About The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
14 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, xATrnnAT. nKCEMRF.n is. t**. THE CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CORPORATION OFFERS TO DEPOSIT ORS EVERY FACILITY WHICH THEIR BAL ANCES, BUSINESS AND RESPONSIBILITY WAR RANT. 31-2 PER CENT COM- POUND INTEREST PAID IN SAVINGS DEPART- MENT. CAPITAL - • - $500,000.00 fling nt H a. m. and 7:90 p. KKCOND BAPTIHT—At 1! a. m.. at the request of ninny who ivere and some who were not present. Dr. Johu E. White will prciirb ngiiln on "J.awliMwneM." na b® did on Sunday night, from th® tost, "And In those days, there wna no king In larnel. Every man did thnt which was right In bin own ®yea.” This sermon will li® print ed In pamphlet for general distribution. At 7:39 p. ui.. wmg serrie® promptly, with special music by quartet. Dr. White will >pak on "Why God Does Not Strike Men The Question of Helayed Judg speak t Pend; meat.'* BAPTIST TABERNACLE—Dr. Len O. Broughton, the pastor, will All his pulpit Sunday morning nnd night. The subject tr~ the night sermon will be the first of his a rles on the Prodigal Hon, "The Young Man nnd Ills Htort." Bong service begins at 771 p. in. W. , 7:30 p. m. Personal Workers* Club will meet at 7 p. in. Hundny school nt 9:30 n. in. Baptist Young People's I'nlon will meet Tuesday at fdD p. m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday at 7:10 p. m. WE8T END BAPTIST—Tbw pastor. Dr. >bn F. Purser, will preach Sunday morn ing nnd evening. Hundny school at 9:30 a. . .. _ Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening nt 7:10. Christmas enter- ‘ *r#r the Sunday school Friday nt LANARK, On the Gulf of Mexico. Hunting and flailing muon now on. Orator bads within wwy itccaes. Offers exceptional advantage* aa a place to spend part of the winter montha. LANARK INN. Under new management, modern, and wall kept, will afford apeclal attention to hunting and flatting partita. Reached by the Georgia, Florida and Alabama Railway. Convenient echedulee. Touriat ratea now in effect. For echedulee, railroad ratea, etc., write j. h. McWilliams, Gen. Paaa. Agent, Bainbridge, Ga. ^ LANARK INN, Lanark, Fla. AWNINGS TENTS UPHOLSTERY AVAIER It VOLBEPG 130 So. Torayth st WE BUY Copper. Lead, Ilraaa. Zinc, Rage. Hot- Ilea, Burlap. Waih Cotton, 8acka. All iut of town ordera aollclted. PIEDMONT IRON AND METAL CO. 175 Madlaon Avenue, Both Phonaa 1739. ATLANTA. GA. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS! We will give you the toweat prlcea on Bulldera' Hardware, Toola and Kalla, In Atlanta. Call on ua at our sew (tore—160 Patera Btraet. F. J. COOLEDGE Si SON. & Ryon OSTEOPATHISTS E. e! PHYSICIAN AN Si Offleea: 324-325 Cantury Bldg. Bell Phone 3901 ALABASTINE, 1 The best tint for plastered walls. Beautiful line of col ors. We also carry murcsco. Georgia Paint & Glass Co., 40 Peachtree. M ideal It It frsslassf fss IVA/shey, Oyfua, Vat. phi■*. Cscslss, Cklatal, Tebatta aai *<aratfli. sis w dim tiliuflMb Ihi Only leelej IntU- tuteis (tarfii. 229 Woodward An., ATLANTA, 6A. FOR RENT. Elegant Ground Floor of fice. Former Atlanta Nation al Bank building. Apply 15 East Alabama St. lad WHISKEY HABITS c 5a rc 1 * l J»°«e with* •«tpala« Book of par- - tlealars tent I'XIKK. MM B. M.WOOLLEY. M.I>! Ua. Office 104 N.Pnrorg'rcct. BROWN MEMORIAL RAI'TIST-Rev. W. A. Babb, nastor. Preaching at 11 a. in. I»» cv. A. A. rim, of (Jrlffln, On. Dr. V. . Nnrcruss will preach at night. Sunday •bool nt 9:30 n. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7 o'clock. WESTERN flEIOHTS IIAI*TIST—Sun day achool at 9:30 n. in. Preaching nt 11 a. ui. by the pastor. V. C. Norcross. The Rising Again of the Savior." Rev. IM MANTEL BAPTIRT-Corner Fair street nnd Ilcrenn avenue. Rev. H. A. Cow an. pastor. Sunday school st 9:15 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pnstor. Subject of the morning service. Repentant." Junior union at 2:90 p. Christian culture class at 4:90 p. tn. Mid week prayer service Wednesday nt 7:30 p, in. Rapt hit Young People'a Union Friday night st 7:45. 80PTII SIDE BAPTIST—Sunday school nt 9:90 a. in. Preaching by the pastor, Her. J. 8. Iiunlop, at 11 a* m. and 7:30 p. tn. PONCE DM LEON AVENUE BAPTIST— Rev. Junius W. Millard, D.D., pastor. Hun day sehool at 9:30 n. in. Church services nt 11 a. nt. ami 7:30 p. in., with preach ing by the pnatnr. At the evening hour, the pastor will give the Inst sermon In the series on "Life a Tomorrows:" "Ip Pun ishment Eternal? An Inquiry Into the Final Fate of the Wicked." Prayer meeting Wednesday oveuliig nt 7:90. FIRST BAPTIST—W. W. Landrum, pas tor. Sunday school st 9:90 n. in. Morning worship nt 11. Evening worship nt 7:90. Baptist Young People's union at 7 p. tu. EPI8COPAL. (Third 8unday in Advent.) CATHEDRAL—Corner Washington and Hunter streets. Very her. f\ T? A. Pise, I). D., dean. At 7:90 a. tu., holy communion; ** - |“ , morning prayer anil sermon, the w nor vela* s specie/ a/l rent aermon by Rev. 55. 8. Fariaod. of All Saints. Sunday school at 9:45. All other days: At 7:30 a. n>.. holy cotnmnnlon: 9 a. in., morning prayer; 4:90 p. in., evening prayer. Wed nesday and Friday: Litany nt 10tSO. ST. LCKES^Peacbtree, i^twfen Carrlai and Pine streets. Rev. C. B. Wllraer, D.D.. rector. At 7:90 a. m.. holy commun ion: 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon; 7:30 p. in., erenlt.g prayer and sermon. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Friday: Litany at 11. INCARNATION—Lee near Gordon street. West End. Rer. John J. Perry, r »cter. 7*59 n. in., holy communion; U u. m., morning prn/er and sermon: 9 p. ra., evening prnytr and sermon. Sunday school at 9:i'i n. m. Wednesday: Evening prayer nt 9. Frld.ij: Litany at 400 p. ni. ALL SAINTS—Corner of West Peachtree and North itVenne. Rev. 7,. S. Ear laud rector. 9 a. nu holy communion; 11 n. ni.H morning prayer and seroion; 4 p. m. ( even ing prayer. Sunday school at 9 46 a. in. Wednesday: Litany at 10:90 a. m. EPIPHANY—Corner Moreland and Euclid avenues. Rev. C. A. l^ingstni In charge. Evening prayer and aermou at 4. Sun day achool at 9:45 a. m. Friday: Litany and address at 4 p. ni. BEREAX—Rer. Wallace Casque, pastor. Rnrncn and Phllnthcn Hasses at 10 a. ~ Preaching at \\ a. ni. nnd 7:30 p. m. t Jcct at 11 o'clock service, “Moses* Last Mes sage." The evening service will he cape dully evangelistic and the subject Is "Whs Is the New Birth?” There will lw» special music at this serrlce. Sunday school nt 3 p. tu. Baraca and Pbllatbea classes at 10 a. m. Weekly prayer meeting on Thursday eveulng at 7:30. Ladles' Club ou Saturday at 3 p. m. MARIETTA RTBEET-Rev. W. n. Till man, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. nnd 7:45 p. in. Sunday school at 3:90 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. METHODIST. WESLEY >JEMORIAL—Corner of Auburn avenue and Ivy streets, Rev. Frank E. Eakes pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a. tn. Busy People's class. Young Men's llnrscii Bible class. Young luidles Plillathea Bible class. Preaching 11 a. nt. by pastor. Song service 7;30 p. ui. Preaching nt 9 p. m. by pnstor, subject "The Character of Heaven a Inhale Itnnta. Heart Truthfulness." I'.p worth League devollniinl service 6:90 p. m. Wed- uesdsv 6:90 p. in. Bible school teachers' meeting. 7:90 p. n». prayer meeting. Noon prayer meeting every day 12 to 1 p. tn. BATTLE HILL METHODIST—Rev. C. L. Psttlllo pastor. Sunday school 10 n. in. Preaching 11 n. tit. by the pastor. Teachers' meeting Wednesday 7. p. m. meeting Thursday 7 p. ni. TRINITY METHODIST—Corner While- hnll nnd Trinity avenue. Dr. J. W. Lee pastor. Services nt 1! n. m. nnd 7:90 p. ut. Sermon by the pastor. Sunday school nt 9:90 n. m. Weekly prayer meeting Wednes day 7:30 p. m. GRACE METHODIHT—Corner Boulevanl nnd lllghlnnd avenue. Rev. C. C. Jarrell pastor. »:30 n. m.. Sunday school, ltaraca class, I'hllathen class; 11 n. in., preaching by the pastor; 4:30 p. ift.. Epworth League; 7:33 p. in., preaching by the pastor; 6:30 p. m. Wednesday. Sunday School Workers' council; 9 p. in. Wcduesdny, weekly prayer meeting. The Epworth League of the First Meth odist will hold Its monthly missionary meeting Sunday eveulng. December 16, ut 6:45 o'clock ttt the Sutulay achool room. Topic for discussion, "My Present Atti tude Townrd World Evangelisation.’* leader, Mr. W. V. Martin. Plano solo by Mrs. leock* redge. This Is the last missionary meeting of the year and bids fair to lie Interesting and profitable, aa preceding meetlnga have been. WALKER STREET METHODIRT— reaching morning anil evening at uaunl airs by the pnstor. Rev. W. T. Hamby. Morning subject. "Every Man Khali Rear Ills Own Burden." Evening subject, "Give Jesus nu Ovntlon." Sunday 04<liool at 930 . in., lion. J. L. Mnysnn superintendent, raver meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Stew ards meet again Tuesday 7:90 p. ni. Mrs. W. T. Ilninby leads the devotional depart ment of the Epworth League Sunday * CHAPEL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD— Plnm street near Corput etre-tt. Suudny achool at 9:90 a. m. MISSION OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS - Woods avenue near West Peachtree street. Sunday school every Sunday nt 8:10 p. in. HOLT COMFORTER—Atlanta avenue and Pulliam afreet. Rev. Gilbert Itlhgs. I>. !>.. In rhnrge. Evening prayer and sermon at 4. Hundny school at 3 p. m. Wednes day: Litany at 4 p. m. .flags, _ charge. Sunday achool at 3:30 p. tn HT. PAULS—Bast Point. Morning prayer nnd sermon nt 11. ‘ sermon at 11. and Ivy i mass at —. —. nt 9; high mass at 11. Celebrant. Rev. Father Yomij|. H.M. 7 and 9:39; Sunday i at 11. Celebrant. Re sermon by Rev. Father Gnnn. ferinl ’’Prosperity ami Catholicity" at Special music mule aj ‘ TEN YEAR8* EXPERIENCE. DR. CLARENCE L STOCKS, Operative Dentistry Fillings, Crowns, Specialist. Bridgework. ^d^TjAustell^^uHdm^jAtlsjita^Ga. Hall Farmers Sowing Wheat. Special to The Georgian. . Gainesville, ciu.. Dec. 15.—There ha* been a considerable Amount of wheat eown by the iieople of Hall county this fall. Botno have n*rt yet sowed, but "ill aa soon aa the weather will pet it. D., pastor. Lecture by Edward 1. Clarke, religious editor of The Constitution. Sun day nt 11 a. m. and at 7:90 p. tu. Sunday HT. LUKE METHODIST—At the Junc tion of Hereon avenue and Powell street. Suudny school Sunday ut 9:30 a. m. Prcachf INMAN PARK METHODIST—Edgewood avenue nnd Hurt street. Rev. Henry II. Maya |»nstor. Sunday school at 9:30. Judge John K. Candler teacher of visitors' class, reaching by pastor st 11 n. tn. and 7:30 , ui. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. in. eit Sunday, DecemWr 23, Bishop \\\ A. ’niidler will preach morning and evening. pars amt I.ee Hireeia. art. si, i*. iroui- uiaii pnstor. Sunday s<‘hool at 9:39 a. in. and prenr■lilng at 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. WiHlneadsy eveulng prayer meeting ... - of the church for r* will be Installed st the Kevlvnl services In the even- CHRISTIAN. FlltST • 'llBISTIAN —44 E. Hunter street. Uev. II. K. Pendleton, pastor. Preaching st 11 a. tu. and 7:90 p. m. Morning theme, •The Care «»f Our Aged Ministers/' Bible school ut 9:>i o. m. Christian Endeavor ut 6:30 p. ui. WERT END CHRISTIAN—Comer Gordon ami Dunn street*. Rev. Bernard P. Smith, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. ui. and 7J0p. tu. HOWELL STATION CIIIUHTIAN—End of Marietta at reel car Hue. Rev. George W. Mullins, pastor. Bible whool nt 3 p. ut. Preaching nt II a. ni. nnd 7:39 p. m. COLLEGE PAUK-Bev. G. II. Illnu.mit. pastor. Bible every lord's «lay nt tl a. ui. Preaching first Lord's day si U a. m. and 7&) p. m. Gllliert Higgs, D.D. NORCROMI MIRRION—Rer. R. "e In charge. Evening i at 3 p. ni. by the Her. RT. JOHNR—College Park. Rev. W. J. Moody In charge. Dedication services: Morning prsver, sermon nnd holv commun ion by Rev. J. J. P. Perry. Mission service, with lectnre, at 7:39 p. m., hf Rev. W. J. Moody, who will continue lnese services every evening during the week, concluding with that on Htindsy, the 23d, nt 7:30 p. PRESBYTERIAN. INMAN PARK PRESBYTERIAN— Preaching nt 11 a. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. by the pnstor. Rev. James B. Flcklen. Sunday school nt 9:99 a. m. Young People's Society nt 6:45 p. m. Prayer meeting nt 7:90 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. J. G. Pnt ton will nresch nt 11 a. m. At the oon elusion of this service a congregational meeting will In* held for the purpose of calling a pastor. Rundsy school st 9:30 n. nt. Bible nnd lecture elnsaes for the con venience of those who cannot atndy the lesson. Prayer meeting Thursday evening ut 7:45. Rev. T. If. Newkirk. Prayer meeting st 7:30 p. in. Wednesday. Sunday school at 9:30 n. m. KIRKWOOD PRESBYTERIAN—Rundnr school at 9:30 n. m. Morning service at 11 a. nt. Rlble'clasa nt 3:90 »». tn. Sunday Pray®r meeting at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday. WERT END PRESBYTERIAN—Corner Gordon nnd Ashby streets. Rev. Lvnn R Walker pastor. Sunday school nt 9:90 a. m. Morning service 11 n. m.. sermon by the pastor. Y. P. R. C. E. 6:90 p. m. Evening service 7:90 p. ni. Prnver meeting Wednes ree st. Rev. Richard Orlue Fllon pastor. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Evening worship 7:46 p. m. Preaching hv the pastor. Ranhsth achool 9:90 a. tn. Man's Bible Conference. Phllnthea Claas and Young Men's Teague 9:45 n. m. Teachers' Training Clasa 10 a. tn. Covens titers’ league 3 p. m. Christian En- deavor 6:45 n. m. Band of Miriams at 3:90 n. nt. Teachers' Training Class 7 p. in, Prsver meeting 7:45 p. m. on Wednesday. Ladles' Prayer Circle Thursday at 3:90 p. m Covenanters at 7:39 p. tn, Friday. MISCELLANEOUS. CHURCH or OUR FATHER (UNITA RIAN/—Confer Cain and Spring streets. Rev. Rush R. Hblppen. D.D.. minister In charge. Regular morning services st 11. Subject of discourse. "Faith In Man.' Sunday school ft 9:45 a. ra. ATLANTA PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Robert Bryan Harrison, president, will meet Sunday nffernoon at 3 o'clock, at 122 Peach tree street. Subject for dlscusslou: "The Mission of the Nasarene ou Earth." Ten minute talks by advanced thinkers. At 4 ^ m., n beautiful musical program will given under the direction of Professor W. O. Barnwell, violinist, assisted by Pro fessor W. F. Grace, piano soloist: Mr*. C. Gentry, Miss Virginia Houchln and . O. Pitts, vocalists; Mrs. W. K, l.onney and Mrs. RtroMer, piano accompanists. Hundny school at 9:90 a. Ice at 7:90. , UNI VERBALIST—Corner Yeachtree and East Harris streets. Rev. E. Dean Ellen- wood, pastor. Regular preaching service at 11 a. tn. and 7:45 p. nt. with sermons hr the pastor. Morning subject, "Christ's Message to the Discouraged." Evening subject, "Does Death Change Character/ Sunday school at 9:45 a. in., with classes for all. Young People's devotional meeting at 7 p. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (SCIENT IST)—17 West Baker street. 'Is The Uni verse. Including Man, Evolved by ‘Atomic Force?" is the subject of the h»sson ser mon Sunday. December 16. nt 11 n. in. and 6 p. m. Wednesday testimonial meetlug nt 8 p. in. Resiling rooms, 812-914 English- American building. YOUNG MEfTS CHRISTIAN ASSOC!A 1 Auburn avenue, afternoon will It® ier. of the frill apeak UMf ..... delivered hr Rev. T. It. Waggoner, of the Edgcwootl Baptlat church, who UHRISTMAb CLOTHING OUTFIT DRESS YOUR SON OR BUY AN ENTIRE OUTFIT FOR YOURSELF S*nd us J15.ua for a suit that ii well worth that amount and we will give you FREE the following outfit: Suit ....: 515.00 Underwear 1.00 Top Shirt 1.00 Collar and Cuffs < .40 Neck Tie 50 Pair of Sox 26 Handkerohief 25 Pair Suspenders 50 'S Ml K V Collar and Cuff Buttons ... 1.50 Lgg** Total value of outfit....$20.65 ALL FOR $15.00 SEND THIS AD. WITH COUPON PROPERLY FILLED. LfpJ Naina Express Office Town or City State -.. Kind of Suit Desired Breast Measure..... Waist Measure * i Length of Trousers No. of Coffar.... No. of 8ox, • • # a No. of Cuffs If this outfit is not satisfactory we will gladly return money. EMPIRE CLOTHING COMPANY, 62 WEST MITCHELL STREET, * * ATLANTA, GEORGIA. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing th® Arrival and Departure of Pafr senger Trains of the Following Hoads: WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. No.—Depart To— |No.—Arrive From— 2. Nashville.8:X a.m.| A Nashvlll®. ,7:10 a.m. 92. Nashville,4:50 p.m.173. Rome 9:41a.m. M Unnia ’ I.IA a w. IM Vaahallla 11*11 a m CENTRAL OF GEORGIA. Walker nnd Stonewall streets. Rev Cleveland nastor. Service* nt 11 a. tn. nnd 7:39 p. n». Sabbath achool 9:99 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. — WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN— Morning service nt It a. m. 8ermon by Rev. II. C. Hammond. Evening service at 7:99 K . m.. sermon by Dr. T. E. Converse. Run ny school at 9:39 n. m. Y. P. H. nt 6:30 n. m. Regular mid week prayer service Wednesday evening at 7:39. CUMBERLAND Icea corner MRERLAND PRESBYTERIAN—Rerv- of the Presbyterian church. t\ 8. A., -Pt Harris and Spring streets. Rev. George II. Mack, nastor. Morning sera-lees Sermon by the pastor. Subject. 1 "lm- " No serrlce at night. Sunday at 11 manuel. school nt 9:90 a. tn. CONGREGATIONAL. CENTRAL—Her. D. J. Ellison, D. D . will preach at 11 a. m. on "Is the Bible tnuplred?" nnd agnln at 7:45 p. m. he will deliver another of his Interesting series of Mentions for Sunday evenings, the aubject Iwlng "A Threefold Po’wer." Sunday school on the subject. "Seeking the Lord." The orchestra plays from 3 to 3:30 n. m. class conducted by Rev. C. J. Oil' RAILROAD YOUNG MEN'S CIIIUHTIAN ASSOCIATION—Hundny afternoon at 3:99 o’clock. Rev. Georgo W. Mack will add the assoelatlou. It will tie well worth w for all youug men to hear him. as he Is one of the ablest preachers In Atlanta. All visitors are welcome. of the Jullett Nix ohaptar. Woman’* tlsn Temperance unlou, the regular uevo- tlotial service will be held Sunday morn ing nt 9 o'clock at the street car Edge woo<! avenue. Rev. Lharlle Tillman. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. A congregational meeting of the member® of tha Flrat Presbyterian Church will be h®ld tn the Church Auditorium next Sunday morning (De cember 16), at the close of the 11 o'clock service for the purpose of ex tending a pastoral call. Fine Tailoring to Order by Tom Weaver. OFFICE Q0E8 BEGGING FOR MAN TO SAY YES. Savannah .?! *9?19 tm'Maeon'.... Jnckaonrlllc . 7:S0amlSaranuah .11:40 ami Albany ... 4:15 pin Macon Macon Havunnab Macon .... Albany ... ■ 8:10pm Havnnoab .... 10:20 i>iu|Jacksonville . .11:40 pm . 1:00 am . 9:45 am , 4:00 pm SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The following schedule flgurst published only aa Information, and are not guaranteed WASHINGTON. NEW YORK AND THE EA8T. k. Lv. Atlanta (C. 'iVj. . . . . . . Ar. Toccoa (B. T.) Ar. Spartanburg Ar. Chariot Ar. lUchmc Ar. WaiblB Ar. New Y« unoue, • • • • Uchmond. . . • « ilngtou. • • • • York. . .... leoTUrtl 3:25 a.m. •:43 a.m. 9:20 a.m. | 7:50 p.m. 9:90 p.m. I 1:10 a.m. / TS0a.m. 12:07 p.m. IAS p.m. 12:00 uoou 3:35 p.m. 6:06 p.m. f;40p.m. I 8:13 p.m. I 6:58 p.m. IroOp.in. | 6:42 a.m. ..| 12:43 p.m. l^JO p.m. 6KB p.m. 8 A0 p.m. 11 KM) p.m. 11:06 a.m. CHATTANOOGA, CINCINNATI AND THE WEST. n ATLANTA AND WKHT 1-OINT KAIL- ROAD. Arrlr. From- I D.part To- 11:40amt-Mootxom.rx 5:11 aid -Uostgomarr. f:4l pinl-Mm)ii{'m'rr.l3:« pm JSeliaa UaS pml-Hvlma 4:10 nm lAOrnnta. •:» amlLollranie.... 6:W pa -Uontnimarr. 0:40 pml-Monts m'rj.ll:U pa ’Dali/. All oth,r truloa dull/ except Sua. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Arrive From— 'Aaguata .... iKMam Con/ara <:45 am Covington ... 1:45 am •Augusta ....12:45 pm •I.lthonla 3:25 pm •Augusta .... 1:30 pm •Dally. All other tl day. Depart To- < *Augaata 7:19 am Lltbonla 19:06 am •Aaguata I:."i pm Conyers t:00 pm Conngton ... 6:19 pro •Augusta 11:46 pm aloe dally except 8ua* SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD. Arrive From Washington-. 7:10am Athena ...... 1:3 am Memphis ....11:41 am New York.... 3Mpm Clinton 7AI pm Birmingham . 7:41 pm Shown In C Depart To— New York.... 12:09 n'u Athene 4:00pm Memphis 4:41 pm Washington .. 8:09 pm antral Time. Special to The Georgian. . Jackaon. Mlaa., Dae. 16.—The unheard of thing haa happened In Mlaalaalppl. An office with .alary attached la going begging, the office being aacratary of the prlaon truateea. It paya 1100 n month and It la eatlmaied that the work required to All lha poaltlon will take a man about nineteen houra a day and then there la no certainty that he will get through. The truateea are search ing for a man for the poaltlon, but aa yet hare not found him. WILL GIVE BA8KET8 TO POOR AT GAD80EN. Special to The Georgina. Gad.den, Ala. Dec. 15.—Mlaaea Ella abeth Green and Stella Reich will thla year dlatrlbute Chrlatmaa baaketa among the poor. It haa been the cus tom of these young ladles to provide :t Chrlelmae tree, but the plan adopted thla year la much more effective In reaching the really needy. How Our Acme Double Flint Coated Aspbalt Roofing Excels la mad# from th. beat Wool Felt. Saturated and coated under a now process with As phalt. la a rubbtr-llka tdaatsly oompr.taed) Rofftas Fait, posted on both .Idea with Silicate, deflate tha SKion of vapor, acids and lira Not effected by heat or cold. Tha roofing that never l.aka Badly affixed. The .Xpert,nr- Ready Roofing on tha market. —1 6, Inehaa adds an IM square f«t, wrapped In heavy w APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS. 8-Ply. 80 pounds par roll. Complete. 2-Ply. 70 pounds per roll. Complete. 1-Ply. 80 pounds per roll, Oomplet*. SAMPLES AND FULL PARTICULARS FREE. Also A 2 and I-ply Tarred Roofflng Paper. Sheathing- and Inaulatlng Paper CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO.. ATLAHTA. OA. LOSING RESPECT FOR DRINKING MEN SAYS MRS. NATION Chattanooga. Tenn., Dtc. 15.—“Tou can heardly aee a man nowadaya who doea not carry a filthy, dirty atlo In hla mouth. I have almoat loat respect for a man who will chew, emoke or drink whisky." That la what Mrs. Car. rte Nation said to a reporter here. She took a hatchet-like swipe at smokers, chewers and "whisky-soakers" in true Carrie Nation style. Mrs. Nation aaya she expects to literally smash no more saloons, but she It going after the li ce nee system In this country In great shape. 8he says tha government tHat licenses the liquor traffic la really re sponsible and not the saloon. COMMANDER BROWN CLAIMED BY DEATH Washington, Dec. II.—Commander R. M. O. Brown, V. 8. N., retired, one of the beet known and moat popular naval officers residing In this city, died at *:!0 -o'clock on yesterday at Garfield >ltal, after a lingering Illness, e had been a resident at 8tnnelelgh Court for some time with Mrs. Brown, who It a daughter of former Senator Henry O. Davie, of West Virginia, and had been In poor health for a year or more. . Tar#— 5:45 a.m. 7:40 p.a. 1:00 p.a. 7:10 a.m. turn. 1:00 p.m. ’isr 4:50 p.m. 9:56 p.m. 8:10 a.m« 9:45 a.m. 6:20 p.m. JACKSONVILLE, BRUNSWICK. ETC. Lv. Atlanta. ....... Ar. Macon. . • Ar. Cochran. • • Ar. J®aup. Ar. Branawlck. Ar. JackoonvIH® 3 :1ft a.m. :30 a.m. :90 a.m. 3 A p.m. 4:25 p.m. p.m. li:15 p.m. 2:(9 p.m. I 1*. I 14. 4:10 p.m. 7:19 p.m. 8:41 p.m. U:l5 p.m. 1:90 a.m. 3:40 a.m. 6:00 a.tn. 8:00 a.m. 8:50 n. in. If. 10:90 p.r 12:40 a.ii 2:00 a. ii 5:4o a. n 1:00 a.n 6:50 ii. ii BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS AND THfc WtST. S Ar. Tellapoom. . Ar. Annlaton. . . Ar. Blrmlegheai. !»xa «:»5:S inifs n nl " irojila. I 10KJ8 «.m. I . 12:05 p.m. I >i90 p.tn. J-gP-ra. 1:06 p.m. f :U p.m. 7:39 p.r p.m. 7:06 p.m. •JO p.m. aa;w p.m. i *p.m COLUMBUS. V6RT VALLfeV. feYC. 87. 11:10 p.m. 22:10 p.m. 2:41 a.m. 9:06 p.m. 6:35 a.m. Lv. Atlanta. . Ar. WllllamaoiK . . Ar, Fort ValUr, , ra*eng.«r iu ■PMNnmM tnlnitl xStnl An WimamsoD. Ar. Colombua. , raTTnT 7:25 a.m. 10:00 a.m. "rer and TJck.t (Mffcj. 1 Petcatre. 8t. 1-hoee iti. Ticket 6fflce T.rmlD.i '((•r a mfTIcket Office. 1 reachtrea Stmt. -I-hona 14!. Ticket Office Ter- flon. Phone 4900. LOW RATES - ACCOUNT CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS VIA Southern Railway Rate of one and one-third fare,’ plus 25 cents, for the round trip between all points east of the Mississippi River and south of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers is authorized. Tickets will be Sold J)ec. 20 to 25th, 30 and 31st, Also Jan. 1, 1907, Limited Jan. 7, 1907. Cali on Southern Railway Agents. T T TC17 District Passenger Agent, • V-U LiUOIV, ATLANTA, GA. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS ELECTED AT THOMSON. Hpedal to The Georgian. Thomson. Ga., Dec. 16.—white primary election for municipal officers was held Wednesday and passed off very quietly with the following results: For mayor. P. B. Johnson, 151: O. L Calloway, 6i. For councllmen. H. A. Burnside, 204: J. 8. Boyd. IM; J. E. Oroea. 201; W. F. Mobley. 203. For marshal. W. 5*. Geeallng. tli; C. K. McCorkle. For deputy marshal. O. D. Hill, ' l; V. A. Swain. ,2; Morion Smith, J»; George Wateoq. 30. P IERCEC BUSY STORE ^ Southern Dry Goods and Shoe Co. 60 MARIETTA ST. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. PROF. JOHN BROOKE CLAIMED BY DEATH Lexington, Ky.. Dec. 16.—Professor John Henry Brooke, aged >0, emeritus professor of physics at the Virginia Military Institute, died at hie home here. Colonel Brooke was regarded as the ortgtnator of the use of melata In the construction of ships, he having de signed the Merrimac. He was also the THE BEST MAGAZINES AT THE BEST RATES. Every one must keep up with dally events going on so rapidly all the time. If you do not read soma dally paper you are falling behind. If you do not read some good reagoalne and en joy the literature that la contained In tftese publications every month you •re missing much that la good. Tou can secure Tha Georgian every day in the year, except Sunday, and one of Inventor of deep aea sounding appara- l . h ' prominent tnagaxlnea ln tu,. which haa enabled eclentiate to aa- A - ,n -T ktt ,t>r « mile more than tha prlc. pertain tha nature ol the ocean’s bed. of Th® Georgian alone, which la only HM p«r year. Taka advantage