles.
Honolulu, Dec. 16.—The officers ot
the transport Thomas have announced
that two American regiments are to be
rushed to the Islands In anticipation ot
trouble with the Japanese.
They absolutely refuse to give out
any ot the details bearing upon the call
for troops or the reason why the gov
ernment feels that soldiers of Uncle
Sam are necesasry In the Islands, which
at this time are overrun by the little
brown men.
It Is understood that the mikado was
extremely anxious to secure possession
of the Island of Lanai, which Is private
property. This Is several miles from
Honolulu and It could be used as
val base against the United States by
any nation securing It.
Last night Attorney George D. Gear
secured an Injunction against Governor
Carter and Land Commissioner Pratt
to prevent their selling the Island to a
syndicate. It Is understood that the
syndicate represents the Japanese gov
ernment, or people who ultimately ex
pect to dispose of the Island to Jnpan.
The possession of this Island by the
mikado would be a very aerlous menace
to the United States. Of late a great
number of Japanese have come tu tills
Island. Mott of these men arc sup
posed to be members of the Japanese
army and navy. Many of them are
said to be highly efficient military of
In all, It Is thought that about 1,000
of the recent Japanese arrivals are
ruined AgMIr.i men. It Is believed
Here are three men who play the
most Important part in the present
rMs In France between the Roman
'Ahollc church and the state. On the
that Up proposed Importation of two
> WwMwM*MNNM>3im«g regulars Is
for the purpose of offsetting the pres
ence of the Japanese soldiers In dis
Options Close in Two
Weeks; Must Have
Lowry Arnold
A. V. Gude
John W. Grant
Henry 8. Johnson
Georoe Muse
?r. Jot Jacobs
Albright & Prior
Eneman Brothers .....
Sagley 6. Willett
M. R. Emmons .......
J. K. Orr
Previously subscribed ...
Fund from state
.. 25
.. 50
.. 100
.. 825
Amount needed
That Atlanta spirit Is being moved,
but It Is not moving fast enough.
Amused by the absolute need of the
Georgia Tech through articles In The
Georgian, eleven more patriotic At
lantans have responded to the call for
help and as a result the fund was
swelled Saturday by 1670.
Hut even at that, less than half the
money has been raised. Georgia Tech
needs 17.500 for the purchase of those
two badly-needed lots. It must be
raised before January 1 or the lots can
not be secured at any pries. The own
er ivun't sell them after that date.
, " f this amount necessary 12.995 has
“e'n raised. Atlanta people know
“hiit the Georgia Tech Is and what
benefit Atlanta people have derived
from It. The story 1» an old one. It
need not be told dally to Impress upon
me people of Atlanta the necessity of
responding liberally to the appeal from
*hfs Institution.
The map of the crowded campus
Published In The Georgian on Friday
•Remoon told a tale In Itself. Not a
spot Is there on the campus where an-
Othir building can be located. One
plum is a ravine and the only other
bare spot Is a ravine that was filled In
ami that will not do for building pur-
Nesds Two Buildings.
And everybody knows how badly
, ‘ h needs those two buildings. There
absolutely no place on the campus
bir these buildings. Those two lots
must be purchased at a cost of *7.609
1 fore January 1. And to do tills At-
'•inta people must respond to Tech’s
appeal tor help and make that pur-
i.’?, * reality.
t " lowing the lead of The Georgian,
headed the list with a subscrip
tion of *250, a number of Atlantans
"“'-subscribed, but there are others
,Have not. There are thousands of
, J. 5,’* People who point with pride to
, ,,",, l '”orgta Tech and who are flnan-
“hy able to help the Institution In Its
fiiur of need.
It „ 1 ttlR Atl anta spirit awaken. Let
move the people of the city and cause
. 'He deep Into pockets and help
*“rl! the fund.
•ci*,*. Atlantans, and those who sub-
before them, know what the At-
. *' ,f4 Milrtt la Thalp nnmaa or* nft*>n
"Pint Is. Their names are often
Ljnd,°n list, of tht , Wnd . But there
tjit-r* about which the same can lie
up to the people of Atlanta.
Paris, Dec. 15.—From seml-offlclals
many new fat's were learned today re
garding the light against the new
church and stnte separation law now
being made by the Vatican.
the extraordinary situation In
France, the chief peril lies, not
with the va\lcan or with the Clem-
enceau administration, but with the
known foes of republican .Institutions,
Itehlnd the whole trouble, as It has
developed, Anally, are precisely the
same political forces ns used the Drey
fus agitation to cover their anti-repub
lican schemes. They arc the reaction
ists—so-called Nationalists, Bona part
is ts, Bourbons.
They Hate the Republic.
Their program In the Dreyfus agita
tion was to bring on civil war. This Is
what they would like to bring on now;
they care no more for the Vatican than
for the Clemenceau government. They
hate the republic.
Drastic as sre the special message*
of Clemenceau, there Is no disposition
on his pnrt to enforce them In a man
ner lo humiliate the Vatican, least of
all Us majestic tenant.
The act. as originally adopted, lacked
adequate penalties for Infraction.
Government Won’t Recede.
Not the slightest ground appears for
thinking that the government will re
cede from Ite many contentions or that
any government could live a week
which ventured to modify the funda
mental principle of the separation.
Clemenceau ts not a man 1 of two
minds and the efforts of his critics to
prove him Inconsistent have failed. Be
hind him stand not the avowed secu
larists only, but a large majority of
the educated Roman Catholics.
Compromise Is still possible; Is still
likely. It Ib unthinkable that the ad-
Mrs. John O. Thompson.
.Special to The Georgina.
Winder, Ga., Dec. 15.—A very sal
death was that Mrs. John D. Thomp
son. She died on Monday, the 10th,
and was burled at the Thompson bury
ing ground on Tuesday.
left. Is Cardinal Richard, archbishop of
Paris and head of a Catholic church In
France. At the top on the right Is Car
dlnal Rompolla. one of the members of
the Sacred College, whom many people
regard as a real power behind the
throne at the Vatican. Below Is a pic
ture of the French Prime Minister
Clemenceau, who Is separating the af
fairs of the church and state In France.
M. Clemenceau Is particularly Interest
ing to Americans on the fact that he
married an American woman.
Paris, Dec. 15.—At a council of ministers today It was decided to sub
mit a bill to parliament which, while carrying out all the provisions of
the church nnd state separation law, would enable Catholics to worship
in their churches. While no Intimation has been made as to the form of
this bill, It Is said on reliable authority that the ministers are hoping to
send the bill to the chamber of deputies tonight.
The prefect of Bordeaux has not I lied Cardinal Lecot to leave his pal
ace within eight days. The bishop of Arras was expelled from his palace
yielded only to force. After the departure of the bishop the authorities
began the expulsion of the Inmates of the great seminary of Arras. They
were obliged, to demolish the doors which had been barricaded with tree
trunks, benches and mattresses. Finally the seminaries were expelled aft
er they had made a protest similar to that of the bishop.
Special to The Georgian.
New Orleans, La., Dec, 15.—Reports
received here state that a serious wreck
occurred at 5 o’clock this morning on
the Texas and Pacific road, at Geary
Station, 60 miles west of here.
A passenger and freight came to
gether, a head-on collision resulting,
causing the loss of a number of lives
and a great deal of damage.
Forces Come Together
in the Early Morn
Before a- Jury of his peers, Robsrt
B. Tumage must appear on Monday
and stand trial on a charge of attempt
ing a criminal assault upon Mrs. Carrie
He was indicted Saturday morning
by the Fulton county grand Jury and
Solicitor General Hill will place him on
trial Monday. The grand jury met at
10 o’clock and Mrs. Comstock, still suf
fering from the ehock of the brutal at
tack mado upon hor and with her fnce
still showing the marks of that attack,
appeared as a witness against Turnage
and again recited tho details of the as
In addition to Mrs. Comstock the
stale will have seven other witnesses
at the trial. Attorney Madison Bell,
who Is looking after the lntereeta ot
Turnage, wlU In all probability put up
an Insanity plsa for his client and In
troduce several witnesses to show that
for some time past Turnage has not
been In hla right mind.
Gigantic Task of Boring
Through Mountain Com
pleted in Thirteen
Special to The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn, Dec. 15.—The
..MH- OW. IB,—ifl
worlds record was broken for fas.
work on driving a tunnel this morn-
“** *• I o'clock, when the two force*
of Oliver & Co. met In the Lookout
Mountain tunnel, which has been bored
through old Lookout for the Southern
The tunnel Is 3,600 feet long and was
completed In thirteen months and Af-
tesir days.
When ready for the tracks thj tunnel
will cost *4,000,000.
A cave 100 feet deep, which was
,, ™? k a few days ago, la being Ailed.
The contractors expect to have the
Stevenson extension completed for the
tracks by June I.
Frenzie 1 Crowd Hurls
Beer Glasses at
New York, Dec. 15.—The police to
day raided Madison Square Garden,
following the expose of the fraud six-
day bicycle race being held there.
vlsera of the pope will odvocate a trial
of strength with the republic.
There are Indications that a serious
division exists In the Sacred College
as to the wisdom of the policy of Car
dinal Merry Del Val. and It Is no secret
that the ablest statesman the papacy
has known for 40 years. Cardinal Rem-
polls, believes a mistake has been
An Auspicious Feature.
Lack of solidity among French Cath
ollcs. clerical and laity. Is the wesk
feature of the case on the Vatican side;
but It Is actually the most auspicious
phase of the controversy, for It makes
practicable an enforcement of the law
with a minimum of prosecutions.
I'lemenceau's discovery, on examina
tion of the papers taken when Mgr.
Montagnlnl was expelled, that a major
ity of the principal French ecclesiastics
favored compliance with the law of
1861 and regretted the prohibition from
the Vatican. Is said to have Impressed
1 ft ttr^alL^they. too, are Frenchmen
ami Catholics afterwards, lute
some other good Catholic friends of
mine” exclaimed the premier.
Will Get Consideration.
It Is suggested that all ecclesiastics
whose attitude Is thus proven to be one
“I want to put everybody on potice that no disorderly con
duct during the Christmas holidays will he tolerated. The police
have received orders to arrest anybody cursing, fighting or cre
ating any disorder on the streets. Any man or boy caught
shooting guns or pistols in the city, even if nothing but blank
cartridges are used, will be given the limit of the law. And any
man or boy who is found carrying in his pocket, or otherwise,
concealed, any pistol, brass-knucks, dirk or other dangerous
weapons, will be given the limit ot the law in the recorder’s
court, and also bound over to the state courts.
“I warn all parties that no excuses or pleas will prevent
such persons being given the extent of the law. We must and
shall have a quiet and peaceful Christinns in Atlanta. There
shall be no further outrages nor riots in our city. The police
are prepared and will arrest the first man that starts any disorder
and lock him up until the courts can attend to' him.”—Recorder
crowds which had Infeitcd
continually during the week became a
wild, lighting mob. In the battle waged
between the police reserves from many
stations and the mop many persons
were Injured, the police applying their
long night sticks freely and the fren-
sled crowd hurling beer glasses, etc.
Policemen and civilians were beaten
down; clube and revolvers were used
as weapons. No person’s life was safe.
Women Fight With Mob.
Many women, mostly the poor crea
tures from the under world, were there,
and they joined In the frightful scenes
of rioting, Afhtlng as viciously as did
the men.
Heavy beer glateee by thousands,
remnants of the revels which have
marked every day and night, were
hurled across the arena. Boothe were
knocked over, railings torn down, the
saucer-shaped track Invaded and there
was only the poorest attempt at keep
ing up the race.
As the battle between the mobs and
0 OUT *4,147,270.30 O
O 0
O Washington. Dec. I*.—Fifteen 0
0 extra clerka In the United States 0
O treasurer's office have written 0
O 10,842 check* amounting to *4.- O
O 147,270.30. with which to pay 0
O the Interest on 1 per cent con- O
O anildated bonds due 19*0, and 4 O
O per cent funded loan for 1907. O
O This Interest Is not due until Jan- 0
O uary 1, but by order of Secre- 0
0 tnry Shaw It Is made payable to- 0
O day. O
the police continued, calls were sent for
more reserves, but the crowds which
had been In the Garden all night—and
hundreds there all week—fought des
perately, and for a time It seemed that
a regiment of soldiers would be needed
to check the disorder.
The rioting was a mighty protest
against the whole fraud of the week In
Madison Square Garden. The man
agement started the battle by calling In
60 policemen to rout the tramps, va-
tered the Garden last Sunday, and who
have not been out of It slnca then.
Here Is Race Score.
Here was the noon score:
All 2,131-1, except Walthour and
Bedell, 2,191 Aat. Breton and Sam-
uelaon, 2,111 Aat.
Record: 2,611, made by MUIer and
Waller, In 1899.
Judge Broyles laid down the law Saturday morning. He gave citizens
of Atlanta, old and young, white and black, to understand clearly what
the law regarding weapons means, and that it will be enforced. He pro
poses to draw no distinction between the Christmas season and any other
season, so far as violations of the law are concerned.
The public may take warning. There will be no excuses tolerated. The
plea or “Christmas celebration’’ will not take a dollar or a day from the
penalty for, carrying weapons nr shooting Arearme.
The Christmas season Is a religious festival, not a carnival of delirious
excitement and disorder. In the name of religion, it Is not to be turned
Into a debauch. In the name of law and order It must not be made a
season of riot. Atlanta will have a joyous Christmas this year, a Christmas
of happiness, of peace on earth and good will toward men. But the law
saye that it shall not be marked by disorder and lawbreaklng, and Recorder
Broyles has announced that tbs law will be upheld.
Continued on Page Two.
Accused of Buying on
Credit and Prepar
ing to Jump Town.
Stylishly dressed In red with large
picture hats to match. Miss Annin
Miles, 18 years old, and Miss Annls
Fannin, 24 ysara of age, were arrested
shortly before 1 o'clock Satu ‘
Lturday afte
noon just as they were about to leave
Atlanta behind them with all Its trou
bles and worries.
Now they are behind tho bars of a
cell in the matron's ward at police
Hefdquarten weeping and bemoaning
their fate.
Both girls are pretty and their nr-
rest In a crowded Atlanta an.l West
Point train Just ns It was pulling out
of the terminal station caused e sensa
tion among the passengers. And had
noc Policeman Spratlln had tho train
hold, both young women would have
been far beyond the reach of the At
lanta police.
If what the police believe Is truo,
these girls will have to answer several
charges of swindling and gsttlng goods
under false pretenses. Already the po
lice are In communication with people
to whom the girls applied for goods on
credit and this was done under name*
different than those given at police
Their arrest was caused by E. B.
Durham, a jeweler at 72 Kdgewood ave
nue, who sold the girls two gold
watches Friday for *28 each. He says
one woa to have made a payment Sat
urday and the other said she would
During the trial before the police
commission Friday night of Turnkey
W. H. Bostwlck, who was completely
exonerated of the charge of attempt
ing to take a prisoner from two fellow
officers on the night of the race riot.
Commissioner James W. English and
Solicitor Charles D. Hill both expressed
the opinion that the rioters were not
citizens of Atlanta, but Imported
This new phase of the riot was de-
Engilith regal
rioters. These questions elicited no In-
formetlon, and Solicitor Hill, who was
present In the Interest of Mr. Bost
wlck. arose to make on explanation.
1 Just want to aay In de
xenshlp, before the grand Jury and nono
of these could throw any light on the
Identity of the participants In the dis
"Well. Mr. Hill,” queried Captain
English, ’’front your Investigation what
Is your conclusion as to the rioters’”
“I am satlsAed, captain,” responded
the solicitor, "that the rioters were
simply imported toughs, who were un
known lo our citizens.”
"I saw a great deal of the disorder
on the night of the riot,” resumed Cap
tain English, speaking to the commie
Tlved at the same opinion
slon, "and I arrl
as Mr. Hill. I believe the rioters were
nothing more than toughs who came
here from other nlacee.”
Protest Against Fraud.
. Jefense of the
police," said the solicitor, "that no one
seemed able to Identify any of the riot
ers. I worked for two weeks before
the grand Jury In an effort to obtain In
formation concerning the rioters and
it Is a remarkable fact that their Iden
tity was completely cloaked. We bad
not only policemen, but prominent and pie have promised him their full sup-
Influentla 1 men, the Rower of your citl- port.
Special to The Georgian.
Charleston. 8. C., Dec. 15.—Rev.
Crawford Jackson, of Atlanta, Is in
Charleston and will preach tomorrow
at Trinity church. He le here to Inetl-
tute a movement to save criminal chil
dren. Mayor Rhett and prominent peo-
received a Jolt Baturday afternoon
when Informed by a crippled stranger
that both girls were preparing to leavo
Atlanta. He hastened to the terminal
station and Informed Policeman Sprnt-
lln of the facts. That official started
for the Atlanta and West Point train
Just as It started to leave Atlanta, and
It was necessary to have the train held.
Miss Miles said she lived at 167 Went
Fair street and that she worked as a
telephone operator, while Miss Fannin
said her hoarding place was at 16 Eda«- ■
[wood avenue, and that she waa em
ployed by the Robertson Overall Co.
After their arrest, the police began
searching for others who might know
something about the girls and tht*
search resulted In the Fair store peo-
R lo on Whitehall street, claiming to
■ave sold the girls two suite Friday on
[credit, and the police believe these are
the same stylish red lulls that they
had on when arrested.
It was also claimed by the E. M.
Buchanan Millinery Company, of 420
iDecatur street, that both girls came
to the store Friday and wanted to
purchase hate. Miss Miles was turned
down, but a hat was sold to Mias Fan
■When they arrived at police head-
elr arrest was an outrage and
they did not Intend swindling anybody.
They said they were only going to Til.
lassee, Ala, to spend Sunday with Miss
Fannin’s people. They both Insist
that they were coming back to Allan
“I am an honest girl,'' tragically <1
dared Miss Fannin when taken to ;>
lice headquarters, “and I never at.
anything In my life. w. both Intel
paying for the watchen and neither
us thought of .leaving Atlanta I n