Newspaper Page Text
8p#Hnl to I'ho Georgian. .
Wuirenton, do., Deo. 18.—A wedding
In which many persons In this city are
interested, was that solemnized at high
noon today at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. John Taylor Morris, of Warren
ton, Ga., when their daughter, Miss Ella
Florence Morris, of Atlanta, was united
In marriage to Mr. Harry P. Altchison.
of Anniston. Ala., the ceremony being
performed by the Rev. B. H. Ivey, of
Warrenton, before a small number of
relatives and close friends of the con
tracting parties.
The bride was attended by her sis
ter. Miss Ridley Morris, as maid of
honor, and Miss Monnle Long, of War
renton, and. Miss Irene Thurman, of At
lanta, as bridesmaids. Mr. Robert Ed
gar Gann, of Anniston. Ala., was. best
man. Mr. Willie Morris, of Warren
ton, and Mr. Walter Bryant, of Annls
ton, were groomsmen.
The house was prettily decorated for
the occasion.
The bride wore a traveling gown of
brown silk, trimmed with cream lace,
with hat to match.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Altchison left for a short trip
to points In Florida, after which they
will take up their residence at Annis
ton, where the groom Is employed In
the newspaper profession.
Mrs. W. E. Dupont, of B&vannah,
has been appointed by Mrs. A. B. Hull,
president of the Georgia division. U. 1).
0., recorder of cross of honor of the
Georgia state division. Mrs. Dupont
wishes to announce that the papers of
alphabetical list and blank forms of
certificates for the crosses of honor
have been received by her and
all presidents of state chapters wish
ing to present crosses of honor on Jan
uary 19 will have to obtain these pa
pers from Mrs. Dupont, who will sup
ply them on demand with an order to
the custodian signed by the president
general and the recording secretary
general of the IT. D. C.
The papers should be apniled for at
once or the crosses cannot be obtained
for January 19, as there is a limit of
time wherein the forms of certificate
can be sent.
The song recital which the choir of
Westminster Presbyterian church will
give Tuesday evening. December 18, at
8 o’clock, at the church, on the corner
of Boulevard and Forrest avenue, will
be one of the musical events of the
season. No admission fee will
charged, and a large attendance Is ex
The program In full is as follows:
Direction of rustle N. Anderson. %
Soloists—Soprano, Mrs. Annie Eldd
er Webb; contralto. Mrs. A. R. Col-
cord; tenor, Mr. C. N. Anderson; bas
so. Mr. D. O. Nix.
Chorus—Mrs. Finney, Miss Huddle
ston. Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Stevens, Mr.
Anderson, Mr. Latimer, Mr. Martin,
Mr. Nix.
Organist—Mrs. E. E. Eagan.
Duet, "In His Hands Are All the
Corners of the Earth," Mendelssohn—
Mrs. Webb and Mr. Anderson.
Trio. "Tl Prego, O Pardo," Nlcolao—
Mrs. Webb. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Nix.
Festival Te Deuin In E-flat, Dudley-
Buck—Quartet and choir.
"Gloria In Excelsls," Havens—Quar
tet and choir.
Cantata. "The Adoration," Nevln.
"Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive"—
Mr. Nix and choir.
"In Reverent Awe and Solemn
State"—Mrs. Webb and fen>If chorus.
L«». the <»ngel of the I<ord"—Mr. An
derson and choir.
Then Sweeping Thro* the Arch of
Night"—Male chorus.
"Hushed at Length the Gracious
Song”—Mrs. Colcord and choir.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry.
in he found here, an inexhaustlve .lock to select from at unapproach
able prices.
SEVENTY . Next Door.
w ::r J.C.Mellichamp figr
Atlanta’s Only Popular Priced Jewelry Establishment.
Thi, store will be open every night until Chrietmas.
Mrs. R. A. Mitchell Is visiting rela
tives in New York city.
Mixs Mary Rabltte has returned from
a visit to her sister In Birmingham.
Rev. W. R. Witherspoon, of Hunts
ville, \\n* the guest of friends Tues
Joseph Quigley, of Louisville. Ky„ I
visiting his sister. Miss May Quigley.
.Mrs. George! has gone to New
nan. Ga t«* visit relatives. .
*'Intrlcs Martin has returned from a
■vhit lo Mobile. ■
Miss Mary Fortner bus returned from
a visit to rclalives In Kentucky.
Mr. and .Mrs. F. M. Allen, of ,
bile, nre spending the week here.
Miss Louise Thornton, who hits been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Carl Laverty,
fins r-'turned to her home In Talladega
Vies Lorttlne Proctor, of Durham, N.
is the gip.ft of Miss Hattie Walker,
at Iter home on Chestnut street.
Mrs. Bnu e Armstrong has returned
from n visit to relatives In Marshall
Mrs. Charles S. Ward Is I he guest
of Miss Dunlap In Chattanoogu.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Connor have re
turned from a visit to different points
In Florida.
Mr. Carl A. Jet linger, who has been
the guest of Mr. W. P. Hofferbert. has
returned to Ids home at Delphos, Ohio.
The Gndsden Chapter, Daughters of
Fie Confederacy, held their annual
Christmas bazaar this week and rcal-
b*.l iptltc a handsome sum which will
he applied to the Emma Sanson mon
ument fund.
Mnvor Charles P. Smith has returned
fi"-n a trip to Cincinnati.
Dr. J. \v. Newman and family left
Friday for his new charge at Talla
MU*. Gertrude Lucy has returned
front a visit to friends In Chattanooga.
Mrs. Frunk Chamberlin and daugh
ter. Miss Agnes, of Richmond, Va.. are
the guests of Mrs. L. E. Jones on Tur-
renttne avenue.
Mrs. Mary B. Cox and Miss Louise
Ralls ure the guests of friends In At
Mrs. E. T. Hchuler has returned from
a visit to relatives in Chicago,
The "Etnanon" Is the name of a new
social club which 1ms Juit been or
ganized by n number of the most pr
inent young men of the city.
Mrs. Leek Is the guest of her daugh
ter. Mrs. John c. mapleton, In Birm
Miss Myra Mitchell has gone to New
York to visit her uncle.
Miss Stella Reich entertained the
Wednesday Caid Club In the parlors
of the Prlntup Hotel. The evening was
one of the most pleasant tne club has
spent In some time.
Mrs. Mack M. Hughes entertained
Friday evening In compliment to Mrs.
Louis Kidd, of Anniston.
Mrs. George D. Motley has returned
from a visit to her sister In Birming
Dr. J. R. McMulInn has returned from
visit to Columbia, 8. C.
'Mrs. A. E. Smith.
The relatives of Mrs. A. E. Smith
have been heard from and will arrive
In Atlanta from New York Wednes
day. The body will probably be burled
bore. The body Is held at Barclay &
Miss Hattie May High leaves In
February for a visit to Europe.
Mrs. Inman Sanders and daughter
re the guests of Captain and Mrs. E.
. Guy.
Mias Mary Plllens, who haa been
the guest of Miss Aline Ruse, has re
turned to her home, In .Mobile.
Captain Rucker Is the guest of Judge
ami Mrs. W. T. Newman.
Mi. 8. Warren Mays has arrived
from Nashville to spend the Christ holidays with his family.
Major and Mrs. George C. Bull have
returned from Montgomery.
The family of Rev. Charles W. Byrd
has taken possession of the new par
sonage of West End Methodist church,
next door to the church.—Nashville
Mr. ami Mrs. J. K. Ottley have re
turned front Macon, where they were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. La
mar and attended the tin wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. Latnar on Saturday even
A number of Macon people will at
tend the annual ball of the Capital City
Club, which will take place on the
evening of December 31.
Mrs. Ida Howell Cramer will leave
soon t« spend the holidays In Haiti-
bridge ns the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Bower.
Mrt. Leonora 8. Raines arrived In
the illy Tuesday and la the guest of
Mrs. Joseph Moody. Mrs. Ralne has
Just returned Dom Europe.
Mr. Thomas Swift arrives In a few
days from St. Johns College In New
o visit his mother, Mrs. T. **
Miss Ruth Hallman entertained the
Tuesday Bridge Club this week at her
home on West Peachtree.
Mrs. H. II. I'abnnlsa Is the guest of
relatives in Washington.
The South’s Handsomest Jewelry
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard C. McCutcheon
announce the arrival of a son, Howard
Wynn McCutcheon.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Cobb, of Ander
son, 8. <*., will arrive In the city the
latter part of the week to spend the
holidays with relatives.
The many friends of Miss Lily L. Al
len, of Macon, will be glad to learn
she is convalescent from a recent si>ell
of grip. v
Mr. Joseph Stratford hns returned
from a brief visit to Montgomery.
Mrs. Marion Ansley Is spending sev
eral days In Montgomery with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson have
gone t<> Montgomery to spend the win.
ter with relatives.
Mrs. Alfred Truitt left Monday for
LaGrango to visit Mrs. C. V. Truitt
and will remain until after the mar
rlage of Miss Mary Truitt, December
Mrs. George B. Allen has gone to 8t,
Louis to spend the holidays with
friends In that city. En route Mrs.
Allen will visit relatives at Sheffield,
Ala., and Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. J. H. Almond, of Conyers,
spending a few days In Atlantu.
Miss Luclle Cox, who Is attending
the Normal and Industrial College In
Mllledgevllle, will *)H*id the holidays
at home.
Mrs. P. J. Otey, of Richmond, Va. t
will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nor
wood Mitchell until after tho holidays.
Mr. Frank Hatchett went to Raleigh
Saturday to attend the wedding of Ills
niece. Miss Hatchett.
Rev. A. 8. Hutchinson has been with
Ills father, Mr. Benjamin Hutchinson,
for several days. He Is on his way
from the North Georgia conference to
his new charge at Dallas, Gn.
Professor Hatchett was In Gresnvllle
Monday on Idgal business.
Mr. J-?sse Caldwell was In Senola
MIsm Alice llodnett hns returned from
Atlanta, where she has been visiting
her sister. Mrs. A. C. Prichard, at No.
419 Piedmont avenue.
Mr. George Cagle and Miss I^ena
Drew, were married Sunday afternoon
at the residence of the bride's sister,
Mrs. John Rowles.
Miss Annie Wicker Is visiting Miss
Nora Hopkins, In Dublin.
Miss Marla B. Haynes, one of the
most successful primary teachers In
Pandersvlle, Is quite III with pneu
Mrs. E. Lee Holmes and two chil
dren are visiting Ktellavllle.
Mrs. Charlie Culpepper and chil
dren, of Lyons, are visiting* Mrs. Julia
Mrs. Newton Pugh has returned from
a visit to Waycross and Cordele.
Mrs. W. L. Peals Is entertaining her
sister, Mrs. Mitchell, of Macon.
Mrs. Maggie Medlock Lovett, of 8yl-
nnln. nnd her, son, .Mr. Archie Lovett,
are visiting friends In Pandersvllle.
Mrs. Helma Turner, who has made a
month’s visit to her parents nt "Way-
side,” near Pandersvllle, returned to
Virginia yesterday.
Mrs. Julian Evans, of Davlsboro, Is
the guest of Mrs. George C. Evans.
Miss Annie Hall has returned from
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
New One-Seam Brussels Rugs
Best $16.50 Quality for $14.00 .
This very attractive offering; comes at a most opportune time—just when many
nre buying; Rnps for Christmas, nnd these are excellent for gifts, as well as your own per
sonal use.
Large and handsome—«i*e 9 by 12 feet—in a fine, heavy grnde of Tapestry Brus
sels; cneli Rug is woven with just one seam, which makes them fit smoothly on the floor,
and wear better. There is a wide variety of patterns, hundsome new Oriental and con
ventional effects, in the richest colorings, from which the most careful and satisfactory
selections can be made. They are the best of our regular $1(1.50 Rugs, a new shipment,
offered now for .1(14.00.
Of course there are many other Rugs here to see
And many others, also, at Special Prices
No matter wlmt kind of a Rug you want, you’ll find it here—right in each esaential
of quality, style und size. Absolutely the best for tho price that the markets afford.
The Rug stock, never greater than now, is in its most attractive and pleasing condition.
Among others, such Rugs as these, ut special prices:—
$2.50 Axminster Rugs, 27 by 64 inches, at $1.95.
$4.50 Axminster Rugs, 36 by 72 inches, at $3.50.
Couch Covers
Beautiful new Couch Covers, for at
tractive. useful gifts. Here are some at
$5.00—the usual $6.00 and $7.00 kinds.
Full regular size, wonderfully hand
some in coloring and pattern. A most
pleasing variety.
We have Couch Covers, in all new
styles, nt all prices, from $2.50 to $20.00.
Table Covers, $2.50 to $20.00.
Rope Portieres
Here is a splendid assortment of these.
very artistic but inexpensive, draperies, in
cluding all the favorite solid colors, stylish
tvro-tones and mixtures. From $3.50 to
$10.00, and very suitable as gifts.
Tapestry Portieres, $2.50 to $20. A
practically unlimited variety of new and
stylish sorts. Exceptionally good values.
Beautiful Curtains for Gifts
These Are Priced Below Value
Stylish Curtains make good Christinas gifts, to be sure, and these are the newest
aud best Curtains here. Now, thc.eost is considerably below usual.
At tho prices quoted below, free rnugc of choice is offered. We’ve reduced the
price for special sale on our entire stock of Curtains, whioh embraces every desirable
new style.
More decisive savings, on so many beautiful Curtains, have not been presented
$2.00 Curtains, $1.50 pair.
$2.50 Curtains, $2.00 pair.
$3.00, $3.50 Curtains, $2.50.
$5.00 Curtains, $4.00 pair.
$10.00 Curtains, $7.50 pair.
$12.50 Curtains, $10.00 pair.
Best 50c Hassocks For 38c
In a variety of shapes, covered with Axminster and Velvet, of fine quality, well
assorted patterns nnd styles. A large collection of these, all regular 50c Hassocks and
the best of their kind, at 38n each.
Other Hassocks that are finer and make very desirablo gifts, at 75c and $1.00.
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Store of Many Departments.
a tew days' visit lo Mldvllle.
Mias Annie Everett spent a few days
of this week with Mrs. B. B. Lovett.
Mrs. Fannie Oallaher la visiting her
son, Mr. Corbin Oallaher, In Montezu
Miss Nina Mitchell was married on
Wednesday lo Mr. Frank Inman, of
Davlsboro. Rev. W. J. Stockton per
forming the ceremony.
Misses Bessie Davis and Nannlo Har.
man have returned home after a de
llshtful visit to Miss Leona Hodges.
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Henderson, of
Sunhltl. announce tho engagement of
their daughter. Jordle, to Dr. James
Edgar Hunt, of Vidalla. The marriage
wll7 take place on the 28th instant.
Misses Mary.and Katie Harris gave
a delightful entertainment on yester
day evening at their resilience ot
Church street. Mrs. Sam Dexereaux
was lh*> honoree. Those present w
Mieses Lollle Trayley, Matttlou Walker,
Altle Jones. Martha Mathis and I-oulse
Sullivan; Messrs. Ben Tarhutton. Ben
nie Brown. Mark Newman, Aleck
Ohamlce, Bnttle Spnrks, Marlin liar
rls, Gordon Chnpmnn. Sum Dexereaux.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fuller are guests
of their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Vullette,
of Dublin. _ _ .
Mrs. C. D. Bhelnutt, Mrs. S. O. Lang
and Mrs. M. S. Joyner were the guests
of Mrs. R. L. Millet at a dining on yes
You, who have little to do, could make Christmas happier for the girls in the
stores who have to work for their living if you would make some of your Christ
mas purchases now.
Drummers’ Samples
78 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Qa.
Mrs. D. M. McRae entertained a few
friends Informally Friday evening In
honor of Miss Maids Wynn, of East
man. Ga. Thoso Invited were: Misses
Juanita Itullard, Bertie McRae, Annie
Whlddon, Eva Graham, Beulah Hel-
land, Mahle Wynn, Eastman. Gn.; Sel
ina Rutler, Georgia Holland. Holland,
Christine McRae, Messrs. John
Stamps, Thomas Grlfltth, F. A. Smith,
H. I>. Aiken, Beverly Yawn, T. J. McRae
and Joe Galpert.
V. E. McRae returned to Florida this
.Mrs. Eulalia Fincher left Tuesday
>r Fort Valley, after having been with
her parents here for some time.
Mr. John A. Wooten, of Lumber City,
spent Tuesday In the city.
Miss Juanita Bullard went to Atlanta
Saturday, where she visited friends,
thence to Mllledgevllle to see her father.
She will return and be here until the
holidays, when she goes to Birming
Rev. K. M. Whiting and family left
this week for Tlfton for a new charge.
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Holten are now
with the letter's parents. Rev. and Mrs.
O. O. Brown.
Mrs. Langley, of Atlanta, was In our
city this week.
Messrs. O. P. and I. H. Wlllcox, a
H. De Loach, George Smith, Harry
Lang, John McLeod and La a Short,
of Lumber City, were in our city this
Colonel C. B. Atwell, of Eastman, haa
been In the city this week.
Mr*. V.mils W. Wiley Is spsndlng some
time with relatives In Birmingham, Als.
Mr. Homer Huillh. who Is In school st
Athens, Is espeeled home soon to spend the
Christmas holidays.
Johnson, on BromI street.
Mias Ora Lae Camp, who la la srboot at
Maeon. will spend the Chrlatmai holidays
with her parents her*.
Mrs. Thurman, of Statham, Is spending a
few weeks In the r"-
Don’t fail to read the Christmas Tree puzzle page that will
appear in Wednesday’s Georgian—we offer $5.00 and ten
other prizes for the correct solution.