The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 18, 1906, Image 15
— 1 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, TUKSIMV, DECEMBER II, 19C«. COTTON TENDED TO LOWER LEVEL Sentiment Is Still Bearish on the Continued Heavy Movement. BUSINESS VERY DULL Ginners’ Report, Due Thurs day, Was an Influence for Lower Prices. New York, Dec. 18.—The cotton market, although openlnf about aa expected on cn biei turned weaker on selling of, March, ■uunostd to be for the account of bearish « lr ,* houses. Support was mainly from *- n> isfnefls room shorts. Business was not actlre. There are no new developments to ch lole In the cotton market. Sentiment i chron* Hie ih —— nt con* tloues bearish and the tendency of prices is toward a lower level. The heavy move ment Is a depressing factor In that It Unless signs of a falling off In re* relDts appear In the near future, the trears - i decided advantage. It Is well known “ in la' they never allow an Influence adverso to prices to pas* without due notice. The bull* have no argument, other than an enormous demand for manufactured holders of cotton 'to accept present prices for the crop. A decreasing movement would work wonders In shaping the course of prices In the Immediate future. Liverpool Tuesday morning opened 2#3 points higher for futures, nut later lost practically all the improvement, closing months In Liverpool today: Open. nigh. Low. December .......a 6.14 January-February Mnrrh-Aprll May-June ., In the spot department, middling was reduced 5 points to 6.1M. Sales 8,000 bales. ,.5.87 ...588 ...6.44 6.87 fi.» 6.44 during the morning session, the ginners’ report on Thursday, followed by the Christ mas holidays, bslng against prices. _ i prii privets .wire _ tot afternoon: •There are rumors of a Price pool bs- i trading on the theory that the mar ket Is overloaded on thn long side, which Is n decided fallacy, and don’t think they will go over the ginners' report on Thurs day with the full Hot out, which will ne cessitate some short covering ltcfnrc then." The following Item in Tne Ne*v York Commercial of Monday Is misleading In that It does not state the facts In the case, though unintentional The two points named are slightly behind last year, the anta last year. The dom- uccBinocr is, nnirs or cor- compared with 818,942 bales re ceived during the same time lest year.** The following table gives correct figures of receipts from September to December _ 1908. 1906. Dec. Augusta 958.888 282,713 24.(00 Atlanta 100,058 109,855 9,699 A decrease of 88,629 bales Is shown, In- NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. Private Wire to Glbert ft Clay. New York, Dec. 18.—Liverpool nt 12:30 2© 3 higher. Was expected 3 higher. On this basis, we should open uncuungeu to 2 lower. The Journal of Commerce: "The priori pal announcement of the day wni an ad vance In bleached goods, followed Imme diately by placing the goods again at value. The discussion of price levels was very general during the day Id nil quarters of wHtSSSfiS n,, . U w,l “ P° !nte « uut that j CHterday s levels do uot represent ns sharp nn advance from the lowest point ns the advance In cotton, labor and other ele- went* fu the cost of production." Tiu» New York Commercial: The cen sus report on the amount of cotton ginned to December 14 Is due December 20. Last venr the report was 9.282.000, and the mar ket took It as bearish, breaking 25 pc on Its rending. Japan has taken 67,477 bales so far this season, as compared with 21,701 bales dur ing the same time lust year. Galveston's receipts for the season will ?2«“'mHSSBLT&£^F’ Lp “ to<1 “ T Snvnuuah got n very laid start this reason, but Its total receipts soon will have caught up to lust year’s figures. • __J* XL Hoadley thinks better of cotton as a A prominent Galveston spot man writes' . * am more positive than ever that Texni has made considerably more than 4,000.000 ■* *°l‘l at n good price, and when It comes to planting for the new crop this state Is going to put In an acreage that will nstoidsh the world. I wooliT not advise auy Texas man to curtail, but I would advise cotton raisers who have to^use fertlllaera to sell out and come to A Jackson. Mis*., special saya: "The cotton market here, ns no doubt everywhere else, has been badly depressed the past day or two, or since the government report of more than 12,000,000 bales, and very little has been ofTered on the local market. lie- cclpts iu the Jackson territory have been no greater than last year, it Is said, hut that la, perhaps, due to the fact that the have be- ' farmers have been holding on Just us long as possible, determined not to sell till they had to do so. Fortunately for the state, there are thousands of fnrmers who are able to carry one or more cotton crops, if they desire to do so, nud Instances have been known where they held for that length of time. Because of the burning of tbo compress last season, Statistics as to the number of bales marketed here last year and this are hard to get at. but cot ta - — * * “ “ ■ declare the offerings this year have been about the same ns fast. The stock of American cottou In Liverpool Increased 44.00) hale* last week. ■ Orleans. Dec. 18.—MvertiOol nt 2% up shade disappointing. Was due 4f*.i srket appear* to have but few friends. Aggressive bears arc having llttb; difficulty In offering prices do— New 1 or it wires Bank of Germany rate 7 per cent; reared Bank of England will follow.” with quotations unriiangei ANOTHER REPORT SOON TO COME Now York, Dee. 18.—The Sun says: Large receipts and liquidation on the eve of the ginners' report, the holidays and the Jan uary notices counted for the moment rather more than the big consumptive denmiid, the glowing reports In regard to the dry 1s trade und everything else that n holds to bo of fundauicntitl Importance In gauging the cottou situation nt home and abroad. Wall street sold, and of late fiiaa In the main inclined apparently to the short side, while tightness of money cer- The New York market cloMd steady, 70 14 points net lower. CompanftIVe receipt! it all D. 8. ports: Net receipts today 68.817 Same day last year., 67,668 Increase 9,761 Total receipts for three days... Same days last year Increase Total receipts sine* Sept 1.. 1KI.427 13.',239 7 60,188 6,389.867 4,746.696 60.262 Fame time last year locreage Estimated tomorrow: New Orleans 18,000 to 16.000 7.999 Galveston 19,000 to 22,000 10,168 Houston 18,000 to 22,000 10.63« Movement at Atlanta: Receipts today.... talnly militates more or loss against bull speculation Iu tlmt quarter. New Orleans, ou the other hand, bought to a certain ex tent and there wn» more or less local cover ing, while those In the room who adhere to the bull side bought on a moderate scale after the Liverpool market closed. On Thursday comes one of thoso statistical die* what the figures purport to give, namely, - -*— -•—,ed for a ^1 1907 MARKET PAGE —will be even better than we have given heretofore. The Georgian has four member ships in the new Chamber of Com merce Market Exchange, and our own wire direct from New York, and will continue to make its mar ket page the best we can produce. Remember—Mr. Lively, our market editor, has had over a quarter of a - century experience at his business. His markets are reliable. Edited by Joseph B. Lively Mr. U?,!/'•, rnra' experience of ti lting merketx In Atlanta and lb. South ha, mad, Mai a recojnlxed an- tkorltj In bl, xpecleltj. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS NAME OF STOC&. Amalgamated Coppei. • • Atlantic Coast Un*. America? Sugar U«. * . . Auacond.v -•••••* • • American I>comotlfs. . . do. pitlirnd. • • . • • Am. Hmtlttag Itef. ..... do. prefer rad Atcblaou. . . do. preferred. • • - • • American Cot*on OU. Aui. Car Foundry. Baltimore k Ohio. Brooklyn ltapld T. Canadian Pacific. . Chicago k North* a. Chesapeake * Ohio. Colorado Fntl * l Central Leather. . . . do. preferred. the quantity of cotton ginned for u given period up to n certain date. The returns are notoriously Incomplete and, were they complete, the difficulty of determining Just . . K *-- - r *-- ** total what proportion of the crop the total amount ginned represents naturally de tracts seriously from their value. piously New Orleans, Dee. 18.—The Tlmcs-Dcmo* crat says: Firm spot markets have again taken the starch out of the price j»essluit*t, and bearish activity has sliuujfcrcd to In consequential proportions. Actual cotton shorts with foreign commitments to fill have raised their offers to 140 points on New Orleuus, January options for Decern her delivery of Liverpool fully good uild dllng. but the New Fn,gland mills need cotton to such an extent that they tire * fcrlng the samo price for American good middling, a lower grade, for Decemher-Jaii- Shipments today 1 8001 wary delivery. Under the circumstances the fame day last year 600 big movement nuiy Impel men nt their peril • * ' _,.|I mi.nnf lilt* ........ ♦ InrrexM Stock on bud today Same day ta,t year Inoreaa. 8POT COTTON MARKET. Liverpool fair and aailar; middling up land*. B ed; ulu S.000. Atlanta, it.ndy: middling Ido. New dork, atandy; middling 10.«c. New Orlean,. eeej; middling l(H4e. Savnunnb. quiet; middling Au.uato, atendy; middling 10 1 ' St. Lonli, quiet; middling II GIBERT & CLAY'S DAILY COTTON LETTER New Orlean,. Dae. IS.—Option. In Llrer pool were again Influenced by the com paratlve Indifference manifested In tho spot •filiation. sales amounting to only 8.000 , , » HIMUIIIIMU§ III IIIIIJ fales nt 6 points lower quotations. Final * r . th,, n the previous day's _____ market seems to have Imbibed some of the sentiment which the near approach or th« festive season compels. Certainly 1*1?" " c *rcely an Interest of any jh*i lhat the market holds, and the quenr covering and re-entry of e few scalp- alone la responsible for the slight price that (WV* Speculation ell through- this season has been lest of a factor than for th ', it .U* * r ora tne auing< all financial centers have experlei r ,;‘: the world became assured of JjMinMfui yields from this season's crops. ........ jiviua irviu iuih sen sun ■ vroju. J)nly today the Bank of Germany, ostensl- my to protect Its nraiUhlo resources, has Miacfj /ts fate of interest to 7 per cent, ”‘i' l * ,h . oul < J the Bank of England follow, which is well within the pale of posslhll- UL***- ’he net works of flnancisl stress would even tighter drawn, and militate ri:» .more directly against support neces- t0 create Improvements In values. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. IfiTin ,o! ! owln * table .bow, ,#calpU at lb, mt.rtor town, todav. nwmnnd aritk the E”'* 'l«y l«at -uari Q“ r 'r*t™ n.:;?;!,! 8 '?" IhlSfljll * * * *’l.u.i;Wphia’.! » “. I rnni-tscou . _ . 1908 ms J93S3 29178 & m 765 6384 . 787 <3 14061 21828 7679 423 954 6235 SI! [er the clrcumstnuces the p. _ . ... - -w costly prevnlums. Should Thursday's t ners' report show more thnn 11,000,000 Imlus ginned to December 1. some effort will prob- ; j f j00 1° oell cotton they^ennnot^buy - except .15,680 the wise man luis alrcnd; _ , periencc that ginners' flgures nud big crop estimates do not fill pressing commitments. Meanwhile n holiday spirit appears to have settled on the rings.—Glbert k Clay. DRY GOODS TRADE CONTINUES STRONG New York Commercial. * In tho cotton goods trade business con tlnues strong on practically all lines of do mestlrs and on certain of the medium weight sheetlugs In brown and blenched ■tntes, generous order* ore being put through for February nnd March delivery for home consumption, the large buyers rep resenting Western bag manufacturers nnd the other cuttlng-up Interests of the middle states and Southwest being the most active buyers. Forward buying on print cloths, while reported steady, shows none of the snap that was exhibited In the early days of the month. This I* because of the-nd- 4-cent valuation on regulars and the holding of all wide goods on a basis of 57k cents for wide standards. In the deliv ery of heavy cottons, especially drills, aucki * “ ' nnd tlcklugs. the msnufacturing In- more prompt shipments of goods und.. .. der thnn was the ease during Octolter nud November. In some Instances In the New Euglaud mills nn Increase In the number of operatives has been made possible nnd the looms. Prices at the close of tha week on ynrus remain firm, with a tendency to stiffen ou the counts above 20s. Mnnjr yarn •pinners are tnrnlug down forward con tracts where the valuations they put on yarns are not urgeed to by buyers nnd where even the slightest concession Is re quested. They prefer to sell along at their own prices and let future business take care of Itself. The cotton goods market elosetl Saturday with the price levels on staples and high count cloths standing nt nn ndvauee of from 1 to 2 per cent over a week ago. Coarse yarn cloth*, such ns sheetings, drills, denims, ducks ami Jeans, are moving freel; on forward order ou a basis of 11.7& cent cotton. INTERIOR RECEIPTS. The following table shows receipt* at the 46110 | 3335 4245 1223 Chicago k Orest \\. . Chicago. M. k Ht. P. . Delaware * Hudson. . Distiller's flscurlties. . “ s. do. preferred. . • : General Electric. • . • Illinois Central Am. Ice Securities. . . Louisville k Nashville. Mexican Central Mlitourl Pacific. . • . unfflm 135* 13RV 133* 133* 2Jrf 2SS», .5$ M S3 V -tu ir.o* xm 31VI 43 m NAME OP STOCK. N. l„ unt. A Western National Lend Northern Pacific. New York Central Norfolk * Western Pennsylvsntn People's Gas Pressed Mfeel Car do. preferred Pacific Mall. Beading Republic Hteel * Hock island do. preferred lulled citato Uubbst do. preferred Southern Pacific southern Hallway. ...... do. preferred. Illoee-ttfaeffleld Yean. Coni A Iron. ...... Texas ft Pacific Union Pacific tolled Htatea Hteel do. preferred. ....... Ye.-Car. Chemical do. preferred. . Western Union. • • * Wabash. do. preferred. Sit ml * Sit TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Dow-Jones* summary: Americans (n Lon- Ion firm, with the exception of Ht. I'au md generally H to H below parity. Benin bank rate odvnncetl to 7 per cent. Ht. Paul will Issue 299,480,831 uew stock, two-thirds of preferred and one-third com mon, payable In six Installments up to March 1, 1909. Home demand for stocks In tho loan erovfd, particularly 8t. Paul nnd New York Central. Cur shortage In the Sbuth growing worse. Chicago reports all Industries working at full capurlty and months behind on orders. President Roosevelt Issues highly favora ble message on Pauuuia canal. Canadian Pacific earnings for the week ended December 14 show decrease of 156,000. Twelve Industrials declined .96 per cent. Twenty active railroads declined 1.42 per cent New York Financial Bureau: Give cloae attention to support limits, using small tght. Heading's tier* from lallst. 144 yesterday, said a spe- Atcnison is held at 103 and then par. Brooklyn ltapld Transit is supported nea 79 now. with trend up. Brie Is supported near 44 and Rock Island 80 nnd then 28. • Louisville nml Nashville will meet good buying near 145. New York Central support Is now around 128 and 13). Southern Pacific Union Pacific will meet buying orders Just hbovo the 188 level. Hteel Is held at 47. then 46. If the anpport limit Is overwhelmed or withdrawn tem porarily prices will sag for a time. THE WEATHER. LOCAL 'FORECA8T. For Atlanta and Vicinity—Fair tonight and Wednesday; colder tonight. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The nrea ot low pressure that was cen tered over east Tennessee Jins moved south east, decreasing In energy, nnd Is now mov ing off the coast of South Carolina. The northwestern area of high pressure has moved south and Is now centered over Kansas nnd eastern Nebraska. Its advance has caused a gi ‘ at most atntions In the extreuio , ence Is not yet felt. At Atlanta a fall of 24 degrees occurred. Cloudy weather prevails In the gulf nnd Atlnntic coast states, where rains have iH'on general in tho last 24 hours. Know Is fulling in thv hike roglou. The ndvaitee of the high Iwirometric area from the northwest will cause fair weather In this section tonight and Wednesday; colder tonight. eastern ,>enrnsKn. ns nuvnoce a general fall lit temperature tlons enst of the lloekles except euio soothes at, where Its luflu- Minimum «nd Maximum Temperaturta and Rainfall. Observations taken at 8 a. aa., 75th meri dian time. Abilene. . , . Amarillo Asheville. . . , Atlanta. . . . , Augusta Birmingham. , , Bismarck. . . . Boston Buffalo i'harleston. , , Charlotte. . . . Chicago Cincinnati. . . , Corpus Christ!. , WERE WEAK EARLY Adversely Affected by Liq uidation of Speculative Holdings of St. Paul. DECLINED SIX. POINTS Other Leaders Fell From 1 to 3 Points—Strength Shown in Few Stocks. NeW. York, Dec. 18.—The liquidation move ment which set In in yesterday's market continued with little show of resistance. Two developments in the day’s situation Intensified the selling pressure. One was tho advance In the German hank rate to 7 per cent, the highest that the Insti tution lias ever charged, except In times of panic. The other was a violent break in Ht. Paul shares, following the rain- of the Berlin discount. The foreign security marketa were quite upset. British consols iu particular fell % of a point. American shares in the early London deal- start of the focal trading, stocks fiegan to : be pressed for sale, nnd, save for a mo- 1 mentary diversion mused'by the rapid up- — ' ** ■“ * Ohio charcs^ths. i bidding of Baltimore nnd market was steadily weak up _ The persistent weakening of tne high price . *— —- “ Issues, notably the Dill stocks, was to most disquieting feature of the morning. The entire market was adversely li fluenced by the liquidation of speculative holdings of St. Paul and uncertainty ns to declared will be made up. Pacific 374 and many other stocks fell points. The spirit of the brokers is j manifested by the hanging of six Iem-.i! oum on tho Ht. Paul post ana offers to giro- one of them to buyers was made when* . ltapld Transit waa one of the few stock that held strong, aa were Baltimore and Ohio and Amalgamated. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. opened at 15: loaned at 1S{ closed at 22: tfme loans firm; 60 and 90 days and 6 months. 6 per cent. Sterling exchange. $4.79tt®4-84tt, with ac tual business in bankers* bills at $4.83300 4.8340 for demaud and $4.8350^4.8366 for (ft* c:mnmerca!l blls. 607 for 80 and 90 days. I Bar sliver. 69%c. • Mexican dollars, 53%c. ltuliroad bends firm. MINING 8TOCK3. Boston. Mass., Dec. 18.—Quincy 1. „ cnmselt 27; Trinity l2^;^Nortb .Butte Jit); Copper ltnnge 80%; Butte and Moutana LONDON 8TOCK MARKET. Total atock sales today 1,838.700 shares. NEW YORK. tores In New fiecTT Jan. . . Feb* . , March. . April. . May.. . Juno.. . July.. . Aug. Closed stendyT & fi.llj 9.11 ».» 9.B 9.34 9.34 9.46 9.49 9.8S 9.« I it 9TTW 9.22-23 9.33 35 9.48-49 9.67-68 9.7173 9.77-78 9.63-65 T2TS 9.38-37 9.47-491 9.69-60 9.67-69 NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointers on Provisions. Private Wire to Glbert ft Clay. Chicago, H«\ 18.—Prorlalona higher on tho lilgb.r hogn. Tho hnj-lng nut vorr ■plrltorT The (Piling look# like tho pnok- era I'nokpra trying to k«p the market down ,o ii, to effect hog,. Chicago HecoriMIernlil: Each day of light receipt! of hoga at weatern pocking center, Inereaaea the nerrou,neu of the prorlnlon trad,. More bog, ore wanted. The expert, am now kceplug a clow watch on the qual ity of tha arrlrala her#. They argue that If hoga are helog held berk for the purpoee of feeding them cheap earn, aa would lie the natural Infarenco, It would alao follow LIVERPOOL. The following gives the opening range and close, computed with yesterday. Futures opened steady. Opening PrsTlons Range. 2 o. m. Close. Close. 5.87 6.37*4 5.JS,. 6.18 Dee.-Jan. ....5.37*4-6.36*4 6 » 5.! Jan.-Feh 5.17 -6.36*4 5.27 6.1 Fdi.-Mar. ...5.36 -6.37*4 5.87>4 6.38 Mar.-April ...6.38 -6.38*4 5.89 6.37 April May May-June June-July Juiy-Atig. ‘ug.-Hept. Closed sternly. ....1.44 -5.4214 B.tstk B.41M .,..5.48 6.44 5.44 ' .,.,5.46 5.46 Aug.-Wept. .5,40Vt B.dOVt S.Mlj NEW ORLEANS. it^t: Jan. . Feb, . March. April. May.. June,. . . July.. . . t’losed steady. I ii 9.931 f.'4i| 9.94 9.97 9.98-97; 10.10 1.99110.01110.01 -W iftoi ibiiiRo! ion 10.15-17 10.26|10.26|l0.24-26 10.10-111 10.1S-14 10.19-30 10.23-241 10.28-29 10.27-28 LITTLE DOING IN WHEAT MARKET Lower Cables Were Offset by Early News of a Bullish Average. .r. ,h hL. h.r. wonld he well ,he '»*'*«*»• There wae good buying ' h * , 1 15' •LT,". .7l.r 1“ •» «"• Pit*- The action of the railway, flnlaheil. Tbla Is nqt the case. Day after |... anlabml. Jhl* 1* oqt ™- “J-V” I | n aide-tracking all dead freight we« »lay the quality of the arrival! Is reported the bear* nnd In favor of the hulls, nraditreet’e report, weakly clenmnce. of uf HOkic lo_wh«t,.HW4c wheat and flour as wheat from the United States and Canada it [2!!fH"^ U shels Wheat and Flour. Corn. This week 4,163,000 1.261.000 least week 4.710,000 Z.10n.000 Cor. week last year 4,434.090 3,408,000 Since July 1 87.928.0W 20,842,000 Hama period last year....67,200,000 29,782,000 Argentine visible, with comparisons. Is: This Last Last \Vew»V U'aiglr \*MP Wheat, bushels.. 896.090' 736,000 LIM.OJO Corn, bushels... 2.275,000 2,84,000 1,268,000 The small top growth of winter wheat. continue favorable,” snys the Modern Mil ler. slat) i nuient has bought ( govern! beat In western Siberia ft>r use of the famine sufferers in European Russia. Argentine shipments: Wheat Corn Bushels. Bushels. This week 712.0U0 1.59MOO Last week. 1X6,OW 2,211,000 'or. week hat year... 1,136,030 671,000 Inca January 1 89.944.000 92.894.000 Hume period last yr... 109.032.00) 83^6,000 been told by ___ foreign demand for wheat,” sabl W. H. Warren. "Meanwhile there ban been clear ed to dale from th*- ed to dale from th** present crop a total of about 93.000 bushels wheat nml fi>»uK ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone. Main 858. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Iieeu no report < visions. Cash sales here were 36,000 bushels of wheat, 50,009 bushels corn and 125,000 bushels oats. At the seaboard thirteen loads wheat and three loads com. Primary receipts of whrst 700.000 bushels and 765,0m bushels corn, compared with 927.- 000 bushels and 965,000 bushels respectively a yesr ago. Clearances 166,000 wheat, 122,000 bushels of com anil 250,000 bushels oafs. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET for today 7J*i Open. WHEAT— Dec May 78Vi Dec 41% 42*4 41% 42 May 48% 43% 43% 43% July 44 44% 44 44% OATH- I>ec 34% 'W a £ May... 16.37% LAHD- Dec... 8.72% Jan.... 8.76 16.1 8:8 1.72% 5-2* 1,90 fi.86 8.70 8.72*4 ••84% NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. New York, Dec. 18.—The markM opened steady nt unchanged prices to a decline of 5 points In response to rather disappoint Ing cables. I lav re started out all right * *■"* di at a partial advance of % franc, hut de clined lieforo th** hour of the local o|ienlng, ana had Im-cii slgnei] at the conference tietween the states of Rio, Minas and Kuo Ihiulo and the Federal government. The mnrket was nliout net unchanged Iii the early afternoon, with trading quiet and “ * * * ‘.-Glbert ftVf* offerings very light.—Glbert ft Clay. Mnnh Anrll June July August ... September October M Noveint»er Dectmlwr Opening Range. 5.65-6.66 5.66^.» 5.80 8.86-6.96 .,.,.8.00 6.00*10 8.10-8.20 6.20*30 6.39 8.904.40 ................6.40 0.60*60 6.90*5. %6 6.09-6.95 fe.DMi.u6 6.06*10 6.15*20 6.80*9 6.26*80 COTTON SEED OIL. Following were the opening and dosing prices on cotton seed oil today: Opculnx. Closing. December .•••••.. 4l%U4l% 4l r "**' January. . . 38%$39% 39 February. ••••••. J7%4j39 March 37%ftl7% h\» S bales, 100 Decern»a*r at 41. THE METAL MARKET. New York, Dec. 18.—At the metal ex change today, further strength was shown Iu Copper, which advanced %c all around. Tin was weak and off %c In spot and nearby deliveries. Lead ami spelter unchanged. THE LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Jan. IM IS* WHEAT- 57% 8.K% 8.62% 8.70 a/... 8.1 CASH V So. 2 enl nominal: No. 2 hard winter 74d75%; do 7144X4%. flelow is given receipts today aai estb mnted receipts for tomorrow: atilt to tm marketed. This t* understooil t« t»e In .idilltbin to the ordinary farm n>sen-es of 23 per emt enrriod over f.i another crop. It would thus leave alfout C7 |»cr cent i*f tin* oats yet In farmers’ hands. This Is In, marked contrast to the cUims made tor the! Wheat, northern srrtlcn of that state, and soutbem 1 Cora. . Minnesota as mode ia Thormlny's literature 1 Oats. , on the anbjoct. Hogs. CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Today. Tomor. Wheat—Open***L fiu^hnnged; i *4 lower: dosed % lower. nncbuuged and elosetl unchanged. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldwt Eat.b!iatw4 Offlc South. cottoi—tracts—mot—ctun OroMr.d Floor O^uld Building. Daily market letter And. mnrket man uni mailed on application. I lodge El faso. Fort r ‘ Galveston Havre Huron. ...... Jiu-ksonrllhv. ... • Ksnans City, , . Knoxville. I.oh Angeles. 31 neon. . . . , Mobile. , *. , Montomery. . , Nashville. . *. Sow //rtotas. New York. Norfolk. . . . North I'lntte. , Omaha I'll lout I no. . , Han Francisco. , Savannah. . . , Spokane. . . , . Taylor. . Thomasvlllo. , Vicksburg. . .. Washington. . Wilmington. .... T Indicates trace o rnlu .TJ WEATHER FORECAST. Louisiana nnd 31lsslislppl—Fair Tuesday and Wednesday: fresh northerly winds. tTnmt Tata. P.l. Tikm.I.. ami ll’ail East Texa»-Falr Tuonlay and Wednes day; wnriuer Wednestlay; fresh northerly winds. West Texss-Fslr Tuesday and Wednst- /rknnsai -Fair Tuesday and Wedneailay; Georgia—Fair am ... „ _ . morrow fair and colder on the coaet; fresh northwest winds. Western Florida nnd Alabama—Fair and colder Tueadoy; Wednesday fair; f^sh north winds. Tennessee—Fair nnd continued cold to day and toQiorrotr. THE SUGAR MARKET. New York, Doc. 18.—Refined and raw sugar markets steady and unchanged.' Lon don licet* steady. STOCKS— J ukiIgamated Copper tiiicoudn AteUtsou auuwuii Baltimore nnd Ohio Canadian Pacific Cheanpeake nnd. Ohio Denver nnd Rio Grande .. Brie Great Western Illinois Central Kausns and Texas do, preferred Louisville and Nashville Mexican Central New York Central Norfolk and Western ... Ontario and Western ..... I’littndpliihln and Reading. Rock Island Southern Pacific Southern Hallway Ht. PntiT Union Pacific United States Hteel do, preferred Wabash do, preferred STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York, Dec. 18—Ths Sun saya: “Di vers* and Irrsgultr tendencies prevailed la the trading In atocks yesterday, aad pro duced a heavy and unsettled, U not exactly a weak, security market. The buying and professional sort than It has been recently, and th* dlmlnshed public Interest In the market was further shown In a considera ble falling off In the volume of tra usactlons. selling of stocks appeared to d* occa- . •srty part of stock exchange piling t sloned In the _ session by a further violent rise price of Ht. Paul, which ltd to rumors Vw ni. ibui, wuku icu to rumors of a corner or of competitive buying in the stock. It may be doubted If there was any serious belief in the financial district that a corner or similar contingency af- feeling Ht. Paul or any other active secur ity was Impending. It has long been known that the floating supply of 8t. Paul stock ia safely lodged In s small number of from a speculative point of view __ recent advance In the stock afforded In the announcement made after tba closing of business house that the Ht. the Ht. Paul directors of $66,327,000 preferred 'onitnmi shares of the at once. Rights to sulmcrlbe to this large Issue of stock on these terms will, of coarse, be very valuable.”—Glbert ft Clay. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA C. E. CURRIER, President. A. E. THORNTON, Vlca-Pc.ldent. H. T. INMAN, Vlo.-Pr.aldan*. GEO. R. DONOVAN, Ca.hler. JAMES 8. FLOYD, AtiT Cxxhler. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. Atlanta Officea, 21t-UI Century Building. Members Nate York Cotton Exchange, New Or- leans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso ciation, Chicago Board of Trade. New York Cof lee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. Buitneu solicited for the above exchanges. Direct wire servile. Correspondence invited. Phones 454, Long Distance 34. A.S. "