The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 15, 1906, Image 19

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, 8ATCRDAT, DECEMBER 15. 190d. 19 For Sale By J. A. BROOKS, I MR «1W CASH AND ISO PEB MONTH, l r ? B cottage, 60x100 lot. All white, Li mited- Price 0.600. 700-FIVE-BOOM COTTAOB: A 1.1, I -irr Improvement*; fine renting action; M'l lot See thla. IMS worth 12,000. I cor” close in'and one block I Whitehall; 6-room cottage nud aerraut’e LiV TUI. kind I* acarce. Imr tl TSO-SPLENDIP LOT IMPROVED I .tree*, north ■l<I«- S®” 11 Uou.e, rented i sure winner. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. I MR 12,100—TWO 5-ItOOM COTTAOE8. ■' . ner let: all Iraproeementa and good rente. Strictly white neighborhood uud Ijl iha-KXTRA; ■ invesiment. NBGIIO; U PEB CENT I rttlMC 500—BE8T SECTION OF PULLIAM I, .. I,,,- eno.1 liomt*. with erere HOME ON OBANT ■ .Iren. new and can be bought now I terms. Price 66.260. - handsome '.treet: I roll HO" EACH—FOUB LOTS IN OllANT I Mtlc section: 60 feet front and white I .ffibimrhood. Bur terma. I ONEPRETTY LOT, 1 pir-e 6750. CLONE IN; 60x160. I THERE ABE SBVEBAL CHBISTMAS I rireienta In theae. and they are worth the I merer. I can make terma, aTFOL'BTH NATIONAL BANK BLDO. * BELL PHONE 1S9S. NORTH side pick-up. OWNER LEAVING CITY; MUST BE SOLD AT SACRIFICE ;IT’S WORTH $8,.100, -WILL TAKE $7,500 FOR QUICK SALEjONLY $1,500 CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT PURCHASER. IT MUST GO BEFORE XMAS. N. BOULEVARD, 11-ROOM, ALMOST NEW; TWO BATHROOMS, FUR XACE HEATED,ON EAST FRONT, LARGE ELE VATED LOT, NEAR NORTH AVENUE; DON’T MISS IT IF YOU ARE I POKING FOR A LOVE- iOME. V. CHELENA, Real Estate, 222-223 Century Building Both Phones 5560. °N THUBSDAY. HF.CEMBEB 29, 1906, WE •yin Hell at auction on the premia*** Colo- l Joseph If. , l •- * — tain View Fnrui.' shout (W0 acres of l _. 1 11 Ini* been* iiirveyeJI si *utMllvide<I Into twelve good farms, ranel L n 15 *° 1®) acres. Every wt— no* both open and wooded land, and run- ,}F*. ' rnr, *r; nnd nearly nil have some buildings on them. This property Is In De- Kal!» county, and within 14 miles of the court bouse In Atlnntn. We ore going to bnlnnce In oue. two and three yenrs. The sale will last all day and light freshmentn will he served free. Write, 'graph, telepboue or vn7i on ns for plats giving full and detailed Information. Also loentlon nnd how to get there. Colonel Johnson lives on thp proport}'. and will take pleasure In showing same should you desire to go out before the salt*. RENT INVESTMENT—WITHIN 200 FEET of Peters street; eherted street and ear line. Throe new house*. Iiullt of good ma terial; occupied by good class of white ten ants. It Is now nctunlly paying $25 per month, which Is 10 per cent on $3,000. It Is only a question of a short while when the ItUHlnesR of Peters street will hare to reach out ou good little cross streets. If tnkeu nt once, $2,500 cash buys It. T. J. LOCHRIDGE, 416-417 Empire Building, Bell Phone 1439, Standard 1614. rURV BUILDING. •PHONE. MAIN 4236. HOMES. c.m,. win maae go«<i terma. lueac iuia mmiarii conTenlancca, half ncra of ground, are on tto Sonrii Decatur car line. In Will aell or exchange for aBull cottage one of tbe moat xritot m-lghborboodii aronnit worth M.0Q0 or 65,000: Twlance on time. Tula AtMnta. Th a auction la faat building up la a due home In beat neighborhood In Weat neighborhood f uu uid uuiiuva iui u ru|«iu nuvauce in i >rlces Is no better anywhere around At- ante. The new Country Club grounds of I J5.250-A DELIGHTFUL 2-8TORY HOME _jiytp they srej with 8 large rooms; heavy colonial eol spending many thousands of dollars In Im- umns; every modem courenleuce; on One provements, are within twl niinutes* walk wide street; several car lines at hand; a of this property. Why pay a thousand do!- homo to tie * g — — Isrs for a lot In ths congested part of At* would lanta when yon can get a getter lot, “'■* * where It Is cool nnd hoMthy, for one that sum? We have Juat completed a sal* proud of. What terms? IIow --—- $1,000 down nnd $40 per mouth (Isas J^ut | than rent) suit you? If O. K., come. We'“ of forty-alx lots which was made In ten days. We will take any day you will cal C J . w 1*2 W00-CLO8E IN 8-ROOM PROPERTY ON if at t our ,h offFce P ^ ty Pryor atreet; 4 can remain 5Vi per cent. 166,000—GORDON STREET HOME. LOT get I . but you can ON DUNN STREET. NEAR LEE AND Gordon street*, we have n live-room cot tage home; all the city conveniences: al most new. nnd good value for $2,000. Home terms can be arranged. rooms nnd hull; lot 50 by 130. Price Also on same street, nice live-room cot- tiige on lot 50 by 140 to alley. • Price $2,000. BOULEVARD: H.BOO.DELHHITFUL 8-ROOM COTTAOB. east front; heavy cabinet mantela; front and aide porches; doable floored; storm sheeted; tinted walls; complete t»*th; lot AND * prl "' * nd FINE DAIRY FARM CHEAP. j $37.60. This Is an excellent value. FOUR TWO- sold; rents $3,160. BOOH HOUSES; MUST BE nfVh/ nJbVwhm.'x.n'^'lt ”* for $24. Can be bought for pTl§ea at pnc * WDcl> Jon w lf * I $3.000—8-ROOM AND BATH; 2 STORY houso; one of West End's best streets; I with 80 foot front lot. paid for. Price $1,600. Very easy terms. BHAND-Nf:\V COTTAGE QF SIX ROOMS. with nil fi»e city conveniences, near Grant park car line. A perfect little home nud cheap for $2,830, if terms of $350 cokIi nnd $25 per month, ton enn not beat this If you wnnt a home. $2,600. home or a good place to I will sell nt a profit. Dell Phone 2027. Atlanta I'hons 1SS1. SALES DEPARTMENT: A. S. HOOK, It. C. EVE. E. A. NESBIT CO., 514 Empire Bldg., Bell Phone 887. U.9I0—FIVE-ROOM COTTAIfK. . GRANT Nir»>i*t; cn bluet mantels, tile hearths, bntli, Inrgc lot. This Is nil right and a bar- sain for cash. • are nil right for any one want- : Hire little home. W. M. SCOTT & CO., City, Mineral and Farm Properties, Atlanta, Ga. $750 CASH AND $26 PER MONTH BUYS n beautiful six-room cottage, one-half block Grant park. I«ot fronts two streets. Up-to-dnte In every way. Price $3,660. PRICE $1,500—ON FLAT SHOAL ROAD. 9 miles from Atlanta; fine form of 60 acres, with live-room house and tenant house; 18 acres In bottom. 12 acres In up land under cultivation, remainder timber ed. Hboal creek runuing through corner; also, tine spring. Will take team of mules part payment. PRICK $2,750—lft MILES FROM DEPOT nt Adalrsvllle, on Western nnd Atlantic railroad; n line farm of 80 acres, and house. Very productive land. FEW OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL LOTS left near Weatvlew, on car line. You had better let me show you these. Price Is right nnd terms easy. WEST END-REST RESIDENT SECTION; eight-room two-story house; up-to-date In unn. txaa a., I„*«l n •> U’n-tk tC iWI /<«!• n 111/*Is And In that locality nt the price. NEAR PONDERS AVENUE, FOUR NEAR- ly new negro houses, all celled. Lot 126 by 127 feet. Room to Imlld other houses. Rents for $16 per month. If you are look- lug for Investments, see us nt once, as w* are going to sell them; $1,500 takes them. NORTH BOULEVARD—IN BEST RE8I- •lent part; nine-room house; three stores, with porcelain bath, china closet, pnntry nnd furnnee. Corner lot, 53 by 189 feet. For a few days only, $5,200. W—SIX-ROOM COTTAGE; ALL MOD- ru: good lot. Sydney nnd Broyles A nice little home nnd worth the 12,350—FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. recently overhauled nnd put In first-class condition. Dirge garden. Corner lot. Cars •‘ten in front.. Grant park section. You had In-tter see this. « ACHES, JUST BEYOND ARMOUR: Southern railroad splits this a-jput half ■"I half. Running water. Will make ■“'■••ruI manufacturing sites. Owner non o-vldeut. end anxious to sell for re-lnvcsl »‘**»*t. will offer this for n short time only nt $125 per acre. Easily worth $200. *V*D-NINE-ROOM MODERN HOME IN Kirkwood; lot 100 by 213. One block car f l "l> Close to school. East front. This I* »me of the nicest homes In Kirkwood, I If you are luteresteu In that section, ' uld see Ails. Hu easy, 6 per ceqt. FOR INVESTMENT IN NORTH Mile renting property. If you have the pro|irrty and It Is worth the money, ws luu.. the spot cash. Bee us. THREE GOOD FARMS FOR SALE miles Atlanta; 88. 44, JO acres each. Well improvwl. Write us your wonts In farm MONEY IN EQUITIES. UNENCUMBERED REAL ESTATE, GUARANTEED DIVIDEND PAYING STOCKS, OR CASH TO EXCHANGE FOR ENCUMBERED PROPERTY. FULLY PAID, XON-ASSESSABLE, GUARANTEED STOCK FOR S 4 VLE. 'ORTH ATLANTA LAND COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. HEMPHILL AVENUE-GOOD FOUR- room cottage, with hall running through. Lot 50 feet front. Cars pass the door. All city Improvements down. Price $1,360; $250 cash and the rent will pay the rest. STATE STREET-TWO FOUR-ROOM houses with hall; also Improvements down. This Is tine white renting property, nnd some one Is going to get n bargain. Make me an offer. NICE 8UBUBBAN HOME. **“ d w ? r,h J 2 ’ 75 ®: wl11 *•» « exrhan*e 61,000 near car line. One Inreatment, 16,000. I equity; 6 rooma and hall; large lot; 15 I minutes' schedule car Hue. | $2,06£-t-8TORY. NEW 6 ROOMS. HALL and bath; close In, near Capitol avenue. niur 111111.-1, mi uuilivuirurcij cioie U car line. Only $250 down and $36 per month, InSTilfl 1 d?u r 183.400—(5-ROOM COTTAGE; MODERN IN bio In vnine In three 'vears Only a few ©very particular; east front; close to finest left. Come qu£k. 7 7 IJSSJ 01 in nv terms; might take VACANT LOT8 ON CAR LINES; 8TRICT- ly white lection, at “ * week, without interest. , $2400-«-ROOM COTTAGE IN GRANT GREENWOOD CEMETERY; A NEW iSJiFES'L?L A ?ni n JSH 1 cemotery on the east aids of ths city. t,on * block ot park and can. laots from $20 to $40 each. You will ao . TT ~ _ . _ _ . well to see the cemetery for Investment. SEE US FOR BARGAINS' ONE CORN MILL, WITH GOOD WATER nuunv, iw aurr* 111 i-uiiitiiuuiij iiu gin wiiu- i In 5 miles; this has plenty of power to run gin. Must he sold. Oue-hnlf mile of rail road; $2,600. “WE GET RESULTS.” ANSLEY PARK CHEAP. LOT STREET—SIX-ROOM HOUSE; ON PEACHTREE CIR CLE, NEAR PEACHTREE FIVE AND ONE-HAl.F ACTIES, WITH I ST., 100X220. CAN BE HAD FOR $1,500 LESS .THAN ITS VALUE. THE FIVE ACRES ON HOWELL MILL BOADi | Q W N E R WANTS TO SELL AND AUTHORIZES SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NEW. ON GEORGIA US TO CUT THE PRICE arenue: r " m HN ORDER TO REALIZE. .LIES BEAUTIFULLY: FOUR BOOM HOUSE IN EABT END; «•' I EAST FRONT IT’S LIKE A PICTURE. FINE VIEW SIX-ROOM UP-TO-DATE COTTAOE, ON THAT WILL NEVER BE Luck!. ..root; 63.000. OBSTRUCTED. IF YOU 1,1ST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF 1 YOU WANT IT SOLD. WANT A LOT IN THIS BEAUTIFUL PARK THIS « T* frTTTJTYf a Sr on 1 18 THE OPPORTUNITY S. B. TURMAN & CO. 0F YOUR LIFE. MONEY -ITALKS HERE AND IT’S UP TO YOU NOW IF YOU 1 J,TLu;V^p | wANT A GOOD THING hen the owner has definitely decided to sell, nnd will not stand _ _ T * ^ .... _ on nny flxeil price, but la willing to at leaat I JAMES li. liOGAN & CO. oue-half way meet your views as to the | u **''****' W., 214 Empire Building, YOUR. ATTENTION TO, AND INSPEC- tlon of* ths followlnr “ ‘ “ snectfully Invited. The niece of your value of the property. For buelness reaeons people sometimes nave to lose a little money on a particular piece of pronerty, TIIB FOLLOWING PROPERTIES WILL lie sold. It remain* for you to decide | whether you will get one of them or not; Phone 4310 L, Main EIGHT-ROOM 2-STORY HOUSE. WITH ALEXANDER LUMBER AND MFG. CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Ki according .. ^JfUl 18,780 to 96,000; can be liought for $4,$80; It la a first- ■ class ^Investment. Terms $1,260 cssb, bal- ROUGH AND DRESED LUMBER SEVEN DAYS Don’t Wait Until the ‘‘Eleventh Hour” Just Seven Week Days and then CHRISTMAS THE. BUSIEST WEEK IN ALL THE 'YEAR. WHAT TO WHERE TO HOW TO BUY? BUY? BUY? BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Are questions that sometimes worry the Christmas Buyer. An easy solution is to be found in OSCAR BARNES & CO.’S big stock, that is varied, in character and cheaper in price than elsewhere. A piece of BARNES & CO.’S FURNTURE is al ways prized by the recipient of a gift, because it is* well made and thoroughly adapted to the use for which it was intended. CHRISTMAS FURNITURE Among the really suitable and useful Holiday pres ents something in Furniture stands at the head of the list, always adding to the attractiveness of the home, it does not lose but often gains in value. Low Xmas prices on all furniture. Hundreds of different pieces, finished styles and prices greet you at this store. With ease you can pick the ideal present for your wife, mother, sweetheart, sis ter, husband, brother or father. Besides, we will deliv er at any time you say. Nothing can help you solve the gift problem quicker than a visit to this store. The great Xmas sale is now on. Big savings on ev ery purchase. HELPS FOR THE GIVER Ladies’ Wilting Desks, Shaving Stands, Music Cabinets, Rockers, Children’s Rockers, Davenports, Odd Parlor Pieces, Library Tables, Pedestals, Mirrors, Parlor Tables, Bookcases, China Closets, Sideboards, Dining Tables, Morris Chairs, Leather Couches, Settees, Taborcttcs, Hat Racks, Art Squares, Rugs, Druggets, Mattings, Iron Beds, Center Tables, Wardrobes, Hall Trees, Chiffoniers, Leather Easy Chair, Buffets, Book Shelves, Mission Rockers, Umbrella Stands, Wall Racks in Quartered Oak with French Plato Mirrors. Plate Racks. ROOFING SLATE. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF VIR GINIA SLATE IN STAND ARD SIZES—CAN FUR NISH ANY -QUANTITY. ALSO NAILS, FELT, CE MENT AND METAL TRIMMINGS. WE ARE PREPARED TO PUT ON YOUR ROOF COMPLETE. DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. COMPANY. WOODWARD LUMBER COMPANY. v HARDWOOD INTERIOR FINISH AND MANTELS, DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. SEND YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES. ATLANTA - - GEORGIA. PEEFLE8 STREET, WEST END—A NO. 1 five-room cottiige, high celling, large ball, running through; ■lbllug floors, closets, ex tra large front veranda. Lot 60 by -177H feet. Price $2,450. Terms. JAClfHOX STItKBT. NEAR TONCB DE modem conveniences. Lot 50 by i66‘/4 feet. This bous4* la !)enutlful. Has to be seen t«\ Ik? appreciated. Price $7,500. WEST IIAKKIl STREET-SEVEN ROOM two-story bouse, newly painted, cabinet mantels, closet In every room. Car* In front. You can’t find s more centrally lo cated residence about Atlanta at this price; $3,660; half caab. WEST HARRIS STREET—EIGHT-ROOM two-story house, with alley on the aide; In rear. In a Mtone’s throw of lob* ernacle nnd accessible to two car Hues. Price $4,250. Terms, if desired. WALDO STREET, NEAR SOUTH ROULE- vnrd school. A new four-room cottage; wide hall running through; cabinet man tels: extra inrire front veranda; latticed back porch. The hnuae 1* well worth $2,- 000; but $1,800 gets It; third cash. HAVE A CUSTOMER WHO WILL PAY $4,000 or $6,000 for a nice seven-room i>rth side home. If you are In tbe market for n home or Investment, 'phone me, sud I will take pleasure In showing you. W.’M. SCOTT & C0.,“ i 210-12 Gould Bldg. Lewis F. Bowen, Salesman. 'FV/hlS*."^? 0 f™ r l Shingles, Sash, Doors, nroveuents: con iw imifiit for nrr murh Blinds, Mouldings, Interior Finish wor,b - T * ra ' ’Hand Builders Hardware. 8UBURBAN HOME-FIVE ROOM COT- UKt ond 1? acre, of Innd; mi, running I T® 1 )? : brno’h; Innd co,«r«l with nlc* oak cror,; 743-70 South Pryor Street, Comer mi,t front, pxrcd road nil tbs war Into th« Southern Railway. asttil. tan mlnntaa' walk frnm atari # city, and only ten minutes' walk from car line; only nns and one-half miles from city limits. Pries $2,660, nnd tbe land slons Is worth this money. Terms easy. Hplsndld neighbors, churches nud public school. Call for onr rent and aals bulletin. Phone* 2354. City Office: t North Forayth Street. Austell Building. Bell Phone 333, Atlanta Phone 400. S. B. TURMAN & CO. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank | B. L. WILLINGHAM, H. II. TIFT, Pmldant. Tic, Pra*. W. B. W1LINGIIAM, Baeratary and Trausrar. WILLINGHAM-TEFT FOR CHRISTMAS. You run buy • now homo and Ur*» lot irar na rent. Xlnr room rratdcuca, torn and Coay rotlnai- Immr 0.00 par month All 'in tbr rlty. thrw> rnr llnra, twrlra mlnntaa of th- confer of tbe dtv. Yon rnn nna for ona of tbra>! home and not mlaa th- money. Apply nt once or they will to aold. He- COPENHILL LAND CO., » 16 Eda-wood Ate., ncor IVachtr** St. Bril I-bone KB. Atlanta Pbuua 665. LUMBER COMPANY Rough and Dreassd Lumber, Bash, Doors, Blinds, Bnlldsrs* Hardware. Must"tMMSotd 'wiSlTtrl days! | Morphy avenue. Take East Point or College Park car and get off at McCall's Crossing, on Leo street. Bell 'phone 1$ west; Atlanta 'phono 71L 9) acres original forest, 12 In bottom, u In pasture; balance ln good state of cultlva tlon; 9-room dwelling, built 6 years; ten-! ant’s house, barns and stables. Convenient to churches anil school. Price $2,600 cash. Make offer. B-rooni nouse; an conveniences: nnne two G ears; large, level lot. $6,000. H.C00 caab, ■r — * — ■lance can be arranged to suit you. NORTH AVE.. JU8T OFF JACKSON 8T.- Pretty level lot; $1,409; all street Improve ments down. HIGHLAND AVE.—LEVEL CORNER LOT (60x150 to alley); $1,276. Terms $275 cash, and $230 year at 6 per cent Interest. NEW HTORK AND THREE ROOM8-TRI- angular lot; uear Marietta street; rental value $156 year. $1,260, half cash. FIFTY-ACRE TRUCK FARM. 7 MILBfc south of center ot Atlanta; $2,000. Terms $600 cash, balance within 6 years. SEVENTY EIGHT ACRES OF THE finest land In north Georgia; nearly new 10-room brick residence; water and gas; nu merous substantial outbuildings; 22 miles from Atlanta: 5.000 bearing Klherta peach trees; railroad station and aide-track on ? teve; »» exceptionally <lu* aaUurltan home or $12A00. Call or write for fall particu lars. leased $480 net. Price $5,000. $2,000 cash. SEVEN ACRES, 2ft MILES FROM CEN- ter of Atlanta, on McDonough (mac.nls- rnlxedi road. $100, $3« cash. Im lance within 6 yearn. HAHR-DAVIS LUMBER COMPANY. PLANING MILLS, OFFICE AND YARDS: 333 To 339 Decatur Street. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Sash, Doors, Blinds and Build ers’ Hardware. Our saw mill interest* in Tift County, Georgia, afford us facil ities to give prompt service and at tbe lowest prices. Dimension timbers a specialty. Beth-Phone* 3725. FEW XMAS $8.00 Morris Chairs . .$6.50 $9.00 Morris Chairs . .$7.50 $10.00 Morris Chairs.. $8.50 $11.00 Morris Chairs. .$9.25 Other Morris Chairs from $15 to $30.00 $8.00 Mission Rockers with genuine Spanish Leather seat and back $6.50 LADIES’ WRITING DESKS. Ladies’ Writing Desks in quartered oak and mahog-. any, highly polished, beau tiful designs; regular $15.00. Our price $12.50 Ladies’ writing Desks, quartered oak, highly pol ished; regular price $12.00. Our price $10.00 Ladies’ Writing Desks, in quartered Oak only, highly S olished. Regular price $9. iur price $6.50 Ladies’.Writing Desk, in Oak, very pretty. Regular $7.50. Our price $5.00 Very special — beautiful Writing Desk in ouartered Oak, just the thing for a gift. Regular $6.00. Our special price $3.95 and $3.75 SPECIALS SHAVING STANDS. Beautiful Shaving Stands in quartered Oak and Ma hogany, an elegant gift. Our special prices from $10.00 to $25.00 MUSIC CABINETS. Beautiful line of Music Cabinets in Mahogany from $10.00 to $30.00 ROCKING CHAIRS. Two special designs in ele gant mahogany, genuine ieather upholstered Rockers, very best grade; regular price $15.00 and $22.50. Our price $10.00 and $17.50 Beautiful.line of Oak and Mahogany Rockers, all the latest and best designs on the market. We call special attention to our line of Rock ers for the holidays. They range in price from $2.50 to $15.00 DAVENPORTS. A good line Davenports in oak and mahogany, uphol stered in velour, ranging in price from. .$25.00 to $50.00 ART SQUARES AND RUGS. We cari 1 }’ a full line of Art Squares-and Rugs, which we are offering at very low prices. WOOD FIBER WALL PLASTER. THE ORIGINAL PROD UCT, AND THE ONLY PLASTER M A N UFAC- TURED IN ATLANTA. CAN BE PUT ON AT AS LOW COST AS THE LOW ER GRADE SUBSTI TUTES THAT HAVE COME INTO THE MAR KET. WE CAN READI LY SHOW THIS, SO DO NOT BE MISLED. GEORGIA WOOD FIBER PLASTER COMPANY. WHITEHALL ST. & CEN TRAL R. R. PHONE 1152. OSCAR BARNES & CO. Successors to Robison & Barnes. ) 18 East Hunter Street. OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL XMAS TILL 10 P. M. WM. WILSON DECORATING CO. LOWNDES BUILDING. BELL PHONE 4364-M ATLANTA PHONE 1316 HIGH-CLASS WALL HANGINGS, IMPORTED PAPERS, TAPESTRIES, ETC. DECORATING OF CHURCHES, HOTELS, THEATERS COURT HOUSES AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. MONCRJEF FURNACE COMPANY, 107 S. FORSYTH ST. HEATING PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE. THE PLACE TO GET YOUR FURNACE. THEY IN STALL THE BEST FOR ANY KIND OF FUEL IN RESIDENCES, SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. BOTH PHONES.